Dufferin-Peel CDSB ST. GERTRUDE SCHOOL Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence NEWSLETTER MAY 2014 St. Gertrude School 815 Ceremonial Dr., Mississauga, ON L5R 3S2 Tel: 905 568 7660 Fax: Loving God, In Mary You have given Your church a sign of the glory to come. May those who honour the Virgin Mother Look to her as a model of holiness for all Your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen 905 568 8194 Principal T. De Vellis Carino Vice-Principal M. Diab Secretaries M. Sgambelluri M. Cherubino Superintendent Mississauga Brampton Central L. Papaloni Trustee T. Thomas Parish St. Francis Xavier 905 890 5290 Pastor Rev. Msgr. Edgardo Elias Pan School Council Co-Chair: R. Ballantyne Co-Chair: S. Joseph Principal’s Message We would like to thank all the staff, parents and community for their support in our many events and activities that continue to enrich the educational experience for all the students. May starts with the celebration of Catholic Education week. Please plan to join us for part or all of the many special events planned. As Catholics, we always pay tribute to Mary during the month of May. God filled Mary with His Grace and she listened to the call of God. May we follow in her example. We would like to pay tribute to all mothers in our community for the love and devotion they show to their children every day. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, as we celebrate 25 years - Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence. T. De Vellis Carino M. Diab Principal Vice Principal Page 2 Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence SACRAMENTS Lifetouch photos available in the Parish hall, one hour before the service. FIRST COMMUNION We are very proud of our grade 2 students who will be receiving their First Holy Communion at St. Francis Xavier Church on May 10 at 10 a.m. They have been preparing to enter into this Sacrament through study, and through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The celebration of the Eucharist is a happy and holy event. May the many blessings you receive through the Eucharist enrich you forever boys and girls! CONFIRMATION Our grade 8 students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, May 1 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church. As a Faith Community, we ask you to remember all of our children in your prayers. VIRTUE ASSEMBLIES/YEAR END MASS May 23 at 1:00 pm Virtue of AcceptanceStudents receiving First Communion and Confirmation will receive a gift from the School Council at the assembly. June 23 at 8:45 a.m.: Virtue of Fairness June 18 at 12:45 p.m.: Year End/Graduation Mass All are welcome. GRADE EIGHT GRADUATION Our grade 8 Graduation Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall. The Graduation Social will be held on Wednesday, June 25th at the Boaden Banquet Hall. There will be a lunch followed by a dance. MAY VIRTUE: ACCEPTANCE One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two people are exactly alike. We are all very unique and distinct creations. God breaks the mould every time, and that is a fantastic fact of life! The Virtue of Acceptance describes our ability to look at the attitudes and actions of those around us and then just stop and consider without making judgments. The Virtue of Acceptance means that we look beyond what we see – a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender and see a person created and loved by God. An accepting person is … friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability sees the positive traits in all people even if he/ she disagrees with them avoids judging or stereotyping others understands that there may be more than one way to do things sticks up for the ‘underdog’ MARY, THE MOTHER OF OUR SAVIOUR May is the month we dedicate to Mary, the mother of our Saviour, Jesus. We celebrate Mary, who humbly and gladly accepted God’s will when she said “Yes” to our Lord. As we honour Mary and all mothers, we are reminded of the many blessings mothers bestow upon their children each and every day. Let us keep Mary and all mothers in our thoughts and prayers so that the honour and respect they deserve is not limited to one day or month in the year. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Catholic Education Week is being celebrated from May 4 to May 9, 2014. During this week the Catholic community celebrates the unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our province. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the Mission of our Catholic Schools as they strive to integrate the Gospel values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum. This year’s theme is “Serving in the Love of Christ” Themes for the week: Serve with faithfulness Serve with humility Serve with compassion Serve with justice Serve with joy A program of special events will be sent home! Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence EQAO The grade 3 and 6 students of St. Gertrude continue to prepare for the EQAO assessment of reading, writing and mathematics. The grade 3 and 6 students will write their test on June 3, 4, and 5. The results of the test will be received in the fall of 2014. How to prepare your child for the test? It is very important that you take the time to talk to your child and help reduce the anxiety related to any type of testing situation, while encouraging them to do their best and answer the questions fully. You should also be sure that your child has enough sleep, eats a nutritious breakfast and is well hydrated. It is especially important that grade 3 and 6 students are in full attendance during the assessment. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments or holidays during these EQAO days. SPRING BOOK FAIR Mme Marchand would like to thank everyone for their support of our Spring Book Fair. It is encouraging to see how many students enjoy reading. Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted. Your help is greatly appreciated. HEALTHY SCHOOL St. Gertrude’s Healthy School committee would like to extend a very special thanks to the students who lead the Walking Squad team. These students demonstrate dedication, passion and initiative as they arrive to school early every morning, wearing their green t-shirts and stamp student Frequent Walker Cards. They also dedicate their lunch recess every Wednesday to learning about and promoting various health initiatives. Two thumbs up for the HEALTHY SCHOOL TEAM!!!! Our team is working very hard this month to bring awareness to healthy eating. Increase your child’s fruit intake by packing fresh fruits daily. Page 3 ARRIVE ON TIME: 8:20 a.m. Please ensure your children arrive before the 8:20 a.m. bell. Being punctual is a life skill we need to ensure starts young. When students arrive on time, the day starts off preparing to learn, rather than joining an activity already in progress. Our Kiss and Ride lane opens at 8:05 a.m. and very few cars take advantage at this time. There is no supervision outside after 8:20 a.m. ARE YOU MOVING? We are beginning the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are moving, please complete the form which was sent home earlier. Please indicate your child’s name, grade, teacher and the new school that your child will be attending in September 2014. We would appreciate receiving this form by May 2, 2014. A Transfer Form will be prepared and sent home with your child. You will take this to the new school to facilitate transferring the Ontario School Record. SWIM TO SURVIVE Grade 3 students continue to participate in the Swim to Survive program at Frank McKechnie Community Centre. This program is fully funded by the City of Mississauga. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION TEA The staff and students of St. Gertrude would like to show our appreciation for all the support we have received throughout the year from all our volunteers. If you have volunteered any time this year, we would like you to join us for a reception on June 17, 2014 at 10:25 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. Please RSVP to the main office to confirm your attendance. PALS Pals is a leadership program which will benefit our primary and junior aged students during recess breaks. Thank you to C. Peragine, our school C.Y.W. and D. Marques for leading this initiative. Page 4 Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION RECEIVES AWARD Congratulations to our Director of Education, John Kostoff, on receiving the 2014 OCSTA Award. This award is presented annually by the Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association (OCSTA) to an individual, other than a trustee, who has made a significant contribution to Catholic Education in Ontario. Mr. Kostoff has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership for over 37 years. He has led the Board through numerous high profile challenges. He has intuitively insisted upon, and has incorporated Catholic faith values in seeking and developing solutions to issues. He has continually sought to improve and promote Catholic Education, both within the Board and in the province. CONGRATULATIONS MR. KOSTOFF! JUMP ROPE FOR HEART All students from JK-8 participated in our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser to raise money and bring awareness to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. St. Gertrude spirit was in full effect as the entire school jumped rope together outside as the sun came shining through after a week of rainy weather. We are still waiting to find out the final amount that was raised but we believe our goal of $1000 was exceeded. Staff and students were able to show their skipping skills and support this wonderful cause. Thank you to all the families who helped us reach our goal and we are looking forward to continuing this healthy heart tradition next year. Thank you to Mme Borisenko and Mrs. Cinapri for organizing this event. MISSISSAUGA MARATHON Congratulations to our Marafun runners who participated in the Mississauga Marathon on Saturday, May 3rd. Thank you to R. McIntosh, N. Benevides and A. Viti for preparing our students for this event. PLAYGROUND SAFETY Students are consistently reminded at school to keep their hands and feet to themselves when playing with others. Please reinforce this expectation with your children. Students are also reminded to inform the supervisors at all recess periods if they require assistance. WARM WEATHER DRESS CODE We would like our students to be neat, clean and comfortable for learning. Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner and wear attire that is suitable for the school environment. Boys must wear full length t-shirts with sleeves. Girls are not to wear anything strapless or have bare midriffs. Tank tops and crop tops are not acceptable nor are very short shorts. Shirts with offensive language or pictures are not allowed. This direction is addressed more toward junior and intermediate students. A little more latitude is given to primary students. If students do not adhere to these guidelines, parents will be called and/or alternative attire will be provided. We trust you will assist us in maintaining a sense of dignity and modesty within our Catholic learning environment. PROTECTING THE SKIN Overexposure to the sun can cause skin damage. We remind students to take precautions to protect their skin during recess times. The following are some suggestions to help protect the skin: 1. Wear protective clothing to cover the skin. 2. Wear a hat to protect both the eyes and skin. 3. When possible, stay out of direct sunlight. 4. Wear sun block, the higher the protection factor number, the greater the protection. SCHOOL EMERGENCY DRILLS Over the next few weeks the students of St. Gertrude will be participating in three Fire Drills and a “Lock Down” drill. While we hope that we never have to experience the types of emergencies we are preparing for, it is anticipated that student participation in these drills will better assist them to respond to emergency situations. DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Congratulations to the Design and Technology team who traveled to Waterloo and participated in the Skills Canada competition on Monday, May 5, 2014. Congratulations to the team members Rachelle, Olivia I., Olivia C., and Antoni K. Thank you to Mr. Todoschuk for his guidance and leadership. Page 5 Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence CHESS CLUB St. Gertrude Chess teams did amazing in 2014. Each team won a medal! Primary and junior teams attained 2nd place medals and banners. Our intermediate team won 3rd place overall. Mrs. McGuire, Mr. Shelsen, Mrs. Lackey and Mr. Migdal are extremely proud of the teams. We wish our primary and junior teams the best of luck as they move forward to the Board tournament. Primary Team Players: Peter D, Daniel S, Andre, Redite, Daniel Junior Team Players: Aaron S, Cyrone U, Luis S, Vincent M, Lukas M Intermediate Team Players: Justin D, Marianno A, Arjo G, Lysander G, and Josh M A LASTING LEGACY AT ST. GERTRUDE St. Gertrude grade 7 and 8 students continue to work with N. Bruzzese, an artist and retired Dufferin-Peel elementary & secondary teacher to create a stained glass project that will adorn the entrance to the library. This is the second year of the multi-year project. All students, under the direction and guidance of N. Bruzzese have met weekly to plan, design and create the special stained glass windows. The final design incorporates themes of Catholic values and virtues, biblical themes and our motto: Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence. These students have worked collaboratively with staff, peers and their instructor for many months....their efforts will leave a lasting legacy for future generations of the St. Gertrude School Community. This project could not have been possible without the generous contribution of our School Council, who sponsored and supported this special project. Collaboration is alive and well at St. Gertrude school! Junior & Intermediate Teams No School May 19 - Victoria Day Primary Team Page 6 Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence Make Sure Your School Support Designation is English Separate (Catholic) It’s a powerful message in support of Catholic education By registering your child into a Dufferin-Peel Catholic school, you have chosen to support Catholic education through direction of your school support. When you designate yourself as an English Separate school supporter, you help promote a strong political voice through your elected representative (Trustee) in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education for the young people in our province. To verify that you are registered as an English Separate school supporter: Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice Check your Voter Information Card received during an election year To register or change your direction of school support, contact the Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 May 1 May 1 May 5 May 5 May 6 May 8 May 8-9 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 19 May 22 May 23 May 27 May 30 June 3-5 June 12 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 18 DATES TO REMEMBER Grade 8 Confirmation 7pm St. Francis Xavier Little Red Theatre JK-3 First Communion Retreat Skills Canada Competition Panoramic Photo Stained Glass Installation VAM Mural Installation French Café First Holy Communion 10:00am St. Francis Xavier Mother’s Day 25th Anniversary Mass 6:30 pm School Gym Board Chess Tournament Medieval Feast Gr. 4 School Gym Victoria Day No School Welcome to Kindergarten 6:30-7:30 pm Virtue Assembly @ 1:00 pm Parent Information Night - Camp Muskoka FDK Classes at Downey's Farm Gr. 3 & Gr. 6 E.Q.A.O Silvercreek Ms. Cassano’s Class Silvercreek Mrs. Wasilewski’s Class Volunteer Tea - 10:20 Library Grad & Year End Mass 12:45 School Gym School BBQ PIZZA AND SUB ORDER DATES Monday, May 5 - pizza day Monday, May 12 - pizza day Wednesday, May 14 - sub day Monday, May 26 pizza day - Wednesday, May 28 - sub day Monday, June 2 pizza day Monday, June 9 Tuesday, June 10 - PA Day No School - pizza day Wednesday, June 11 - sub day Monday, June 16 - pizza day Monday, June 23 - pizza day Wednesday, June 25 - sub day