OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL HRE 4MC: Christian Moral Life TEACHER: Course Description This course assists students in their development of the skills and knowledge necessary to live lives of full maturity. Within the Catholic faith tradition it is believed that this growth towards human maturity is best served when students are able to define themselves authentically in relation to God, to other people and to their world. Students will have the opportunity to identify and apply Catholic moral principles to such topics as human sexuality, marriage, and living a Christian lifestyle in a secular world. Students will have the ability to explore and foster Christ's teachings as empowering principles which help to generate decision making skills for young Christians facing contemporary moral and ethical dilemmas. EXPECTATIONS Tests: Students will be provided sufficient notice regarding tests dates. Students are to notify the teacher of any legitimate reasons for missing a test and verification by parent/guardian must be given no later than the day of the students return. The student will ultimately write the test when it is convenient for the teacher (ex. be prepared to write it upon returning from an absence or during your spare period). A student missing a test without a legitimate reason will be given a mark of zero (0). Absences/Lates: All absences must be parentally approved or school-related, otherwise each situation will be addressed outlined in the student handbook. Late Assignments/Projects: Students will be given sufficient notice regarding assignments and their expectations and/or requirements. All assignments are to be submitted as per instructions pertaining to their due date. Classroom Procedures: Consideration for others, respect, and academic honesty are expected in the classroom at all times. Students are to be punctual and ready to work with all necessary materials. Students are to be in full uniform at all times. Food and drink are not permitted in the class. Unit Title Themes 1 2 3 4 5 Christian Person Christian Mission Christian Morality Christian Relationships Christian Community Who are we? What it means to be human? Co-operating in God's mission, Being free and responsible. Moral decision-making. Friendship, dating, love, sex. Prayer, Ritual and Symbol. This course is divided into TWO parts The first part consists of 70% of the course Evaluation Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry Application Communication Value 20 15 20 15 The second part consists of 30% of the course Culminating Performance Task Final Examination 15% 15% TOTAL 100%