Document 14395630

CD, Section IXb: Parenting Plan, NH 2006
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Court Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Case Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Case Number: _______________________________________________________________________
(if known)
This parenting plan is: (Choose one)
□ Agreed upon □ Proposed by ____________________________ □ Developed by Court
(parent’s name)
This parenting plan is: (Choose one)
□ Temporary. The completed paragraphs apply until the case is concluded. If you are
requesting a temporary order on parenting issues, you should include as many of these
parenting plan topics as you will need to carry your family through until all parenting
issues are resolved.
□ Final. All completed paragraphs shall be incorporated in the Court’s final order.
□ Changing a prior final parenting plan or a prior final custody/visitation order.
The parental rights and responsibilities statute, RSA 461-A, requires any party in a divorce, legal separation, or
parenting (formerly known as “custody”) case to file a parenting plan, whether s/he is seeking an order
establishing parental rights and responsibilities or an order modifying such rights and responsibilities. As you
complete the Parenting Plan, please bear in mind this state's policy (below) as set forth in RSA 461-A:2. This
policy will guide the court in making decisions affecting your parental rights and responsibilities.
Because children do best when both parents have a stable and meaningful involvement in their lives, it is the policy of
this state, unless it is clearly shown that in a particular case it is detrimental to a child, to:
Support frequent and continuing contact between each child and both parents.
Encourage parents to share in the rights and responsibilities of raising their children after the
parents have separated or divorced.
Encourage parents to develop their own parenting plan with the assistance of legal and mediation
professionals, unless there is evidence of domestic violence, or child abuse/neglect.
Grant parents and courts the widest discretion in developing a parenting plan.
Consider both the best interests of the child in light of the factors listed in RSA 461-A:6 and the
safety of the parties in developing a parenting plan.
NHJB-2064-FS (05/01/2006). Reprinted with permission of the New Hampshire Judicial Branch.
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CaseName: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Case Number: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
This parenting plan is for the following child(ren):
Full Name
Date of Birth
Full Name
Date of Birth
1.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 5. _____________________________________
3._______________________________________ 6. _____________________________________
A. Decision-Making Responsibility:
1. Major Decisions: These include, but are not limited to, decisions about the child(ren)’s education,
non-emergency health and dental care, and religious training: (Choose one)
(a) Joint Decision-Making: Both parents shall share in the responsibility for making major
decisions about the child(ren).
(b) Sole Decision-Making: _______________________________(parent’s name) shall have
sole decision-making authority on major decisions about the child(ren).
2. Day-To-Day Decisions: Each parent shall make day-to-day decisions for the child(ren) during the time
he/she is caring for the child(ren). This includes any emergency decisions affecting the health or safety
of the child(ren). A parent who makes an emergency decision shall share the decision with the other
parent as soon as reasonably possible.
3. Other provisions: __________________________________________________________________
B. Residential Responsibility & Parenting Schedule:
1. Routine schedule: (Choose one)
□ (a) The child(ren) shall reside solely with _______________________________(parent’s name).
□ (b) The child(ren) shall reside primarily with ________________________________(parent’s
name), except for the following days and times when the other parent shall have
parenting time with the child(ren):
(c) The above choices do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the parents shall have equal or
approximately equal residential responsibility for the minor child(ren) as follows:
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
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2. Holiday and Birthday Planning: (Choose (a), (b), or (c)
(a) No holiday and birthday schedule shall apply. The routine schedule set forth above shall apply.
(b) Holiday and birthday parenting time shall be as the parties agree.
(c) The holidays and birthday(s) listed below should be shared as described. Specify start and end
times and days/dates as necessary. (For example, Thanksgiving: Mother—even years, Father—
odd years, starting on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving at 6pm, ending the Friday after
Thanksgiving at 6pm). Parenting time on holidays and birthdays which are not checked and
described shall be according to the routine schedule set forth above.
□ Mother’s Day__________________________________________________________
□ Father’s Day__________________________________________________________
□ July 4th ______________________________________________________________
□ Thanksgiving _________________________________________________________
□ Christmas Eve ________________________________________________________
□ Christmas Day ________________________________________________________
□ Child(ren)’s Birthday(s)__________________________________________________
□ Mother’s Birthday______________________________________________________
□ Father’s Birthday_______________________________________________________
□ Other religious, civil and family celebrated special occasions:
3. Three-day weekends: (Choose (a), (b), or (c))
(a) No three-day weekend schedule shall apply. The routine schedule set forth above shall apply.
(b) The parent exercising parenting time on the weekend before a Monday holiday shall have
parenting time on that Monday holiday.
□ (c) The three-day weekends listed below should be shared as listed and described. Parenting time
on three-day weekends which are not checked and described shall be according to the routine
schedule set forth above.
□ M. L. King Jr. Civil Rights Day _______________________________________________
□ Presidents’ Day_____________________________________________________________
□ Memorial Day_______________________________________________________________
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
□ Labor Day__________________________________________________________________
□ Columbus Day ______________________________________________________________
□ Other _____________________________________________________________________
4. Vacation Schedule:
(a) December Vacation: (Choose one)
(1) No December vacation schedule shall apply. The routine schedule set forth above shall
(2) The parent exercising parenting time with the child(ren) on Christmas Eve
(as outlined above) shall have the following additional parenting time with the child(ren) over
the December vacation:
The parent exercising parenting time with the child(ren) on Christmas Day
(as outlined above) shall have the following additional parenting time with the child(ren) over
December vacation:
(3) The above choices do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the residential schedule for
the child(ren)’s December vacation shall be as follows:
(b) February, April, and Summer Vacations. Specify the day of the week vacation starts and ends,
if necessary. (Choose one)
(1) No February, April, or summer vacation schedule shall apply. The routine schedule set
forth above shall apply.
(2) The child(ren) shall reside with ____________________________(parent’s name) during
February vacation, except for the following days and times when the child(ren) shall be with
the other parent:
The child(ren) shall reside with _______________________________(parent’s name) during
April vacation, except for the following days and times when the child(ren) shall be with the
other parent:
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
The child(ren)’s summer residential schedule shall be as follows:
(3) The above choices do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the residential schedule for
the child(ren)’s February, April, and summer vacations shall be as follows:
(c) Other Vacations--describe the schedules for any other vacations:
5. Supervised Parenting Time: (Choose one)
(a) Not applicable.
(b) The residential schedule is subject to the restrictions or limitations set out as follows:
6. Other Parental Responsibilities:
Each parent shall promote a healthy, beneficial relationship between the child(ren) and the other parent
and shall not demean or speak out negatively in any manner that would damage the relationship
between either parent and the child(ren).
Neither parent shall permit the child(ren) to be subjected to persons abusing alcohol or using illegal
drugs. This includes the abuse of alcohol or the use of illegal drugs by the parent.
The parties agree to, or the court establishes, the following additional expectations:
(Choose all that apply)
□ (a) A parent requesting a temporary change to the parenting schedule shall act in good faith
and ask the other parent about such change as soon as possible. The parents are expected to
fairly adjust parenting schedules when family situations, illnesses, or other commitments make
modification reasonable.
□ (b) If a parent requires child care by some person who does not reside in his or her residence,
for a period reasonably expected to last longer than _______hours, then the other parent shall
be offered the opportunity to parent the child. This section does not apply to regularly
scheduled day care.
□ (c) Each parent shall supply the appropriate child(ren)’s clothing for them for their scheduled
time with the other parent. These clothes are to be considered the child(ren)’s clothes and
shall be returned with the child(ren).
□ (d) Each parent shall be responsible for ensuring that the child(ren) attend regularly scheduled
activities, including but not limited to sports and extra-curricular activities, while the child(ren)
are with that parent.
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
□ (e) As the child(ren) get older, their individual interests may impact the parenting schedule set
forth in this parenting plan. Each parent shall be flexible in making reasonable adjustments to
the parenting schedule as the needs and interests of their maturing children require.
□ (f) Other Parenting Responsibilities:
C. Legal Residence of a Child for School Attendance: (Choose one)
□ 1. The children shall attend school in the school district where the parent with sole or primary
residential responsibility resides. Under this plan, that parent is__________________________.
□ 2. This parenting plan is for equal or approximately equal periods of residential responsibility, and
so the child(ren)’s legal residence for school purposes shall be with
__________________________(parent’s name).
D. Transportation and Exchange of the Child(ren): (Choose all that apply)
□ 1. Transportation arrangements for the child(ren) between parents shall be as follows:
□ 2. Unless both parents agree upon a different meeting place, the exchange of the child(ren) shall
be at:
□ 3. Transportation costs shall be shared as follows:
□ 4. Other ______________________________________________________________________
E. Information Sharing and Access, Including Telephone and Electronic Access:
Unless there is a court order stating otherwise:
Both parents have equal rights to inspect and receive the child(ren)’s school records, and both parents
are encouraged to consult with school staff concerning the child(ren)’s welfare and education. Both
parents are encouraged to participate in and attend the child(ren)’s school events.
Both parents have equal rights to inspect and receive governmental agency and law enforcement
records concerning the child(ren).
Both parents have equal rights to consult with any person who may provide care or treatment for the
child(ren) and to inspect and receive the child(ren)’s medical, dental or psychological records, subject
to other statutory restrictions.
Each parent has a continuing responsibility to provide a residential, mailing, or contact address and
contact telephone number to the other parent.
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Each parent has a continuing responsibility to notify the other parent of any emergency circumstances
or substantial changes or decisions affecting the child(ren), including the child(ren)’s medical needs, as
close in time to the emergency circumstance as possible.
1. Parent-Child Telephone Contact: (Choose one)
The children shall be given privacy during their conversations with either parent. While the
child(ren) reside with one parent, the other parent shall be permitted to speak by telephone with
the child(ren):
(a) At reasonable times.
(b) At the following times only:_________________________________________________
(c) Other: _________________________________________________________________
2. Parent-Child Written Communication: (Choose one)
□ (a) Both parents and child(ren) shall have the right to communicate in writing or by emailing
during reasonable hours without interference or monitoring by the other parent.
□ (b) Specific agreements/orders regarding written or e-mail access between child(ren) and
parent(s): __________________________________________________________________
F. Relocation of a Residence of a Child: (Choose one)
□ 1. The relocation of a child’s residence in which s/he lives at least 150 days per year is governed
by RSA 461-A:12. In general, either parent may move the child’s residence if it results in the
parents living closer and it if will not affect the child’s school enrollment. Prior to relocating the
child’s residence farther from the other parent or in such a way that school enrollment will be
impacted, the parent shall provide reasonable notice to the other parent. For purposes of this
section, 60 days notice shall be presumed to be reasonable unless other factors are found to be
present. At the request of either parent, the court shall hold a hearing on the relocation issue.
□ 2. This parenting plan shall expressly govern the relocation issue as follows: (Choose one)
□ (a) In addition to the provisions of RSA 461-A:12, this plan shall include the following
relocation details:
□ (b) Instead of RSA 461-A:12, this plan shall include the following relocation details:
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Case Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Case Number: ____________________________________________________________________
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G. Procedure for Review and Adjustment of Parenting Plan: (Choose one)
□ 1. The parents shall meet as set out below to review this parenting plan and the well-being of the
child(ren). Any agreed-on changes shall be written down, signed by both and filed with the court.
(Each should keep a copy.) Choose (a), (b), (c), or (d).
□ (a) Meetings shall be in ___________________________(month).
□ (b) Meetings shall be yearly.
□ (c) Meetings shall be every 2 years.
□ (d) Meetings shall not be on a set schedule but shall be as often as necessary for the benefit
of the child(ren).
□ 2. Other:_______________________________________________________________________
H. Method(s) for Resolving Disputes: (Choose one)
□ 1. In the future, if the parents have a disagreement about parenting issues, the parents shall
try to work it out in the best interest of the child(ren). If the parents are unable to work out the
disagreement, they shall seek the help of a neutral third party to assist them. Only if the
parents are unable to work out the disagreement after seeking third party assistance will they
ask the court to decide the issue.
2. Other:______________________________________________________________________
I. Other parenting agreements important to the parents or child(ren) are listed below or are set
forth in the ________number of attached pages.
Guardian ad Litem
Recommended by:
Signature of Marital Master
Name of Marital Master
Name of Judge
So ordered:
Signature of Judge
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