Introduction to the Mac for PC Users Mac Terminology Mac Window Controls Windows To close a window: Click the red close button in the upper left-hand corner. Mac Windows Explorer Finder Control Panel System Preferences Programs Applications Shortcuts Aliases Taskbar Dock Tray Menulets Windows Folder System Folder Recycle Bin Trash Search Command Spotlight Properties Get Info Drop-down Menu Pop-up Menu Gadget (Windows Vista) Widget To minimize a window: Click the yellow minimize button in the upper-left-hand corner. To maximize a window: Click the green zoom button The Mac Desktop Airport Active application Battery Status Spotlight Apple Menu Menu Bar Volume Control Hard Disk icon X: drive alias Folder alias Folder icon Finder Window Dock Finder Entourage Dashboard Safari Stacks Spaces iPhoto Trash iTunes iChat System Preferences Page: 1 Introduction to the Mac for PC Users Installing a Networked Printer Note: Before attempting to install a networked printer, you must know the IP address of the printer. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Continued…) 4. Open System Preferences. Click the Print & Fax button under the Hardware group. The Print & Fax dialog box appears. Click the Add Printer button, located on the left side Option 1: Select a drive from the Favorite Servers list and then click the Connect button. Option 2: Type the path to the server in the Server Address list and then click the Connect button. (Note: You can also add the path to the Favorite Servers list by clicking the button.) Option 3: Click the paths that you lect from the list. 5. below the Printers list. Click the IP button, if it is not already selected. button to display a list of have recently used and se- Option 4: Click the Browse button to browse available servers in a Finder window. Adding Networked Drives to the Desktop 6. Click the Protocol: list box, and click Internet Protocol Printing— IPP. 7. Type the printer’s IP address in the Address: field. (Note: A message appears below the Address field stating that the address is valid and complete. If this does not appear, verify that you have the correct IP address for the printer and try again.) 8. Type a name for the Printer. 9. Verify that the correct printer is listed in the Print Using: list. If the information is incorrect, select the appropriate printer from the list. 10. Click Add. 11. Configure any installable options and click Continue Connecting to a Networked Drive 1. 2. Open Finder. Click Go on the Finder Menu bar. 3. Click Connect to Server... on the pop-up menu. 1. 2. Open Finder. Click Finder on the Finder Menu bar and click Preferences. 3. 4. Select Connected servers. Close the Finder Preferences dialog box. Icons for the networked drives are added to the Desktop. Opening Recent Documents 1. 2. Click the Apple button on the Apple Menu. Point to Recent Items. Recent documents display in the Documents group Page: 2 Introduction to the Mac for PC Users The Mac Keyboard 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 3 2 1 Key(s) 1 2 18 17 5 3 Use 1. command — ⌘ Mac equivalent to the Window’s control key. 2. alt/option enters special characters such as é. 3. control equivalent to Windows right mouse click when held during a single button mouse click. 4. return equivalent to Window’s enter key. 5. delete ⌦ (right) deletes characters to the right of the cursor. 6. F1 (F14 on some computers) decreases display’s brightness. 7. F2 (F15 on some computers) increases the display’s brightness. 8. F3 (F9 on some computers) toggles Exposé on/off. 9. F4 (F12 on some computers) toggles the Dashboard on/off. 10. F7 rewind key for DVDs (also used in iTunes to play the previous song). 11. F8 pauses/plays DVDs and iTunes music. 12. F9 forward key for DVDs (also used in iTunes to play the next song). 13. F10 mutes sound. 14. F11 decreases the system’s volume. 15. F12 increases the system’s volume. 16. eject ejects CDs and DVDs 17. delete deletes characters to the left of the cursor (Window’s backspace key) 18. Control + F14 in some applications, equivalent to Window’s scroll lock. Page: 3