Lee Burneson Middle School PTA Standing Rules ADMINISTRATION Current Lee Burneson principal. The principal or designee ( A PTA member) shall attend the general PTA meetings. ADVOCACY/PARLIAMENTARIAN Keep PTA apprised of current legislative news from Ohio and National PTA. Responsible for maintaining current copies of the Standing Rules and Bylaws of this association. Assist with the yearly review of the Bylaws and Standing Rules. AUDIT Shall have three (3) members, one (1) chair and two (2) committee members. These three members will not have check signing privileges. The chair shall be responsible for the monthly review of the reconciliation of Burneson PTA monthly bank statements. The chair shall be responsible for coordinating the PTA annual audit, to be completed by August 1. B.O.E. REPRESENTATIVE Attend Westlake Board of Education meetings and report their activities at Burneson General PTA monthly meetings. BURNESON BEAT EDITOR The Burneson Beat is a school newsletter distributed by the PTA. Responsibilities include: Gather articles and information for publication Inform staff and membership of deadlines for submission of articles Type and layout newsletter Distribute the newsletter via email to the Superintendent, BOE members, PTA Council President, PTA Presidents and Burneson office staff. Provide ten (10) hardcopies of newsletter to main office. The PTA president will review all newsletter material before it is posted/mailed. CANDY SALE The 8th graders may sell candy as a way to offset costs of the American Heritage Trip. The chairperson shall: Inform parents of sale through newsletter articles and/or flyers Obtain consent from parents for student to sell candy Coordinate ordering and distribution of candy Coordinate collection of money (Note: this is not a PTA fundraiser) Candy sales are prohibited during school hours. CANTEEN REFRESHMENTS 7th grade parents (4) coordinate the refreshments for all canteens. CIVIL WAR BALL 8th grade activity held in May. Coordinate the following activities with staff, parents, and students: student participation contract, programs, volunteer information, encampment activities, building reservation, costume information, decorations, musicians, selection of hostesses and escorts, choosing and training students who will participate in the drill team, plays and dances, set up and clean up, selling tickets to the Ball. CIVIL WAR REFRESHMENTS 7th grade parents coordinate refreshments for the Civil War activities. DEMON’S CLUB Rep. Attend Demon’s Club meetings and report their activities at the Burneson PTA monthly meetings. Must be a current Demon’s Club member. DIRECTORY Student directory is provided for all families during the first semester. The chairperson for this committee shall: Work with the office to gather student data Input data into directory format Arrange for printing of the directory Distribute directory to the students FOUNDER’S DAY Founder’s Day is a Westlake Council of PTA’s event held in February. It honors a member of the Burneson community for outstanding service to children. Responsibilities include: Solicit nominations for the Ohio PTA Achievement Award Inform membership and staff of details of event through newsletter articles and flyers Solicit votes electronically or telephone from Executive Committee and Founders Day Chair(s). Submit the name and fee for the recipient to the person chairing Founder’s Day for PTA Council Serve as a hostess the night of Founder’s Day The president, principal, and recipient shall have their Dinner’s paid for. HEALTH & SAFETY Provide health related materials/programs for students, parents and staff. Coordinate Health & Safety initiatives at Burneson. Such as Ride Your Bike to School Week (Sept/May). Meet with principal to discuss possible Health & Safety initiatives for the school year. HOSPITALITY Serve refreshments at various functions throughout the school year. Plan and serve staff a welcome back lunch on the day before school starts, fall evening parent-teacher conferences, holiday lunch during the last week before winter break and staff appreciation breakfast in May. A list of volunteers is provided by the Volunteer Coordinator. INTERNATIONAL LUNCHEON The International luncheon celebrates the diversity of Lee Burneson Middle School by inviting students to share favorite food items representing their heritage Coordinate setting up and selling the food items during lunch periods. (Note: this is not a PTA fundraiser) LIBRARY COFFEHOUSE FUNDRAISER Collaborate with librarian the Day/Time (held before Winter Holiday Break), of Coffeehouse and set up. Schedule volunteer help and assist with collection of raffle items. MEMBERSHIP Design and distribute membership flyers. Collect membership forms, dues and distribute membership cards. Complete and submit state membership forms as required. National PTA and Ohio PTA portions of membership dues area sent to Ohio PTA. Enter membership information to Ohio PTA. Provide updated membership list to recording secretary. MUSIC BOOSTERS Attend monthly Music Booster meetings and report their activities at the monthly PTA meetings. Must be a current Music Boosters member. REFLECTIONS Reflection’s is an artistic competition sponsored by the National PTA in which entries in the areas of literature, visual arts, photography and music are judged. Provide students with information regarding theme, requirements and due dates for entries. This information is supplied to the chairperson by the Westlake Council of PTA’s Reflection’s chairperson. Assemble a panel of judges for each of the contest areas. Collect entries and give them to the corresponding judge. Notify winners and send those entries to the district competition. Assist PTA Council Reflections Chairperson with participant reception in the spring. SCHOLARSHIP Responsible for forming a committee to review scholarship applications and choosing a recipient for the scholarship. The winner’s name is submitted to the high school guidance counselor. SNAPS Special Needs And Parent Support. A Liaison between PTA activities and children with special needs. VARIETY SHOW Annual talent show which consists of acts performed by students for the school student body during the school day. Responsible for auditions, selecting acts and coordinating the dress rehearsal. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Compiles a list of volunteers for student and PTA activities. Update list of activities which require volunteers. Send list of volunteer activities home with each student at the beginning of the year Provide list of volunteers for each standing committee WEBSITE COORDINATOR Posts and maintains current PTA related materials on the Burneson PTA website Material posted on the website will be reviewed by the PTA President prior to being posted. All Officers & Chairpersons of Standing Committees shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make an effort to attend workshops available for PTA members – District Conference, Leadership Conference, Ohio PTA Convention and the National PTA Convention. Submit a year end report to the President by the May Installation. If an officer or a chairperson can not attend a meeting, he/she shall notify the President and provide a report. Maintain a current and organized procedure notebook for your successor. Include log of volunteer hours, budget, expenditures, supply inventory and annual committee summary. Keep expenses within officer/committee budget amount. If additional funds are needed, the chairperson/officer must notify the president in writing the amount and reason for the request prior to the next General meeting. Requests for additional funds must be approved at a General meeting prior to the associated expenses being made. Once a deadline has passed to cast your vote via electronic mail and the majority has voted, no further votes shall be accepted. If the majority has not voted, members will be contacted via telephone for their vote. General Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The minimum of $1000.00 operating money shall be carried over. Expenses incurred between July 1 and the approval of the budget at the first general meeting (fall), shall be approved by the majority vote of the Executive Committee. Approval may be executed via telephone or electronic mail. The maximum amount of disbursed funds shall be $500.00. Request of additional funds (over the $500.00 max.) shall be approved by a majority vote at a meeting of the Executive Board. Any charge related to returned checks for insufficient funds will be the responsibility of the payer. This includes charges related to subsequent checks that are cleared. For reimbursement of funds, complete the reimbursement form with receipts attached and forward to Treasurer. All receipts are due within 30 days of their event/activity. No receipts will be accepted after 30 days. Final receipt turn in date shall be June 15. Only current PTA members shall have privileges to process financial transactions of this PTA. The bylaws and standing rules shall be reviewed annually (See Bylaws Article VIII, Section 1.,i.). Copies of the bylaws and standing rules shall be available at all meetings. 7. Any duplication or other use of the PTSA membership roster and the Burneson Directory is strictly prohibited. 8. Board and General meeting minutes will be electronically sent to all Board members for review. Corrections will be forwarded to the Recording Secretary. The minutes of the Board or General meetings shall be read by at least three members who attended the previous meeting. The minutes will then be approved during the order of business. 9. These standing rules may be amended by a majority vote, of those in attendance in good standing, at any general meeting of this unit. 10. The president, treasurer, out-going president and appointed PTA members will form the budget committee. The annual budget shall be approved at the first General meetings in September. Executive Committee Board President 1st VP 2nd VP Canteen 3rd VP Canteen 4th VP Fundraising 5th VP Fundraising Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Council Delegates Officers Standing Committees Order of Business A. Call to Order B. Reading and approval of minutes C. Treasurer Reports D. Communication E. Reports Officers Standing Committees Special Committees F. Unfinished Business G. New Business H. Announcements I. Adjournment Last Amended Last Annual Review 2/5/2012 President Parliamentarian Angela Wanhainen Christie Wiedt Westlake Council of PTA’s