FINAL CULMINATING ACTIVITY INTRODUCTION The purpose of the final project is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the 3D Animation skills they have developed over the course of the semester. Students may work alone or groups of two. Each student must take full responsibility for meeting all the requirements and expectations of the final project. For students who choose to work in groups of 2, it is absolutely imperative that each member takes an active role and works co-operatively in completing all aspects of the project. Furthermore, the final project should effectively communicate and integrate the Catholic faith tradition, in the critical analysis of the arts, media, technology, and information systems to enhance the quality of life. CGE2e- An effective Communicator who uses and integrates the Catholic faith tradition, in the critical analysis of the arts, media, technology and information systems to enhance the quality of life. CGE7j-contributes to the common good 3D Animation Video This CPT’s main focus is to tell a story through expressive 3D characters. The structure of the project will be based on the given theme “LETS GO”. The first part is to create a detailed storyboard outlined on paper. The second part is to bring their story to life by creating, animating and compositing the scenes outlined their storyboard. The character may take the shape of any object but the main character should be the main focus of the production. There are no limitations as to the realism of the characters; however, the ability of the characters to express emotion is a major component of the production. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Marks: Produce a storyboard and model sheets on paper or electronically Model Sheets MUST include front, profile(side), and back views of the character Must demonstrate the 12 principles of animation in the production Must create convincing environments (colour, texture, and lighting) There must be an obvious beginning and end to the production The production will be a minimum of 30 seconds and maximum of 60 seconds which will be rendered out to Quicktime, using IMovie. Character design Storyboard Aesthetics Animation Presentation Total Marks: 25 25 25 25 5 105 CONCLUSION The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate and apply the 3D Animation skills and knowledge they have acquired throughout the course of the semester. TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity Page 1 of 6 EVALUATION & DUE DATES REQUIREMENTS PART 1: StoryBoard PART 2: Animation & Video PART 3: Presentation TOTAL MARKS TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity VALUE 25 Marks 75 Marks 5 Marks 105 Marks DUE DATE June 5 2015 June 12 2015 June 19 2015 Page 4 of 4 SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: Final Culminating Activity 3D Animation NAME: ______________________________ CATEGORY Knowledge and Understanding (Character Design) CRITERIA Demonstrates an understanding of the of how animation can used with video to enhance a video clip. Remedial Demonstrates little or no understanding of the animation process and how the program can be used with video. Model sheet Model sheet reflects front, side reflects front, side and back views of and back views of the character little or no the character understanding Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) . Little or no quality in character 12345 TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity LEVEL 1 Demonstrates limited understanding of the animation process and how the program can be used with video. Model sheet reflects front, side and back views of the character a limited understanding Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) Limited understanding 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL: LEVEL 2 Demonstrates some understanding of the animation process and how the program can be used with video. Model sheet reflects front, side and back views of the character some understanding Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) some understanding 11 12 13 14 15 LEVEL 3 / 95 LEVEL 4 Demonstrates considerable understanding of the animation process and how the program can be used with video. Model sheet reflects front, side and back views of the character considerable understanding Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) has considerable understanding 16 17 18 19 20 Demonstrates thorough understanding of the animation process and how the program can be used with video. Model sheet reflects front, side and back views of the character has thorough understanding Quality of individual characters (structure, proportions and appeal) has thorough understanding 21 22 23 24 25 Page 3 of 6 MARK Thinking and Inquiry (Aesthetics) The animation clip is clearly designed and formulated to introduce the video and keep ing the viewer interested. Effective use of colours Shading,contrast and shapes create desired mood. Effective use of materials. Unity of style amongst the characters, environment and props The animation clip is clearly designed with little or no success Litlle or no success in Effective use of colours Shading,contrast and shapes create desired mood. Effective use of materials. Unity of style amongst the characters, environment and props The animation clip is clearly designed with limited success The animation clip is clearly designed with some success Limited success in Some success in Effective use of Effective use of colours colours Shading,contrast Shading,contrast and shapes create and shapes create desired mood. desired mood. Effective use of Effective use of materials. materials. Unity of style Unity of style amongst the amongst the characters, characters, environment and environment and props props The animation clip is clearly designed with considerable success Considerable success in Effective use of colours Shading,contrast and shapes create desired mood. Effective use of materials. Unity of style amongst the characters, environment and props The animation clip is clearly designed with great success Great success in Effective use of colours Shading,contrast and shapes create desired mood. Effective use of materials. Unity of style amongst the characters, environment and props 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12345 Communication (Storyboard) The animation clip is well-written and clearly communicates information through the use of acceptable grammar and spelling Communi-cates information with little or no success Communi-cates information with limited success Storyboard uses industry standard Storyboard uses Symbols and industry standard terminology as Symbols and provided in course Little or no terminology as provided in course success Storyboard uses industry standard Symbols and terminology as provided in course Limited success. 16 17 18 19 20 Communi-cates Communi-cates information with information with some success considerable success 21 22 23 24 25 Communi-cates information with great success Storyboard uses Storyboard uses industry standard industry standard Symbols and Symbols and terminology as terminology as provided in course provided in course Considerable Great success success Final presentation Final presentation Final presentation illustrates storyline Final presentation Final presentation Final presentation illustrates storyline illustrates storyline planned and illustrates storyline illustrates storyline illustrates storyline planned and planned and outlined in planned and planned and planned and outlined in outlined in storyboards. outlined in outlined in outlined in storyboards. storyboards. Great success storyboards. storyboards. storyboards. Some success Considerable Little or no Limited success success success 12345 TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity 6 7 8 9 10 Storyboard uses industry standard Symbols and terminology as provided in course Some success 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 4 of 4 Application (Animation) Effectively applies all the technical Skills in animation, movement, transitions, and time limits Effectively applies all the technical Skills in animation, movement, transitions, and time limits with little or no success Little or no success in Staging: relationship between the camera and the character. Effectively applies all the technical Skills in animation, movement, transitions, and time limits with limited success Effectively applies all the technical Skills in animation, movement, transitions, and time limits with some success Effectively Effectively applies all the applies all the technical Skills technical Skills in animation, in animation, movement, movement, transitions, and transitions, and time limits with time limits with consider-able great success success Limited success in Some success in Considerable Great success Staging: Staging: Staging: success Staging: relationship relationship relationship Staging: relationship between the between the between the relationship between the camera and the camera and the camera and the between the camera and the character. character. character. camera and the character. Effective character. Limited success Some success in Great success in application of Little or no in Considerable animation Effective Effective success in principles such as success in Effective application of application of anticipation, Effective application of animation Effective animation principles exaggeration and application of animation principles such as application of such as Secondary motion. animation principles such as anticipation, animation anticipation, Timming of the principles such as anticipation, exaggeration and principles such as exaggeration and action: movement anticipation, exaggeration and Secondary motion. anticipation, Secondary motion. is fluid and exaggeration and Secondary motion. Timming of the exaggeration and Timming of the convincing Secondary motion. Timming of the action: movement Secondary motion. action: movement Acting: expression, Timming of the action: movement is fluid and Timming of the is fluid and effective posing, action: movement is fluid and convincing action: movement convincing ability to provoke is fluid and convincing Acting: expression, is fluid and Acting: expression, Empathy and convincing Acting: expression, effective posing, convincing effective posing, emotion in the Acting: expression, effective posing, ability to provoke Acting: expression, ability to provoke audience. effective posing, ability to provoke Empathy and effective posing, Empathy and ability to provoke Empathy and emotion in the ability to provoke emotion in the Empathy and emotion in the audience. Empathy and audience. emotion in the audience. emotion in the audience. audience. 6 7 8 9 10 12345 TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 5 of 6 PART V : Presentation NAME: ______________________________ CATEGORY Application /5 < LEVEL 1 0 – 49% LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60 – 69% LEVEL 3 70 – 79% LEVEL 4 80 – 100% Conveys the intended message effectively, with little or no success. Conveys the intended message effectively, with limited success. Conveys the intended message effectively, with some success. Conveys the intended message effectively, with considerable success. Conveys the intended message effectively, with great success. CRITERIA Conveys the intended message effectively. TOTAL: MA RK /5 0-2.4 2.5-2.9 3.0-3.4 3.5-3.9 4-5 PART V : Presentation COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ TGI3M1: Final Culminating Activity Page 4 of 4