The City University of New York—Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Table of Contents Table 1 Employment and Post-secondary Education Status Table 2A Employment Status Related to Field of Study Table 2B Employment by Industry Table 2C Criteria for Job Acceptance Table 3 Length of Unemployment of those Unemployed Table 4A Post-Graduate Education by Degree Pursued Table 4B Post-Graduate Education by Type of Institution Table 4C Master's Level Post-Graduate Education by Type of Institution Table 5 CUNY Preparation for Career Table 6 Helpfulness of CUNY Career Services Table 7 Challenges of Finding and Obtaining a Job Table 8 Financing Undergraduate Education Appendix A Survey Sampling and Response Rate Appendix B Survey Sample Profiles by Sample Type Sampling, Administration and Weighting Methods Survey of CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 1 Employment and Post-secondary Education Status: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Technical, Certificate or Licensure Exams Taken Passed* Currently Employed Unemployed & Seeking Employment Pursuing Additional Education Earned an Additional Degree % % % % 82.2 71.7 80.2 82.4 83.1 76.8 80.9 55.6 83.7 81.3 77.5 72.9 10.7 21.9 12.0 12.3 14.5 13.5 14.5 33.3 9.6 14.6 20.0 22.6 28.1 46.3 48.5 52.9 45.9 52.7 41.9 30.0 39.7 53.1 30.9 44.3 4.5 13.4 15.0 17.1 15.4 23.0 9.6 22.2 12.0 16.7 1.3 12.7 54 71 70 69 66 78 34 2 50 9 23 54 40 51 59 56 56 60 27 2 46 7 21 44 79.2 14.8 44.0 13.3 580 469 N N *Reflects exam results known at the time of survey administration. Some respondents who had taken an exam were awaiting results. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 2A Employment Status Related to Field of Study: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Area of Employment* Unrelated to Field of Study Military Currently Employed Related to Field of Study Graduate Teaching/ Research Fellow % 82.2 71.7 80.2 82.4 83.1 76.8 80.9 55.6 83.7 81.3 77.5 72.9 % 72.2 65.7 76.9 57.1 68.8 62.7 66.3 20.0 59.7 64.1 66.1 61.9 % 27.2 32.1 20.1 40.3 29.0 35.2 32.6 80.0 36.9 35.9 33.9 38.1 % 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 % 0.6 0.7 3.0 2.6 2.2 1.4 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % 93.9 82.7 84.8 78.6 90.6 77.1 87.4 80.0 91.9 92.1 83.9 79.4 79.2 65.5 32.6 0.5 1.4 85.5 Employed Full-time* *Percentages are based on those who are currently employed. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 2B Employment by Industry: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Baruch Brooklyn % % Field of Work* Architecture and Engineering Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Building and Grounds Cleaning Maintenance Business and Financial Operations Community and Social Services Computer and Mathematical Construction and Extraction Education, Training, and Library Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Food Preparation, Serving Related and Hospitality Healthcare Practioners and Technical Healthcare Support Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Legal Manufacturing and Production Office and Administrative Support Personal Care, Tourism, and Service Protective Service Research Sales and Related Transportation and Material Moving Environmental or Green/Clean Technology Nanotech/Material Science Type of Organization Private Business, Company or Organization Public-Sector Organization Private Non-Profit Organization Self-Employed 8/10/2010 City % Hunter Lehman Queens % % % York % Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 10 6 0 45 2 4 2 5 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 8 0 1 1 5 1 28 3 0 17 4 2 1 12 1 1 3 3 2 2 0 9 0 1 1 3 0 39 7 0 2 5 4 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 6 0 1 2 1 1 16 11 0 14 7 2 0 17 0 2 10 1 0 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 27 3 1 13 11 1 1 16 0 0 9 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 13 5 1 14 4 1 1 22 0 1 5 2 1 2 0 6 1 1 1 6 0 21 3 1 12 9 3 1 10 0 2 9 1 0 0 1 6 0 3 1 3 2 11 22 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 11 11 0 0 25 1 1 7 15 1 1 3 0 1 3 1 0 6 0 6 1 16 3 4 2 33 0 0 17 10 0 0 10 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 8 0 0 2 0 0 39 7 0 11 6 14 1 2 0 0 4 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 24 2 1 18 4 2 0 12 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 8 1 5 0 6 1 23 5 0 16 7 3 1 12 0 1 5 1 0 2 0 6 0 3 1 3 1 9 1 9 1 18 2 6 5 9 3 7 2 18 4 0 0 7 1 10 2 15 6 12 2 10 2 76 13 10 1 58 29 11 2 36 42 18 4 49 24 24 3 36 40 23 1 50 31 18 1 45 37 16 2 57 29 14 0 35 48 17 1 32 52 16 0 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 71 48 50 11 37 32 13 13 16 5 2 2 Table continued on next page Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 2B continued Baruch Brooklyn % % City % Hunter Lehman Queens % % % York % Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % Location Bronx 2 3 11 4 35 1 2 13 13 0 6 1 8 Brooklyn 10 38 12 16 3 6 12 25 12 59 16 20 16 Manhattan 68 42 46 53 36 32 24 38 38 32 47 28 42 Queens 4 5 11 8 5 32 36 25 14 7 17 2 12 Staten Island 0 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 39 4 Nassau 4 2 1 2 0 15 9 0 4 0 4 0 4 Suffolk 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 Westchester 1 1 3 1 10 1 1 0 2 0 6 0 2 NY State but Outside NYC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 New Jersey 3 1 6 2 3 3 5 0 6 2 0 7 3 Connecticut 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Other US State 5 5 5 9 6 6 4 0 4 0 4 2 5 Outside US 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 Salary Less than $10,000 4 8 3 6 4 8 7 25 5 0 11 15 7 $10,000-$19,999 5 9 8 9 3 11 7 0 6 7 10 10 8 $20,000-$29,999 4 14 10 17 12 13 13 25 8 16 6 10 11 $30,000-$39,999 24 22 15 20 27 23 23 13 24 34 20 23 22 $40,000-$49,999 17 21 21 20 26 15 18 25 26 23 16 15 20 $50,000-$59,999 23 14 17 11 12 16 18 0 13 9 25 9 15 $60,000-$69,999 12 8 11 5 6 8 7 0 6 2 1 5 7 $70,000-$79,999 7 1 7 6 5 1 4 13 3 5 1 6 4 $80,000-$89,999 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 0 3 5 5 2 3 $90,000-$99,999 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 $100,000 or more 1 1 3 2 0 3 2 0 3 0 3 5 2 Management Status: Employment included supervision of others. 1-5 employees 24 17 20 24 18 17 20 25 13 18 18 13 19 5 12 9 9 12 7 10 13 10 5 5 11 9 More than 5 employees *Respondents' first choice where multiple selections were made. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. Percentages are based on those who were currently or recently employed at the time of the survey administration. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 2C Criteria for Job Acceptance: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Primary reason for taking current job Good Salary Convenient location Desirable or best schedule/work hours To gain experience In my field of interest It was the only job offer I received Other Primary reason for taking first job* Good Salary Convenient location Desirable or best schedule/work hours To gain experience In my field of interest It was the only job offer I received Other Still at first job NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 7 9 7 21 30 14 12 16 0 5 33 29 12 4 16 2 9 18 34 12 7 14 4 8 19 36 12 7 11 22 0 33 6 28 0 57 6 39 0 11 6 39 0 51 8 33 4 14 12 16 14 56 9 26 3 18 10 27 6 51 Graduate Medgar Center John Jay Evers % % % Baruch % Brooklyn % City % Hunter % Lehman % Queens % York % 15 4 6 30 23 14 8 10 6 8 18 36 15 7 13 6 7 14 44 7 9 12 3 9 16 42 13 5 12 3 11 20 39 11 5 14 5 9 20 37 10 5 20 7 7 14 35 11 8 13 13 13 13 38 0 13 16 3 9 14 39 12 8 6 21 4 20 2 39 7 48 9 29 3 26 6 22 5 54 10 22 4 10 10 34 9 54 7 25 4 15 14 27 9 41 15 35 6 19 4 15 6 54 8 30 4 16 12 30 1 53 13 15 4 23 13 28 4 52 0 20 20 20 0 20 20 44 14 17 0 21 18 24 7 51 *Excludes respondents still at first job. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 3 Length of Unemployment of those Unemployed: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Time Unemployed** College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Unemployed & Seeking Employment* Less than 3 Months 3-6 Months More than 6 Months, Less than 1 year 1 Year or More % % % % % 10.7 21.9 12.0 12.3 14.5 13.5 14.5 33.3 9.6 14.6 20.0 22.6 5.3 22.0 20.0 20.8 8.7 4.0 11.8 33.3 27.8 28.6 18.8 15.6 5.3 2.4 5.0 20.8 13.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 22.2 0.0 12.5 6.3 36.8 26.8 25.0 20.8 4.3 24.0 5.9 0.0 16.7 0.0 12.5 12.5 52.6 48.8 50.0 37.5 73.9 60.0 82.4 66.7 33.3 71.4 56.3 65.6 14.8 16.3 9.0 18.4 56.3 *Excludes respondents identified as unemployed, but not seeking employment. **Percentages are based on those who are currently unemployed and seeking employment. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 4A Post-Graduate Education by Degree Pursued: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Currently Pursuing Additional Education Degree Pursued* Enrolled Full-time* Master's Doctorate % Professional BA Degree or Lower Other % Pursued Education Six Months after Graduation** % % % % % 28.1 46.3 48.5 52.9 45.9 52.7 41.9 30.0 39.7 53.1 30.9 44.3 31.4 34.2 36.0 44.6 36.4 33.3 37.5 33.3 39.3 29.2 38.1 24.1 50.9 52.9 68.8 58.2 65.8 70.5 68.8 100.0 68.1 84.6 66.7 73.0 0.0 5.9 2.5 6.1 5.1 6.3 4.2 0.0 7.2 3.8 0.0 1.6 17.5 7.1 10.0 8.2 2.5 2.1 6.3 0.0 14.5 0.0 8.3 1.6 29.8 30.6 17.5 24.5 20.3 18.9 16.7 0.0 8.7 11.5 25.0 19.0 1.8 3.5 1.3 3.1 6.3 2.1 4.2 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 4.8 10.7 19.3 25.5 22.7 21.0 34.3 21.4 20.0 19.2 25.0 11.3 24.4 % 44.0 35.5 64.9 4.4 7.2 20.7 2.9 21.4 *Percentages are based on those who are currently pursuing additional education. *Not a subset of those currently pursuing education. Respondents might have pursued education 6 months after graduation and received a degree or for other reasons may not be currently pursuing additional education. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 4B Post-Graduate Education by Type of Institution: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Pursuing Additional Education CUNY Type of Institution Currently Enrolled* Private NYC Private NYS College SUNY College Outside NYS Technical or Trade School % % % % % % % 28.1 46.3 48.5 52.9 45.9 52.7 41.9 30.0 39.7 53.1 30.9 44.3 39.6 52.6 49.4 49.5 54.4 56.3 35.0 0.0 52.5 56.0 25.0 55.2 20.8 22.4 24.7 21.1 16.2 18.4 25.0 66.7 19.7 24.0 40.0 17.2 2.1 5.3 6.5 3.2 2.9 3.4 5.0 0.0 1.6 4.0 10.0 1.7 4.2 7.9 2.6 8.4 8.8 8.0 7.5 0.0 11.5 8.0 5.0 8.6 16.7 6.6 9.1 14.7 13.2 9.2 20.0 33.3 13.1 8.0 10.0 13.8 16.7 5.3 7.8 3.2 4.4 4.6 7.5 0.0 1.6 0.0 10.0 3.4 44.0 49.7 21.4 3.8 7.4 12.2 5.5 *Percentages are based on those who are currently pursuing additional education. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 4C Master's Level Post-Graduate Education by Type of Institution: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York Graduate Center John Jay Medgar Evers NYCCT Staten Island Total University Pursuing Master's Degree Type of Institution Currently Enrolled* CUNY Private NYC College SUNY Private NYS College % Outside NYS Technical or Trade School % % % % % % 50.9 52.9 68.8 58.2 65.8 70.5 68.8 100.0 68.1 84.6 66.7 73.0 48.0 65.1 58.8 51.8 57.4 64.1 36.7 0.0 63.6 59.1 23.1 57.8 24.0 18.6 27.5 19.6 19.1 20.3 33.3 66.7 22.7 27.3 61.5 15.6 0.0 2.3 3.9 3.6 2.1 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 4.5 7.7 0.0 4.0 7.0 0.0 7.1 6.4 9.4 10.0 0.0 9.1 4.5 7.7 11.1 24.0 4.7 7.8 17.9 14.9 6.3 13.3 33.3 4.5 4.5 0.0 13.3 0.0 2.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 64.9 56.0 23.5 2.3 7.0 10.6 0.7 *Percentages are based on those who are currently pursuing master's level education. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 5 CUNY Preparation for Career: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Baruch % Educational requirements of current job Baccalaureate Degree 62 Master's or Advanced Degree 6 Lower Degree or No Degree Required 27 Unknown 5 How well did CUNY prepare you for your current job?* Very Well 27 Well 38 Adequately 30 Poorly 2 Very Poorly 2 What specific skills did you gain while at CUNY? General knowledge Strongly Agree 40 Agree 58 Disagree 2 Strongly Disagree 0 Knowledge of a particular field/discipline Strongly Agree 36 Agree 56 Disagree 7 2 Strongly Disagree An understanding of world issues Strongly Agree 25 Agree 53 20 Disagree 3 Strongly Disagree 8/10/2010 Brooklyn % City % Hunter % Lehman % Queens % York % Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 49 10 33 8 57 16 23 4 60 11 22 6 57 18 23 3 53 17 27 3 53 9 36 2 22 22 56 0 54 4 38 4 60 14 21 5 51 3 35 11 44 11 40 4 55 11 30 5 27 29 31 8 5 38 34 24 2 1 28 39 28 4 3 41 34 22 2 0 22 48 28 1 1 36 36 22 2 4 33 33 33 0 0 28 34 33 2 2 27 35 38 0 0 28 30 37 0 5 27 45 27 2 0 30 37 28 3 2 38 58 5 0 43 54 3 1 38 59 2 1 40 58 1 0 44 55 1 0 39 57 3 2 56 44 0 0 42 54 2 2 22 76 0 2 28 65 4 2 34 59 4 3 39 58 2 1 32 56 11 1 37 57 5 1 38 53 9 1 38 56 6 0 36 61 2 1 41 50 6 4 44 33 22 0 45 50 4 2 23 68 6 2 26 67 7 0 26 65 5 4 36 57 6 1 19 59 19 3 24 55 17 4 32 50 16 2 29 54 16 0 22 62 13 2 25 57 13 4 56 22 22 0 31 58 10 1 22 67 7 4 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 16 16 25 49 57 56 31 22 17 4 5 3 Table continued on next page Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 5 continued Baruch % Mathematical Skills Strongly Agree 20 Agree 51 Disagree 26 Strongly Disagree 3 Research skills Strongly Agree 28 Agree 56 Disagree 14 Strongly Disagree 2 Leadership skills Strongly Agree 23 Agree 49 Disagree 25 Strongly Disagree 3 Public speaking skills Strongly Agree 34 Agree 49 Disagree 14 Strongly Disagree 4 The ability to interact with others/interpersonal skills Strongly Agree 30 Agree 57 Disagree 12 Strongly Disagree 2 The ability to write clearly and effectively Strongly Agree 26 Agree 58 Disagree 15 Strongly Disagree 2 8/10/2010 Brooklyn % City % Hunter % Lehman % Queens % York % Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 13 52 29 6 25 48 21 5 12 49 31 8 19 51 27 2 16 55 25 4 22 55 17 6 20 40 40 0 15 55 24 6 15 72 9 4 22 47 30 1 15 49 32 4 17 52 26 5 25 58 14 3 32 54 11 2 30 56 12 2 34 55 10 1 27 59 13 1 33 56 7 4 44 56 0 0 37 55 6 3 19 60 13 9 25 57 14 4 24 54 17 5 29 56 12 3 16 50 28 7 29 50 16 4 20 42 35 3 28 52 16 4 20 48 29 3 19 52 23 6 40 30 20 10 25 55 17 4 22 53 16 9 14 44 40 3 19 54 23 4 22 50 24 4 17 50 24 10 33 53 12 3 17 46 33 4 23 51 23 4 24 51 22 3 23 55 16 5 44 33 11 11 28 53 17 2 20 67 7 7 18 57 22 2 17 50 27 5 24 51 21 4 23 64 10 4 37 54 9 1 28 54 15 2 35 54 9 1 29 58 12 1 31 57 9 4 44 44 11 0 31 60 8 1 20 76 2 2 18 68 11 3 24 61 12 3 29 59 11 2 32 57 9 3 30 63 6 1 31 57 9 2 39 52 8 1 37 56 7 1 34 54 9 4 44 22 33 0 38 54 6 2 23 66 9 2 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 17 26 32 75 54 57 7 16 9 0 4 2 Table continued on next page Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 5 continued Baruch % Brooklyn % City % Hunter % Lehman % Queens % York % Grad Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % The ability to communicate well orally Strongly Agree 28 26 29 24 33 28 27 40 34 22 Agree 56 58 60 53 53 57 59 40 52 70 Disagree 15 13 9 22 12 14 12 10 12 7 Strongly Disagree 1 4 2 2 2 0 3 10 2 2 The ability to analyze a problem and devise a solution Strongly Agree 27 25 32 20 32 27 28 40 34 13 Agree 59 59 63 66 56 64 57 40 58 80 Disagree 12 14 5 12 11 8 11 20 6 4 Strongly Disagree 2 2 0 2 1 1 4 0 2 2 The ability to read graphs and tables and draw conclusions Strongly Agree 25 17 27 18 26 24 28 33 27 11 Agree 59 56 55 58 56 58 55 44 58 78 Disagree 13 24 16 22 16 17 12 22 13 9 Strongly Disagree 3 3 1 2 3 1 4 0 3 2 The ability to utilize technology to access information Strongly Agree 33 23 35 26 32 30 28 40 26 26 Agree 55 58 52 59 54 56 57 60 57 67 Disagree 11 14 12 13 11 12 10 0 14 4 Strongly Disagree 2 5 1 2 2 3 5 0 3 2 I would choose the CUNY college from which I graduated again. Strongly Agree 43 32 42 40 43 41 29 50 41 33 Agree 44 52 46 47 43 47 47 25 43 46 Disagree 9 10 9 11 12 10 15 13 11 17 Strongly Disagree 4 6 3 2 3 2 8 13 5 4 I would choose the program from which I graduated again. Strongly Agree 23 26 35 30 33 28 35 38 32 27 Agree 40 41 39 35 36 45 28 13 35 38 Disagree 27 24 22 28 23 19 27 25 24 27 10 9 4 6 8 8 11 25 9 8 Strongly Disagree *Includes only respondents currently employed in a position requiring a baccalaureate degree. Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 14 66 18 3 21 56 19 4 27 57 14 2 33 56 11 0 20 62 15 4 27 61 10 2 32 55 13 0 23 53 20 4 24 57 17 2 47 43 10 0 16 66 11 7 29 57 12 3 24 45 24 7 24 47 20 10 37 46 12 5 26 36 31 6 24 44 22 10 29 38 24 8 Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 6 Helpfulness of CUNY Career Services: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens % % % % % % When did you look for your first job related to your program of study? Prior to graduation 58 45 54 43 49 42 After graduation 28 39 34 35 40 35 Have not looked for a job related to my program of study 14 16 12 22 11 23 How helpful were each of the following Career Services in searching for and obtaining your first job? Job posting Very Helpful 29 7 17 10 21 6 Somewhat Helpful 32 24 38 30 29 34 Not Very Helpful 17 35 25 29 28 23 Not at all Helpful 22 34 21 30 22 37 Job referrals Very Helpful 13 6 18 7 18 7 Somewhat Helpful 30 17 22 15 27 23 Not Very Helpful 30 42 28 39 30 36 Not at all Helpful 27 36 32 39 25 34 On-campus recruitment Very Helpful 23 15 24 12 21 10 Somewhat Helpful 34 19 34 27 25 22 Not Very Helpful 18 41 21 24 31 32 Not at all Helpful 25 26 20 37 24 36 Resume review/assistance Very Helpful 32 18 33 26 30 15 Somewhat Helpful 42 32 36 32 27 35 Not Very Helpful 13 24 15 21 25 20 Not at all Helpful 14 26 16 21 18 30 Career counseling Very Helpful 14 10 25 12 28 11 Somewhat Helpful 45 30 28 33 28 28 Not Very Helpful 18 32 22 24 22 23 Not at all Helpful 23 28 25 30 23 37 8/10/2010 York % CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduate John Center Jay % % Medgar Evers NYCCT % % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 40 42 18 33 33 33 50 33 17 50 29 21 62 29 9 44 40 16 48 35 16 8 31 26 35 25 25 25 25 12 33 32 23 9 33 27 30 15 36 22 27 8 26 24 42 14 31 26 29 6 27 28 39 25 25 25 25 8 22 32 38 13 28 31 28 19 24 31 26 9 16 29 46 11 22 33 34 10 29 21 40 33 33 33 0 22 28 30 20 10 39 26 26 14 21 46 18 4 29 35 33 16 27 29 27 18 32 18 31 50 0 25 25 15 29 27 28 15 42 12 30 32 45 17 7 19 32 17 32 23 34 20 23 8 34 18 39 20 40 20 20 9 31 31 28 16 28 25 31 12 14 15 32 29 32 39 19 25 17 38 29 Table continued on next page Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 6 continued Baruch Brooklyn % % City % Hunter Lehman Queens % % % York % Graduate John Center Jay % % Mock interviews Very Helpful 21 14 19 9 23 6 8 25 8 11 Somewhat Helpful 35 18 26 22 26 28 32 25 19 25 Not Very Helpful 23 35 29 28 26 23 17 25 32 29 Not at all Helpful 20 33 25 41 26 43 43 25 42 36 Workshops Very Helpful 26 13 21 18 28 10 10 33 13 17 Somewhat Helpful 46 26 39 31 27 33 35 0 30 27 Not Very Helpful 14 31 21 24 21 22 20 33 29 20 Not at all Helpful 15 31 19 27 24 35 35 33 29 37 Internships Very Helpful 43 13 35 28 36 17 15 20 30 15 Somewhat Helpful 32 30 30 17 21 23 32 40 29 37 Not Very Helpful 7 26 13 21 19 24 16 20 16 19 Not at all Helpful 18 32 22 34 24 36 37 20 24 30 Preparation for career or technical certification/licensure testing Very Helpful 14 12 21 11 21 11 8 33 12 14 Somewhat Helpful 38 22 30 20 35 20 30 0 30 18 Not Very Helpful 25 31 24 27 20 26 23 33 25 27 Not at all Helpful 24 34 24 42 24 44 38 33 33 41 Sought help finding a job from the following personnel outside of CUNY Career Services (multiple responses allowed) Academic Advisor 8 9 15 13 13 18 8 11 9 16 Faculty 10 18 24 15 13 18 14 11 12 14 Scholarship and Financial Aid Office 1 2 5 2 2 6 5 11 3 5 Other 23 27 25 19 30 23 24 44 25 28 Have not sought help outside Career Services 65 58 45 60 53 54 56 56 60 44 Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students' status in Spring 2010 --- three to three and a-half years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Staten Island % Total CUNY % 12 37 39 12 2 28 26 44 13 27 28 33 17 35 33 15 9 33 21 37 17 33 23 27 21 37 31 12 22 28 19 32 26 28 19 27 18 25 33 24 8 33 24 35 14 28 26 33 7 24 4 49 31 9 11 5 24 60 11 15 3 26 55 Medgar Evers NYCCT % % Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 7 Challenges of Finding and Obtaining a Job: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Baruch % Brooklyn % Deciding what I wanted to do Very Difficult 18 22 Somewhat Difficult 35 35 Not at all Difficult 48 43 Finding a job for which I was qualified Very Difficult 18 29 Somewhat Difficult 41 40 Not at all Difficult 41 31 Finding the kind of job I wanted Very Difficult 27 40 Somewhat Difficult 52 35 Not at all Difficult 22 25 Finding a job that paid enough Very Difficult 33 42 Somewhat Difficult 46 37 Not at all Difficult 21 22 Finding a job where I wanted to live Very Difficult 7 24 Somewhat Difficult 27 32 Not at all Difficult 66 44 Knowing how to find job openings Very Difficult 8 16 Somewhat Difficult 29 39 Not at all Difficult 63 45 Writing a resume, cover letter or completing applications Very Difficult 6 7 Somewhat Difficult 33 36 61 57 Not at all Difficult 8/10/2010 City % Hunter Lehman % % Queens % York % Graduate Medgar Center John Jay Evers % % % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 21 28 52 23 36 41 19 26 55 19 39 42 22 33 46 33 33 33 21 37 42 11 33 56 8 44 48 24 33 44 20 34 46 20 40 40 18 41 41 26 36 39 28 42 31 23 37 40 43 29 29 26 42 32 26 34 39 22 46 32 27 45 28 24 40 36 26 46 28 28 44 28 24 42 35 30 43 27 30 44 26 33 33 33 32 40 28 27 35 38 31 37 31 34 42 24 30 43 27 39 36 25 31 43 25 29 46 25 42 35 24 35 43 22 60 20 20 33 44 24 35 32 32 28 41 31 42 41 17 36 41 23 18 34 48 11 28 61 13 37 50 21 34 45 22 42 36 50 17 33 18 37 45 25 34 41 23 33 44 27 39 34 18 34 48 13 40 47 10 36 54 9 34 57 13 46 42 9 33 58 43 14 43 11 37 52 11 26 63 10 42 48 16 39 46 12 37 52 8 28 64 3 34 63 4 36 60 8 41 51 6 30 65 0 29 71 7 33 60 8 23 69 3 27 70 5 6 37 34 58 60 Table continued CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 7 continued Baruch % Brooklyn % City % Hunter Lehman % % Queens % York % Graduate Medgar Center John Jay Evers % % % Getting through the interview process Very Difficult 12 6 8 7 7 9 8 14 6 14 Somewhat Difficult 37 46 34 36 31 48 34 43 41 38 Not at all Difficult 52 48 58 57 62 43 58 43 53 49 Discrimination (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, disability) Very Difficult 7 13 7 2 9 7 9 0 8 19 Somewhat Difficult 21 27 21 20 22 27 32 50 20 19 71 60 72 78 70 66 59 50 72 63 Not at all Difficult Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 9 45 45 7 44 50 8 39 53 6 32 62 6 24 70 8 24 69 Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 8 Financing Undergraduate Education: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter Lehman Queens York % % % % % % % How important were each of the following financial aid sources in financing your undergraduate education? Federal/State grants Very Important 51 63 60 60 59 45 60 Somewhat Important 11 8 10 5 8 8 10 Not at all Important 3 2 2 5 2 3 3 Did Not Receive 35 27 29 30 31 44 27 Scholarships, other grants Very Important 29 36 42 35 31 28 29 Somewhat Important 14 8 9 13 8 9 9 Not at all Important 4 4 5 4 6 7 5 Did Not Receive 53 52 44 48 55 57 58 Federal Student loans Very Important 24 46 40 35 37 23 30 Somewhat Important 6 11 13 6 9 7 13 Not at all Important 6 3 4 3 4 7 6 Did Not Receive 64 39 43 56 50 62 50 Family loans Very Important 15 14 15 12 12 15 13 Somewhat Important 7 7 9 8 4 8 9 Not at all Important 4 7 6 6 8 8 13 Did Not Receive 74 72 70 74 76 69 66 Other loans Very Important 16 19 20 13 18 17 20 Somewhat Important 13 8 10 12 10 6 11 Not at all Important 6 10 6 7 6 8 10 Did Not Receive 65 63 64 67 66 69 59 8/10/2010 Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 44 11 0 44 61 10 2 27 54 13 0 33 56 5 0 39 49 4 1 46 56 8 2 33 30 20 0 50 27 9 5 58 19 11 4 66 23 6 3 68 22 4 1 72 30 9 4 56 25 13 0 63 37 9 3 51 25 10 6 58 18 4 3 75 26 7 2 65 32 9 4 55 0 13 0 88 8 5 4 83 11 11 6 72 10 1 5 83 11 5 3 81 13 7 6 74 33 11 0 56 16 6 5 73 17 6 11 66 15 4 5 76 11 17 12 9 4 7 73 67 Table continued CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Table 8 continued Baruch % Brooklyn % City % Hunter Lehman Queens % % % York % Graduate Center % John Jay % Medgar Evers % Family contributions Very Important 36 34 35 38 29 43 38 14 35 29 Somewhat Important 16 12 15 17 14 12 16 14 8 10 Not at all Important 3 7 4 3 3 5 4 0 5 4 Did Not Receive 45 46 46 41 54 40 43 71 52 56 Personal income or savings Very Important 51 43 55 52 54 48 61 44 48 60 Somewhat Important 21 17 19 17 19 18 16 44 13 6 Not at all Important 4 12 5 9 4 8 2 0 5 2 Did Not Receive 24 29 21 22 23 26 21 11 34 31 Work Study Very Important 13 19 22 16 22 13 23 11 13 20 Somewhat Important 10 7 7 11 9 6 8 22 5 7 Not at all Important 5 8 4 6 9 6 5 0 5 4 Did Not Receive 72 66 67 67 60 75 64 67 76 70 Tuition waiver, employee assistance Very Important 14 12 12 12 18 15 22 11 16 13 Somewhat Important 5 6 6 3 4 3 7 11 4 9 Not at all Important 5 6 3 4 6 6 8 0 4 2 Did Not Receive 77 76 78 81 73 76 63 78 77 77 How much does your undergraduate debt hinder your ability to achieve other financial and/or life goals? Very Much 5 22 17 12 18 11 17 0 9 13 Somewhat 12 7 21 19 14 15 12 22 19 8 Not Too Much 11 12 13 12 12 10 13 11 9 10 Not at all 19 17 18 16 18 14 14 22 19 13 53 42 30 42 39 50 45 44 43 56 I have no undergraduate debt Note: Unless otherwise noted, results reflect students’ status in spring 2010, approximately three years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment NYCCT % Staten Island % Total CUNY % 32 16 1 51 35 11 5 49 36 14 4 47 48 16 3 33 42 16 2 40 50 17 6 27 16 11 5 67 13 4 1 81 17 8 5 70 10 1 3 86 6 4 1 88 14 4 4 77 3 21 4 16 56 15 13 7 14 52 13 15 10 17 45 Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Appendix A Survey Sampling and Response Rate: 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates College Baruch Brooklyn City Hunter John Jay Lehman Medgar Evers NYCCT Queens Staten Island York Graduate Center Total 1 Population N 2,550 1,993 1,277 2,115 1,734 1,292 322 537 2,142 1,016 798 175 15,951 Original Sample2 N Final Sample3 N 1,330 1,271 1,165 1,286 1,245 1,177 320 533 1,293 1,003 796 66 11,485 1,235 1,199 1,077 1,159 1,167 1,103 308 502 1,246 966 762 62 10,786 4 Responses N % 151 154 184 192 202 196 51 60 203 134 137 17 1,681 12.2 12.8 17.1 16.6 17.3 17.8 16.6 12.0 16.3 13.9 18.0 27.4 15.6 Weighted Responses5 N 199 189 171 189 179 172 48 81 186 140 117 9 1,681 1 All baccalaureate graduates from 2006-2007 academic year. Based on power analysis by Dillman, Mail and Internet Surveys, John Wiley & Sons 2000, p 206. 3 Excludes students without a valid address. 4 Response rate calculation based on the final sample. 5 Responses weighted by college, age, gender and GPA according to logistic regression model. 2 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates Appendix B Survey Sample Profiles by Sample Type 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates 1 Population Demographic Female Age Ethnicity American Indian/ Native Alaskan Asian/ Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White US Citizen/Perm Resident NYC Resident NY State Resident SEEK/CD GPA Original Sample2 Final Sample3 Responses Weighted Responses4 % Mean 64.1 27.9 64.0 28.2 64.2 28.2 68.8 30.2 64.6 28.1 % % % % % % % % % Mean 0.2 16.4 26.2 19.7 37.6 88.3 82.2 9.1 6.3 3.09 0.2 15.1 28.5 20.7 35.6 89.0 82.7 8.8 6.4 3.07 0.2 15.0 28.6 20.7 35.5 89.6 83.2 8.9 6.4 3.07 0.2 12.3 30.3 21.0 36.2 90.0 84.7 9.3 4.8 3.13 0.2 13.5 29.6 21.1 35.6 90.2 84.9 8.9 5.8 3.07 1 All baccalaureate graduates from 2006-2007 academic year. Based on power analysis by Dillman, Mail and Internet Surveys, John Wiley & Sons 2000, p 206. 3 Excludes students without a valid address. 4 Responses weighted by college, age, gender and GPA according to logistic regression model. 2 8/10/2010 CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates 2010 Survey of 2006-07 CUNY Baccalaureate Graduates Sampling, Administration and Weighting Methods A stratified random sample of 11,700 graduates was drawn from the population of CUNY baccalaureate degrees in the 2006-07 academic year*. An address search service was used to identify the last known address of CUNY graduates. Graduates without a valid address after the search results were returned were removed from the sample, leaving a final sample of 11,485. Based on gender, age, race, citizenship, residency, and grade point average both the original and final samples are representative of the population of total baccalaureate graduates for that academic year. Paper survey questionnaires were mailed to the 11,485 graduates in the sample in January of 2010, three to three and a half years after receiving a baccalaureate degree from CUNY. A web version of the survey was concurrently available. Login information for the web survey was included in the cover letter of the survey giving sample members an option to respond on paper or via the web. A reminder postcard was mailed to the entire sample two and a half weeks after the initial mailing. An additional copy of the survey was mailed to those who had not responded by mail or on the web within six weeks of the initial mailing. A total of 1,681 graduates returned the survey either through the mail or the web. The US Postal Service returned 699 mailings as undeliverable; these graduates were removed from the base sample resulting in a university-wide response rate of 15.6%. The survey results presented in this report have been weighted to account for potential response bias. A logistic regression model was used to predict the probability of responding. College of graduation, age, gender and final cumulative GPA were found to be significant predictors of likelihood of responding to the survey. Respondents were more likely to be older, female, and have a higher cumulative GPA upon graduation than non-respondents. Based on the significant predictors, the probability of responding was calculated for each respondent. The responses were then weighted by the inverse of the predicted probability of response to compensate for the over-representation of groups most likely to respond and under-representation of groups least likely to respond. * Each college’s sample size was determined from a power analysis (informed by Dillman, Mail and Internet Surveys, John Wiley & Sons, 2000, pg 206).