Interstellar Travel Lesson Breakdown:
This lesson is designed to give students a basic understanding of interstellar travel that depends on the
physics concept of energy and kinematics. To kick off this unit, the students will read different articles to
understand different aspects of interstellar travel that way there is no need to rely on prior knowledge.
Energy is used in explaining the conundrum of interstellar travel, so students should understand
gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Then, kinematics is used in the interstellar travel
activity used to demonstrate difficulties of traveling with a control center.
Apply scientific principles of motion and momentum to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force
on a macroscopic object during a collision.
Use algebraic expressions and the principle of energy conservation to calculate the change in energy of one
component of a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) of the system, as well as the total
energy of the system including any energy entering or leaving the system, is known. Identify any transformations
from one form of energy to another, including thermal, kinetic, gravitational, magnetic, or electrical energy, in the
Science & Engineering Practices
1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems
A practice of science is to ask and refine questions that lead to descriptions and explanations of how the natural and designed
world(s) works and which can be empirically tested.
2. Developing and Using Models
A practice of both science and engineering is to use and construct models as helpful tools for representing ideas and explanations.
These tools include diagrams, drawings, physical replicas, mathematical representations, analogies, and computer simulations.
Modeling tools are used to develop questions, predictions and explanations; analyze and identify flaws in systems; and communicate
ideas. Models are used to build and revise scientific explanations and proposed engineered systems. Measurements and observations
are used to revise models and designs.
3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Scientists and engineers plan and carry out investigations in the field or laboratory, working collaboratively as well as individually.
Their investigations are systematic and require clarifying what counts as data and identifying variables or parameters.
6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
The end-products of science are explanations and the end-products of engineering are solutions.
The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanatory accounts of the world. A theory becomes accepted when
it has multiple lines of empirical evidence and greater explanatory power of phenomena than previous theories.
7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Argumentation is the process by which evidence-based conclusions and solutions are reached.
In science and engineering, reasoning and argument based on evidence are essential to identifying the best explanation for a natural
phenomenon or the best solution to a design problem.
Scientists and engineers use argumentation to listen to, compare, and evaluate competing ideas and methods based on merits.
Scientists and engineers engage in argumentation when investigating a phenomenon, testing a design solution, resolving questions
about measurements, building data models, and using evidence to evaluate claims.
8. Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Scientists and engineers must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively the ideas and methods they generate. Critiquing and
communicating ideas individually and in groups is a critical professional activity.
Communicating information and ideas can be done in multiple ways: using tables, diagrams, graphs, models, and equations as well
as orally, in writing, and through extended discussions. Scientists and engineers employ multiple sources to obtain information that is
used to evaluate the merit and validity of claims, methods, and designs.
English Language Learners’ Accommodations
Pre-teach vocabulary
o Definitions
 I tried to tier the words used in this lesson:
Tier 1 words
Tier 2 words
Tier 3 words
Instrument, object, fuel, map
Track, rotate, orbit, gravity, velocity,
obstacle, distance
Quasar, trajectory, thruster, kinetic
energy, potential energy,
For the Jigsaw, I used Reciprocal Reading to focus the students on their individual
o I’ve used both of these activities in my class before, but if you haven’t made sure
to model it. There are two handouts from Reading Rockets
(http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/reciprocalteaching_worksheet.pdf and
http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/reciprocalteaching_handout.pdf), which helps
keep the students focused on their roles and what they have to do with their
articles. There are 8 articles to choose from and try group the students in groups
of four (one for each role in the handout: predictor, clarifier, questioner, and
summarizer). I gave the articles to six groups and used Popsicle sticks to identify
the roles in each foursome. The class had around 15-20 minutes to read and
execute the strategy. Then, I regroup the students in terms of roles that way the
jigsaw will be complete with each member of the new group having read each
article. Now the groups will share the information from each article.
Tier 1 words
Tier 2 words
Tier 3 words
Ship, journey, laboratory, discover,
explore, travel
Interstellar, probe, colony, energy,
transform, constraints, stationary,
battery, effect
Vicariously, extrapolate, propulsion,
engine, fusion, antimatter, expedition,
sentient, garrison
- Videos:
o Neil deGrasse Tyson on Interstellar Travel
o [NOVA SpaceNow] Technology of Interstellar Space Travel - Science
Documentary 2015 HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nwp95qoF9w
Boyle, Rebecca. "We Won't Have Enough Power For Interstellar Travel Until At Least 2211,
According to New Calculations." Popular Science. Web.
David, Leonard. "Looking to Lasers, Microwaves and Anti-Matter for Space Travel." - UFO
Evidence. Web. <http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1933.htm>.
David, Leonard. "Reaching for Interstellar Flight." Msnbc.com. Space, 18 Dec. 2003. Web.
Delta -DOR Principle. Digital image. Radioscience Laboratory. Web.
Gainer, Michael. "13-01-16." Skeptic.com. 16 Jan. 2013. Web.
Johansen, Jay. "The Politics of Interstellar Travel." - UFO Evidence. Web.
Kaku, Michio. "Prospects for Interstellar Travel." Choice Reviews Online 30.05 (1993). Web.
Millis, Marc M. "Emerging Possibilities for Space Propulsion Breakthroughs." Interstellar
Propulsion Society Newsletter 1.1 (1995). NASA. NASA, 23 Nov. 2004. Web.
Reading Rockets. "Reciprocal Teaching." Reading Rockets. Web.
Singal, Tanmay, and Ashok K. Singal. "Interstellar Space." Nature 143.3615 (1939): 253-54.
Web. <http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1308/1308.4869.pdf>.