Actualité scientifique G4%'&/%14(&'2,( N° 465 October(BC@J H4/7"+%5"5(4%'&/I14" The geographic origin of AIDS is now known The AIDS epidemic has spread with the development of transport, including rail, as here in the Republic of Congo in 1967. (© IRD / A. Dessier) A study published in Science !"#"$%&'( )'*'"+,( -.)( /0'( 1),/( /%!'( 20')'3( 20'&( and how the world’s AIDS pandemic originated. Thanks to a statistical analysis .-("++(/0'(#'&'/%4(5"/"("*"%+"6+'(.&(/0'(07!"&(%!!7&.5'14%'&48(*%)7,(9:;<=3("&( %&/')&"/%.&"+()','")40(/'"!(0",(>7,/(4.&1)!'5(/0"/(/0'(,4.7)#'(6).?'(.7/(%&(@ABC( in Kinshasa, the capital of what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. By comparing this result with historical data, researchers explain how, from a single 4.&/"!%&"/%.&(68("(40%!D"&$''3(:;<(,D)'"5(/.(07!"&,E Good to know F0'(07!"&(%!!7&.5'14%'&48(*%)7,(9:;<=(,/'!,(-).!(/0'(/)"&,!%,,%.&(.-(/0'(,%!%"&(%!!7&.5'14%'&48(*%)7,(9G;<=(&"/7)"++8( infecting great apes in South Cameroon. The pathogen was transmitted to humans by their closest cousin the chimpanzee. It is thought to have crossed the species barrier during hunting parties (a bite from an infected monkey or a scratch during cutting up, etc.) or from the consumption of bush meat. Glossary Genome sequencing: consists in determining the order of nucleotides in the DNA that constitutes genes. Phylogeography: statistical study of the processes that govern the distribution of genealogical lines within a species. CONTACTS Epicentre of the disease discovered in Kinshasa Thanks to genome sequencing of the virus and the latest phylogeographic techniques, researchers have recreated the epidemic’s genetic history. Scientists had previously %5'&/%1'5( 40%!D"&$'',( -).!( G.7/0( Cameroon as the source of AIDS. There have been several human contaminations by these great apes throughout history, but only one of these cases led to the spread of :;<(/.(07!"&,E To determine where and when the epidemic originated, researchers compared the genetic diversity of the viruses collected in the countries of the Congo Basin, considered potential birthplaces. The result: the origin of the scourge was Kinshasa, the capital of what is now the Democratic Republic of the T.&#.3("&5(5"/',(6"4?(/.(@ABCE Emergence of a pandemic U&4'( /0'( #'.#)"D0%4( .)%#%&( .-( :;<( 2",( determined, scientists were able to link their genetic data on the virus’ evolution with historical data, to determine the circumstances that enabled its outbreak in Kinshasa and its spread among human populations. Belgian colonial archives on the former Zaire reveal that at the beginning of the century a great deal of trade took place by river (ivory, rubber, etc.) between South-East Cameroon and Kinshasa. This could explain why the human epidemic broke out in the Congolese capital and not in Cameroon where the chimpanzees that contaminated humans are found. F0'&(6'/2''&(@ABC("&5(@ASC3(7)6"&%,"/%.&( and the development of transport, particularly railways, made Kinshasa one of the most connected cities in Central Africa. H/( /0'( '&5( .-( /0'( @AJC,3( .*')( "( !%++%.&( people passed through the city each year to reach the north or south of the country or travel to neighbouring countries. This unusual cocktail of factors, combined with the virus’ genetic adaptability, led to its very rapid spread throughout the country (large like West Europe) as well as secondary outbreaks as far as South and East H-)%4"E( V"/')3( "-/')( /0'( @AWC,3( ./0')( ,.4%"+( changes, such as the rise in prostitution and the use of non-sterile needles in public health initiatives, undoubtedly contributed to transforming small outbreaks of infection into a real pandemic. Coordination Gaëlle Courcoux Information and Culture Department F'+K(LMM(9C=J(A@(AA(AJ(AC N"OK(LMM(9C=J(A@(AA(AB(BP 140',"4/7Q%)5E-) Media Contact Cristelle DUOS Partners Universities of Oxford, Louvain, Edinburgh, California, Southampton, Lisbon, Sherbrooke "&5(<%#.3(;XY3(Z"/%.&"+(;&,/%/7/',(.-(:'"+/03(N)'5( :7/40%&,.&(T"&4')(X','")40(T'&/')E F'+K(LMM(9C=J(A@(AA(AJ(PR D)',,'Q%)5E-) References N. FARIA, A. RAMBAUT, M. SUCHARD, G. BAELE,T. BEDFORD, M. WARD, A. TATEM, J. D. SOUSA, N. ARINAMINPATHY, J. PÉPIN, D. POSADA, MARTINE PEETERS, O. PYBUS, P. LEMEY. The early spread and epidemic %#&%/%.&( .-( :;<[@( %&( 07!"&( D.D7+"/%.&,3( Science, BC@J3(<.+E(MJW(&.E(WBCS(DDE(SW[W@E YU;K(@CE@@BW\,4%'&4'E@BSWRMA(( KEELE ET AL. Chimpanzee reservoirs of pandemic and &.&D"&5'!%4(:;<[@E(Science3(BCCW3(M@M(9SRPW=3(DE( SBM[SBWE(;GGZ(CCMW[PCRS(-5%KC@CCMSRBS Indigo, IRD Photo Library Daina Rechner F'+K(LMM(9C=J(A@(AA(AJ(P@ %&5%#.Q%)5E-) Contact Martine Peeters, IRD researcher FE(LMM(9C=J(WR(J@(W@(W@ !")/%&'ED''/'),Q%)5E-)(( Photos : UMI Recherches translationnelles sur le VIH et les maladies infectieuses - TransVIHMI (IRD / univ Montpellier 1 / univ Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar / univ Yaoundé 1) Subscribe to the scientific news of the IRD:(-%40',"4/7Q%)5E-) 44 boulevard de Dunkerque, CS 90009 13572 Marseille Cedex 02 France © IRD/DIC, Juillet 2014 - Conception et réalisation graphique : L. CORSINI AIDS is one of the most devastating diseases in the history of humanity. Since its transmission to humans by great apes, the pathogen responsible, the human %!!7&.5'14%'&48( *%)7,( 9:;<=( 0",( %&-'4/'5( RS(!%++%.&(D'.D+'E(:.2'*')3(/0%)/8(8'"),("-/')( the discovery of its existence, little was known about the chain of events at the origin of the global pandemic. An international team, led by the universities of Oxford and Louvain in collaboration with IRD researchers, has just published a new study in Science magazine that reveals where the pandemic broke out and how it spread.