How Should We Verify Complex Radiation Therapy Treatments ? Chair: M Oldham • “Lessons learned from 10 years of the RPC credentialing service” – Geoff Ibbott PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center, • “Comprehensive verification: the role of 3D Dosimetry” – Mark Oldham PhD, Duke University Medical Center • “EPID verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo” – Ben Mijnheer PhD, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, • “Verification by independent computer algorithms, and Monte Carlo” – Tim Zhu, University of Pennsylvania, Learning objectives: • to gain insight into the dosimetric challenges posed by advanced radiation treatment techniques • to appreciate the importance of comprehensive treatment verification to patient safety • to understand the rationale and capabilities of dosimetry techniques for comprehensive treatment verification, both in-vivo and ex-vivo The following slides are preliminary, and will be updated as necessary. Handouts may become available for lectures 1 and 4. Rationale for 3D ? – catch more errors … How should we verify complex radiation therapy treatments ? Comprehensive verification: the role of 3D Dosimetry. • RPC data – PTV dose ≤ 7% – Gradient ≤ 4 mm 30% • What percentage of 168 Institutions failed criteria ??? PTV Dose Mark Oldham, PhD, FAAPM Associate Professor Radiation Oncology and Biomedical Engineering Duke University Medical Center, NC, USA Further rationale - 2D QA does not correlate with 3D Gradient Outline • Part I – Review (partial) of 3D Dosimetry Techniques • Several methods for accurate 3D dosimetry • Common limitation: clinical interpretation ? • Part II – How to make QA data more clinically relevant ? • 3D dosimetry has unique potential • Take-home messages – 3D dosimetry works and should be used – Can follow up errors detected from routine dosimeters – Unique advantage: QA can yield clinical interpretation 1 Partial Review of 3D dosimetry systems ? Material Read-out • Polymer gels MRI • Radiochromic gels – FX-orange X-ray-CT • Radiochromic plastics – Presage Optical-CT Liquid scintillators Transit dosimetry - EPIDS Semi-3D systems - diode arrays Polymer Gels • The first 3D dosimeters (1993) – Water, gelatin, BIS, acrylamide • Succession of improved formulations – Less toxic (acrylamide substitutes) – Less oxygen sensitivity (MAGIC) Schreiner et al., IC3DDose 2010 • Mature, well understood .. – Non-resuable .. – MRI - expensive but useful – Optical-CT - scatter ? – X-ray-CT – noise ? Baldock et al. 55 (5) Phys Med Biol. 2010 Wuu et al., IC3DDose2010 RESEARCH GROUP QUANTITATIVE MRI IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY RESEARCH GROUP QUANTITATIVE MRI IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Optimizing the multiple spin echo sequence NOT OPTIMAL S Image artifacts: Temperature drift S OPTIMAL Si TE1 TE2 TE3 TE4 T 2 TE T 2 TE 2.5 2 T2 R2 R2 R2 map 1.5 1 GEL DOSIMETER: CORONAL (scanned) TPS: Pinnacle 0.5 Dose map R2 [s-1] Dose [Gy] Calibration plot Yves DeDeene: IC3DDose 2010 GEL DOSIMETER: CORONAL reconstructed from TRANSVERSE slices D 0 TPS: TRA GEL: TRA 2.5 2 1.5 SSE requires 24 acquisitions to obtain the same SNR as a MSE with 32 echoes !! 1 0.5 0 TPS: SAG GEL: SAG Yves DeDeene: IC3DDose 2010 2 Optical Tomography (optical-CT) Comparison of Transverse Dose Distributions (40, 60, 100, 115%) Red: Plan Blue: Gel Green: Film MGS OCTOPUS Scanner MGS Research • Single scanning laser – Accurate, less sensitive to scattered light – Slow requiring many hours for high-resolution 3D Wuu et al, IC3DDose2010 Comparison of Coronal Dose Distributions Red: Plan Blue: Gel Green: Film Wuu et al, IC3DDose2010 Brachytherapy measurements (from Massillon et al PMB 2009) Brachytherapy dosimetry using BANG gel and a 100 um pixel laser scanner (at NIST) Courtesy of MGS Research 230 MeV Protons: BANG vs Ion Chamber (from Zeidan et al 2010) Courtesy of MGS Research Courtesy of MGS Research 3 X-ray-CT Effects of motion and heterogeneities in proton therapy (from Su et al 2010) Fig. 2d. 3D views of dose distributions recorded in gels by static (left) and motion (right) deliveries, showing the 60% (light) and 90% (dark) isodose surfaces. Fig. 2. b. Orthogonal views of measured (OCTOPUSIQ data) dose distributions for static (left column) and motion (right column) deliveries. The contour lines indicate 60% and 90% isodose lines for measured (dashed) and expected (solid) distributions. Courtesy of MGS Research Jirasek, Hilts et al, IC3DDose2010 CT polymer gel dosimetry: detection of set-up error in H&N IMRT • CT polymer gel dosimetry: detection of set-up error in H&N IMRT • Clear indication of treatment localization error in measured 3D dose distribution IMRT irradiation with and without known set-up error Head and neck phantom for 3D CT gel dosimetry Planned treatment position Planned set-up Isodose Overlay Dose Difference Localization error Gamma (3%,3mm) Set-up error Sup/Ant/Rt view Measured and calculated doses for the IMRT plan irradiated with and without a known set-up error: 3mm Lt, 4mm Post and 5mm Sup. Sup/Post/Lt view Sup/Ant/Rt view Sup/Post/Lt view The 90% isodose surface is rendered: planned (red); measured (green). M Hilts 2011 | 21 0.15 20 MeV Electron Beam 15 MV Photon Beam 12 MeV Electron Beam 6 MeV Electron Beam 6 MV Photon Beam Gulmay 80 kVp Cobalt-60 (cuvettes) 0.15 -1 0.05 Dose (Gy) 0.1 Wellhofer Optical CT 2 Δ μ (cm ) -1 • Radiochromic (dark) – Optical contrast is absorbing – Broad-beam fast scanning Dose-to-Attenuation Calibration Δμ (cm ) Radiochromic gels Fricke (xylenol orange) M Hilts 2011 | 22 100 M u/min 400 M u/min 0.1 15 MV 6 MeV 12 MeV 1 0.05 20 MeV 0 • Non-toxic, no oxygen sensitivity, easy to make, energy independent 6 MV 0 1 2 80 kVp Dose (Gy) 0 0 0 1 Dose (Gy) 2 0 5 Depth (cm) 10 • Diffusion, temperature (0.1deg), light scatter, auto-oxidation Olding and Schreiner, IC3DDose 2010 4 Head-and-Neck IMRT Treatment Plan Wax Rando with FXG gel dosimeter insert Electron Beam Calibration Calibration & Measurement Jars Olding and Schreiner, IC3DDose 2010 Olding and Schreiner, IC3DDose 2010 VISTATM Scanner* IMRT Delivery Dosimetric Evaluation* Eclipse Plan Gel Measurement Using the 590 nm amber LED diffuse light source Projection data acquired with a 1024x768 pixel, 12-bit CCD camera using a 2/3” diameter, 12 mm focal length lens Olding and Schreiner, IC3DDose 2010 *Modus Medical Devices Inc, London, ON, Canada IMRT Delivery Evaluation *in the CERR environment in MATLAB Radiochromic Plastic: Presage • Accurate: • Tissue equivalent • Economical 3%, 3mm gamma test max = 633 nm 5 Beam Tx 5 Benchmarking DLOS/Presage DLOS : Duke Large Field-of-View Optical-CT Scanner A. Design Specifications minutes LED, diffuser filter 10 cm 16 cm Dosimeter 8 Gy 0.175 mm 10 4 Gy cm 6x6cm2 scan time Dose Plateaus C. 12 Gy 24 voxel size PDD Top 16 cm Aquarium CCD D. 4 Field Box 10 cm F. Linear Output 80 Gy 20 Gy 4x4cm2 4Gy E. Small Field Output Factors 4 cm 40 Gy FOV B. PDD Side 10 Gy 10 cm 3 cm 16 cm Benchmark Data Set #4 4 field box Benchmark Results: Treatments delivered to Presage in RPC phantom Benchmarking done • • • • 2mm resolution 15 mins Accurate within 2% relative Noise within 2% Time within 30 mins after irradiation First clinical application: 6 base-of-skull IMRT, delivered to Presage in RPC H&N credentialing phantom #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 6 Summary Case 1 Plan PTV cm3 HN1 4.28 HN2 29.42 HN3 1.98 HN4 46.18 HN5 9.36 HN6 7.61 Portal Dosimetry (3%, 3mm), Mean (Range) 99.7%, (99.2 – 99.9) 98.8% (97.9 – 99.7) 99.5% (99.2 – 99.7) 99.4% (98.9 – 99.8) 98.9% (97.9 – 99.4) 97.3% (96.3 – 97.9) DLOS/Presage (3%, 3mm) 98.5 98.1 99.7 91.2 98.7 Patient Plan 95.7 Best Case 4 Transverse 99.4% Saggittal Coronal Eclipse Presage Isodose Measured Case #1: illustrative comparisons NDD Pass Rate = 97.6% Calculated NDD Map Measured Transverse Saggittal Coronal A clinical presentation of QA data ? Worst Case6 95.2% DoseVolume Histograms Phantom -> Patient 7 Can now compare measured and planned DVH Eclipse Dose Map 98% pass Gamma Map (3%, 3mm, 5% threshold) 50 1 Eclipse Measurement Patient DVH etc 0 Phantom -1 Medula Oblongata PTV Brainstem 3D Gamma or NDD Case 2 DVH in patient Does 2D QA correlate with 3D ? Presage Eclipse Conclusions • 3D dosimetry now feasible – Accurate, efficient, comprehensive, low cost – commercialization ? • Role of 3D – Commissioning – Routine QA ? – Remote credentialing ? • Expect clinically meaningful QA Advanced Tx requires advanced verification ! Academic Sponsors: AAPM SEAAPM Duke Med. Phys. Graduate Program Duke University Medical Center Scientific Organizing Committee: Sven Back (Sweden), Clive Baldock (Australia), Cheng-Shie Wuu (USA), Yves De Deene (Belgium), Simon Doran (UK), Geoffrey Ibbott (USA), Andrew Jirasek (Canada), Kevin Jordan (Canada), Martin Lepage (Canada), Thomas Maris (Greece), Mark Oldham (USA - Chair), Evangelos Pappas (Greece), John Schreiner (Canada) 8 Acknowledgments Duke • Andy Thomas • Joe Newton • Harshad Sakhalkar • Pengyi Guo • FangFang Yin RPC • Geoff Ibbott • Ryan Grant • Andrea Molineau • Dave Followhil Rider University • John Adamovics (Presage) Memorial SK • Joe Deasy (CERR) 9 EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo The Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital 2D analysis: e.g., multiple IMRT fields EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo Ben Mijnheer 3D analysis: e.g., VMAT verification How should we verify complex radiation therapy treatments ? EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo Ex-vivo: using phantom measurements In-vivo: patient treatment verification EPID dosimetry: technical solutions • Advanced radiotherapy is a very complex process in which many variables are influencing the intended dose delivery • Testing each sub-component in the patient treatment pathway is becoming virtually impossible • Many persons are involved in the QA of the different steps thus introducing a risk that the overall QA process has not been adequately covered • It is therefore necessary to have an “end-to-end” test to check the performance of the total treatment chain • Such a test should evaluate the complete process from image-based treatment design to dose delivery, and should preferably be performed by the same persons who treat patients • For this purpose EPID dosimetry might play an important role EPID dosimetry: dose reconstruction models Fluoroscopic screen / video camera Liquid-filled ionization chamber matrix Amorphous silicon (a-Si) (van Elmpt et al., A literature review of electronic portal imaging for radiotherapy dosimetry, Radiother Oncol, 88, 289-309, 2008) (van Elmpt et al., A literature review of electronic portal imaging for radiotherapy dosimetry, Radiother Oncol, 88, 289-309, 2008) EPID dosimetry: dose reconstruction models EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D Back-projection algorithm Primary fluence prediction: 1) calculate plan - no straightforward correlation with dose delivery in phantom or patient - no end-to-end test - no possibility for in vivo dosimetry 2) measure EPID dose 3) reconstruct dose in single or multiple planes (with/without patient or phantom at NKI-AVL) Back-projection of transit fluence: - direct comparison with dose delivery in phantom or patient - end-to-end test (can be performed by therapists) - allows in vivo dosimetry patient or phantom CT 4) compare plan and reconstructed patient dose (preferably at actual gantry angle) Workflow of in vivo IMRT and VMAT EPID dose verification Gamma analysis of single IMRT fields • EPID measurements at the linacs are performed routinely by the therapists • The analysis of the measurements is done by two specialised (0.6 fte) therapists (Kruse, Med Phys 37, 2516-2524, 2010) (Nelms et al., Med Phys 38, 1037-1044, 2011) Lack of correlation between gamma passing rates and clinically relevant dose differences during single IMRT field verification, particularly with highly modulated fields 2D EPID dose verification: IMRT Patient record of γ-evaluation at NKI-AVL Per field: • mean γ • max γ (1%) • % points γ<1 • (isoc dose) • Generally the first three fractions are verified and an “average” of the three measurements is used for pass/failure analysis • A clinical physicist is warned by the therapists in case of exceeding an action level 3D EPID dose verification: VMAT For VMAT verification it was necessary to modify the IMRT EPID dosimetry software: • to incorporate gantry-angle resolved image acquisition • to correct for EPID “flex” as a function of gantry angle Per fraction • isoc dose Warning: yellow Error: red • to adapt the 3D back-projection model to include a value for the transmission calculated from CT data instead of using a measured value • to reconstruct the total 3D dose distribution for comparison with planned dose data using a 3D gamma evaluation 3D EPID dose verification at NKI-AVL 3D EPID dose verification of a prostate VMAT treatment EPID movie Dose per frame Pinnacle3 (SmartArc module) Elekta SL20i (standard 1 cm MLC) Elekta iViewGT a-Si EPID Treatment planning: Delivery: Verification: Accumulated dose (3 %, 3 mm) γ 2 1 Single arc In vivo verification / 10 MV beam / 80 s delivery time -140° 0 50% isodose 3D EPID dose distribution 140° 3D γ-evaluation 2D EPID dose verification: gamma analysis of single IMRT fields In vivo EPID dose verification results of the first 45 VMAT prostate treatments Action levels error warning ok applied at NKI-AVL ∆Disoc = 0.2 ± 1.6% EPID dose verification: 2D vs 3D EPID dose verification: 2D vs 3D 5-field IMRT rectum treatment 5-field IMRT rectum treatment γ γ 0 2D result (per beam), γ 3%/3mm, 20% isodose line 1 2 0 3D result (total dose), γ 3%/3mm, 50% isodose surface 2 3D result for γ evaluation within various isodose surfaces γ Isodose 2.0%/2.0mm Same planes through 3D-γ-volume 1 2D result (per beam), γ 3%/3mm, 20% isodose line 2.0%/3.0mm 3.0%/3.0mm 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% EPID dose verification: summary of 3D VMAT QA EPID dose verification: 2D vs 3D 5-field IMRT rectum treatment No simple transition of evalution criteria from 2D to 3D ! Site Prostate Lung 3D result for γ evaluation within various isodose surfaces Isodose γ 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% Brain EPID (in vivo) Dose diff (%) EPID (in vivo) % γ<1 Octavius (phantom) % γ<1 -0.5 ± 2.2 95.0 ± 7.0 99.1 ± 1.0 129 pat. 129 pat. 5 pat. -0.1 ± 3.5 94.1 ± 7.7 98.1 ± 3.0 49 pat. 49 pat. 5 pat. -3.5 ± 3.1 90.0 ± 9.5 97.6 ± 1.7 32 pat. 32 pat. 7 pat. 20% 2.0%/2.0mm Very satisfactory VMAT QA results 2.0%/3.0mm 3.0%/3.0mm Head-and-neck cancer: 3D VMAT QA EPID dose verification: 3D VMAT QA EPID dosimetry (phantom) dose gamma (3%, 3mm) Pass rate = 81% Octavius (phantom) Prostate, lung, brain: Head-and-neck: • small spherical target volumes • • • Hypopharynx cancer: 3D VMAT QA • Hypopharynx cancer: 3D VMAT QA Treatment planning: modified technique - somewhat larger segments (11% increase in area) • large irregular target volumes irregular (narrow) segments highly modulated dose rate Octavius: re-calibration • EPID dosimetry: EPIDs individually calibrated - calculated transmission slightly different for each EPID - actual dose values were 1.5% below calibration arc 1 (98.7 % pass rate) arc 2 EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D • Extensive pre-treatment verification is necessary during the commissioning process of new equipment, and before the implementation of a new treatment technique for a specific treatment site • By combining the information from 3D phantom measurements using EPID dosimetry and other detector systems, systematic errors observed in both approaches can be traced and improved EPID dose verification: ex-vivo and in-vivo • Ex vivo stands for: “in an artificial environment outside the living organism” • In radiation dosimetry this means the measurement of dose before or after a patient treatment using a phantom to represent the patient • An ideal phantom configuration should have the same external and internal dimensions, the same composition or electron density, as well as the same setup as used during the actual patient treatment (positioning/ fixation devices) EPID dose verification: ex-vivo and in-vivo EPID dose verification: ex-vivo and in-vivo • In vivo: Latin for “within the living” and indicates the use of a whole, living organism • In radiation dosimetry this means the measurement of dose received by the patient during treatment • In vivo does not imply that the detector is placed “within the living” • In vivo dosimetry provides information that cannot be obtained from ex vivo measurements Many phantom-detector combinations are available for end-to-end tests Rectum IMRT: change in patient anatomy Breast IMRT: influence of contour change on dose distribution Swollen breast tissue EPID dosimetry confirms accurate dose delivery to breast 23.8 cm CT #1, sagittal slice 17.9 cm CT #2, sagittal slice patient thickness changed: re-planned Head-and-neck IMRT: change of internal anatomy Head-and-neck IMRT: change of internal anatomy Green: cone-beam CT scan; purple: planning CT scan with filled air cavity Breast non-IMRT fields: incorrect positioning of jaws Breast non-IMRT fields: incorrect positioning of jaws incorrect beam correct beam Checkbox accidentally unchecked in a new version of Mosaiq Result: 5.1 Gy underdosage in 1 beam for 6 fractions (out of 28) Total dose: 50.7 Gy (deviation 10%) Compensation: extra beam for remaining fractions Lung: recovery from atelectasis; incorporation of cone-beam CT Is there a need for in vivo EPID dose verification? YES! (Anton Mans et al., Med Phys 37, 2638-2644, 2010) EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo Future developments for large scale implementation of EPID Conclusions-1 dose verification: • • • • • availability of dedicated commercial solutions fast dose reconstruction and analysis (NKI-AVL: IMRT within 1 min; VMAT within 2-3 min) simple user-friendly analysis software which can be handled by therapists (e.g., only patient ID input and start analysis) drafting clinical guidelines for action levels in 2D and 3D combination with setup verification (e.g., cone-beam CT) EPID dose verification: 2D and 3D, ex-vivo and in-vivo Conclusions-2 • EPID in vivo dose verification provides a safety net for complex treatment techniques such as IMRT and VMAT, as well as a full account of the dose delivered to a patient linac QA • EPID dosimetry in combination with other detectors and phantoms is a very useful approach for the verification of new treatment techniques • EPID dosimetry is fast and accurate and provides comprehensive information about the 3D dose distribution delivered to phantoms or patients • EPID in vivo dosimetry can serve as a substitute for patient-specific pretreatment verification using phantoms, yielding information about the actual patient treatment Many thanks to my colleagues at NKI-AVL: Anton Mans Hanno Spreeuw Leah McDermott Joep Stroom Igor Olaciregui-Ruiz Rene Tielenburg Thijs Perik Marcel van Herk Roel Roozendaal Ron Vijlbrief Jan-Jakob Sonke Markus Wendling TPS QA pre-treatment QA IGRT in vivo EPID dosimetry for borrowing their slides and useful discussions!