University of Houston Leadership Retreat Financial Overview Revenue / Expense Projections Planning for Fundraising September 24, 2010 University of Houston System Operating Budgets ($ in Millions) FY2001 University of Houston * FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 $ 455.1 $ 489.7 $ 522.1 $ 553.5 $ 604.5 $ 644.4 $ 653.0 $ 708.6 $ 750.9 $ 805.9 $ 874.4 UH-Clear Lake 68.2 73.8 67.4 71.6 74.7 79.0 83.2 88.1 92.0 97.1 105.2 UH-Downtown 58.5 66.7 73.6 77.6 87.5 96.2 102.4 115.3 120.6 135.5 149.1 UH-Victoria 16.0 18.7 22.5 24.1 26.4 29.6 32.1 39.6 43.3 43.3 49.2 UH System Admin * 24.6 28.5 28.3 30.6 13.2 12.1 12.4 13.3 13.9 13.2 14.1 Total $ 622.4 $ 677.4 $ 713.9 $ 757.4 $ 806.3 $ 861.3 $ 883.1 $ 964.9 $ 1,020.7 $ 1,095.0 $ 1,192.0 * Change from FY04 to FY05 includes the move of KUHT Public Television from System Administration to UH ($8.7 million) 2 University of Houston Budgeted Sources of Current Funds-FY2011 Endowment/Investment Income 2% Contracts, Grants, Gifts 25% Sales & Service 11% HEAF 2% State Appropriation 22% Tuition Fees 38% Total $874.4 million 3 University of Houston Budgeted Uses of Current Funds By Object-FY2011 Debt Service 5% Equipment 3% Scholarships 13% Salaries & Wages 42% Maint & Operations 28% Benefits 9% Total $874.4 million 4 University of Houston Operating Budget 20% 22% 16% 14% 16% 16% 20% 26% 38% 48% 38% 26% 1991 Other Support 2001 Contracts & Grants (Research & Financial Aid) 2011 Student Support State Support 5 University of Houston Revenue Summary Based on Historical Enrollment Increases FY2021 Revenue Increase (vs FY2010 Revenue) Annual Tuition & Fee Increases Annual Increase in State-wide GR Low (-2%) Mid (0%) High (2%) Low (0%) -$2.2 -0.6% $20.9 5.8% $49.1 13.7% Mid (3%) $128.1 35.6% $151.2 42.0% $179.4 49.9% High (5%) $271.1 75.4% $294.2 81.8% $322.4 89.6% Actual Base Period Growth over Eight Years Base Period Base Period FY2000-01 FY2008-09 Undergrad Masters Doctoral Professional Total 627,841 81,576 19,677 47,967 777,061 701,925 85,139 18,880 60,610 866,554 SCH in Model (Based on traditional growth) Annual Growth 1.4% 0.5% -0.5% 3.0% 1.4% Fall FY2010 Undergrad Masters Doctoral Professional Total 345,494 41,058 9,071 26,014 421,637 Fall FY2021 402,761 43,544 8,570 35,885 490,759 Annual Growth 1.4% 0.5% -0.5% 3.0% 1.4% 6 Closing the Gap • • • • • • Increased enrollment and tuition Professional and differential tuition Cost shifting to contract and grants IDC income Patent and Licensing Revenue Philanthropy 7 ENROLLMENT DRIVES FUNDING Operations Formula Operating Dollars SCH x Formula Weights x $ Funding Rate HEAF (Higher Education Assistance Fund) Campus Enrollment Admissions Program Semester Credit Hours (SCH) Space Projection Model * SCH SqFt of Predicted Space Needs Space Usage Efficiency Tuition and Fees % of Seats Filled x % of Time Used Facilities Maintenance Dollars TRBs (Tuition Revenue Bonds) Campus Auxiliaries, housing, parking * Other input to Space Projection Model includes research expenditures, number of facility and staff, and library holdings 8 University of Houston Master Plan Enrollment Targets Actual Targets % Change Fall 2009 Fall 00-09 Fall 2005 Undergraduate Semester Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalent Students Student Headcount 290,198 24,183 25,095 331,490 27,624 27,510 345,494 28,791 29,298 19% 19% 17% 368,513 30,709 30,206 375,075 31,256 30,006 9% 9% 2% Master's Semester Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalent Students Student Headcount 37,089 3,788 4,062 30,307 3,367 3,607 41,058 4,562 4,287 11% 20% 6% 50,388 5,599 5,928 68,629 7,625 8,074 67% 67% 88% Doctoral Semester Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalent Students Student Headcount 8,053 895 1,391 9,250 1,028 1,463 9,071 1,008 1,647 13% 13% 18% 10,752 1,195 1,792 15,084 1,676 2,514 66% 66% 53% Special Professional Semester Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalent Students Student Headcount 20,790 1,733 1,575 27,059 2,255 2,002 26,014 2,168 1,768 25% 25% 12% 28,841 2,403 1,962 34,721 2,893 2,362 33% 33% 34% Total Semester Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalent Students Student Headcount 356,130 30,599 32,123 398,106 34,274 34,582 421,637 36,529 37,000 18% 19% 15% 458,494 39,906 39,888 493,509 43,450 42,956 17% 19% 16% 21.9% 20.4% 20.8% 24.3% 30.1% Percent Graduate & Professional Fall 2015 % Change Fall 2020 Fall 09-20 Fall 2000 9 University of Houston Expense Summary Based on Campus Master Plan Enrollments FY2021 Expense Increase (vs FY2010 Expense) Salary Increases Increase Faculty Appointments Low (0 FTE) Mid (100 FTE) High (325 FTE) Low (0%) $0.0 $42.2 $137.1 Mid (1%) $31.2 $73.4 $168.3 High (3%) $93.6 $135.7 $230.7 Recurring Costs - Faculty Faculty Costs, Doctoral Growth $ Faculty Costs, Undergraduate Faculty Costs, Masters & Professional TOTAL $ Recurring Costs - Other Maintenance and Operations Non-instructional Staffing Financial Aid Construction Financing TOTAL $ $ HIGH MEDIUM 24,000,000 $ 7,320,000 $ 1,954,000 560,000 8,056,000 2,560,000 34,010,000 $ 10,440,000 $ 60,702,800 $ 9,240,000 26,704,292 6,469,000 103,116,092 $ HIGH (3%) 18,677,785 $ 2,843,077 8,216,705 1,990,462 31,728,028 $ MID (1%) Faculty/Staff Salary Increases $ 93,550,000 $ 31,183,333 $ Total Recurring Costs $ 230,676,092 $ 73,351,362 $ LOW LOW (0%) - Note: Cost for Increase in Faculty Appointments reflects additional salary and benefits and proportional other expenses as needed for enrollment growth resulting from additional faculty. 10 University of Houston Revenue Summary Based on Campus Master Plan Enrollments FY2021 Revenue Increase (vs FY2010 Revenue) Annual Tuition & Fee Increases Annual Increase in State-wide GR Low (-2%) Mid (0%) High (2%) Low (0%) $20.6 5.7% $46.6 13.0% $78.4 21.8% Mid (3%) $151.6 42.2% $177.6 49.4% $209.4 58.2% High (5%) $295.4 89.1% $321.4 89.4% $353.2 98.2% SCH in Model (Based on Master Plan) Fall FY2010 Undergraduate Masters Doctoral Professional Total 345,494 41,058 9,071 26,014 421,637 Fall FY2021 375,075 68,629 15,084 34,721 493,509 Annual Growth 0.7% 4.8% 4.7% 2.7% 1.4% 11 Closing the Gap • • • • • • Increased enrollment and tuition Professional and differential tuition Cost shifting to contract and grants IDC income Patent and Licensing Revenue Philanthropy 12 UH Annual Private Support Trend 13 Annual Private Support Comparison to UH Peer Group + * * * * * Includes mega gift of $40 million or more—cash or company product + Includes single company product valued at $23 million 14 Comparison of Top Pyramid Gifts As a Percentage of Total Support 70% 60% 62% 3-YR AVG (FY2007-FY2009) 59% Net of mega gifts Source: VSE 56% 58% 20% 16% 14% 16% 15% Oklahoma Cincinnati 30% Houston 40% Arizona State 50% 25% 24% 27% 28% 10% 0% Top 3 Gifts Top 4-10 Gifts All Other Gifts 15 Comparison of Top Pyramid Gifts Reported as Dollar Amounts $90 $82 $80 $70 3-YR AVG (FY2007-FY2009) $69 Net of mega gifts Source: VSE $20 $10 $16 $13 $47 Oklahoma $30 Cincinnati $40 Houston millions $50 Arizona State $60 $39 $27 $21 $37 $23 $16 $10 $- Top 3 Gifts Top 4-10 Gifts All Other Gifts 16 Comparison of Endowment Gifts As a Percentage of Total Support 35.0% 30.0% $46.3 million 3 YR AVG (FY2007-FY2009) Net of mega gifts Source: VSE $21.8 million 25.0% 20.0% $19.3 million $8.8 million 15.0% 10.0% 15.1% 17.4% 25.9% 32.3% 5.0% 0.0% UH Arizona St Cincinnati Oklahoma 17 Target Fundraising Goals by Unit to Sustain a $100 million Per Year Level 16% 20% 50% 14% Target Allocation Source: Eduventures 18 Target Fundraising Goals by Unit to Sustain a $100 million Per Year Level 16% 33% 6% 20% 50% 14% Target Allocation Source: Eduventures 39% 22% Current Actual UH Allocation 3-YR AVG FY2008-FY2010 19 What Needs to be Done? 1. Develop clear priorities that compel philanthropy 2. Build relationships with our best donor prospects 3. Listen to donor prospects and match their passion to priorities 4. Focus resources on the first three points! 20