Civics Culminating Task The Citizenship Test The biggest question that is asked and answered in your civics course is: “What should Canadian Citizens know about when it comes to the Canadian Government?” The whole course is designed around this very inquiry. As you are the citizens of the future, being informed citizens is the key for the future of Canada and the basis of civics. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Your culminating task (worth 15% of your final mark) asks you to look at one aspect of this very important question: What should someone know in order to become a Canadian Citizen? To answer this question, it will be your task to design and explain a test for immigrants seeking citizenship in Canada. Your Task: Using your notes, textbook, and external research, you must design a 25 question test for Canadian Citizenship. Your test must include the following topics: Purpose of Government Canadian Government structure and Responsibilities Current individuals in Government Canadian Constitution Charter of Rights & Freedoms Citizenship Responsibilities Elections & Voting Other important areas to include: Geography History Symbols You must also: A) Provide an answer key for your test B) Provide a rationale for each of the questions your have chosen to include. Explain why they are important in include, either individually or grouped together by topic. Helpful Hints: Test should be organized!! Group like questions together and use labels Use creative questioning techniques, like maps, charts, visuals and different types of questions Civics Culminating Task The Citizenship Test Rubric Criteria KNOWLEDGE All topics covered - all necessary topics for the test are covered - Answer key Structure - attention to test and question format THINKING Organization - Information presented in a thoughtful manner - Sections and details clearly identified Creativity - variation of question style Communication Audience Appropriate - Questions presented in a way which is suitable for a new Canadian Mechanics of Writing - correct grammar and spelling used Application Thorough Content - each section of the test is explained Weight Below Level 1 (0-49) Level 1 (50-59) Level 2 (60-69) Level 3 (70-79) /10 - Less than a quarter topics covered - No answer key provided - only a quarter of the topics covered - no answer key provided - no more than half of the topics covered - partial answer key provided - no more than three-quarter of the topics covered - partial answer key provided - all topics covered -complete answer key provided /10 - no attempt made to fit the test and question format - limited attempt made to fit the test and question format - some attempt made to fit the test and question format - most of the test and questions follow appropriate format - the test and questions follow appropriate format - no attempt made to present information in a coherent fashion - little attempt made to present information in a coherent fashion - information present with an attempt at flow and coherence - some attempt made at presenting information for flow and coherence - information is presented in a thoughtful manner - no attempt made to vary the questions on the test - little attempt made to vary the questions on the test - some attempt made to vary the questions on the test - an adequate attempt to vary the questions on the test - a considerable attempt to vary the questions on the test - questions are presented with no attention paid to who the target audience is - grammar and spelling used with no accuracy and effectiveness - questions are presented with little attention paid to who the target audience is - questions are presented some attention paid to who the target audience is some of the time - questions are presented with attention paid to who the target audience is most of the time - all questions are presented with the correct target audience in mind - grammar and spelling used with limited accuracy and effectiveness - grammar and spelling used with some accuracy and effectiveness - grammar and spelling used with considerable accuracy and effectiveness - correct grammar and spelling used with accuracy and effectiveness almost all of the time - no explanation for each question submitted - limited explanation for some of the sections/questions on the test - some explanation for some of the sections/questions on the test - most of the sections/questions on the test are explained - each section/questions of the test is explained in detail. /10 /10 /10 /10 /20 Level 4 (80-100) Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Total Mark: /80