Carbon Dioxide CO2 Wikipedia | GNU Wikipedia | GNU What is Carbon Dioxide? CO2 A greenhouse gas responsible for blocking infrared radiation (heat) from striking Earth. Remember the other GHG’s: Water Vapor Methane Nitrous Oxide Ozone Wikipedia | GNU Where is CO2 found? Mostly in troposphere Recall that the composition of the troposphere 78.09% nitrogen 20.95% oxygen 0.93% argon 0.039% carbon dioxide small amounts of other trace gases NASA The Carbon Cycle Wikipedia | Creative Commons Sources and Sinks of CO2 NATURAL ANTHROPOGENIC (HUMAN) Plant & animal Fossil Fuel respiration Ocean-atmosphere exchange (both) Volcanic eruptions (small rocks from deep in Earth’s crust) Photosynthesis combustion Industrial production processes CO2 capture and storage deep under ground Deforestation CO2 Concentration vs. Year NOAA Let’s put it into perspective … Here are a few examples of 1 ppm What are ppm? Parts per million Unit used to describe dilute solutions in One 3 oz. candy bar on a football field One automobile in bumper-tobumper traffic from Cleveland to San Francisco (~2500 miles) chemistry In this case, CO2 is the solute and the atmosphere is the solvent Ppm is used because the concentrations of GHG’s is very small CO2 Concentration from 400,000 Years Ago Wikipedia | Robert A Rohde Scientists can analyze differences in ice layers and the chemicals trapped in air bubbles in the ice to piece together the planet's climate history. Ice cores and other indirect measurement objects are called proxies NOAA accessed via Wikipedia Ice Core Data Why do we care about CO2? NOAA ©1997-2011 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved Recall that CO2 is a greenhouse gas It acts as a blanket to trap in heat This can lead to an increase in temperature CO2 Distribution for 2004 Courtesy of NOAA Current Research Lean, Judith. “Living with a Variable Sun.” Physics Today v. 58 no. 6 (June 2005) pg. 36 What if … ? • We as people of Earth stopped burning fossil fuels? • Would the amount of CO2 decrease immediately and therefore would the temperature decrease? What if … ? • The temperature just started to decrease without any reduction in CO2 emissions? • Could we then say that the temperature increase we observed was strictly due to a natural temperature cycle and had nothing to do with CO2 emissions? Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Leading international body for the assessment of climate change. Established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Provides the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio- economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change. It does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data or parameters. Thousands of scientists from all over the world contribute to the work of the IPCC on a voluntary basis Possible CO2 emissions projections which limit the global temperature increase to 2˚C CO2 Projections Based on emitting 750 Gtons of CO2 between 2010-2050 Carbon Dioxide Concentration Simulation The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009: Updating the world on the Latest Climate Science (1st Edition). I. Allison, N. L. Bindoff, R.A. Bindschadler, P.M. Cox, N. de Noblet, M.H. England, J.E. Francis, N. Gruber, A.M. Haywood, D.J. Karoly, G. Kaser, C. Le Quéré, T.M. Lenton, M.E. Mann, B.I. McNeil, A.J. Pitman, S. Rahmstorf, E. Rignot, H.J. Schellnhuber, S.H. Schneider, S.C. Sherwood, R.C.J. Somerville, K.Steffen, E.J. Steig, M. Visbeck, A.J. Weaver. The University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre(CCRC), Sydney, Australia, 60pp . OCO-2 NASA satellite which will make precise timedependent global measurements of atmospheric CO2 Launch is expected February 2013 NASA Alternative Sources for Energy IN ORDER TO REDUCE CO2 EMISSIONS, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES MUST BE USED WHY DON’T WE JUST SWITCH EVERYTHING OVER TO SOLAR OR WIND RIGHT NOW? Wikipedia | Creative Commons Wikipedia | US Air Force For Your Consideration • EARTH’S CLIMATE ALWAYS HAS AND CURRENTLY IS CHANGING • CO2 EMISSIONS HAVE INCREASED BECAUSE OF HUMANS SINCE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION • GLOBAL TEMPERATURE IS CURRENTLY INCREASING • CAUSE OF CURRENT CHANGE: • • • Natural? Anthropogenic? Both? Let’s Calculate Your Carbon Footprint For tomorrow: bring in your households most recent gas, electric, or oil bill(s)