Chapter 1 1-1 The expression in (Ex 1.3.4) may be approximated when R z as Qk̂ z Qk̂ R2 Qk̂ 1− √ ≈ 1− 1− 2 = 2 2 2 2 2πε0 R2 2πε R 2z 4πε R +z 0 0z 1-2 In cylindrical coordinates, the electric field integral becomes: E(z) = 1 4πε0 = λ0 4πε0 λ0 (1 + sin ϕ )(z k̂ − r )δ(r − a)δ(z )r dr dϕ dz |z k̂ − r |3 2π 0 (1 + sin ϕ )(z k̂ − a cos ϕ ı̂ − a sin ϕ ĵ)adϕ (z 2 + a2 )3/2 The integrals over ϕ are easily performed to give: 2 ĵ λ πa 2πaz k̂ 0 E(z) = − 2 2πε0 (z 2 + a2 )3/2 (z + a2 )3/2 λ0 a 1 z k̂ − = aĵ 2 2ε0 (a2 + z 2 )3/2 1-3 After performing the z integration, the electric field integral reduces to: E(z) = 1 4πε0 br2 (z k̂ − r r̂)dϕ r dr (z 2 + r2 )3/2 br3 z k̂ dr (z 2 + r2 )3/2 where we have used the fact that r̂dϕ = 0. The remaining integral yields: = 2π 4πε0 a r3 dr bz k̂ 2 z2 2 + √ = z + r 2 2 3/2 2ε0 z 2 + r2 0 0 (z + r ) bz k̂ 2z 2 + a2 √ = − 2|z| 2ε0 z 2 + a2 bz k̂ E(z) = 2ε0 a It is easily verified that at large z (compared to a) the field has a 1/z 2 form. 1-4 The field of the cylinders is most easily computed using Gauss’ law. Inside the inner cylinder the enclosed charge is zero implying that the electric field must vanish. Between the two cylinders, the charge enclosed by a gaussian cylinder of radius r and length L is 2πaLσa leading to a field Er (a < r < b) = aσa 2πaLσa = ε0 2πrL ε0 r —1— 2 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Outside the outer cylinder the charge enclosed by a concentric gaussian cylinder is 2πL(aσa + bσb ) leading to a field Er (r > b) = aσa + bσb ε0 r 1-5 The charge contained in a gaussian sphere of radius r is r Qr = ρ0 e−kr 4πr2 dr 0 r2 2r 2 + 2 + 3 k k k 2 2 r 2r + 2+ = 4π 3 − e−kr k k k = −4πe−kr r 0 2 k3 The field we deduce is then Er (r) = 1 2 − e−kr (k 2 r2 + 2kr + 2) 2 3 ε0 r k 1-6 The charge contained in a gaussian sphere of radius r < a is r r2 2r + 2 4πr2 dr ρ0 1 − Q(r < a) = a a 0 = 4πρ0 r3 2r4 r5 − + 2 3 4a 5a while for radii larger than a, the enclosed charge is 4πρ0 a3 /30. The field in each case may then be deduced as ⎧ ρ0 r 1 r 1 r2 ⎪ ⎪ − + for r < a ⎪ ⎨ ε 3 2a 5 a2 0 Er = ρ0 a3 ⎪ ⎪ for r > a ⎪ ⎩ 30ε r2 0 1-7 The electric field at either plate is σε0 . It would be tempting to conclude that = σ 2 ε0 . This is the force per unit area on the second plate is therefore σ E wrong however! It is worth noting that the electric field between the plates is produced by both plates; it is then reasonable to assume that only half of the electric field is effective at producing a force on either plate. It is probably more convincing to calculate the force from elementary considerations. Consider an element of charge dq = σdA on one plate and add up all the forces arising from all the elements of charge dq = σdA on the other plate. The force is then σdA −σ 2 dA σ (r − r )dA (z k̂ − x ı̂ − yĵ)dx dy dFq = = 3 4πε0 |r − r | 4πε0 (z 2 + x2 + y 2 )3/2 Chapter One Solutions 3 −σ 2 dA = 2ε0 ∞ 0 z k̂ r dr −σ 2 k̂dA = 2ε0 (z 2 + r2 )3/2 1-8 The calculations to this apparently simple problem are surprisingly cumbersome, giving strong motivation to try the dipole approximation of the next chapter. The net charge on the line is clearly zero while the total electric field is given by: a xı̂ + yĵ + (z − z )k̂ z dz = b E 4πε0 −a [x2 + y 2 + (z − z )2 ]3/2 a a (xı̂ + yĵ)(z − z)dz (xı̂ + yĵ)dz b bz = + 4πε0 −a [x2 + y 2 + (z − z)2 ]3/2 4πε0 −a [x2 + y 2 + (z − z)2 ]3/2 a a (z − z)2 dz (z − z)dz bk̂ bz k̂ − − 3/2 4πε0 −a [x2 + y 2 + (z − z)2 ] 4πε0 −a [x2 + y 2 + (z − z)2 ]3/2 b = 4πε0 +k̂ a a z(z − z)(xı̂ + ĵ) + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x + y + (z − z) −a (x + y ) x + y + (z − z) −a −(xı̂ + yĵ) z x2 + y 2 + (z − z)2 a 2 2 2 − ln (z − z) + x + y + (z − z) −a 1-9 Any remaining field tangential to the surface would cause further movement of the free charges in the conductor. 1-10 It would clearly have been more efficient to do this before calculating the field and then to obtain the field by differentiating the potential. a ρ d3 r bz dz V (z) = = 2 4πε0 |r − r | x + y 2 + (z − z )2 −a 4πε0 a b 2 = x + y 2 + (z − z )2 4πε0 −a a bz + ln (z − z ) + x2 + y 2 + (z − z )2 4πε0 −a 1-11 The potential due to the ring along the center line is 2π λ0 (1 + sin ϕ)adϕ 1 √ V (z) = 4πε0 0 z 2 + a2 = 2π λ0 a λ a √ √0 = 4πε0 z 2 + a2 2ε0 z 2 + a2 4 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 1-12 The potential above the center of the plate is given by 1 2πb br2 r dϕ dr r3 dr √ √ V (z) = = 4πε0 4πε0 z 2 + r2 z 2 + r2 a b 1 2 (z + r2 )3/2 − z 2 z 2 + r2 = 2ε0 3 0 b 2 = (a − 2z 2 ) z 2 + a2 + 2|z|3 6ε0 · J = −∂ρ/∂t, over a sphere surround1-13 Integrating the continuity equation, ∇ ing the point source but excluding the wire, we have 4πR2 J = −I, where I is the current leading from the point. We conclude then that J= I 4πR2 with I the current delivered by the wire. 1-14 The magnetic induction field may be found using the Biot-Savart law as follows: J × (r − r )d3 r = μ0 B 4π |r − r |3 The current density J = ρv = σδ(z )r ω ϕ̂ for r < a. Inserting this into the integral we have μ0 B(z) = 4π = μ0 ρω 4π ρr ω ϕ̂ × (z k̂ − r r̂) r dr dϕ (z 2 + r2 )3/2 r2 zr̂ + r3 k̂ dϕ dr (z 2 + r2 )3/2 The integrations over ϕ eliminates the radial component leaving μ0 σω k̂ B(z) = 2 r3 dr (z 2 + r2 )3/2 a μ0 σω k̂ 2 z2 2 = z +r + √ 2 2 2 z +r 0 2 2 μ0 σω k̂ 2z + a √ = − 2 |z| 2 z 2 + a2 Alternatively we could have integrated the magnetic scalar potential of a ring of radius r carrying current dI = σωr dr over the whole disk to obtain: zdI σωz a r dr √ √ Vm = − =− 2 0 2 z 2 + r2 z 2 + r2 Chapter One Solutions 5 σωz 2 z + a2 − |z| 2 The z component of the magnetic induction field may then be found by differentiating =− ∂Vm μ0 σω 2 z2 2 = z +a + √ − 2 |z| Bz = −μ0 ∂z 2 z 2 + a2 μ0 σω 2z 2 + a2 √ = − 2 |z| 2 z 2 + a2 While there appears to be no clear advantage to using the scalar potential in this problem, the next two problems use it more advantageously. 1-15 The magnetic scalar potential of the hollow sphere will be calculated as a sum of current loops. A loop of width dz subtending angle dθ at height z √ 2 has radius a = R − z 2 = R sin θ and carries current dI = aσωdz / sin θ = Rσωdz . The contribution to the magnetic scalar potential from one such loop is then (z − z ) dz −(z − z )dI σRω =− dVm = 2 2 (z − z )2 + a2 (z − z )2 + (R2 − z 2 ) =− (z − z ) dz Rωσ √ 2 z 2 + R2 − 2zz Summing loops from −R to R we find dz z dz σRωz R σRω R √ √ + Vm (z) = − 2 2 z 2 + R2 − 2zz z 2 + R2 − 2zz −R −R R σRω 2 2 = z + R − 2zz 2 −R R σRω(2z 2 + 2R2 + 2zz ) 2 2 − 2zz − z + R 2 3(2z) −R σR4 ω 3z 2 It is now simple to obtain the z -component of the magnetic induction field Bz : 2 μ0 ωσR4 ∂Vm = Bz = −μ0 ∂z 3 z3 The more complete problem of finding the field anywhere is solved as example (5–10) of the text. = −σR2 ω + 1-16 Although we could integrate the field (or potential) of disks such as problem 1-13, it is in fact far simpler to sum spherical shells to fill the sphere. Using 6 Classical Electromagnetic Theory the scalar potential from the problem above and dropping the inconsequential constant term, we replace R by r and σ by ρdr and integrate. R 4 ρr ω ρR5 ω Vm (z) = dr = 3z 2 15z 2 0 Differentiating to find the magnetic induction field we find Bz (z) = 2μ0 ρR5 ω 15z 3 1-17 The field at z from a circular loop of radius a at ±a is Bz (z) = a2 μ0 I 2 (z ∓ 1 a)2 + a2 3/2 2 At z = 0 both coils give the same contribution to yield a2 8μ0 I Bz (0) = μ0 I = 3/2 3/2 5 a ( 12 a)2 + a2 1-18 The magnetic field along the axis of a radius a single turn loop located at z is Iμ0 a2 k̂ B(z) = 2 [(z − z )2 + a2 ]3/2 The number of turns per length dz of solenoid is given by (ndz )/L, so that the total field B is dz nIμ0 a2 k̂ L/2 B(z) = 3/2 2L −L/2 [(z − z )2 + a2 ] L/2 z − z μ0 nIa2 k̂ 2L a2 (z − z )2 + a2 −L/2 ⎡ ⎤ 1 1 L − z L + z μ0 nI k̂ ⎣ ⎦ 2 = + 2 2L 1 2 2 (z − L) + a (z + 1 L)2 + a2 =− 2 2 1-19 Using Faraday’s law, for r < a for a < r < b for r > b μ0 Iπr2 πa2 ⇒ Bϕ = μ0 Ir 2πa2 2πrBϕ = μ0 I ⇒ Bϕ = μ0 I 2πr 2πrBϕ = 0 ⇒ Bϕ = 0 2πrBϕ = μ0 JdS = Chapter One Solutions 7 where the thickness of the outer conductor has been neglected. 1-20 The vector potential of a filamentary current may be deduced from (1–52) as r ) = μ0 A( 4π r ) J( d μ0 3 d r = |r − r | 4π |r − r | Alternatively, we recall the magnetic induction field of a filamentary current loop (1–35) r ) = μ0 B( 4π = μ0 I 4π μ0 1 Id × (r − r ) = − Id × ∇ |r − r |3 4π |r − r | × ∇ d d × μ0 I = ∇ |r − r | 4π |r − r | which allows us to identify the vector potential with the integral. We proceed to find the divergence. d d μ0 I μ0 I ∇· = ∇·A=∇· 4π |r − r | 4π |r − r | 1 1 μ0 I μ0 I ×∇ ∇ d · ∇ = − =− dS = 0 4π |r − r | 4π S |r − r | where we used Stokes’ theorem (18) to effect the last step and the fact that a gradient has zero curl. The point of this exercise is to show that the simple in the Coulomb gauge. expression derived from (1–52) expresses A 1-21 The Laplacian of the vector potential may be written using (1–52) r) = ∇2 A( μ0 2 ∇ 4π r ) J( 1 μ0 3 r )∇2 d J( d3 r r = |r − r | 4π |r − r | ∇2 (1/|r − r |) may be rewritten with the aid of (26) as −4πδ(r − r ) so that the above becomes 2 r )δ(r − r )d3 r = −μ0 J( r) ∇ A(r ) = −μ0 J( 1-22 For simplicity we place the z axis along one of the wires. From this wire alone, the nonzero component of the field is given by Bϕ (r < a) = μ0 Ir ∂Az =− 2πa2 ∂r from which we conclude that Az (r < a) = − μ0 Ir2 +C 4πa2 8 Classical Electromagnetic Theory and similar reasoning gives the vector potential due to this wire outside the wire as Bϕ (r > a) = μ0 I μ0 I ⇒ Az (r > a) = ln r + D 2πr 2π At a point r outside the two wires, the vector potential is then given by r μ0 I ln Az (r > a) = − +F 2π r2 where r2 is the distance of the point from the center of the second wire’s center and F is an arbitrary constant. At a point inside the wire containing the z-axis, the vector potential is Az (r < a) = − μ0 Ir2 μ0 I ln r2 + E − 4πa2 2π where E is an arbitrary constant. In either case the distance r2 of the field point from the second wire may be expressed in terms of the point’s polar angle using r2 = h2 + r2 − 2hr cos θ 1-23 In line with the considerations of section 1.2.2, The transverse force on par −1 −1 = γ F . The inverse Lorentz factor γ = 1 − β2 = ticles must obey F √ 2 1 − .99 = 0.141 The mutual repulsive force is therefore decreased to 14.1% of its electrostatic (rest frame) value. 1-24 The magnetic scalar potential along the axis is given by (p. 29) Vm (z) = − N I (z + 12 L)2 + a2 − (z − 12 L)2 + a2 2L Differentiating to obtain the magnetic induction field, 1 L−z z + 12 L I k̂ μ 0 m= = −μ0 ∇V B + 2 2L (z + 1 L)2 + a2 (z − 1 L)2 + a2 2 2 Figure 1.1: Geometry of solenoid in question 1.24. With reference to the diagram, it is evident that the two fractions are respectively the cosines of the half angles subtended by the ends of the solenoid: Bz = μ0 I (cos θ1 + cos θ2 ) 2L Chapter One Solutions 9 1-25 In general a charged particle in an electromagnetic field experiences a Lorentz force + v × B) F = q(E We must chose v so that no further acceleration or deceleration occurs, in other words = −v × B E to obtain To isolate v , we cross multiply both sides with B ×B = −(v × B) ×B = (v · B) B − B 2v E cannot give rise to forces, we find Since the component of v along B v = − ×B E 2 B Despite my best efforts a few typos have crept into the text, they will be reported at the end of each chapter. The denominator of the first term of (1–36) is missing an r2 to become ∞ z μ0 I2 (k̂ × r̂) √ = 2 2 2 4π r r + z −∞ Chapter 2 2-1 The dipole moment of the ring is p = r λδ(r − a)δ(z) cos ϕ rdrdϕdz = a(ı̂ cos ϕ + ĵ sin ϕ)a cos ϕdϕ = λπa2 ı̂ 2-2 The dipole moment of the rod is a 2λa3 k̂ p = z k̂λzdz = 3 −a of a dipole as given in (2–23): 2-3 We use (10) to expand the curl of A r μ0 · r − (m × A( r) = ∇ × μ0 (m ∇ ∇ × r ) = · ∇) m 4πr3 4π r3 r3 · (r/r3 ) occurring in the first term is readily evaluated using (7) The ∇ · r = ∇ · r = 0 1 · r + 1 ∇ ∇ r3 r3 r3 and the second term may be evaluated from r ∂ r ∂ r ∂ r (m · ∇) 3 = mx + my + my 3 3 r ∂x r ∂y r ∂y r3 focussing on the first of these three terms, ı̂ ∂ r 3xr mx = m − x ∂x r3 r3 r5 and similar expressions obtain for the other two terms. Adding the three terms gives 3(m · r )r × A( r ) = −m ∇ + r3 r5 2-4 Rather than computing the dipole moment about the origin let us calculate a modified dipole moment about an arbitrary point a. pa = (r − a )ρ(r)d3 r 3 = rρ(r)d r − a ρ(r)d3 r = p0 − aQ — 10— Chapter Two Solutions 11 We conclude that whenever the total charge Q vanishes, the dipole moment about a is identical to that about the origin. 2-5 The zz component is easily found: Qzz = ρ(3z 2 − r2 )d3 r = q(b2 − a2 ) and Qxx = q(3x2a −a2 )−q(3x2b −b2 ) = 12 q(a2 −b2 ) = Qyy . The off-diagonal elements vanish. 2-6 The representation of this quadrupole will depend on the relative orientation of the square and the coordinate system. Let us place the corners at ± 12 a with a positive charges along the y ± 12 a edges while negative charges reside on the x = ± 12 a edges. Then Qzz = (3z 2 − r2 )ρ(r )d3 r = 0 Qyy = (3y 2 − r2 )ρ(r )d3 r 1 1 2q 2 a 2q 2 a 3 2 ( 4 a − x2 − 14 a2 )dx − (3y 2 − 14 a2 − y 2 )dy = a − 12 a a − 12 a 1 a 1 a a2 y 2 2q a2 x x3 2 2q 2y 3 − − = − a 2 3 1 a 3 4 1 = qa2 −2a −2a and Qxx = −qa2 . The remaining components such as Qxz and Qxy all vanish. 2-7 For an object spinning about the z-axis, let us denote by r the distance of a mass or volume element from the axis and let ρm denote the mass density. is given by Then the angular momentum L 2 L = I ω = k̂ω r dm = k̂ω r2 ρm d3 r The magnetic moment is given by 3r = m = 12 r × Jd = 12 r2 ω k̂ρd3 r 1 2 r × ( ω × r )ρd3 r Comparing the two expressions, when the functional form of ρ and ρm is the = 1 ρ/ρm = 1 q/m. same, the ratio of (m/ L) 2 2 2-8 The moment of inertia of the solid sphere is 25 mR2 while the magnetic moment of the hollow shell may be found as a sum of plane loops: R dz 2 m = k̂ πr dI = k̂ π(R2 − z 2 )R sin θωσ sin θ −R 4 2R = πσω k̂ 2R4 − = 13 4πωσR4 k̂ = 13 QR2 ω k̂ 3 12 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The gyromagnetic ratio is then 56 Q/m. 2-9 The zz component of the quadrupole moment is given by Qzz = = 1 2L − 12 L 5 η(z 2 − L2 )(3z 2 − z 2 )dz 12 L η 90 while the xx and yy components are each −L5 η/180. The off-diagonal elements vanish as would be expected. 2-10 The potential due to the quadrupole when Qxx = Qyy = − 12 Qzz is " 2 # 1 1 ! xi xj Qij z Qzz + x2 Qxx + y 2 Qyy = 5 5 4πε0 2r 8πε0 r # Qzz " 2 r cos2 θ − 12 r2 sin2 θ cos2 ϕ − 12 r2 sin2 θ sin2 ϕ = 5 8πε0 r # Qzz Qzz " 2 cos2 θ − sin2 θ = (3 cos2 θ − 1) = 3 16πε0 r 16πε0 r3 V (r ) = 2-11 The charge on a radius R sphere with charge density ρ = ρ0 z 2 = ρ0 r2 cos2 θ is 3 Q = ρd r = ρ0 r2 cos2 θr2 dr sin θdθdϕ 4πρ0 R5 2πρ0 R5 π sin θ cos2 θdθ = = 5 15 0 2-12 The zz component of the quadrupole moment of the sphere in problem 2-11 is Qzz = (3z 2 − r2 )ρd3 r = ρ0 3z 4 d3 r − ρ0 r2 z 2 d3 r = 2πρ0 = 3r cos θ sin θdθdr − 2πρ0 6 4 r6 cos2 θ sin θdrdθ 12πρ0 a7 4πρ0 a7 16πρ0 a7 − = 5·7 3·7 105 2-13 Expanding the given expression, 1 ! 1 qir (i) · ∇ 4πε0 r r p · r 1 ! qir (i) · 3 ≡ = 4πε0 r 4πε0 r3 V2 = − and we recover (2–4). Chapter Two Solutions 13 2-14 We expand the form given: (i) 1 ! (i) −xj xj V3 = qir · ∇ 8πε0 i,j r3 xj −1 ! (i) (i) = qi xk xj ∂k 3 8πε0 r i,j,k δjk 1 ! (i) (i) 3xj xk qi xk xj − = 8πε0 r5 r3 i,j,k ! xj xk Qjk δjk xj xk 1 ! (i) (i) 3xj xk qi xk xj − = = 8πε0 r5 r5 8πε0 r5 i,j,k j,k and we recover the point charge form of (2–16). 2-15 Substituting the charge density ρ = ρ0 z for r on the z axis z ∈ (−a, a) and zero elsewhere into (2–32), we note that γ = θ, the field point polar angle so that we may remove it from the integral to obtain form (2–33). Then ∞ 1 ! Pn (cos θ) a ρ0 z z n dz V (r ) = 4πε0 n=0 rn+1 −a a ρ0 ! Pn (cos θ) z n+2 ρ0 ! P2n+1 (cos θ)a2n+3 = = 4πε0 rn+1 n + 2 −a 2πε0 (2n + 3)r2n+2 2-16 When r is less than a, we must split the integral into two portions, the first running from −r to r where r = r< and the second running from r to a where r = r> . Thus r 1 ρ0 ! Pn (cos θ) n+1 z n z dz V (r < a, θ) = 4πε0 r −r a −r z dz z dz n +r + n+1 n+1 r z −a z $ −r % a r z n+2 rn 1 ρ0 ! 1 Pn (cos θ) − + = 4πε0 (n + 2)rn+1 −r (n − 1) z n−1 r z n−1 −a 2rn+2 2 rn 2 ρ0 ! Pn (cos θ) − − = 4πε0 (n + 2)rn+1 (n − 1) an−1 rn−1 n odd r ρ0 ! r rn−1 = + Pn (cos θ) 1 − n−1 2πε0 (n + 2) (n − 1) a n odd 2-17 We take the electrons to be at x = ± a at time t = 0 and to rotate in the x -y plane. In (a), the electrons have coordinates: x1 = a cos ωt y1 = a sin ωt x2 = −a cos ωt y2 = −a sin ωt 14 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The dipole moment is then easily seen to be zero while the quadrupole moment has nonzero components: Qxx Qyx = Qxy = −6ea2 cos ωt sin ωt " " # # = −2ea2 3 cos2 ωt − 1 Qyy = −2ea2 3 sin2 ωt − 1 and Qzz = 2ea2 . The counter-rotating electrons of (b) have coordinates x1 = a cos ωt y1 = a sin ωt x2 = −a cos ωt y2 = a sin ωt The dipole moment is then p = −2eaĵ sin ωt while the quadrupole moment has components (about the nucleus since the result is no longer unique) Qxy = Qzx = Qyz = 0 while the diagonal components are the same as those for (a). 2-18 For simplicity we place one dipole at the origin so that the second is located at r. The force on the dipole may be found from E F = ( p2 · ∇) is the field at r due to the first dipole p1 . With the dipole field found where E in Example 2.1, and abbreviating ∂/∂x ≡ ∂x , etc. −1 1 3( p1 · r )r F = (p2x ∂x + p2y ∂y + p2z ∂z ) 3 p1 − 2 4πε0 r r 3 ( p2 · r ) p1 + ( p1 · r ) p2 + ( p1 · p2 )r p2 · r )r 5( p1 · r )( 1 − = 4πε0 r5 r7 The more general result of arbitrarily located dipoles is obtained by replacing r by (r2 − r1 ). 2-19 The potential at r due to a quadrupole at the origin is (assuming summation over repeated indices) V (r ) = 1 xi xj Qij 4πε0 2r5 The potential energy of a dipole in this potential is i j = − 1 p ∂ x x Qij W = − p·E 4πε0 2r5 The force on the dipole may be found as minus the gradient of its potential energy. The k component of the force F is then i j x x Qij 1 Fk = p ∂ ∂ k 4πε0 2r5 Chapter Two Solutions 15 ik j δ x Qij + δ jk xi Qij 1 5xk xi xj Qij p ∂ − 4πε0 2r5 2r7 j k x Qj + xi Qki 1 5xk xi xj Qij = p ∂ − 4πε0 2r5 2r7 k Q +Qk p δk xi xj Qij +xk xj Qj + xk xi Qi 35x xk xi xj Qij = −5 + 4πε0 2r5 2r7 2r9 = 1 = 4πε0 p Qk pk (xi xj Qij ) + 2xk (xj p Qj ) 35xk (p x )(xi xj Qij ) − 5 + r5 2r7 2r9 Thus F = 1 4πε0 ↔ p · Q p (xi xj Qij ) + 2r (xj x Qj ) r ( p · r )(xi xj Qij ) − 5 + 35 r5 2r7 2r6 2-20 The potential from the hypothetical monopoles would be 1 qm 1 − Vm = 4π |r − 12 a| |r + 12 a| −1/2 −1/2 a · r a2 a · r a2 qm 1− 2 + 2 − 1+ 2 + 2 = 4πr r 4r r 4r qm = a · r + O (a/r)3 4πr3 Defining the magnetic moment as m = qma, we find in the limit as a → 0 · r/4πr3 so that we reproduce the magnetic scalar potential of that Vm → m the dipole. and 2-21 Generally, the equation of motion is τ = L/dt. Substituting τ = m ×B −1 L = am with a = 2.79 e/me we write = a dm m ×B dt to be directed along the z axis so that the equation For simplicity we take B of motion, one component at a time, may be written my Bz = a dmx dt mx Bz = −a dmy dt 0= dmz dt We differentiate the the first of these once more with respect to time and substitute for dmy /dt using the second d 2 mx Bz2 Bz dmy = − = mx dt2 a dt a2 16 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The solution for mx is easily found to be mx = m cos(ω0 t+δ) with ω0 = B/a = 2.79 eB/me . Reverting to the first order equations we have ω0 my = dmx /dt, or my = −m sin(ω0 t + δ). The dipole moment has a constant z component and the x and y components rotate about the z axis at angular frequency ω0 . 2-22 The potential can immediately be written as a summation of the individual dipole fields: D · (r − r ) 2 1 V (r ) = d r 4πε0 S |r − r | m· = ∇(m 2-23 The force on the dipole takes the form F = −∇(− B) x Bx +my By + mz Bz ) . Assuming that B has only a variation with z we have ∂Bx ∂By ∂Bz F = mx ı̂ + my ĵ + mz k̂ ∂z ∂z ∂z = αm cos θk̂ 2-24 The residence time of the quadrupole in the field is 10−3 m/(100 m/s) = 10−5 s. The force required to impart the required impulse is then 10−21 N. In general the force may be obtained from the potential energy of the quadrupole: ∂2V 1 F = −∇W = − 6 ∇ Qm ∂x ∂xm zz ∂ − ∂V = 1 ∇ Qzz ∂Ez = 16 ∇Q 6 ∂z ∂z ∂z The k component of the force is then Fk = 16 Qzz ∂ 2 Ez ∂z∂xk leading to a requirement of (∂ 2Ez )/(∂z∂xk ) of order 6×1018 V/m3 . Assuming this field is to be established at the tip of a charged needle, it is interesting to consider the size of tip required. Let us assume the tip is charged to V0 = 1000 V; the third derivative of the potential around a spherical tip just becomes 6V0 /R3 . Equating this to the required inhomogeneity above leads to R = 10−5 m. While a 10 μm radius tip is not unreasonable, it is clearly impossible to maintain the required field gradient over distance the order of a millimeter. Chapter 3 3-1 From the definition of the magnetic flux and with the aid of Stokes’ theorem (18), · dS = (∇ × A) · dS = A · d Φ= B 3-2 The current I circulating in the loop may be found from the induced EMF (disregarding signs), πa2 dB E = I= R R dt The resulting field at the center of the loop is Bind = μ0 πa2 I μ0 πa dB = 2π a3 2R dt The direction of the induced field must be chosen, according to Lenz’ law to oppose the increase or decrease of the background field. There is a difficulty with this result: the induced field becomes arbitrarily large as the resistance is decreased. The solution is of course that the induced field’s dB/dt must be included in the flux change, when the resistance vanishes the the induced current’s flux keeps the total flux in the loop constant. 3-3 To have a stable orbit the magnetic force on the electron must provide the centripetal acceleration so that, disregarding signs, me v 2 = qvB Fcent = r ⇒ |v| = qrB(r ) me The tangential electric field that accelerates the electron may be obtained (again disregarding signs) from r ) · d = − E( r) dB( · dS dt dB̄ r dB̄ ⇒ Eϕ (r ) = dt 2 dt (where B̄ is the magnetic field averaged over the area included by the electron’s orbit) and substituted into Newton’s second law to obtain the acceleration: qr dB̄ d|v| = qE = me dt 2 dt in other words, qr dB̄ d|v| = dt 2me dt 2πrEϕ = πr2 Integrating both sides, we find |v| = qrB̄ . 2me — 17— 18 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Comparing the two expressions we find that we require B̄ = 12 B(r). The space average field inside the orbit must be half the field at the orbit. 3-4 The magnetic induction field in the torus with center line in the x-y plane at distance x from the center, [ x ∈ (a − b, a + b)] is easily seen to be B = μ0 N I/2πx. The flux Φ may be found by integrating this field over a crosssection in the x -z plane. a+b √b2 −(x−a)2 μ0 N I dzdx Φ = B · dS = √2 a−b − b −(x−a)2 2πx μ0 N I a+b 2 b2 − (x − a)2 = dx 2π x a−b √ √ # # " μ0 N I " = π a − a2 − b2 = μ0 N I a − a2 − b2 π The integral is far from trivial, however, it may be verified that as a b, the flux reduces to that of a long solenoid. 3-5 The electric field between the plates is given in terms of the surface charge = σ k̂ε0 , so that density by E ×B = μ0 ε0 ∂ E = μ0 k̂ dσ = μ0 k̂ I ∇ ∂t dt A We draw a circle of radius r between the plates, centered on the center of symmetry and integrate both sides over the area of this circle. The left hand side may be replaced by an integral along the boundary so that, assuming a uniform electric field, we obtain I dS Bϕ (r) · d = μ0 k̂ · A giving 3-6 μ0 πr2 I A ⇒ Bϕ = μ0 rI 2A At large distances r the electric field included within the loop is that corresponding to the total charge on the plates. Repeating the reasoning of problem 3-5, · d = μ0 I B giving 3-7 2πrBϕ (r) = Bϕ = μ0 I 2πr The power dissipated by the pendulum written in mechanical terms may be equated to that written in electrical terms to give ωτ = EI = E2 R Chapter Three Solutions 19 and the EMF generated is E =A dB⊥ dθ dB⊥ dB⊥ =A = Aω dt dθ dt dθ so that the dissipative torque on the loop due to power generation is τ= E2 = Rω A2 dB⊥ dθ R 2 ω The moment of inertia of the loop about the point of suspension is m(2 +a2 ), so the equation of motion becomes " 2 #2 2 πa dB⊥ dθ d2 θ + mg sin θ = 0 m( + a ) 2 + dt R dθ dt 2 3-8 2 The charge delivered by the coil may be written as the time integral of the current in the coil which itself may be calculated from the EMF induced in the coil as the coil flips. I= E 1 d(BA) BA d = = (cos θ) R R dt R dt Identifying the time before the coil is flipped as t0 and the time after as tπ , we find the charge may be found as tπ tπ Idt = Q= t0 t0 BA d (cos θ)dt R dt π BA 2BA = cos θ = R R 0 It is evident that the charge generated is independent of the speed of flipping the coil. 3-9 Writing out the Lagrangian in terms of the cartesian components of position and velocity we have L = 12 m(ẋ2 + ẏ 2 + ż 2 ) − qV + q(ẋAx + ẏAy + żAz ) ∂L ∂L ∂L = mẋ + qAx , = mẏ + qAy and = mż + qAz . The canonical ∂ ẋ ∂ ẏ ∂ ż in agreement with (3–38) momentum is then given by p + q A Then 0 inde =E 0 ei(k·r−ωt) , with E 3-10 We take the electric field to have the form E ·E is given by pendent of the coordinates. Then ∇ 20 Classical Electromagnetic Theory ·E = ∂j E j = E j ∂j ei(k·r−ωt) ∇ 0 " # = iE0j ei(k·r−ωt) ∂j ki xi − ωt = iE0j δji ki = ikj E j = ik · E ×E is given by In similar fashion, the j component of ∇ × E) j = jk ∂k E = ijk E ∂k (km rm − ωt) (∇ = ijk δkm km E j = ijk kk E = i(k × E) we take the curl of 3-11 To obtain a wave equation for B ×B = μ0 J + μ0 ε0 ∂ E ∇ ∂t × (∇ × B) = ∇( ∇ · B) − ∇2 B to get and use (13), ∇ ∇ · B) − ∇2 B = μ0 ∇ × J + μ0 ε0 ∂ (∇ × E) ∇( ∂t is replaced by −∂ B/∂t, ·B and J both vanish to leave The curl of E and ∇ = −μ0 ε0 −∇2 B ∂2B ∂t2 3-12 To obtain a reasonable ionization rate, we need eV = eE/d. The electric field must therefore be at least E= 10 V = 1010 V/m 10−9 m The corresponding irradiance I is found from ×B E I = μ0 |E|2 = = 2.65 × 1017 W/m2 μ0 c A (modest) 10 MW pulse, focussed to a (10 μm)2 spot would provide I = 1017 W/m2 so that we see that air sparks should be easily produced. and ξ = r × ∇ψ solve the vector wave equation 3-13 We wish to show that ξ = ∇ψ ∇2 ξ = 1 ∂ 2 ξ c2 ∂t2 Chapter Three Solutions 21 whenever ψ solves the scalar wave equation. We recall the definition of the vector Laplacian (13), −∇ ∇ · ξ) × (∇ × ξ) ∇2 ξ = ∇( and substitute each of the forms ξ and ξ in turn. Thus for ξ = ∇ψ × [∇ × (∇ψ)] ∇ · ∇ψ) 2 ψ) ∇2 (∇ψ) = −∇ + ∇( = ∇(∇ since the gradient of any function is curl free. Substituting for ∇2 ψ from the scalar wave equation, we find 2 2 1 ∂ ψ = 1 ∂ (∇ψ) =∇ ∇2 (∇ψ) 2 2 2 c ∂t c ∂t2 which proves the required result for ∇ψ. The equivalent result for ψ is a little more laborious. ∇ · (r × ∇ψ)] × [∇ × (r × ∇ψ)] ∇2 (r × ∇ψ) = ∇[ −∇ ∇ · [−∇ × (rψ)]} − ∇ × [∇ × (r × ∇ψ)] = ∇{ The first term on the right side vanishes because the curl of any function has no divergence. In the remaining term, we expand the expression within square brackets × (r × ∇ψ) · ∇ψ) · r ) + (∇ψ · ∇) r − (r · ∇) ∇ψ ∇ = r (∇ − (∇ψ)( ∇ + ∇ψ − (r · ∇) ∇ψ = r ∇2 ψ − 3∇ψ · ∇) r − ∇ψ The last term is most easily evaluated by adding the null term (∇ψ to it. Thus ∇ψ+ · ∇) r − ∇ψ (r · ∇) (∇ψ r · ∇ψ) × ∇ψ) × (∇ × r) − ∇ψ = ∇( − r × (∇ −∇ have zero curl, the two middle terms vanish. FurtherBecause both r and ∇ψ and ∇( r · ∇ψ) more, taking the curl once more (as we must) eliminates ∇ψ as well so that we find 2 × [∇ × (r × ∇ψ)] × (r ∇2 ψ) = ∇ × r 1 ∂ ψ ∇ =∇ c2 ∂t2 2 2 1 ∂ × rψ = − 1 ∂ r × ∇ψ = 2 2 ∇ c ∂t c2 ∂t2 Finally, ∇2 (r × ∇ψ) = 1 ∂2 (r × ∇ψ) c2 ∂t2 22 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The relative difficulty of the foregoing is largely circumvented if tensor notation and the Levi-Cevita symbol are used instead, as will be demonstrated below. " # k = ∂i ∂ i km x ∂m ψ [∇2 (r × ∇ψ)] = km ∂i ∂ i (x ∂m ψ) = km (∂i δi ∂m ψ + x ∂i ∂ i ∂m ψ) = km ∂ (∂m ψ) + km x ∂m (∂i ∂ i ψ) k × (∇ψ)] + km x ∂m (∇2 ψ) = [∇ k 1 ∂2ψ 2 k = [r × ∇(∇ ψ)] = r × ∇ 2 2 c ∂t 1 ∂2 k = 2 2 (r × ∇ψ) c ∂t where the first term in the sum was eliminated because a gradient has no curl. r + δr, t) may be expanded to first order as 3-14 Generally, the function A( r + δr, t) = A( r, t) + ∂ A(r, t) · δx + ∂ A(r, t) · δy + ∂ A(r, t) · δz A( ∂x ∂y ∂z Substituting δx = vx dt, δy = vy dt, and δz = vz dt, we find r + v dt, t) = A( r, t) + (v · ∇) Adt A( ·A = 0. Replacing A by A = A + ∇Λ, 3-15 The Coulomb gauge poses ∇ we find ·A = ∇ ·A + ∇2 Λ ∇ If ∇2 Λ = 0, the Coulomb gauge is clearly preserved. and V satisfy 3-16 In the Lorenz gauge, A ·A + 1 ∂V = 0 ∇ c2 ∂t by A = A + ∇Λ and V by V = V − ∂Λ/dt, the gauge condition Replacing A becomes 2 ·A + ∇2 Λ + 1 ∂V − 1 ∂ Λ ·A + 1 ∂V = ∇ ∇ c2 ∂t c2 ∂t c2 ∂t2 It is evident that in order to preserve the Lorentz gauge, the gauge function Λ must satisfy 1 ∂2Λ ∇2 Λ − 2 2 = 0 c ∂t Chapter Three Solutions 23 Neglecting the vector 3-17 Electrons in the spinning disk experience a force ev × B. character and writing only the magnitude this is rωB. Integrating the force per unit charge from r = 0 to r = a on the rim, we obtain the EMF a r2 ωB rωBdr = E= 2 0 3-18 The “paradox” arises because the current in the loop has been neglected in determining the potential measured by the voltmeter. Suppose, for simplicity that the loop has the same resistance R in the bottom half and in the top half of the loop. The current of magnitude I= 1 dΦ 2R dt flows in a clockwise direction around the loop in response to the changing magnetic field indicated. The potential measured in circuit b is then IR = 1 1 2 dΦ/dt and the potential measured in c is dΦ/dt − IR = 2 dΦ/dt. This argument works equally well if we define unequal resistances for the top and bottom half of the loop. Chapter 4 A number of readers have complained that the integral in (Ex 4.4.12) is not obvious. Admittedly I used tables to to find π 2π ln a a ≥ b ≥ 0 2 2 ln(a − 2ab cos θ + b )dθ = 2π ln b b ≥ a ≥ 0 0 Indeed, there seems to be no elementary method for obtaining this result. However, computing the potential of a charged cylinder of radius a via two different methods closely reproduces the required result. We begin by Using Gauss’ law to find the electric field and consequent potential around the cylinder. Assuming charge density λ per unit length, r −λ −λ = λr̂ ⇒ V (r > a) = ln r + A = ln E 2πε0 r 2πε0 2πε0 b where we have imposed that V vanish at a distant point b. Alternatively, we consider each the cylindrical shell to be composed of filaments running parallel to the axis, each subtending angle dϕ with respect to the axis and carrying line charge density (λ/2π)dϕ. Summing the potentials from each of these filaments & −λdϕ 1 a2 + r2 − 2ar cos ϕ |r − r | −λdϕ 1 = ln ln dV (r ) = 2π 2πε0 b 2π 2πε0 b2 which may be integrated to give −λ 1 V (r ) = 2πε0 2π & 2π ln 0 a2 + r2 − 2ar cos ϕ dϕ b2 Comparing the two expressions for V (r > a), 2π & 2 r a + r2 − 2ar cos ϕ ln dϕ = 2π ln 2 b b 0 For a not so distant point b, the correct form to integrate would be dV (r ) = −λdϕ |r − r | ln 2 (2π) ε0 |b − r | leading to −λ 1 V (r ) = 2π0 2π 2π ln a2 + r2 − 2ar cos ϕ dϕ 0 − 2π ln 0 — 24— a2 + b2 − 2ab cos ϕ dϕ Chapter Four Solutions 25 Denoting the first integral as F (r), the second is F (b) and we have ln(r/b) = 1 F (r) − F (b) allowing us to conclude that except for a constant multiplier, 2π F (r) = 2π ln r. Coupled with the foregoing discussion that multiplier should be 1. 4-1 The potential energy of all the charges is given by W = 8 8 1 ! ! qi qj 8πε0 i=1 j=1 ri,j j=i The inner sum is easily evaluated with the aid of√ a diagram. Any charge has √ three neighbors at distance a, three at distance 2a, and one at 3a. The inner sum is therefore 8 ! qi qj j=1 j=i ri,j 1 q2 3 = 3+ √ + √ a 2 3 Every other charge contributes exactly the same to the potential energy sum, therefore 1 8q 2 3 5.7 q 2 W = 3+ √ + √ = 8πε0 a πε0 a 2 3 4-2 The inductance of the solenoid may be found by equating the energy of the enclosed field to 12 LI 2 or by differentiating the flux at any turn with respect to I and summing over the turns. Since the magnetic induction field is nearly constant through the volume of the solenoid and nearly zero outside the solenoid, either method ought to work. For either method we need the field of a solenoid of length and N turns: B = μ0 N I. Using energy: B2 3 d r 2μ0 W = 12 LI 2 = = μ0 N I 2 from which we deduce L= πR2 πμ0 I 2 N 2 R2 = 2μ0 2 πμ0 N 2 R2 From the flux: ∂Φ ∂ L=N =N ∂I ∂I μ0 πR2 N 2 μ0 N I dS = 4-3 For the centerline of the torus in the x-y plane, the magnetic induction field over a cross-section in the x-z plane is given by (see also problem 3-4, note 26 Classical Electromagnetic Theory however, that a and b are reversed) By = μ0 N I/(2πx). A volume element in the neighborhood of the x-z plane is d3 r = xϕdS so that we may write 2 2 2 B2 3 μ0 N I W = d r= xdϕdS 2μ0 8μ0 π 2 x2 √a2 −(x−b)2 μ0 N 2 I 2 b+a 1 = dzdx √ 2 4π x 2 − a −(x−b) b−a Exactly the same integral was evaluated in problem 3-4 to give μ0 N 2 I 2 W = b − b2 − a2 2 leading us to deduce that the inductance of the torus is L = μ0 N 2 b − b2 − a2 We could of course have differentiated the flux Φ found in problem 3-4 with respect to the current to obtain the same result. 4-4 In order to have the same cross-section, the outer conductor must have an outer radius c that satisfies π(c2 − b2 ) = πa2 implying c2 = a2 + b2 . The field in the various regions is easily obtained; in particular, because a loop encircling both inner and outer conductor has zero net current included, the field outside the wire must vanish. This fact makes it practical to calculate the total energy content of the fields established by the currents. The field inside the inner wire is obtained from 2 = μ0 r I ⇒ B(r < a) = μ0 Ir B · d = μ0 J · dS a2 2πa2 ϕ = μ0 I ⇒ B = μ0 I . Finally, in the outer conductor Between the wires, 2πrB 2πr r r = μ0 I 1 − 1 J · dS 2πr dr 2πrBϕ = μ0 I − 2 πa b b r 2 − b2 = μ0 I 1 − a2 The energy for a unit length of the field is then $ b a 3 μ0 I 2 r 1 W = dr dr + 4 4π 0 a a r √ 2 a2 +b2 1 2r2 b2 + 1+ 2 − 2 1+ r a a b & 2 b b2 μ0 I 2 1 a2 + ln + 1 + 2 ln 1 + 2 = 4π 4 a a b 2 2 2 (a + b ) − b b2 − 1 + + a2 a2 b2 a2 " % r4 + 2 dr a #2 a2 + b2 − b4 4a4 Chapter Four Solutions 27 2 1 μ0 I 2 1 a2 b b2 b2 = − 1 − 2 + ln + 1 + 2 ln 1 + 2 4π 2 a a 2 a b The inductance is now easily deduced to be 2 μ0 b2 a2 b2 b2 L= ln 2 + 1 + 2 ln 1 + 2 − 1 + 2 4π a a b a 4-5 We place one of the wires along the z axis and the other parallel to the first in the x-z pane at distance h from the first. The magnetic induction field in the x-z plane between the wires of the first wire is then, r ) = μ0 I ĵ B( 2πx and that from the second wire is r) = B( μ0 I ĵ 2π(h − x) The flux through a loop of width (h − 2a) between the wires is 1 1 1 μ0 I μ0 I h−a 1 + + dx dz = dx 2π x h−x 2π a x h−x h−a μ0 I ln = π a The inductance may be found as dΦ/dI h μ0 dΦ = ln −1 dI π a When h a, this result is similar to (Ex 4.4.13). 4-6 The electric field inside the uniformly charged sphere is obtained from Gauss’ law ρ 3 · dS = E d r ε0 4πr2 E = or Qr3 ε0 a3 Outside the sphere, the field is E = ε0 W = 2 ⇒ E= Qr 4πε0 a3 Q . The energy is then 4πε0 r2 E 2 d3 r Q2 r2 Q2 ε0 ∞ 2 4πr dr + 4πr2 dr 2 6 2 a (4πε0 )2 r4 0 (4πε0 ) a a 4 ∞ r 1 3Q2 Q2 dr + dr = = 6 2 8πε0 r 20πε0 a 0 a a = ε0 2 a 28 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 4-7 Using Gauss’ law to find the field inside and outside the charge 1 E(r < a) = 4πε0 r2 r ρ0 0 E(r ≥ a) = and r3 ρ0 r r 2 2 − 2 1 − 2 4πr dr = a ε0 3 5a Q 4πε0 r2 with Q = ρ0 8πa3 15 The energy is then 2 a 2 2 Q2 4πr2 dr ρ0 r 1 r2 2 − + 4πr dr (4πε0 )2 r4 ε20 3 5a2 a 0 Q2 2πρ20 a5 2a7 a9 = + − + 8πε0 a ε0 45 105a2 225a4 ε0 W = 2 = ∞ 16πρ20 a5 5Q2 = 315ε0 28πε0 a 4-8 The magnitude of the Poynting vector S is S= E2 E2 = −7 2μ0 c 2 × 4π × 10 × 3 × 108 m/s If we set S = 5W/.5 × 10−6 m2 = 107 W/m2 , we find E = 8.68 × 104 V/m. is parallel to z and B at sufficiently large distance is azimuthal, A ×B 4-9 Since A is radial and the surface integral over the end faces of our cylinder make no at large r is the difference between the contribution. The vector potential A exterior field terms of the two wires, ie. Az (r h) = μ0 I/(2π)(ln r2 /a − ln r1 /a). We rewrite this as 2 r1 + h2 − 2hr1 cos ϕ h2 μ0 I 2h cos ϕ μ0 I Az (r > h) = ln ln 1 + 2 − = 4π r12 4π r r When r h we may approximate the logarithm using ln(1 + ) ≈ to write the vector potential as μ0 I h2 2h cos ϕ − Az (r h) ≈ 4π r2 r The magnetic induction field of two opposing currents may be written as 1 μ0 I 1 Bϕ = − 2π r r2 + h2 − 2rh cos ϕ μ0 I h2 h μ0 I 1 ≈ − cos ϕ = 1− 2πr 2πr 2r2 r 1 + (h2 /r2 ) − 2(h/r) cos ϕ Chapter Four Solutions 29 in other words it vanishes at least as fast as r−2 . The surface integral of (4–43) then becomes μ0 I 2 1 C (A × B) · dS < lim 2πrdrdz → 0 r→∞ (4π)2 2μ0 r3 4-10 As a first approximation, we might be tempted to use the central field B = μ0 I/ 2a of the coil as an estimate of the average field through the second coil. The flux would then be πaμ0 I Φ= 2 1 and M12 = dΦ2 /dI1 = 2 μ0 πa. Unfortunately there is no good reason to assume that the magnetic induction field is uniform across the second loop. In particular it seems likely that that the field near the edges, close to the primary loop might well be much larger. Indeed this is so. We now pursue a more rigorous approach to an approximate solution. We begin by writing the r ) · d2 , where the integration is carried flux threading loop 2 as Φ2 = A( by its integral form, we find out along loop 2. Replacing A d1 μ0 I r on loop 1 Φ2 = d2 · r on loop 2 4π loop 2 r − r | loop 1 | The mutual inductance M12 is then μ0 d2 M12 = d1 · 4π b2 + (2a sin 1 ϕ)2 2 where ϕ is the projection of the angle between r and r on the plane of one of the coils as shown in figure 4.1. Replacing the scalar product of the unit tangent vectors d1 · d2 by cos ϕd1 d2 we get μ0 cos ϕd2 M12 = d1 4π b2 + (2a sin 12 ϕ)2 Figure 1.2: The current loops of problem 4-8 30 Classical Electromagnetic Theory For any fixed point r , we compute the second integral as follows. Except when r and r are very close to each other, say within 2a sin 12 ϕ0 = ±Δ b, we make no great mistake neglecting b. For the region inside Δ, we ignore the curvature of the loops and set cos ϕ = 1. Thus ϕ0 2π−ϕ0 cos ϕd1 d μ0 1 d2 M12 = + 1 4π loop 2 |2a sin ϕ| b2 + 21 ϕ0 −ϕ0 2 μ0 2πa = 4π 2 π ϕ0 cos ϕd1 + |2a sin 12 ϕ| Δ −Δ d1 b2 + 21 where Δ ≈ aϕ0 . We will now recast the second integral in parentheses in a form that will allow us to rewrite it as an integral with the same form as the first, but eliminating the arbitrary Δ (or ϕ0 ). We integrate the second integral to get Δ −Δ d1 b2 + 21 ≈ 2 sinh−1 Δ 2Δ ≈ 2 ln =2 b b Δ 1 2b dx ≈2 x ϕ0 1 2 b/a adϕ 2a sin 12 ϕ The second integral may now be included within the first by merely changing the lower limit of the first π a cos ϕdϕ M12 = μ0 a 1 2a sin 12 ϕ 2 b/a ' ( = μ0 a − ln tan[ 14 (b/2a)] − 2 cos[ 12 (b/2a)] b 8a −2 = μ0 a − ln − 2 = μ0 a ln 8a b The self-inductance of a single loop is found in very similar manner with the radius of the wire replacing b. There will, however, be another term (+ 14 μ0 a), the contribution of the local current as opposed to that of the remainder of the loop. 4-11 Using the magnetic field portion of the Maxwell stress tensor (in Cartesian coordinates) we find the x and y components of force on an element dSr of the curved wall dFx = B2 dSx 2μ0 and dFy = B2 dSy 2μ0 leading to dFr = dFx cos ϕ + dFy sin ϕ = B2 B2 (dSx cos ϕ + dSy sin ϕ) = dSr 2μ0 2μ0 Chapter Four Solutions 31 The pressure ℘ on the coil is the found as ℘= dFr B2 μ0 N 2 I 2 = = dSr 2μ0 2L2 This pressure must be balanced by the inward resultant of the tension on the wires. There are N/L wires in a unit width sharing the outward directed force from the pressure on those wires. A simple diagram shows that the inward force of a wire under tension T is T/R where R is the radius of curvature. Therefore N/L such wires produce an inward force NT/LR per unit area. Equating this to the pressure, we find T = μ0 RN I 2 2L Alternatively, the average field at the wire is μ0 N I 2 /2L, giving an outward force μ0 N I 2 /2L on the wire. The tensile force required to sustain this force is given by equating it to T/R. T μ0 N I 2 = R 2L ⇒ T = μ0 N I 2 R 2L Although this seems an easier approach, it is by no means self evident that one should use half the field in the solenoid as the field at the wire. 4-12 The magnetic force between two hypothetical magnetic monopoles qm , is Fm = 2 μ0 qm μ0 = 4π r2 4πr2 2πε0 c2 h̄ e 2 = πh̄2 μ0 e2 r2 The force between two electric charges e separated by the same distance is e2 4πε0 r2 Fe μ0 e4 The ratio of the two forces is = = 2.13 × 10−4 . Fm 4π 2 ε0 h̄2 4-13 We transform each equation in turn: Fe = ·E = ∇ ·E cos θ + c∇ ·B sin θ ∇ ρe cos θ = + cμ0 ρm sin θ ε0 # ε0 μ0 c ρm ρ 1" sin θ + ρm − ρm sin θ = e = ε0 c ε0 ε0 ·B = ∇ ·B cos θ − ∇ · E sin θ ∇ c ρe sin θ = μ0 ρm cos θ − ε0 c ρe sin θ = μ0 ρm = μ0 (ρm + cρe sin θ) − ε0 c 32 Classical Electromagnetic Theory × E) cos θ + c(∇ × B) sin θ ×E = (∇ ∇ 1 ∂E ∂B cos θ + sin θ − μ0 Jm cos θ + μ0 cJe sin θ =− ∂t c ∂t ∂B − μ0 Jm =− ∂t E ×B cos θ ∇ × B = ∇ × − sin θ + ∇ c 1 ∂B μ0 1 ∂E + Jm sin θ + 2 cos θ + μ0 Je cos θ = c ∂t c c ∂t # 1 ∂ " sin θ + μ0 Jm sin θ + μ0 Je cos θ E cos θ + cB 2 c ∂t c 1 ∂E + μ0 Je = 2 c ∂t = 4-14 The capacitance of each sphere is C= Q Q = = 4πε0 R V Q/4πε0 R (= 111pF) The approximate mutual capacitance of the pair of spheres, using the results from example 4.2 is C12 (4πε0 R)2 4πε0 × 1 m2 −C1 C2 =− =− = −11.1 pF 4πε0 r 4πε0 r 10 m 4-15 The charge on the concentric cylinders must lie entirely in the region where the two cylinders overlap (and the fringing region), because any charge on an exposed long cylinder leads to an infinite (logarithmically divergent) potential on the cylinder. The electric field between the cylinders is easily found to be E= V r ln(b/a) whence the energy of a length z of concentric cylinders is z0 +z b ε0 V2 1 πε0 V 2 W = z 2πrdrdz = 2 2 2 [ln(b/a)] z0 [ln(b/a)] a r The energy of the field in the fringing region is irrelevant since it will not change as one cylinder moves with respect to the other. The force pulling one cylinder into the other is ∂W πε0 V 2 = ∂z ln(b/a) Chapter Four Solutions 33 4-16 The electric field between the overlapping plates is E = 2V/d and when the plates don’t overlap the field vanishes. The energy of the 14 gaps between the plates overlapping by angle θ is 4V 2 3 14ε0 V 2 R2 θ ε0 d r = W = 14 × 2 d2 d The torque is given by 14ε0 V 2 R2 ∂W = ∂θ d Substitution of reasonable values for the radius and the spacing d, say 10 cm and 1 mm, respectively, gives a torque τ = 1.24 × 10−9 V 2 Nm/V2 = 1.24 V 2 × 10−2 dyne·cm/V2 . It would appear to be entirely feasible to build an electrostatic voltmeter on this principle. 4-17 The flux through the loop is Φ = I0 e−iωt /(2μ0 r)dA giving rise to an EMF −iωI0 e−iωt /(2μ0 ) ln(b/d)Δz. The potential on the plate (working into an infinite impedance) is V0 e−iωt d/ ln(b/a) where d is the distance of the plate from the central conductor and a and b are respectively the inner and outer radii of the coaxial wire. The impedance (1/iωC) of the source (plate) decreases linearly with the area of the plate. If the power meter impedance is small compared to 1/ωC, we conclude that the inductive and capacitive current each increase linearly with ω resulting in a torque proportional to ω 2 . 4-18 The electrostatic energy of the charged bubble is W = ε0 2 ∞ R Q 4πε0 r2 2 4πr2 dr = ∞ Q2 1 Q2 = 8πε0 −r R 8πε0 R The outward pressure from the electrical repulsion is then ℘= dW dR Q2 dW = = dτ dR dτ 32πε0 R4 Equating this to the pressure 4T/R (there is both an inside and an outside surface) required to balance surface tension gives R= Q2 128π 2 ε0 T 1/3 If the radius were to increase beyond the equilibrium point, the electrical (expansive) pressure decreases as R−4 whereas the (contractile) surface-tension derived force only decreases as R−1 and if the radius were to decrease, the electrical force would grow faster. The bubble would tend to return to its equilibrium radius in either case. 34 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The center term of (4–6) has an erroneous subscript. The expression should read: W4 = 1 8πε0 q1 q4 + q4 q1 q2 q4 + q4 q2 q3 q4 + q4 q3 + + r14 r24 r34 (4–6) Chapter 5 5-1 Although there are elegant ways to prove this we use the brute force approach as it requires little thought. The general expansion for the potential in spherical polar coordinates is ! B V (r ) = A r + +1 Ym (θ, ϕ) r Each of the constants B must vanish since otherwise the potential would be infinite at the origin. To evaluate the constants A we multiply both (θ, ϕ) and integrate over the surface of sides of the expression above by Y∗m the enclosing sphere. Using the orthogonality of the spherical harmonics we obtain A a = V (R)Y∗m (θ, ϕ)dΩ At the center of the sphere, r = 0, only the first term does not vanish and we need evaluate only this term. Thus V (R, θ, ϕ) 1 V 4π √ dΩ = √ A0 = V dΩ = √ 4π 4π 4π 4π 4π The potential at r = 0 then becomes V (0) = A0 r0 Y00 (θ, ϕ) = 5-2 V 4π = V 4π We use plane polar coordinates to describe the geometry. Because the boundary conditions do not depend on r we expect V to be independent of r. Laplace’s equation then becomes 1 ∂2V =0 r2 ∂ϕ2 The solution is easily found to have the form V = Aϕ + B. Evaluating A and B from the boundary conditions we obtain V (ϕ) = V0 ϕ α 5-3 The potential between the cones is most easily solved for in spherical polar coordinates since the boundary conditions are independent of r and ϕ. It remains to solve d 1 dV sin θ =0 dθ r2 sin2 θ dθ Excluding r = 0, we have sin θ dV =a dθ and integrating once more, — 35— 36 Classical Electromagnetic Theory V = a ln(tan 12 θ) + b Fitting the boundary conditions at θ = 12 α1 and θ = 12 α2 we find a= V2 − V1 tan( 14 α2 ) ln tan( 14 α1 ) b = V1 − a ln tan( 14 α1 ) and Substituting these constants into the solution we find tan( 12 θ) ln tan( 14 α1 ) V = V1 + (V2 − V1 ) tan( 14 α2 ) ln tan( 14 α1 ) 5-4 The general solution of Laplace’s equation compatible with the boundary conditions is ! V = Aλ sin λy sinh λx λ = ! An sin nπx nπy sinh b b An sinh nπy nπa sin = V0 b b n At x = a, V (a, y) = ! then An sinh nπa b · = b 2 b V0 sin 0 =− nπy dy b b (cos nπ − cos 0) nπ ⎧ ⎨ 2V0 b nπ = ⎩ 0 for n odd for n even We evaluate the first four nonzero coefficients A1 = A3 = A5 = 4V0 π sinh πa = 0.05019V0 b 4V0 3πa 3π sinh b 4V0 5πa 5π sinh b = 6.492 × 10−6 V0 = 1.51 × 10−9 V0 Chapter Five Solutions 37 A7 = 4V0 7πa 7π sinh b = 4.2 × 10−13 V0 We therefore write the potential to the required precision as πx 3πx πy 3πy sinh + 6.5 × 10−6 V0 sin sinh b b b b 5πx 7πx 5πy 7πy +1.51 × 10−9 V0 sin sinh + 4.2 × 10−13 V0 sin sinh b b b b V = 0.0502V0 sin which may be numerically evaluated at the required points to give V (a/10, b/2) = 0.0502 sinh 18 π − 6.5 × 10−6 sinh 38 π = .0202V0 V (a/2, b/2) = .0502 sinh 58 π − 6.5 × 10−6 sinh 15 8 π = 0.1753V0 and V (9a/10, b/2) = 0.0502 sinh 98 π − 6.5 × 10−6 sinh 27 8 π −13 sinh 63 + 1.51 × 10−6 sinh 45 8 π − 4.2 × 10 8 π = .758V0 5-5 In cylindrical polars, the potential in the region including r = 0 is V (r, ϕ) = ! A r sin ϕ a At r = a this becomes V (a) = ! A sin ϕ = ± A = leading to V0 2 2V0 π when is odd and A = 0 when is even. Therefore V (r < a) = ! 2V0 r sin ϕ π a odd Outside the pipe, the general expansion is a V (r > a) = B sin ϕ r The boundary conditions lead to the same coefficients so that V (r > a) = ! 2V0 a sin ϕ π r odd 38 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 5-6 The general solution in spherical polar coordinates may be written +1 ! r a + B P (cos θ) V = A a r For the interior solutions all the B coefficients must vanish while the outside solutions must have A = 0. In either case, at the surface of the sphere, the coefficients must satisfy ! A P (cos θ) = ±V0 B leading to 12 π 1 2A = 2V0 P (cos θ) sin θdθ = 2V0 P (x)dx 2 + 1 0 0 for odd, and 0 when is even and an identical expression for B . The integral may be evaluated using (F–30), (2 + 1)P (x) = P+1 (x) − P−1 (x). 1 (−1)(+3)/2 ( − 2)!! 1 P−1 (0) − P+1 (0) = P (x)dx = 2 + 1 ( + 1)!! 0 The coefficients A for the interior solution and B for the exterior solution follow immediately. 5-7 In Example 1.16 we found the scalar potential along the axis of a solenoid to be N I (z + )2 + R2 − (z − )2 + R2 Vm (z) = 4 where = L/2 is the half length of the solenoid. We factor (R2 + 2 )1/2 from the radicals 1/2 z 2 ± 2z 2 2 2 2 2 R + + z ± 2z = R + 1 + 2 R + 2 and expand the term in parentheses using the binomial theorem 1/2 1 z 2 ± 2z 1 (z 2 ± 2z)2 1 (z 2 ± 2z)3 z 2 ± 2 = 1 + − + − ··· 1+ 2 R + 2 2 R2 + 2 8 (R2 + 2 )2 16 (R2 + 2 )3 yielding Vm √ N I R2 + 2 z 3 3 z 3 2z = + 2 − 2 + ··· − 2 4 R + 2 (R + 2 )2 (R + 2 )3 NI 2 1 3 = √ − 2 −2z + + 2 z + ··· R + 2 (R + 2 )2 4 R2 + 2 The general form of the scalar potential in a region that includes the origin is (in spherical polars) ! Vm (r, θ) = Al rl Pl (cos θ) Chapter Five Solutions 39 which for cos θ = 0 specializes to Vm (z) = ! Al z l along the z axis. Comparing the coefficients of the two series we find NI , A1 = − √ 2 R2 + 2 A2 = 0, A3 = N IR2 4(R2 + 2 )5/2 so that the general solution in the neighborhood of r = 0 is Vm = A1 r cos θ + A3 r3 P3 (cos θ) + · · · 3 z z z 1 −3 = A1 r + A3 r3 5 + ··· r 2 r r = A1 z + 52 A3 z 3 − 32 A3 r2 z + · · · We may usefully write this in terms of the cylindrical coordinates ρ and z so that r2 = ρ2 + z 2 and V (ρ, z) = A1 z + A3 z 3 − 32 A3 ρ2 z + · · · The resulting second order axial and first order radial magnetic field components are now easily calculated. 5-8 We express f in terms of its real and imaginary part u and v as 2 a + x + iy a − x2 − y 2 + 2iay u + iv = ln = ln a − x − iy a2 − 2ax + x2 + y 2 = ln Reiα = ln R + iα which allows us to identify v as α. But we can also find α from tan α = 2ay Im(f ) = 2 Re(f ) a − x2 − y 2 On the circle x2 + y 2 = a2− we find when y > 0 that tan α = +∞ ⇒ v=α= π 2 and when y < 0 tan α = −∞ ⇒ v=α=− π 2 In other words, the the upper half circle x2 + y 2 = a2− is mapped from the v = π/2 line while the lower half of the interior circle is mapped from the v = −π/2 line. It may be verified using l’Hôpital’s rule that as x varies from −a to a, u varies from −∞ to ∞. 40 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The potential V = V0 v/π between the v = ±π/2 lines becomes in terms of x and y 2ay V0 tan−1 V = π a2 − x2 − y 2 At y = 0.2a and x = 0, this becomes 0.4 2V0 1 2V0 −1 V = × tan × (0.1973956) = π 2 0.96 π Using the series solution from problem 5-5 to find the potential at this point, we have ! 2V0 r sin ϕ V = π a odd 2V0 1(.2) − 13 (.2)3 + 15 (.2)5 − 17 (.2)7 + 19 (.2)9 + · · · π 2V0 × (0.1973956) = π = 5-9 The required mapping must change the polar angle of f from π to α while leaving a polar angle of zero unaffected. The mapping #α/π " = Rα/π eiθα/π z = f α/π = Reiθ clearly has this property. When v = 0, R = u and z = x + iy = Rα/π ⇒ 0 ≤ x < ∞ and y = 0 When v = π, R = |u|, then z = x + iy = Rα/π eiα = Rα/π (cos α + i sin α) Thus, as R increases, a line with x = Rα/π cosα and y = Rα/π sin α is swept out. Despite the fact that the mapping is obvious it is a good exercise to use the Schwarz Christoffel transformations to derive it. Thus dz = A(f − 0)α/π−1 df which is readily integrated to yield z= Af α/π +k α/π The denominator may be absorbed into the constant A and the choice of k = 0 fixes the inflection point to the origin. Chapter Five Solutions 41 5-10 As found on page 118, the potential in the vicinity of the right-angled plate has the form V = V0 − 2axy. (It is trivial to verify that this satisfies ∇2 V = 0 and satisfies the boundary conditions.) The electric field is then = −∇V = 2ayı̂ + 2axĵ E = 2axĵ. We equate the normal Along the x axis (y = 0) this becomes E component of the electric field to σ/ε0 to obtain σ(x, 0) = 2aε0 x. Similarly, along the y axis σ(0, y) = 2aε0 y. 5-11 When v = 0, (f = u + iv), cosh f = 12 (eu + e−u ). Therefore, as u varies from −∞ to +∞, cosh f varies from ∞ to 1 to ∞, meaning that z ∝ ln(cosh f ) ranges from ∞ to 0 to ∞ and is pure real. In other words, the image of the u axis is the positive x axis. When v = − 12 π, eu+iπ/2 + e−u−iπ/2 2 ieu − ie−u = i sinh u = (sinh u)eiπ/2 = 2 cosh f = Then x + iy = (2a/π)[ln(sinh u) + 12 iπ]. We conclude then that when v = π/2, y = a and as u varies from 0 to ∞, sinh u varies from 0 to ∞ and x = (2a/π) ln(sinh u) varies from −∞ to +∞. In the same fashion, the line with v = −π/2 maps to a line at y = −a running from −∞ to ∞. The capacitance of a unit length and width w (large compared to a) including the end of the plate) capacitor made by the central plate of one polarity and the outside plate of opposite polarity is easily obtained. We begin by finding the values of u that correspond to the ends of the segment x = -∞ to x = w a on the upper plate. We have πx = ln(sinh u) 2a ⇒ eπx/2a = sinh u = eu − e−u 2 The value of u corresponding to x large and negative is clearly u = 0. When x a, u 1 implying that to an excellent approximation sinh u = 12 eu We find then eu = 2eπw/2a or u = ln 2 + πw 2a Using the results of p 126, ln 2 + πw/2a u2 − u1 C = −ε0 = ε0 v2 − v 1 π/2 2 ln 2 w + = ε0 π a 42 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The term ε0 w/a is just what we would have expected in the absence of fringing fields at the x = 0 edge. The bottom plate makes an identical contribution to the capacitance so that we have for such a capacitor 2 ln 2 w + C = 2ε0 π a 5-12 Expression (5–74) gives the capacitance per unit length of a single sided strip of parallel plate capacitor. Specializing this result to the circular capacitor we note that the capacitance should become the sum of the area term ε0 πr2 /a and a contribution of the perimeter due to a strip of width r and length 2πr so that 2 πr 2πr + r ln C = ε0 a a W have arbitrarily taken r as the effective width of the strip. However, writing the result as 2πr ε0 πr2 a ln C= 1+ a πr a we note that fractional contribution diminishes as r/a increases. 5-13 The mapping z= a f b b a u + iv + + = 2 b f 2 b u + iv may be rationalized as a u + iv b(u − iv) + 2 x + iy = 2 b u + v2 bu bv a u ai v + 2 − = + 2 b u + v2 2 b u2 + v 2 so that bu bv a u a v + 2 − 2 x= and y = 2 b u + v2 2 b u + v2 a u bu b a 1 For v = 1, x= + 2 − 2 and y = 2 b u +1 2 b u +1 b 1 b au 1 + 2 − 2 and for v = 2, x = and y = a 2 b u +4 b u +4 We plot these curves parametrically for b = 1 in figure 5.1. 5-14 The mapping indicated may be expanded for f = u + iv as z= i−f i − u − iv u + (v − 1)i = =− i+f i + u + iv u + (v + 1)i Chapter Five Solutions 43 Figure 5.1: Images of the v = 1 and v = 2 lines in the x-y plane Along the real axis of the f plane, v = 0, reducing z to z=− u2 − 1 − 2ui u−i =− u+i u2 + 1 The magnitude of z when v = 0 is u − i ≡1 |z| = u + i Moreover, u = 0 → z = 1, u = 1 → z = i, u = −1 → z = −i, u = ∞ → z = −1. More generally, when v = 0 we can write z = e−2iα with α = tan−1 (1/u). Evidently the real axis of f maps into the unit circle in the z plane. When v = 0, we can again find |z|2 , 2 2 u + (v − 1)i 2 = [u + (v − 1)i][u − (v − 1)i] = u + (v − 1) |z|2 = 2 u + (v + 1)i [u + (v + 1)i][u − (v + 1)i] u + (v + 1)2 = u2 + (v + 1)2 − 4v 4v =1− 2 2 2 u + (v + 1) u + (v + 1)2 We see then that for v < 0, |z| increases to give points outside the unit circle. In similar fashion the second mapping may be investigated. z= i + u + iv u + (v + 1)i i+f = =− i−f i − u − iv u + (v − 1)i For f on the real axis, u + i ≡1 |z| = u − i Moreover, u = 0 → z = −1, u = 1 → z = i, u = −1 → z = −i, u = ∞ → z = −1. Again, the real axis is mapped to a unit circle. When v = 0, 2 2 u + (v + 1)i 2 2 = [u + (v + 1)i][u − (v + 1)i] = u + (v + 1) |z| = u + (v − 1)i [u + (v − 1)i][u − (v − 1)i] u2 + (v − 1)2 = u2 + (v − 1)2 + 4v 4v =1+ 2 u2 + (v − 1)2 u + (v − 1)2 5-15 We investigate first √ the behavior of the mapping for f along the real axis. When u is real, f is real. Thus we readily find that u = 0 → z = −1, u = 44 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 1 → z = 0, u = ∞ → z = +1. In other words, the positive real axis maps to x ∈ (−1, 1). When u is negative, the square root is imaginary and we write it as ri. Then ri − 1 ≡1 |z| = ri + 1 In particular u = −1 maps to i and points ∈ (0, −1) map to the left quadrant quarter circle whereas points more negative than −1 map to the right quarter circle. The whole axis then is mapped into a closed half circle in the upper half plane. The second mapping is easily deduced from the first. Taking the n’th root of any point in the complex plane reduces its magnitude to the n’th root and divides the argument by n. Thus the points at |z| = 1 remain at that distance but have their polar angles reduced by a factor n. In particular, the image of 0 at x = −1 gets moved to polar angle π/n. The result is that the semicircle of the previous map now gets compressed like a closing hand-held fan to become a wedge with interior angle π/n. 5-16 To find the image of the real axis set f = u and note that when u is positive, the mapping is straightforward, u = 0 → x = −∞, u = 1 → x = 0, u = ∞ → x = ∞. In other word, the positive u axis √ maps to the entire (−∞, ∞) x axis. When u < 0, we write the square root as u = ir. Then 1 1 = id r + z = d ir − ir r Thus the negative u axis maps to a vertical line along the y axis that terminates at height 2d above the x axis (the image point of u = −1). 5-17 This mapping presents several points where the image of the real line will abruptly change directions. We note that if u is large and positive, the ln f and −2 ln[(f + 1)1/2 + 1] essentially cancel leaving only the first term which clearly increases to ∞ as f → ∞. As u → 0, the ln f will dominate and image 0 to −∞ The first singularity occurs when f = 0 at that point the ln f term has to be replaced by ln(|u|eiπ ) = ln |u| + iπ. To sum up to this point then, u ∈ (0, ∞) → x ∈ (−∞, ∞). At u = 0, the image is displaced upwards a distance π while still at x = −∞. As u becomes more negative, v remains at π until u reaches −1 when the argument of the two square root terms both become negative. Just before the arguments turn negative, we abbreviate 1 + u = . The expression for z then becomes z = 21/2 − 2 ln(1 + 1/2 ) + iπ + ln |u| ≈ 21/2 − 21/2 + iπ + ln(1) = 0 + iπ In other words, u = (0, −1) maps to x = (−∞, 0), y = π After u passes −1, set (1 + u)1/2 = |1 + u|1/2 eiπ/2 = riπ/2 . We again express z in this domain. z = 2ir − 2 ln(1 + reiπ/2 ) + iπ + ln(1 + r2 ) = 2ir − 2 ln[eiπ/2 (e−iπ/2 + r] + iπ + ln(1 + r2 ) Chapter Five Solutions 45 = 2ir − iπ − 2 ln(r − i) + iπ + ln(1 + r2 ) = 2ir − ln[(1 + r2 )e−2iα ] + ln(1 + r2 ) = 2ir + 2iα with α = tan−1 (1/r). We see that z becomes pure imaginary with y = 1 at r = 0 increasing to infinity as r → ∞. The entire image is illustrated in Figure 5.2. Figure 5.2: Image of the f plane real axis in the z plane. The corresponding values of u are given at the vertices. 5-18 The mapping z = a f 2 − 1 is readily investigated. The real axis has three regions of interest. When √ u > 1, z is also real and increases with u. When |u| < 1 we write z = ai 1 − u2 and finally when u < −1 we revert to the original. we find the, u ∈ (1, ∞) → x ∈ (0, ∞), y = 0; u ∈ (−1, 0, 1) → x = 0, y ∈ (0, a, 0) and u ∈ (−1, −∞) → x ∈ (0, ∞), y = 0. If f is in the first quadrant then f 2 is in the positive half plane as is f 2 − 1. Taking the square root maps all such points into the first quadrant. When f is in the second quadrant, f 2 will be in the third or fourth, and f 2 − 1 will lie in the third or the fourth quadrant. The square root therefore maps the second quadrant f ’s into the second quadrant. 5-19 For a cylinder of length L and when the potential has no ϕ dependence, ! Aλ sinh λzJ0 (λr) V (r, z) = λ From V (r = a) = 0 we deduce that λa is a root of J0 say ρ0i ⇒ λ = ρ0i /a. Thus ! ρ0i z ρ0i r Ai sinh V (r, z) = J0 a a i At z = L this specializes to V (r, L) = ! i Ai sinh ρ0i L ρ0i r J0 a a 46 Classical Electromagnetic Theory We abbreviate the constant terms by Ci and write ! ρ0i r r2 V (r, L) = Ci J0 = V0 1 − 2 a a i The coefficients Ci may be evaluated by multiplying both sides of the equation by J0 (ρ0j r/a) and integrating over the surface. a ρ0i r r2 1 2 2 V 0 1 − 2 J0 rdr 2 Ci a J1 (ρ0i ) = a a 0 Changing variables to x = ρ0i r/a, the integral on the right becomes a2 ρ0i a2 ρ0i 3 xJ (x)dx − x J0 (x)dx 0 ρ20i 0 ρ40i 0 We evaluate each term independently. ρ0i xJ0 (x)dx = ρ0i J1 (ρ0i ) 0 ρ0i 3 d (xJ1 )dx x (xJ0 ) dx = x2 dx ρ0i = x3 J1 − 2x (xJ1 )dx 0 ρ0i = ρ30i J1 (ρ0i ) − 2x2 J2 x J0 (x)dx = 0 2 0 = ρ30i J1 (ρ0i ) − 2ρ20i J2 (ρ0i ) Gathering the terms, we may solve for Ci to get 2V0 2 4V0 J2 (ρ0i ) (ρ ) − J (ρ ) + J (ρ ) = 2 2 Ci = J 1 0i 1 0i 2 0i ρ0i J21 (ρ0i ) ρ0i ρ0i J1 (ρ0i ) 5-20 The boundary conditions are obtained from Maxwell’s equations: ·E = ρ ∇ ε0 ⇒ Erext − Erint = ×E =0 ∇ ⇒ Eθext − Eθint = 0 σ σ0 cos θ = ε0 ε0 Using these boundary conditions for the general solution of ∇2 V = 0 in spherical polar coordinates ! B V (r, θ) = A r + +1 P (cos θ) r we have from the radial equation ∂V ∂V − ∂r a− ∂r = a+ σ0 cos θ ε0 Chapter Five Solutions 47 or ∞ ! A a−1 P (cos θ) − =1 ∞ ! −( + 1)B =0 which means for = 1 a+2 P (cos θ) = σ0 cos θ ε0 2B1 σ0 + A1 = a3 ε0 and for = 1 ( + 1)B + A a−1 = 0 a+2 Similarly, for the θ component of the electric field we find 1 ∂V 1 ∂V = a ∂θ a+ a ∂θ a− giving B = A a−1 a+2 The θ and r equations may be solved simultaneously to give B1 = σ0 a3 , 3ε0 A1 = σ0 , 3ε0 and A = B = 0 for = 1 The potentials inside and outside the sphere and the associated fields are then σ0 r cos θ 3ε0 σ0 a3 cos θ V (r > a) = 3ε0 r2 V (r < a) = ⇒ ⇒ = − σ0 k̂ = σ0 −r̂ cos θ + θ̂ sin θ E 3ε0 3ε0 3 a σ 0 = 2r̂ cos θ + θ̂ sin θ E 3ε0 r3 The continuity of Eθ across the surface is evident, as is the discontinuity of Er by σ/ε0 . 5-21 As there is both a ϕ and θ dependence in this problem we use the general spherical solution to Laplace’s equation. ! r V (r < a) = Am Ym (θ, ϕ) a ,m and V (r > a) = ! ,m +1 a Bm Ym (θ, ϕ) r The boundary condition V (a) = sin 2θ cos ϕ may be written in terms of spherical harmonics using (F–44) as & 8π −1 sin 2θ sin ϕ = Y2 (θ, ϕ) − Y21 (θ, ϕ) 15 48 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Equating the inside and outside solutions at to the potential at a, we find A2,−1 = A2,1 = 8π/15 to get & r2 r2 8π −1 Y2 − Y21 = 2 sin 2θ cos ϕ V (r < a) = 2 a 15 a Similarly when r > a, we get & a3 a3 8π −1 Y2 − Y21 = 3 sin 2θ cos ϕ V (r > a) = 3 r 15 r 5-22 We again take the general solution for the potential as and denote the radius of the sphere by R. +1 ∞ ! ! r R Vm (r, θ, ϕ) = + Bm Am Ym (θ, ϕ) R r =0 m=− Inside the spherical shell, the solution takes the form ! r V (r < R) = Am Ym (θ, ϕ) R ,m whereas outside the shell V is given by +1 ! R Bm Ym (θ, ϕ) V (r > R) = r ,m V is continuous across the boundary since otherwise its gradient would diverge leading to infinite electric field. The linear independence of the spherical harmonics require Am = Bm The boundary condition on Er is ∂V ∂V σ σ0 sin θ sin ϕ − = = ∂r R− ∂r R+ ε0 ε0 The trigonometric terms may be written in terms of spherical harmonics using (F–44) & & 3 3 −1 1 iϕ −iϕ = −i sin θ e − e sin θ sin ϕ Y1 (θ, ϕ) + Y1 (θ, ϕ) = − 8π 2π so that the condition above becomes & 2π σ0 1 1 ! m Y1 + Y1−1 Am + ( + 1)Bm Y = i R 3 ε0 and the continuity of V at R gives Am = Bm . Thus for (, m) = (1, ±1), Am = Bm = 0 and & 2π σ0 R A1,1 = B1,1 = A1,−1 = B1,−1 = i 3 3 ε0 Chapter Five Solutions 49 Inserting these values into the general solutions above, we obtain r r V (r < R) = A1,1 Y11 + A1,−1 Y1−1 R R & 2π σ0 1 r σ0 = i r sin θ sin ϕ Y1 + Y1−1 = 3 3 ε0 3ε0 and 2 R2 R 1 + B Y Y1−1 1,−1 1 2 r r2 & 2π σ0 1 R3 σ0 R 3 = 2i sin θ sin ϕ Y1 + Y1−1 = 3r 3 ε0 3ε0 r2 V (r > R) = B1,1 5-23 Using the methods of Apendix B, the nonzero elements of the metric tensor for oblate ellipsoidal coordinates are gρρ = a2 (ρ2 − cos2 α) ρ2 − 1 gαα = a2 (ρ2 − cos2 α) gϕϕ = a2 (ρ2 − 1) sin2 α Since on a conducting prolate ellipsoid (the coordinate surface for ρ held constant), the potential is independent of α and ϕ we anticipate the potential everywhere will be independent of α and ϕ. Therefore eliminating all terms in ∂V /∂α and ∂V /∂ϕ from the Laplacian we obtain as the only remaining term # ∂V ∂ " 2 ρ −1 =0 ∂ρ ∂ρ which is easily integrated to give k ∂V = 2 ∂ρ ρ −1 with k an arbitrary constant of integration. This result may be integrated once more to give ρ−1 1 V = 2 k ln +C ρ+1 As ρ goes to infinity we anticipate that V would tend to zero, implying that C = 0. For the ellipsoid defined by ρ = ρ0 , k= 2V0 ρ0 − 1 ln ρ0 + 1 Unfortunately, this result is not usable for the infinitely thin needle (ρ0 = 1) as k would would be indeterminate. Instead, we relate k to the charge on 50 Classical Electromagnetic Theory the surface. The electric field is the negative gradient of V so that in these coordinates, 2 k = − √ρ̂ ∂V = − ρ̂ ρ − 1 E 2−1 2 2 gρρ ∂ρ ρ a ρ − cos α We equate this field to the surface charge density ε0 and integrate over the surface to obtain Q · dS = Eρ √gαα gϕϕ dαdϕ = E ε0 a2 ρ2 − 1 = −k (ρ2 − cos2 α)(ρ2 − 1) sin2 α dαdϕ 2 2 2 a(ρ − 1) ρ − cos α 2π π sin αdαdϕ = −4πka = −ka 0 0 We conclude then that k = −Q/(4πε0 a). Instead of integrating over α, we can change variables to integrate over z. From the definition, dz = −aρ0 sin α dα, leading to Q 2πk −a 4πka = dz = − ε0 ρ0 a ρ0 The charge per unit length λ is evidently −2πkε0 ρ0 . Substituting the value of k we get the constant linear charge density λ = Q/(2aρ0 ). For the needle of length 2a with ρ0 = 1 this becomes λ = 12 Q/a. 5-24 The solution to this problem is rather lengthy, closely following the discussion of page 364 to 367. Completing exercise (B-12) should be a prerequisite. Taking the form of the Laplace equation from (B-12), 1 ∂V (cosh ρ − cos α)3 ∂ 2 ∇ V = sin α a3 sin α ∂ρ cosh ρ − cos α ∂ρ sin α ∂V ∂ (cosh ρ − cos α)2 ∂ 2 V + + ∂α cosh ρ − cos α ∂α ∂ϕ2 a2 sin2 α We place the origin midway between the two spheres so that their centers lie at z = a coth ρ = ±5 m and the radius a/ sinh √ρ = 1 m. Thus the surfaces lie at cosh ρ = ±5 which implies a = sinh ρ = 24 m. It should be clear that the solution will be independent of ϕ and we expect the solution to depend only on ρ. Unfortunately, setting ∂V /∂α = 0 does not make the remaining equation α independent. The equation remaining from ∇2 V = 0 is ∂ 1 ∂V sin α ∂V 1 ∂ + =0 ∂ρ cosh ρ − cos α ∂ρ sin α ∂α cosh ρ − cos α ∂α √ Substituting V = cosh ρ − cos α U as suggested, changes the equation to 2 ∂ U 1 ∂U 1 ∂2U √ + cot α − U =0 + ∂2α ∂α 4 cosh ρ − cos α ∂ρ2 Chapter Five Solutions 51 which may be separated. Trying U = R(ρ)A(α) we obtain d2 R d2 A dA + cot α 2 2 dρ dα − 1 = 0 + dα R A 4 resulting in d2 R − ( 14 + λ)R = 0 and dρ2 d2 A cos α dA + λA = 0 + dα2 sin α dα The equation for A is just the Legendre equation, and insisting on reasonably behaved solutions we require λ = ( + 1) meaning A(α) = P (cos α). The remaining equation for R is now easily solved. d2 R d2 R 1 1 − [ + ( + 1)]R = − ( + 12 )2 R = 0 ⇒ R(ρ) = ±e±(+ 2 )ρ 4 2 2 dρ dρ We can now write the general solution as ! 1 1 C e(+ 2 )ρ + C− e−(+ 2 )ρ P (cos α) V (ρ, α) = cosh ρ − cos α −1 on the upper sphere, ρ = cosh (5) = ρ0 and v = Va is independent of α. We substitute these values into the general solution to get ! √ B P (cos α) Va = 5 − cos α 1 1 where we have abbreviated B = C e(+ 2 )ρ0 + C− e−(+ 2 )ρ0 . Evidently, the B are √ just the expansion coefficients in the Legendre polynomial expansion of Va / 5 − cos α (see example D.3). At the lower sphere ρ = −ρ0 and defining 1 1 D = C e−(+ 2 )ρ0 + C− e(+ 2 )ρ0 we similarly get ! √ Vb = 5 − cos α D P (cos α) After solving for B their definitions simultaneously # " and 1D we may solve 1 to obtain C = B e(+ 2 )ρ0 − D e−(+ 2 )ρ0 /[sinh(2 + 1)ρ0 ] and C− = " # 1 1 D e(+ 2 )ρ0 − B e−(+ 2 )ρ0 /[sinh(2 + 1)ρ0 ]. For √ the special case of Va = const. a Legendre polynomial expansion of Va / cosh ρ − cos α may be constructed from the generating function for Legendre polynomials: ! 1 √ t P (cos α) = 2 1 + t − 2t cos α with |t| < 1. If we substitute t = e−ρ the radical becomes: 1 1 √ =√ 1 ρ 1 + e−2ρ − 2e−ρ cos α −ρ/2 −ρ ) − cos α 2e 2 (e + e 52 Classical Electromagnetic Theory =√ or √ ! 1 = e−ρ P (cos α) √ 2e−ρ/2 cosh ρ − cos α √ ! −(+ 1 )|ρ| 1 2 e P (cos α) = 2 cosh ρ − cos α The boundary condition at ρ = ρa = cosh−1 5 may then be written √ √ ! −(+ 1 )|ρ | Va a 2 = Va 2 e P (cos α) cosh ρa − cos α = ! 1 1 C e(+ 2 )ρa + C− e−(+ 2 )ρa P (cos α) Equating coefficients gives √ 1 1 1 Va 2e−(+ 2 )|ρa | = C e(+ 2 )ρa + C− e−(+ 2 )ρa similarly at ρb = −ρa we have √ 1 1 1 Vb 2e−(+ 2 )|ρa | = C e−(+ 2 )ρa + C− e(+ 2 )ρa with solutions C = √ −(+ 1 )|ρ | Va e(+ 12 )ρa − Vb e−(+ 12 )ρa a 2 2e 2 sinh((2 + 1)ρa ) and C− = √ −(+ 1 )|ρ | Vb e(+ 12 )ρa − Va e−(+ 12 )ρa a 2 2e 2 sinh((2 + 1)ρa ) We could of course accommodate spheres of any size simply by moving the x-y plane up or down the z axis. If we pick our zero of potential so that Vb = −Va we get √ 1 √ cosh( + 12 )ρa 1 2Va e−(+ 2 )|ρa | C = −C− = 2Va e−(+ 2 )|ρa | = sinh(2 + 1)ρa 2 sinh( + 12 )ρa Finally the compete solution is V (ρ, α) = √ 2Va 1 ∞ ! e−(+ 2 )|ρa | sinh( + 12 ρ) cosh ρ − sinh α P (cos α) sinh( + 12 )ρa =0 which, incidentally, also constitutes the solution for a charged sphere in the neighborhood of a conducting, neutral plane. Errata: Ex 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 should each have s a summation symbol preceding the left hand side. Just above Ex 5.4.4, the phrase should have read: Multiplying by sin mϕ and integrating, we have Chapter 6 6-1 The charge q located at distance h from the center of the isolated conducting sphere has an image charge q = −(R/h)q located at h − R2 /h from the charge and neutrality requires us to place a neutralizing charge (+R/h)q at the center of the sphere. The force on q is therefore −1 1 q2 R + 2 F = 4πε0 h (h − b)2 h with b = R2 /h. 6-2 If we differentiate the given potential − d q q ∂V =− = ∂z dz 8πε0 z 8πε0 z 2 Comparing this to the field we expect at z from the charge at −z, q q E= = 4πε0 (2z)2 16πε0 z 2 The reason for the discrepancy is that when we take the gradient of V in the neighborhood of z, we are determining how it varies when the source is held constant. By expressing the source coordinate in terms of the field coordinate we are allowing it to vary as well in the differentiation. 6-3 We assume the sphere of radius R centered on the origin. For a charge q located at r, its image q = −q(R/r) is located at r = (R2 /r2 )r. The potential at r due to its image is V (r ) = −q(R/r) −qR q = = 4πε0 |r − r | 4πε0 |r − (R2 /r2 )r | 4πε0 r2 (1 − R2 /r2 ) Then −2qrR qR d = 2 2 dr 4πε0 (r − R ) 4πε0 (r2 − R2 )2 The r component of the electric field we compute directly is )r = −(∇V Er (r ) = q −qR 1 1 = 4πε0 (r − r )2 4πε0 (r2 − R2 )2 We see again that the gradient overcalculates the field by precisely a factor of two for the same reason as in the previous problem. 6-4 The dipole, which we take to lie along the z axis at distance z from the plane, p + 2pz k̂ located at z = −z. The electric field at has an image p = − displacement r from the dipole p is in general given by p · r 1 E = −∇V = −∇ 4πε0 r3 3r(r · p ) p 1 = − 4πε0 r5 r3 — 53— 54 Classical Electromagnetic Theory In this case r = z + z . The potential energy of dipole p in this field is −1 3(r · p )(r · p ) p · p W = − p·E = − 3 4πε0 r5 r 3pz pz −1 p · p −(p2 + p2z ) = − = 4πε0 (z + z )3 (z + z )3 4πε0 (z + z )3 The force on the dipole p is then given by (note that had we written z + z as 2z, then dW = −2F dz) Fz = − −3(p2 + p2z ) ∂W −3(p2 + p2z ) = = 4 ∂z 4πε0 (z + z ) 64πε0 z 4 If we express the potential energy of the dipole in terms of the angle it makes with the z axis we easily obtain the torque (we have combined the z and z coordinates in the energy expression and recognize that changing θ changes θ whereas the virtual work requires that only θ change): τθ = − 1 ∂ p2 (1 + cos2 θ) 1 ∂W −p2 sin(2θ) = = 2 ∂θ 2 ∂θ 32πε0 z 3 64πε0 z 3 where the θ axis is normal to the plane containing the dipole moment and the z axis. 6-5 We place the right plate along the x-y plane meaning that the charge is located at z = −a. The various images formed are shown in figure 6.1. It is evident that the forces from all the positive images cancel. Writing the remaining terms, we have 1 q2 1 1 1 + + + + · · · Fz = 4πε0 (2a)2 (2D + 2a)2 (4D + 2a)2 (6D + 2a)2 q2 4πε0 1 1 1 + + + ··· 2 2 (2D − 2a) (4D − 2a) (6D − 2a)2 1 q2 4aD 8aD 16aD = − − − − · · · 16πε0 a2 (D2 − a2 )2 (4D2 − a2 )2 (9D2 − a2 )2 − Figure 6.1: Images of the charge located at z = −a. Chapter Six Solutions 55 6-6 Since the sphere is conducting, the potential on it must be constant, and outside it must be spherically symmetric. The total charge enclosed is zero so that we conclude the potential everywhere outside the sphere is zero. To find the potential and hence the field inside the sphere, we pick the z axis along the dipole axis and construct an extended dipole p at the center of the sphere by placing a positive charge p/a at z = 12 a and a negative charge at − 12 a. The point dipole will be recovered by letting a tend to 0. The charges at ± 12 a have images of magnitude ∓2R/a located at h = ±2R/ a. The potential along the z axis is then 1 2R/a 1 2R/a p 1 + − − V (z) = a 4πε0 z − 12 a z + 12 a 2R2 /a − z 2R2 /a + z 1 1 1 1 1 1 p − − − = 4 πε0 a z 1 − 12 a/z R 1 − 12 az/R2 1 + 12 a/z 1 + 12 az/R2 p a az = − 3 + O(a2 ) 2 4πε0 a z R taking the limit as a tends to 0, we find 1 p z V (z) = − 4πε0 z 2 R3 Comparing this to the general form of the potential in spherical polar coordinates, we conclude immediately that V inside the sphere is 1 p r V (r) = − 3 cos θ 4πε0 r2 R and the electric field inside the sphere is 2 1 p 1 1 p E = −∇V = + 3 r̂ cos θ − − 3 θ̂ sin θ 4πε0 r3 R 4πε0 r3 R Outside the sphere the electric field vanishes. 6-7 The ring bearing charge Q has an image ring with charge Q = (−b/a)Qand radius a = −b2 a. The potential along the z axis is then 1 b/a Q √ − V = 4πε0 z 2 + a2 z 2 + b4 /a2 To generalize this result, we expand each of the terms using the binomial theorem. The first term may be expanded for z ∈ (a, b) as −1/2 1 1 a2 √ = 1+ 2 z z z 2 + a2 2 3 1 a2 1 1 3 1 a2 1 3 5 1 a2 1− = + − + ··· z 2 z2 2 2 2! z 2 2 2 2 3! z 2 ∞ 1 ! (−1)n (2n − 1)!! a2n = z n=0 2n n! z 2n 56 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The second term in V, −1/2 b/a 1 1 z 2 a2 = = 1+ 4 b b z 2 + b4 /a2 z 2 a2 /b2 + b2 is expanded as −1/2 ∞ 1 1 ! (−1)n (2n − 1)!! z 2n a2n z 2 a2 = 1+ 4 b b b n=0 2n n! b4n The potential between a and b along the z axis may therefore be expressed as 1 Q ! (−1)n (2n − 1)!! 2n z 2n V (z) = a − 4πε0 2n n! z 2n + 1 b4n+1 Comparing this to the general spherical polar solution ! Bn An rn + n+1 Pn (cos θ) V = r we find the general solution in the region (a, b) to be 1 r2n Q ! (−1)n (2n − 1)!! 2n a − 4n+1 P2n (cos θ) V (a < r < b) = 4πε0 2n n! r2n+1 b 6-8 According to example 6.3 on page 148, a dipole p at r with respect to the center of a grounded conducting sphere has an image R3 3( p · r)r p = 3 − p+ r r2 located at r = (R2 /r2 )r. We can use the expression for the potential energy of two dipoles from problem 6-4, noting that the vector running from r to r is r = (1 − R2 /r2 )r. 3( p · r )( p · r ) −1 W = − ( p · p ) 4πε0 r3 r2 3 −R 3(r · p )2 2 = p + 4πε0 r6 (1 − R2 /r2 )3 r2 For r R, this gives a 1/r6 potential for the dipole–induced dipole interaction. 6-9 The force and the torque on the dipole of the preceding problem may be found by differentiating the potential energy. If we take the dipole to be inclined at angle θ with respect to its position vector, we may write (r · p )/r = p cos θ and −R3 p2 (1 + 3 cos2 θ) −R3 p2 (1 + 3 cos2 θ) = W = 3 3 4πε0 r6 (1 − R2 /r2 ) 4πε0 (r2 − R2 ) Chapter Six Solutions 57 so that Fr = − −3R3 p2 r(1 + 3 cos2 θ) 1 ∂W = 4 2 ∂r 4πε0 (r2 − R2 ) and τθ = − 3R3 p2 sin θ cos θ 1 ∂W =− 3 2 ∂θ 4πε0 (r2 − R2 ) 6-10 Let the distance of closest approach of the wire to the center of the sphere be b and choose the x axis parallel to the wire lying in the x y plane, with x = 0 at the point of closest approach. A point x on the line charge is imaged at r = R2 /r where r2 = x2 + b2 . Calling the angle between r and the y axis θ, we note that the image falls at the same angle θ. In terms of θ, we may find r as R4 R4 R4 cos2 θ r2 = 2 = = 2 b + x2 b2 b2 (1 + tan θ) the equation of a circle with radius R2 /2b centered at y = R2 /2b as is shown below. R2 R2 cos2 θ y = r cos θ = = (1 + cos 2θ) b 2b 2 2 cos θ sin θ R R x = r sin θ = = sin 2θ b 2b leading to 2 2 2 R R2 2 x + y − = 2b 2b The charge dq = λ dθ on a segment subtending dθ about θ of the ring is the image of the charge dq = λbdθ/ cos2 θ. The segment on the ring lies a distance r = R2 cos θ/b from the origin so that dq = − −R cos θ R cos θ λR R dq = dq = − λdx = − dθ b/ cos θ b b cos θ so that, with the help of d = R2 /b dθ dq λR dq dq dθ λR b λb =− , and = =− = − cos θ dθ cos θ d dθ d cos θ R2 R 6-11 In order to establish an electric field E0 at the origin, we place a charge Q = −2πε0 L2 E0 at +L and Q = +2πε0 L2 E0 at −L. These charges would have images Q = −(R/L)Q at +R2 /L and −R2 /L, respectively. The potential along the axis arising from the four charges is 2πε0 L2 2πε0 L2 2πε0 RL 2πε0 RL E0 − + 2 − V (z) = − 4πε0 L−z L−z R /L + z z − R2 /L 1 1 1 1 −E0 RL − − = L + 2 1 − z/L 1 + z/L z 1 + R2 /Lz 1 − R2 /Lz 58 Classical Electromagnetic Theory We expand this expression to first order to obtain z R2 1 −E0 z LR R2 −1− V (z) = L 1+ −1+ + 1− +O 2 L L z Lz Lz L E0 2R3 − 2z = 2 z2 Comparing this to the general solution in spherical polar coordinates we generalize immediately to obtain 3 2R V (r > R) = E0 − r cos θ r2 6-12 The images produced by a 60◦ plate vertex are shown in figure 6.2. It is readily ascertained that the y component of force vanishes whereas the x component may be calculated with the aid of figure 6.2 as Figure 6.2: The location of the images when the vertex angle is α = 60◦ q ! qi (x − xi ) 4πε0 |r − ri |3 2( 3 )b 2( 1 )b q2 2b = − − 23 + √ 2 4πε0 b (2b)3 ( 3b)3 q2 1 1 1 q2 = − − 2+√ = −0.6726 2 4πε0 b (2b) 4πε0 b2 3b2 Fx = 6-13 Although the diagram above suggests a 60◦ angle between the plates, the generalization to α = π/n is immediate. When the angle α of the bend is not commensurate with π, a solution may be interpolated from the π/n solutions. We take the x axis to contain the vertex and the charge. Consider the force due to the first images located at distance b along a line at ±α to the x axis. Chapter Six Solutions 59 The distance between the charge and each of these images is 2b sin 12 α so that we deduce a force q2 F = 4πε0 (2b)2 sin2 12 α from each of these. The y components exactly cancel, and the x components are given by −q 2 Fx = F sin 12 α = 4πε0 (2b)2 sin 12 α The second pair of images lie at 2α and each contribute Fx = +q 2 4πε0 (2b)2 sin α to the x component of the force, while the each charge of the third pair contributes −q 2 Fx = 4πε0 (2b)2 sin 32 α and so forth until the successive images reach the angle π at which point a single charge of sign (−1)π/α contributes Fx = (−1)π/α+1 q 2 4πε0 (2b)2 The net force from all these images is Fx = π/α−1 ! 2(−1)(π/α+1) −q 2 + (−1)π/α 2 4πε0 (2b) i=1 sin( 12 iα) It is not immediately obvious how to extend this result to values of π/α. Because we anticipate that the the force will vary smoothly with the angle of the vertex it is useful to examine how the sum varies as a n α function of integral π/α. Calculating the first 1 180◦ few sums, we find for n = π/α = 1, 2, 3, . . .and 2 90◦ so forth. 3 60◦ One is struck by the near constancy of the 4 45◦ increase as we go to successive n. In fact, 5 36◦ to excellent precision, the value of the sum 6 30◦ is given by (try it for other values) 7 25.71◦ 8 22.5◦ 0.13 Sn = 0.8825425n + 9 20◦ n 10 18◦ This result must surely work for the non20 9◦ integral values of n as well. In all cases the 100 1.8◦ force is one of attraction toward the vertex of 1000 0.18◦ the bend. non- integral Sum 1 1.82842706 2.69059886 3.56260903 4.43874411 5.31698487 6.19644235 7.07666496 7.95739990 8.83849498 17.6573902 88.2555449 8882.54251 60 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 6-14 The images must produce a zero potential line along the plane interface, which can be accomplished by any symmetric arrangement of charges. Therefore, we place one image an equal distance below the plane. The original and this image produce images in the sphere extrapolated from the hemisphere. These three image charges complete the set required to satisfy the boundary condition. 6-15 We pick the axes so that the line charge lies at x = b and y = 0 and runs parallel to the z axis. Then an image line charge −λ located at h = R2 /b will ensure a constant potential on the cylinder. We write the potential as −λ (ln r1 − ln r2 ) + C 4πε0 2 r12 r + b2 − 2rb cos θ −λ −λ ln ln = +C = +C 4πε0 r22 4πε0 r2 + h2 − 2rh cos θ V (r, θ) = At r = R the ratio r12 /r22 = b/h, so that in order to obtain zero potential on the cylinder we must set b λ ln C= 4πε0 h The potential inside the cylinder is therefore h(r2 + b2 − 2rb cos θ) −λ V (r, θ) = ln 4πε0 b(r2 + h2 − 2rh cos θ) with h = R 2 /b. 6-16 We know that two parallel line charges ±λ produce a set of nonconcentric cylindrical equipotentials. Our task will be to pick the locations of these line charges so that their equipotentials coincide with the two cylinders. Let h denote displacement of the nearer line charge from axis of cylinder a while h denotes the distance of the farther line charge from the axis of cylinder a. The distances of these line charges from the axis of cylinder b are then h + D and h + D. The geometry is illustrated in Figure 6.3. In order that the two line charges produce the equipotential desired, they must satisfy hh = a2 (D + h)(D + h ) = b2 Expanding the second of these and substituting hh = a2 we obtain D2 + (h + h )D + a2 = b2 Substituting a2 /h for h we obtain the quadratic Dh2 + (D2 + a2 − b2 )h + a2 D = 0 Chapter Six Solutions 61 Figure 6.3: The nested conducting cylinders of problem 6-16. which may be solved to yield h= (b2 − a2 − D2 ) ± (b2 − a2 − D2 )2 − 4a2 D2 2D The negative sign gives h while the + sign gives h . The potentials on the two cylinders are given by a b −λ −λ ln ln Va = Vb = 2πε0 h 2πε0 h+D so that the capacitance per unit length, λ/ΔV , becomes C = ln 2πε0 a h+D · h b with h given above. 6-17 The zero potential plane lies halfway between the wires of example 6.4. The potential difference between ground and one of the wires is just half that between the wires so that we deduce the capacitance per unit length is twice that of the pair of wires (D = 2d ). 2πε0 C = cosh−1 (d/R) 6-18 We again use the equipotentials around two line charges to do this problem. Denoting the distance of the hypothetical line charge λ from the center of cylinder a by ha and that of −λ from the axis of b as hb we write, referring to Figure 6.4 62 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Figure 6.4: The equipotential cylinders of problem 6-18. ha (D − hb ) = a2 hb (D − ha ) = b2 Using the second equation to eliminate hb from the first equation, we find Dh2a − (D2 − b2 + a2 )ha + a2 D = 0 which we solve to obtain ha = D2 − b2 + a2 ± (D2 − b2 + a2 )2 − 4a2 D2 2D The negative root must be chosen to give ha as illustrated. hb is found in the same manner to give D2 − a2 + b2 ± (D2 − a2 + b2 )2 − 4b2 D2 hb = 2D Again the positive root must be chosen. The potentials on cylinder the cylinders are a b −λ λ Va = ln ln Vb = 2πε0 ha 2πε0 hb from which we conclude the capacitance per unit length is C = ln 2πε0 a b · ha hb 6-19 When there is no inner sphere, and the charge distribution is independent of ϕ, the Green’s function (6-48) reduces to ∞ ! r> +1 1 P (cos θ )P (cos θ)r< − G(r, r ) = b2+1 r> =0 Chapter Six Solutions 63 With the charge density given, Q [δ(cos θ + 1) + δ(cos θ − 1)] 2b2 πr2 the potential becomes b ∞ r> 1 Q 1 ! V (r ) = [P (1) + P (−1)] P (cos θ) r< − dr +1 2+1 2b 4πε0 b r 0 > =1 ρ= The integral must be split into a region where r is r< and a second region where r is r> . b r b (. . .)dr = (r = r< )dr + (r = r> )dr 0 0 rr b 1 1 r r = − 2+1 r dr + r − 2+1 dr r+1 b r+1 b 0 r b −1 1 r r2+1 = − 1 − 2+1 + r +1 b r ( + 1)b2+1 r (2 + 1) r = 1− ( + 1) b The = 0 term is best obtained by direct integration b r b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 − − dr + − = r − (b − r) dr + ln r r b r b r b b 0 r r =1− r r ln b ln b + −1+ = b b r r The Legendre polynomial P (−1) = (−1) so that P (1) + P (−1) = 2 for even and vanishes for odd . Then 2 ∞ r 4 + 1 Q b ! P2 (cos θ) V (r ) = ln + 1− 4πε0 b r 2(2 + 1) b =1 6-20 The charge density may be written ρ(r ) = qδ[r − 12 (a + b)k̂] = qδ[r − 12 (a + b)]δ(cos θ − 1)/2πr2 . Both surfaces are grounded; hence the surface integral of (6–34) vanishes. We conclude, therefore, that 1 ρ(r )G(r, r )d3 r V (r ) = ε0 τ with G ) given by (6–74). As the solution should have no ϕ dependence we replace m Ym (θ, ϕ)Y∗m (θ , ϕ ) by [(2 + 1)/4π]P (cos θ), leading to 1 ! P (cos θ) V (r ) = × 4πε0 1 − (a/b)2+1 r> 1 a2+1 − +1 − r< δ[r − 12 (a + b)]dr +1 b2+1 r> r> τ 64 Classical Electromagnetic Theory When r < 12 (a + b) it is r< so that performing the trivial integration, the potential reduces to 2+1 q ! P (cos θ) (a + b) a2+1 V (r < r ) = − r − 4πε0 1 − (a/b)2+1 r+1 (a + b)+1 2 b2+1 When r > 12 (a + b), r = r> so that we may write 1 (a + b) q ! P (cos θ) r 2+1 a2+1 V (r > r ) = − 2+1 − 4πε0 1 − (a/b)2+1 r+1 b 2 (a + b)+1 6-21 We develop the Dirichlet Green’s function for the interior of a cylindrical box of radius a and length L. The equation we need to solve is 1 ∂ ∂G(r, r ) 1 ∂ 2 G(r, r ) ∂ 2 G(r, r ) + = −δ(r − r ) r + 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂ϕ2 ∂z 2 We consider G(r, r ) as a function of r and expand it in terms products of of Bessel functions that vanish at r = a and complex exponentials as ρ r ! mj G(r, r ) = eimϕ Amj (θ , ϕ )F(z, z )Jm a ,m Inspection of Bessel’s equation, (E–1) gives 1 d dJm m2 r = − 1 Jm r dr dr r2 so that substituting the expansion of G into ∇2 G = δ(r − r ) we simplify ρ r ! d2 F(z, z ) ρ2mj mj eimϕ = δ(r − r ) − F(z, z ) A (θ , ϕ )J mj m 2 2 dz a a ,m Next we must expand the δ function in terms of Bessel functions and complex exponentials. Using Example D.4 we can write δ(ϕ − ϕ ) = ∞ 1 ! im(ϕ−ϕ ) e 2π m=−∞ and using (D–15) we write δ(r − r ) = ρ r ρ r ! r mj mj Jm Jm ν a a mj m,j δ(z − z )δ(r − r )δ(ϕ − ϕ ) may be written r ρ r ρ r eim(ϕ−ϕ ) ! 1 mj mj δ(r − r ) = δ(z − z ) Jm Jm ν a a 2π mj m,j so that δ(r − r ) = Chapter Six Solutions 65 with νmj = ρ a J 0 ρ r a2 mj J r dr = [Jm+1 (ρmj )]2 a a 2 mj r Substituting the δ function expansion into the equation for F(z, z ) above, we immediately identify the expansion coefficients as ρ r mj e−imϕ Jmj a Ajm (r , ϕ ) = 2 a π[Jm+1 (ρmj )]2 leaving only the equation in (z, z ) to be solved. d2 F(z, z ) ρ2mj − 2 F(z, z ) = −δ(z − z ) dz 2 a Recognizing the discontinuity provided by the δ function we solve the homogeneous equation when z < z and when z > z ρ z mj F(z < z ) = Cmj (r ) sinh a ρ (L − z) mj F(z > z ) = Dmj (r ) sinh a We impose the symmetry between z and z and the requirement of continuity to write the solution as ρ (L − z ) ρ z mj mj sinh F(z < z ) = Cmj sinh a a and F(z > z ) = Cmj sinh ρ mj z sinh ρ mj (L − z) a a Finally, we determine the constant C by integrating the differential equation over a small region containing z . z + 2 z + z + 2 ρmj d F dz − Fdz = − δ(z − z )dz = −1 2 a2 z − dz z − z − dF dz or sinh = −1 z − ρ (L − z ) ρmj mj cosh a a a ρ z ρ (L − z ) ρ ρ L ρmj 1 mj mj mj mj + cosh sinh = sinh = a a a a a Cmj ρ mj z z + dF − dz We conclude F(z, z ) may be written F(z, z ) = ρ z ρ (L − z ) a mj < mj > sinh sinh ρmj sinh(ρmj L/a) a a 66 Classical Electromagnetic Theory We can now reassemble the Green’s function to get G(r, r ) = 1 aπ m=−∞ j=1 ρ − z> ) a a ρmj sinh(ρmj L/a)J2m+1 (ρmj ) ∞ sinh ∞ ! ! mj z< sinh ρ × eim(ϕ−ϕ ) Jm mj (L ρ mj r Jm ρ mj r a a The Green’s function for locations surrounding a cylinder or for regions between two cylinders may be constructed in similar (laborious) fashion. Errata: The line above Ex 6.4.5 should read: The capacitance per unit length is now obtained as λ/ΔV . The discussion following (6–33) has the wrong sign for the surface charge and the dipole layer. Chapter 7 7-1 This problem is essentially solved in the example 7.2. It suffices to replace the 0.9 by t/d and 0.1 by 1 − t/d so that Ed = V κ(d − t) + t and Eair = κV κ(d − t) + t 7-1 Since the needle like cavity is parallel to the polarization, the bound surface charge has little effect on the field inside the cavity; instead, we must use to determine the field in the the continuity of the parallel component of E diel. = cavity. Taking the dielectric to be linear and isotropic, we have E P /ε0 χ. Therefore, in the cavity cav = P E ε0 χ =P cav = ε0 E and D χ 7-3 This time the exposed ends of the dipoles contribute an field P/ε0 to the field perpendicular in the cavity. We use the continuity of the component of D to the interface to determine the fields in the cavity. In the dielectric, the displacement field is + P = P + P = ε0 E D χ ⊥ is continuous, we find Since D 1 Dcav P P P = + = + Ediel. Dcav = P 1 + and Ecav = χ ε0 ε0 χε0 ε0 7-4 The electric field outside the dielectric cylinder may be found as the field created by the exposed ends of the dipoles on the two end faces. Thus, 1 (P · n̂)(z k̂ − r ) (P · n̂)(z k̂ − r ) E(z) = dS + dS 4πε0 z=0 |r − r |3 |r − r |3 z=L = 1 4πε0 0 a 0 2π −P (z k̂ − r r̂)r dr dϕ (z 2 + r2 )3/2 a 2π P [(z − L)k̂ − r r̂]r dr dϕ 1 + 4πε0 0 0 [(z − L)2 + r2 ]3/2 Inspection shows that these integrals are indistinguishable from those of (Ex 7.1.1). The electric field when z > L is then: z P k̂ z−L E(z) = − 2ε0 (z 2 + a2 )1/2 [(z − L)2 + a2 ]1/2 — 67— 68 Classical Electromagnetic Theory is the same as that of 7-5 When the slot is parallel, the internal field strength H the magnetized material. In other words, for Hmat = M/χ, Hslot = M/χ and B = μ0 Hslot = μ0 M/χ. When the slot is perpendicular to the magnetization, B⊥ is continuous. Therefore Bdisk = μ0 (H + M ) = μ0 M (1/χ + 1) and Hdisk = M (1/χ + 1). 7-6 ·D = ρ and Gauss’ law to conclude To find the force on charge 2, we use ∇ D= q1 2 4πr12 The force on charge 2 is q2 D q2 = 2 ε1 4πε1 r12 q2 E = 7-7 If q2 lies in the material with permittivity ε2 , the field at this point is that due to the screened charge q1 and that due to the image q2 q1 = 2ε2 q1 ε1 + ε2 and q2 = − ε 1 − ε2 q2 ε1 + ε2 Hence the apparent charge at position q2 is 3ε2 − ε1 q ε1 + ε2 and the forces on the charges neglecting the signs are F2 = (3ε2 − ε1 )q 2 4πε2 (ε1 + ε2 )d2 and F1 = (3ε1 − ε2 )q 2 4πε1 (ε1 + ε2 )d2 where d is the distance between the charges. The difference reflects the force that the discontinuity of polarization at the interface exerts on the charges. 7-8 The potential V (R) at the surface of the sphere is Q/(4πε0 R) so that the potential at the center of the sphere may be found from V (0) − V (R) = − 0 E(r) · dr = R 1 4πε1 0 R Qr dr R3 Q = 8πε1 R where we have used Gauss’ law to find E(r) inside the sphere. The potential at the center is therefore 1 1 Q + V (0) = 4πR ε0 2ε1 Chapter Seven Solutions 7-9 69 Using expression (7–114), we find for a uniform magnetization = − μ0 B 4π μ0 (M · n̂)(r − r )dS M · dS ∇ = |r − r | 4π |r − r |3 When r is 0, the integral over the inside and outside hemisphere precisely · n̂)rdS = cancel leaving only the integral over the disk. On this surface, (M M r̂r dr dϕ . Clearly this also vanishes since 2π r̂dϕ ≡ 0. 7-10 Noting that the image dipole p is given by p = ε0 − ε ( p − 2pz k̂) ε0 + ε we adopt the expression for the energy of the dipoles found in problem 6-4: 1 (3pz pz − p · p ) 32πε0 z 3 ε1 − ε0 2 1 p (1 + cos2 θ) = 32πε0 z 3 ε0 + ε1 W = where the z axis was chosen to lie along the line joining the dipole and its image. The force on the dipole and the torque are now easily obtained. Fz = − ε0 − ε 3p2 (1 + cos2 θ) 1 ∂W = 2 ∂z ε0 + ε 64πε0 z 4 and τθ = − ε0 − ε p2 sin(2θ) 1 ∂W = 2 ∂θ ε0 + ε 64πε0 z 3 7-11 In the region of the capacitor where the dielectric slab lies between the plates, we may use the results of problem 7-1 to write the electric field Eair = 2εV (ε0 + ε)d and Ediel = 2ε0 V (ε0 + ε)d and the field in the remaining area is E = V /d. The potential energy of the capacitor when charged to voltage V is then W = 12 εE 2 dr3 = ε0 ΔxΔy 12 d (2εV )2 εΔxΔy 12 d (2ε0 V )2 ε0 (ab − ΔxΔy)V 2 + + 2d 2 (ε0 + ε)2 d2 2 (ε0 + ε)2 d2 The force in the x direction (when V is held constant) is −ε0 ε0 ε 2 εε20 ∂W ε0 (ε − ε0 ) = + + ΔyV 2 Fx = ΔyV 2 = ∂x 2d (ε0 + ε)2 d (ε0 + ε)2 d 2(ε0 + ε)d 70 Classical Electromagnetic Theory and the y component is Fy = ε0 (ε − ε0 ) ∂W = ΔxV 2 ∂y 2(ε0 + ε)d 7-12 The electric field between the cylinders takes the form ΔV Va − Vb ≡ r ln(a/b) r ln(b/a) E= so that, assuming that oil fills the capacitor of length to height z, the potential energy may be written W = π(ΔV )2 [εz + ε0 ( − z)] ln(b/a) The vertical electrical force on the oil may be equated to the gravitational force (ε − ε0 )π(ΔV )2 = ρgzπ(b2 − a2 ) Fz = ln(b/a) to obtain the height to which the oil rises: z= (ε − ε0 )(ΔV )2 ρg(b2 − a2 ) ln(b/a) 7-13 We start this problem by recognizing that any line charge λ at distance d from the plane dielectric interface has an image λ = (ε0 − ε1 )/(ε0 + ε1 )λ ≡ Kλ a distance d from the interface inside the dielectric. Assuming |K| is small a rapidly diminishing series of image line charges will establish a constant potential on the cylinder surface. Let us assume the cylinder center is at distance D from the interface. As a first approximation we place a line charge λ (not the total charge per length on the cylinder which will be the sum of all the line charges in the cylinder) at the center which we denote by x = 0. An image charge λ = Kλ at x1 = 2D is required. This image must be balanced by an image −Kλ placed at x1 = a2 /(2D). This charge in turn produces an image −K 2 λ in the plane at x2 = 2D − 2a2 /2D. This image in turn yields an image K 2 λ inside the cylinder located at x2 = 2a2 D/(4D2 − a2 ). We iterate once more to get an image K 3 λ in the dielectric at x3 = 2D − 2a2 D/(4D2 − a2 ) whose image −K 3 λ inside the cylinder lies at x3 = a2 /x3 = a2 (4D2 − a2 )/[2D(4D2 − 3a2 )]. This process could be continued ad infinitum although the location of images hardly changes after the first few iterations. The charge density on he cylinder is λ(1 − K + K 2 − K 3 + · · ·) = λ/(1 + K) = λ0 meaning the total image charge is λ0 K. We would make little error by approximating the charges inside the cylinder by a central line charge density λ and the remaining −Kλ0 at x1 = a2 /2D. The image line charge in the dielectric may Chapter Seven Solutions 71 be approximated at Kλ0 located at x1 = 2D. The potential just outside the surface of the cylinder is then −λ0 " ln r − K ln r2 + x21 − 2rx1 cos ϕ V (r ) = 2πε0 +K ln r2 + (2D)2 − 4rD cos ϕ whence K(a − x1 cos ϕ) −λ0 1 K(a − 2D cos ϕ) − Er (a) = + 2πε0 a a2 + (2D)2 − 4Da cos ϕ a2 + x21 − 2ax1 cos ϕ σ = ε0 If higher accuracy is desired, it suffices to carry more terms of the series as outlined. The term for the central charge in relation to the total charge is correct to all orders 7-14 The field strength between the faces of the magnetron magnet is 1 H=− HP M d L PM where L is the length of the gap. Assuming that inserting the screwdriver into the gap does not significantly perturb the field internal to the magnet, we find the energy of the field increased by 2 (μ − μ0 ) PM HP M d A r W = L when the screwdriver is inserted to a distance r. The radial force is then 2 A(μ − μ0 ) PM HP M d ∂W = Fr = − ∂r L In reality , of course, the field in the magnet will be affected by the change of reluctance as the screwdriver is inserted. 7-15 Several different methods may be used to solve this problem. We will explore three taking the z axis along the magnetization. For the first method we use equation (7–110) and proceed much like the example 7.10. Vm = − 1 ∇· 4π τ M0 k̂d3 r |r − r | To effect the integration, we expand |r − r |−1 as a Legendre series: 1 1 ! r< = P (cos θ) |r − r | r> r> 72 Classical Electromagnetic Theory All the = 0 terms vanish when integrated over the solid angle, leaving only 2 r dr dΩ M0 ∂ Vm = − 4π ∂z r> 2 r dr ∂ = −M0 ∂z r> r must always be less than a, the radius of the sphere. Likewise, when r lies outside the sphere it is always r> , leading to a 2 ∂ r dr ∂ a3 = −M0 Vm (r > a) = −M0 ∂z 0 r ∂z 3r 3 M0 a z = 3r3 Differentiating, we obtain r k̂ 3 z B(r > a) = −μ0 ∇Vm = μ0 M0 a − 3 r5 3r When r lies inside the sphere, some care is required. r is r< from 0 until it reaches r whereupon it becomes r> for the rest of the integration. Thus r 2 a 2 ∂ r dr r dr + Vm (r < a) = −M0 ∂z r r 0 r 2 2 2 r a ∂ r = −M0 − + = 13 M0 z ∂z 3 2 2 The induction field this time is given by = μ0 (H +M ) = μ0 (−∇V m+M ) B = μ0 (− 13 M0 k̂ + M0 k̂) = 23 μ0 M0 k̂ An alternative approach is to replace the magnetization by a body current ×M and a surface current j = M × n̂. The body current vanishes Jm = ∇ leaving only the surface current × n̂ = M k̂ × r̂ = M sin θ ϕ̂ M Comparing this current to that on the rotating charged sphere (Example 5.10) × n̂ with σaω and adapt the solution immediately. we identify M We could also have treated this problem as a boundary condition problem. The scalar potential takes the form ! A r P (cos θ) Vm (r < a) = ! B Vm (r > a) = P (cos θ) r+1 Chapter Seven Solutions 73 From this we find = −∇V m H and ⎧ ! ⎨ − r−1 A P (cos θ) ! ( + 1)B Hr = ⎩ P (cos θ) r+2 ⇒ ⎧ ! ∂P (cos θ) ⎪ ⎨ −A r−1 ∂θ Hθ = ! B ∂P (cos θ) ⎪ ⎩ − +2 r ∂θ (r < a) (r > a) (r < a) (r > a) = μ0 (H +M ), The magnetic induction field may generally be found as B whence we obtain the radial (perpendicular) component of B ⎧ ! ⎨ μ0 −A r−1 P (cos θ) + M cos θ (r < a) ! B ( + 1) Br = ⎩ μ0 P (cos θ) (r > a) r+2 We equate the interior and exterior forms of Br at the boundary −A1 + M = 2B1 a3 and A a−1 = ( + 1)B a+2 when = 1 The requirement of continuity of Hθ at the boundary gives A1 = B1 a3 and A a−1 = B a+2 when = 1 Solving the = 1 equation gives us A1 = 13 M while the = 1 equations give +1 B B = 2+1 A = 2+1 a a having no nonzero solutions. The scalar magnetic potential may now be written Vm (r < a) = 13 M r cos θ = 13 M z Vm (r > a) = a3 M cos θ 3r2 is performed as in the first solution. The evaluation of B 7-16 We write the general solution for the scalar potential in spherical polar coor 0 at large distances. dinates, including explicitly the term to give H ! Vm (r ≤ R) = A r P (cos θ) ! B Vm (r > R) = −H0 r cos θ + P (cos θ) r+1 74 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The boundary conditions to be applied to this solution are Br (R+ ) = Br (R− ) and Hθ (R+ ) = Hθ (R− ) The first of these yields ! A r−1 P (cos θ) = ! −( + 1)B r+2 P (cos θ) − H0 cos θ − M cos θ while the second yields ! B ! P (cos θ) A r−1 P (cos θ) = −H0 P1 (cos θ) + r+2 The = 1 terms yield A1 = −H0 + B1 R3 andA1 = −H0 − M − 2B1 R3 which we solve to obtain B1 = − 13 M R3 and A1 = −H0 − 13 M . The = 1 terms must vanish to give the following interior and exterior potentials Vm (r ≤ R) = −(H0 + 13 M )r cos θ = −(H0 + 13 M )z M R3 Vm (r > R) = − H0 + z 3r3 The magnetic induction field is now easily obtained: ≤ R) = μ0 (H0 + 1 M )k̂ B(r 3 M R3 μ0 M R3 zr B(r > R) = μ0 H0 + M + k̂ − 3r3 r5 7-17 Adapting the results for the magnetized cylinder to this problem by letting a → ∞, we find Vm = M z inside the slab where we have taken M to lie along . Hence B = μ0 (H +M )=0 = −∇V m = −M the z axis. We deduce that H inside the slab. That B = 0 outside the slab is easily demonstrated by calculating the field of an infinite sheet of dipoles as follows: ∞ M · (r − r ) M · (z k̂ − ρr̂) = −μ0 ∇ B ∇ dS = −μ 2πρ dρ = 0 0 2 + ρ2 )3/2 4π|r − r |3 4π(z 0 7-18 The contribution from the face centered at 12 b to the scalar potential at z assuming that M is z directed is M · dS M a 2πr dr 1 = − Vm (z) = 4π |r − r | 4π 0 r2 + (z − 12 b)2 a M M 2 r2 + (z − 12 b)2 = − a + (z − 12 b)2 − (z − 12 b)2 =− 2 2 0 Similarly the face at − 12 b contributes Chapter Seven Solutions 75 Vm (z) = M 2 a + (z + 12 b)2 − (z + 12 b) 2 to the scalar potential. Adding the two terms, we obtain M 2 Vm (z) = a + (z + 12 b)2 − a2 + (z − 12 b)2 − 2z 2 0 , implying that 7-19 At large distances the magnetic field intensity must tend to H Vm → −H0 r cos ϕ. Thus Vm (r > a) = −H0 r cos ϕ + and Vm (r < a) = ! ! Bn rn cos nϕ An rn cos nϕ The boundary conditions require the continuity of Br = −μ∂Vm /∂r and Hϕ = −(1/r)∂Vm /∂ϕ at r = a. Applying the first of these, ! nBn ! n−1 μ0 H0 cos ϕ + cos nϕ = μ nA r cos nϕ n n+1 r r=a r=a which gives B1 −μ0 H0 + 2 = μA1 a and − Bn μ = An a2n μ0 (n = 1) The continuity of Hϕ gives −H0 + B1 = A1 a2 and Bn = An a2n (n = 1) The n = 1 equations admit only the trivial solution when μ = μ0 while the n = 1 equations give (μ − μ0 )A1 = − or B1 = 2μB1 a2 and μ − μ0 H0 a2 μ + μ0 (μ − μ0 )H0 = (μ + μ0 ) and A1 = B1 a2 −2μ0 H0 μ + μ0 0 Thus, for an x -directed field B V (r < a) = − 2μ0 2B0 x H0 r cos ϕ = − μ + μ0 μ + μ0 and V (r > a) = − B0 B0 μ − μ0 a2 μ − μ0 a2 cos ϕ = − x r cos ϕ − x− μ0 μ + μ0 r μ0 μ + μ0 r2 76 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The fields are now easily computed. Interior to the cylinder, < a) = −μ∇V m= B(r and > a) = B 0 − μ − μ0 B(r μ + μ0 2μ B0 μ + μ0 0 0 · r)r a2 B 2a2 (B − r2 r4 d3 r must lie along the symmetry axis which 7-20 The magnetic dipole moment M we take to be the z axis. The magnetic dipole moment is therefore simply M τ , where τ is the volume of the magnet. 7-21 The magnet at perpendicular distance z from the interface induces an image − 2Mz k̂) inside the iron. Following the method dipole −(1 − 2 × 10−4 )V (M of problem 6-4, we find the force on the dipole to be Fz = −3μ0 (m2 + m2z ) 64πz 4 We specialize this result to the dipole being parallel to the plate, mz = 0, Fz = −3μ0 (M V )2 /(64πz 4 ), or perpendicular, mz = m, Fz = −3μ0 (M V )2 /(32πz 2 ). The force is directed towards the iron surface. 7-22 We consider the magnetic circuit constituted by the yoke, the airspace and the magnet. For the entire circuit · d = 0 ⇒ HP M P M = − · d H H rest · d = Φ, with H Further, rest = d 20 cm 1 cm 25, 020 cm−1 = + = μA 25, 000 μ0 cm2 μ0 cm2 25, 000 μ0 so that the flux may be found in terms of the PM field, Φ= −HP M × 10cm = −9.992μ0 cm2 HP M (25, 020/25, 000)cm Φ is assumed constant around the circuit so that we may relate it the magnetic induction field in the magnet to obtain a relation between BP M and HP M : BP M = ΦA = −9.992μ0 HP M . Solving this simultaneously with the hysteresis curve relation between B and H, we obtain BP M ∼ 0.54T and HP M ∼ −0.054T/4π ×10−7 = −4.3×104 A/m. Because the cross section does not vary, B is constant around the loop, so that Hair = B/μ0 = 4.3×105 A/m and Hyoke = B/(25, 000μ0 ) = 17.2A/m. Chapter Seven Solutions 77 = ε0 E + P . Adding the polariza7-23 The displacement field is generally given D tion to ε0 E as given in (Ex 7.7.1) gives P z L−z D(z) = + 2 (z 2 + a2 )1/2 [(L − z)2 + a2 ]1/2 We translate the origin to z = 12 L so that z, the distance to the bottom face is replaced by z + 12 L and (L − z) is replaced by 12 L − z to obtain 1 1 P 2L + z 2L − z D(z) = + 1 2 [( 12 L + z)2 + a2 ]3/2 [( 2 L − z)2 + a2 ]3/2 Comparison to the result of Exercise 7.4 shows that replacing P by μ0 M makes the results identical. 7-24 This problem is very similar to Example 7.10 (or 7.12) and we proceed in the same way. Thus, M0 x ı̂ 3 1 Vm (r ) = − ∇ · d r 4π r − r | τ | x M0 ∂ d3 r =− 4π ∂x τ |r − r | where the volume τ includes the boundary. We again resort to spherical harmonics to effect the integration. x = r sin θ cos ϕ may be written as −1 1 x = 2r 8π r − r | 3 Y1 (θ , ϕ ) − Y1 (θ , ϕ ) and we use (F–47) to expand 1/| resulting in & 8π 4π 2M0 ∂ ! m Vm (r ) = − Y (θ, ϕ) 4π ∂x 3 2 + 1 ,m × r< Y1−1 (Ω ) − Y11 (Ω ) Y∗m (Ω )r r2 dr dΩ +1 r> The integration over Ω eliminates all but the = 1, m = ±1 terms each of which integrates to unity. M0 ∂ x a r< 3 Vm (r ) = − 2 r dr 3 ∂x r 0 r> When r > a, the scalar magnetic potential is M0 ∂ x a r 3 M0 a5 ∂ x M0 a5 1 3x2 Vm (r ) = − r dr = − = − − 3 ∂x r 0 r2 15 ∂x r3 15 r3 r5 When r < a we need to break the integral into two intervals. r a r 3 r 3 M0 ∂ x Vm (r ) = − r dr + r dr 2 3 ∂x r 0 r2 r r 78 Classical Electromagnetic Theory xa2 xr2 M0 2 M0 ∂ xr2 + − =− 5a − 3(3x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) 3 ∂x 5 2 2 30 m = −μ0 ∇V The magnetic induction field may be found as B =− 5 2 > a) = μ0 M0 a − r − 3xı̂ + 15x r B(r 15 r5 r5 r7 Similarly, the interior induction field is < a) = − μ0 M0 3xı̂ + yĵ + z k̂ B(r 5 Alternatively, we might use the methods of Example 7.12. The divergence of the magnetization ∇·M 0 xı̂ = M0 which is easily integrated over the volume to give the first of the two integrals in (7–114). a M0 1 2 1 2 r dr dΩ = −M r dr − 0 4π τ |r − r | 0 r> where the volume τ does not include the boundary. Vm (r > a) = − M0 a3 3r Vm (r < a) = −M0 a2 2 − r2 6 = sin θ cos ϕ a2 dΩ The remaining surface integral may be evaluated using ı̂·dS and on the surface x = a sin θ cos ϕ so that 1 4π · dS M M0 a sin2 θ cos2 ϕ a2 dΩ = |r − r | 4π |r − r | ! Ym (θ, ϕ) Y∗m (θ , ϕ ) sin2 θ cos2 ϕ r dΩ < = M0 a +1 2 + 1 r> 3 ,m sin θ cos ϕ may be written as 14 sin2 θ(eiϕ +e−iϕ )2 = 14 sin2 θ(e2iϕ +e−2iϕ +2) 1 4π 0 4π 0 π −2 π −2 2 2 2 Y + Y − Y sin θ = − Y = 2 2 − 2 2 30 2 30 45 Y2 + 9 Y0 which allows us to eliminate the terms other than = 2, m = 0, ±2 and = 0, m = 0 from the sum. the sum above, integrated over Ω then becomes √ √ √ & √ −2 2 π 3Y2 (θ, ϕ) − 3Y22 (θ, ϕ) − 8Y20 r< 40Y00 (θ, ϕ) 3 M0 a 3 + 90 5 r> r> 2 2 = 2 r2 M0 a3 r< M0 a3 1 sin2 θ cos2 ϕ + − <3 3 5 r> 3 r> 5r> When r > a, meaning r< = a, the scalar magnetic potential, using both the volume and surface integral becomes Vm (r > a) = M0 a5 (3x2 − r2 ) 15r5 Chapter Seven Solutions 79 The interior (r> = a) magnetic scalar potential becomes a2 r2 M0 x2 M0 2 r 2 − + Vm (r < a) = −M0 + a − 2 6 5 3 5 M0 (9x2 + 3y 2 + 3z 2 − 5a2 ) = 30 7-25 Following the hint, we compute * " #+ = (ε + δε) E + δE D + δεδ E = εE vanish. To a zeroth approximation, the permittivity of the as δε and δ E mixture is just the average of the permittivities. To obtain the first order Consider ∇ ·D = 0, correction we must evaluate δεδ E. " # + δ E) =∇ · (εδ E + δεE · ε + δε)(E ∇ " # · δ E) + E ·∇ δε = 0 = ε(∇ In other words, ε∂k δE k = −E k ∂k δε We differentiate once more with respect to xj to get ε∂ j ∂k δE k = −E k ∂ j ∂k δε · E) = ∇2 E j so that If the medium is isotropic, ∂ j ∂k ε = 13 δkj ∇2 ε while ∂ j (∇ we rewrite the equation as E j 2 ∇ δε 3ε E j δε δE j = − 3ε ∇2 δE j = − ⇒ Multiplying both sides by δε and averaging, we get the required correction to Thus D. E j (δε)2 δE j δε = − 3ε we have Substitute this into the expression for D (δε)2 D = ε − E 3ε From this expression we read immediately εmix = ε − (δε)2 3ε To show that this is the desired result, we expand 80 Classical Electromagnetic Theory " ε + δε #1/3 = ε1/3 + 13 ε−2/3 (δε) − 1 −5/3 (δε)2 9 ε + ··· We take the average of both sides to get * + 1/3 (ε + δε) = ε1/3 − 19 ε−5/3 (δε)2 + · · · (δε)2 + · · · = ε1/3 1 − 9ε2 Finally we cube both sides to obtain * +3 (δε)2 1/3 (ε + δε) = ε 1 − + ··· 3ε2 completing the demonstration. 7-26 Equation (7–54) readily reduces to the diffusion equation ∂B ∂t when the conductor is stationary. This problem is better described as an initial value problem than a boundary condition problem. Let us look at the were a scalar (it is not of course) the form of the solutions to this equation. If B separable solutions of the form R(r)f (t) would have spherical Bessel functions R(r) = j0 (kr) = (sin kr)/(kr). B would then satisfy ∇2 B = −k 2 B so that the temporal function f (t) satisfies = gμ ∇2 B df k2 =− f dt gμ ⇒ f = e−(k 2 /gμ)t The characteristic decay time for a disturbance of length k −1 is gμ/k 2 . Before it is objected that B is a vector field and all this is irrelevant, we recall that the of the scalar solution solves the vector equation so gradient (as well as r × ∇) that conclusions about the temporal behavior are valid. Continuing therefore with the scalar solution, we can synthesize an arbitrary B in the sphere by superimposing solutions with increasing k. The lowest k (slowest decay) is k = π/R. Thus, τ = gμR2 /π 2 is the decay time for global fields. For a copper sphere of 1 m radius this implies a decay time of 5.9 × 107 × 4π × 10−7 = 7.5s π2 For the hypothetical earth (R = 3 × 106 m for the core), τ= 106 × 4π × 10−7 × 9 × 1012 ≈ 1.15 × 1012 s ≈ 3.6 × 104 y π2 These considerations would suggest that it would be very difficult to produce large-scale changes in the earth’s magnetic field in times less than 104 years. τ= Errata: Ex 7.8.3 on page 187 has a misplaced superscript ( + 2) which should be in the denominator R of the last term. On page 188, following Ex 7.8.6 the phrase should read: which, when solved for A1 , give A1 = −E0 − 13 P/ε0 . Chapter 8 8-1 of a plane wave satisfies (8–123) Generally, in a conductor, the wave vector K ig K 2 = μεω 2 1 + εω A good conductor is characterized by g εω, so that to a good approximation √ 2 2 ig K = μω ⇒ K = μgωeiπ/4 ω in terms of E using (8–122), H 0 = (K × E)/(ωμ) Writing H it is evident that ◦ H and E oscillate 45 out of phase. 8-2 The skin depth δ is given by , 2 βε with δ= g 2μ , β =1+ 1+ g εω 2 Putting the explicit values in we find 4.3 g = = 9.7 × 106 1 εω 80 × 8.85 × 10−12 × 2π × 100 so that & δ= 2 = gωμ0 & 2 = 24.3 m 4.3 × 4π × 10−7 × 2π × 102 Such ELF waves would be useful only if the submarine was within a few meters of the water surface. 8-3 A spherical membrane with surface tension σ and radius of curvature R exerts inward pressure ℘ = σ/2R per surface. The outward pressure from blackbody radiation is 13 U = 43 σS-B T 4 /c. Putting in numeric values as far as possible, the interior pressure supported by two surfaces is ⇒ 4 × 5.67 × 10−8 × (300)4 N σ = = 0.51 × 10−6 Pascal R 3 × 3 × 108 m2 σ R = = 1.96 × 106 σ 0.51 × 10−6 × B, whereas the 8-4 According to (8–39) the momentum density is given by D Poynting vector S = E × H according to (8–36). In the dielectric, ×B = εE × B = ε S D μ μ — 81— 82 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 8-5 Forces arise from two different sources—from the change of momentum of the reflected light and from the change of momentum of the transmitted light. The reflected power is just [(1 − n)/(1 + n)]2 dW/dt, with attendant change in momentum flux 2 2 1 − n dW Fr = c 1+n dt The portion of the beam that will be transmitted has energy flux (4n)/(1 + n)2 dW/dt and carries (in air) momentum flux 4n(dW/dt) c(1 + n)2 toward the interface while it carries momentum at a rate 4n(dW/dt) v(1 + n)2 away from the interface. The net change in momentum of the light beam per unit time is therefore 4n 4n 2 (1 − n)2 + − c c v dW Fr = 2 (1 + n) dt = 2 − 4n + 2n2 + 4n − 4n2 dW (1 + n)2 c dt = 2(1 − n2 ) dW (1 + n)2 c dt The corresponding force on the dielectric is just minus this result. It is instructive to obtain this result from the Maxwell stress tensor using dFz = −Tzz dSz with ·D +B · H) = 1 (E ·D +B · H) Tzz = −Ez Dz − Bz Hz + 12 (E 2 for a z directed transverse wave. In accordance with the discussion on page 84, the force from a parallel field is directed toward the wall. On the incident side, 1−n 2 Ei Etot = Ei + Er = 1 + Ei = 1+n n+1 and & Htot = ε0 (Ei − Er ) = μ0 & & ε0 ε0 2n 1−n Ei 1− = μ0 1+n μ0 1 + n leading to Tzz ·D +B · H) = 1 ε0 = 12 (E 2 2 n+1 2 ε0 + μ0 μ0 2n n+1 2 Ei2 Chapter Eight Solutions = 83 2(1 + n2 ) 2(1 + n2 ) d2 W ε0 cEi2 = 2 c(n + 1) c(n, +1)2 dAdt In the same fashion, on the dielectric side of the interface & ε 2 2 Ei Ei Ht = Et = n+1 μ0 n + 1 whence 1 2 E 4ε 4ε + Ei2 (n + 1)2 (n + 1)2 d2 W 4n2 4n2 ε0 cEi2 = = 2 2 c(n + 1) c(n + 1) dAdt +B · H = ·D 1 2 The force on the dielectric is then F = 2 2(n2 − 1) dW 2 2 dW = [2n − (1 + n )] c(n + 1)2 dt c(n + 1)2 dt 8-6 The decay constant is 1/α, with & sin2 θi 2π 2 2 = α = kt − 1 = k sin θ − n sin2 60◦ − (1/1.7)2 i i n2 λ 3.993 = λ Thus the decay distance is nearly 14 λ. 8-7 Using the formulas for the half angles, the phase angles are easily computed. sin2 θi − n2 tan 12 ϕs = = 1.27 ⇒ ϕs = 103.6◦ cos θi tan 12 ϕp = (1.7)2 × 1.27 = 3.67 ⇒ ϕp = 149.52◦ 8-8 An EM plane wave propagating through a conducting medium satisfies ig −k 2 + μεω 2 1 + =0 ωε Taking the view that the plasma is a conducting rather than a polarizable medium, we set ε = ε0 and using mv˙ = q E ⇒ v = iq E mω ⇒ inq 2 J = nqv = E mω we get the conductivity g = inq 2 /mω. We substitute this into the dispersion relation above to find nq 2 k 2 = με0 ω 2 1 − mω 2 ε0 84 Classical Electromagnetic Theory With the identification ωp2 = nq 2 /(mε0 ) this becomes ωp2 ω2 k = 2 1− 2 c ω 2 8-9 Newton’s equation of motion for a charge e in an axial field B and an electric (in the x-y plane) is field E −iωt + eẏBı̂ − eẋBĵ mr̈ = eEe or eEx −iωt eEx −iωt eB ẏ + e e ≡ ωc ẏ + m m m eEy −iωt eB eEy −iωt ẋ + e e ÿ = − ≡ −ωc ẋ + m m m We untangle these equations by taking (complex) linear combinations of x and y. e(Ex + iEy ) −iωt e ẍ + iÿ = ωc (ẏ − iẋ) + m e(Ex − iEy ) −iωt e ẍ − iÿ = ωc (ẏ + iẋ) + m Now assuming a harmonic time dependence with angular frequency ω for each of the components, we write ẍ = e(Ex + iEy ) eE+ = −ωωc (x + iy) + m m e(Ex − iEy ) eE− 2 = ωωc (x − iy) + −ω (x − iy) = ωc (−iω)(y + ix) + m m − ω 2 (x + iy) = ωc (−iω)(y − ix) + Grouping terms we find −(ω 2 ± ωωc )(x ± iy) = eE± m ⇒ x ± iy = − eE± m(ω 2 ± ωωc ) The corresponding components of the polarization of the medium are P± ≡ Px ± iPy = nex ± iy = from which we deduce that ε± = ε 0 −ωp2 ε0 E± −ne2 E± = m(ω 2 ± ωωc ) (ω 2 ± ωωc ) ωp2 1− 2 (ω ± ωωc ) The dispersion relation k 2 = ω 2 μ0 ε becomes ωp2 ω2 2 k± = 2 1− 2 c ω ± ωωc Chapter Eight Solutions 85 A right hand circularly polarized wave propagating in the +z direction has electric field components E− = E0 and E+ = 0 and therefore propagates with k− while a left hand circularly polarized wave propagates with k+ . 8-10 The total current consists of both the real current and the bound current arising from the changing polarization of the medium. Thus the current traversing a cross sectional area A is ∂ P 0 (g cos ωt − ωχε0 sin ωt) · A I = J + ·A=E ∂t # VA " g cos ωt − (ε − ε0 )ω sin ωt = d The amplitude of the current is 1/2 VA 2 g + (ε − ε0 )2 d 1/2 VA = −2 4.32 + (3.14 × 109 × 79 × 8.85 × 10−12 )2 10 m = 482.8 × VA (A/V m) |I| = 8-11 The permittivities may be computed from the principal refractive indices, εxx = 1.69ε0 , εyy = 2.25ε0 and εzz = 2.89ε0 . The electric displacement vector associated with E is then D = ε0 (0.976ı̂, 1.26ĵ, 1.674k̂). The Poynting D vector is now easily computed, except for a numerical constant ×H ∝ (ı̂, ĵ, −2k̂) S = E The direction of the wave vector k may similarly be found k = D ×B ∝ (ı̂, ĵ, −1.36k̂) The non-colinearity of the Poynting and wave vector is evident. 8-12 The total power incident on the interface where it has footprint S is i × H i) · S = S(E i × H i ) cos θi ∝ ni S cos θi E 2 Pi = (E i On the other side of the interface, the footprint is the same, but the cross section of the beam is different, t × H t) · S ∝ nt S cos θt Et2 Pt = (E The ratio of transmitted to incident power is therefore nt cos θt 2 Pt = t Pi ni cos θi It is readily verified that r2 + Pt /Pi = 1. 86 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 8-13 If the expansion occurred adiabatically the expanded volume must have the same energy contained within it as did the unexpanded. The radiation does work as it is expanding and we use the adiabatic expansion law P V γ = constant with γ = 43 and noting that V ∝ L3 and P ∝ T 4 , we have T 4 L4 = constant. Thus Lf Ti = = 366.3 Li Tf 8-14 The ratio of reflected to incident power is given (for a good conductor) & E0,r 2 = 1 − 2 2ωε0 = 0.9898 E0,i g The transmitted and reflected field “amplitudes” may be found from E0,t = 2 E0,i 1+η and E0,r = 1−η E0,i 1+η with η given by & η= g (1 + i) = 196 + 196i 2ωε0 Substituting these values we find E0,t = 0.0072e−0.7828i E0,i and E0,r = −(0.9949 + .005i)E0,i yielding phase shifts of 44.85◦ for the transmitted wave and 179.72◦ for the reflected wave. The reflection coefficient found earlier is easily verified from the amplitude of the reflected wave. Chapter 9 9-1 TM modes are characterized by Bz = 0. It remains, therefore, to solve for Ez from ∇2t Ez + (μεω 2 − k 2 )Ez = 0 The solutions are of the form cos αx cos βy Ez = sin αx sin βy Applying the boundary conditions: Ez = 0 at x = 0, x = a, y = 0 and y = b the solution reduces to mπy nπx sin Ez = A sin a b If this is substituted into the wave equation (above) we find immediately the relevant dispersion relation 2 2 mπ nπ + + k 2 − μεω 2 = 0 a b The transverse components of the magnetic field intensity Ht are found from (9–23) t = iεω k̂ × ∇t Ez H μεω 2 − k 2 nπ nπx mπy mπ nπx mπy iεωA ı̂ cos sin + ĵ sin cos = k̂ × μεω 2 − k 2 a a b b a b nπ nπx mπy mπ nπx mπy iεωA ĵ cos sin − ı̂ sin cos = μεω 2 − k 2 a a b b a b 9-2 TE modes satisfy (∇2 + γ 2 )H0,z = 0 with boundary conditions H0,z (0) = H0,z (c) = 0 and ∂H0,z /∂n = 0 at the side walls, leading to solutions of the form H0,z = H0 sin nπx mπy πz cos cos c a b whence we find the transverse fields (page 254) 0,t = − πH0 cos πz ı̂ nπ sin nπx cos mπy + ĵ mπ cos nπx sin mπy H cγ 2 c a a b b a b and 0,t = iμωH0 sin πz ĵ nπ nπx cos mπy − ı̂ mπ cos nπx sin mπy E γ2 c a sin a b b a b — 87— 88 Classical Electromagnetic Theory where γ = μεω − 2 2 π c 2 = nπ a 2 + mπ b 2 2 The second equality may be rewritten to give 2 μεω = π c 2 or + , 1 ω = √ f= 2π 2 με nπ a n 2 a 2 + + mπ b m 2 b 2 + c The = 0 term yields only the trivial solution so that we must have ≥ 1. Some of the lower modes have then the mode numbers (n, m, ) = (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (0, 2, 1) and (1, 1, 1). It is not possible, without further information about the dimensions a, b, and c to judge which of the second to sixth term will be the lowest. 9-3 The fundamental modes of the air-spaced parallel plates are TEM modes. (Note that the argument forbidding these fails when the enclosure is not complete.) If we ignore the fringing field, (more accurately we should use the field distribution illustrated in figure 5.12 to account for the fringing field) the TEM electric field may be written r, t) = E0 ı̂ei(kz−ωt) E( where we have taken the x axis perpendicular to the plates. The corresponding magnetic field intensity is = ∇ × E = E0 ĵ ei(kz−ωt) H iμ0 ω μ0 c As pointed out these waves are non-dispersive. The parallel plates also support are also TE and TM modes. The TM modes satisfy [∇2t + (μεω 2 − k 2 )]E0 z = 0 with solutions cos αx sin βy E0,z = A with α2 + β 2 = μεω 2 − k 2 sin αx cos βy The boundary condition at the plates, x = 0 and x = a is that Ez must vanish, leading to nπx cos βy E0,z = A sin sin βy a Chapter Nine Solutions 89 At the open sides, y = 0 and y = b, the most obvious boundary condition is that the surface current must vanish. Writing the surface current in terms of H we have = ±ĵ × (H0,x ı̂ + H0,y ĵ) = H0,x k̂ j = n̂ × H which, in turn, implies that ∂Ez /∂y = 0. The form of the z component of the electric field is therefore TM = A sin E0,z mπy nπx cos a b TE modes similarly have H0,z = α cos nπx a sin βy cos βy z /∂x, and the fact that this vanishes at y = 0 and at y = b, Using Hx ∝ ∂ H we obtain mπy nπx TE sin = A cos H0,z a b 9-4 We first calculate kz and then find λ as 2π/kz . To this end we evaluate ω 2π × 12 × 109 s−1 = = 80π m−1 c 3 × 108 m/s so that kz = π 802 − (0.0228)−2 = 66.9π m−1 From this we conclude that λ = 2π/kz = 2.99 cm. 9-5 Using the results of example 9.3, we have 2 2δ m2 dP/dz 4 2 2 n = 2 + (a + b)γ + π k P γ kab a b For the TE1,0 mode, m = 0 and n = 1, meaning γ = π/a and ωc = (cπ/a) which we use to rewrite the expression above as 2δ (a + b)π 2 dP/dz 2 = +k P kb a3 where ω2 π2 − 2 2 c a We simplify by assuming that b = 2a, (the usual shape for rectangular waveguides) and compute √ 3π π and k(1.05ωc ) = 0.32 k(2ωc ) = a a k2 = 90 Classical Electromagnetic Theory as well as and δ(2ωc ) = 4.89 × 10−6 a1/2 m1/2 δ(1.05ωc ) = 9.314 × 10−6 a1/2 m1/2 Substituting these values we get dP/dz = 5.32 × 10−5 a−3/2 m1/2 P dP/dz = 2.84 × 10−4 a−3/2 m1/2 P ω = 2ωc ω = 1.05ωc For a typical value of a = 1 cm, these attenuation coefficients reduce to 0.0532/m and 0.283/m respectively. 9-6 TE modes have Ez = 0. For simplicity we restrict ourselves to TE0,m modes in a rectangle of width 2a so that $ A sin αx + B cos βx −a < x < a H0,z = |x| > a Ce−|γx| We further subdivide the modes into symmetric and antisymmetric modes. Fixing our attention on the antisymmetric modes we have E0,y = −iωμα cos αx α2 inside the guide iωμγe−γ|x| outside the guide γ2 with the + sign pertaining to positive x. (E0,x = 0 in either case.) Matching E and H at the boundary (x = ±a), we find and E0,y = ±C A sin αa = Ce−γa e−γa −A cos αa = α γ A sin(−αa) = Ceγa −A cos(−αa) −eγa = α γ In either case, αa must be a root of − e−|γa| tan αa = αa γa where α and γ are related by α2 + γ 2 = (n2 − 1)ω 2 /c2 . The roots may be determined graphically or numerically. The symmetric modes are found in the same fashion to obey − e−|γa| cot βa = βa γa 9-7 The general solution the the wave equation in spherical polar coordinates is given on page 66. For TE modes we have Br = 1 ( + 1) j (kr)Ym (θ, ϕ) c r Chapter Nine Solutions 91 Br , Eϕ , and Eθ must each vanish at the conducting wall, which leads us to conclude that ka must be a root of j . The = 0 solution would have nonzero divergence for B and is therefore eliminated. The first few zeros are r11 = 4.4934, r21 = 5.76349, r31 = 6.987932, r12 = 7.72525, .... The radial B component is therefore A ri m Br = j r Y (θ, ϕ) r a For TM modes we find Er = ( + 1) j (kr)Ym (θ, ϕ) and setting Eθ = Eϕ = 0 r d (rj (kr)) =0 dr r=a ⇒ j (ka) + akj (ka) = 0 Again = 0 does not give valid solution. For = 0, solutions must be found numerically. In particular, when = 1, the first two solutions are ka = 2.74371, and ka = 6.11676. 9-8 For the TM1,0,1 mode, E0,z = A sin πz πx cos a c and from (9–50, 51) $ 0,t E H 0,t % ⎧ ı̂π 2 πz πx ⎪ ⎨ − sin cos A ac c a = εμω 2 − k 2 ⎪ ⎩ ĵiωεπ cos πz cos πx a c a ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ The Q of the cavity may be defined as the ω0 × energy stored divided by the energy lost per second. The resonant frequency is easily found to be , 2 2 π π 1 + ω0 ≡ ω1,0,1 = √ με a c and the energy stored may be computed from # " ε|E|2 + μ|H|2 d3 r W = 14 (as E 2 = 12 |E 2 | and H 2 = 12 |H 2 |) or π4 2 πz 2 πx 1 2 sin W = 4A ε 4 2 2 cos γ a c a c 2 2 2 ω ε π 2 πz 2 πx cos cos +μ d3 r γ 4 a2 c a The integration is straightforward and gives 92 Classical Electromagnetic Theory W = 14 A2 ε π4 μεω 2 π 2 + 4 2 2 γ a c γ 4 a2 abc 4 The rate of energy loss by surface currents may be expressed as μωδ P= |H |2 dS 4 μωδ = Hy2 dydz + Hy2 dydz + 4 x=0 x=a + Hy2 dxdy Hy2 dxdy z=0 z=c μωδ A2 ω 2 ε2 π 2 2 πx 2 πz dxdy + cos dydz = cos 2 γ 4 a2 a c μωδ A2 ω 2 ε2 π 2 ab bc = + 4 γ 4 a2 2 2 The Q of the cavity is then π 2 /c2 + μεω 2 abc ω0 W = = P 2μεω 2 δ ab + bc 2a2 + c2 a2 + c2 abc 2δ(a + c)b π2 π2 where we have used μεω 2 = 2 + 2 . We see that the Q of the cavity a c increases as the volume to surface area. 9-9 A TM mode has Hz = 0 and in a circular waveguide Ez must take the form ⎧ ⎪ with γ 2 = με1 ω 2 − k 2 ; r≤a ⎨ J0 (γr) E0,z = ⎪ ⎩ AK0 (βr) with β 2 = k 2 − με0 ω 2 ; r≥a The corresponding transverse fields are ⎫ ik ik ⎪ ⎬ E0,r = − AK0 (βr) E0,r = J0 (γr) γ β r≤a iωε1 iωε0 ⎪ J (γr) ⎭ AK0 (βr) H0,ϕ = H0,ϕ = − γ 0 β ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ r≥a At the fiber-air interface, we require that εEr , H ϕ , and Ez be continuous. In other words, J0 (γa) = AK0 (βa) iε1 k iε0 k J0 (γa) = − AK0 (βa) γ β iωε0 iωε1 J (γa) = − AK0 (βa) γ 0 β The second and third of these equations are equivalent. Dividing the third equation by the first, we obtain the characteristic equation (apart from a common factor a) (9–101) ε1 J0 (γa) ε0 K0 (βa) + =0 γJ0 (γa) βK0 (βa) Chapter Nine Solutions 93 9-10 TEM nodes have Ez = 0 and Bz = 0. The wave equation (9–15) then reduces to t t t # E " 2 ∂2 E E 2 2 2 2 ∇ + μεω = ∇t + 2 + εμω = ∇t =0 t t t ∂z H H H t and H t avoid Just the equation governing the static fields. In order that E t and H t have the simple solution vanishing, we have set εμω 2 = k 2 . E t = A r̂ E r t = εω A ϕ̂ and H k r There are also TE and TM modes of propagation with ψ = Bm Nm (γr)]e±imϕ . ) [Am Jm (γr) + 9-11 The boundary conditions to these waves require that Eϕ and Eθ vanish at r = a and r = b. TE modes, having only these components to the field must have at least half a wave between a and b leading to ω ∼ c/(a − b). For TM modes, on the other hand, it is possible to have Eϕ and Eθ vanish while Er varies only slightly over the interval (a, b). In this case we expect ω ∼ c/a. In terms of the expressions for the tangential electric fields the boundary conditions are, 1 ∂(rf ) 1 = [f (ka) + ak f (ka)] = 0 r ∂r a a and 1 ∂(rf ) 1 = [f (kb) + bk f (kb)] = 0 r ∂r b b where f ≡ Aj + Bn . Writing the expressions out in full and rearranging the terms, we obtain A j (ka) − Aka j (ka) = −B n (ka) + Bka n (ka) A j (kb) − Akb j (kb) = −B n (kb) + Bkb n (kb) Dividing one equation by the other eliminate the expansion constants A and B to produce the characteristic equations for TM modes n (ka) − ak n (ka) j (ka) − ak j (ka) =− j (kb) − bk j (kb) n (kb) − bk n (kb) The lowest (non-trivial) frequency mode will correspond to = 1; numerical means must be employed to find the roots of the characteristic equation. Jackson, on page 376 of Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd ed., gives an alternative solution by solving the wave equation for Bϕ when this is the only nonvanishing component of B obtaining c ω ( + 1) a 94 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 9-12 The characteristic impedance of the coaxial line carrying a TEM mode is most easily determined from Z = V /I as given by (Ex 9.1.8): & 2πV V 1 μ I= ⇒ Z= = ln(b/a) vμ ln(b/a) I 2π ε Inserting numerical values gives Z = 74 Ω. 9-13 In terms of the non-vanishing longitudinal field Hz , the transverse fields are given by t = −iω k̂ × ∇t Hz and H t = ik ∇t Hz E γ2 γ2 t in terms of E t , we find Re-expressing H = |E × H| = k |E|2 |S| μω We conclude that the impedance Z is given by & & μ2πv/λ0 1 λ μ λ μω = =μ = Z= k 2π/λ με λ0 ε λ0 9-14 We begin with wave equation valid for either Hz or Ez either of which may be denoted by ψe−iωt ∇2t ψ + ∂2ψ + μ0 ε0 ω 2 ψ = 0 ∂z 2 we separate variables by setting ψ(r, ϕ, z) = R(r)Φ(ϕ)Z(z). Substituting this into the differential equation we obtain after dividing by ψ ∇2t (RΦ) RΦ d2 Z 2 + μ0 ε0 ω 2 = − dz = λ2 Z where we have chosen a positive separation constant to ensure that either Z or its derivative will vanish at the ends. Moreover as the sine or cosine needs roots at 0 and L we can conclude that λ = nπ/L with n an integer. The remaining equation in will be separated again this time in polar coordinates. 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2 2 + γ RΦ = 0 r + 2 r ∂r ∂r r ∂ϕ2 Where we have abbreviated γ 2 = μ0 ε0 ω 2 −n2 π 2 /L2 . Anticipating the solution we try Φ = e±imϕ which reduces the equation to Bessel’s equation. r2 d2 R dR + (γ 2 r2 − m2 )R = 0 +r 2 dr dr Chapter Nine Solutions 95 with general solution Rm (r) = Am Jm (γr) + Bm N(γr) we conclude therefore that ψ has the form cos(nπz/L) Jm (γr) e±imϕ ψ= sin(nπz/L) Nm (γr) It remains to pick out the solutions that fit the boundary conditions. TE modes: TE modes must have Hz = 0 at the ends, meaning that if the ends lie at z = 0 and z = L. The solution must be of the form nπz ±imϕ Jm (γr) e sin Hz = Nm (γr) L The magnetic field intensity satisfies dHz /dn = 0 at the side walls meaning that the (n, m) mode must satisfy Anm Jm (γR1 ) + Bnm Nm (γR1 ) = 0 and Anm Jm (γR2 ) + Bnm Nm (γR2 ) = 0 In order that these equation have a solution, we must have Jm (γR1 )Nm (γR2 ) = Jm (γR2 )Nm (γR1 ) Plotting each product as a function of γ we find roots γm,i at the intersections. 2 The resonant frequency is then given by ωn,m,i = (με0 )−1 2 + (nπ/L)2 . γm,i TM modes:For TM modes, Ez = ψ. The normal derivative of Ez must vanish at the end walls meaning that Ez simplifies to nπz ±imϕ Jm (γr) e Ez = cos Nm (γr) L At the side walls, Ez = E = 0, meaning Anm Jm (γR1 ) + Bnm Nm (γR1 ) = 0 and Anm Jm (γR2 ) + Bnm Nm (γR2 ) = 0 In order that these equation have a solution, we must have Jm (γR1 )Nm (γR2 ) = Jm (γR2 )Nm (γR1 ) The roots of this equation which we denote ρm,i give the resonant frequencies 2 ωn,m,i = (με0 )−1 ρ2m,i + (nπ/L)2 . 9-15 According to the discussion on page 262, the cut-off angular frequency ωc = √ 2.405/(a εclad μclad − εcore μcore ). We replace με by 1/(n2 c2 ) to get 2.405c = ωc = 2 a 1/nclad − 1/n2core 2.405 × 3 × 108 ≈ 4.80 × 1015 s−1 1 −5 × .03009 2 × 10 The lowest frequency radiation that the fiber can transmit in the TE1,0 mode is fc = ωc /2π = 7.63 × 1014 Hz. Chapter 10 10-1 The first step is to compute the quadrupole moment neglecting the time variation. ) i Qxx = q (3xi 2 − ri 2 ) 2 2 2 2 b b b b −3 +3 −3 ± 14 (a2 + b2 ) = 0 =q 3 2 2 2 2 Similarly Qyy = Qzz = 0. The off-diagonal elements are ! Qxy = 3q i xi y i = 3qab and Qxz = Qyz = 0. The terms of the angular distribution (10–77) of power to be calculated are xβ Qαβ Qαγ xγ = (xQyx + yQyx )2 = (x2 + y 2 + 2xy)Q2xy = 9(qab)2 (x2 + y 2 + 2xy) = 9(qab)2 r2 sin2 θ(1 + 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) and (xβ Qαβ xα )2 = (xQxy y + yQyx x)2 = 36(qab)2 x2 y 2 = 36(qab)2 r4 sin4 θ sin2 ϕ cos2 ϕ = 9(qab)2 r4 sin4 θ sin2 2ϕ so that μ0 ω 6 dP = (qab)2 sin2 θ(1 + sin 2ϕ − sin2 θ sin2 2ϕ) dΩ 128π 2 c3 The total power output is given by (10–81) as P= μ0 ω 6 μ0 ω 6 (qab)2 2 2 (Q + Q ) = xy yx 1440πc3 80πc3 10-2 Starting with the expression (10–59) on page 280, the power emitted by an oscillating electric dipole may be written P = 1 |p̈|2 μ0 ε0 ω 4 p20 = 12πε0 c 4πε0 3c3 The expressions (10–67) and (10–68) may be used to obtain for the magnetic dipole, 1 0 dPM μ0 ω 4 m2 sin2 θ 1 k 2 μ0 kωμ0 |m sin θ|2 = = dΩ 2μ0 4π 4π 4π 8πc3 — 96— Chapter Ten Solutions 97 We can integrate this over the complete solid angle (or simply compare to the electric dipole result) to obtain PM = μ0 ω 4 m20 μ0 |m̈|2 = 4π 3c3 4π 3c3 It is worth noting that this result closely parallels that for the electric dipole; replacing 1/4πε0 by μ0 /4π and p by m converts the electric dipole result to that for the magnetic dipole. The electric quadrupole result may be written ¨ αβ Q̈ ¨ αβ ω 6 Qαβ Qαβ 1 Q̈ PQ = = 4πε0 360c5 4πε0 360c5 A reasonable guess for the equivalent gravitational result is obtained replacing 1/4πε0 by G and Qαβ by the mass quadrupole moment. For cylindrically symmetric quadrupoles, Qxx = Qyy = − 21 Qzz in the principal axis system. In this case the single number Qxx suffices. The term Qαβ Qαβ may be written as Q2xx + Q2yy + Q2zz = 6Q2xx . The formula above then reduces to P= ¨ 2xx GQ̈ 60c5 ¨ 2 /45c5 for the equivalent gravitational result. Landau gives GQ̈ 10-3 The rotating magnet may be thought of as two linear oscillators oscillating τ in quadrature. The magnetic dipole moment of the magnet is just m =M where τ is the volume. The power emitted is P = 2 × μ0 ω 4 m2 4π 3c3 10-4 The equation of motion for a nucleus with spin angular momentum I and 0 is magnetic moment m = γ I in a z -directed magnetic induction field B dIx = my B0 = γIy B0 dt dIy = −mx Bz = −γIx , Bz dt dIz =0 dt with solution mx = m0 cos(ωt + ϕ), my = m0 sin(ωt + ϕ), mz = m0 with ω = γB0 . A rotating dipole can always be viewed as two orthogonal linear oscillating dipoles in quadrature, meaning that the energy is radiated at a rate 2 μ0 γ 6 B04 ( 12 h̄)2 μ0 ω 4 (γ I) = P = 2 4π 3c3 6πc3 For a typical field of 2T and γ = 2.68 × 108 (SI units) this amounts to 2 × 10−50 W. In a realistic situation, one would have not one spin, but the 98 Classical Electromagnetic Theory appropriate Boltzman fraction of about 1022 spins. In the same 2T field at room temperature, W/kT = 7 × 10−4 so that the total magnetic moment would be that of 7 × 1018 nuclei. The power output would be about 10−12 W. The total magnetic energy of the spins is 2 × 10−7 J leading us to estimate a relaxation time of order 105 seconds due to radiation. In fact relaxation due to the induction field would be considerably larger than this, and local phenomena dominate the relaxation. 10-5 (a) The angular frequency ω of the postulated dipole is 2πc/λ = 3.77 × 1015 s−1 . Taking the dipole moment as e×(10−10 m) we find the power emitted by such a rotating dipole to be P= μ0 ω 4 p2 = 5.74×, 10−12 W ≈ 3 × 107 eV/s 6πc The lifetime of such an atom with total energy ∼ 2 eV would be about 2eV/(3 × 107 eV/s) ∼ 10−7 s. (b) A quadrupole of the same dimensions would typically have Qαβ ∼ 3e × (10−20 m2 ) to give emitted power of order P μ0 ω 6 10−7 ω 6 e2 × 10−40 αβ Q Q ∼ = 6.8 × 10−17 W αβ 1440πc3 40c3 approximately a factor of 105 smaller than the power emitted by the dipole. (c) The magnetic dipole radiates according to P= μ0 ω 4 m2 12πc3 Taking the magnetic moment as m ∼ ( 12 e/m)L and taking L = h̄, we find P ∼ 2 × 10−17 W about the same as that emitted by the quadrupole. When the radiation has a wavelength of 50 nm, the frequency will be ten times as large giving 104 times the power output for the dipoles and 106 times the output for the quadrupole. Since the energy of the emitting state must initially have been 10 times as large as that required to produce 500 nm radiation, the lifetimes would be decreased by 103 for the dipole and 106 for the quadrupole. It should be clear that for very short wavelength x-rays, the various multipoles lead to comparable lifetimes. Of course, once the wavelength becomes of order 0.1 nm, the multipole approximation will fail. 10-6 The magnetic moment of a single neutron is −1.913 × 5.501 × 10−27 J/T = −9.657 × 10−27 J/T and the number of neutrons in the star is N= 2 × 1030 kg = 1.194 × 1057 1.675 × 10−27 kg Chapter Ten Solutions 99 The magnetic moment of the star would then be m = 1.153 × 1031 J/T. The power emitted by the rotating dipole would be μ0 ω 4 |m|2 = 3.28 × 1029 ω 4 J s3 6πc3 P= The energy of rotation of the star is W = 12 Iω 2 = 15 M R2 ω 2 = 4 × 1037 ω 2 Js2 which we abbreviate as aω 2 . Writing P = b ω 4 , we have dW bW 2 = −b ω 4 = − 2 dt a or W0 /10 W0 dW = W2 t9/10 − 0 b dt a2 This is easily integrated to give 9 b = 2 t9/10 W0 a ⇒ t9/10 = 9a2 bW0 Substituting the numerical values of a, b, and W0 , we obtain t9/10 = 9 × (4 × 1037 )2 = 1.2 × 104 s 3.3 × 1029 × 3.6 × 1042 This is clearly much faster than we would expect the rotation of the neutron star to decay. The difficulty lies in the assumption that all the neutrons point in the same direction. This alignment would impose a huge degeneracy energy to the star and is clearly unrealistic. If we assume a polarization of 0.1%, the radiation rate decreases by a factor of 106 and the lifetime increases by a corresponding factor of 106 , still somewhat short but probably in the right ballpark. 10-7 To find the radiation resistance, we equate the power P radiated to For a half wave antenna, kd = π, whence R= 1 2 2 I0 R. μ0 c 2P × 2.438 = 10−7 × 3 × 108 × 2.438 = 73Ω = I2 4π The radiation resistance of the full-wave antenna is similarly found to be 200Ω. 10-8 (a) When kd 1, the supply current I0 = I sin 12 kd ∼ 12 Ikd. The charge on each side of the wire may be found from I0 = dQ = −iωQ dt ⇒ Q= Ikd −iωt e −2iω which leads to a charge per unit length of Q/(2d). The dipole moment of the two segments assumed to lie along the z axis is then d/2 0 1 −2Qzdz 2Qzdz Ikd2 k̂ −iωt + k̂ = k̂Qd = e p = k̂ d d 2 −4iω d/2 0 100 Classical Electromagnetic Theory This result could have been more easily obtained using (10–44), where the the dipole moment is related to the current. (b) The power per solid angle radiated by such an oscillating dipole is μ0 ω 4 |p|2 sin2 θ μ0 ω 2 k 2 I 2 d4 sin2 θ dP = = 2 dΩ 32π c 29 π 2 c (c) We approximate the various terms as follows: cos( 12 kd cos θ) 1 − 1 1 ( kd cos θ)2 2! 2 and cos 12 kd 1 − 1 1 ( kd)2 2! 2 to write cos( 12 kd cos θ) − cos 12 kd = 12 ( 12 kd)2 (1 − cos2 θ) = 18 k 2 d2 sin2 θ Equation (10–125) then becomes 2 dP 2μ0 2 18 k 2 d2 sin2 θ = I c dΩ (4π)2 sin θ = μ0 k 4 d4 I 2 c sin2 θ μ0 k 2 ω 2 I 2 d4 sin2 θ = 9 2 2 π 29 π 2 c 10-9 The large conducting sheet (the z-y plane) may be maintained at zero potential by an image half wave antenna placed λ/4 behind the conducting sheet that has, at any instant, the opposite polarity of the real antenna. The current distribution is therefore given by r, t) = k̂I sin( 1 kd − k|z|)[δ(x − 1 λ) − δ(x + 1 λ)]δ(y)e−iωt J( 2 4 4 Following (10–121), we approximate eikR /R in the radiation zone by eik|r−r | eikr −ik(r·r )/r eikr −i(kz cos θ± 1 π sin θ cos ϕ) 2 ·e ·e = |r − r | r r With this approximation, the vector potential may be written ikr 0 (r ) = μ0 e k̂ e 12 π sin θ cos ϕ − e− 12 π sin θ cos ϕ A 4π r d/2 −d/2 I sin( 12 kd − k|z|)e−ikz The angular distribution of power becomes cos2 ( 12 π cos θ) μ0 I 2 c dP 2 1 = sin ( π sin θ cos ϕ) 2 dΩ 2π 2 sin2 θ cos θ dz Chapter Ten Solutions 101 To obtain the total power emitted we must integrate this expression over the half sphere above the plane. By numerical integration, we find P = 42.8 I 2 . We deduce that the radiation resistance is 85.7Ω. 10-10 The angular velocity of the electron about the nucleus may be computed by setting 1 e2 e2 2 ⇒ ω = mω 2 r = 4πε0 r2 4πε0 mr3 and the dipole moment is p = er. The power emitted by the two orthogonal dipoles constituted by the orbiting electron is then P= 2e6 2 ω4 2 p = 3 4πε0 3c (4πε0 )3 3c3 m2 r4 If the energy is changed by only a small fraction during each revolution, the orbit will remain roughly circular and we can equate the rate of energy loss to the power emitted. e2 d 1 dW = P=− dt 8πε0 dt r so that − e4 1 dr = 3 2 2 r dt 12π ε0 c3 m2 r4 or − r2 e4 dr = 2 dt 12π ε30 c3 m2 Integrating both sides over the trajectory, from r = r0 to 0, we have tf 0 e4 −r2 dr = dt 12π 2 ε20 c3 m2 0 r0 0 −r3 e4 tf = 3 r0 12π 2 ε20 c3 m2 or tf = 4π 2 ε20 c3 m2 r03 = 1.5 × 10−11 s e4 where we have set r0 = 0.52 × 10−10 m. 10-11 The two counter-rotating electrons form an oscillating dipole of magnitude 2er. The power radiated by such a dipole is P = ω 4 (2er)2 4πε0 3c3 10-12 The power radiated by a nonrelativistic accelerated particle is according to (10–149) q 2 a2 P= 6πε0 c3 102 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Applying this to the classical hydrogen atom we have a= e2 4πε0 me r2 which we substitute into (10-149) to obtain P= e6 96π 2 ε30 c3 m2e r4 10-13 Rather than dealing with a varying acceleration for an electron in an elliptical orbit, we consider the motion as the superposition of orthogonal two dipoles of amplitude A and B respectively, oscillating in quadrature. The power emitted two such by harmonically oscillating dipoles is P= ω 4 q 2 A2 ω4 q2 B 2 ω 4 q 2 (A2 + B 2 ) + = 12πε0 c3 12πε0 c3 12πε0 c3 10-14 At maximum, d dθ dP dΩ = 0 or sin2 θ d =0 dθ (1 − β cos θ)5 Expanding the derivative, we obtain 2 sin θ cos θ 5β sin2 θ sin θ − =0 (1 − β cos θ)5 (1 − β cos θ)6 which may be reduced to ⇒ 3β cos2 θ + 2 cos θ − 5β = 0 1 + 15β 2 − 1 cos θ = 3β When β ≈ 1, we set β = 1 − , leading to cos θ 1 − 14 . But cos θ 1 − 12 θ2 . We conclude that θ2 12 . Now, using 1 + β 2, we have 1 − β 2 = 1/γ 2 2 so that we find θ2 1/(4γ 2 ) ⇒ θ 1/(2γ). At the angle of maximum power, θmax = 1/(2γ) the power per solid angle is readily calculated. −5 dP sin2 (1/2γ) q 2 β̇ 2 1 −2 ∝ (2γ) 1 − β 1 − dΩ θmax (4π)2 ε0 c [1 − β cos(1/2γ)]5 8γ 2 For β ≈ 1, the square bracketed term becomes −5 −5 5 1 1 1 = − 1− 2 1− 1− 2 2γ 8γ 8γ 2 16γ 4 Chapter Ten Solutions 103 We retain only the leading term to replace the square bracketed term by −5 5 −5 [· · · · · ·] = 8γ 2 Gathering terms, we find 5 dP q 2 β̇ 2 8 1 8 = γ dΩ (4π)2 ε0 c 5 4 10-15 The angular distribution of power in (10–162) goes to zero when the term in square brackets vanishes. Taking for simplicity the angle ϕ = 0, the angle θ may be found from sin2 θ = γ 2 (1 − β cos θ)2 = (1 − β cos θ)2 1 − β2 we rationalize this and write (1 − β 2 )(1 − cos2 θ) = (1 − β cos θ)2 1 − cos2 θ − β 2 + β 2 cos2 θ = 1 − 2β cos θ + β 2 cos θ2 which reduces to cos2 θ − 2β cos θ + β 2 = 0 ⇒ cos θ = β Substituting β for cos θ in first equation, we have sin2 θ = 1 − β 2 = 1 γ2 ⇒ θ= 1 γ A direction parallel to the velocity has θ = 0 and ϕ = 0, so that the angular power density becomes dP q 2 β̇ 2 = dΩ θ=0 (4π)2 ε0 c(1 − β)3 Substituting 2γ 2 for (1 − β)−1 this becomes dP q 2 β̇ 2 γ 6 = dΩ θ=0 2π 2 ε0 c in agreement with (10–164) except for the numerical factor which would result from the integration over the beam width. Chapter 11 11-1 The phase of a wave may be written as k · r − ωt = (ω/c, k ) · (−ct, r ) = K μ Xμ The quotient theorem now guarantees that because the phase is a zero order tensor and Xμ is a first rank tensor, K μ must also be a first rank tensor. we take K 1 = k and when it is When k is parallel to the frame velocity V, 1 perpendicular to V we take K = 0. The transformation law for the frequency is then obtained from that of the 0-component of K μ : " # ω = K 0 = ΓK 0 − βΓK 1 c this leads to ω = Γω. When k is parallel to V we For k perpendicular to V find , ω V Γω ω V ω 1 − V /c =Γ − k = 1− = c c c c c c 1 + V /c 11-2 Differentiating the scalar Vμ V μ = c2 with respect to the proper time τ , we find d(Vμ V μ ) = Aμ V μ + Vμ Aμ = 2Aμ V μ 0= dτ 11-3 We evaluate the components of f j one-at-a time f 1 = F 10 J0 + F 11 J1 + F 12 J2 + F 13 J3 Ex ρc + 0 − Bz Jy + By Jz = c x = ρEx + (J × B) In the same fashion f 2 = F 20J0 + F 21J1 + F 22J2 + F 23J3 Ey ρc + Bz Jx + 0 − Bx Jz = c y = ρEy + (J × B) f 3 = F 30J0 + F 31J1 + F 32J2 + F 33J3 Ez ρc − By Jx + Bx Jy + 0 = c z = ρEz + (J × B) 11-4 Expression (11-12), ∂μ F μν = μ0 J ν leads to · E = μ0 J 0 = μ0 ρc = ρ ∂μ F μ,0 = ∂0 F 00 + ∂1 F 10 + ∂2 F 20 + ∂3 F 30 = ∇ c ε0 c — 104— Chapter Eleven Solutions 105 μ0 J 1 = ∂0 F 01 + +∂2 F 21 + ∂3 F 31 ∂Bz ∂By 1 ∂Ex − + =− 2 c ∂t ∂y ∂z ∂E 1 x × B) x− = (∇ c2 ∂t μ0 J 2 = ∂0 F 0,2 + +∂1 F 1,2 + ∂3 F 3,2 ∂Bz ∂Bx 1 ∂Ey + − =− 2 c ∂t ∂x ∂z ∂E 1 y × B) y− = (∇ c2 ∂t The fourth component is found in the same fashion. We similarly interpret (11-14) to obtain ∂0 F12 + ∂1 F20 + ∂2 F01 = − ∂Ey ∂Ex 1 ∂B ∂Bz ×E =0 − + =− +∇ c∂t c∂x c∂y c ∂t z ∂0 F23 + ∂2 F30 + ∂3 F02 = − ∂Ez ∂Ey 1 ∂B ∂Bx ×E − + =− +∇ =0 c∂t c∂y c∂z c ∂t x ∂0 F13 + ∂1 F30 + ∂3 F01 = ∂Ez ∂Ex 1 ∂B ∂By ×E =0 − + = +∇ c∂t c∂x c∂z c ∂t y ∂1 F23 + ∂2 F31 + ∂3 F12 = − ∂By ∂Bz ∂Bx ·B =0 − − = −∇ ∂x ∂y ∂z Explicitly evaluating the expression implicit in (11–23) and noting that H μν is just Hμν with rows and columns interchanged, we have J 0 = ∂0 H 00 + ∂1 H 10 + ∂2 H 20 + ∂3 H 30 = ∂x cDx + ∂y cDy + ∂z cDz ·D ρc = c∇ J 1 = ∂0 H 01 + ∂1 H 11 + ∂2 H 21 + ∂3 H 31 = −∂t Dx + 0 − ∂y Hz + ∂z Hy × H) x Jx = −∂t Dx + (∇ J 2 = ∂0 H 02 + ∂1 H 12 + ∂2 H 22 + ∂3 H 32 = −∂t Dy + ∂x Hz + 0 + ∂z Hx × H) y Jy = −∂t Dy + (∇ J 3 = ∂0 H 03 + ∂1 H 13 + ∂2 H 23 + ∂3 H 33 = −∂t Dz − ∂x Hy + ∂y Hx + 0 × H) z Jz = −∂t Dx + (∇ ·D = ρ and In summary, the four equations resulting from (11-23) yield ∇ ×H = J + ∂ D/∂t. ∇ 106 Classical Electromagnetic Theory 11-5 Using the definition of the dual tensor Gμν we calculate G01 = 1 2 G02 = 1 2 G03 = 1 2 G23 # 0123 F23 + 0132 F32 = 1 2 (F23 − F32 ) = −Bx = −G10 " # 0213 F13 + 0231 F31 = 1 2 (−F13 + F31 ) = −By = −G20 " # 0312 F12 + 0321 F21 = 1 2 (F12 − F21 ) = −Bz = −G30 " # 1230 F30 + 1203 F03 = 1 2 Ez = −G21 c " # Ey = −G31 = 12 1320 F20 + 1302 F02 = 12 (F20 − F02 ) = − c " # Ex = −G32 = 12 2310 F10 + 2301 F01 = 12 (−F10 + F01 ) = c G12 = G13 " 1 2 (−F30 + F03 ) = The entire array may be written in matrix form as ⎛ 0 −Bx −By −Bz ⎜ Ey Ez ⎜ Bx − 0 ⎜ c c ⎜ Gμν = ⎜ Ex Ez ⎜ 0 ⎜ By − ⎜ c c ⎝ Ex Ey − 0 Bz c c ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ I will be noted that Gμν may be generated from F μν by replacing the terms Ei /c → Bi and Bi → −Ei /c. The requisite divergence is now easily calculated: ·B ∂μ Gμ0 = ∇ ∂Ez ∂Ey 1 ∂Bx 1 ∂B μ1 × E) + − + + (∇ ∂μ G = − =− c dt ∂y ∂z c ∂t x ∂Ez ∂Ex 1 ∂By 1 ∂B × E) + − + (∇ ∂μ Gμ2 = − =− c dt ∂x ∂z c ∂t y ∂Ey ∂Ex 1 ∂Bz 1 ∂B μ3 × E) + − + + (∇ ∂μ G = − =− c dt ∂x ∂y c ∂t z Equating each of these terms to zero gives the required result. # " = Γ B ⊥ −v × E ⊥ /c2 . Taking, 11-6 We wish to demonstrate that B = B and B ⊥ as usual, the velocity of the frame along the x axis # " Bx = F 32 = αμ3 αν2 F μν = δμ3 δν2 F μν = F 32 = Bx # " By = F 13 = αμ1 αν3 F μν = αμ1 F μ3 = α01 F 03 + α11 F 13 Ez = −βΓF 03 + ΓF 13 = Γ By + β c Chapter Eleven Solutions 107 # " Bz = F 21 = αμ2 αν1 F μν = αμ1 F 2ν = α01 F 20 + α11 F 21 Ey 20 21 = −βΓF + ΓF = Γ Bz − β c Combining the last two expression as vx E y vx Ez v B⊥ = By ĵ + Bz k̂ = Γ B⊥ + ĵ − k̂ = Γ B⊥ − 2 × E⊥ c c c c c we obtain the requisite relation. 11-7 To obtain the new potential we merely apply the Lorentz transformation to to obtain the four vector Φμ = (V /c, A) Φ0 = ΓΦ0 − Γβx Φ1 V , Ay = Ay , and Az = Az . or V = Γ(V −vx ·Ax ). Similarly, Ax = Γ Ax −β c 11-8 Consider a charged particle moving with velocity v along the x axis passing the observer at distance b. For simplicity we take the rest frame of the observer and that of the particle to coincide at t = t = 0. In the frame of the particle at time t , the observer is located at x = −vt and y = b. The non vanishing components of the field at the observer in the particle’s frame are therefore Ex = −qvt 4πε0 r3 Ey = qb 4πε0 r3 Expressing r and t in terms of r and t we have t = γ t and r = b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 so that Ex = −qγvt 4πε0 (b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 )3/2 and Ey = qb 4πε0 (b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 )3/2 We transform these fields to those measured in Σ using (11–19) to obtain Ex = Ex = −qγvt 4πε0 (b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 )3/2 and Ey = γEy = qγb 4πε0 (b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 )3/2 We can relate this result to the geometry by noting that r2 = b2 + (vt)2 , whence b2 + γ 2 v 2 t2 = γ 2 r2 + (1 − γ 2 )b2 1 − γ 2 b2 2 2 =γ r 1+ γ 2 r2 b2 = γ 2 r2 1 − β 2 2 r = γ 2 r2 (1 − β 2 sin2 θ) 108 Classical Electromagnetic Theory where θ is the angle between r and v . Substituting this result, we find = E qr 4πε0 γ 2 r3 (1 − β 2 sin2 θ)3/2 where r is the location of the field point with respect to the current (not )r. retarded) position of the particle. As was shown in figure 10.9, r = (n̂ − β 11-9 Let the rectangle have length a along the x direction taken to be the direction of motion, and width b in the y direction. The loop will have a magnetic moment m = Iab in the ±z direction. Taking the current to run in the +x direction along the top of the loop (so that m points in the −z direction) we use the Lorentz transformation to find J μ in the rest frame: ρc = 0 + βΓJx Integrating this over the cross section of the wire we obtain a line charge density λ V λ = Γ 2 I c The total charge on the top of the loop is found by summing this over the contracted length a/Γ to give Q= aV I c2 Similarly along the bottom, Q = −aIV /c2 , while the sides perpendicular to v remain charge free. The dipole moment of the moving loop becomes p = Qb = m ×V abIV = − c2 c2 The direction is easily verified with the aid of a diagram. 11-10 In the moving dielectric with J = 0 and ρ = 0, the absence of magnetic ·B = 0 and monopoles implies ∇ ×E = − ∂B ∇ ∂t remains unchanged as it involves only the fields, independent of any media. The remaining two Maxwell equations do involve the media and therefore will be the polarization have to take account of the movement. Letting P and M and magnetization of the medium as measured by a stationary observer, we have · (ε0 E + P ) = 0 ∇ and × ∇ B = ∂D −M μ0 ∂t Chapter Eleven Solutions 109 where, for small V /c, ×M V P = P + 2 c and =M −V × P M + P = ε0 E + P + V × M so that ∇ = ε0 E ·D = −V × M leading to D 2 2 c c and × B −M × V ×P = ∂P − ∇ ∇ 2 μ0 ∂t c or ×H = ∂D + ∂ V × M − ∇ × (V × P ) ∇ ∂t ∂t c2 and a polarThe movement imparts to the medium a magnetization P × V 2 ization (V × M )/c . 11-11 The moving magnetization appears in the lab frame to have polarization ωρϕ̂ × M ωM (xı̂ + yĵ) v × M = = P = 2 2 c c c2 · P = −2ωM/c2 distributed throughout The bound charge density is then −∇ the sphere and bound surface charge P · n̂ = aωM sin2 θ/c2 on the surface. It is readily verified that the “net charge” resulting from these bound charges is zero. We find the potential of these distributions as 1 V (r ) = 4πε0 = τ −2ωM 4πε0 c2 · P (r ) −∇ 1 r2 dΩ dr + |r − r | 4πε0 τ a3 ωM r2 dΩ dr + |r − r | 4πε0 c2 S S P · n̂ 2 a dΩ |r − r | sin2 θdΩ |r − r | To perform the integration, we expand ! 4π r 1 < = Ym (θ, ϕ)Ym∗ (θ , ϕ ) +1 |r − r | 2 + 1 r> ,m √ and write 3 sin2 θ = (3 − 3 cos2 θ) = 2 + (1 − 3 cos2 θ) = 2 4πY00 − 16π/5Y20 . Thus in the first integral only the Y00 term and in the second, only the Y00 and Y02 terms of the sum survives the integration over Ω . When r > a, r< = r and r> = r so that −2ωM 4π a 2 a3 ωM 2 4π r dr + |Y0 (θ , ϕ )|2 dΩ V (r > a) = 4πε0 c2 r 0 4πε0 c2 3 r 4π 0 & 16π 0 ωM a5 Y − (θ, ϕ) |Y20 (θ , ϕ )|2 dΩ 15ε2 c2 r3 5 2 4π 110 Classical Electromagnetic Theory The first two terms cancel precisely leaving only V (r > a) = ωM a5 (1 − 3 cos2 θ) 15ε0 c2 r3 Evidently, the external potential is that of an electric quadrupole. The interior potential is calculated in much the same fashion. For the surface integral r = r> and only a single evaluation is required. For the volume integral, however, for values of r up to r, r = r< while for the remaining volume it is r> . −2ωM r r2 2ωM a dr − r dr V (r < a) = ε0 c2 r ε0 c2 r 0 2 3 a ωM +3 4πε0 ac2 r2 ωM a3 − 3 a 15ε0 c2 & 16π 0 Y (θ, ϕ) 5 2 4π |Y20 (θ , ϕ )|2 dΩ ωM 2 5(a − r2 ) + r2 (3 cos2 θ − 1) =− 2 15ε0 c The electric field may be now be found by differentiating the potentials. It is instructive to solve this problem using an alternative approach. If we · P /R over a region of space that includes the write V as the integral of ∇ boundary, then there is no need to include an integral over the boundary · P has a singularity at the discontinuity. separately. However, as we noted, ∇ We can sidestep this discontinuity in the following fashion. V (r ) = − 1 4πε0 1 =− 4πε0 ∇ · P (r ) 3 d r r − r | τ | P (r ) 1 1 ∇ · P (r ) · ∇ + d3 r |r − r | 4πε0 τ |r − r | τ The first of the two integrals may be converted to a vanishing surface integral over a surface outside the sphere (where P vanishes). In the second integral, (1/|r − r |) with −∇(1/| we replace ∇ r − r |) to obtain 1 V (r ) = − 4πε0 P (r ) · ∇ τ Mω =− ∇· 4πε0 c2 τ 1 |r − r | 3 P (r )d r 1 ∇· d3 r = − 4πε0 r − r | τ | xı̂ + yĵ 2 r dr dΩ |r − r | To perform the integration, we expand ! 4π r 1 < = Ym (θ, ϕ)Ym∗ (θ , ϕ ) +1 |r − r | 2 + 1 r> ,m Chapter Eleven Solutions 111 & and write 2π 1 r Y1 (θ , ϕ ) − Y1−1 (θ , ϕ ) 3 & 2π 1 r Y1 (θ , ϕ ) + Y1−1 (θ , ϕ ) y = i 3 It is evident that only the = 1, m = ±1 terms will survive the integration over Ω . Performing the integration over Ω , we are left with xı̂ + yĵ a r< 2 ωM V (r ) = − ∇ · r dr 2 3ε0 c2 r 0 r> x =− When r > a, r = r> and r = r< , so that ωM a5 V (r > a) = − ∇ · (xı̂ + yĵ) 3ε0 c2 5r5 ωM a5 2 3(x2 + y 2 ) =− − 15ε0 c2 r3 r5 =− ωM a5 (1 − 3 cos2 θ) 15ε0 c2 r3 The internal potential is obtained as r r4 dr + r2 rr3 dr r2 0 r 5 2 2 r r a ωM ∇ · (xı̂ + yĵ) − + =− 2 3 3ε0 c 5r 2 2 ωM 2 (a − r2 ) − r2 (3 cos2 −1) =− 15ε0 c2 ωM xı̂ + yĵ ∇· V (r < a) = − 3ε0 c2 r a 11-12 As in section 11.4 we start with the four force density K μ = F μν = F μν Jν generalization of the Lorentz force and wish to express K μ as K μ = −∂λ η λμ where η μν depends only on the fields. Replacing Jν by the field derivatives, we get Kμ = Fμν J ν = Fνμ ∂λ H λν = ∂λ (Fμν H λν ) − H λν ∂λ Fμν The first term is in the required form, the second can be expanded to give H λν ∂λ Fμν = 12 H λν ∂λ Fμν + 12 H νλ ∂ν Fμλ = 12 H λν ∂λ Fμν + 12 H λν ∂ν Fλμ = 12 H λν (∂λ Fμν + ∂ν Fλμ ) The source-free field equation ∂λ Fμν + ∂μ Fνλ + ∂ν Fλμ = 0 allows us to replace the two terms in parentheses by −∂μ Fνλ , leading to 112 Classical Electromagnetic Theory H λν ∂λ Fμν = − 12 H λν ∂μ Fνλ = 12 H λν ∂μ Fλν If the medium is linear, we can replace the latter term by 14 ∂μ (H λν Fλν ) and write Kμ = ∂λ (Fμν H λν ) − 14 ∂μ (H λν Fλν ) " # = ∂λ Fμν H λν − 14 δμλ Fλν H λν We can restate the equation in contravariant form by multiplying by g μα to obtain " # K α = g αμ Kμ = ∂λ g αμ Fμν H λν − 14 g αμ δμλ Fλν H λν " # = ∂λ g αμ Fμν H λν − 14 g αλ Fλν H λν The resulting Stress-Energy-Momentum tensor is η λα = −(g αμ Fμν H λν − 14 g αλ Fλν H λν # 11-13 We start with the form of the Lorentz transformation when the motion is along one axis, labelling the component of r along this axis r : · r ) (X 0 ) = Γ(X 0 − β r = Γ(r − βX 0 ) r⊥ = r⊥ In general, the parallel component may be found as r = (r · β) so that r β may be written β Γ(r · β) 0 − ΓβX 2 β β (Γ − 1)(r · β) 0 = r⊥ + r + − ΓβX β2 r = r + r⊥ = r⊥ + This transformation may be written in matrix form ⎛ Γ −Γβx −Γβy ⎜ 2 ⎜ (Γ − 1)βx βy (Γ − 1)βx ⎜ −Γβ x 1+ ⎜ 2 β β2 =⎜ L(β) ⎜ (Γ − 1)βy2 (Γ − 1)β β x y ⎜ −Γβ 1 + ⎜ y β2 β2 ⎜ ⎝ (Γ − 1)βx βz (Γ − 1)βy βz −Γβz β2 β2 as −Γβz (Γ − 1)βx βz β2 (Γ − 1)βy βz β2 (Γ − 1)βz2 1+ β2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ · B/c is 0 in any frame then it must be 11-14 If the invariant μνρσ F μν F ρσ = −E zero in all frames, proving the required result. Chapter Eleven Solutions 113 and 11-15 Take the direction of the moving frame to be perpendicular to both E B. Then, according to (11–19) when |E| < c |B| it is possible to pick v so = −E , making E vanish. When |E| > c|B| we can pick v so that v × B 2 that B c = v × E , making B vanish. When |E| = c|B| the required frame velocity would be c. 11-16 In the moving medium, the polarization is produced by the effective field, +V × B. Thus, E +V × B) P = ε0 (E , and limiting ourselves to terms linear in V , we Neglecting the term in M have for the curl of B, ∂E (κ − 1) ∂E ∂B + ε0 (κ − 1) + ε0 + ∇ × (E × V ) ∇ × B = μ0 ε0 −V × ∂t ∂t κ ∂t κ ∂E κ − 1 × E) +∇ × (E ×V ) = 2 + − V × (∇ c ∂t κ κ − 1 κ ∂E + ∇(V · E) − (V · ∇)E − (V · ∇)E = 2 c ∂t κ × (E ×V ) and ∇( V · E) and assumed We have used the vector identities for ∇ V constant. Taking the curl once more we get κ − 1 ∂B κ ∂2B 2 +2 ∇ B= 2 (V · ∇) c ∂t2 κ ∂t For a plane wave, travelling with wave vector k we have · ∇) B = (V · k)B = − V · k ∂ B = V · n̂ ∂ B (V ω ∂t v0 ∂t so that the wave equation becomes 2 = κ ∂ B 1 − 2 κ − 1 V · n̂ ∇2 B c2 ∂t2 κ v0 from which we deduce the speed v of the wave through the moving medium: · n̂ −1/2 κ−1 κ−1V V · n̂ v = v0 1 − 2 v0 + κ v0 κ 11-17 Using (11–83), we find that the total emitted power is 2 dp dW 2 q2 c q2 c P = = 6πε0 (m0 c2 )2 dt 6πε0 (m0 c2 )2 dS = 6 × 109 × (1.6 × 10−19 )2 × 3 × 108 × (1MeV/m)2 0.511MeV)2 = 1.76 × 10−19 W ∼ 1.1eV/s 114 Classical Electromagnetic Theory Clearly this is not a major energy loss mechanism. 11-18 Using (11–84), the power may be written q2 γ 2 P= 6πε0 m20 c3 d p dt 2 q 2 γ 4 a2 q2 γ 4 = = 6πε0 c3 6πε0 c3 v2 r 2 When v c, this becomes 4 q2 c γ 4 9 −19 2 8γ = 6 × 10 × (1.6 × 10 ) × 3 × 10 6πε0 r2 r2 4 γ = 4.6 × 10−20 2 Wm2 r P = A 10-GeV electron has γ = 104 /0.511 = 19569 ⇒ γ 4 1.5 × 1017 , so that for R = 20 m, P = 1.69 × 10−5 W 108 MeV/s. A revolution takes 2πr/c = 4.19 × 10−7 seconds; hence the energy loss per revolution is about 44 MeV. As it is difficult to increase the electron’s energy by this much in one revolution the radiation loss represents a major loss. Much larger radii are needed to get the losses down to a manageable amount. Chapter 12 12-1 Making the substitution suggested, we have y = (t − t)/τ , t = t + yτ and dt = τ dy. The integral (12–41) then becomes ∞ F (t + τ y)e−y dy v˙ = m0 0 12-2 Using the expression above, the acceleration of the particle may be written ∞ ˙v = −ω02 x(t + τ y)e−y dy 0 and trying a solution of the form x = x0 e−αt we find on substitution ∞ 2 −αt = −ω02 x0 e−α(t+τ y) e−y dy α x0 e 0 or α2 = 0 ∞ −ω02 e−(ατ +1)y dy In order that the integral converge, it is required that Re(ατ + 1) > 0. Under this condition the integral is easily evaluated to give ∞ ω 2 e−(ατ +1)y ω02 α2 = 0 =− −(ατ + 1) 0 ατ + 1 Upon rationalization and multiplication by τ 2 we obtain the characteristic equation α3 τ 3 + α2 τ 2 + ω02 τ 2 = 0 which may in principle be solved for α. When ω0 τ is very small, an approximate solution may be found. It is probably easiest to use an iterative approach. We abbreviate ατ = z and ω0 τ = r and note that when r is small z must also be small. Therefore a zeroth order solution may be found from z 2 + r2 = 0, or z0 = ±ir. We now use Newton-Raphson iteration [zi+1 = zi − f (zi )/f (zi )] to obtain successively better estimates of the root. Thus, taking z0 = ir (ir)3 − r2 + r2 = ir + 12 r2 2ir where we have neglected terms in r3 in the denominator. We iterate once more, carrying terms to order r5 to obtain z1 = ir − (ir + 12 r2 )3 + (ir + 12 r2 )2 + r2 2ir = 12 r2 + i(r − 58 r3 ) z2 = ir + 12 r2 − The solution correct through third order in ωτ is then — 115— 116 Classical Electromagnetic Theory α = 12 ω02 τ ± i(ω0 − 58 ω03 τ 2 ) The decay constant is 12 ω02 τ and the damping decreases the resonant angular frequency by 58 ω03 τ 2 . 12-3 The differential equation of motion for the charged particle is d2 x d3 x + ω02 x − τ 3 = 0 2 dt dt Again trying a solution of the form x = x0 e−αt , we find α2 x + ω02 x + α3 τ x = 0 which gives the characteristic equation α3 τ 3 + α2 τ 2 + ω02 τ 2 = 0 identical to the characteristic equation found in 12-2. 12-4 (a) Neglecting radiation damping, the relativistic equation of motion is m0 c dβ μ μ = Fext dτ f). We note that in terms of the three-vectors, β μ = γ(1, v /c) and F μ = γ(f·β, Taking f to be in the x direction, we rewrite m0 c dβ 1 d(γvx ) = m0 γ = F1 dτ dt ⇒ fx d(γvx ) = dt m0 This equation is easily integrated to give γvx = fx t m0 Equating the expression for γv to the numerical value fx t/m0 = c, we solve for v to obtain v = .707c. (b) In terms of the four-momentum, the covariant equation of motion (12–46) may be written 2 μ d P dP μ q2 P μ dP ν dPν − + 2 2 = Fμ dτ 6πε0 m0 c3 dτ 2 m0 c dτ dτ Writing d W d 2 dP ν = , p = p + m20 c2 , p dτ dτ c dτ pdp/dt d p = , p2 + m20 c2 dt Chapter Twelve Solutions 117 we find dP ν dP ν = dτ dτ Further, 2 2 p2 dp dp −m20 c2 −1 = 2 2 2 2 2 2 p + m0 c dτ p + m0 c dτ , f · v p2 f · v ,f = 1 + 2 2 ,f F =γ c m0 c c μ Taking all motion and forces to be directed along x we extract the μ = 1 component of the resulting equation to obtain 2 , dpx dpx d 2 px px p2 −a = − 1 + fx 2 dτ dτ 2 p2 + m0 c2 dτ m20 c2 where we have relabelled q 2 /(6πε0 m0 c3 ) as a to avoid confusion with the proper time τ . The equation may be considerably simplified with the substitution px = m0 c sinh s. With this substitution, the equation of motion becomes 2 2 ds ds d2 s ds fx − a cosh s 2 − sinh s + sinh s cosh s = cosh s dτ dτ dτ dτ m0 c or d2 s ds fx =a 2 = dτ dτ m0 c The solution to this equation is easily seen to be ds fx = Aeτ /a + dτ m0 c We might try to set A = 0 in order to avoid the runaway solution and integrate once more to obtain fx τ s= m0 c whence, p = m0 c sinh s = m0 c sinh fx τ m0 c It remains to relate t to τ . We note that t= τ γ(τ )dτ = 0 , τ dτ 0 , where fx τ p = sinh , m0 c and 1+ 1+ p2 m20 c2 p2 fx τ = cosh 2 2 m0 c m0 c 118 Classical Electromagnetic Theory We abbreviate b = fx /m0 c and integrate, τ m0 c sinh s sinh bτ p t= = cosh bτ dτ = = b fx fx 0 which leads to p = fx t or γv = c ⇒ v = .707c, precisely the same result as obtained in (a). Clearly setting A = 0 eliminates all effects of radiation damping. (c) We may convert the differential equation in s and τ to an integral equation using exactly the same stratagem as in section 12.4 to obtain ds 1 ∞ fx (τ ) −(τ −τ )/a = e dτ dτ a τ m0 c If the force continues constantly for all time, then we find as before ds fx = dτ m0 c and radiation damping appears to have no effect. Only when the force terminates at some time τ0 do we get a different effect. Now 1 τ0 fx e−(τ −τ )/a ds = dτ dτ a τ m0 c # fx eτ /a τ0 −τ /a fx " 1 − e−τ0 /a = e dτ = am0 c τ m0 c As we have no information about the continuation of the force, we abandon the calculation at this point. It should be clear that it would be considerably easier to estimate the energy loss due to radiation assuming the acceleration is f /γm0 and calculate the final energy from dW af 2 = f · v − 2 dt γ m0 Appendix B B-1 The result is most easily obtained by using raising a lowering operators. Bj ∂i Aj = gjk B k ∂i g j A = gjk g j B k ∂i A = δk B k ∂i A = B ∂i A B-2 To demonstrate the equivalence of the second and third line of (Ex B.8.18) it suffices to show that sinh2 α − 2 cosh α(cosh α − cos β) + sin2 β = −1 (cosh α − cos β)2 To this end we expand the numerator sinh2 α − 2 cosh2 α + 2 cosh α cos β + sin2 β = −1 − cosh2 α + 2 cosh α cos β + sin2 β = − cos2 β + 2 cosh α cos β − cosh2 α by inspection, this is just minus the denominator. B-3 A particle’s four momentum is P μ = m0 V μ = γm0 (c, v ) where m0 is the particle’s proper or rest mass. The components of the 3momentum have the same transformation law as those of the three-velocity. p = p − m0 βc 1 − βvx /c and p⊥ = p⊥ Γ(1 − βvx /c) B-4 The standard expansion of a determinant in terms of its cofactors is precisely what this expression describes. B-5 The square interval (dS)2 is generally given by (dS)2 = dqi dq i = gij dq j dq i For spherical polar coordinates this becomes grr (dr)2 + gθθ (dθ)2 + gϕϕ (dϕ)2 = (dr)2 + r2 (dθ)2 + r2 sin2 θ(dϕ)2 B-6 Again this should be almost self-evident from the definition of gik = ei · ek We transform to the primed system (gik ) = ei · ek = αij ej · αk e = αij αk gj Comparing this with (B–30) we find this to be exactly the transformation law for a second rank fully covariant tensor. — 119— 120 Classical Electromagnetic Theory · ej although B-7 The simplest method is probably to use the definition Aj = A i the alternative Aj = gij A could also be used. A1 = (5ı̂ + 6ĵ + 7k̂) · (2ı̂ + 3ĵ + k̂) = 10 + 18 + 7 = 35 A2 = (5ı̂ + 6ĵ + 7k̂) · (ı̂ − ĵ + k̂) = 5 − 6 + 7 = 6 A3 = (5ı̂ + 6ĵ + 7k̂) · (ĵ + k̂) = 6 + 7 = 13 We quickly verify that Ai Ai is independent of which coordinate system is chosen. Indeed, Calculate in the Cartesian frame, |A|2 = 25 + 36 + 49 = 110 and in the oblique frame Ai Ai = 35 × 32 + 6 × 2 + 13 × 72 = 110. As an illustration of using the alternate method we compute A1 = g1j Aj . We first must find g1j . g11 = e1 · e1 = 14 g12 = e1 · e2 = 0 g13 = e1 · e3 = 4 leading to A1 = g11 A1 + g12 A2 + g13 A3 = 14 × 1.5 + 0 × 2 + 4 × 3.5 = 35 The other components are computed in the same manner. B-8 We continue to find the remaining components of the metric tensor in addition to the g1j already obtained above. g21 = 0 g22 = 3 g31 = 4 g32 = 0 g23 = 0 g33 = 2 Applying these elements to find |A|2 we have |A|2 = g11 A1 A1 + g13 A1 A3 + +g22 A2 A2 + g31 A1 A3 + g33 A3 A3 = 14 × (1.5)2 + 4 × (1.5)(3.5) + 3 × (2)(2) + 4 × (3.5)(1.5) + 2 × (3.5)2 = 110 B-9 The angular momentum of the rigid system is ! = L m(j)r(j) × ( ω × r(j) ) j Dropping the summation over particles (we will restore it at the end of the exercise) to avoid the rather cumbersome notation, we write Li = mijk xj km ω xm = mkij km xj ω xm j i = m(δi δm − δj δm )xj ω xm = m(ω i xm xm − xj ω j xi ) = ω j m(δji xm xm − xj xi ) = ω j Iji Appendix B Solutions 121 We can generally exchange the upper and lower indices of an inner product (Aj Bj = Aj B j ) so that we can write the latter expression as Li = ωj I ij with I ij = m(δ ij xm xm − xi xj ) Restoring the sum over particles we have ! 2 I ik = m(j) δ ik r(j) − xi(j) xk(j) j In this sum, r2 is a scalar and we know each of δ ik and xi xk to be a second rank contravariant tensor, which allows us to conclude that I ik is a second rank tensor. B-10 It is simple to construct the mixed tensor Uij = 12 (∂i U j + ∂j U i ) The fully covariant tensor is obtained by multiplying by g ik to get U jk = g ik Uij = 12 (∂ k U j + g ik ∂j U i ) Now, ∂j U i = ∂ j Ui so that the second term in the sum may be written ∂ j U k to complete the problem. B-11 The hyperbolic coordinates are defined by √ √ x= ρ+v y = ρ−v z=z √ with ρ = u2 + v 2 . The basis may be constructed as 1 1 dx dy u dr 2 ı̂ 2 ĵ √ √ = ı̂ + ĵ = + eu = du du du ρ ρ+v ρ−v 1 1 (v/ρ + 1)ı̂ (v/ρ − 1)ĵ dx dy dr = ı̂ + ĵ = 2 √ + 2 √ ev = dv dv dv ρ+v ρ−v and, of course ez = k̂. The nonzero metric tensor elements are gzz = 1, 1 1 1 u2 1 4 4 guu = eu · eu = 2 + = √ = 2 ρ ρ+v ρ−v 2ρ 2 u + v2 ρ − v 2 v + ρ 2 1 1 = √ 2 2ρ 2 u + v2 The remaining elements all vanish. The Laplacian may be constructed following the prescription √of (B–69).√ The determinant of the metric tensor, G = 1/[4(u2 + v 2 )] and Gg uu = Gg vv = 1 so that ∇2 V becomes 2 ∂ V ∂2V d2 V ∇2 V = 2 u2 + v 2 + + 2 2 ∂u ∂v dz 2 gvv = ev · ev = 2ρ v+ρ + 2ρ ρ−v = 122 Classical Electromagnetic Theory B-12 We begin by defining r = r= a sin θ cosh η − cos θ x2 + y 2 to write and z= a sinh η cosh η − cos θ Referring to Example B.8, we note that r and z have been reversed, but otherwise the problems are identical. The toroidal system has a circle in the centered on and perpendicular to the x-y plane that, rotated about the z axis, sweeps out a torus, whereas the bispherical coordinates have a circle centered on the z axis which rotated about the z axis sweeps out a sphere. Adapting the results of Example B.8 simply exchanging z and r we have from (ExB.8.8) r2 + (z − coth η)2 = a2 sinh2 η the equation of a circle of radius a/ sinh η centered at z = coth η. Positive η lead to spheres centered on positive z whereas negative η yield spheres at negative z. To obtain the metric tensor we first construct the local basis. eφ = eη = a cosh η a sinh2 η −a sin θ sinh η(ı̂ cos φ + ĵ sin φ) − + k̂ (cosh η − cos θ)2 cosh η − cos θ (cosh η − cos θ)2 eθ = d a sin θ dr = (xı̂ + yĵ + z k̂) = (−ı̂ sin φ + ĵ cos φ) dφ dφ cosh η − cos θ a cos θ a sin2 θ a sinh η sin θk̂ − (ı̂ cos φ + ĵ sin φ) − cosh η − cos θ (cosh η − cos θ)2 (cosh η − cos θ)2 The metric tensor elements may now be computed, gφφ = eφ · eφ = a2 sin2 θ (cosh η − cos θ)2 2 a cos θ a sin2 θ a sinh2 η sin2 θ − + 2 cosh η − cos θ (cosh η − cos θ) (cosh η − cos θ)4 a2 = cos2 θ + sin2 θ (cosh η − cos θ)2 2 sin θ − 2 cos θ(cosh η − cos θ) + sinh2 η × (cosh η − cos θ)2 2 a = (cosh η − cos θ)2 gθθ = Appendix B Solutions 123 and gηη 2 a cosh η a sinh2 η a2 sin2 θ sinh2 η − = + (cosh η − cos θ)4 cosh η − cos θ (cosh η − cos θ)2 a2 = cosh2 η + sinh2 η (cosh η − cos θ)2 2 sin θ − 2 cosh η(cosh η − cos θ) + sinh2 η × (cosh η − cos θ)2 2 a = (cosh η − cos θ)2 The off-diagonal elements vanish. The Laplacian is constructed according to the prescription of (B–69): 1 ∂V (cosh η − cos θ)3 ∂ 2 ∇ V = sin θ a3 sin θ ∂η cosh η − cos θ ∂η sin θ ∂V ∂ (cosh η − cos θ)2 ∂ 2 V + + ∂θ cosh η − cos θ ∂θ ∂φ2 a2 sin2 θ c Jack Vanderlinde, Reproduction without express permission of the author is strictly prohibited.