HERMES Image Display Application Installation Manual HASP USB Security plug

HERMES Image Display Application
Installation Manual
HASP USB Security plug
Floating License Server
Rapid for PC
Rapid for CD
Document Revision Date:
Document Number:
©2005 Nuclear Diagnostic
HASP USB Security plug
Used to secure the applications against abuse of the software. It must be plugged into a USB
port on the window computer for the applications to start. A special device driver must be
A successful installation of the driver is needed for RAPID for PC, Jade and Mm3D to
This is not applicable if a Floating License is used. Then the HASP authenticates the
Floating License Server.
Floating License Server
The Floating License Server (aserver.exe) is a server that runs on a Windows XP system as a
Windows service.. It has a HASP key and a license that enables a certain number of licenses
that can run concurrent. A client only needs to define the IP address of the license server
A 3D display program typically called from the Jade application and installed on the local
Windows platform.
A display program AND a application launcher with build in data storage, DICOM access …
Rapid For PC
A Volume display program installed on the Windows computer which can be run directly or
called from Jade.
Rapid For CD
Same functions as Rapid For PC but is installed on a HERMES system. The HERMES
GOLD application can create CD’s with images and a volume viewer. The volume viewer is
called Rapid For CD. This Rapid version does not use the HASP security plug.
ImageMagick is a support utility to save MIP movies in Rapid. It is shipped as a separate
install shield executable.
The HASP device driver
First install the driver, reboot and the insert the HASP plug. The system will then recognize
the plug. The Plug has a red LED that will be ON when the plug is detected by the system
The installation kit is executable file HASPUserSetup.exe.
Double click on the icon, choose language.
The Floating License Server
First a HASP key and a license FOR THE FLOATING LICENSE SERVER needs to be
installed. One for Rapd/Jade or Mm3D. The explorerPWD utility is used for that.
The server executable aserver.exe resides in the Rapid program folders. It must be installed
as a Windows service that is started at boot time, i.e. start method Automatic.
To install the server execute the command (assuming the executable is in the folder ion the
C:\program file\aserver.exe –i 1947 c:\aserver.log
The port 1947 is the default and should be used, and the log file is just a suggestion.
To start the service, go to the control panel Services and locate the “Hermes Explorer
Floating …” entry. Click on start (or stop when you want to stop the service).
To remove the service:
C:\program file\aserver.exe –r
A –v (verbose flag) can be added to get more logging in the log file, but that might make the
log file quite large.
Double click on the file mm3d_setup.exe and the Installshield will start.
First uninstall any previous version of Jade with the Control Panel/Remove Programs.
Existing studies in local databases are not removed. Double click on the file
Jade_Setup.exe and the Installshield will start.
Interfile and Dicom example databases the first time you install Jade. If you installed before
and have studies there, you may leave them unselected . (Avoid the Empty databases.)
If you have run Jade before, you may keep your current settings.
After a while
JadeServer starts (net start jadeserver, not shown) and then the installation is complete.
If you want to change the AE title and port, please run JadeManagement and set new values.
You must also stop and restart the JadeServer.
Rapid For PC
First uninstall any existing RAPID program with the Control Panel/Remove Programs, MUST
Double click on the file rapid4pc.exe and the Installshield will start.
During install, do not select “Check update”.
Two shortcuts for the Rapid program will be automatically created on the Desktop, one for
Rapid from a CD and one for Rapid from WORKING.
Delete any shortcut that is not required.
The default drive letters are D:\ for DICOMDIR CD and L:\ for the Samba exported Hermes
WORKING directory.
If you want to change the drive letters of the shortcuts, right click and select Properties and
change the drive name required in the Target field
e.g. "C:\Program Files\Rapid\rapid.exe" L:\
In addition a program menu is created in the normal Windows menu called “Rapid For PC”.
It has entries for:
Image Print
A image print viewer (jpeg, gif,png).
Utility to manage license keys.
The Rapid program started with no data chosen.
The Rapid package software is distributed as a ‘package’, which is the standard Solaris (and
System V) method of distribution and installing software.
The package is shipped in ‘Stream’ format, as opposed to a ‘File System’ format, e.g. a
directory with the data.
The normal distribution format for the package data is as gzip compressed files of the
package in the so called “stream format”. All data is packed in a large file. There is a
possibility to transfer the stream format to a so-called “File system format”, consult the man
pages for the pkgtrans command or the last section.
To uncompress a gzip package file use gunzip:
gunzip NUDRapid_yyy.pkg.gz
Will uncompress the file and remove the trailing .gz extension.
All package Install and Remove MUST be done as root. To gain root privileges
su –
Packages Overview
Package File Name
Optional RAPID Support Package
Package removal
To remove the package use the command:
pkgrm NUDRapid
Listing Installed Packages
Use the pkginfo command. To list installed NUD packages pipe the output to the grep
pkginfo | grep NUD
Package Installation
NUDhome, NUDlbin and NUDbase need to be installed. They provide the software foundation
needed by RAPID package.
If run from a complete HERMES Install CD you can user the Install script “Install” and choose
the NUDRapid install option.
If installing directly from the package file:
As root user type (the xxxx reflects the architecture: sparc or i386):
pkgadd –d NUDRapid_xxxx.pkg
If /opt/hermes exists AND is a link the installation will ask for confirmation to continue and
install into /opt/hermes.
In order to be able to update the program menu’s (both select and gold) the installer need to
know the name of the Standard user (typically hermes).
The installation will locate the user name from the file /opt/hermes/etc/user which was set by
the NUDhome package installation,.
If that file does not exists, the install will ask for standard user name. If the entered user name
is invalid, the set up of the menu files and resource file are disabled.
The menu snipRapid will be added to both the select and gold menu files, providing a proper
NUDhome installation has been made, and a valid standard user name is found.
A sample DRapids resource file will be copied, if none was found.
The preferences for Rapid for CD can be configured on a PC running Rapid for PC, saved on
the PC, and the file
C:\My Documents\Rapid\Preferences\rapidrc.xml
copied to the Hermes directory
This file will then be copied onto each Rapid CD written on that Hermes system.
How to transfer a package.
To transfer the package NUDRapid_i386 to /tmp
pkgtrans –o NUDRapid_i386.pkg /tmp NUDRapid
The packages will be transferred to /tmp/NUDRapid
If the package has been transferred to a file system format the pkgadd command (as in the
example above) would be:
cd /tmp
pkgadd –d .
Double click on the file imagemagic.exe and the Installshield will start.
During install, do not select “Check update”.
It will install in Programs/imagemagic. The utility is only supported as a tool to save MPEG
movies from rapid.
Licensing and HASP security Plug
Rapid for PC, Jade and Mm3D is node locked to a unique system and a licence key is
needed for Rapid to run if floating license is not used.
If Floating license is used a special license is installed in the floating license server.
NOTE: Rapid For CD does not require any password.
The process to licence rapid is
Get a request key unique for Your system
Send it by mail or fax to Nuclear Diagnostics
A password will be sent back by mail or any method suitable
Enter the password
Items 1 and 4 is handled by the explorerPWD utility
Use the explorerPWD, (which is installed in the program files/jade|mm3d|rapid folder.
It has four tabs and supports the three programs involved.
Show Status
Shows the curretnt status for the program selected above. If the application is NOT licensed
the text Illegal or non-existing password is shown in the Expire data field.
If the password to
Load or Check is a
Floating License
to monitor
Name of the
“Licensed To”
The number of
licenses. Always 1
for Hasp licensing
If HASP key
license of
date for
Tab to load a password from a file and the register it in the Windows registry. If the Floating
License is checks, a Floating License licenses is stored, else the standard HASP license.
Check this if
the password
to store is for
the Floating
Show a file dialog to read
a file with a password from
Nuclear Diagnostics
The password to
Save/Register the
password for the
current application
Hasp Key ID
Show the Hasp ID, a unique number for each key.
Print a page
on the Hasp
This is the Hasp
Key ID that shall
be sent to Nuclear
The label printed
on the key. Will
be shown on the
Print Hasp
Click on this
button to show a
dialog where the
Hasp Key ID can
be saved in a file.
This file is then
sent to Nuclear
Show if a
Valid HASP
and driver is
Floating License Server Enable/Disable
Each client that is to be licensed by a Floating license server need to tell the system where
that server is located be defining the IP address and port number.
If the IP address is empty, it is assumed that the client licensing is HASP based.
NOTE: This is only relevant for
storing/checking HASP passwords
Store the FL
server info in the
windows registry
and enable the FL
licensing on this
THE IP address in
dotted format or a
a name resolved
domain name.
The port,
Default is
Disable the Floating
License server
licensing on this
Nullifying the IP
address does this
Get the Hasp Key ID (The Request Key)
In the explorerPWD choose the Hasp Key ID tab and note the HASP Key ID Or save it in a
file. Send the request key to:
or fax it with information on who sent it to: Int 46-8184354
Registering the password
After you have received the password, save it on the target system and note the file name.
Start the explorerPWD, Password tab, and load the password via the file dialog.
Finally choose the correct application (Rapid/mm3d/Jade) and Registers the password with
the button Register and Enable the Password.
Program Primer
Rapid for PC
Running Rapid from CD
Insert the CD and double click on the shortcut RAPID CD and the patient study list will be
Installing Samba on Hermes
To uncompress the gzip package file use gunzip:
gunzip samba_i386.pkg.gz
As superuser, from a command tool, go to the directory where the uncompressed package file
resides and type:
pkgadd –d ./samba_i386.pkg
Note: For more information about installing packages, see the next section on installing Rapid
for CD.
Check the /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf file. The entry hosts allow should be set appropriately
e.g. hosts allow 192.168.0 127.
At the end of the file there must be an entry:
path = /home/working/nuc_image
public =yes
writable =no
printable = no
Reboot the Hermes system.
Mapping a network Drive
If Rapid is to be run over a local network a drive on the PC must be mapped to the WORKING
directory on Hermes. Prior to this, Samba must be installed on the Hermes server (see
From a folder window, select Tools/ Map Network Drive. Select a drive letter (L: for the drive
and in the Folder field type:
\\hserver1\working where hserver1 is the hostname of the Hermes server on which
Samba is running. You will need to enter the username and password for Hermes the first
time you map the drive.
Running Rapid from WORKING
Double click on the shortcut RAPID WORKING and the patient list will be presented.
Double click on the Jade icon or select Jade from the programs menu.
Select one of the demo studies (if any available) in the Jade patient browser. If it is a DICOM
study you may select series in the lower pane. Click the Jade button to run the Jade viewer.
In the Jade viewer you can click on the patient browser icon (second in toolbar) to return to
the browser.