3-3 Online sunspot image data You may have noticed that the sunspotter can only take data on sunny days! Since this is New England, these are often few and far between. As a back-up option, you can also view recent pictures of the sun online and count the number of sunspots you see. To do this, go to the following website: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-mdi_igr-256.html Go down to the BOTTOM HALF of the page, where you will see the words “List of Individual Images.” A list of links follows. The links are titled in the form year-monthday-time. For example, the link: 20030714_0238 represents a picture from 2003, July 14th at 2:38. We won’t worry about the time, though…just the date. Record your observations in the chart below. In activity 3-4, you will graph this data along with the sunspotter data. Date Number of sunspots