Zeus -

Zeus - was the supreme god of the Olympians. He was the god
of heaven and earth, he moved the sun and moon and put
constellations in the sky. He is the ruler of weather and giver of
justice. He is the protector of everyone.
Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans: Cronus and Rhea.
Symbol – Thunderbolt and Eagle
Hera - was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Hera was
the wife of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians.
Symbol – The Peacock, Cow and Lion
Poseidon - was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses.
Although he was officially one of the supreme gods of Mount
Olympus, he spent most of his time in his watery domain.
Poseidon was brother to Zeus and Hades. These three gods
had control over creation.
Symbol – Trident, Dolphin and Horse
Aphrodite - was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She
was also a protectress of sailors. It is believed she rose out of
the sea on a cushion of foam. She wore a magic girdle that
made love flare up among the gods.
Symbol – Dove and Rose.
Eros – is the God of Love who is
wild and mischievous son of
Aphrodite and Ares. He enjoys
shooting arrows of desire
into innocent victims
which makes them fall in
Hermes - was the messenger of the gods, helper, and guide of
dead souls to the Underworld. He was a prankster and an
inventive genius from birth. Hermes was the son Zeus and a
mountain nymph.
He also brought good luck to travellers everywhere.
Symbol – Winged Headband and Winged Sandals and staff
Hephaestus -was the god of fire and metalworkers
(blacksmiths). Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera. He
is the worker of the gods.
Symbol – The Anvil and Quail
Dionysus - was the god of wine, parties and drama. Dionysus
was the son of Zeus and the mortal heroine Semele.
Symbol- Grape Bunches, Ivy / Vine, Wine Cup
Demeter - was the goddess of agriculture and fertility.
Demeter was the sister of Zeus and the mother of Persephone.
Symbol – Bundle of Wheat, Cornucopia, Poppy
Persephone – is the daughter of Demeter. She was
kidnapped by Hades. While in the underworld she
ate 6 pomegranate seeds – the food of the dead.
She eventually returned to earth, but must return to
the Underworld for 6 bleak months – one for every
seed she ate.
Athena - was the goddess of wisdom, courage and war. She
was the patron goddess of Athens. She also was the master of
arts and crafts, and taught the arts of cooking, spinning and
She hated war and looked for peaceful ways to settle fights.
Symbol – Owl, Olive Tree, Medusa-head Shield
Artemis - was the goddess of the moon, hunting and
unmarried women. Artemis and her brother Apollo were the
children of Zeus and Leto.
Her arrows could sting and cause suffering, but she loved
animals and children and protected them.
Symbol – Deer, Silver Chariot, Silver Bow and Arrows
Ares- was the god of war and hatred. He was the son of
Zeus. He was a cruel, bad-tempered coward who loved
Symbol – Bloodstained Spear, Wild Boar, Vulture
Apollo - was the god of prophesy, music and poetry, the sun,
medicine and healing. He was the twin brother of Artemis.
He was thoughtful and advised others, and played the lyre and
sang better than all the gods.
Symbol – Golden Lyre, Mouse
Hestia – was the goddess of the hearth, protector of beggars;
inventor of house-building. Originally Hestia was one of the
twelve, but she grew tired of the godly bickering and gladly
gave her place to the god of wine, Dionysus.
She is also considered a peacemaker.
Symbol – Fireplace or Hearth
Hades – he was the god of the underworld and ruler of the
dead. He was the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. He dwelt in
the Underworld and not on Olympus. He was rich for all the
treasures in the ground were his.
Symbol – Gems, Coins, Golden Chariot with Black Horses