



FRANS G. PETERS, who died on April 10, 2010, left in his will $10, 000.00 (ten thousand) to Our Lady of the

Airways Church. With the permission of Astrid Peters, his daughter, this donation goes toward the carpet. The

Divine Providence is great!

While we pray for the soul of Frans, we thank, from the bottom of our heart, the Peters Family, especially his wife Sibylla who, every year, at Christmas and Easter, donates to our Church the beautiful poinsettias and lilies and, now out of her graciousness, she has matched her


husband’s donation with another $10, 000.00.


Let’s all be thankful to God who has blessed our parish through the generosity of such wonderful people like the

Ash Wednesday: Masses in English at 8:00am and



Fridays of Lent: Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm. Try to attend, also with your little children!

May God reward their generosity a hundredfold.

The thoughtfulness of the late Frans is a great example for everyone. We hope that other Catholics may learn

READINGS FOR THIS WEEK from him and remember in their will their own parishes,

Ash Wednesday: Joel 2.12-18 =Ps. 5= 2Cor. 5.20-6.2 because, every parish, like any other charitable

=Mt 6.1-6, 16-18 organization, needs some funds.

Thursday: Deut 30.15-20 =Ps. 1= Lk 9.22-25

Friday: Is. 58.1-9 =Ps. 51= Mt 9.14-15

Saturday: Is 58.9-14 =Ps. 86= Lk 5.27-32

Sunday: come to church with your family.


If you can, attend Mass even every day. Pray the Rosary with your family. Read the Scripture passage everyday as is recommended in this bulletin. Pray the Seven


Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and

Penitential Psalms . One for every day: 6 – 32 – 38 – 51 –

102 – 130 – 143.

During Lent, God’s people do not sing


The law of abstinence from meat binds those who are to you, King of eternal glory”.

14 years of age and older;

“Alleluia” until the Easter Vigil; it’s replaced by: “Praise

The law of fasting: those from 18 to 59 years of age. STATIONS OF THE CROSS

Fridays are days of abstinence from meat but Catholics , during Lent, we will be making the Stations

may substitute it with special acts of charity or of the Cross at 7:30pm . We invite everyone and ask the

Stations of the Cross, visit a Shrine, read the Holy

Scriptures…) visit a sick person, help the poor


Parents and educators have grave responsibility to teach their children gradually about penitential practices.

The Season of Lent calls for a special renewal, for a conversion of heart and mind and in what we say and do.

Conversion is accomplished by the three pillars found in the

Gospel: almsgiving, prayer and fasting. by which we meditate on the final and most dramatic hours of Jesus’ life, suffering and death. Please don’t miss them.


Read passages of the Gospels (Matthew – Mark – Luke –

John) every day. The Letters of the Apostles – The

Imitation of Christ – Catechism of the Catholic Church –

Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict – The True Devotion to

Mary and many other books that you may find at: the

Daughters of St. Paul at 3022 Dufferin Street.

-Di Carlo’s Religious Supply Centre at 14 Racine Rd.

Toronto. 416-744-7404 = 1-800-208-9452.

121 DATE


“Ricordati che sei polvere e in polvere ritornerai”

Mercoledi delle Ceneri: messe in italiano 9:30am e alle


Venerdi: Via Crucis alle 6:30pm

Non mancate! Venite tutti: uomini e donne!

History tells us that Lent was not only to be a time of fasting and abstinence (meat was only to be eaten on

Sundays) but all were directed to live the forty days in deep prayer, penitence and meditation .

No parties were to be celebrated. No social activities were to be scheduled. For 40 days and nights all but the most essential activity was to be stopped. Even little children were expected to make an effort not to enjoy life too much during Lent.

Today Lent has still a strong spiritual meaning in that we are called to do penance, to repent of our sins, to change our hearts for the better, to think more to our spiritual life and to the eternal life.

No question there is room, even today, for giving up certain things; but the most important work during Lent is, for sure, to give up sin and to spend more time in praying, in reading the Holy Scriptures, in becoming more Christ-like people, in other words, to die to sin and to rise with Jesus to a new life: the life of grace.

Let’s make Lent a time of family quiet (turn off the T.V. a day a week etc.), prayer, fasting, and good works . Lent is the season in which we prepare joyfully for the mystery of

Easter with minds and hearts renewed. In Lent, the community of faith is blessed with a spirit of loving reverence for God and of willing service to neighbor. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes before the evening mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy



Faith is like a lamp; if it is not fed with oil, the lamp will die; faith, to be kept alive, must be nourished with daily prayer, reading good books (especially the Gospels), receiving Holy

Communion frequently, going to confession, during this sacred season of Lent, helping those who are in need through ShareLife, St. Vincent de’ Paul, other organizations in need, etc. try to make Lent a Holy

Season by nourishing your faith.



Mercoledi delle Ceneri e Venerdi Santo sono giorni di digiuno e astinenza.

Legge del digiuno: ci dice di fare un pasto solo durante la giornata, anche se e’ permesso di prendere “qualcosa” al mattino e alla sera. Sono tenuti al digiuno tutti quelli da 18 fino a 59 anni.

Legge dell’astinenza: in tutti i venerdi dell’anno deve essere osservata l’astinenza dalle carni, da tutti coloro dai

14 anni in su’.

I Cattolici in Canada possono sostituire la carne con un’opera di carita’ (visitare gli ammalati, aiutare qualcuno, far l’elemosina ecc.) o con qualche atto di preghiera (Messa, Rosario, Lettura della Sacra Scrittura,

Stazioni della Via Crucis ecc.). Purtroppo moltissimi

Cattolici prendono il venerdi troppo alla leggera!

Genitori e educatori (e anche nonni/nonne) hanno il grave obbligo di insegnare ai bambini a capire e praticare gradualmente la penitenza.

I seguaci di Cristo sono chiamati, per legge divina, a fare penitenza e in certi giorni dell’anno la Chiesa prescrive che sia fatta penitenza (Canone 1249)

Forme privilegiate di penitenza sono raccomandate a tutti i fedeli, specialmente durante la Quaresima. Queste forme sono privilegiate perche’ son basate sull’insegnamento del

Vangelo come il digiuno, l’elemosina, la preghiera, le opere di misericordia o perche’ per il loro valore tradizionale tra il popolo di Dio come l’astinenza dalle carni.

Il digiuno cristiano ottiene il suo pieno significato quando ci priviamo di cibo in modo da essere piu’ aperti alla preghiera, condividere con i sofferenti che sono affamati, risparmiare denaro per darlo poi ai poveri, ShareLife e altro.

Il digiuno tra i cristiani e’ una disciplina di penitenza intesa ad aprire i nostri cuori a Dio e agli altri, un mezzo di purificazione e liberazione spirituale, testimonianza della nostra fede.


Il “Gloria” e “l’Alleluia” vengono sopressi durante la quaresima per ricantarli a Pasqua. Il colore di questo tempo e’ il violaceo. Questo tempo e’ chiamato “tempo forte” per la nostra conversione preghiera e atti di carita’ verso i piu’ bisognosi.
