Holly Lane Elementary School PTA Standing Rules Administration

Holly Lane Elementary School PTA
Standing Rules
Current Holly Lane principal.
Keep membership appraised of current advocacy updates. Assist with yearly review of the
Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Artist in Residence
Works with the principal and specials teachers to coordinate a day(s) of learning enrichment for
the students of Holly Lane. The focus of the discipline for the day will rotate between art and
Art Day
Works with arts teacher to label/mount art pieces and display art pieces for show. Discretion of
committee and art teacher to have entertainment/sell art cards made by art club at show.
Audit/Financial Review Chair
Compare the bank statements with the Treasurer’s records on a monthly basis. Will not have
check signing privileges. Two additional audit committee members (who do not have check
signing privileges) will be appointed by the PTA President at the April general meeting. The
committee will complete the annual audit by August 1.
Birthday Book Club/Library Coordinator
Coordinates with the school librarian to enable parents and staff to donate a book to the Holly
Lane Library in honor of their child's own birthday. Assists in planning and implementing
quarterly "Birthday Party" for club members. Assists the librarian with the coordination of
volunteers and sets up volunteer schedule.
Book Binding
Assembles books for Holly Lane Young Authors Program.
Book Fair
Works with the Holly Lane Librarian staff to set-up and tear-down the book fair with volunteers
and publicize via flyers home and posters at school. May assist with the collection of payments
and balancing of the books. Responsible for coordinating volunteers needed to work book fair
Coordinates the book store dates with Principal, stocks and runs book store, coordinates
volunteers and maintain petty cash with assistance of Treasurer. This committee also creates and
sells the Westlake dismissal pads.
Box Tops/Rewards Coordinator
Coordinates and publicizes the collection of Box Tops. Pick-up and properly prepare all box
tops, counts and submits box tops to General Mills Inc. for cash redemption twice per the year.
Promotes the use of Rewards Programs with retailers who provide incentives to school for
participation, such as Giant Eagle Apple program and Target credit card rewards, Campbell’s
Label and Tyson A+ project. Responsible for program publicity as well as the submission to
appropriate company.
Community Outreach
Organizes activities appropriate for all grade levels which will be used to benefit the community
and will coordinate volunteers for this day.
Prepares directory of students, staff and general information relating to the school; has it printed
and distributed to students via classroom teachers. Each PTA Executive Board member shall
receive a copy.
Fall Fundraiser
Coordinate the yearly major fund raiser project. Collaborate with school administration.
a) Interview fund-raising companies and recommend one to at the last General PTA meeting of
the school year.
b) Conduct (with company representative) a kick-off assembly for the school, informing students
of the sale.
c) Promote fundraiser at Parent Information Nights and via written/electronic communication.
d) Arrange for merchandise distribution and volunteers.
Family Fun Night
Works in conjunction with the Principal to organize after school social activities for the
students and their families including but not limited to a Halloween Fun Night, and a Family
Founder’s Day /Ohio PTA Achievement Award
Founder Day event is held in February. Prior to event, solicit nominations for the Ohio PTA
Achievement Award. Chairperson will solicit votes – either by paper, phone or electronically –
from the executive committee, collect tear slips and money for the event, and serve as hostess the
evening of the program. The Founders Day chairperson can vote for a nominated individual.
This PTA unit will pay for the admission to Founders Day for the recipient, President, Principal
and Founders Day Chairperson.
Fourth Grade Memory Book and Activities Committee
Collaborates with principal, fourth grade teachers, and fourth grade room parents to coordinate
the fourth grade promotion activities which include: the recognition assembly, memory book
reception, and end of year picnic.
Fun Fair
Responsible for organizing fun fair, securing booths, games and volunteer coordinator. Changes
to the event shall be approved at a general PTA meeting.
Giant Eagle Gift Cards
Manage the administration and execution of the Giant Eagle gift card fundraiser.
a. President arranges for the ordering of cards through Giant Eagle.
b. President, Treasurer and Chairperson(s) holds gift cards in possession until distributed.
c. Coordinate taking orders, distribution of the cards and collection of money for the cards.
d. Arrange for the promotion of the fundraiser on an ongoing basis throughout the school year.
e. Any programs/benefits used to increase the sale of Giant Eagle cards will be approved at a
general membership meeting.
Health, Safety and Service
Promotes health and safety issues to students and their families via school Herald articles and
fliers. May coordinate programming for guidance counselors, school nurse and physical
education teacher. Organizes food drives throughout the school year and other service related
activities (ex. May Dugan, Toy For Tots, Coats For Kids, EMH, Etc.)
Herald Editor
Responsible for Holly Lane Herald newsletter. Collect articles from principal, staff, board and
committee members and students. Articles must relate to district activities. Material will be
reviewed and approved by the PTA president prior to being posted/mailed. Type and format
newsletter and send email copies to Corresponding Secretary for Herald distribution.
Takes pictures of PTA sponsored activities, posts those pictures on bulletin boards in the
school. Assembles Holly Lane PTA scrap book by beginning of next school year.
Holiday Gifts
Bring Holiday Ornament sample no later than the October meeting for approval. This holiday
ornament will be purchased or made for students. Arranges for Santa to visit and distribute the
gifts to students.
Arranges refreshments for Veteran’s Day. Science Day, Art Show, Grandparents and Special
Friend Day, Field Day and other event(s) as approved at a general membership meeting.
Kindergarten Liaison
Committee chair will attend the Kindergarten Parent Information meeting (January) arranged by
Pupil Services. Provide a flyer that includes general information, contact name/number and
opportunities available at Holly Lane PTA. Coordinate “welcome to Holly Lane” morning
picnic, held a few days before the beginning of the new school year.
Malley's Candy Sale
Organize the Malley's Candy Sale in time for Easter/Spring candy needs. Secures and distributes
order forms to students, submits order to Malley's, collect funds prior to order placement,
organizes the distribution of candy and coordinates volunteers.
Market Day
Publicizes the Market Day products, receives and processes order forms, arranges for the
monthly pickup of the orders. Coordinates any necessary volunteers.
Presents membership theme to Executive Board at the Executive Board meeting in August.
Prepares membership materials for Parent Information Nights and arranges for incentive prizes
for classrooms. Distributes membership cards to members. Forward membership records to
Columbus with accurate data no later than September 30th.
Music Liaison
Provides updates regarding Music Booster membership and activities.
PTA Website
Updates and maintains PTA website to provide effective communication of upcoming PTA
events and programs. All information on the site must be approved by the PTA President prior
to posting.
Provide Reflections program information to students. Collects entries and secures judges. Works
with PTA Council to plan district-wide reception for participants and their families.
Room Parents/Volunteer Coordinator
Responsible for securing up to 4 room parents per classroom grades 1-4. Kindergarten requires 4
parents per classroom. Arranges meeting with room parents and teachers at beginning of school
year. Enlists room parents' help to organize classroom volunteers. Compiles and distributes
volunteer lists to appropriate standing committee chairpersons. Only PTA funds to be utilized at
class parties, no additional request for funds from parents. Compiles and distributes volunteer
lists to appropriate standing committee chairpersons.
School Beautification
Coordinates the planning and purchase of PTA authorized and/or sponsored improvements to the
school (indoor or outdoor). Enlist parent helpers to maintain the Outdoor landscape
improvements as needed. Seek prior authorization for projects from building principal.
Science Day
Secures and schedules presentations for science day. Coordinate sessions for all grade levels.
Spirit Outreach Coordinator
Prepares and distributes parent information folders that are distributed on the first day of school.
Coordinates order/purchase of Holly Lane spirit wear.
Staff Appreciation
Organizes Staff Appreciation Week. Arranges a luncheon for the staff on the last workday in
June. May plan other appropriate activities for the staff as approved by the general membership.
Summer Reading
Organizes Summer Reading applications, monitors incoming completed forms and coordinates
Teacher Representative
Serves as a representative of the teaching staff at all general PTA meetings
Veteran’s Day Liaison
Collaborates with staff, students, Scouts and parents to organize Veteran’s Day assembly.
All Officers & Chairpersons of Standing Committees Shall:
Make an effort to attend workshops available for PTA members – District Conference,
Leadership Conference, Ohio PTA Convention and the National PTA Convention.
Submit a year-end report to the president by the end of the school year.
If an officer or a chairperson cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall notify the President
and provide a report.
Maintain a current and organized notebook for your successor.
Keep expenses within officer/committee budget amount. If additional funds are needed,
the chairperson/officer must notify the President in writing the amount and explanation of
the request prior to the next General meeting. All receipts are due within 30 days of their
event/activity. No receipts will be accepted after 30 days. Final receipt turn date shall be
June 15.
Submit for approval to the Superintendent’s Office at the Board of Education all
documents/ fliers to be distributed within the district (i.e., across multiple schools) prior
to duplication of the document(s) and distribution within district. All documents/fliers
for distribution within an individual school shall be submitted for approval to the school’s
Principal and PTA President prior to duplication and distribution.
Be a paid member of the PTA (per Article V of the Holly Lane PTA By Laws).
General Membership
This Association shall receive (in the President's name) the Ohio Parent-Teacher Bulletin
and the PTA Magazine as part of the benefits of Ohio and National PTA Membership.
Copies of the Bylaws, Standing Rules and a current membership list shall be provided for
the Nominating Committee.
Any duplication or use of the Board roster or PTA membership roster is strictly
The President has authority to make special disbursements at her discretion for amounts
not to exceed $100. Additional disbursement requires the approval of the General
These standing rules may be amended by a majority vote, of those in attendance in good
standing, at any general meeting of this unit.
The bylaws and standing rules shall be reviewed annually. Copies of the bylaws and
standing rules shall be available at all meetings.
Any charge related to returned checks for insufficient funds will be the responsibility of
the payer. This includes charges related to subsequent checks that are cleared.
The President, Treasure and appointed PTA members will form the budget committee.
The annual budget will be approved at the first general meeting in August.
Expenses incurred between July 1 and the approval of the budget at the first general
meeting (fall) shall be approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Approval
may be executed via telephone or electronic mail. The maximum amount of disbursed
funds shall be $500.00. Request of additional funds (over the $500.00 maximum) shall
be approved by a majority note at a meeting of the Board.
Once a deadline has past to cast your vote via electronic mail and the majority has voted,
no further votes shall be accepted. If the majority vote has not been reached, members
will be contacted via telephone for their vote until a majority is reached.
Executive Committee
1st VP
2nd VP
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Council Delegate
Council Delegate Alternate
Standing Committee Chair(s)
Order of Business
A. Call to order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Reading and approval of minutes
D. Treasurer Report
E. Communications
F. Reports
Standing Committees
Special Committees
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
I. Announcements
J. Adjournment
Date Amended
September 27, 2011
By vote of members at
September 27, 2011 general
September 25, 2012
Revise Audit description; add
items 6 and 7 to Section “All
Officers & Chairpersons of
Standing Committees Shall:”
By vote of members at
September 25, 2012 general
January 22, 2013
Revised Founders Day
description to designate voting
By vote of members at January
22, 2013 general meeting