Exam #3 Review Chapter 4 Expectation and Moments Mean. Moments, Variance, Expected Value Operator Chapter 5. Random Processes Random Processes, Wide Sense Stationary Chapter 8 Random Sequences 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Basic Concepts Infinite-length Bernoulli Trials Continuity of Probability Measure Statistical Specification of a Random Sequence Basic Principles of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Random Sequences and Linear Systems WSS Random Sequences Power Spectral Density Interpretation of the psd Synthesis of Random Sequences and Discrete-Time Simulation Decimation Interpolation Markov Random Sequences Vector Random Sequences and State Equations Convergence of Random Sequences Laws of Large Numbers 442 447 452 454 471 477 486 489 490 493 496 497 500 511 513 521 Chapter 9 Random Processes 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Basic Definitions Some Important Random Processes Continuous-Time Linear Systems with Random Inputs White Noise Some Useful Classifications of Random Processes Stationarity Wide-Sense Stationary Processes and LSI Systems Wide-Sense Stationary Case Power Spectral Density An Interpretation of the Power Spectral Density More on White Noise Stationary Processes and Differential Equations Periodic and Cyclostationary Processes Vector Processes and State Equations State Equations 544 548 572 577 578 579 581 582 584 586 590 596 600 606 608 Homework problems B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 1 of 63 ECE 3800 Previous homework problem solutions as examples – Dr. Severance’s Skill Examples Skills #6 Skills #7 This exam is likely to be four problems similar in nature to the 2015 exam. : 1. You will be given a random sequence or process. Determine the autocorrelation. Determine the power spectral density. Perform a cross-correlation. 2. Filtering of random sequence or random process. Determine the input autocorrelation. Determine the output autocorrelation. Determine the input power spectram density. Determine the output power spectral density. 3. .Given a power spectral density, determine the random process or sequence mean, 2nd moment (total power), variance. Determine the power in a frequency band. And now for a quick chapter review … the important information without the rest! B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 2 of 63 ECE 3800 Autocorrelation Function Basics The Autocorrelation Function For a sample function defined by samples in time of a random process, how alike are the different samples? X 1 X t1 and X 2 X t 2 Define: The autocorrelation is defined as: R XX t1 , t 2 E X 1 X 2 dx1 dx2 x1x2 f x1, x2 The above function is valid for all processes, stationary and non-stationary. For WSS processes: R XX t1 , t 2 E X t X t R XX If the process is ergodic, the time average is equivalent to the probabilistic expectation, or T 1 XX lim xt xt dt xt xt T 2T T and XX R XX Define: x k X k and x k X l RKK k , l E X k X l xk xl pmf X x k , xl ; k , l * * xl xk For WSS * * * RKK k E X k X 0 E X k n X 0 n x k x0 pmf X xk , x0 ; k ,0 xk x0 If the process is ergodic, the sample average is equivalent to the probabilistic expectation, or N 1 * KK k lim X n k X n N 2 N 1 n N As a note for things you’ve been computing, the “zoreth lag of the autocorrelation” is dx x R XX t1 , t1 R XX 0 E X 1 X 1 E X 1 2 2 1 2 f x1 X 2 X 2 1 T 2T XX 0 lim B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 T xt 2 dt xt 2 T 3 of 63 ECE 3800 Properties of Autocorrelation Functions 1) R XX 0 E X 2 X 2 The mean squared value of the random process can be obtained by observing the zeroth lag of the autocorrelation function. R XX R XX or R XX k R XX k 2) The autocorrelation function is an even function in time. Only positive (or negative) needs to be computed for an ergodic WSS random process. R XX R XX 0 or R XX k R XX 0 The autocorrelation function is a maximum at 0. For periodic functions, other values may equal the zeroth lag, but never be larger. 3) 4) If X has a DC component, then Rxx has a constant factor. X t X N t R XX X 2 R NN Note that the mean value can be computed from the autocorrelation function constants! 5) If X has a periodic component, then Rxx will also have a periodic component of the same period. Think of: X t A cosw t , 0 2 where A and w are known constants and theta is a uniform random variable. A2 R XX E X t X t cosw 2 5b) For signals that are the sum of independent random variable, the autocorrelation is the sum of the individual autocorrelation functions. W t X t Y t RWW R XX RYY 2 X Y For non-zero mean functions, (let w, x, y be zero mean and W, X, Y have a mean) RWW R XX RYY 2 X Y RWW Rww W 2 R xx X 2 R yy Y 2 2 X Y RWW Rww W 2 R xx R yy X 2 2 X Y Y 2 RWW Rww W 2 R xx R yy X Y 2 Then we have 6) W 2 X Y 2 Rww R xx R yy If X is ergodic and zero mean and has no periodic component, then we expect B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 4 of 63 ECE 3800 lim R XX 0 7) Autocorrelation functions can not have an arbitrary shape. One way of specifying shapes permissible is in terms of the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function. That is, if R XX exp jwt dt R XX then the restriction states that R XX 0 for all w Additional concept: X t a N t R XX a 2 E N t N t a 2 R NN The Crosscorrelation Function For a two sample function defined by samples in time of two random processes, how alike are the different samples? X 1 X t1 and Y2 Y t 2 Define: The cross-correlation is defined as: R XY t1 , t 2 E X 1Y2 RYX t1 , t 2 E Y1 X 2 dx1 dy2 x1 y2 f x1, y2 dy1 dx2 y1x2 f y1, x2 The above function is valid for all processes, jointly stationary and non-stationary. For jointly WSS processes: R XY t1 , t 2 E X t Y t R XY RYX t1 , t 2 EY t X t RYX Note: the order of the subscripts is important for cross-correlation! If the processes are jointly ergodic, the time average is equivalent to the probabilistic expectation, or 1 XY lim T 2T 1 T 2T YX lim and B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 T xt yt dt xt y t yt xt dt y t xt T T T XY R XY 5 of 63 ECE 3800 YX RYX Properties of Crosscorrelation Functions 1) The properties of the zoreth lag have no particular significance and do not represent mean-square values. It is true that the “ordered” crosscorrelations must be equal at 0. . R XY 0 RYX 0 or XY 0 YX 0 2) Crosscorrelation functions are not generally even functions. However, there is an antisymmetry to the ordered crosscorrelations: R XY RYX For 1 XY lim T 2T T xt yt dt T Substitute XY lim T 1 T 2T XY lim 1 2T xt y t t T x y d x y T T y x d y x YX T 3) The crosscorrelation does not necessarily have its maximum at the zeroth lag. This makes sense if you are correlating a signal with a timed delayed version of itself. The crosscorrelation should be a maximum when the lag equals the time delay! It can be shown however that R XY R XX 0 R XX 0 As a note, the crosscorrelation may not achieve the maximum anywhere … 4) If X and Y are statistically independent, then the ordering is not important R XY E X t Y t E X t E Y t X Y and B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 R XY X Y RYX 6 of 63 ECE 3800 5) If X is a stationary random process and is differentiable with respect to time, the crosscorrelation of the signal and it’s derivative is given by dR XX R XX d Defining derivation as a limit: X t e X t X lim e e 0 and the crosscorrelation X t e X t R XX E X t X t E X t lim e e 0 E X t X t e X t X t R XX lim e e 0 E X t X t e E X t X t R XX lim e e 0 R e R XX R XX lim XX e e 0 dR XX R XX d Similarly, d 2 R XX R XX d 2 Measurement of the Autocorrelation Function (Ergodic, WSS) We love to use time average for everything. For wide-sense stationary, ergodic random processes, time average are equivalent to statistical or probability based values. 1 XX lim T 2T T xt xt dt xt xt T Using this fact, how can we use short-term time averages to generate auto- or cross-correlation functions? An estimate of the autocorrelation is defined as: 1 Rˆ XX T T xt xt dt 0 Note that the time average is performed across as much of the signal that is available after the time shift by tau. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 7 of 63 ECE 3800 For tau based on the available time step, k, with N equating to the available time interval, we have: Rˆ XX kt 1 N 1t kt N k xit xit kt t i 0 1 Rˆ XX kt Rˆ XX k N 1 k N k xi xi k i 0 In computing this autocorrelation, the initial weighting term approaches 1 when k=N. At this point the entire summation consists of one point and is therefore a poor estimate of the autocorrelation. For useful results, k<<N! As noted, the validity of each of the summed autocorrelation lags can and should be brought into question as k approaches N. As a result, a biased estimate of the autocorrelation is commonly used. The biased estimate is defined as: ~ R XX k 1 N 1 N k xi xi k i 0 Here, a constant weight instead of one based on the number of elements summed is used. This estimate has the property that the estimated autocorrelation should decrease as k approaches N. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 8 of 63 ECE 3800 Relation of Spectral Density to the Autocorrelation Function For WSS random processes, the autocorrelation function is time based and, for ergodic processes, describes all sample functions in the ensemble! In these cases the Wiener-Khinchine relations is valid that allows us to perform the following. EX t X t exp iw d S XX w R XX For an ergodic process, we can use time-based processing to aive at an equivalent result … 1 XX lim T 2T T xt xt dt xt xt T X X w For 1 XX lim T 2T T xt exp iwt X w dt T 1 XX X w lim T 2T T xt exp i wt dt T XX X w X w X w 2 We can define a power spectral density for the ensemble as: S XX w R XX R XX exp iw d Based on this definition, we also have S XX w R XX 1 R XX t 2 R XX 1 S XX w S XX w expiwt dw Properties of the Power Spectral Density The power spectral density as a function is always real, positive, and an even function in w. As an even function, the PSD may be expected to have a polynomial form as: Finite property in frequency. The Power Spectral Density must also approach zero as w approached infinity, B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 9 of 63 ECE 3800 Relation of Spectral Density to the Autocorrelation Function The power spectral density as a function is always real, positive, and an even function in w/f. You can convert between the domains using: The Fourier Transform in w S XX w R XX exp iw d 1 R XX t 2 S XX w expiwt dw The Fourier Transform in f S XX f R XX exp i2f d R XX t S XX f expi2ft df The 2-sided Laplace Transform S XX s R XX exp s d 1 R XX t j 2 j S XX s expst ds j Deriving the Mean-Square Values from the Power Spectral Density The mean squared value of a random process is equal to the 0th lag of the autocorrelation EX 2 1 R XX 0 2 E X 2 R XX 0 1 S XX w expiw 0 dw 2 S XX w dw S XX f expi2f 0 dw S XX f df Therefore, to find the second moment, integrate the PSD over all frequencies. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 10 of 63 ECE 3800 The Cross-Spectral Density The Fourier Transform in w S XY w R XY exp iw d 1 R XY t 2 and SYX w RYX exp iw d 1 S XY w expiwt dw and RYX t 2 Properties of the functions SYX w expiwt dw S XY w conjSYX w Since the cross-correaltion is real, the real portion of the spectrum is even the imaginary portion of the spectrum is odd B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 11 of 63 ECE 3800 Generic Example of a Discrete Spectral Density X t A B sin2 f1 t 1 C cos2 f 2 t 2 where the phase angles are uniformly distributed R.V from 0 to 2π. R XX E X t X t X t A B sin 2 f 1 t 1 C cos2 f 2 t 2 E X t A B sin 2 f 1 t 1 C cos2 f 2 t 2 A 2 AB sin 2 f1 t 1 AB sin 2 f 1 t 1 2 B sin 2 f 1 t 1 sin 2 f1 t 1 AC cos2 f t AC cos2 f t 2 2 2 2 R XX E 2 C cos2 f 2 t 2 cos2 f 2 t 2 BC sin 2 f1 t 1 cos2 f 2 t 2 BC cos2 f 2 t 2 sin 2 f 1 t 1 A2 2 B sin 2 f1 t 1 sin 2 f 1 t 1 R XX E C 2 cos2 f 2 t 2 cos2 f 2 t 2 BC sin 2 f 1 t 1 2 f 2 t 2 With practice, we can see that 1 1 R XX A 2 B 2 E cos2 f1 cos2 f1 2t 21 2 2 1 1 C 2 E cos2 f 2 cos2 f 2 2t 2 2 2 2 which lead to B2 C2 R XX A cos2 f1 cos2 f 2 2 2 2 Forming the PSD And then taking the Fourier transform S XX f A 2 f 2 B2 1 1 1 C 1 f f 1 f f 1 f f 2 f f 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S XX f A 2 f B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 B2 C2 f f1 f f1 f f 2 f f 2 4 4 12 of 63 ECE 3800 We also know from the before 1 X 2 2 S w dw S f df XX XX Therefore, the 2nd moment can be immediately computed as X2 2 B2 C2 A f f f f f f f 2 f f 2 df 1 1 4 4 X 2 A2 B2 C2 B2 C 2 2 2 A 2 4 4 2 2 We can also see that X E A B sin 2 f 1 t 1 C cos2 f 2 t 2 A So, 2 A2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 B2 C 2 B2 C 2 A2 2 2 2 2 13 of 63 ECE 3800 Chapter 8 Random Sequences 8.1 Basic Concepts Random Stochastic Sequence Definition 8.1-1. Let ,, P be a probability space. Let . Let X n, be a mapping of the sample space into a space of complex-valued sequences on some index set Z. If, for each fixed integer n Z , X n, is a random variable, then X n, is a ransom (stochastic) sequence. The index set Z is all integers, n , padded with zeros if necessary, Example sets of random sequences. Figure 8.1-1 Illustration of the concept of random sequence X(n,ζ), where the ζ domain (i.e., the sample space Ω) consists of just ten values. (Samples connected only for plot.) The sequences can be thought of as “realizations” of the random sequence or sample sequences. The absolute sequence is the realization of individual random variables in time. One the realization exists; it becomes statistical data related to on instantiation of the Random Sequence. Prior to collecting a realization, the Random Sequence can be defined probabilistically. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 14 of 63 ECE 3800 Statistical Specification of a Random Sequence In general we are looking developing properties for developing random processes where: (1) The statistical specification for the random sequence matches the probabilistic (or axiomatic) specification for the random variables used to generate the sequence. (2) We will be interested in stationary sequences where the statistics do not change in time. We will be defining a wide-sense stationary random process definition where only the mean and the variance need to be constant in time. A random sequence X[n] is said to be statistically specified by knowing its Nth-order CDFs for all integers N>=1. That states that we know … FX x n , x n 1 ,, xn N 1 ; n, n 1,, n N 1 P X n xn , X n 1 xn 1 ,, X n N 1 x n N 1 If we specify all these infinite-order joint distributions at all finite times, using continuity of the probability measures, we can calculate the probabilities of events involving an infinite number of random variables via limiting operations involving the finite order CDFs. Consistency can be guaranteed by construction … constructing models of stochastic sequences and processes. Moments play an important role and, for Ergodic Sequences, they can be estimated from a single sample sequence of the infinite number that may be possible. Therefore, X n EX n x f X x; n dx x n f X xn dxn and for a discrete valued random sequences X n EX n B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 x k 15 of 63 k P X n xk ECE 3800 The Autocorrelation Function The expected value of a random sequence evaluated at offset times can be determined. x RKK k , l E X k X l * k xl f X xk , xl dxk dxl For sequences of finite average power … E X k , then the correlation function will exist. 2 We can also describe the “centered” autocorrelation sequence as the autocovariance. * K KK k , l E X k X k X l X l Note that E X k X l X k l k X l E X k X l k l K KK k , l E X k X k X l X l * * * * X X * X k X l * * X X K KK k , l RKK k , l X k X l * Basic properties of the functions: Hermitian symmetry RKK k , l RKK l.k Hermitian symmetry K KK k , l K KK l.k Deriving other functions * * RKK k , k E X k K KK k , k X2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 16 of 63 2 ECE 3800 Example 8.1-1 & 10 functions consisting of R.V and deterministic sequences X n, X f n Let where X is a random variable and f is a deterministic function in sample time n. Note then, E X n, E X f n X f n The autocorrelation function becomes X f k X f l f RKK k , l E X k , X l , * * X x dx RKK k , l f k f l X X f X x dx * * RKK k , l f k f l E X X * If X is a real R.V. RKK k , l f k f l X2 X * Similarly * 2 K XX k , l f k f l E X X X X * * K XX k , l f k f l * B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 17 of 63 2 X ECE 3800 Example 8.1-11 Waiting times in a line, creating a random sequence Consider the random sequence of IID “exponential random variable” waiting times in a line. Assume that each of the waiting times per individual t(k) is based on the exponential. t 0 0, f t; n f t exp t , t 0 The waiting time is then described as. n T n k k 1 where T 1 1 , T 2 1 2 , … , T n 1 2 n T(n) is the random sequence! This calls for a summation of random variables, where the new pdf for each new sum is the convolution of the exponential pdf with the previous pdf or f t;2 f t f t f t;3 f t;2 f t f t f t f t Exam #1 derived the first convolution t f t;2 exp exp t d 0 t f t;2 2 exp t 1 d 2 t exp t 0 Repeating t f t;3 2 exp exp t d 0 t f t;3 exp t d 3 3 0 2 2 exp t If you see the pattern …. we can jump to the nth summation where B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 18 of 63 ECE 3800 f t; n n n1 n 1! exp t n1 exp t n 1! This is called the Erlang probability density function … It is used to determine waiting times in lines and software queues … how long until your internet request can be processed! The mean and variance of the Erlang pdf used to define the random sequence T(n) is T n n T 2 n Var n 2 Not that for every element of the sequence both the mean and variance are dependent upon the sample number (definitely not stationary or even WSS). A random sequence based on the Gaussian. Assume iid Gaussian R.V. with zero mean and a variance W n N 0, W Letting For E W n W 0 and E W n W 2 2 2 What about the autocorrelation E W k 2 W 2 , * RKK k , l E W k W l 0, or k l k l RKK k , l W k l 2 or recognizing a WSS random sequence 2 RKK k W k B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 19 of 63 ECE 3800 A random sequence based on the sum of two Gaussians. Assume iid Gaussian R.V. with zero mean and a variance X n W n W n 1 For E X n 2 W 0 Then, E W n E X n E W n W n 1 2 2 and 2 2 W n W n 1 W n 1 2 W 2 EW n EW n 1 W 2 2 W also 2 2 RKK k , l E W k W k 1 W l W l 1 * RKK k , l E W k W l W k W l 1 W k 1 W l W k 1 W l 1 * * * * But then RKK k , l W k l W k l 1 W k 1 l W k 1 l 1 2 2 2 2 RKK k , l 2 W k l W k l 1 W k l 1 2 2 2 and recognizing WSS RKK k 2 W k W k 1 W k 1 2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 2 20 of 63 2 ECE 3800 Stationary vs. Nonstationary Random Sequences and Processes The probability density functions for random variables in time have been discussed, but what is the dependence of the density function on the value of time, t or n, when it is taken? If all marginal and joint density functions of a process do not depend upon the choice of the time origin, the process is said to be stationary (that is it doesn’t change with time). All the mean values and moments are constants and not functions of time! For nonstationary processes, the probability density functions change based on the time origin or in time. For these processes, the mean values and moments are functions of time. In general, we always attempt to deal with stationary processes … or approximate stationary by assuming that the process probability distribution, means and moments do not change significantly during the period of interest. The requirement that all marginal and joint density functions be independent of the choice of time origin is frequently more stringent (tighter) than is necessary for system analysis. A more relaxed requirement is called stationary in the wide sense: where the mean value of any random variable is independent of the choice of time, t, and that the correlation of two random variables depends only upon the time difference between them. That is E X t X X and E X t1 X t 2 E X 0 X t 2 t1 X 0 X R XX for t 2 t1 You will typically deal with Wide-Sense Stationary Signals. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 21 of 63 ECE 3800 Stationary Systems Properties Mean Value X n E X n x f X x; n dx x f x;0 dx 0 X X The mean value is not dependent upon the sample in time. Autocorrelation x RKK k , l E X k X l * xl f X xk , xl ; k , l dxk dxl * k x xl n f X xk n , xl n ; k n, l n dxk n dxl n * k n E X k n X l n RKK k n,.l n And in particular * RKK k , l RKK k l ,0 RKK k l Autocovariance E X k n K K KK k , l E X k X k X l X l E X k X X l X And in particular * X X l n X * * KK k n,.l n K KK k , l K KK k l ,0 K KK k l The autocorrelation and autocovariance are functions of the time difference and not the absolute time. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 22 of 63 ECE 3800 8.2 Basic Principles of Discrete-Time Linear Systems We get to do convolutions some more … in the discrete time domain! Note: if you are in ECE 3710, this should be normal; otherwise, ECE 3100 probably talked about linear systems being a convolution. For a “causal” discrete finite impulse response linear system we will have …. y n hk xn k k 0 n hn m xm m For a “non-causal” discrete linear system we will have …. y n k m hk xn k hn m xm For a linear system, superposition applies y n hk a1 x1 n k a 2 x 2 n k k 0 hk a1 x1 n k hk a 2 x 2 n k k 0 k 0 k 0 k 0 a1 hk x1 n k a 2 hk x 2 n k y1 n y 2 n For a filter with poles and zeros …. the filter may be autoregressive as well! k 0 k 1 y n bk xn k a k y n k This is called a linear constant coefficient difference equation (LCCDE) in the text. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 23 of 63 ECE 3800 Linear time invariant and linear shift invariant yn k Lxn k , for all n A time offset in the input will not change the response at the output! This is key to the convolution theory! System Impulse response The response to a unit impulse is the impulse response yn L n hn 8.3 Random Sequences and Linear Systems For a “non-causal” discrete linear system we will have …. (FIR filter) E y n E hk xn k E hn m xm k m E y n hk Exn k k hn m Exm m If WSS E y n Y hk X k E y n Y X hn m m X hk k The mean times the coherent gain of the filter. For a filter with poles and zeros …. the filter may be autoregressive as well! E y n E bk xn k E ak y n k k 0 k 1 k 0 k 1 E y n bk E xn k ak E y n k If WSS k 0 k 1 E y n Y bk X a k Y bk k 0 Y 1 ak X bk and Y X k 0 k 1 1 a k k 1 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 24 of 63 ECE 3800 Auto- and Cross-Correlation For a “causal” discrete finite impulse response linear system we will have … (impulse response based) y n hk xn k k 0 n hn m xm m And performing a cross-correlation (assuming real R.V. and processing) E xn1 y n2 E xn1 hk xn2 k k 0 E xn1 y n2 E hk xn1 xn2 k k 0 E xn1 y n2 hk E xn1 xn 2 k k 0 E xn1 y n2 hk R XX n1 , n2 k k 0 For x(n) WSS E xn y n m R XY m hk R XX n m k n k 0 E xn y n m R XY m hk R XX m k k 0 Exn yn m R XY m hm R XX m What about the other way … YX instead of XY E y n1 xn2 E hk xn1 k xn2 k 0 E y n1 xn2 hk E xn1 k xn 2 k 0 E y n1 xn2 hk R XX n1 k , n 2 k 0 For x(n) WSS … see the next page For x(n) WSS E y n xn m RYX m hk R XX n m n k k 0 E y n xn m RYX m hk R XX m k k 0 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 25 of 63 ECE 3800 Perform a change of variable for k to “-l” (assuming h(t) is real, see text for complex E y n xn m RYX m h l R XX m l l 0 Therefore E y n xn m RYX m h m R XX m What about the auto-correlation of y(n)? And performing an auto-correlation (assuming real R.V. and processing) E y n1 y n 2 E h k1 x n1 k1 hk 2 xn 2 k 2 k2 0 k1 0 E y n1 y n 2 E hk1 hk 2 xn1 k1 xn 2 k 2 k1 0 k 2 0 E y n1 y n2 hk hk Exn 1 2 1 k1 xn2 k 2 k1 0 k 2 0 E y n1 y n2 hk hk R n 1 2 XX 1 k1 , n 2 k 2 k1 0 k 2 0 For x(n) WSS E y n y n m RYY m hk hk R n m k n k 1 2 XX 2 1 k1 0 k 2 0 E y n y n m RYY m k1 0 k 2 0 hk1 hk 2 R XX m k1 k 2 Summary: For x(n) WSS and a real filter Exn yn m R XY m hm R XX m E y n xn m RYX m h m R XX m E yn yn m RYY m R XX m hm h m B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 26 of 63 ECE 3800 Example: White Noise Inputs to a causal filter R XX n Let E y n RYY 0 2 E y n RYY 0 2 hk hk R k 1 2 k1 0 k2 0 k1 0 k2 0 hk1 hk 2 E y n RYY 0 2 N0 n 2 1 k2 N0 k1 k 2 2 N0 hk1 hk1 2 k1 0 E y n RYY 0 2 XX N0 2 hk 2 k 0 For a white noise process, the mean squared (or 2nd moment) is proportional to the filter power. Typically, there are similar derivations for sampled systems and continuous systems. . B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 27 of 63 ECE 3800 The power spectral density output of linear systems 489 The discrete Power Spectral Density is defined as: S XX w R n exp j w n n XX The inverse transform is defined as R XX n 1 S XX w 1 S XX w exp j w n dw 2 Properties: 1. Sxx(w) is purely real as Rxx(n) is conjugate symmetric 2. If X(n) is a real-valued WSS process, then Sxx(w) is an even function, as Rxx(n) is real and even. 3. Sxx(w)>= 0 for all w. 4. Rxx(m)=0 for all m>N for some finite integer. This is the condition for the Fourier transform to exist … finite energy. Cross-Spectral Density Since we have already shown the convolution formula, we can progress to the cross-spectral density functions S XY w S XY w Then R n exp j w n n XY hn R n exp j w n XX n S XY w S XX w H w And for the other cross spectral density S YX w S XY w Then for a real filter R n exp j w n n YX h m R m exp j w n XX n S XY w S XX w H w S XX w H w * B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 28 of 63 ECE 3800 The output power spectral density becomes S YY w S YY w R n exp j w n n YY R m hm h m exp j w n n * XX For all systems S YY w S XX w H w H w S XX w H w * B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 29 of 63 2 ECE 3800 Synthesis of Random Sequences and Discrete-Time Simulations We can generating a transfer function to provide a random sequence with a specified psd or correlation function. Staring with a digital filter k 0 k 1 y n bk xn k a k y n k The Fourier transform is H w Y w Aw X w Bw where B w bn exp j w n n 0 and Aw 1 an exp j w n n 1 The signal input to the filter is white noise, producing a constant magnitude frequency response. Therefore, N N 2 * S YY w 0 H w H w 0 H w 2 2 For real causal coefficients, this is also equivalent to N S YY w 0 H w H w 2 Or using z-transform notation for z exp j w then z 1 exp j w this can be written as N S YY z 0 H z H z 1 2 In the z-domain, the unit circle is a key component where this implies that there is a mirror image about the unit circle for poles and zero in the z-domain. As an added point of interest, minimum phase, stable filters will have all their poles and zeros inside the unit circle. The mirror image elements form the “inverse filter”. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 30 of 63 ECE 3800 Example 8.4-5 Filter generation If a desired psd can be stated as S XX w For N2 1 2 cosw 2 2 cosw exp j w exp j w and 1 exp j w exp j w The equivalent z-transform representation is 2 cosw z 1 z and 1 z 1 z Then S XX z S XX z N2 N2 1 z 1 z z 1 z 1 1 1 N2 N2 H z 1 H z 1 1 z 1 z 1 z 1 z 1 The desired filter is then H z 1 1 z The inverse transform becomes hn n u n or yn xn yn 1 Note: this should look similar to Example 8.4-6 …. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 31 of 63 ECE 3800 Chapter 9 9.1 Random Processes Basic Definitions Random Stochastic Processes Definition 9.1-1. Let ,, P be a probability space. then define a mapping of X from the sample space to a space of continuous time functions. The elements in this space will be called sample functions. This mapping is called a random process if at each fixed time the mapping is a random variable, that is, X t , for each fixed t on the real line t . Figure 9.1-1 A random process for a continuous sample space Ω = [0,10]. For the autocorrelation defined as: R XX t1 , t 2 E X 1 X 2 dx1 dx2 x1x2 f x1, x2 For WSS processes: R XX t1 , t 2 E X t X t R XX If the process is ergodic, the time average is equivalent to the probabilistic expectation, or 1 XX lim T 2T T xt xt dt xt xt T and XX R XX B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 32 of 63 ECE 3800 The application of the Expected Value Operator Moments play an important role and, for Ergodic Processes, they can be estimated from a single process in time of the infinite number that may be possible. Therefore, X t E X t and the correlation functions (auto- and cross-correlation) * R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 R XY t , t EX t Y t * 1 2 1 2 and the covariance functions (auto- and cross-correlation) * K XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t1 X t 2 X t 2 K XY with t , t E X t 1 2 1 X t1 Y t 2 Y t * 2 K XX t1 , t 2 R XX t1 , t 2 X t1 X t 2 * Note that the variance can be computed from the auto-covariance as * 2 K XX t , t E X t X t X t X t X t and the “power” function can be computed from the auto-correlation R XX t , t E X t X t E X t For real X(t) B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 * 2 R XX t , t E X t X t X t 2 33 of 63 2 2 ECE 3800 Example: xt A sin2 f t for A a uniformly distributed random variable A 2,2 R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 EA sin2 f t1 A sin2 f t 2 1 R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 E A 2 cos2 f t1 t 2 cos2 f t1 t 2 2 R XX t1 , t 2 1 E A 2 cos2 f t1 t 2 cos2 f t1 t 2 2 for t 2 t1 R XX t1 , t 2 1 2 cos2 f cos2 f t1 t 2 2 12 R XX t1 , t 2 16 cos2 f cos2 f t1 t 2 24 A non-stationary process B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 34 of 63 ECE 3800 Example 9.1-5 Auto-correlation of a sinusoid with random phase Think of: X t A sin w t , where A and w are known constants. And theta is a uniform pdf covering the unit circle. The mean is computed as X t EX t EA sinw t X t EX t A Esinw t 1 sin w t d 2 X t EX t A X t EX t X t EX t A cosw t 2 A A cosw t cosw t 0 0 2 2 The auto-correlation is computed as E 1 cosw t 2 R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 E A sinw t1 A sinw t 2 * R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 A 2 * * 1 t 2 1 cosw t1 t 2 2 2 A2 A2 R XX t1 , t 2 cosw t1 t 2 Ecosw t1 t 2 2 2 2 A2 A2 cosw t1 t 2 0 cosw t1 t 2 2 2 A2 R XX R XX cos2 f 2 R XX t1 , t 2 Note that if A was a random variable (independent of phase) we would have … E A2 E A2 R XX t1 , t 2 cosw t1 t 2 R XX cosw 2 2 and X t EX t E A 0 0 2 Note: this Random Process is Wide-Sense stationary (mean and variance not a function of time) B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 35 of 63 ECE 3800 Example: xt A sin2 f t for a uniformly distributed random variable 0,2 The time based formulation: 1 XX lim T 2T 1 T 2T XX lim XX T xt xt dt xt xt T T A sin 2 f t A sin 2 f t dt T A2 1 lim 2 T 2T T cos2 f cos2 f 2t 2 dt T A2 XX cos2 f 2 It also ergodic if A is a constant! If A is an R.V. it may not be ergodic. (based on the R.V.) B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 36 of 63 ECE 3800 t t0 Example: xt B rect for B =+/-A with probability p and (1-p) and t0 a uniformly T T T distributed random variable t 0 , . Assume B and t0 are independent. 2 2 t t t t R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 E B rect 1 0 B rect 1 0 T T t t t t R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 E B 2 rect 1 0 rect 1 0 T T As the RV are independent t t t t R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 E B 2 E rect 1 0 rect 2 0 T T t t t t 2 R XX t1 , t 2 A 2 p A 1 p E rect 1 0 rect 2 0 T T T R XX t1 , t 2 A 2 2 T 2 t t 1 t t rect 1 0 rect 2 0 dt 0 T T T For t1 0 and t 2 T R XX 0, A 2 2 t0 1 dt 0 T T 1 rect T 2 The integral can be recognized as being a triangle, extending from –T to T and zero everywhere else. R XX A 2 tri T 0, A 2 1 T , T R XX A 2 1 T , T 0, B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 37 of 63 T T 0 0 T T ECE 3800 Some Important Random Processes Asynchronous Binary Signaling The pulse values are independent, identically distributed with probability p that amplitude is a and q=1-p that amplitude is –a. The start of the “zeroth” pulse is uniformly distributed from –T/2 to T/2 1 T T pdf D , for D D 2 2 Determine the autocorrelation of the bipolar binary sequence, assuming p=0.5. t D k T X t X k rect T k Note: the rect function is defined as t 1, rect T 0, Determine the Autocorrelation T T t 2 2 else R XX t1 , t 2 EX t1 X t 2 t D n T t D k T R XX t1 , t 2 E X n rect 1 X k rect 2 T T k n t D k T t D n T R XX t1 , t 2 E X n rect 1 X k rect 2 T T n k t D k T t D n T R XX t1 , t 2 E X n X k rect 1 X k rect 2 T T n k B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 38 of 63 ECE 3800 R XX t1 , t 2 EX n k n t D n T t D k T X k E rect 1 X k rect 2 T T For samples more than one period apart, t1 t 2 T , we must consider E X k X j p a p a p a 1 p a 1 p a p a 1 p a 1 p a E X k X j a 2 p 2 2 p 1 p 1 p 2 E X k X j a 2 4 p 2 4 p 1 E X k X j a 2 4 p 2 4 p 1 0 For p=0.5 For samples within one period, t1 t 2 T , EX k X k E X k p a 2 1 p a a 2 2 2 EX k X k 1 a 2 4 p 2 4 p 1 0 For samples within one period, t1 t 2 T , there are two regions to consider, the sample bit overlapping and the area of the next bit. t D k T t D k T R XX t1 , t 2 a 2 E rect 1 rect 2 T T k But the overlapping area … should be triangular. Therefore T 2 1 1 R XX EX k X k 1 dt T T T 2 T 1 2 1 R XX EX k X k dt T T T T 2 E X T k 2 for T 0 X k 1 dt, for 0 T 2 T 2 E X T X k dt, k 2 or 1 R XX a T 2 T 2 1 dt, T for T 0 2 T 1 2 R XX a 2 1 dt, t a T for 0 T 2 Therefore B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 39 of 63 ECE 3800 2 T a T , R XX a 2 T , T for T 0 for 0 T or recognizing the structure R XX a 2 1 T , for T T This is simply a triangular function with maximum of a2, extending for a full bit period in both time directions. For unequal bit probability 2 ta 4 p 2 4 p 1 , a T R XX T 2 2 a 4 p 4 p 1 , for T T for T As there are more of one bit or the other, there is always a positive correlation between bits (the curve is a minimum for p=0.5), that peaks to a2 at = 0. Note that if the amplitude is a random variable, the expected value of the bits must be further evaluated. Such as, E X k X k 2 2 EX k X k 1 2 In general, the autocorrelation of communications signal waveforms is important, particularly when we discuss the power spectral density later in the textbook. If the signal takes on two levels a and b vs. a and –a, the result would be E X k X j p a p a p a 1 p b 1 p b p a 1 p b 1 p b For p = 1/2 E Xk X j And B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 1 1 1 ab a2 a b b2 4 2 4 2 p a EX k X k E X k 2 40 of 63 2 2 1 p b 2 ECE 3800 For p = 1/2 EX k X k E X k 2 2 1 a b a b a2 b2 2 2 2 2 Therefore, a b 2 a b 2 1 2 2 T R XX 2 a b for T 2 , For a = 1, b = 0 and T=1, we have 1 1 1 , 4 4 T R XX 1 for T 4 , Figure 9.2-2 , for T T for T T Autocorrelation function of ABS random process for a = 1, b = 0 and T = 1. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 41 of 63 ECE 3800 Exercise 6-3.1 – Cooper and McGillem a) An ergodic random process has an autocorrelation function of the form R XX 9 exp 4 16 cos 10 16 Find the mean-square value, the mean value, and the variance of the process. The mean-square (2nd moment) is E X 2 R XX 0 9 16 16 41 2 2 The constant portion of the autocorrelation represents the square of the mean. Therefore 2 E X 2 16 and 4 Finally, the variance can be computed as, 2 E X 2 E X 2 R XX 0 2 41 16 25 b) An ergodic random process has an autocorrelation function of the form 4 2 6 R XX 2 1 Find the mean-square value, the mean value, and the variance of the process. The mean-square (2nd moment) is E X 2 R XX 0 6 6 2 2 1 The constant portion of the autocorrelation represents the square of the mean. Therefore 4 2 6 4 2 E X 2 lim 2 4 and 2 t 1 1 Finally, the variance can be computed as, 2 E X 2 E X 2 R XX 0 2 6 4 2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 42 of 63 ECE 3800 Exercise 6-6.1 Find the cross-correlation of the two functions … X t 2 cos2 f t and Y t 10 sin2 f t Using the time average functions 1 XY lim T 2T 1 T 2T XY lim T xt yt dt xt y t T T 2 cos2 f t 10 sin 2 f t dt T XY 20 f 1 f 1 2 sin2 f 2t 2 sin2 f dt 0 1 f 1 f 0 0 XY 10 f sin 2 f 2t 2 dt 10 f sin 2 f dt XY 10 f 4 f 1 f cos2 f 2t 2 0 f 10 f sin 2 f dt 1 0 2 10 cos 2 f 2 cos2 f 2 10 sin 2 f 4 f 10 XY cos4 2 f 2 cos2 f 2 10 sin 2 f 4 10 XY cos2 f 2 cos2 f 2 10 sin 2 f 4 XY 10 sin2 f XY Using the probabilistic functions R XY Ext yt R XY E2 cos2 f t 10 sin2 f t R XY 20 Ecos2 f t sin2 f t R XY 10 Esin2 f 2t 2 f 2 sin2 f R XY 10 sin2 f 10 Esin2 f 2t 2 f 2 From prior understanding of the uniform random phase …. R XY 10 sin2 f B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 43 of 63 ECE 3800 Section 9.4 Classifications of Random Processes Definition 9.4-1.: Let X and Y be random processes. (a) They are Uncorrelated if * * R XY t1 , t 2 E X t1 Y t 2 X t1 Y t 2 , (b) They are Orthogonal if * R XY t1 , t 2 E X t1 Y t 2 0, for all t1 and t 2 for all t1 and t 2 (c) They are Independent if for all positive integers n, the nth-order CDF of X and Y factors. That is FXY x1 , y1 , x 2 , y 2 , , x n , y n ; t1 , t 2 , , t n FX x1 , x 2 , , x n ; t1 , t 2 , , t n FY y1 , y 2 , , y n ; t1 , t 2 , , t n Note that if two processes are uncorrelated and one of the means is zero, they are orthogonal as well! Stationarity A random process is stationary when its statistics do not change with the continuous time parameter. FX x1 , x 2 , , x n ; t1 , t 2 , , t n FX x1 , x 2 , , x n ; t1 T , t 2 T , , t n T Overall, the CDF and pdf do not change with absolute time. They may have time characteristics, as long as the elements are based on time differences and not absolute time. FX x1 , x 2 ; t1 , t 2 F X x1 , x 2 ; t1 t 2 ,0 f X x1 , x 2 ; t1 , t 2 f X x1 , x 2 ; t1 t 2 ,0 This implies that R XX t1 , t 2 E X t1 X t 2 R XX t1 t 2 ,0 R XX ,0 * Definition 9.4-3.: Wide Sense Stationary A random process is wide-sense stationary (WSS) when its mean and variance statistics do not change with the continuous time parameter. We also include the autocorrelation being a function of one variable … E X t X t R XX , B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 * for , independed nt of t 44 of 63 ECE 3800 Power Spectral Density Definition 9.1-1: PSD Let Rxx(t) be an autocorrelation function for a WSS random process. The power spectral density is defined as the Fourier transform of the autocorrealtion function. S XX w R XX R XX exp iw d The inverse exists in the form of the inverse transform 1 R XX t 2 S XX w expiwt dw Properties: 1. Sxx(w) is purely real as Rxx(t) is conjugate symmetric 2. If X(t) is a real-valued WSS process, then Sxx(w) is an even function, as Rxx(t) is real and even. 3. Sxx(w)>= 0 for all w. Wiener–Khinchin Theorem For WSS random processes, the autocorrelation function is time based and has a spectral decomposition given by the power spectral density. Also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener%E2%80%93Khinchin_theorem Why this is very important … the Fourier Transform of a “single instantiation” of a random process may be meaningless or even impossible to generate. But if the random process can be described in terms of the autocorrelation function (all ergodic, WSS processes), then the power spectral density can be defined. I can then know what the expected frequency spectrum output looks like and I can design a system to keep the required frequencies and filters out the unneeded frequencies (e.g. noise and interference). B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 45 of 63 ECE 3800 Relation of Spectral Density to the Autocorrelation Function For “the right” random processes, power spectral density is the Fourier Transform of the autocorrelation: S XX w R XX EX t X t exp iw d For an ergodic process, we can use time-based processing to arrive at an equivalent result … 1 XX lim T 2T T xt xt dt xt xt T 1 E X t X t XX lim T 2T T xt xt dt T 1 XX E X t X t lim xt xt dt exp iw d T 2T T T 1 XX lim xt xt exp iw d dt T 2T T T 1 XX lim xt xt exp iwt iwt d dt T 2T T T 1 xt exp iwt xt exp iwt d dt XX lim T 2T T T 1 xt exp iwt xt exp iwt d dt XX lim T 2T T T X X w If there exists 1 XX lim T 2T T xt exp iwt X w dt T 1 T 2T XX X w lim T xt exp i wt dt T XX X w X w X w B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 46 of 63 2 ECE 3800 Property: Since Rxx is symmetric, we must have that R XX R XX and E X w i O X w E X w i O X w For this to be true, i O X w i O X w , which can only occur if the odd portion of the Fourier transform is zero! O X w 0 . This provides information about the power spectral density, S XX w R XX E X w S XX w E X w S XX w 0 The power spectral density necessarily contains no phase information! B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 47 of 63 ECE 3800 Example 9.5-3 Find the psd of the following autocorrelation function … of the random telegraph. R XX exp , for 0 Find a good Fourier Transform Table … otherwise S XX w R exp j w d XX S XX w exp exp j w d 0 S XX w exp exp j w d exp exp j w d 0 0 S XX w exp j w d exp j w d 0 exp j w exp j w S XX w j w j w 0 0 exp j w exp j w 0 S XX w j w j w exp j w 0 exp j w j w j w j w j w 1 1 S XX w j w j w j w j w 2 2 S XX w 2 2 2 w w 2 For a=3 Figure 9.5-2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 Plot of psd for exponential autocorrelation function. 48 of 63 ECE 3800 Example 9.5-4 Find the psd of the triangle autocorrelation function … autocorrelation of rect. R XX tri or R XX 1 , T T T T S XX w 1 exp j w d T T 0 T S XX w 1 exp j w d 1 exp j w d T T T 0 exp j w exp j w S XX w jw jw 0 T 0 T 1 exp j w exp j w 2 T jw j w 0 1 exp j w exp j w 2 T jw j w T T 0 1 exp j w T exp j w T 1 S XX w jw jw j w j w 1 1 T exp j w T exp j w T 2 T w jw w2 S XX w 1 T exp j w T exp j w T 1 2 T jw w2 w exp j w T exp j w T 1 T exp j w T T exp j w T jw jw T jw jw 1 2 1 exp j w T exp j w T T w 2 T w2 w2 S XX w 2 sinw T 2 sinw T 2 1 2 cosw T 2 w w T w T w2 S XX w 2 1 1 cosw T T w2 w T sin 2 2 1 wT 2 S XX w 2 2 sin j T 2 2 T w w T 2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 49 of 63 2 ECE 3800 Deriving the Mean-Square Values from the Power Spectral Density Using the Fourier transform relation between the Autocorrelation and PSD S XX w R XX exp iw d 1 R XX t 2 S XX w expiwt dw The mean squared value of a random process is equal to the 0th lag of the autocorrelation EX 2 1 R XX 0 2 R EX 2 XX 0 1 S XX w expiw 0 dw 2 S XX w dw S XX f expi2f 0 dw S XX f df Therefore, to find the second moment, integrate the PSD over all frequencies. As a note, since the PSD is real and symmetric, the integral can be performed as EX 2 1 R XX 0 2 2 R EX 2 XX 0 2 S XX w dw 0 S XX f df 0 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 50 of 63 ECE 3800 Converting between Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density Using the properties of the functions we can actually different variations of Transforms! The power spectral density as a function is always real, positive, and an even function in w/f. You can convert between the domains using any of the following … The Fourier Transform in w S XX w R XX exp iw d 1 R XX t 2 S XX w expiwt dw The Fourier Transform in f S XX f R XX exp i2f d R XX t S XX f expi2ft df The 2-sided Laplace Transform (the jw axis of the s-plane) S XX s R XX exp s d 1 R XX t j 2 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 j S XX s expst ds j 51 of 63 ECE 3800 Example: Inverse Laplace Transform. S XX w A2 1 X 2 X 2 w 2 2 A2 2 w2 Substitute s for w 2 A2 2 A2 S XX s 2 s 2 s s Partial fraction expansion S XX s k0 k s k1 s k1 2 A2 0 s s s s s s k 0 k1 s 0 k 0 k1 2 A 2 S XX s k 0 k1 2k 0 2 A 2 A2 A2 s s Taking the LHP Laplace Transform A2 L A exp t s for t 0 Taking the RHP with –s and then –t. A2 2 2 2 L A exp t A exp t A expt s for t 0 Combining we have R XX A 2 exp t B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 52 of 63 ECE 3800 7-6.3 A stationary random process has a spectral density of. 5, 10 w 20 S XX w else 0, (a) Find the mean-square value of the process. 1 2 S XX w dw S XX w dw R XX 0 2 2 0 10 20 20 1 1 1 R XX 0 5 dw 5 dw 2 5 dw 2 10 2 10 2 20 R XX 0 10 10 50 20 w 10 20 10 2 2 (b) Find the auto-correlation function the process. 1 R XX t S XX w exp j w t dw 2 R XX t 5 2 10 20 exp j w t dw exp j w t dw 20 10 5 R XX t 2 R XX t R XX t 5 2 5 2 R XX t exp j w t 20 exp j w t 10 j t j t 10 20 exp j 20 t exp j 10 t exp j 10 t exp j 20 t j t j t j t j t exp j 20 t exp j 20 t exp j 10 t exp j 10 t j t j t j t j t 5 2 2 j sin 20 t 2 j sin 10 t 5 sin 20 t sin 10 t j t j t t B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 53 of 63 ECE 3800 R XX t 5 20 10 20 10 10 2 sin t cos t sin 5 t cos15 t t 2 2 t R XX t 50 sin 5 t 50 5t cos15 t sinc cos15 t 5t (c) Find the value of the auto-correlation function at t=0.. 50 sin 5 0 50 50 R XX 0 cos15 0 sinc cos15 0 50 R XX 0 50 1 1 R XX 0 50 1 1 50 It must produce the same result! B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 54 of 63 ECE 3800 White Noise Noise is inherently defined as a random process. You may be familiar with “thermal” noise, based on the energy of an atom and the mean-free path that it can travel. As a random process, whenever “white noise” is measured, the values are uncorrelated with each other, not matter how close together the samples are taken in time. Further, we envision “white noise” as containing all spectral content, with no explicit peaks or valleys in the power spectral density. As a result, we define “White Noise” as R XX S 0 t S XX w S 0 N0 2 Band Limited White Noise S N 0 2 S XX w 0 0 f W W f The equivalent noise power is then: E X 2 R XX 0 W S 0 dw 2 W S 0 N 0 W W But what about the autocorrelation? R XX t W S 0 expi 2 f t df W expi 2ft expi 2Wt exp i 2Wt R XX t S 0 S0 i 2t i 2t i 2t W W R XX t S 0 For sinc xt 2 i sin i 2Wt i 2t xt xt R XX t 2 W S 0 sinc2Wt B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 55 of 63 ECE 3800 The Cross-Spectral Density Why not form the power spectral response of the cross-correlation function? The Fourier Transform in w S XY w R XY exp iw d and SYX w 1 R XY t 2 RYX exp iw d 1 S XY w expiwt dw and RYX t 2 SYX w expiwt dw Properties of the functions S XY w conjSYX w Since the cross-correlation is real, the real portion of the spectrum is even the imaginary portion of the spectrum is odd There are no other important (assumed) properties to describe B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 56 of 63 ECE 3800 Section 9.3 Continuous-Time Linear Systems with Random Inputs Linear system requirements: Definition 9.3-1 Let x1(t) and x2(t) be two deterministic time functions and let a1 and a2 be two scalar constants. Let the linear system be described by the operator equation y t Lxt then the system is linear if “linear super-position holds” La1 x1 t a 2 x 2 t a1 Lx1 t a 2 Lx 2 t for all admissible functions x1 and x2 and all scalars a1 and a2. For x(t), a random process, y(t) will also be a random process. Linear transformation of signals: convolution in the time domain yt ht xt y t h t x t Linear transformation of signals: multiplication in the Laplace domain Y s H s X s X s H s Y s The convolution Integrals (applying a causal filter) y t xt h d 0 or y t t ht x d Where for physical realize-ability, causality, and stability constraints we require ht 0 for t 0 and ht dt B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 57 of 63 ECE 3800 Example: Applying a linear filter to a random process ht 5 exp 3t for t 0 X t M 4 cos2t where M and are independent random variables, uniformly distributed [0,2]. We can perform the filter function since an explicit formula for the random process is known. y t t ht x d t 5 exp 3t M 4 cos2 d y t t y t 5 M t exp 3t d 20 exp 3t cos2 d y t 5 M exp 3t 3 t t 10 exp 3t expi2 i exp i2 i d y t 5 M exp 3t expi 2 i exp 3t exp i 2 i 10 3 3 i2 3 i2 t 5 M expi 2t i exp i 2t i 10 3 3 i2 3 i2 5 M 3 i 2 expi 2t i 3 i 2 exp i 2t i 10 y t 3 94 5 M 20 y t 3 cos2t 2 sin 2t 3 13 y t Linear filtering will change the magnitude and phase of sinusoidal signals (DC too!). X t M 4 cos2t y t 5 5 M 4 cos2t , 3 13 33.69 Expected value operator with linear systems For a causal linear system we would have B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 58 of 63 ECE 3800 y t xt h d 0 and taking the expected value E y t E xt h d 0 E y t E xt h d 0 E y t t h d 0 For x(t) WSS 0 0 E y t h d h d Notice the condition fop a physically realizable system! The coherent gain of a filter is defined as: h gain ht dt H 0 0 Therefore, E Y t E X hgain E X H 0 Note that: Hf ht exp i 2 f t dt For a causal filter H f ht exp i 2 f t dt 0 At f=0 H 0 ht dt 0 And E y t H 0 What about a cross-correlation? (Converting an auto-correlation to cross-correlation) For a linear system we would have B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 59 of 63 ECE 3800 y t xt h d And performing a cross-correlation (assuming real R.V. and processing) E xt1 y t 2 E xt1 xt 2 h d E xt1 y t 2 E xt1 xt 2 h d E xt1 y t 2 Ext xt 1 2 h d E xt1 y t 2 R t , t XX 1 2 h d For x(t) WSS E xt y t R XY R h d XX Ext yt R XY R XX h What about the other way … YX instead of XY And performing a cross-correlation (assuming real R.V. and processing) E y t1 xt 2 E xt1 h d xt 2 E y t1 xt 2 E xt1 xt 2 h d E y t1 xt 2 Ext 1 xt 2 h d E y t1 xt 2 R t XX 1 , t 2 h d For x(t) WSS … see the next page For x(t) WSS E y t xt RYX R t t h d XX B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 60 of 63 ECE 3800 E y t xt RYX R h d XX Perform a change of variable for lamba to “-kappa” (assuming h(t) is real, see text for complex0 E y t xt RYX R h d XX Therefore E y t xt RYX R h d XX E yt xt RYX R XX h What about the auto-correlation of y(t)? And performing an auto-correlation (assuming real R.V. and processing) E y t1 y t 2 RYY t1 , t 2 E xt1 1 h1 d1 xt 2 2 h 2 d 2 E y t1 y t 2 RYY t1 , t 2 E xt1 1 xt 2 2 h 2 d 2 h1 d1 E y t1 y t 2 RYY t1 , t 2 Ext 1 1 xt 2 2 h 2 d 2 h1 d1 E y t1 y t 2 RYY t1 , t 2 R t XX 1 1 , t 2 2 h 2 d 2 h1 d1 For x(t) WSS E y t y t RYY R XX 2 1 h1 h 2 d 2 d1 E y t y t RYY R XX 1 2 h 2 d 2 h1 d1 B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 61 of 63 ECE 3800 Example: White Noise Inputs to a causal filter R XX t Let N0 t 2 2 E Y t RYY 0 h1 R XX 1 2 h 2 d 2 d1 0 0 E Y t 2 N 0 RYY 0 h1 1 2 h 2 d 2 d1 0 0 2 E Y t RYY 0 2 E Y t 2 N0 h1 h1 d1 2 0 N0 2 RYY 0 h1 d1 2 0 For a white noise process, the mean squared (or 2nd moment) is proportional to the filter power. The power spectral density output of linear systems The first cross-spectral density R XY R XX h S XY w R XY exp iw d S XY w R h exp iw d XX Using convolution identities of the Fourier Transform (if you want the proof it isn’t bad, just tedious) S XY w S XX w H w The second cross-spectral density RYX R XX h SYX w RYX exp iw d B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 62 of 63 ECE 3800 S YX w R h * XX exp iw d Using convolution identities of the Fourier Transform (if you want the proof it isn’t bad, just tedious) * S YX w S XX w H w The output power spectral density becomes RYY R XX h h S YY w R exp iw d YY S YY w R h h exp iw d XX Using convolution identities of the Fourier Transform * S YY w S XX w H w H w S YY w S XX w H w 2 This is a very significant result that provides a similar advantage for the power spectral density computation as the Fourier transform does for the convolution. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2016 63 of 63 ECE 3800