SLR-Q – 1 *SLRQ1* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 Paper – I : PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. Duration : 15 Minutes MCQ/Objective Type Questions Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) Philosophy means the science of knowledge is advocated by a) Fiste b) Plato c) Aristotle d) John Adams 2) ________ is the source of knowledge. a) direct experience b) authorised statement c) scientific method d) above all 3) “Gurukul Method” is the main characteristic of ________ education. a) Islam b) Jain c) Buddha d) Vedic 4) To propagate religion and culture is the main objective of _________ school of philosophy. a) Buddha b) Islam c) Jain d) Vedic 5) Individual development is the aim of education is the opinion of ________ ideology. a) Existentialism b) Constructivism c) Logical empirism d) Above all 6) _______ is known as father of western philosophy. a) Socrates b) Aristotle c) Emerson d) Plato 7) Problem solving method advocated by a) Plato b) Dewey c) Aristotle d) Above all 8) “Integrated Yoga” is advocated by a) J. Krishnamurti b) R. Tagore c) Shri. Aurobindo d) None of the above 9) The __________ isn’t the principle of Democracy. a) equality b) centralization of power c) fraternity d) individual freedom 10) Shantiniketan institution is established by a) Shri. Aurobindo b) J. Krishnamurti c) Shri. Vivekanand d) R. Tagore P.T.O. SLR-Q-1 -2- gyMZm :- _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1) 2) 3) 1. *SLRQ1* gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. àíZ \«$.1 hm àíZn{ÌHo$daM gmoS>dm`Mm Amho Am{U n{ÌH$`m n§Yam {_{ZQ>mV O_m H$am`Mm Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z CÎma {bhm : 1) VÎdkmZ åhUOo kmZmMo emñÌ Agë`mMm Xmdm ____________ `m {dMmad§VmZo Ho$bm. A) {\$ñQ>o ~) ßboQ>mo H$) A°[añQ>m°Q>b S>) Om°Z A°S>åg 2) kmZàmßVr ____________ _mJm©Zo hmoVo. A) àËWj AZw^d ~) A{YH¥$V à_mU H$) d¡km{ZH$ nÕV S>) darb gd© 3) ""JwéHw$b nÕVr'' ho ____________ {ejU nÕVrMo à_wI d¡{eîQ>ç hmoVo. A) Bñbm_ ~) O¡Z H$) ~mÜX² S>) d¡{XH$ 4) Y_m©Mm d g§ñH¥$VrMm àgma H$aUo hm ____________ VËdkmZ n§WmÀ`m {ejUmMm à_wI CÔoe hmoVm. ~) Bñbm_ H$) O¡Z S>) d¡{XH$ A) ~m¡ÜX² 5) ì`pV{dH$mg hoM {ejUmMo Ü`o` Agmdo Ago ____________ {dMmagaUrMo _V Amho. A) ApñVÎddmX ~) aMZmdmX H$) Vm{H©$H$ AZw^ddmX S>) darb gd© 6) nmíMmË` VÎdkmZmMm OZH$ åhUwZ ____________ `m§Zm _mZbo OmVo. A) gm°H«o${Q>g ~) A°[añQ>m°Q>b H$) B_g©Z S>) ßboQ>mo 7) g_ñ`m {ZamH$aU nÕVrMm nwañH$ma ____________ `m§Zr Ho$bm. A) ßboQ>mo ~) S>çyB© H$) A°[añQ>m°Q>b S>) darb gd© 8) EH$mË_ `moJmMm nwañH$ma ____________ `m§Zr Ho$bm A) Oo. H¥$îU_yÎmu ~) a. Q>mJmoa H$) lr. AaqdX S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) ____________ ho bmoH$emhrMo VÎd Zmhr. ~) gÎmoMo H|${ÐH$aU H$) ~§YyVm S>) ì`pVñdm§VÌ A) g_mZVm 10) em§Vr{ZHo$VZ H$s g§ñWm ____________ `m§Zr ñWmnU Ho$br. A) lr. AaqdX ~) Oo. H¥$îU_yVu H$) lr. {ddoH$mZ§X S>) a. Q>mJmoa ______________ 10 *SLRQ1* -3- SLR-Q – 1 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 Paper – I : PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the meaning and need of Philosophy. 2) Explain the impact of Buddhism Philosophy on education. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Which are the fundamentals of essentialism ? Discuss on the aim of education and curriculum. 2) State the principles of Domocracy ideology. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) How should be the nature of new education according to J. Krishnamurti ? 2) State the teaching-learning method’s according to Fascism. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) What is knowledge according to scientific method ? How is it acquired ? 2) State the educational aims of Jain Philosophy. 3) State the Philosophical theories of Sankhya Philosophy. 12 SLR-Q – 1 -4- *SLRQ1* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) VÎdkmZmMm AW© d JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ~m¡ÜX² VÎdkmZmMm {ejUmdarb à^md ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) Amdí`H$VmdmXmMr _yiVÎdo H$moUVr ? {ejUmMr Ü`o`o d Aä`mgH$_ `mda MMm© H$am. 2) bmoH$emhr {dMmagaUrMr VÎdo gm§Jm. 10 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Oo. H¥$îUm_yVu `m§À`m _VmZwgma {ejUmMo ñdê$n H$go Agmdo ? 2) \°${gP_Zwgma AÜ``Z -AÜ`mnZ nÕVr gm§Jm. 5. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) d¡km{ZH$ nÕVrZwgma kmZ åhUOo H$m` ? Vo H$go {_i{dbo OmVo ? 2) O¡Z VÎdkmZmZwwgma {ejUmMr Ü`o`o gm§Jm. 3) gm§»` VÎdkmZmMo VmpÎdH$ {gÕm§V gm§Jm. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q – 2 *SLRQ2* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – II) Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate full marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 10 1) “Educational Psychology is the branch of psychology which deals with teaching and learning” framed by _______________ a) Skinner C.E. b) Judd c) Gurthrie and Powers d) Crow and Crow 2) Introspection method of educational psychology initiated by ___________ a) Wundt and Tichner b) Woodworth c) McDougall d) Garret 3) According to structuralism, consciousness have ___________ constituent. a) Affection b) Image c) Purpose d) a) and b) 4) Purposivism is insisted by _____________ a) McDougall b) John Watson c) Wundt d) Gestalt 5) The third stage of Gagne’s theory of learning is ______________ a) Signal learning b) Chain learning c) Stimulus-Response learning d) None of them 6) Use of advance organizer for teaching supported by __________ a) Jerome Bruner b) Hull c) David Asubel d) Dr. Bloom 7) “Teaching is the arrangement of contingencies of reinforcement” framed by ________ a) Brunner b) Skinner c) Burten d) Ryans 8) Socrates’s teaching theory is _____________ type of theory of teaching. a) Formal b) Descriptive c) In general d) None of them P.T.O. SLR-Q – 2 -2- *SLRQ2* 9) Concept maps use _____________ type of knowledge. a) Facts b) Concepts c) Generalization d) All above 10) Psychological constructivism supports the child’s ____________ a) Interests b) Needs c) Study subject d) All above _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) ""e¡j{UH$ _mZgemñÌ hr _mZgemñÌmMr Aer emIm Amho Or AÜ`mnZ d AÜ``Z `m§À`m g§~§Yr {dMma H$aVo'' Ago _____________ `m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho. A) pñH$Za gr. B©. ~) OÈ> H$) JwW«r d nm°dg© S>) H«$mo Am{U H«$mo 2) e¡j{UH$ _mZgemñÌmVrb AmË_{ZarjU `m Aä`mg nÕVrMm nwañH$ma _____________ `m§Zr Ho$bm Amho. A) dw§Q> d {Q>MZoa ~) dwS>dW© H$) _°H$Sw>Jb S>) J° aoQ> 3) aMZmdmXmZwgma ~moYmdñWoV _____________ KQ>H$mMm g_mdoe hmoVmo. A) ào_ ~) à{V_m H$) hoVy S>) "A' d "~' 4) hoVydmXmMm nwañH$ma _____________ `m§Zr Ho$bm Amho. A) _°H$Sw>Jb ~) Om°Z d°Q>gZ H$) dw§Q> S>) JoñQ>m°ëQ> 5) J°½ZoÀ`m AÜ``Z CnnVrMr {Vgar nm`ar _____________ hr Amho. A) g§Ho$V AÜ``Z ~) e¥§Ibm AÜ``Z H$) MoVH$-à{VgmX AÜ``Z S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) AÜ`mnZmV AJ«V g§KQ>H$mMm dmna H$aUo `m~m~V _____________ `m§Zr nwañH$ma Ho$bm. A) Ooam°_ ~«wZa ~) hb H$) S>oìhrS> Amgw~ob S>) S>m°. ãby_ 7) ""AÜ`mnZ åhUOo à~bZm§Mr g§^mì` _m§S>Ur hmo`'' Ago ____________ `m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho. A) ~«wZa ~) pñH$Za H$) ~Q>©Z S>) ao`m°Zg 8) gm°H«o$Q>gMr AÜ`mnZ CnnVr _____________ àH$maMr AÜ`mnZ CnnVr Amho. A) Am¡nMm[aH$ ~) {díbofUmË_H$ H$) gd©gm_mÝ` S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) g§H$ënZm {MÌmMm Cn`moJ _____________ àH$maÀ`m kmZmV hmoVmo. A) VÏ`o ~) g§H$ënZm H$) gm_mÝ`rH$aU S>) darb gd© 10) _mZgemñÌr` kmZaMZmdmX ~mbH$mÀ`m _____________ AmYma XoVmo. A) A{^ê$Mr ~) JaO H$) Aä`mg{df` S>) darb gd© ______________ *SLRQ2* -3- SLR-Q – 2 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – II) Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 40 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What do you mean by Indian Psychology ? Explain application of educational psychology in education. 2) What is Behaviourism ? Explain its contribution to the field of education. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What are the information theories of learning ? Explain in details. 2) What is co-operative learning ? How will you use it in psychology ? 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) What is teaching ? Explain its nature. 2) List teaching theories and classify them. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Write a note on brain based learning. 2) Explain functionalism in short. 3) Write scope and limitations of educational psychology. 12 SLR-Q – 2 -4- *SLRQ2* _amRr ê$nm§Va 2. nwT>rb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) ^maVr` _mZgemñÌ åhUOo H$m` ? e¡j{UH$ _mZgemñÌmMr {ejUmVrb Cn`mo{JVm ñnîQ> H$am. 2) dV©ZdmX åhUOo H$m` ? {ejUjoÌmVrb Ë`mMo `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 3. nwT>rb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) AÜ``ZmÀ`m _m{hVr CnnVr g{dñVanUo ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ghH$m`m©Ë_H$ AÜ``Z åhUOo H$m` ? Vwåhr _mZgemñÌmV `mMm Cn`moJ H$gm H$amb ? 4. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 8 1) AÜ`mnZ åhUOo H$m` ? Ë`mMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. 2) AÜ`mnZmÀ`m CnnVr gm§JyZ Ë`m§Mo dJuH$aU H$am. 5. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) _|XyAmYm[aV AÜ``Z `mda Q>rn {bhm. 2) H$m`©dmX WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 3) e¡j{UH$ _mZgemñÌmMr ì`mßVr Am{U _`m©Xm {bhm. _____________________ 12 SLR-Q – 3 *SLRQ3* Seat No. M. Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Paper – III) Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m Max. Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Right side figure shows the marks for the questions. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct answer : 10 1) This step is not involved in the steps of scientific thinking method according to the John Dewey a) Realization of the research problem b) Deciding the nature of research problem c) Selection of solutions d) Evaluation of research report 2) The data which have already been collected and analysed by someone else is data. a) Simple data b) First data c) Secondary data d) Unreliable data 3) In case study the unit may be a) person b) family c) community d) all above 4) The statement which the researcher can verify is called a) Hypothesis b) Objectives c) Assumptions d) Operational definitions 5) The main aim of fundamental research is a) formation of theory c) writing hypothesis b) collection of data d) analysis of data 6) In functional designs the number of independent variable/variables is a) one b) two c) three d) four 7) To eliminate the duplication of what has been done previously _____________ is necessary in research. a) sampling b) conclusions c) review of related literature and research d) analysis 8) In education ________ research is focused on immediate application for students or classroom problems. a) fundamental b) applied c) action d) historical P.T.O. SLR-Q – 3 -2- *SLRQ3* 9) There is no significant different between achievement of students taught through traditional and brain stroming method is a _______________type of hypothesis. a) NWI/zero hypothesis b) Directional hypothesis c) Non-directional d) None of above 10) In research ________ is compariable to the blue print which the architect prepares before built a building. a) Hypothesis b) Research method c) Research proposal d) Research title _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. nwTrb `mo½`$ n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) O°mZ SçyB©>À`m _VmZwgma nwTrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m nm`arMm d¡km{ZH$ nÕVrÀ`m nm`è`m§_Ü`o g_mdoe hmoV Zmhr ? A) g§emoYZ g_ñ`oMr Om{Ud hmoUo ~) g§emoYZ g_ñ`oMo ñdê$n {ZpíMV H$aUo H$) Cnm`m§Mo {ZdS> S>) g§emoYZ AhdmbmMo _yë`_mnZ 2) g§emoYZmgmR>r Xwgè`m ì`VrZo g§H$brV Am{U {díbofrV Ho$boë`m _m{h>VrMm AmYma hm ________ àH$maMm _m{hVr òmoV Amho. A) gm{Y _m{hVr ~) n«mW{_H$ _m{hVr/gm_wJ«r H$) Xwæ`_ _m{hVr S>) A{dídg{Z` _m{hVr 3) ì`pV Aä`mgm_Ü`o ________ ho EH$H$ Agy eH$Vo. A) ì`Vr ~) Hw$Qw>§~ H$) g_mO S>) darb gd© 4) g§emoYH$ Á`m {dYmZmMm nS>Vmim KoD$ eH$Vmo Aem {dYmZmbm ________ åhUVmV. A) n[aH$ënZm ~) C{XX²>ï>o H$) J¥{hVH$ S>) H$m`m©Ë_H$ ì`m»`m 5) _yb^yV g§emoYZmMm _w»` hoVy ___________ A) {gÕm§V ~m§YUr ~) _m{hVr g§H$bZ H$) n[aH$ënZm _m§§S>Ur S>) _m{hVr {díboeU 6) H$m`m©Ë_H$ A{^H$ënmZ ñdml`r Mbm§Mr g§»`m ________ BVH$s AgVo. A) EH$ ~) XmoZ H$) VrZ S>) Mma 7) nydu Pmboë`m H$m`m©Mr nwZamd¥Îmr Q>miÊ`mgmRr g§emoYZm_Ü`o ________ JaOoMo Amho. A) Z_wZm {ZdS> ~) {ZîH$f© H$) g§~§{YV gm{hË` Am{U g§emoYZmMm AmT>mdm S>) {díbomU 8) e¡j{UH$ à{H«$`oV ________ g§emoYZ hm àH$ma {dÚmWr© Am{U dJm©Vrb AS>MUrMo VmËH$mi g_mYmZ H$aÊ`mgR>r AgVmo. A) _yb^yV ~) Cn`mo{OV H$) H¥$Vr S>) Eo{Vhm{gH$ 9) ""nma§n[aH$ nÕVr Am{U ~w{Õ_§WZ nÕVrZo AÜ`mnZ Ho$ë`mg {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m g§nmXUyH$sV H$moUVmhr \$aH$ Zmhr'' hr ________ n[aH$ënZm Amho . A) eyÝ` ~) {XemXe©H$ H$) A{XemXe©H$ S>) d[abn¡H$s Zmhr 10) g§emoYZm_Yrb ________ Mr VwbZm Á`màUmUo A{^`§Vm B_maV ~m§YÊ`mnydu B_maVrMm ZH$mem (blue print) H$aVmo Ë`mÀ`mer Ho$br OmVo. $ A) n[aH$ënZm ~) g§emoYZ nÕVr H$) g§emoYZ AmamIS>m S>) g§emoYZ erf©H$ ______________ *SLRQ3* -3- SLR-Q – 3 Seat No. M. Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Paper – III) Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015 Max. Marks : 40 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Right side figure shows the marks for the questions. 2. Answer the following questions any one : 10 1) Explain the steps involved in scientific thinking. Describe the relation between scientific thinking and research. 2) Explain the concept of qualitative research. Explain the various steps involved in qualitative research. 3. Answer the following questions any one : 10 1) State the various sources of research problem. Explain the importance of review of related literature and researcher at various steps in an educational research. 2) Describe in brief experimental method of research. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Explain the difference between assumptions and hypothesis. 2) Explain the various sources of generating knowledge. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Describe historical method of research. 2) Explain the concept of limitations and delimitations. 3) State the concept and need of educational research network. 12 SLR-Q – 3 -4- *SLRQ3* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$): 10 1) emñÌr` {dMma nÕVrÀ`m nm`è`m ñnï> H$am. eñÌr` {dMma nÕVr Am{U g§emoYZ `m_Yrb g§~§Y ñnï> H$am. 2) JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZmMr g§H$bnZm ñnï> H$am. JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZmMr nm`è`m/Q>ßno ñnï> H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao Xçm (H$moUVmhr EH$): 10 1) g§emoYZ g_ñ`oMo òmoV gm§Jm. g§~§{YV gm{hË` Am{U g§emoYZ AmT>mì`mMm g§emoYZmÀ`m {d{dY Q>ßß`m§_Ü`o H$emàH$mao Cn`moJ Amho Vo ñnï> H$am. 2) g§emoYZmÀ`m àm`mo{JH$ nÕVrMo {dñV¥V {ddoMZ H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Xçm : 1) J¥hrVH$ Am{U n[aH$ënZm `m_Yrb \$aH$ ñnï> H$am. 2) kmZ-{Z{_©VrMo {d{dY òmoV ñnï> H$am. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Eo{Vhm{gH$ g§emoYZ nÕVr dU©Z H$am. 2) _`m©Xm Am{U n[a_`m©Xm `m g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. 3) e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZ Om{bHo$Mr g§H$ënZm Am{U JaO _m§S>m. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q – 4 *SLRQ4* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper – IV) (Old) Teacher Education Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Instructions : Max. Marks : 50 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) In the teacher education more importance for learning is given as in the ___________ approach. A) Behavioristic B) Systematic C) Humanistic D) Cognitive 2) The chairman of National Commission on Teacher Education was _________ A) D. P. Chattopadhyaya B) Hunter C) Dellars D) A. L. Mudliyar 3) To give the grant or cancel recognition to the teacher educational institution’s is the task of _________ A) U.G.C. B) N.C.T.E. C) N.C.E.R.T. D) None of the above 4) ‘Interaction Process Categories’ this technique developed by _________ A) N. A. Flanders B) Bele C) Teripej D) Thomas 5) First step in the system approach is to __________ A) Decide the objectives B) Decide sequence of steps C) Analyse the present situation D) To search different revolution 6) The viewer of humanistic approach was _________ A) Maslow and Kelly B) Jhon Dewey C) Dr. Tofler D) Bruner 7) Establishment of DIET for primary teacher training was the recommendation of _________ A) Rammurti Commission B) National Educational Policy C) Reddy Committee D) Khothari Education Commission 8) The destiny of India is shaped in classroom. This statement stated by ________ commission. A) Mudliyar B) Kothari C) Dr. Radhakrishnan D) Hunter P.T.O. SLR-Q – 4 -2- *SLRQ4* 9) The president of international commission (1993) was _________ A) Jacas Dellars B) Prof. N. K. Sidhant C) Prof. K. G. Sayyoddin D) Dr. Radhakrishnan 10) Curriculum of teacher education programme changed according to _________ A) School facilities B) Teachers quality C) Educational level D) All above _amR>r ê$nm§Va {ejUemñÌ 1. [aH$må`m OmJr `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 10 1) AÜ``Zmb gdm©V OmñV _hÎd øm {ejH$ {ejUmÀ`m ÑpîQ>H$moZmV {Xbobo Amho. A) dV©ZdmXr ~) àUm{b H$) _mZdVmdmXr S>) ~moYmË_H$ hmoVo. 2) {ejH$-{ejUmÀ`m amîQ´>r` Am`moJmMo AÜ`j A) S>r. nr. MÅ>monmÜ`m` ~) h§Q>a H$) S>obmg© S>) E. Eb. _wX{b`ma 3) {ejH$-{ejU g§ñWm§Zm _mÝ`Vm XoUo AWdm _mÝ`Vm H$mSy>Z KoUo ho H$m`© Mo Amho. A) ` ~)>r.B© H$)©.Ama.Q>r S>) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr 4) Am§Va{H«$`m à{H«$`oMo dJ©, gXa V§Ì `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$bo. A) EZ. E. âb±S>g© ~) ~obo H$) Q>o[anoO S>) Wm°_g 5) àUmbr CnmJ_mVrb nmhrbr nm`ar hr AgVo. A) C{ÔîQ> {ZpíMVr ~) nm`è`m§Mm H«$_ {ZpíMV H$aUo H$) gÚpñWVrMo {díbofU S>) {d{dY CËH«$m§VrMm emoY KoUo 6) _mZdVmdmXr CnmJ_mMo VËddoÎmm ho hmoVo. A) _mgbmo d Ho$br ~) Om°Z S>çyB© H$) S>m°. Q>m°\$ba S>) ~«wZa 7) àmW{_H$ {ejH$ à{ejH$m§gmR>r (DIET) Mr ñWmnZm H$aÊ`mV `mdr, Aer {e\$mag Zo Ho$br. A) am__yVu Am`moJ ~) amîQ´>r` e¡j{UH$ YmoaU H$) aoÈ>r g{_Vr S>) H$moR>mar {ejU Am`moJ Am`moJmMo Amho. 8) dJm©dJm©VyZ ^maVmMo ^{dVì` KS>{dbo OmVo Amho, ho {dYmZ A) _wX{b`ma ~) H$moR>mar H$) S>m°. amYmH¥$îUZ S>) h§Q>a 9) 1993 À`m Am§VaamîQ´>r` Am`moJmMo AÜ`j hmoVo. A) OH$g S>obg© ~) àmo. EZ. Ho$. {gÕm§V H$) S>m°. Ho$. Or. gæ`mo{XZ S>) S>m°. amYmH¥$îUZ 10) {ejH$-{ejU H$m`©H«$_mMm Aä`mgH«$_ Zwgma ~XbVmo. A) embo` gmo`rgw{dYm ~) {ejH$m§Mr JwUdÎmm H$) e¡j{UH$ ñVa S>) darb gd© _____________________ -3- *SLRQ4* SLR-Q – 4 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper – IV) (Old) Teacher Education Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Marks : 40 2. Give the answer of following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is meant by teacher education ? State the objectives of teacher-education at secondary stage. 2) Which are the field experiences in teacher education ? Explain the importance of laboratory experiences in teacher education. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the National Commission (1983) on the Teacher Education. 2) Analyse and evaluate the curriculum of teacher education programme. 4. Answer the following questions in short : 8 1) Explain humanistic approach to teacher education. 2) Explain in short the nature of teacher education in France. 5. Answer the following questions in short : 1) Qualities of good teacher 2) Explain different context of teacher 3) Explain pillars of education. 12 SLR-Q – 4 -4- *SLRQ4* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) {ejH$-{ejU åhUOo H$m` ? _mÜ`{_H$ ñVamdarb {ejH$ {ejUmMr C{ÔîQ>o {deX H$am. 2) {ejH$ {ejUmVrb joÌr` AZw^dmMo àH$ma H$moUVo ? {ejH$ {ejUm_Ü`o à`moJembm AZw^dmMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) 1983 Mm {ejH$-{ejUmdarb amîQ´>r` Am`moJ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) {ejH$-{ejU H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m Aä`mgH«$_mMo {díbofU d _yë`_mnZ H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 8 1) {ejH$-{ejUmVrb _mZdVmdmXr ÑpîQ>H$moU ñnîQ> H$am. 2) \«$mÝg_Yrb {ejH$ {ejUmMo ñdê$n WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr g§{jßV CÎmao {bhm : 12 1) Mm§Jë`m {ejH$mMr JwUd¡{eîQ>ço 2) {ejH$ ~ZÊ`mMo {d{dY g§X^© ñnîQ> H$am 3) {ejUmMo ñV§^ ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ SLR-Q 5 *SLRQ5* S e N a o t . M.Ed. (Semester I) (Old) Examination, 2015 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (Paper V) Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Duration : 15 Minutes MCQ/Objective Type Questions Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) _____________ is a output device of computer. A) OMR B) MICR C) VDU D) OC 2) Telecommunication includes _____________ conferencing. A) Video B) Audio C) Computer D) All above 3) In technology literacy _____________ literacy is included. A) Visual B) Audio C) Media D) All above 4) The process of converting analog to digital signals is called _____________ A) Modulation B) Demodulation C) Compilation D) Interpretation 5) _____________ of the following is not an input device. A) Keyboard B) COM (Microfilm) C) Touch screen D) Joy stick 6) Information Technology includes ________________ A) Computer Technology B) Electronic Technology C) Communication Technology D) All above 7) Buffer means ________________ A) RAM C) Keyboard memory B) ROM D) All above 8) Feedback is the basic principle of _____________ technology. A) Behavioural B) Cybernetics C) Media D) Teaching P.T.O. SLR-Q 5 1. *SLRQ5* -2- 9) The following _____________ is the part of Intranet. A) LAN B) WAN C) MAN D) All above 10) The characteristics of print media is _____________ A) Periodicity B) Purpose C) Content D) All above _amR>r ê$nm§Va `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) g§JUH$mMo ho AmD$Q>nwQ> CnH$aU Amho. A) OMR ~) MICR H$) VDU S>) `m n[afXoMm g_mdoe hmoVmo. 2) Xyag§àofUmV A) {M{ÌV ~) lmì` H$) g§JUH$ S>) 3) V§ÌkmZ gmjaVo _Ü`o gmjaVoMm g_mdoe hmoVmo. A) ÑH$ ~) lmì` H$) _mÜ`_ S>) 4) A°Zmbm°JMo {S>{OQ>b {g½Zbg² _Ü`o ê$nm§Va H$aÊ`mMm à{H«$`obm A) _m°S>çwboeZ ~) S>r_m°S>çwboeZ H$) H§$nmB©boeZ S>) 5) Imbrbn¡H$s ho BZnwQ> CnH$aU Zmhr. A) {H$ ~moS>© ~) H$m°_ (_m`H«$mo{\$ë_) H$) Q>M pñH«$Z S>) Om°` pñQ>H$ 6) _m{hVr V§ÌkmZm_Ü`o Mm g_mdoe hmoVmo. A) g§JUH$ V§ÌkmZ ~) BboQ´>m°{ZH$ V§ÌkmZ H$) g§àofU V§ÌkmZ S>) darb gd© 7) ~\$a åhUOo hmo`. A) RAM ~) ROM H$) {H$ ~moS>© _o_ar S>) darbgd© 8) àË`m^aU ho V§ÌkmZmMo _yb^yV VÎd Amho. A) dV©ZdmXr ~) gm`~aZo{Q>g H$) _mÜ`_ S>) 9) Imbrbn¡H$s hm BÝQ´>mZoQ>Mm àH$ma Amho. A) LAN ~) WAN H$) MAN S>) 10) N>m{nb _mÜ`_mMo ho d¡{eîR> Amho. A) R>am{dH$ H$mbmdYr ~) CÔoe H$) Ame` S>) darb gd© ______________ 10 OC darb gd© darb gd© åhUVmV. AW©{Zd©MZ AÜ`mnZ darb gd© *SLRQ5* S e N a o -3- SLR-Q 5 t . M.Ed. (Semester I) (Old) Examination, 2015 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (Paper V) Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Marks : 40 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is meant by Network ? Explain the importance and types of network. 2) State the meaning of output device and explain the concept of impact and non impact printers with the help of examples. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) State the need of Educational Technology. Explain the major development trends in researches in the field of Educational Technology. 2) What is meant by multisensory teaching ? Explain the various levels of multisensory teaching. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Explain the difference between modulation and demodulation process. 2) How will you use photography technology in Education ? 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Explain the cybernetics form of Educational Technology. 2) Differentiate between primary and secondary storages. 3) What is meant by Task Analysis ? 12 SLR-Q 5 -4- *SLRQ5* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) ZoQ>dH©$ åhUOo H$m` ? ZoQ>dH©$Mo _hÎd d àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 2) AmD$Q>nwQ> gmYZmMm AW© gm§JyZ Bån°Q> d Zm°Z Bån°Q> qàQ>aMr g§H$ënZm CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) e¡j{UH$ V§Ì{dkmZmMr JaO gm§JyZ e¡j{UH$ V§Ì{dkmZ joÌmVrb g§emoYZm_Yrb à_wI {dH$mgmMo àdmh ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ~hþg§doXr AÜ`mnZ åhUOo H$m` ? ~hþg§doXr AÜ`mnZmÀ`m {d{dY nmVù`m ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) _m°S>çwboeZ d {S>_m°S>çwboeZ à{H«$`oVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) \$moQ>moJ«m\$s V§ÌkmZmMm dmna Vwåhr {ejUmV H$gm H$amb ? 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) e¡j{UH$ V§Ì{dkmZmMm gm`~aZo{Q>g hm n¡by ñnîQ> H$am. 2) àmW{_H$ d Xwæ`_ ñ_¥Vr_Yrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 3) H$m`© {díbofU åhUOo H$m` ? _____________________ 10 10 8 12 SLR-Q – 7 *SLRQ7* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION Paper – VI : Educational Measurement and Evaluation Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. Duration : 15 Minutes MCQ/Objective Type Questions Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct answer : 1) How good ? The answer of this question means _______ a) Measurement b) Evaluation c) Assessment d) Standardization 2) The highest step in Psycho-motor domain is _________ a) Imitation b) Manipulation c) Naturalisation d) Articulation 3) The concept of validity is ___________ a) absolute b) relative c) a) and b) d) none of the above 4) The emphasis on rote -learning is given in _______ questions. a) objective b) oral c) essay d) practical 5) The limitation of essay question is ______ a) Expensive according to time b) Printing c) Rote-learning d) Halo effect 6) ______ are prepared for group. a) norms b) standards c) a) and b) d) none of the above 7) Anecdotal records is ______ technique. a) Introspective b) Observation c) Projective d) Sociometric 8) Marrey and Morgan used _______ cards in the test. a) 21 b) 31 c) 41 10 d) 51 P.T.O. SLR-Q – 7 *SLRQ7* -2- 9) Kuder is related to ______ measurement. a) Achievement test b) Attitude scale c) Personality test d) Interest inventories 10) The assumed standard deviation of T-score is ______ a) 0 b) 1 c) 10 gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 1. d) 50 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. àíZ H«$_m§H$ EH$Mr CÎmao àíZn{ÌHo$VM {bhmd`mMr AmhoV Am{U Vr àíZn{ÌH$m 15 {_ZrQ>mV O_m H$amd`mMr Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) {H$Vr Mm§Jbo ? `m àíZmMo CÎma åhUOo ~) _yë`_mnZ H$) _yë`{ZYm©aU S>) A) _mnZ 2) {H«$`mË_H$ joÌmVrb gdm}À` nm`ar _______ Amho. ~) {H«$`mH$m¡eë` H$) ñdm^m{dH$sH$aU S>) A) AZwH$aU 3) gà_mUVm hr g§H$ënZm _______ Amho. ~) gmnoj H$) A Am{U ~ S>) A) {Zanoj 4) `m§{ÌH$ ñ_aUmda ^a _______ àíZmV {Xbm OmVmo. ~) Vm|S>r H$) {Z~§YdOm S>) A) dñVw{ZîR> 5) {Z~§YdOm àíZm§Mr _`m©Xm _______ Amho. ~) N>nmB© A) doioÀ`m ÑpîQ>Zo I{M©H$ S>) VoOmodi` n[aUm_ H$) `m§{ÌH$ ñ_aU 6) _______ JQ>mgmR>r V`ma Ho$bobr AgVmV. ~) XOm© H$) A Am{U ~ S>) A) à_mUHo$ 7) àmg§{JH$ Zm|Xr ho _______ V§Ì Amho. ~) {ZarjU H$) àjonUmË_H$ S>) A) AmË_{ZarjU 8) _ao Am{U _m°J©Z `m§Zr _______ H$mS>©g² H$gmoQ>rV dmnabr. ~) 31 H$) 41 S>) A) 21 9) Hy$S>a _______ _mnZmer g§~§{YV Amho. A) g§nmXZ MmMÊ`m ~) A{^d¥Îmr _m{nH$m H$) ì`pV_Îd MmMÊ`m S>) A{^éMr emo{YH$m 10) T- JwUm§H$mMo J¥hrV à_mU{dMbZ _______ Amho. A) 0 ~) 1 H$) 10 S>) ______________ 10 à_mUrH$aU g§YrH$aU `mn¡H$s Zmhr àmË`{jH$ `mn¡H$s Zmhr g_mO{_Vr 51 50 *SLRQ7* -3- SLR-Q – 7 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION Paper – VI : Educational Measurement and Evaluation Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the concept, principles and process of Educational evaluation. 2) Explain the affecting factors on validity and reliability. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the difference between norm-referenced test and criterion referenced tests. 2) Explain the steps involved in the standardization of the test. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) State the importance of achievement test. 2) Write the process of grading system. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Explain the characteristics of projective technique. 2) Write the importance of question bank. 3) Write the advantages of on-line examination. 12 SLR-Q – 7 -4- *SLRQ7* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) e¡j{UH$ _yë`_mnZmMr g§H$ënZm, VÎdo Am{U à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am. 2) gà_mUVm d {dídg{Z`Vm `mda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) à_mUHo$ g§X^© MmMÊ`m Am{U {ZH$f g§X^© MmMÊ`m `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) MmMUrÀ`m à_mUrH$aUmVrb g_m{dîQ> nm`è`m {deX H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) g§nmXZ MmMÊ`m§Mo _hÎd gm§Jm. 2) loUr àUmbrMr à{H«$`m {bhm. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) àjonU V§ÌmMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 2) àíZnoT>rMo _hÎd {bhm. 3) Am°ZbmB©Z narjoMo \$m`Xo {bhm. _____________________ 10 10 8 12 SLR-Q – 8 *SLRQ8* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 POPULATION EDUCATION AND HEALTH EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Multiple choice questions : 10 1) Conservation means a) minimum use of natural resources b) production growth c) preservation of natural resources d) maximum use of natural resources 2) In India prohibition of Child Marriage Act was passed in ________ year. a) 1977 b) 1978 c) 1979 d) 1990 3) Indian Government declared ________ year as a women empowerment year. a) 1999 b) 2000 c) 2001 d) 2002 4) Maharashtra Act, 1969 is related to a) Sound Pollution c) Water Pollution b) Soil Pollution d) Air Pollution 5) Which misunderstanding is not prevalent about population education given below ? a) It is the education of family planning b) It is sexual education c) It is the education of reducing population d) Education for increasing awareness about population 6) According to 2011 census sex ratio is a) 933 : 1000 b) 940 : 1000 c) 930 : 1000 d) 950 : 1000 7) 2011 census is India was the ________ census. b) 14th c) 9th a) 12th d) 15th 8) From ________ year it is compulsory to make record of birth and death by law. a) 1969 b) 1970 c) 1971 d) 1972 P.T.O. SLR-Q – 8 -2- *SLRQ8* 9) The first conference for population education organized in ________ Bombay city. a) 1970 b) 1965 c) 1972 d) 1980 10) ________ is the World Population Day. a) 6th March b) 11th July c) 8th September d) 9th December _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. ~hþn`m©`r àíZ : 10 1) g§YmaU åhUOo A) Z¡g{J©H$ gmYZ g§nÎmrMm H${_VH$_r dmna ~) CËnmXZ dmT> H$) Z¡g{J©H$ gmYZ g§n{ÎmMr gmR>dU/OVZ S>) Z¡g{J©H$ gmYZ g§nÎmrMm OmñVrV OmñV dmna 2) ^maVmV _______ _Ü`o ~mb{ddmh à{V~§Y H$m`Xm H$aÊ`mV Ambm. A) 1977 ~) 1978 H$) 1979 S>) 1990 3) ^maV gaH$maZo _______ ho df© pñÌ`m§Mo g~brH$aU df© åhUyZ Kmo{fV Ho$bo hmoVo. A) 1999 ~) 2000 H$) 2001 S>) 2002 4) _hmamîQ´> H$m`Xm 1969 hm _______ `m KQ>H$mer g§~§{YV Amho. A) ÜdZr àXyfU ~) _¥Xm àXyfU H$) Ob àXyfU S>) dm`w àXyfU 5) bmoH$g§»`m {ejUm~m~V Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm J¡ag_O Zmhr. A) Hw§$Qw>§~ {Z`moOZmMo {ejU Amho ~) b¡§{JH$ {ejU Amho H$) bmoH$g§»`m H$_r H$aÊ`mMo {ejU Amho S>) bmoH$g§»`m{df`H$ Om{Ud OmJ¥Vr dmT>{dÊ`mMo {ejU Amho 6) B.g. 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma {b§J à_mU ho _______ BVHo$ Amho. A) 933 : 1000 ~) 940 : 1000 H$) 930 : 1000 S>) 950 : 1000 7) 2011 Mr ^maVmVrb OZJUZm hr _______ dr OZJUZm hmoVmo. A) 12 ~) 14 H$) 9 S>) 15 8) ^maVm_Ü`o OÝ_ Am{U _¥Ë`yMr Zm|X H$aUo ho H$m`ÚmZo ~§YZH$maH$ _______ `m dfm©nmgyZ Pmbo. A) 1969 ~) 1970 H$) 1971 S>) 1972 9) bmoH$g§»`m {ejUmgmR>r _______ _Ü`o ^abobr n{hbr n[afX _w§~B© Mm ehamV Pmbr. A) 1970 ~) 1965 H$) 1972 S>) 1980 10) _______ hm {Xdg OmJ{VH$ bmoH$g§»`m {Xdg Amho. A) 6 _mM© ~) 11 Owb¡ H$) 8 gßQ>|~a S>) 9 {S>g|~a ______________ *SLRQ8* -3- SLR-Q – 8 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 POPULATION EDUCATION AND HEALTH EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following (any one) : 10 1) Explain concept of family life education. What are the objectives of family life education ? 2) Explain concept of population education with the help of various definitions. 3. Answer the following (any one) : 10 1) Explain the various sources/ways of getting information about the population. 2) Explain various reasons responsible for population growth in India. 4. Answer the following questions : 8 1) State the relation between population growth and quality of life. 2) Explain role of WHO in population education. 5. Answer the following questions : 1) State relation between migration and population. 2) Explain concept of population composition. 3) State the various ways of controlling population growth. 12 SLR-Q – 8 -4- *SLRQ8* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$mo. EH$) : 1) Hw§$Qw>§~ OrdZ {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. Hw§$Qw>§~ OrdZ {ejUmMr C{ÕîQ>o gm§Jm. 2) bmoH$g§»`m {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm {d{dY ì`m»`m§À`m AmYmao ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$mo. EH$) : 1) bmoH$g§»`oMr _m{hVr {_i{dÊ`mMo {d{dY _mJ© ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`m dmT>rMr {d{dY H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am. 10 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) dmT>Vr bmoH$g§»`m Am{U OrdZmMr JwUdÎmm `m§Mm g§~§Y gm§Jm. 2) WHO Mr bmoH$g§»`m {ejUmÀ`m g§X^m©V ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm : 1) ñW>bm§Va Am{U bmoH$g§»`m `m_Yrb g§~§Y gm§Jm. 2) bmoH$g§»`oMr aMZm hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) bmoH$g§»`m dmT> amoIì`mgmR>rMo {d{dY _mJ© gm§Jm. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q – 9 *SLRQ9* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 SPECIAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time :10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N. B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) The problem of Gifted child is __________ a) Stomachache b) Headache c) Backache d) Earache 2) Loud Reading is a __________ technique for hearing impaired child. a) Communication b) Teaching c) Learning d) Evaluation 3) The communication technique useful to hearing impaired children is ________ a) Special teacher b) Diagram c) Linguistic symbols d) Use of computer 4) Polio is related to the aspect of __________ a) Impairment b) Disability c) Handicapped d) None of the above 5) Writing disability means __________ a) Dyslexia b) Disporia c) Dyscalculia d) Dysgraphia 6) The intelligence quotient of severe mental retardation is between __________ a) 52 – 53 b) 36 – 51 c) 20 – 25 d) 70 – 90 7) There is a problem to pronounce ‘r’. It is called __________ a) Visually impaired b) Gifted c) Hearing Impaired d) Speech defects 8) International handicapped year was declared by UNESCO in __________ a) 1980 b) 1982 c) 1984 d) 1986 9) The intelligence quotient of __________ is between 140 to 170. a) Gifted b) Speech defects c) Visually impaired d) Hearing impaired 10) World Handicapped Day is celebrated in the month of __________ a) January b) February c) March d) April P.T.O. SLR-Q – 9 -2- *SLRQ9* _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 hr g_ñ`m Amho. 1) àkmdmZ _wbmMr A) nmoQ>XwIr ~) S>moHo$XwIr H$) nmR>XwIr S>) H$mZXwIr 2) ldUXmof _wbmgmR>r àH$Q> dmMZ ho V§Ì Amho. A) g§àofU ~) AÜ`mnZ H$) AÜ``Z S>) _yë`_mnZ 3) ldUXmof _wbm§Zm ho g§àofU V§Ì Cn`wV Amho. A) {deof {ejU ~) AmH¥$Vr H$) ^m{fH$ {MÝho S>) g§JUH$mMm Cn`moJ 4) nmo{bAmo hm KQ>H$mer g§~§{YV Amho. A) {dH$b§JVm ~) Ag_W©Vm H$) An§JËd S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) boIZ Xmof åhUOo . A) {S>gbopg`m ~) {S>gnmo[a`m H$) {S>gH°$ë`w{b`m S>) {S>gJ«m{\$`m 6) Vrd« _{V_§XÎdmMm ~wÜ`m§H$ Xaå`mZ Amho. A) 52 - 53 ~) 36 - 51 H$) 20 - 25 S>) 70 - 90 åhUVmV. 7) "a' CÀ`maVmZm AS>MU `oVo, `mg A) ÑpîQ>Xmof ~) àkmdmZ H$) H$U©~{Ya S>) dmMmXmof 8) `wZoñH$moZo _Ü`o Am§VaamîQ´>r` An§J df© Kmo{fV Ho$bo hmoVo. A) 1980 ~) 1982 H$) 1984 S>) 1986 Mm Amho. 9) 140 Vo 170 Xaå`mZMm ~wÜ`m§H$ A) àkmdmZ ~) dmMmXmof H$) ÑpîQ>Xmof S>) H$U©~{Ya 10) OmJ{VH$ An§J {XZ _{hÝ`mV gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo. A) OmZodmar ~) \o$~«wdmar H$) _mM© S>) E{àb ______________ *SLRQ9* -3- SLR-Q – 9 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015 SPECIAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time :10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Marks : 40 N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain a brief history of special education. 2) Explain the National Institutes of Handicapped. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the problems of visually impaired children. 2) Explain the objectives of special schools. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Explain the concept of Gifted Child. 2) Explain the causes of mentally retarded child. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Write the meaning of special education. 2) Explain the concept of universalisation of education. 3) Write the nature of special schools. 12 SLR-Q – 9 -4- *SLRQ9* _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV. 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) {deof {ejUmMm WmoS>`mV B{Vhmg ñnîQ> H$am. 2) A§nJmÀ`m amîQ´>r` g§ñWm ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) ÑpîQ>Xmof _wbm§À`m g_ñ`m ñnîQ> H$am. 2) {deof emim§Mr C{ÔîQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) àkmdmZ _wbmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _{V_§X _wbmMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) {deof {ejUmMm AW© {bhm. 2) {ejUmMo gmd©{ÌH$aU g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) {deof emim§Mo ñdê$n {bhm. _____________________ 10 10 8 12 SLR-Q – 11 *SLRQ11* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – I) Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 1) The Father of Educational Sociology is __________ a) John Lock b) George Payne c) Brown 10 d) Henry Johnson 2) The following __________ is not the factor of Socialization. a) Family b) School c) Society d) Development stage of child 3) In the economics of education __________aspect is not considered. a) Cost of education b) Returns of education to country c) Job oriented education d) An investment on education 4) Equal opportunity of education means a) To give education as per wish b) To give education facilities c) To give education as per capability d) To give education for all 5) __________is not the type of multi-culture society. a) Education b) Human heredity c) Language d) Religion 6) Educational sociology deals with the a) Problems of adjustment in the school b) Relationship amongst the headmaster, teacher and students c) Relationship between society and education d) Problems of discipling in classroom 7) The main barrier of Environmental Protection is a) Religious attitude b) Miss management of resources c) Population explosion d) Industrialization 8) According to the contract of GATS education is included in __________field. a) Occupation b) Service c) Industry d) Trade P.T.O. SLR-Q – 11 -2- *SLRQ11* 9) The purpose of 1986’s Consumer Protection Act is a) The conservation, nourishment of consumer rights should be made b) Consumer well-being should be done c) Consumer development should be made d) Above all 10) In the concept of sustainable development ______aspect is taken in consideration. a) Environmental and moral foundation b) Social and finance c) Trade and human settlement d) Above all _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z CÎmao {bhm 1) e¡j{UH$ g_mOemñÌmMo OZH$ __________ ho AmhoV. A) Om°Z bm°H$ ~) Om°O© noZ H$) ~«mD$Z S>) hoÝar Om°ÝgZ 2) Imbrbn¡H$s __________ hm g_mOrH$aUmMm KQ>H$ Zmhr. A) Hw$Qw>§~ ~) emim H$) g_mO S>) ~mbH$mÀ`m {dH$mgmdñWm 3) {ejUmÀ`m AW©emñÌm_Ü`o __________ ~m~tMm {dMma hmoV Zmhr. A) {ejUmgmR>r IM© Pmbobr qH$_V ~) {ejUmMr Xoembm hmoUmar naV\o$S> H$) ZmoH$argmR>r {ejU S>) {ejUmdarb Jw§VdUwH$ 4) {ejUmMr g_mZg§Yr åhUOo __________ hmo`. A) n«Ë`oH$mÀ`m BÀN>oZwgma {ejU XoUo ~) e¡j{UH$ gw{dYm CnbãY H$aUo H$) n«Ë`oH$mÀ`m nmÌVoà_mUo {ejU CnbãY H$aUo S>) gdmªZm EH$ g_mZ {ejU XoUo 5) ~hþgm§ñH¥${VH$ g_mOmMm __________ hm àH$ma Zmhr. A) {ejU ~) _mZd d§e H$) ^mfm S>) Y_© 6) e¡j{UH$ g_mOemñÌ __________ {dMma H$aVo. A) emioVrb g_m`moOZ {df`H$ g_ñ`m§Mm ~) _w»`mÜ`mnH$, {ejH$ d {dÚmWu `mMo ZmVo g§~§YmMm H$) {ejU Am{U g_mOmVrb g§~§YmMm S>) dJm©Vrb {eñV{df`H$ g_ñ`m§Mm 7) n`m©daUmÀ`m g§ajUmVrb _hÎdmMm AS>ga __________ Amho. A) Ym{_©H$ ÑpîQ>H$moZ ~) gmYZg§nÎmrMo A`mo½` ì`dñWmnZ H$) bmoH$g§»`m {dñ\$moQ> S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$sH$aU 8) J°Q>g H$amamZwgma {ejUmMm g_mdoe __________ joÌmV H$aÊ`mV Ambm. A) ì`dgm` ~) godm H$) CÚmoJ S>) ì`mnma 9) J«mhH$ g§ajU H$m`Xm 1986 Mm hoVy __________ Amho. A) J«mhH$m§À`m A{YH$mamMo g§dY©Z d g§ajU H$aUo ~) J«mhH$m§À`m {hVmMo g§ajU ìhmdo H$) J«mhH$m§Mr CÝZVr ìhmdr S>) darb gd© 10) emídV {dH$mgmÀ`m g§H$ënZoV__________ KQ>H$mMm {dMma Ho$bm OmVmo. A) n`m©daUr` Am{U Z¡{VH$ A{YîR>mZ ~) gm_m{OH$ Am{U Am{W©H$ H$) ì`mnma Am{U _mZdr dgmhV S>) darb gd© ______________ 10 *SLRQ11* -3- SLR-Q – 11 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – I) Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Marks : 40 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the meaning and nature of educational sociology. 2) Explain the concept of intellectual property right and child right. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the meaning, nature and scope of economics of education. 2) What is meant by multiculture society ? Explain the characteristics of multi-culture education. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Explain the need of Consumer Act’s Education. 2) Explain the need of Right to Information. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Role of education for prevention of terrorism. 2) Effects on Indian education due to globalization. 3) Need and importance of human rights education. 12 SLR-Q – 11 -4- *SLRQ11* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$): 1) e¡j{UH$ g_mOemñÌmMm AW© Am{U ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ~m¡{ÕH$ g§nXm hH$ Am{U ~mbH$ hH$ `m g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) {ejUmÀ`m AW©emñÌmMm AW©, ñdê$n d ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ~hþgm§ñH¥${VH$ g_mO åhUOo H$m` ? ~hþgm§ñH¥${VH$ g_mOmVrb {ejUmMr d¡{eîQ>`o ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 10 10 8 1) J«mhH$ H$m`ÚmÀ`m {ejUmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _m{hVrMm A{YH$mamMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am.$ Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 12 1) XheVdmXmÀ`m AQ>H$mdmgmR>r {ejUmMr ^y{_H$m . 2) OmJ{VH$sH$aUm_wio ^maVr` {ejUmda Pmbobo n[aUm_. 3) _mZdr hH$ {ejUmMr JaO d _hÎd. _____________________ SLR-Q – 12 *SLRQ12* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – II) Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right side indicate marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct answer : 10 1) “An individual is intelligence in proportion as he is able to carry an abstract thinking” framed by a) Mc Dougall b) Terman c) Wachler d) Guilford 2) Thurston focused on _______________ while defining intelligence. a) Specific factor b) Multi factor c) Primary Mental Abilities d) Convergent thinking 3) Freud’s theory of personality constitute __________ a) Id b) Ego c) Superego d) All the above 4) Personality Inventory is ___________ type of approach in measurement of personality. a) trait b) projective c) rating d) none of them 5) Macynon expressed ______________ factor while defining characteristics of creative person. a) intuitive perception b) wide interest c) emotional d) imagination 6) Attitude is concern with ________________ domain of human beings. a) cognitive b) affective c) psycho motor d) all the above 7) The concept of ‘group mind’ is expressed by __________ a) Mc Dougall b) Newcomb c) Keshmar d) Yung 8) Group dynamics consists of _________________ force. a) centripetal b) centrifugal c) ‘a’ and ‘b’ d) none of them 9) Mental health relates to _________ approach of human beings. a) personal b) social c) functional d) all the above 10) For adjustment, person use ________ a) projective technique b) defence mechanism c) holistic approach d) trait approach P.T.O. SLR-Q – 12 -2- *SLRQ12* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) ""EImXçm ì`VrMr ~wÕr_Vm åhUOo Ë`mMr A_yV© {dMma H$aÊ`mMr j_Vm hmo`'' Ago __________ `m§Mo åhUUo Amho. A) _°H$Sw>Jb ~) Q>_©Z H$) dm°Mba S>) {Jb\$S>© 2) ~wÕr_Vm ñnîQ> H$aVmZm WñQ>©Z `m§Zr ___________ `mda ^a {Xbobm {XgyZ `oVmo. A) {d{eîR> KQ>H$ ~) ~hþKQ>H$ H$) àmW{_H$ _mZ{gH$ j_Vm S>) H|$ÐrV {dMma 3) \«$mB©S>À`m ì`Vr_Ëd {gÕm§Vm_Ü`o ___________ Mm g_mdoe H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho. A) gwßVmË_m ~) ~moYmË_m H$) {ddoH$mË_m S>) darb gd© 4) ì`Vr_Ëd _mnZm_Ü`o, ì`Vr_Ëd àíZmdbrMm dmna __________ àH$maMm ÑpîQ>H$moZ Amho. A) JwUVËd ~) àjonU H$) nX{ZíM`Z S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) _°{H$Zm°Z `m§Zr gO©Zerb ì`VrMr bjUo ñnîQ> H$aVmZm _________ KQ>H$ {dMmamV KoVbm. A) A§V:àoaUmË_H$ ~moY ~) ì`mnH$ A{^éMr H$) ^md{ZH$ S>) H$ënH$Vm 6) A{^d¥Îmr hr _mZdmÀ`m ___________ joÌmer {ZJS>rV ~m~ Amho. A) ~moYmË_H$ ~) ^mdmË_H$ H$) H$m`m©Ë_H$ S>) darb gd© 7) g_yh _ZmMr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>bobr Amho. A) _°H$Sw>Jb ~) Ý`yH$m|~ H$) Ho$í_a S>) `§wJ 8) g_yh JVrerbVm `m_Ü`o ___________ ~bmMm g_mdoe hmoVmo. A) H|$Ðm{^gmar ~) H|$Ðmngmar H$) "A' Am{U "~' S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) _mZ{gH$ Amamo½` _mZdmÀ`m ___________ ÑpîQ>H$moZmer {ZJS>rV Amho. A) ì`pVJV ~) gm_m{OH$ H$) {H«$`mË_H$ S>) darb gd© 10) g_m`moOZ gmYÊ`mgmR>r ì`Vr ___________ Mm Cn`moJ H$aVo. A) àjonU V§Ì ~) g§ajU `§ÌUm H$) g§píbîQ>> ÑpîQ>H$moZ S>) JwUVËd ÑpîQ>H$moZ ______________ *SLRQ12* -3- SLR-Q – 12 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION (Paper – II) Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Marks : 40 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right side indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What do you mean by intelligence ? How will you measure intelligence ? 2) What is personality ? Explain Indian contribution with reference to personality in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain individual differences in terms of interests, attitude and values. 2) What is social psychology ? Explain Bandura’s behavioural social observational theory. 4. Answer the following question in brief : 8 1) What are the types of adjustment ? 2) Write symptoms of good mental health. 5. Answer the following question in brief : 1) Write a note on maladjustment. 2) Write Maslow’s Humanistic theory of personality. 3) Explain Spearman theory of intelligence. 12 SLR-Q – 12 -4- *SLRQ12* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. nwT>rb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) ~wÕr_Vm åhUOo H$m` ? Vwåhr ~wÕr_VoMo _mnZ H$go H$amb ? 2) ì`pV_Ëd åhUOo H$m` ? nmV§Obr `moJgyÌmZwgma ^maVr`m§Mo ì`Vr_ËdmVrb `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 3. nwT>rb àíZmMr CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) A{^éMr, A{^d¥Îmr d _yë`o `§mÀ`m~m~VrV ì`Vr^oX g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 2) gm_m{OH$ _mZgemñÌ _¥UOo H$m` ? ~m§Xyam§Mr dV©ZmË_H$ gm_m{OH$ {ZarjU CnnÎmr ñnîQ> H$am. 4. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) g_m`moOZmMo àH$ma H$moUH$moUVo ? 2) Mm§Jë`m _mZ{gH$ Amamo½`mMr bjUo {bhm. 5. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) {df_m`moOZ `mda Q>rn {bhm. 2) _m°ñbmoMr ì`Vr_ËdmMr _mZdVmdmXr CnnÎmr {bhm. 3) pñnAa_ZMr ~wÕr_Vo{df`H$ CnnVr ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q 13 *SLRQ13* S e N a o t . M.Ed. (Semester II) Examination, 2015 Paper III : METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Duration : 15 Minutes MCQ/Objective Type Questions Marks : 10 1. Choose correct alternative : 10 1) Sampling is the selection of certain percentage of a group items according to predetermined plan. It is the definition of __________ a) Bogards b) Gay c) Good d) Frank 2) Closed questions and open questions are used for __________ a) Questionnaire b) Opinionnaire c) Interview d) Above all 3) Title page, approval sheet, acknowledgment, table of contents, list of tables and list of figures and graphs are related to _________ section of thesis. a) Main body of the report b) Preliminary c) Reference d) None of above 4) Measures of Central tendency or average is concerned to _________ a) Range b) Mean c) Percentile rank d) None of above 5) A normal curve which describes __________ a) Possibilities b) Probabilities c) Possibilities and Probabilities d) None of above 6) APA style is used for ______________ a) Index b) Bibliography c) Appendix d) None of above 7) Data collected from published newspapers is known as _________ a) Primary source b) Secondary source c) Tertiary source d) None of above 8) For collecting data in qualitative research _________ techniques are useful. a) Observation b) Interview c) Opinionnaire d) Above all 9) Difference between the highest and the lowest scores which is called __________ a) Range b) Variance c) Mean d) None of above 10) Average of all scores in a group is known as _________ a) Mean b) Mode c) Median d) Percentile P.T.O. SLR-Q 13 *SLRQ13* -2- _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) "Z_wZm {ZdS> åhUOo EH$ nyd©{Z`mo{OV `moOZoZwgma EH$ g_whm_YyZ EH$ R>am{dH$ Q>Ho$dmar {ZdS>Uo hmo`' hr ì`m»`m Zo Ho$br Amho. A) ~moJmS>©g ~) Jo H$) JwS> S>) \«±$H$ 2) ~§{XñV àíZ Am{U _wV àíZ A) àíZmdbr ~) _Vmdbr gmR>r dmnaVmV. H$) _wbmIVr S>) darb gd© 3) _wIn¥îR>, _mÝ`VmnÌ, F$U{ZX}e, AZwH«$_{UH$m, H$moîQ>H$m§Mr gyMr Am{U AmH¥$Ë`m d AmboIm§Mr gyMr à~§YmÀ`m {d^mJmer g§~§YrV Amho. A) AhdmbmMm _w»` Jm^m ~) àma§{^H$ H$) g§X^© S>) darb EH$hr Zmhr 4) _mnZm§Mo _Ü`d¥Îmr qH$dm gamgar A) {dñVma ~) _Ü`_mZ 5) EH$ g§^mì` hm XoIrb A) e`Vm H$) e`Vm d g§^mì`Vm 6) E nr E e¡brMm A) AZwH«$_{UH$m er g§~§YrV Amho. H$) eVH$m§H$ S>) darbn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr Mo dU©Z H$aVmo. ~) g§^mì`Vm S>) darbn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr gmR>r Cn`moJ H$aVmV. ~) g§X^© J«§W H$) n[a{eîQ> 7) àH$m{eV dV©_mZnÌmVyZ g§H${bV Ho$boë`m _m{hVrg A) àmW{_H$ ñÌmoV ~) Xwæ`_ ñÌmoV H$) V¥Vr`H$ ñÌmoV S>) darbn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo. S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 8) JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZmV g§H${bV _m{hVrgmR>r V§Ìo Cn`wV AmhoV. A) {ZarjU ~) _wbmIV H$) _Vmdbr S>) darb gd© 9) H$_r JwU d CÀM JwUmVrb \$aH$mg A) {dñVma ~) àgaU åhUVmV. H$) _Ü`_mZ 10) JQ>mVrb gd© àmßVm§H$mMr gamgar åhUOo hmo`. A) _Ü`_mZ ~) ~hþbH$ H$) _Ü`m§H$ _____________________ S>) darbn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr S>) eVV_H$ *SLRQ13* S e N a o -3- SLR-Q 13 t . M.Ed. (Semester II) Examination, 2015 Paper III : METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 1 Marks : 40 N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is sampling ? Why is sampling used in research ? Explain its various procedures by stating illustrations. 2) Explain different tools of educational research. Describe the questionnaire and observation. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Find out the mean of the following distribution : Class interval Frequency 35 39 1 30 34 5 25 29 12 20 24 15 15 19 10 10 14 4 59 3 2) What is T-test ? What is F-test ? What are the uses of T-test and F-test in research ? 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) How do you prepare a research report ? 2) Why is report writing essential in research ? 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) What are the uses of the computer in research ? 2) How do you write bibliography in research ? 3) How do you test your hypothesis ? 12 SLR-Q 13 *SLRQ13* -4- _amRr ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao Úm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 10 1) Ý`mXe©Z åhUOo H$m` ? g§emoYZm_Ü`o Ý`mXe©ZmMm Cn`moJ H$m Ho$bm OmVmo ? Ý`mXe©Z H$aÊ`mÀ`m {d{dY nÕVr gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. 2) e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr gmYZo ñnîQ> H$am. àíZmdbr d {ZarjU `m gmYZm§Mo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao Úm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) Imbrb dma§dm[aVm {d^mOZmdê$Z _Ü`_mZ àmßVm§H$ dma§dm[aVm 35 39 1 30 34 5 25 29 12 20 24 15 15 19 10 10 14 4 59 3 10 (Mean) H$mT>m. 2) Q>r-MmMUr åhUOo H$m` ? E\$ -MmMUr åhUOo H$m` ? Q>r-MmMUr d E\$$-MmMUrMo g§emoYZmVrb Cn`moJ H$moUVo AmhoV ? 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm : 8 1) Vwåhr g§emoYZ Ahdmb H$gm V`ma H$amb ? 2) g§emoYZ Ahdmb boIZ H$aUo H$m Amdí`H$ AgVo ? 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm : 1) g§emoYZmVrb g§JUH$mMo H$moUVo Cn`moJ AmhoV ? 2) g§emoYZmV Vwåhr J«§WgyMr H$er {bhmb ? 3) Vwåhr Vw_À`m n[aH$ënZmMr MmMUr H$er H$amb ? _____________________ 12 SLR-Q – 14 *SLRQ14* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper – IV) Teacher Education Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct answer : 10 1) Four pillars of education has given by ________ commission. A) Dellar’s B) Kothari C) Mudliyar D) Dr. Radhakrishnan 2) _________ is established in 1963. A) UGC B) NCTE C) NCERT D) SCERT 3) The process of classroom management is A) Diversified B) Complex C) Dynamic D) Natural 4) ‘Accountability applies both the obligation to perform the work and to exercise authority’ is the definition given by A) Allen B) J.C. Sinha C) V.N. Mungali D) Neave 5) Role playing model was invented by A) Bloom B) George Shefal and Pooni Shefal C) Joseph Shaw D) Oliver 6) To provide educational advice to central govt. is the function of A) CABE B) UGC C) UNESCO D) NCERT 7) The first director of NAAC is A) Dr. Yashpal B) Dr. Jagnnath Patil C) Dr. Arun Nigvekar D) Prof. Ram Takwale 8) The objective of __________ is to encourage for research, at higher level in pre-service and in service teacher education. A) NCERT B) SCERT C) NCTE D) UGC 9) __________ is not a technique for collection information about teacher thought process. A) Stimulation B) Guess C) Teacher’s diary D) Thinking loudly 10) To develop thought process in students as per scientific researcher is the main purpose of _________ model of teaching. A) Jurisprudential inquiry model B) Mastery learning model C) Scientific inquiry model D) Role playing model P.T.O. SLR-Q – 14 -2- *SLRQ14* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) {ejUmMo Mma ñV§^ ________ `m Am`moJmZo _m§S>bo AmhoV. A) S>obmg© ~) H$moR>mar H$) _wX{b`ma S>) S>m°. amYmH¥$îUZ 2) 1963 _Ü`o ________ Mr ñWmnZm H$aÊ`mV Ambr. A) `yOrgr ~) EZgrQ>rB© H$) EZgrB©AmaQ>r S>) EggrB©AmaQ>r 3) dJ©ì`dñWmnZmMr à{H«$`m ________ Amho. A) d¡{dÜ`nyU© ~) g§H$sU© H$) Jm{Verb S>) Z¡g{J©H$ 4) "H$m_ H$aUo Am{U A{YH$mamMm dmna H$aUo `m XmoÝhr O~m~Xmè`m§À`m CÎmaXm{`Îdm_Ü`o g_mdoe hmoVmo hr ì`m»`m ________ Ho$bobr Amho. A) A°bZ ~) {gÝhm H$) ìhr. EZ._w§Jir S>) Zoìho 5) ^y{_H$m nmbZ à{V_mZmMo CnnÎmrH$ma ________ ho AmhoV. A) ãby_ ~) Om°O© eo\$b d nwZr eo\$b H$) Omogo\$ em°d S>) Am°{bìha 6) H|$ÐemgZmbm {ejU {df`H$ gëbm XoUmar-hr _hËdmMr H$m`©dm{hZr Amho. A) grE~rB© ~) `yOrgr H$) `yZoñH$mo S>) EZgrB©AmaQ>r 7) Z°H$Mo n{hbo g§MmbH$ ________ ho AmhoV. A) S>m°. `enmb ~) S>m°. OJÝZmW nmQ>rb H$) S>m°. AéU {ZJdoH$a S>) àmo. am_ VmH²$dbo 8) godmnyd© d godm§VJ©V {ejH$-{ejUmÀ`m CÀM ñVamdarb g§emoYZmg CÎmoOZ XoUo ho ________ Mo C{ÔîQ> Amho. A) EZgrB©AmaQ>r ~) EggrB©AmaQ>r H$) EZgrQ>rB© S>) `yOrgr 9) {ejH$ {dMma à{H«$`og§~§{YV _m{hVr àmßV H$aÊ`mMo ________ ho V§Ì Zmhr. A) C{ÚnZ àË`mdmhZ ~) A§XmO H$) {ejH$m§Mr amoO{Zer S>) àH$Q> {dMma 10) {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m_Ü`o d¡km{ZH$ g§emoYH$mà_mUo {dMma à{H«$`m {dH${gV H$aUo hm ________ AÜ`mnZ à{V_mZmMm _w»` CÔoe Amho. A) Ý`m`VÎdemñÌr` n¥ÀN>m à{V_mZ ~) à^wËd AÜ``Z à{V_mZ H$) d¡km{ZH$ n¥ÀN>m à{V_mZ S>) ^y{_H$m nmbZ à{V_mZ *SLRQ14* -3- SLR-Q – 14 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper – IV) Teacher Education Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 2. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) Explain the interdependencies between teaching, learning and teacher education. 2) Explain teacher thought process in teacher education. 3. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) Which are the agencies of teacher education at state level ? Explain any one of them. 2) Explain the role of teacher as a innovator. 4. Answer the following questions in brief. 8 1) Role of NAAC in Teacher Education. 2) Model of classroom teaching. 5. Write notes of the following. 1) Teachers accountability 2) Portfolio in teacher education 3) Cultures of teaching. 12 SLR-Q – 14 -4- *SLRQ14* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) AÜ`mnZ, AÜ``Z d {ejH$ {ejU `m _Yrb nañna g§~§Y {bhm. 2) {ejH$ {ejUmVrb {dMma à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) amÁ` ñVamdarb {ejH$-{ejUmÀ`m H$m`©dm{hÝ`m H$moUË`m ? H$moUË`mhr EH$mMo g{dñVa ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 2) {ejH$ hm EH$ Zd àd©VH$ AgVmo ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) {ejH$ {ejUmV Z°H$Mr ^y{_H$m. 2) dJm©Ü`mnZmMo à{V_mZ. 8 5. WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) {ejH$mMo CÎmaXm{`Ëd. 2) {ejH$ {ejUmVrb, nmoQ>©\$mo{bAmo. 3) AÜ`m`Z g§ñH¥$Vr. 12 _____________________ SLR-Q – 15 *SLRQ15* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 Paper – V : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to the right side indicates full marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose proper alternative : 10 1) The softwares which help user to do his specific work are called as ___________ a) system softwares b) application softwares c) a) and b) d) none of them 2) Doc. can be prepared in ___________ a) MS word b) MS Excel c) MS PowerPoint d) MS Paint 3) Data analysis can be done with the help of ___________ package. a) MS Word b) MS Paint c) MS Excel d) MS PowerPoint 4) The minimum transfer speed required for modem to connect internet is ____ a) 28.8 kbps b) 25.6 kbps c) 20.8 kbps d) 26.6 kbps 5) Jerusalem Virus is ___________ type of virus in computer. a) Warm b) Trozen horse c) Time bomb d) None of them 6) The effective package of multimedia is ___________ a) linear multimedia b) interactive multimedia c) a) and b) d) none of them 7) In brainstorming mode of instruction ___________ is important. a) quality of imagination b) quantity of imagination c) a) and b) d) none of them 8) Personal system of instruction is also called as ___________ plan. a) Keller b) Markle and Meye c) Dr. Skinner d) Jallaluddin P.T.O. SLR-Q – 15 -2- *SLRQ15* 9) Telecommunication consists of ___________. a) Satellite communication b) Teleconferencing c) Video conferencing d) All above 10) The father of panel discussion technique is ___________ a) Gilbert b) Crowder c) Robert Glaycer d) Ober street _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) {d{eîQ>> H$m`© H$aUogmR>r dmnaH$Ë`m©g Cn`moJr nS>Umè`m gm°ßQ>doAg©Zm ___________ åhUVmV. A) {gpñQ>_ gm°ßQ>doAa ~) A°ßbrHo$eZ gm°âQ>doAg© H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Doc. Mr {Z{_©Vr ___________ _Ü`o Ho$br OmVo. A) E_ Eg dS>© ~) E_ Eg Egob H$) E_ Eg nm°danm±B©Q> S>) E_ Eg n|Q> 3) _m{hVrMo {díbofU H$aÊ`mgmR>r ___________ `m n°Ho$OMm Cn`moJ Ho$bm OmVmo. A) E_ Eg dS>© ~) E_ Eg n|Q> H$) E_ Eg Egob S>) E_ Eg nm°danm±B©Q> 4) _moS>o_ B§Q>aZoQ>bm OmoS>Ê`mgmR>r H$_rV H$_r ___________ EdT>çm Q²>mÝñ\$a ñnrS>Mr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo.> ~) 25.6 kbps H$) 20.8 kbps S>) 26.6 kbps A) 28.8 kbps 5) Ooê$ñbo_ ìhm`ag hm ___________ àH$maMm ìhm`ag Amho. A) dm°_© ~) Q´>moPZ hm°g© H$) Q>mB©_~m°å~ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) _pëQ>_oS>r`mMo n[aUm_H$maH$ n°Ho$O ___________ Amho. A) {bZr`a _pëQ>_o{S>`m ~) Am§Va{H«$`mË_H$ _pëQ>_o{S>`m H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) ~wÕr_§WZ `m AZwXoemÀ`m _mJm©V ___________ bm _hÎd AgVo. A) H$ënZm§Mr JwUdÎmm ~) H$ënZm§Mr g§»`m H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) ì`pVJV AZwXoeZ àUmbrg ___________ `moOZm Ago åhUVmV. A) Ho$ba ~) _mH©$b d _o`o H$) S>m°. ñH$sZa S>) Oëbmbw{ÔZ 9) Xyag§àofUmV ___________ Mm g_mdoe hmoVmo. A) CnJ«h g§àofU ~) Q>o{bH$m°Ý\$apÝg¨J H$) ìhrS>rAmoH$m°Ý\$apÝg¨J S>) darb gd© 10) g_yh MMm© `m V§ÌmMm OZH$ ___________ hm Amho. A) {Jb~Q>© ~) H«$mCS>a H$) am°~Q>© ½boga S>) Amo~oa ñQ´>rQ ____________ *SLRQ15* -3- SLR-Q – 15 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 Paper – V : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Marks : 40 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right side indicates full marks. 2. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) What do you mean by application software ? Explain features of MS Office. 2) What is multimedia ? Explain use of multimedia in entertainment, education and training. 3. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) What is teaching strategy ? Explain teaching strategies for large groups. 2) How will you use information technology in research ? 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Explain brain storming as an innovative method of teaching. 2) Write a note on virtual schools and colleges. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Write advantages and disadvantages of e-mail. 2) Explain security and maintenance of computer. 3) Write special features of high level languages of computer. 12 SLR-Q – 15 -4- *SLRQ15* _amRr ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) A°ßbrHo$eZ gm°ßQ>doAa åhUOo H$m` ? E_ Eg Am°\$sgMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _pëQ>_o{S>`m åhUOo H$m` ? _Zmoa§OZ, {ejU Am{U à{ejUmV _pëQ>_o{S>`mMm dmna ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) AÜ`mnZ H$m`©Zr{V åhUOo H$m` ? _moR>çm JQ>mH$arVm AÜ`mnZ H$m`©Zr{V ñnîQ> H$am. 2) g§emoYZmV _m{h>Vr V§ÌkmZmMm Cn`moJ Vwåhr H$gm H$amb ? 10 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) ~wÕr_§WZ EH$ Zm{dÝ`nyU© AÜ`mnZ nÕVr åhUyZ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Am^mgr emim d _hm{dÚmb`o `mda Q>rn {bhm. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) B©-_ob Mo \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o {bhm. 2) g§JUH$mMr gwa{jVVm Am{U {ZJm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) g§JUH$mÀ`m CñVar` ^mfoMr d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q – 16 *SLR-Q-16* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose correct alternative : 10 1) The responsible natural source for causing air pollution is A) Forest fire B) Earthquake C) Volcano Eruption D) Above all 2) Environmental education starts from A) Project method B) Observation method C) Practical method D) Discussion method 3) Environmental science is related to all the sciences so it is called A) Inter disciplinary B) Dynamic science C) Social science D) Physical science 4) First World Environment Council organised at A) America B) Sweeden C) Iran D) China 5) Wild animal week is A) 1 to 7 October B) 1 to 7 September C) 1 to 7 March D) None of these 6) The movement started by Bishnoi women and supported to a great extend is A) Silent valley B) Apiko C) Chipko D) Narmada Bachao 7) __________ portion of the earth is covered by desert. B) 3 4 C) 17 D) 2 7 A) 18 8) In India UGC organized environmental workshop on __________ year. A) 1981 B) 1965 C) 1971 D) 1974 P.T.O. SLR-Q – 16 -2- *SLR-Q-16* 9) On 7th April was celebrated __________ day. A) Forest B) Environment C) World health D) Population 10) Sound pollution may be a cause for __________ disease. A) Flue B) Tinnitus C) Rabies D) Cholera 1. _amRr ê$nm§Va `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) hdoÀ`m àXyfUmg __________ hm Z¡g{J©H$ KQ>H$ O~m~Xma Amho. A) O§Jb dUdm ~) ^yH§$n S>) darb gd© H$) Ádmbm_wIrMm CÐoH$ 2) n`m©daU {ejUmMr gwê$dmV __________ Zo hmoVo. ~) {ZarjU nÕVr H$) àmË`{jH$ nÕVr S>) MMm© nÕVr A) àH$ën nÕVr 3) n`m©daU emñÌ ho gd©M emñÌmer g§~§{YV Agë`m_wio Ë`mbm __________ Ago åhUVmV. ~) J{V_mZ emñÌ A) Am§Va{dÚmemIr` emñÌ H$) gm_m{OH$ emñÌ S>) ^m¡{VH$emñÌ 4) n{hbr OmJ{VH$ n`m©daU n[afX __________ `oWo Am`mo{OV Ho$br. A) A_o[aH$m ~) ñdrS>Z H$) BamU S>) MrZ 5) dÝ`àmUr gßVmh __________ hm Amho. A) 1 Vo 7 Am°Q>mo~a ~) 1 Vo 7 gßQ>|~a H$) 1 Vo 7 _mM© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) {~íZmoB© pñÌ`m§Zr Ho$bobo d g_mOmVyZ _moR>çm à_mUmV nmqR>~m {_imbobo __________ ho Am§XmobZ hmo`. A) gm`b|Q> ìh°br ~) Am{nH$mo H$) {MnH$mo S>) Z_©Xm ~MmAmo 7) à¥ÏdrMm __________ ^mJ dmid§Q>mZo ì`mnbm Amho. A) 18 ~) 3 4 H$) 17 S>) 2 7 ^maVmV {dÚmnrR> Am`moJmZo _________ dfu n`m©daU `m{df`r H$m`©emim Am`mo{OV Ho$br. ~) 1965 H$) 1971 S>) 1974 A) 1981 9) 7 E{àb hm {Xdg __________ {XZ åhUyZ gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo. ~) n`m©daU H$) OmJ{VH$ Amamo½` S>) bmoH$g§»`m A) O§Jb 10) ÜdZr àXyfUm_wio __________ amoJ hmoVmo. ~) {Q>{ZQ>g H$) ao~rO S>) H$m°bam A) âby 8) ______________ 10 *SLR-Q-16* -3- SLR-Q – 16 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Instruction : All questions are compulsory. 2. Write the answer of following question (any one) : 10 1) What are the types of environment ? Write their interdependence. 2) Explain the use of IT in Environment education. 3. Write the answer of following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the need, concept and importance of sustainable development. 2) Explain the need, importance and scope of environment education. 4. Answer the following question : 8 1) Write any two reason of water pollution. 2) Explain the food web. 5. Answer the following question : 1) Explain the Narmada Bachao movement. 2) What is the role of Wild Life Act, 1972 ? 3) What is the flood ? 12 SLR-Q – 16 -4- *SLR-Q-16* _amRr ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) n`m©daUmMo àH$ma gm§JyZ Ë`m§Mm nañna g§~§Y {bhm. 2) n`m©daU {ejUmV _m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMo Cn`moJ ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) emídV {dH$mgmMr JaO, g§H$ënZm d _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. 2) n`m©daU {ejUmMr JaO d _hÎd, ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 10 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Ob àXyfUmMr H$moUVohr XmoZ H$maUo {bhm. 2) AÝZOmio ñnîQ> H$am. 8 5. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Z_©Xm ~MmAmo Midi ñnîQ> H$am. 2) 1972 Mr dÝ`Ord H$m`Xm åhUOo H$m` ? 12 3) nya åhUOo H$m` ? _____________________ SLR-Q – 17 *SLRQ17* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper-VI) GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B.: 1) Q. No. 1 is Compulsory. It should Be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are Compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Duration : 15 Minutes MCQ/Objective Type Questions MArks : 10 1. Choose the correct answer : 10 i) Every gifted child can not be ___________ child. A) Brave B) Poor C) Honest D) Creative ii) According to 1992 rule ___________ is Constitutional institute. A) NCTE B) NCERT C) Indian Rehabilitation Institute D) None iii) If eyesite of a child is not stable, this is characteristics of _________ child. A) Blind B) Deaf C) Mentally retarded D) Gifted iv) Information about jobs is called ___________ Information. A) Educational B) Placement C) Followup D) Occupational v) Primary centre of getting direct or indirect guidance is __________ A) Home B) Family C) School D) Govt. Institute vi) For comparison of learning of student __________ tests are useful. A) Intelligence B) Aptitude C) Attitude D) Achievement vii) Face to Face interaction to solve problem of client this process is called A) Guidance B) Problem solving C) To give information D) Counselling viii) Due to _____________ service individual adjustment can be achieved. A) Follow-up B) Placement C) Counselling D) None ix) For study of behaviour of an individual __________ techniques is useful. A) Observation B) Ancedental Record C) Research D) All x) The transfer of youth from school to occupational activities is an _____ service. A) Guidance B) Educational placement C) Vocational D) Follow up P.T.O. SLR-Q – 17 -2- *SLRQ17* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©`m`r {ZdS H$am . i) àË`oH$ ~w{Õ_mZ ~mbH$ ho __________ ~mbH$ ZgVo. A) eya ~) Jar~ H$) àm_m{UH$ S>) g¥OZerb ii) 1992 À`m {Z`_mZwgma __________ hr g§{dYmZmË_H$ g§ñWm Amho. A)>r.B©. ~)©.Ama. Q>r H$) ^maVr` nwZd©gZ n[afX S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr iii) Oa EImÚm _wbmMr ÑîQ>r pñWa Zgob Vaho bjU __________ àH$maÀ`m ~mbH$mMo AgVo. A) A§Y ~) ~{hao H$) _{V_§X S>) ~w{Õ_mZ iv) amoOJma g§~§Yr _m{hVrbm __________ _m{hVr Ago åhUVmV. A) e¡j{UH$ ~) ñWmnZm H$) AZwYmdZ S>) ì`mdgm{`H$ v ) à`j qH$dm AàË`j _m{hVr {_iì`mMo __________ ho àmW{_H$ H|$Ð Amho. A) Ka ~) Hw$Qw>§~ H$) emi S>) emgH$s` g§ñWm vi) {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m AÜ``ZmMr VwbZm H$aÊ`mgmR>r __________ MmMÊ`m Cn`wV AmhoV. A) ~w{Õ_Îmm ~) A{^`mo½`Vm H$) A{^d¥Vr S>) à{dÊ` vii) g_wnXoí`m§Mr g_ñ`m gmoS>{dÊ`mgmR>r g_moamg_moa hmoUmè`m Am§Va{H«$`oÀ`m à{H«$`og __________ Ago åhUVmV. A) _mJ©Xe©Z ~) g_ñ`m gmoS>{dUo H$) _m{hVr XoUo S> ) g_wnXoeZ viii) ì`VrJV g_m`moOZ __________ godm_wwio àßV hmoVo. A) nmR>nwamdm ~) ñWmnZm H$) g_wnXoeZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) ì`VrÀ`m dV©ZmÀ`m Aä`mgmgmR>r __________ V§Ì Cn`wV Amho. A) {ZarjU ~) àmg§{JH$ Zm|Xr H$) g§emoYZ S>) gd© x ) EH$m Zd`wdH$mg emioÛmao ì`mdgm{`H$ CnH«$_mV nmR>{dUo hr __________godm hmo`. A) _mJ©Xe©Z ~) e¡j{UH$ ñWmnZm H$) ì`mdgm{`H$ S>) AZwYmdZ ______________ 10 *SLRQ17* -3- SLR-Q – 17 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 EDUCATION (Paper-VI) GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Marks : 40 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 i) Classify children with special needs and explain method of guidance for physically handicapped. OR ii) What do you mean by guidance ? Write scope and significance of guidance. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 i) How will you give guidance at secondary and higher secondary level ? OR ii) Define concept of vocational Guidance and explain role of teacher in vocational guidance. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 i) Write merits of cumulative record. ii) What are the basic principles of counselling ? 5. Answer the following questions in brief : i) Write types of Guidance services. ii) What is use of intelligence test in guidance ? iii) Write characteristics of client counselling. 12 SLR-Q – 17 -4- *SLRQ17* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àe«Zm§Mr CÎmao [bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : i) {deof JaOm AgUmè`m _wbm§Mo dJuH$aU H$am. emar[aH$ A§nJ _wbm§Zm _mJ©Xe©Z H$aÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am. 10 qH$dm ii) _mJ©Xe©Z åhUOo H$m` ? _mJ©Xe©ZmMr ì`mßVr d _hËd {bhm. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVmhr EH$) : i) _mÜ`{_H$ d C_mÜ`{_H$ ñVamda Vwåhr _mJ©Xe©Z H$go H$amb ? 10 qH$dm ii) ì`mdgm{`H$ _mJ©Xe©Z g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am Am{U ì`mdgm{`H$ _mJ©Xe©ZmgmR>r {ejH$m§Mr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : i) g§H${bV Zm|Xn{ÌHo$Moo JwU {bhm. ii) g_wwnXoeZmMr _yb^yV VËdo H$moUVr ? 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm . i) _mJ©Xe©Z godmMo àH$ma {bhm& ii) ~w{Õ_Vm MmMUrMo _mJ©Xe©ZmVrb Cn`moJ H$moUVo ? iii) g_wnXoí` g_wnXoeZmMr d¡{eîQ>`o {bhm. _____________________ 8 12 SLR-Q – 18 *SLRQ18* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 MANAGEMENT, PLANNING AND FINANCING OF EDUCATION Optional (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Instructions : Duration : 15 Minutes Max. Marks : 50 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures on the right side indicates the marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Marks : 10 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative : 10 1) The development of educational management as a field of study began in ___________ in early part of the 20th century. a) United States b) United Kingdom c) India d) Japan 2) ‘Management is the art of knowing exactly what you want to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way’ is stated by ___________ a) Richman b) Taylor c) Hoyle d) Fayol 3) Promoting the professional growth of the teachers by providing them in-service education is the objective of ___________ a) The teacher b) Inspection c) Supervision d) The head of the institution 4) ________ inspection is conducted to ensure that the previous recommendations have been carried out a) The Follow-up b) Annual c) Surprise d) Partial 5) ___________ is a person who influences the group to work willingly. a) The owner b) The leader c) The teacher d) The worker 6) ___________ leadership is characterised by the emphasis on group decision or group action. a) Symbolic b) Autocratic c) Anarchic d) Democratic 7) ___________ is considered as the heart of administration and management. a) Organization b) Direction c) Decision-making d) Forecasting 8) ___________ motivates the school personnel to achieve all the mere better results. a) Inspection b) Prize c) Supervision d) Evaluation 9) ___________ contains a record of all money transactions that are being carried through from day-to-day in the institute. a) Cheque-book b) Cash-book c) Ledger d) Boy’s fund register 10) ‘The finance function is the process of acquiring and utilizing funds by a business’ is stated by ___________ a) Osborn b) Dewe c) Bonwill d) Doogle P.T.O. SLR-Q – 18 -2- *SLRQ18* _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 10 1) 20 ì`m eVH$mÀ`m àma§^r _____________ `m XoemV "e¡j{UH$ ì`dñWmnZmMm {dH$mg' `m {df`mÀ`m Aä`mgmg àma§^ Pbm. A) `wZm`Q>oS> ñQ>oQ>g ~) `wZm`Q>oS> qH$JS>_ H$) ^maV S>) OnmZ 2) "Vwåhmbm Zo_Ho$ H$m` H$am`Mo Amho ho OmUÊ`mMr H$bm, VgoM Vo {H$Vr Mm§Jë`m VèhoZo d AË`ën {H$_VrV H$aVm Vo nmhUo åhUOo ì`dñWmnZ' Ago _____________ `m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho. A) [aM_Z ~) Q>oba H$) hmo`b S>) \o$`m°b 3) ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mgmbm {ejH$m§Zm CÎmoOZ XoÊ`mgmR>r godm§VJ©V à{ejU nwa{dUo ho _____________ Mo C{ÔîQ> hmo`. A) {ejH$m ~) VnmgUr H$) n`©dojUm S>) _yë`_mnZm 4) nyduÀ`m {e\$maer A§_bmV AmUë`mV H$s Zmhr `mMr ImVaO_m H$aÊ`mgmR>r _____________ VnmgUr Ho$br OmVo. A) nmR>-nwamdm ~) dm{f©H$ H$) AMmZH$ S>) A§eV: 5) ñdoÀN>oZo H$m_ H$aÊ`mgmR>r JQ>mbm à^m{dV H$aUmar ì`pV åhUOo _____________ A) _mbH$ ~) ZoVm H$) {ejH$ S>) H$m_Jma 6) JQ>mÀ`m {ZU©`mbm qH$dm JQ>mÀ`m H¥$Vrbm _____________ ZoV¥Îde¡brV A{YH$ ^a {Xbm OmVmo. A) à{VH$mË_H$ ~) ñd`§^y H$) amOoemhr S>) bmoH$emhr 7) bm àemgZ d ì`dñWmnZmMo öX` _mZbo OmVo. A) g§KQ>Zo ~) {X½Xe©Zm H$) {ZU©` à{H«$`o S>) àm:H$WZmbm 8) CÎm_ n[aUm_ àmßVrgmR>r embo` ì`pV¨Zm _____________ àoaUmXm`r R>aVo. A) VnmgUr ~) ~{jg H$) n`©dojU S>) _yë`_mnZ 9) g§ñWoVrb X¡Z§{XZ Am{W©H$ XodmUKodmUrÀ`m Zm|Xr _____________ _Ü`o AgVmV. A) MoH$-nwñVH$m ~) H°$e-~wH$m H$) boOa S>) _wbm§Mo \§$S> a{OñQ>a 10) "{dÎmH$m`© åhUOo ì`dgm`mbm bmJUmam {ZYr O_dÊ`mdr d Ë`mMm dmna H$aÊ`mMr H$bm' Ago _____________ `m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho. A) Amog~moZ© ~) S>`wB© H$) ~moZm{db S>) Sw>Jb ______________ *SLRQ18* -3- SLR-Q – 18 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 MANAGEMENT, PLANNING AND FINANCING OF EDUCATION Optional (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Instructions : Marks : 40 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures on the right side indicates the marks. 2. Answer the following question (Any one) : 10 1) What are the basic principles of ‘Educational Management’ ? 2) Explain the nature and scope of Educational Finance. 3. Answer the following question (Any one) : 10 1) Explain the POSDCORB approach. 2) Which steps will you follow for formulating the objectives in Educational Management ? 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) What is mean by supervision ? Explain its need in Educational Management. 2) Explain the importance of ‘Accountability’ in Educational Management. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Centralization and decentralization in controlling. 2) Meaning and types of leadership. 3) Concept of System Evaluation. 12 SLR-Q – 18 -4- *SLRQ18* _amRr ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (H$moUË`mhr EH$m) : 10 1) e¡j{UH$ ì`dñWmnZmMr _yb^yV VËdo H$moUVr ? 2) e¡j{UH$ {dÎmghmæ`mMo ñdê$n d ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 3. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 1) POSDCORB 10 ÑpîQ>H$moZ {deX H$am. 2) e¡j{UH$ ì`dñWmnZmVrb C{ÔîQ> {ZpíMVrgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUË`m nm`è`m§Mm Adb§~ H$amb ? 4. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 8 1) n`©dojU åhUO H$m` ? e¡j{UH$ ì`dñWmnZmVrb Ë`mMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 2) e¡j{UH$ ì`dñWmnZmVrb CÎmaXm{`ÎdmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 5. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 12 1) {Z`§ÌU àUmbrVrb H|$ÐrH$aU d {dH|$ÐrH$aU. 2) ZoV¥ËdmMm AW© d àH$ma 3) àUmbr _yë`_mnZmMr g§H$ënZm. _____________________ SLR-Q – 19 *SLRQ19* Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 VALUE EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate full marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose proper alternatives : 1) Cultural programmes are ________ medium for value education. a) formal b) nonformal c) ‘a’ and ‘b’ 10 d) none of these 2) In ancient education system, the main focus is on _________ development of student. a) cognitive b) affective c) psychomotor d) personality 3) Generally values are classified into __________ groups. a) two b) three c) four d) five 4) The celebration of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti inculcate _________ value among students. a) equality b) freedom c) justice d) all above 5) Value Education can be given with the help of __________ subject. a) History b) Geography c) Art and Music d) All above 6) Moral education must be given to all levels of education system recommended by _________ commission. a) Kothari b) Mudliyar c) Radhakrishnan d) 1992 policy 7) The father of Psychoanalytical Approach is a) Jean Piage b) Kohlberg c) Sigmond Fried d) Erikson 8) Ancient education system focus on _______ education with moral education. a) Secular b) Technical c) Emotional d) Social 9) In republic nation __________ value is most important. a) truth b) patriotism c) sensitivity 10) In curriculum, the place of moral education must be a) independent b) dependent c) limited d) all above d) none of these P.T.O. SLR-Q – 19 -2- *SLRQ19* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) _yë` {ejUmMo gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$m`©H«$_ ho ________ àH$maMo _mÜ`_ Amho. A) Am¡nMm[aH$ ~) AZm¡nMm[aH$ H$) "A' Am{U "~' S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) n«mMrZ {ejU àUmbrV {dÚmÏ`m©À`m ________ {dH$mgmda ^a {Xbm OmV Ago. A) ~m¡{ÕH$ ~) ^md{ZH$ H$) {H«$`mH$m¡eë`mË_H$ S>) ì`Vr_Ëd 3) gm_mÝ`nUo _yë`m§Mo dJuH$aU ________ àH$mamV Ho$bo OmVo. A) XmoZ ~) VrZ H$) Mma S>) nmM 4) _hmË_m Jm§Yr O`§Vr gmOar Ho$ë`mZo {dÚmÏ`m©V ________ _yë` g§d{Y©V H$aVm `oVo. A) g_Vm ~) ñdmV§Í` H$) Ý`m` S>) darb gd© 5) _yë` {ejU ________ `m {df`mÀ`m _mÜ`_mVyZ XoVm `oVo. A) B{Vhmg ~) ^yJmob H$) H$bm d g§JrV S>) darb gd© 6) ^maVr` {ejU àUmbrV gd© ñVamda Z¡{VH$ {ejU {Xbo Omdo Aer {e\$mag ________ `m Am`moJmZo Ho$br Amho. A) H$moR>mar ~) _wXbr`ma H$) amYmH¥$îUZ S>) 1992 YmoaU 7) _Zmo{díbofU ÑpîQ>H$moZmMm OZH$ ________ hm Amho. A) OrZ nr`mOo ~) H$mohb~J© H$) {g½_§S> \«$mB©S> S>) E[aH$gZ 8) àmMrZ {ejU àUmbrV Z¡{VH$ {ejUm~amo~a ________ {ejUmda ^a {Xbm hmoVm. A) Ym{_©H$ ~) Vm§{ÌH$ H$) ^md{ZH$ S>) gm_m{OH$ 9) àOmgÎmmH$ amîQ´>mV ________ ho _yë` AË`§V _hËdmMo Amho. A) gË` ~) amîQ´>^Vr H$) g§doXZerbVm S>) darb gd© 10) Aä`mgH«$_mV _yë` {ejUmbm ________ ñWmZ Agmdo. A) ñdV§Ì ~) namdb§~r H$) _`m©{XV S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr ______________ *SLRQ19* -3- SLR-Q – 19 Seat No. M.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 VALUE EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Marks : 40 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to right indicate full marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain the characteristics of a morally educated persons. 2) Explain the stages of moral development and their characteristic features. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is valuation of culture ? Explain Indian culture and human values. 2) What are the models of moral education ? Explain value classification and social action models of moral education. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Can moral education be imparted taking it as a subject of curriculum ? 2) Explain nature of society and moral learning. 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 12 1) Write some examples of moral dilemmas. 2) Explain need of value education. 3) Write a note on moral instructions. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) Z¡{VH$ÑîQ>çm {e{jV ì`VrMr bjUo g{dñVanUo ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Z¡{VH$ {dH$mgmÀ`m nm`è`m Ë`m§À`m JwUd¡{eîR>çm§gh ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) g§ñH¥$Vr _yë` åhUOo H$m` ? ^maVr` g§ñH¥$Vr Am{U _mZdr _yë`o ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Z¡{VH$ {ejUmMr à{V_mZo H$moUH$moUVr AmhoV ? _yë` dJuH$aU Am{U gm_m{OH$ H¥$Vr à{V_mZo g{dñVanUo ñnîQ> H$am. SLR-Q – 19 -4- 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : *SLRQ19* 8 1) Aä`mgH«$_mMm EH$ {df` åhUyZ Z¡{VH$ {ejU XoVm `oB©b H$m ? 2) g_mOmMo ñdê$n Am{U Z¡{VH$ AÜ``Z ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) _yë` g§Kfm©Mr H$m§hr CXmhaUo {bhm. 2) _yë` {ejUmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Z¡{VH$ AZwXoeZ `mda {Q>nm {bhm. _____________________ 12