Jin Yang, Yumei Wen*, Ping Li, Xianzhi Dai, Ming Li
The Key Laboratory for Optoelectronic Technology & Systems, Ministry of Education, China
Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
*Presenting Author:
Abstract: This paper presents a new broadband vibration energy harvester using magnetoelectric (ME) transducer.
The harvester using ME transducer takes advantage of multi-cantilever beams and nonlinear behavior of the
magnetic force to expand the working bandwidth in ambient low frequency vibration. A theoretical model is
developed to analyze the nonlinear vibration of the harvester, and the effects of the structure parameters on the
electrical-output and the bandwidth of the harvester are analyzed to achieve the optimal vibration energy harvesting
performances. The experimental results on the performances show that, the harvester has bandwidths of 5.2Hz,
6.3Hz, and 7.2Hz at the accelerations of 0.2g, 0.4g, and 0.6g(with g=9.8ms−2), respectively.
Keywords: energy harvesting, magnetoelectric transducer, wide-spectrum vibration, nonlinear magnetic force
The demand for energy harvesting devices has
been growing rapidly with the wide application of
mobile electronics and wireless sensors. Mechanical
energy associated with vibration has been one of the
major energy sources for energy harvesting systems.
Different vibration energy harvesting mechanisms
have been utilized, including piezoelectric [1],
electromagnetic [2], electrostatic [3], or ME
transduction mechanisms [4-7].
Regardless of the transduction mechanism, a
primary issue in vibration-based energy harvesting is
that the best performance of a harvester is usually
limited to excitation at its fundamental resonance
frequency. If the applied ambient vibration deviates
slightly from the resonance condition then the power
out is drastically reduced. In order to solve this
problem, several solutions have been proposed in the
literature like active/passive frequency tuning
techniques [8–12] and widening of the bandwidth
techniques [13-16]. In active/passive tuning techniques,
simply the parameters of the harvester such as the
mass or the stiffness are altered so that the resonance
frequency is tuned to match the environmental
vibration frequency. In the active tuning technique,
this adjustment is done continuously, whereas in the
case of passive tuning technique, the tuning actuators
turn off after the adjustment. Roundy and Zhang [12]
mathematically showed with some assumptions that
active tuning techniques were not feasible because the
tuning actuators required more power than the device
could generate. On the other hand, passive tuning
techniques also require actuators and sensors, which
increase the complexity and the cost of the device.
Another solution is to widen the bandwidth of the
harvester. The reported generators covered a wide
band of external vibration frequency by implementing
a number of serially connected cantilever beams with
varying natural frequencies [13-14]. Nonlinear
behavior offers new capabilities to capture energy
available from more complex excitations, and several
recent papers demonstrated the efficacy of this
approach [15-16]. These broadening technologies in
the harvesters using piezoelectric, electromagnetic and
electrostatic transduction mechanisms have shown
some promise, but they can not be applied in the
harvesters using ME transducers directly due to the
different transduction mechanisms.
This paper presents a new broadband vibration
energy harvester using ME transducer to expand the
working bandwidth in ambient low frequency
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of the
proposed vibration energy harvester. The harvester
consists of two cantilever beams, a magnetic circuit,
and a ME transducer. The magnetic circuit is made of
four rectangular NdFeB magnets and two magnetic
yokes, and is placed on the end of the cantilever beam
B and acts as the proof mass. The four magnets are
arranged in multi-pole, head-to-head arrangement to
generate a concentrated flux gradient. The ME
transducer is a sandwich of one piezoelectric layer
bonded between two magnetostrictive layers, and is
placed at the tip of the cantilever beam A and acts as
the proof mass. The beams A and B are both fixed to
the housing of the harvester.
The two cantilever beams are initially designed to
have different natural frequencies. If the source
frequency matches the resonant frequency of one of
the cantilever beams (with magnetic coupling), the
acceleration due to the external vibration will cause
relative motion between the ME transducer and the
magnetic circuit. The ME transducer undergoes
magnetic field variations in the air gap among the four
magnets. In turn, the changing magnetic field causes
the magnetostrictive layers to generate stress. The
stress is then transmitted to the piezoelectric layer,
which generates electrical power.
V 2 ( V H y C ) R L
[1  (CR L ) 2 ]
Fig.1: Schematic diagram of the proposed vibration
energy harvester.
The governing equations for the 2DOF harvester
are given by
  CZ
  KZ  F  F
, C A
, Z   A  ,
where, M   A
 zB 
 0 mB 
 0 cB 
m z 
 F z , z , z  
, FA   A f  , FM   MA A B h  .
K A
 0 kB 
 FMB  z A , z B , z h 
mB z f 
mA and mB are the masses at the tip of the beam A and
the beam B, respectively. The mechanical losses are
modeled by the viscous damping factors cA and cB. kA
and kB are the spring constants of the beams A and B,
respectively. zf is the vertical displacement of the frame,
and zA and zB are the relative displacements of the mass
A and the mass B to the frame. FMA and FMB are the zcomponents of the magnetic forces acting respectively
on the mass A and the mass B.
When the ME transducer vibrates under free-free
boundary conditions at low frequency (f < 1000 Hz),
its magnetoelectric equivalent circuit [17] is as shown
in Fig.2. In the equivalent circuit, Hy is the external
excitation magnetic field, and △Hy is the induced
magnetic field variation; I is the electric current; RL is
the load resistance; αV is the ME voltage coefficient,
and αV = ∂VME/∂Hy with VME the induced ME voltage;
C is the equivalent capacitance of the ME transducer,
which has a capacitive impedance.
Fig.2: ME transducer equivalent circuit under freefree conditions.
In Fig.2, the output voltage and power across the
load resistance RL are
V H y RL
 RL
j C
V H y RLC
1  CRL 
According to Eq.(3), the optimal load resistance
can then be found by differentiating Eq. (3) with
respect to RL, setting the result equal to zero, and
solving for RL. Note that when RL = Ropt, the harvester
power output is maximum, a condition referred to as
impendence matching. In this case the corresponding
power is given as
Pmax  f V2 H y2 C
According to Eqs.(2) and (4), in order to achieve a
large output voltage and power, the magnet circuit in
Fig.1 should provide the ME transducer to work in the
best DC magnetic bias field to obtain the optimal ME
voltage coefficient αV, and the ME transducer should
undergo large enough magnetic field variation △Hy at
a small relative displacement.
The soft of Ansoft’s Maxwell 3D is employed to
simulate and analyze the magnetic force and the
magnetic field. In simulations, the dimension of each
magnet in the magnetic circuit is 6 mm×6 mm×2.5 mm.
The distance between the upper magnet and the lower
magnet is 2.5mm, and that between the left magnet and
the right one is 14mm. The remnant flux density (Br)
and the relative permeability (μr) of the magnets are
1.39 T and 1.09 T, respectively.
In Eq. (1), because the magnitudes of zA and zB are
generally small, FMA and FMB are mainly related to the
initial distance zh. Therefore, the frequency
characteristics of the beams A and B varying with zh
are analyzed. The magnitude of the corresponding
magnetic stiffness, kmag, can be written in terms of the
change in magnetic force as a function of distance as
k mag 
d FMA  z h  d FMB  z h 
dz h
dz h
where the sign of the kmag is dependent on the mode of
the magnetic force (i.e. positive for the repulsive
magnetic mode and negative for the case of the
attractive magnetic mode) [12]. It can be seen that, the
effective stiffness of the beam would be smaller or
larger than the beam stiffness with no magnetic
Fig.3 shows the simulation results of the magnetic
force FMA by Ansoft’s Maxwell for different zh values,
and the corresponding magnetic stiffness kmag. From
Fig.3, we can see that, 1) when zh is changed from 0 to
2.1 mm, the mode of the magnetic force FMA is always
repulsive, and the sign of kmag in Eq.(5) is positive. The
effective resonant frequency of the beam A will be
tuned to be higher than that of the beam with no
magnetic coupling. 2) When the initial distance zh is
beyond 2.1 mm, the mode of the magnetic force FMA is
changed to be attractive. The additional stiffness kmag
will alter the effective resonant frequency to be lower
than that of the beam A (no magnetic coupling) except
when zh is 4.2mm. At zh=4.2mm, the magnitude of the
magnetic force FMA reaches maximum, but the
corresponding additional stiffness kmag is zero. As a
consequence, the resonant frequency of the beam A
will remain unchanged.
right one is 14mm. The material of the two magnetic
yokes is mild steel. The ME transducer is a sandwich
of one PMNT layer (12mm×6mm× 0.8mm) bonded
between two Terfenol-D layers (12mm×6mm×1mm).
The Terfenol-D layers are magnetized along the
longitudinal direction, and the piezoelectric layer is
polarized in its thickness direction.
Fig.5 shows the experimental set-up. A vibration
shaker is used to supply mechanical vibrations to the
prototype and an amplifier is used to drive the shaker.
An accelerometer is mounted in the vibration shaker to
measure the acceleration of vibrations applied to the
prototype. The output voltage of the prototype is
measured and stored by a Tektronix TDS2022B digital
storage oscilloscope. In all measurements, the shaker
table acceleration is set to 0.2g.
Fig.3: Magnetic force and additional stiffness for
different zh values
Fig. 5: Experimental setup
Fig.4 plots the average magnetic field along y
direction in the air gaps and the corresponding
magnetic field variation for different zh value.
Experimental Result
The ME transducer is placed at the end of the beam
A with the natural frequency of 37.5Hz. The beam B
with the magnetic circuit has the natural frequency of
41.5Hz. In addition, the beam B is fixed on a clamp
that can be vertically displaced using a screw–spring
mechanism to change the initial distance zh. Fig. 6
plots the measured open-circuit voltages versus
frequency for three different values of zh.
Fig.4: Magnetic field along y direction and variation
As can be seen from Fig. 4, the curve of the
magnetic field variation presents two peaks at zh= 1.7
mm and 4.2 mm, and the absolute peak values reach
55Oe/mm and 41Oe /mm, respectively. These two
distances (zh= 1.7 mm and 4.2 mm) may be used as the
optimal initial position to place the ME transducer, if
the ME transducer can work in the best condition of
the DC bias field at these positions.
Experimental Setup
The cantilever beams are both made up of
dimensions of NdFeB magnets are 6mm×6mm×2.5mm.
The distance between the upper magnet and the lower
one is 2.5mm and that between the left magnet and the
Fig. 6: Output voltages versus frequency for different
zh values
In Fig.6, it can be seen that: 1) when zh is in the
range of 0 to 2.5 mm, there is only one peak in the
frequency response of the harvester, and the value of
the resonant frequency is between that of the two
beams. 2) When zh=4.2mm, because the additional
stiffness kmag is zero, the resonant frequencies of the
beam A and the beam B are unchanged and are equal
to the corresponding natural frequencies, respectively.
Further, by nonlinear behavior of the magnetic force,
both hardening and softening responses of the beams
A and B appear in Fig.6, which allow the frequency
response to be broadened in either direction [16]. And
the resonance peaks of the two beams overlap to
successfully widen the bandwidth of the harvester. In
this case, the harvester shows a 3dB bandwidth of
Considering the output voltages and the
bandwidths for different zh, we think that the output
performance of the harvester is optimal when
zh=4.2mm. Fig. 7 plots the measured open-circuit
voltages at three accelerations when zh=4.2mm. It can
be seen that, the output voltage and the bandwidth of
the harvester increase with increasing the acceleration.
The bandwidths of the harvester are 5.2Hz, 6.3Hz, and
7.2Hz at the accelerations of 0.2g, 0.4g, and 0.6g,
Fig. 7: Output voltages versus acceleration
This study presents a new broadband vibration
energy harvester using ME transducer. The
experimental results on the performances show that,
the harvester has bandwidths of 5.2Hz, 6.3Hz, and
7.2Hz at the accelerations of 0.2g, 0.4g, and 0.6g,
This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (61071042, 10776039,
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