SLR-R – 1

SLR-R – 1
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – I : History, Principles and Foundation of Physical Education and
Olympic Movement
Day and Date : Monday, 18-1-2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The candidates should read original question in English.
3) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
Duration : 15 Minutes
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Marks : 10
1. Choose correct alternatives :
1) Ancient Olympic games were initiated in the year
a) 776 B.C.
b) 777 B.C.
c) 676 B.C.
d) 766 B.C.
2) The law of exercise is also known as
a) Law of effect
b) Law of misuse
c) Law of use and disuse
d) Law of rest
3) There are ____________ circles on Olympic play.
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
4) ________________ is the Father of Modern Olympic.
a) Baron Piere de Coubertin
b) Harry Crow Buck
c) Charles Coubertin
d) None of these
5) Growth is not a _________________ process.
a) Part
b) Continuous
c) Instant
d) None of these
6) IOA means
a) International Olympic Alloy
c) Indian Olympic Authority
7) Arjun Awards is given to
a) The player
c) The teacher
8) The Olympic motto ‘Fortius’ means
a) Higher
b) Faster
b) Indian Olympic Association
d) None of these
b) The coach
d) The team manager
c) Stronger
d) None of these
SLR-R – 1
9) The highest award given to sports coaches in India is
a) Arjuna Award
b) Khel Ratna Award
c) Ati Vashisth Jyoti
d) Dronacharya Award
10) The first modern Olympics were held in
a) Olympia
b) Athens
c) St. Louis
d) Antwerp
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) àmMrZ Am°bpånH$ ñnYm©Mr gwadmV
`m dfu Pmbr.
A) 776 B.g. nwd©
~) 777 B. g. nwd© H$) 676 B. g. nwd© S>) 766 B. g. nwd©
åhUyZ AmoiIbm OmVmo.
2) gamdmMm {Z`_
A) n[aUm_mMm {Z`_
~) MwH$sÀ`m dmnamMm {Z`_
H$) dmnamMm d J¡admnamMm {Z`_
S>) {dlm§VrMm {Z`_
dVw©io AgVmV.
3) Am°bpånH$ ÜdOmda
A) nmM
~) ghm
H$) gmV
S>) AmR>
4) AmYw{ZH$ Am°bpånH$ OZH$ åhUyZ
`m§Zm AmoiIVmV.
A) ~°aZ {nAao S>r Š`w~a{Q>Z
~) h°ar H«$mo ~H$
H$) Mmb©g Š`w~a{Q>Z
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
à{H«$`m Zmhr.
5) dmT> hr
A) ^mJ
~) gVVMr
H$) V`ma
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
6) IOA Mm AW©
A) B§Q>aZ°eZb Am°bpånH$ Abm°`
~) B§{S>`Z Am°bpånH$ Agmo{gEeZ
H$) B§{S>`Z Am°bpånH$ Am°Wm°[a{Q>
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
bm {Xbm OmVmo.
7) AOw©Z nwañH$ma
A) IoimSy>
~) _mJ©Xe©H$
H$) {ejH$
S>) g§K ì`dñWmnH$
8) Am°bpånH$ ÜdOmdarb \$moQ>©g² (Fortius) Mm AW©
~) J{V_mZ
H$) ~bembr
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
hm CÀMV_ nwañH$ma {Xbm OmVmo.
9) ^maVm_Ü`o H«$sS>m _mJ©Xe©H$mbm
A) AO©wZ nwañH$ma
~) IobaËZ nwañH$ma
H$) A{Q> d{eîR> Á`moVr
S>) ÐmoZmMm`m© nwañH$ma
`m {R>H$mUr Am`mo{OV Ho$br Jobr.
10) n{hbm AmYw{ZH$ Am°bpånH$ ñnYm©
A) Am°bpån`m
~) A°WoÝg
H$) g|Q> bwB©g
S>) A°Q>dn©
SLR-R – 1
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – I : History, Principles and Foundation of Physical Education and
Olympic Movement
Day and Date : Monday, 18-1-2016
Marks : 60
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The candidates should read original question in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Explain in detail aim and objectives of physical education.
2) Explain the stages of growth and development. Write physical and mental
development in a adolescence stage.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain laws of learning in detail.
2) Explain in detail types of learning.
4. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain in detail the early history of the Olympic movement.
2) Explain in detail naturalism in physical education.
5. Answer the following question in brief (any three) :
1) Write about learning curves.
2) Write relation of society and culture.
3) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award.
4) Arjun Award.
SLR-R – 1
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) emar[aH$ {ejUmVrb Ü`o` Am{U C{ÔîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
2) dmT> Am{U {dH$mgmÀ`m AdñWm ñnîQ> H$am. H$m¡_m`m©dñWoVrb emar[aH$ d _mZ{gH$ {dH$mg
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) AÜ``ZmMo {Z`_ ñnîQ> H$am.
2) AÜ``ZmMo àH$ma g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) àmMrZ Am°bpånH$ IoimÀ`m Eo{VhmgrH$ {dH$mgmMo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
2) emar[aH$ {ejUmVrb {ZgJ©dmXmMo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr VrZ) :
1) AÜ``Z dH«$.
2) g_mO Am{U g§ñH¥$Vr `m§Mm g§~§Y H$m` Vo {bhm.
3) amOrd Jm§Yr IobaËZ nwañH$ma.
4) AOw©Z nwañH$ma.
SLR-R – 7
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – IV : Methods of Teaching School Subject – History Methodology
Day and Date : Thursday, 21-1-2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) The candidates should read the original question in English.
iii) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15
minutes in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternative :
i) Museum includes __________
a) Coins
b) Weapons
c) Pictures
d) All above
ii) History is __________
a) Science
b) Arts
c) a) and b)
d) None of these
iii) The following __________ is a type of questions.
a) Short questions b) Objective questions c) Essay questions d) Above all
iv) The father of history is called to __________
a) Happold
b) Carlyle
c) Buck Heart
d) Herodotus
v) Student visits historical places is the specification of __________
a) Interest
b) Skill
c) Attitude
d) Understanding
vi) The major types of history are __________
a) Five
b) Four
c) Three
d) Two
vii) The structure of history subject is __________
a) Three dimensional b) Two dimensional c) One dimensional d) Above all
viii) The father of project method is __________
a) Plato
b) Stevenson
c) Kilpatric
d) John Deway
SLR-R – 7
ix) While teaching history subject it is co-related with __________ subject.
a) Drawing
b) Geography
c) Language
d) Above all
x) ‘Fifth Vedas’ is called to __________ subject.
a) Economics
b) History
c) Geography
d) Language
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
i) dñVwg§J«hmb`mV _________ Mm g_mdoe hmoVmo.
A) ZmUr
~) hË`mao
H$) {MÌo
S>) darb gd©
ii) B{Vhmg _________ Amho.
A) emñÌ
~) H$bm
H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
iii) nwT>rbn¡H$s _________ hm àíZ àH$ma Amho.
A) bKwÎmar àíZ
~) dñVw{ZîR> àíZ H$) XrKm}Îmar àíZ S>) darb gd©
iv) B{VhmgmMm OZH$ _________ `mg åhQ>bo OmVo.
A) hoßnmoëS>
~) H$mbm©Bb
H$) ~H$ hmQ>©
S>) hoam°S>m°Q>g
v) {dÚmWu Eo{Vhm{gH$ ñWim§Zm ^oQ>r XoVmo ho _________ `m C{ÔîQ>çmMo ñnîQ>rH$aU Amho.
A) A{^éMr
~) H$m¡eë`
H$) A{^d¥Îmr
S>) g_OUo
vi) B{VhmgmMo _w»` àH$ma _________ AmhoV.
A) nmM
~) Mma
H$) VrZ
S>) XmoZ
vii) B{Vhmg {df`mMr g§aMZm _________ Amho.
A) {Ì{_Vr`
~) {Û{_Vr`
H$) EH${_Vr`
S>) darb gd©
viii) àH$ën nÕVrMm OZH$ _________ `mg åhQ>bo OmVo.
A) ßboQ>mo
~) ñQ>rìhÝgZ
H$) {H$bn°{Q´>H$
S>) Om°Z S>çwB©
ix) B{Vhmg {df`mMo AÜ`mnZ H$aVmZm _________ {df`mer g_Ýd` gmYbm OmVmo.
A) {MÌH$bm
~) ^yJmob
H$) ^mfm
S>) darb gd©
x) "nmMdm doX' _________ {df`mbm åhQ>bo OmVo.
A) AW©emñÌ
~) B{Vhmg
H$) ^yJmob
S>) ^mfm
SLR-R – 7
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – IV : Methods of Teaching School Subject – History Methodology
Day and Date : Thursday, 21-1-2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Marks : 60
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) The candidates should read the original question in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
i) Describe the various method of teaching history and explain how will you use
the narration method effectively in teaching history.
ii) Explain the maxims of teaching history.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
i) What are the qualities and educational qualification of history teacher.
ii) What is history ? Explain in detail correlation of history with other school
4. Answer the following questions (any one) :
i) How will you make effective use of map and picture in history teaching ?
ii) Explain the place and importance of history in the school curriculum and
human life.
5. Answer the following questions in brief (any three) :
i) Objectives of teaching history
ii) Remedial teaching
iii) Achievement test
iv) History room.
SLR-R – 7
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
Imbrb àíZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVoohr EH$) :
i) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmÀ`m nÕVr gm§JyZ H$WZ hr nÕVr B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmV à^mdrnUo H$er
ii) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmMr gyÌo ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
i) B{Vhmg {ejH$mMr JwUd¡{eîQ>ço d e¡j{UH$ nmÌVm ñnîQ> H$am.
ii) B{Vhmg åhUOo H$m` ? B{Vhmg {df`mMm BVa {df`mer ghg§~§Y ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
i) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmV ZH$mem d {MÌo `m§Mm dmna à^mdr H$gm H$amdm Vo g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
ii) B{Vhmg embo` Aä`mgH«$_ Am{U _mZdr OrdZmVrb ñWmZ Am{U _hËd {dfX H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mo WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr VrZ) :
i) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmMr C{ÔîQ>ço
ii) CnMmamË_H$ AÜ`mnZm
iii) g§nmXZ MmMUr
iv) B{Vhmg Imobr.
SLR-R – 13
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New-CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – IV : Method of Teaching School Subject
Mathematics Method
Day and Date : Thursday, 21-1-2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) All candidates should read original questions in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternatives :
1) Remedial teaching is required in ____________ field.
a) Cognitive
b) Affective
c) Psychomotor d) Above all
2) To develop professional growth of mathematics teacher ____________ is
a) Workshop
b) Seminar
c) Both a) and b) d) None of these
3) ____________ is the pioneer of heuristic method.
a) Armstrong
b) Bacon
c) Kilpatric
d) Aristotle
4) Teaching and learning is ____________ process.
a) One way
b) Two way
c) Only teacher d) Only student
5) The first step of planning is ____________ planning.
a) Unit
b) Lesson
c) Annual
d) None of these
6) Experimental method is more used in the ____________ branch of
a) Geometry
b) Algebra
c) Arithmetic
d) All the above
7) Student reads the journals of mathematics is the example of ____________
a) Interest
b) Application
c) Personality Development
d) Skill
8) ____________ is not the class room objective of teaching of mathematics
a) Understanding
b) Analysis
c) Personality Development
d) Creativity
SLR-R – 13
9) Film strip is a ____________ aid.
a) Projective
b) None projective c) a) and b)
d) None of these
10) ____________ is used in mathematics for drawing map in geography.
a) Graph
b) Equation
c) a) and b) both d) None of the above
_amRr ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) CnMmamË_H$ AÜ`mnZmMr Amdí`H$Vm ____________ joÌmV AgVo.
A) ~moYmË_H$
~) ^mdZmË_H$ H$) {H«$`mË_H$
S>) darb gd©
2) J{UV {ejH$mÀ`m ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mgmgmR>r ____________ Amdí`H$Vm AgVo.
A) H¥$VrgÌ
~) narg§dmX
H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
3) ñd`§emoYZ nÕVrMo OZH$ ____________ ho AmhoV.
A) Am_©ñQ´>m±J
~) ~oH$m°Z
H$) H$mbn°Q´>rH$
S>) A°[añQ>m°Q>b
4) AÜ``Z AÜ`mnZ hr ____________ à{H«$`m Amho.
A) EH$H|$Ðr
~) {ÛH|$Ðr
H$) \$ŠV {ejH$ S>) \$ŠV {dXçmWu
5) {Z`moOZmMr _m{hVr nm`ar åhUOo ____________ {Z`moOZ hmo`.
A) KQ>H$
~) nmR>
H$) dmfuH$
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
6) J{UVmVrb ____________ emIm§_Ü`o àm`mo{JH$ nÕVrMm OmñV dmna hmoVmo.
A) ^w{_Vr
~) ~rOJ{UV H$) A§H$J{UV
S>) gd©
7) {dÚmWu J{UVmMr _m{gHo$ dmMVmo ho ____________ CÔrîQ>mMo CXmhaU Amho.
A) A{^éMr
~) Cn`moOZ
H$) ì`pŠV_Ëd {dH$mg
S>) H$m¡eë`
8) J{UV {df`mÀ`m AÜ`mnZmMo ____________ ho dJ© C{ÔîQ>ç Zmhr.
A) AmH$bZ
~) n¥ÏWH$aU
H$) ì`pŠV_Ëd {dH$mg
S>) g¥OZ{ebVm
9) {\$ë_ñQ´>rn ho ____________ gmYZ Amho.
A) àjo{nV
~) Aàojo{nV
H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) ^yJmobmVrb ZH$mem H$mT>VmZm J{UVmVrb ____________ Mr _XV KoVbr OmVo.
A) AmboI
~) g_rH$aU
H$) A) Am{U ~) S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 13
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (New-CBCS) Examination, 2016
Paper – IV : Method of Teaching School Subject
Mathematics Method
Day and Date : Thursday, 21-1-2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Marks : 60
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All candidates should read original questions in English.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Write professional growth of mathematics teacher and explain its role in
professional development.
2) Explain meaning, concept, nature of mathematics.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain in detail analytic method with examples in mathematics.
2) Explain in detail experimental method with examples in mathematics.
4. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain in detail qualification and qualities of mathematics teacher.
2) Explain in detail year plan in teaching mathematics.
5. Answer the following question in brief (any three) :
1) Unit plan
2) Remedial teaching
3) Write meaning of correlation and correction of mathematics within the
4) Write characteristics of a good text book of Mathematics.
SLR-R – 13
_amRr ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) J{UV {ejH$m§Mm ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mg åhUOo H$m` Vo {bhm ? ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mgmMr ^y{_H$m
H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$am ?
2) J{UV AÜ`mnZmMm AW©, ñdê$n Am{U ñWmZ H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) J{UV AÜ``ZmVrb n¥ÏWH$aU nÕVrMo CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
2) J{UV AÜ`mnZmVrb àm`mo{JH$ nÕVrMo CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) J{UV {ejH$m§Mr JwUd¡{eîQ>ço d nmÌVm g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
2) J{UV AÜ`nZmMo dm{f©H$ {Z`moOZ ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr VrZ) :
1) KQ>H$ {Z`moOZ
2) CnMmamË_H$ AÜ`mnZ
3) g_dm`Mm AW© {bhm. J{UVmMm emIm A§VJ©V g_dm` H$m` Vo {bhm ?
4) Mm§Jë`m nmR>ç nwñVH$mMo {ZH$f {bhm.
SLR-R – 14
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Principles and Psychology of Physical Education (Paper – I)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015
Time : 10.30. a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Instructions :
Max. Marks : 50
1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in
Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) The candidate should read the original question in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternative :
1) Physical age is depends upon ___________
a) Maturity of mind development
b) Classification of bones
c) Calender
d) None of these
2) Law of exercise is also known as ___________
a) Law of satisfaction
b) Law of frequency
c) Law of use and disuse
d) None of these
3) The origin of the word personality in Latin is ___________
a) Personal
b) Persona
c) Perso
d) Person
4) Learning of subject helps to learn another subject is called ___________ learning transfer.
a) Positive transfer
b) Negative transfer
c) Zero transfer
d) None of these
5) The cause of individual differences is ___________
a) Heredity
b) Environment
c) Sex difference and age
d) Above all
6) According to Watson, Psychology means ___________
a) Science of soul
b) Science of behaviour
c) Science of mind
d) Science of consciousness
7) In track event does not includes ___________ types.
a) 100 M. Run
b) Relay race
c) Walking
d) High Jump
8) Performance stagnates in which ___________ phase of learning.
a) Initial spurt
b) Middle spurt
c) Plateau
d) Final spurt
9) Recaputation Theory of play was propounded by ___________
a) Stenle hall
b) Karl Groose
c) Mcdougall
d) Herbert Spencer
10) In development process the term childhood means ___________
a) Storm period
b) Period of forgetting
c) Period of good memory
d) Gang age
SLR-R – 14
_amRr ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) emar[aH$ d` ho _____________ da Adb§~yZ AgVo.
A) _ZmÀ`m {dH$mgmÀ`m n[anŠdVo
~) hmS>mMo dJuH$aU
H$) H°$b|S>a
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) gamdmMm {Z`_ åhUyZ _____________ AmoiIbm OmVmo
A) g_mYmZmMm {Z`_
~) dma§dmarVoMm {Z`_
H$) Cn`moJ d AZwn`moJmMm {Z`_
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
3) ng©Z°{bQ>r `m eãXmMr CËnÎmr _yi b°{Q>Z _____________ eãXmnmgyZ Pmbobr Amho.
A) ng©Zb
~) nagmoZm
H$) nagmo
S>) ng©Z
4) EH$m {df`mÀ`m AÜ``ZmMm Xwgè`m {df`mÀ`m AÜ``Zmg _XV hmoV Agob Va Ë`m AÜ``Z g§H«$_Umg
_____________ åhUVmV.
A) YZ g§H«$_U
~) F$U g§H«$_U
H$) eyÝ` g§H«$_U
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) ì`pŠV^oX {Z_m©U hmoUmMr H$maUo _____________ AmhoV.
A) AZwd§e
~) dmVmdaU
H$) qbJ^oX d d`
S>) darb gd©
6) d°Q>gZÀ`m _Vo, _mZgemñÌ åhUOo _____________
A) AmËå`mMo emñÌ
~) dV©ZmMo emñÌ
H$) _ZmMo emñÌ
S>) ~moYmdñWoMo emñÌ
7) Q´>°H$ ~m~r_Ü`o _____________ àH$ma `oV ZmhrV.
A) 100 _r. YmdUo
~) [abo e`©V
S>) C§M C>S>r
H$) MmbUo
8) AÜ``Z dH«$mÀ`m _____________ `m AdñWoV H$m`©_mZ pñWamdVo.
A) gwImVrMm àJVrMm Q>ßnm
~) _Ü`_ àJVrMm Q>ßnm
H$) nR>mamdñWm
S>) A§{V_ àJVrMm Q>ßnm
9) nwZamd¥ËVr H«$sS>m {gÕm§V _____________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm.
A) ñQ>oÝbo hm°b
~) H$mb© J«wg
H$) _°H$S>çwJb
10) {dH$mg AdñWoV ~më`mdñWoMm H$mi åhUOo _____________
A) dmXir H$mi
~) {dñ_aU H$mi
H$) Mm§Jë`m ñ_aU eŠVrMm H$mi
S>) Q>moir H$mi
S>) h~©Q> ñnoZ²ga
SLR-R – 14
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Principles and Psychology of Physical Education (Paper – I)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015
Time : 10.30. a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Marks : 40
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The candidate should read the original question in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Explain the meaning terms – Athletics and sports and games.
2) Define psychology and explain its importance to physical education teacher.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Give the list of Growth and development stages. Explain any two stages of the
2) Explain the trial and error and insight learning theory.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Explain the concept of personality.
2) Write on sex differences between male and female.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Write note on chronological age.
2) Explain the objectives of physical education.
3) Explain the causes of individual differences.
SLR-R – 14
_amRr ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
1) A°Wbo{Q>Šg Am{U H«$sS>m d Ioi `m g§kmMm AW© ñnîQ> H$am.
2) _mZgemñÌ åhUOo H$m` Am{U Ë`mMo emar[aH$ {ejU {ejH$mbm _hËd ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
1) dmT> d {dH$mgmÀ`m AdñWoMr `mXr Úm. H$moUË`mhr XmoZ AdñWm ñnîQ> H$am.
2) MwH$m d {eH$m Am{U __©ÑîQ>r_wbH$ AÜ``Z CnnËVr ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) ì`pŠV_Ëd g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
2) nwéf - ñÌr gm§JmS>çmVrb \$aH$ {bhm.
5. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) H$mbà{UV d` {Q>n {bhm
2) emar[aH$ {ejUmMr CÔrîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am
3) ì`pŠV^oXmMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am.
SLR-R – 15
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Organization and Administration of Physical Education
Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
N.B. :
Max. Marks : 50
i) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in
Answer Book on Page No. 3.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) The candidates should read original questions in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternative :
i) Width standard swimming pool is __________
a) 50 m
b) 25 m
c) 21 m
d) None of these
ii) Period of implementation of budget is __________
a) 1st Jan. to 31st Dec.
b) 21st June to 31st May
c) 1 April to 31 Mar.
d) None of these
iii) __________ is chief while conducting district level tournament.
a) Sports Minister b) Vice Chancellor c) Principal
d) None of these
iv) U.G.C. means __________
a) University Grants Commission
b) University Group Council
c) United Grant Commission
d) None of these
v) Type of combination system is __________
a) Knockout cum league
b) League cum knockout
c) League cum league
d) Above all
vi) Intramural competition conducted within the player of ___________
a) Same institution
b) Among two institution
c) Among more institution
d) None of these
vii) In league system there are 6 team that time number of matches is _________
a) 12
b) 15
c) 10
d) None of these
viii) For physical education programme important facilities is __________
a) Swimming pool
b) Play ground
c) Gymnasium hall
d) Above all
SLR-R – 15
ix) ‘National Sports Day’ celebrated on _________
a) 1st March
b) 29 Aug.
c) 1st May
d) None of these
x) I.O.A. means __________
a) Indian Olympic Association
b) Indian Org. Association
c) India Olympic Archery
d) None of these
_amRr ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
i) XO}Xma nmohÊ`mÀ`m VbmdmMr é§Xr
A) 50 _r.
~) 25 _r.
H$) 21 _r.
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
ii) A§XmOnÌH$mMm H$mbmd{Y
A) 1 OmZo. Vo 31 {S>g|~a
~) 21 OyZ Vo 31 _o
H$) 1 Eàrb Vo 31 _mM©
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
iii) {Oëhm H«$sS>m ñnY}Mm à_wI
A) H«$sS>m_§Ìr
~) Hw$bJwé
H$) àmMm`©
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
iv) ` Mm AW©
A) `w{Zìh©{gQ>r J«±Q>g² H$_reZ
~) `w{Zìh©{gQ>r J«yn H$m¡Ýgrb
H$) `wZm`Q>oS> J«±Q> H$_reZ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
v) {_l nÕVrÀ`m gm_Ý`mMo àH$ma
A) ~mX d gmIir nÕV
~) gmIir d ~mX nÕV
H$) gmIir d gmIir nÕV
S>) darb gd©
vi) Am§VaHw$b ñnYm© øm
_Ü`o hmoVmV.
A) EH$mM g§ñWo_Ü`o ~) XmoZ g§ñWm_Ü`o H$) AZoH$ g§ñWm_Ü`o S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
vii) gmIir nÕVrÀ`m JQ>m_Ü`o 6 g§K gh^mJr hmoV AgVrb Va gm_Ý`mMr g§»`m
A) 12
~) 15
H$) 10
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
viii) emar[aH$ {ejU H$m`©H«$_mgmR>r _hÎdmÀ`m gw{dYm
A) nmohÊ`mMm Vbmd ~) IoimMo _¡XmZ H$) ì`m`m_ embm S>) darb gd©
ix) "amîQ´>r` H«$sS>m {XZ'
bm gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) 1 _mM©
~) 29 Am°JñQ>
H$) 1 _o
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
x) I.O.A. åhUOo
A) B§{S>`Z Am°b§nrH$ Agmo{gEeZ
~) B§{S>`Z Am°J©ZmBPoeZ Agmo{gEeZ
H$) B§{S>`Z Am°b§nrH$ AmM©ar
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 15
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Organization and Administration of Physical Education
Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
N.B. :
Marks : 40
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) The candidates should read original questions in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
i) Define organization and administration and explain the principles of organization
and administration of physical education.
ii) What do you mean by intramurals and extramurals ? Explain the importance of
intramurals and extramurals.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
i) What is the ‘Budget’ and write down the principles of preparing good budget.
ii) Explain the procedure for purchase of sports material and how will you maintain
and take care of them.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
i) Gymnasium hall
ii) Knockout system.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
i) Play ground
ii) Types of periods in physical education
iii) Merits and demerits of league method.
SLR-R – 15
_amRr ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
i) {Z`moOZ d ì`dñWmnZ åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ {Z`moOZ d ì`dñWmnZmMr VÎdo ñnîQ> H$am.
ii) Am§VaHw$b d ~{h©JV gm_Zo åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ emar[aH$ {ejUmV Ë`mMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
i) A§XmOnÌH$ åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ A§XmOnÌH$ V`ma H$amd`mMr VÎdo {bhm.
ii) Ioi gm{hË` IaoXr H$aÊ`mMr nÕV ñnîQ> H$am Am{U Vwåhr Ë`mMr {ZJm d H$miOr H$er ¿`mb
Vo gm§Jm.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
i) ì`m`m_ emim
ii) gm_Ý`mMr ~mX nÕVr.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
i) _¡XmZ
ii) emar[aH$ {ejU VmgmMo àH$ma
iii) gmIir nÕVrMo \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o.
SLR-R – 16
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2015
Anatomy and Physiology (Paper – III) (Old)
Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose appropriate alternative of the following :
1) ________ is produced in liver.
a) Intestinal juice
b) Pancreatic juice
c) Bile
d) Saliva
2) ________ muscle is found in the heart.
a) Voluntary muscle
b) Involuntary muscle
c) Cardiac muscle
d) All the above
3) Muscle are attached to bone is
a) Voluntary muscle
b) Involuntary muscle
c) Cardiac muscle
d) None of these
4) In digestive system churning of food occurs in the
a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Stomach
d) None of these
5) The exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide in respiratory system occurs in
a) diaphragm
b) trachea
c) alveolus
d) all
6) ________ is a part of excretory system.
a) Heart
b) Stomach
c) Skin
d) Pancreas
7) Bone marrow consist of
a) Long bone
b) Heart
c) Bile
d) Skin
8) Respiration taking place in the tissue cell is called
a) Tissue respiration
b) Cellular respiration
c) External respiration
d) Internal respiration
SLR-R – 16
9) ________ brings the impure blood from all parts of the body back to the
a) Veins
b) Capillaries
c) Vein and capillaries
d) None of these
10) ________ are the basic unit of which the nervous system is made and which
carry out the functions of the nervous system.
a) Muscles
b) Ear
c) Nose
d) Neurons
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. Imbrb ~hþn`m©`r àíZmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {bhm :
1) `H¥$Vm _Ü`o _____ V`ma hmoVo.
A) Am§Ìag
~) ñdmXwqnS>ag H$) {nÎm
S>) bmi
2) _____ ñZm`y öX`m_Ü`| AgVmo.
A) EpÀN>H$
~) AZ¡pÀN>H$
H$) öX`mMm
S>) d[ab gd©
3) _____ ñZm`y hm§S>mZm {MH$Q>bobo AgVmV.
A) EpÀN>H$
~) AZ¡pÀN>H$
H$) öX`mMm
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) nMZg§ñWo _Úo AÝZmMo KwgiUo _____ {R>H$mUr hmoVo.
A) `H¥$V
~) ñdmXwqnS>
H$) OR>a
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) ídgZ g§ñWoMo _____ ^mJmV Am°pŠgOZ d H$m~©ZS>m`Am°ŠgmB©S> Mr XodKod hmoVo.
A) ídmgnQ>b
~) ídmgZ{bH$m H$) dm`wH$moe
S>) gd©
6) _____ hm CËgO©Z g§ñWoMm ^mJ Amho.
A) öX`
~) OR>a
H$) ËdMm
S>) ñdmXwqnS>
7) ApñW_‚mm (~moZ _°amo) ho _____ _Ü`o AgVo.
A) bm§~ hmS>o
~) öX`
H$) {nÎm
S>) ËdMm
8) ídgZ earamVrb noer_Ü`o KS>Vo Ë`mbm _____ åhUVmV.
A) CpŠVídgZ
~) noerídgZ
H$) ~møídgZ
S>) AV:ídgZ
9) _____ earamÀ`m ^mJmH$Sy>Z AewÕ aŠV öX`mH$S>o ZoVmV.
A) {eam
~) Ho${eH$m
H$) {eam Am{U Ho${eH$m
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) _____ `m MoVmg§ñWoÀ`m aMZmË_H$ d H$m`m©Ë_H$ KQ>H$ Amho.
A) ñZm`y
~) H$mZ
H$) ZmH$
S>) MoVmnoer
SLR-R – 16
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2015
Anatomy and Physiology (Paper – III) (Old)
Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 40
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Neat diagram should be drawn where necessary.
2) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) List the types of bones and differentiate between Male and Female skeletons.
2) Draw a neat diagram of skin label the parts and explain the functions of skin.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Draw a neat diagram of Lung label the parts and describe the respiration
2) Draw a diagram of Pancrea label the parts and explain the structure and
functions of pancreas.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Reflex Action
2) Red and white muscle.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Brain
2) Muscle fatigue
3) Oxygen debt.
SLR-R – 16
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) hmS>m§À`m àH$mamMr `mXr H$am Am{U nwéf d pñÌ gm§JmS>`mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am.
2) ËdMoMr AmH¥$Vr H$mT>>m ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm Am{U ËdMoMo H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) \w$ß\w$gmMr AmH¥$Vr H$mT>>m ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm Am{U ídmgmoÀN>UgmMr à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am.
2) ñdmXw{n§S>mMr AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm Am{U ñdmXw{n§S>mMr aMZm d H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) à{V{jßV {H«$`m
2) nm§T> ao Am{U Vm§~S>o ñZm`y.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) _|Xy
2) ñZm`yMm WH$dm
3) àmUdm`yMo F$U.
SLR-R – 17
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Rules of Games and Sports (Part – I) (Paper – IV)
Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
N.B. : I) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in
Answer Book on Page No. 3.
II) All questions are compulsory.
III) Neat diagram drawn where necessary.
IV) Candidates who intend to write the answer in marathi are advised
to read English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
I) Duration of Kho-Kho match is ____________
a) 10 + 10 + 10
b) 9 + 5 + 9
c) 15 + 5 + 15
d) None of these
II) Breast stroke is related to ____________
a) swimming
b) Realy
c) Basketball
d) Hockey
III) In a handball thickness of the line between the Goal post is ____________
a) 5 c.m.
b) 3 c.m.
c) 9 c.m.
d) None of these
IV) The distance for Marathon Race is ________
a) 40 km
b) 42.195 km
c) 45 km
d) 43 km
V) The length and width of swimming pool is __________
a) 50 × 21 m
b) 20 × 20 m
c) 15 × 10 m
d) 10 × 10 m
VI) In Basketball the height of the board is ________
a) 3.05 m
b) 3.00 m
c) 2.90 m
d) 2.00 m
VII) In Athletics the width of a lane is _________
a) 1.25 m
b) 1.35 m
c) 1.10 m
d) None of these
VIII) __________ players make hockey team.
a) 10
b) 16
c) 12
d) 9
IX) The length of relay batten is ________
a) 40 c.m.
b) 50 c.m.
c) 30 c.m.
d) 20 c.m.
X) ___________ word related to Kho-Kho.
a) Deuce
b) Libero
c) Kick
d) Sudden death
SLR-R – 17
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
Imo-Imo gm_Ý`mMm H$mbmdYr ______________
A) 10+10+10
~) 9+5+9
H$) 15+5+15
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
"~«oñQ> ñQ´>moH$' hm ______________ er g§~§{YV Amho.
A) nmohUo
~) [abo
H$) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b
S>) hm°H$s
h°ÝS>~m°b _Ü`o Jmob nmoñQ> _Yrb aofoMr OmS>r ______________ AgVo.
A) 5 g|._r.
~) 3 g|._r.
H$) 9 g|._r.
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
_°a oWmZ ñnY}Mo A§Va ______________
A) 40 {H$._r.
H$) 45 {H$._r.
~) 42.195 {H$._r.
S>) 43 {H$._r.
XO}Xma nmohÊ`mMm VbmdmMm AmH$ma ______________
A) 50 × 21 _r. ~) 20 × 20 _r. H$) 15 × 10 _r.
S>) 10 × 10 _r.
~mñHo$Q>~m°b _Yrb ~moS>©Mr C§Mr ______________
A) 3.05 _r.
~) 3.00 _r.
H$) 2.90 _r.
S>) 2.00 _r.
A°WboQ>rŠg _Yrb YmdU _mJm©Mr ê§$Xr ______________
A) 1.25 _r.
~) 1.35 _r.
H$) 1.10 _r.
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
VIII) ______________ IoimB§Mm {_iyZ hm°H$s g§K V`ma hmoVmo.
A) 10
~) 16
H$) 12
[abo ~°Q>ZMr bm§~r ______________ go._r.
A) 40
~) 50
H$) 30
S>) 9
S>) 20
X) ______________ hm eãX Imo-Imo Ioimer g§~§{YV Amho.
A) S>çwg
~) {b~oamo
H$) H$sH$
S>) gS>Z S>oW
SLR-R – 17
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Rules of Games and Sports (Part – I) (Paper – IV)
Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Marks : 40
Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Neat diagram drawn where necessary.
iii) Candidates who intend to write the answer in marathi are
advised to read English paper also.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
I) Explain construction and maintenance of cinder track.
II) In a 400 m track the length of the track is 79 m find out the R.D.R. and M.R
and calculate the stagger distance for lane No. 7 & 8.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
I) Draw a neat diagram of hockey court with measurement and give the names
various area.
II) Draw a neat diagram of Kho-Kho court with measurement and give the names
of various area.
4. Answer the following question in brief :
I) Batten Exchange in Relay Race.
II) Write five hand signals in Handball.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
I) Type of swimming.
II) Write the duties of Lawn Tennis officials.
III) Technical equipment and their use in Basketball.
SLR-R – 17
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
I) qgS>a Q´>°H$Mr ~m§YUr d {ZJm ñnîQ> H$am.
II) 400 _r. YmdZ _mJm©Mr gaiMr ~mOy 79 _r. Amho Ë`mMr YmdÊ`mMr {ÌÁ`m d AmIÊ`mMr
{ÌÁ`m H$mTy>Z boZ Z§ 7 d 8 Mo dmT>rd A§Va H$mT>m.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
I) hm°H$sÀ`m _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmghm AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Úm.
II) Imo-Imo À`m _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Úm.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
I) [abo aog _Yrb Xm§Ty> AXbm~Xbr joÌ.
II) h°ÝS>~m°b n§MmMo nmM hmV Bemao {bhm.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
I) nmohÊ`mÀ`m àH$mamMo ñnîQ>rH$aU.
II) bm°Z Q>o{Zg gm_Zm{YH$mè`mMr H$V©ì`o.
III) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b _Yrb Vm§ÌrH$ gm{hË` Am{U Ë`mMm Cn`moJ.
SLR-R – 18
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Advanced Coaching of Sports and Games
Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
N. B. :
Max. Marks : 50
I) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
II) All questions are compulsory.
III) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) Range of movement at the joint is called _________
a) Speed
b) Endurance
c) Flexibility
d) Agility
2) Qualification of a coach is _________
a) B.P.Ed.
b) C.P.Ed.
c) N.I.S.
d) M.P.Ed.
3) Olympic training plane require __________
a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) 4 years
d) 1 year
4) Advantage of proper kit is ____________
a) Increase the team sprite
b) Increase the attraction of game
c) In the game skill is easily
d) All above
5) Positional play in football is ____________
a) Left in
b) Corner
c) Setup
d) Cover
6) Straddle role is related to _________
a) Sprints
b) Volleyball
c) High Jump
d) Swimming
7) Douz is related to the game ___________
a) T.T.
b) Football
c) Tennis
d) Cricket
8) Lay up shot skill is related to the game _________
a) Hockey
b) Football
c) Basket ball
d) Volleyball
SLR-R – 18
9) Libero is related to the game _________
a) Football
b) Volleyball
c) T.T.
10) Bullet start related to __________
a) Long Jump
b) Shot put
c) Jovilin
d) Basketball
d) Sprint
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. Imbrb `mo½` Vo n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) gm§Ü`mVrb hmbMmbrMm {dñVma åhUOo
A) doJ
~) X_XmanUm
H$) bd{MH$Vm
S>) {Xem{^_wIVm
2) _mJ©Xe©H$mMr nmÌVm
H$) EZ.Am`.Eg². S>) E_².nr.ES²>.
3) Am°qbnrH$ à{ejUmMm H$mbmdYr
A) 3 _{hZo
~) 6 _{hZo
H$) 4 df}
S>) 1 df©
4) `mo½` {H«$S>m nmofmImMm \$m`Xm
A) gm§{KH$ ^mdZm dmT>{dUo
~) IoimH$S>o AmH$f©U dmT>{dUo
H$) IoimVrb H$m¡eë` ghO H$aVm `oUo
S>) darb gd©
5) \w$Q>~m°b_Yrb OmJodarb Ioi
A) boâQ> BZ
~) H$m°Z©a
H$) goQ> An
S>) H$ìha
6) ñQ´>°S>b amob ho H$m¡eë` H$moUË`m ~m~rer g§~§YrV Amho ?
A) YmdUo
~) ìhm°br~m°b
H$) C§M CS>r
S>) nmohUo
7) S>çyg hm H$moUË`m Ioimer g§~§YrV Amho ?
A) Q>o~b Q>o{Zg
~) \w$Q>~m°b
H$) Q>o{Zg
S>) {H«$Ho$Q>
8) bo An em°Q> ho
Ioimer g§~§YrV Amho.
A) hm°H$s
~) \w$Q>~m°b
H$) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b
S>) hm°br~m°b
9) {b~oamo hr g§km
Ioimer g§~§YrV Amho.
A) \w$Q>~m°b
~) hm°br~m°b
H$) Q>r.Q>r.
S>) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b
10) ~wboQ> ñQ>mQ>©
Ioimer g§~§YrV Amho.
A) bm§~ CS>r
~) Jmoim \o$H$
H$) ^mbm\o$H$
S>) ñàtQ>
SLR-R – 18
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Advanced Coaching of Sports and Games
Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
N. B. :
I) All questions are compulsory.
II) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
2. Answer the following any one of them :
1) Define coaching, explain need of coaching.
2) Explain the meaning and components of physical fitness.
3. Answer the following any one of them :
1) List the fundamental skill of Kabaddi and analyse any two skills.
2) Explain the qualification and responsibilities of coach.
4. Answer the following in brief :
1) Positional play
2) Feeling and emotions in sports.
5. Answer the following in brief :
1) Need of coaching camps
2) Qualities of a coach
3) Handling of individuals.
SLR-R – 18
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) {H«$S>m _mJ©Xe©ZmMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ {H«$S>m _mJ©Xe©ZmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am.
2) emar[aH$ j_VoMr ì`m»`m {bhm d emar[aH$ j_VoMo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) H$~È>r `m IoimÀ`m _yb^yV H$m¡eë`mMr `mXr XoD$Z H$moUË`mhr XmoZ H$m¡eë`mMo n¥W:H$aU
2) {H«$S>m _mJ©Xe©H$mgmR>r Amdí`H$ nmÌVm gm§JyZ O~m~Xmè`m ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) OmJodarb Ioi
2) IoimVrb OmUrd d ^mdZm.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) _mJ©Xe©Z {e{~amMr JaO
2) _mJ©Xe©H$mMr JwU d¡{eîQ>ço
3) ì`pŠVJV hmVmiUr.
SLR-R – 19
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Methodology of Physical Education (Paper – VI)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) Types of preparation are
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) One
2) Types of physical education lessons are
a) Three
b) One
c) Two
d) Four
3) ________ method is used for the recovery of student’s old knowledge.
a) Oral method
b) Lecture method
c) Orientation method
d) Discuss
4) For the teaching every skill use
a) Simple to complex method
c) Special to simple method
b) Complex to simple method
d) None of these
5) Under arm pass skill is related to _______ game.
a) Football
b) Cricket
c) Volleyball
d) Kho-Kho
6) _______ step is related for the specific lesson.
a) Specific exercise
b) Recreation part
c) Dance
d) Drill
7) For the teaching of callisthenics types ______ class formation is used.
a) Single line
b) Half circle
c) Double line
d) Above all
8) ______ is used in teaching aids.
a) Lecture
c) Picture
b) Demonstration
d) Command
SLR-R – 19
9) _______ is used in demonstration method.
a) Lecture
b) Demonstration
c) Command
d) Above all
10) _______ time required for the teaching part in physical educations practice
a) 5 min
b) 10 min
c) 15 min
d) 30 min
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) nyd© V`marMo EHy$U _________ àH$ma AmhoV.
A) XmoZ
~) VrZ
H$) Mma
S>) EH$
2) emar[aH$ {ejU nmR>mMo EHy$U àH$ma _________ AmhoV.
A) VrZ
~) EH$
H$) XmoZ
S>) Mma
3) {dÜ`mÏ`m©À`m nyd©kmZmVm nwZ©{O{dV H$aÊ`mgmR>r _________ nÕVrMm dmna H$aVmV.
A) Vm§oS>r nÕV
~) ì`m»`mV nÕV H$) ZyVZrH$aU nÕV S>) MMm©
4) àË`oH$ H$m¡eë` {eH$dVmZm
A) gmoß`mH$Sy>Z AdKS>mH$S>o Omdo
~) AdKS>mH$Sy>Z gmoß`mH$S>o Omdo
H$) {d{eîQ>m H$Sy>Z gm_mÝ`mH$S>o Omdo
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) "A§S>a Am_© nmg' ho H$m¡eë` _________ Iobmer g§~§{XV Amho.
A) \w$Q>~m°b
~) {H«$Ho$Q>
H$) ìhm°br~m°b
S>) Imo.Imo.
6) ________ hr {deof nmR>míMr g§~§Yr nm`ar Amho.
A) nyaH$ ì`m`m_
~) _Zmoa§OZmË_H$ ^mJ
H$) Z¥Ë`
S>) H$dm`V
7) H$dm`V àH$ma {eH${dÊ`mgmR>r _________ `m dJ©aMZoMm dmna H$aVmV.
A) EH$m aoIoVrb
~) AY©dVw©b
H$) Xwhoar am§J
S>) darb gd©
8) e¡j{UH$ gmYZm_Ü`o _________ `mMm dmna H$aVmV.
A) ì`m»`mZ
~) àmË`{jH$
H$) {MÌ
S>) AmXoe
9) S>o_m°ÝñQ´>oeZ nÕVr_Ü`o _________ Ë`mMm dmna H$aVmV.
A) ì`m»`mZ
~) àmË`{jH$
H$) AmXoe
S>) darb gd©
10) emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m gamd nmR>>m_Ü`o {eH$dÊ`mMm ^mJ `mgmR>r _________ doi AgVmo.
A) 5 {_.
~) 10 {_.
H$) 15 {_.
S>) 30 {_.
SLR-R – 19
B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2015
Methodology of Physical Education (Paper – VI)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) What do you mean by method of teaching ? Describe any two of them.
2) What do you mean by lesson plan ? Explain the steps of specific lesson of
physical education.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Explain the scope and importance of presentation technique.
2) List the effective steps of teaching physical education and explain them.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Explain Keyboard and monitor.
2) Write the method of publicity.
5. Answer the following in brief :
1) Explain the steps of General lesson in physical education.
2) Explain the “simple to complex method” with example.
3) Explain the need of publicity in physical education.
SLR-R – 19
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) AÜ`mnZ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` ? H$moUË`mhr XmoZ nÕVrMo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am ?
2) nmR> `moOZm åhUOo H$m` ? emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m {deof nmR>mÀ`m nm`è`mMo g{dñVa dU©Z
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) àñVyVrH$aUmÀ`m V§ÌmMr ì`mßVr d _hËd ñnîQ> H$am.
2) emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m à^mdr nm`è`m H$moUË`m ho ñnîQ> H$am ?
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) H$s~mooS>© Am{U _mo{ZQ>a `m ~Xb ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
2) à{g{ÕgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m nÕVrMo dU©Z H$am.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m gm_mÝ` nmR>mÀ`m nm`è`m§Mo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am.
2) gmoß`mH$Sy>Z AdKS>mH$S>o, `m nÕVrMo gmoXmhaU ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
3) emar[aH$ {ejUm_Ü`o à{gÕrMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am.
SLR-R – 20
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Paper – VII : History of Physical Education
Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in
Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are Compulsory.
3) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read their English paper also.
Duration : 15 Minutes
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternative :
1) The father of Modern Olympic game is ___________
A) Peayer de Cubertien
B) Aliwar Kotiyas
C) Avnest Kortius
D) Peayer B Kubertien
2) The father of Gymnastics in sweeden is called to __________
A) H. P. Swing
B) H. P. Ling
C) B. H. Ling
D) None of these
3) Horse riding, wrestling and Archery are the type of training in ________
A) Moghul period B) Epic period
C) Vedic period
D) None of these
4) National physical fitness programme started by __________
A) Ministry of Education
B) Ministry of social welfare
C) Ministry of sports
D) Ministry of Education and social welfare
5) Netaji Subhash National Institution of sports established in _________
A) To strengthen the status of game
B) To strengthen the status of individual
C) To prepare expert guide
D) Above all
6) Arjun Award is given on _________ day
A) 29 August
B) 29 Sept.
C) 29 October
D) 29 July
7) Common Wealth game started in ___________
A) 1920
B) 1940
C) 1930
D) 1950
8) Y. M. C. A. means ___________
A) Young man Christen Alliance
C) Young man Christen America
B) Young man Christen Association
D) None of these
SLR-R – 20
9) Indian Olympic Association established in __________
A) 1948
B) 1943
C) 1933
D) 1927
10) The credit of starting Asian games is given to _________
A) Shri Gurudatta Sondhi and Yajuvendra
B) Yajuvendra and Pandit Neharu
C) Indira Gandhi and Gurudatta Sondhi
D) Dilip Sinh and Yajuvendra
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) AmYw{ZH$ Am°{bånrH$ IoimMm OZH$ _______ `mbm åhUVmV.
A) {nAa S>r Hw$~Q>uZ
~) Ambrda H$moQ>r`g
H$) AZ¡ñQ> H$moQ>u`g
S>) {nAa ~r Hw$~Q>uZ
2) {ñdS>Z_Ü`o {O_Z°ñQ>rH$Mo OZH$ _______ `m§Zm _mZbo OmVo.
A) EM. nr. pñd¨J
~) EM. nr. qbJ H$) ~r. EM. qbJ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
3) AídmamohZ, _wîR>r`wÜX d YZw©{dÚm ho à{ejU àH$ma _______ _Ü`o `oVmV.
A) _moKb H$mi
~) B{nH$ H$mi
H$) do{XH$ H$mi
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) amîQ´>r` emar[aH$ j_Vm _mo{h_ _______ V\}$$gwé Pmbr.
A) {ejU _§Ìmb`
~) g_mO H$ë`mU _§Ìmb`
H$) H«$sS>m _§Ìmb`
S>) {ejU d g_mO H$ë`mU _§Ìmb`
5) ZoVmOr gw^mf amîQ´>r` H«$sS>m g§ñWmZMr ñWmnZm _______ gmR>r Pmbr.
A) IoimMm XOm© dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r
~) IoimS>y>§Mm d¡`ŠVrH$ XOm© dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r
H$) Vk _mJ©Xe©H$ V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r
S>) d[ab gd©
6) AOw©Z nwañH$ma _______ amoOr àXmZ Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) 29 Am°JñQ>
~) 29 gßQ>|~a
H$) 29 Am°ŠQ>mo~a
S>) 29 Owb¡
7) amîQ´>Hw$b ñnY}Mr gwadmV _______ gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1920
~) 1940
H$) 1930
S>) 1950
8) dm`. E_. gr. E. åhUOo _______ hmo`.
A) `§J _°Z {¼íMZ Abm`Ýg
~) `§J _°Z {¼íMZ Agmo{gEeZ
H$) `§J _°Z {¼íMZ A_o[aH$m
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) ^maVr` Am°{bånrH$ g§KQ>ZoMr ñWmnZm _______ _Ü`o Pmbr.
A) 1948
~) 1943
H$) 1933
S>) 1927
10) Am{e`mB© ñnYm© gwê$ H$aÊ`mMo lo` _______ `m§Zm OmVo.
A) lr Jwê$XËV gm|Yr d `OwdoÝÐ
~) `OwdoÝÐ d n§{S>V Zohé
H$) B§{Xam Jm§Yr d JwéXËVm gm|Yr
S>) {X{bn qgh d `OwdoÝÐ
SLR-R – 20
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Paper – VII : History of Physical Education
Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are Compulsory.
2) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read their English paper also.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Describe the historical development of Modern Olympic games.
2) Describe the status of physical education in vedic and Moghul period.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Explain the physical education in Ancient Rome and Greece.
2) Write the importance of following institutions :
A) Sports Authority of India.
B) Netaji Subhash National Institution of sports.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Write on Y. M. C. A.
2) Explain the Scouts and Guides.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Explain Asian games.
2) Write on Arjun Award.
3) Explain contribution of Akhadas and Vyayamshala.
SLR-R – 20
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Ibrb àíZm§Mr CËVao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
1) AmYw{ZH$ Am°{bånrH$ ñnYm©Mo Eo{Vhm{gH$ dU©Z H$am.
2) do{XH$ H$mi d _moKb H$mimVrb ^maVmVrb emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m {ñWVrMo dU©Z H$am.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
1) nwamVZ amo_ d {ñdS>Z_Yrb emar[aH$ {ejU ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Imbrb g§ñWmMo _hËd {dfX H$am :
A) ^maVr` H«$sS>m àmYrH$aU
~) ZoVmOr gw^mf amîQ´>r` H«$sS>m g§ñWm.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) dm`. E_. gr. E. _m{hVr {bhm.
2) ñH$mD$Q> d JmBS> ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) Am{e`mB© ñnYm© ñnîQ> H$am.
2) AOy©Z nwañH$ma _m{hVr {bhm.
3) AmImS>m d ì`m`m_ emimMo `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am.
SLR-R – 21
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Health Education (Paper – VIII)
Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : i) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) The candidates should read the original questions in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose proper alternative :
i) The relation of ___________ disease is to heredity.
a) Blood pressure b) Fatness
c) Diabetic
d) All above
ii) ___________ disease caused by virus.
a) Chickenpox
b) Leprosy
c) Tuberculosis
d) None of these
iii) The study of heredity is called as ___________
a) Psychology
b) Chemistry
c) Genetics
d) Sociology
iv) World Health Day is celebrated on ___________ day.
b) 7th January
a) 7th May
d) 29th September
c) 7th April
v) HIV virus causes ___________
a) Malaria
c) Cholera
d) Diabetes
vi) The effect of air pollution on health is ___________
a) Asthma
b) Continuity of Chilly
c) Diseases of Lungs
d) All the above
vii) ___________ is used for avoiding the disease of Malaria.
a) School Cleanliness
b) Campus Cleanliness
c) Personal Hygiene
d) All the above
viii) Sound pollution is measured through ___________
a) Pounds
b) Centigrade
c) Decibel
d) None of these
SLR-R – 21
ix) AIDS Day is celebrated on ___________ day.
a) 1st November b) 1st December c) 1st January
d) None of these
x) ___________ is a skin disease.
a) Asthma
b) Cholera
d) Itch
c) Typhoid
_amRr ê$nm§Va
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
i) AZwd§{eH$Voer _____________ amoJm§Mm g§~§Y Amho.
A) aŠVXm~
~) ñWybVm
H$) _Yw_oh
S>) darb gd©
ii) {dfmUw_wio _____________ Vo amoJ hmoVmo.
A) H$m§OÊ`m
~) Hw$îR>>amoJ
H$) j`amoJ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
iii) AZwd§{eH$VoÀ`m Aä`mgmg _____________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) _mZgemñÌ
~) agm`ZemñÌ H$) AZwd§eemñÌ S>) g_mOemñÌ
iv) OmJ{VH$ Amamo½` {XZ _____________ amoOr gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) 7 _o
~) 7 OmZodmar H$) 7 E{àb
S>) 29 gßQ>|~a
v) EM.Am`.ìhr. {dfmUw_wio _____________ amoJ hmoVmo.
A) {hdVmn
~) ES>g²
H$) H$m°bam
S>) _Yw_oh
vi) hdm àXyfUmZo ñdmñÏ`mda _____________ Xwîn[aUm_ {XgyZ `oVmV.
A) X_m
~) g{X©nS>ñ`mMo gmVË`
H$) \w$â\w$gmMo {dH$ma
S>) darb gd©
vii) _bo[a`m amoJ Q>miÊ`mgmR>r _____________ Mm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) embo` ñdÀN>Vm
~) n[aga ñdÀN>Vm
H$) d¡`pŠVH$ ñdÀN>Vm
S>) darb gd©
viii) AmdmOmMo àXyfU _____________ _mnH$mMo ghmæ`mZo _moOVmV.
A) nmD§$S>>g²
~) g|{Q>J«oS>
H$) S>o{g~b
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
ix) ES>g² {XZ _____________ {Xder gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) 1 Zmoìh|~a
~) 1 {S>g|~a
H$) 1 OmZodmar
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
x) _____________ hm ËdMm amoJ Amho.
A) X_m
~) nQ>H$s
H$) Q>m`\$m°B©S>
S>) Iê$O
SLR-R – 21
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Health Education (Paper – VIII)
Day and Date : Wednesday, 16-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) The candidates should read the original questions in English.
2. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Explain the symptoms and prevention of AIDS.
2) Explain the symptoms and prevention of Malaria.
3. Answer the following questions (any one) :
1) Describe an ideal health service for secondary school.
2) What do you mean by balanced diet ? Explain its need for human being.
4. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Heredity
2) Life style.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Family Planning.
2) Write effect of environment on health.
3) Physical and Mental Health.
SLR-R – 21
_amRr ê$nm§Va
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
ES>g²Mr bjUo H$moUVr gm§JyZ à{V~§YmË_H$ Cnm` H$moUVo H$amb ñnîQ>> H$am.
{hdVmnmMr bjUo H$moUVr gm§JyZ à{V~§YmË_H$ Cnm` H$moUVo H$amb ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
_mÜ`{_H$ emioVrb AmXe© Amamo½` godoMo dU©Z H$am.
g_Vmob Amhma åhUOo H$m` ? _mZdr OrdZmV Ë`mMr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
Hw$Qw>§~ {Z`moOZ.
Amamo½`mda dmVmdaUmMm hmoUmam n[aUm_ {bhm.
emar[aH$ Am{U _mZ{gH$ Amamo½`.
SLR-R – 22
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Kinesiology and Biomechanics (Paper – IX)
Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer
Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the
original questions in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternative :
1) Pronation and supination movements occours from __________ joint.
a) Wrist joint
b) Shoulder joint
c) Radio ulnar joint
d) All
2) Dorsi flexion and plantar flexion movements occurs from ________ joint.
a) Shoulder joint
b) Radio ulnar joint c) Wrist joint
d) Ankle joint
3) In version and eversion movements occurs from
a) Knee
b) Ankle
c) a and b
d) None of these
4) When body parts moves in all direction it is known as
a) Abduction
b) Adduction
c) Circumduction
d) Plantation
5) Newtons third law of motion is known as
a) Law of inertia
b) Law of action reaction
c) Law of movementum
d) Law of gravitation
6) Example of Hinge is
a) Elbow joint
b) Knee joint
c) a and b
d) Shoulder joint
7) Example of ball and socket joint is
a) Shoulder joint
b) Hip joint
c) a and b
d) Elbow joint
8) There are ________ kinds of levers according to the position of the applied force the
fulcrum of the load.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
9) Acceleration is the
a) Complex motion
c) Frication
b) Rate of change of velocity
d) All
10) Biomechanics is bound to act in perfect conformity with
a) The biological law
b) The mechanical law
c) The psychological law
d) None of these
SLR-R – 22
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. gMyH$$ n`m©` {ZdS>m.
1) àmoZoeZ, gw{nZoeZ hmbMmb __________ gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoVo.
A) _ZJQ>mMm gm§Ym
~) Im§ÚmMm gm§Ym
H$) aoS>rAmo AbZma gm§Ym S> ) gd©
2) S>mogu âboŠeZ d ßb°ÝQ>a âboŠeZ hr hmbMmb __________ gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoVo.
A) Im§ÚmMm gm§Ym
~) aoS>rAmo AbZma gm§Ym
H$) _ZJQ>mMm gm§Ym
S> ) KmoQ>çmMm gm§Ym
3) Bìhe©Z d BÝìhe©Z hr hmbMmb
A) JwS>Ym
__________ _Ü`o hmoVo.
~) KmoQ>m
H$) A Am{U ~
S> ) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) Ooìhm earamMm ^mJ gd© {Xeobm {\$aVmo Voìhm Ë`mg __________ åhUVmV.
A) AãS>>ŠeZ
~) AS>ŠeZ
H$) gaH$_S>ŠeZ
S> ) ßb°mÝQ>oeZ
5) Ý`yQ> ZMm J{d{df` {Vgè`m {Z`_mbm __________ åhUVmV.
A) OS>ËdmMm {Z`_
~) {H«$`m à{V{H«$`m {Z`_
H$) hmbMmbrMm {Z`_
S> ) JwéËdmH$f©UmMm {Z`_
__________ ho {~OmJapÀ`m gm§Ü`mMo CXmhaU Amho.
A) H$monè`mMm gm§Ym
~) JwS>Ü`mMm gm§Ym
H$) A Am{U ~
S> ) Im§ÚmMm gm§Ym
H$) A Am{U ~
S> ) H$monè`mMm gm§Ym
7) CgirÀ`m gm§Ü`mMo CXmhaU ho
A) Im§ÚmMm gm§Ym
~) H$_aoMm gm§Ym
8) ~b, Q>oHy$ Am{U Yma `m§À`m ñWmZm§dê$Z Va\o$Mo __________ n«H$ma hmoVmV.
A) XmoZ
~) VrZ
H$) Mma
S> ) EH$
9) J{V_mZ åhUOo
A) Jw§VmJw§VrMr JVr
~) àdoJmVrb ~Xb H$) Kf©U
S> ) gd©
10) Imbrb {Z`_m§er {Od`m§ÌrH$s {ZpíMV g§~§YrV Amho
A) O¡{dH$ {Z`_
~) `m§ÌrH$ {Z`_
H$) _Zmo{dkm{ZH$ {Z`_
S> ) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 22
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Kinesiology and Biomechanics (Paper – IX)
Day and Date : Thursday, 17-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N.B. :
1 All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the
original questions in English.
3) Neat diagram must be drawn where necessary.
2. Answer the following questions (any one).
1) Explain projection and its use in sports.
2) Draw a neat diagram of shoulder joint label the parts and explain the movements in the
shoulder joint.
3. Answer the following questions (any one).
1) Explain centripetal and centrifugal force and its use in game and sports.
2) Write need and importance of kinesiology and biomechanics in the field of physical education
and sports.
4. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Write types of lever with suitable example.
2) Elbow joint.
5. Answer the following questions in brief :
1) Newtons laws of acceleration.
2) Value of good posture
3) Joints.
SLR-R – 22
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) àjonU åhUOo H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$ê$Z Ë`mMm H«$sS>m _Ü`o Cn`moJ ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Im§ÚmÀ`m gm§Ü`mMr AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm Am{U Im§ÚmÀ`m gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoUmè`m hmbMmbr ñnîQ>
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moÊmVohr EH$) :
1) H|$ÐmoËgmar d H|$Ðmo{^Jm_r ~b ñnîQ> H$ê$Z Ë`mMr emar[aH$ {ejU d H«$sS>o _Ü`o JaO ñnîQ> H$am.
2) emar[aH$ {ejU d H«$sS>m joÌmV Ord`m§ÌrH$ emñÌ d earaJVremñÌ `m§Mo JaO d _hËd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm.
1) Va\o$Mo àH$ma CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am.
2) H$monè`mMm gm§Ym
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm.
1) Ý`yQ>ZMm JVrd¥ÕrMm {Z`_
2) CÎm_ eara YmaUoMo _hËd
3) gm§Y.o
SLR-R – 23
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Rules of Games and Sports (Part – II) (Paper – X)
Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015
Max. Marks : 50
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N.B. : i) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct alternatives :
i) The duration of volleyball match is _________.
a) 30 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 60 minutes
d) None of these
ii) The weight of shotput for mens (senior) ________
a) 8 pounds
b) 12 pounds
c) 16 pounds
d) None of these
iii) In a volleyball the length of Net between two antenna is _________
a) 9.50 m
b) 10.50 m
c) 11.00 m
d) None of these
iv) In softball ondeck circle diameter is _________
a) 50 c.m.
b) 1.00 m
c) 15 c.m.
d) None of these
v) In a Long jump distance between Jumping pit and take of board is
a) 1 to 3 m
b) 5 m
c) 11 m
d) None of these
vi) The length and width of Kabaddi court for subjunior is _________
a) 13 × 10 m
b) 11 × 8 m
c) 12.50 × 10 m d) None of these
vii) Duck Worth Luise is concern with _________ Game.
a) Football
b) Cricket
c) Hockey
d) Lawn Tennis
viii) _______ points are given for Bonus in Kabaddi.
a) One
b) Two
c) Zero
d) None of these
ix) In wrestling a wrestler brought his opponent in the dangerous position, how
many point he will get ?
a) Two
b) Four
c) Six
d) Ten
x) In Badminton legth of shuttle cock is _________
a) 20 c.m.
b) 25 c.m.
c) 5 c.m.
d) None of these
SLR-R – 23
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
i) ìhm°br~m°b gm_mÝ`mMm H$mbmd{Y ________
A) 30 {_ZrQ>
~) 15 {_ZrQ>
H$) 60 {_ZrQ>
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
ii) nwéfmgmR>r Jmoù`mMo dOZ ________
A) 8 nm¡§S>
~) 12 nm¡§S>
H$) 16 nm¡§S>
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
iii) ìhm°br~m°b_Ü`o XmoZ Am°ÝQ>rZm _Yrb ZoQ>Mr bm§~r ________
A) 9.50 _r
~) 10.50 _r
H$) 11.00 _r
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
iv) gm°âQ>~m°b_Ü`o Am°ZS>oH$ gH©$bMm ì`mg ________
A) 50 g|. _r.
~) Ÿ1 _r
H$) 15 g|. _r
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
v ) bm§~CS>r_Ü`o CS>rMm IÈ>>m Vo Q>oH$ Am°\$$ ~moS>© _Yrb A§Va ________
A) 1 Vo 3 _r
~) 5 _r
H$) 11 _r
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
vi) bhmZ JQ>mgmR>r H$~È>>r _¡XmZmMr bm§~r, ê$§Xr ________
A) 13 × 10 _r
~) 11 × 8 _r
H$) 12.50 × 10 _r S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
vii) S>H $dW© byB©g {Z`_ ________ Ioimer g§~§{YV Amho.
A) \$yQ>~m°b
~) H«$sHo$Q>
H$) hm°H$s
S>) bm°Z Q>o{Zg
viii) H$~È>>r_Ü`o ~moZggmR>r ________ JwU XoVmV.
A) EH$
~) XmoZ
H$) eyÝ`
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
ix) EH$m Hw$ñVr{JamZo Xwgè`m Hw$ñVr{Jamg Cä`mpñWVrVyZ YmoH$mXm`H$ pñWVrV ZoË`mg JwU {Xbo
A) XmoZ
~) Mma
H$) ghm
S>) Xhm
x ) ~°S>{_ÝQ>Z eQ>bMr bm§~r ________
A) 20 g|. _r.
~) 25 go§. _r.
H$) 5 g|. _r.
S>) `m n¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 23
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Rules of Games and Sports (Part – II) (Paper – X)
Day and Date : Friday, 18-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
i) Draw a neat diagram of volleyball net with antenna and side band with all
ii) Draw a neat diagram of Badminton court with net and give the all measurement
and also names of various area.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
i) Draw a neat diagram of Football court (with Goal mouth) with measurement
and give the names various area.
ii) List the officials required for conducting Kabaddi match and explain their
4. Answer the following question in brief :
i) OFF side in Football.
ii) Prepare scoresheet for jumping event.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
i) Eight ways getting Batsman out in cricket.
ii) Pitching rules in softball.
iii) Power play in criket.
SLR-R – 23
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àûZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) :
i) ìh°mbr~m°b ZoQ>Mr A°ÝQ>oZm d gmB©S> ~°§S> g{hV AmH¥$Vr _moO_mnmgh H$mT>>m.
ii) ~°S>{_ÝQ>Z _¡XmZmMr ZoQ>gh AmH¥$Vr _moO_mnmgh H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm.
3. Imbrb àûZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
i) \y$Q>~m°bÀ`m _¡XmZmMr Jmob _mCWgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z _moO
o _mno {bhm d {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm.
ii) H$~È>>r gm_Ý`mgmR>r bmJUmè`m gm_Zm{YH$mè`m§Mr `mXr XodyZ Ë`m§Mr H$V©ì`o {bhm.
4. Imbrb àûZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
i) \y$Q>~m°b_Yrb Am°\$ gmB©S>.
ii) CS>ç§mÀ`m ~m~rgmR>>r JwUnÌH$ V`ma H$am.
5. Imbrb àûZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
i) {H«$Ho$Q> _Yrb \$b§XmO ~mX hmoÊ`mÀ`m AmR>> àH$ma.
ii) gm°âQ>~m°b_Yrb {nMtJMo {Z`_.
iii) {H«$Ho$Q>_Yrb nmda ßbo$.
SLR-R – 24
B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Elementary Statistics
Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N.B. :
Max. Marks : 50
1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write answer in the Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
4) Simple calculator is allowed.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose correct answer :
i) Degree of relationship between two variable is called ___________
a) Correlation
b) Percentile
c) Mode
d) Mean
ii) 3 Median – 2 Mean related to __________
a) Mean
b) Mode
c) Q.D.
d) Percentile
iii) Formula for calculating mean __________
b) L.L +
iv) Histogram related to __________
a) Range
b) Reliability
Q 3 − Q1
c) Graph
d) Data
c) S.D.
d) Mode
c) Median
d) Mean
formula related ___________
a) Mean
vi) L.L +
⎜ − CF ⎟
⎟ Xi
⎜ Fm ⎟
a) Percentile
b) Q.D.
related __________
b) Q.D.
vii) __________ is useful for the research work.
a) Statistics
b) History
c) Science
d) None of these
SLR-R – 24
viii) The mid point of the class 90-95 is ___________
a) 92.5
b) 92
c) 93.5
d) 90
ix) The class length of 20 – 25 is___________
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
x) The mean in the following data is
(40, 45, 50, 55, 60)
a) 50
b) 45
d) 55
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1.`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
XmoZ Mb nXm§_Yrb g§~§Ymg _______________ åhUVmV.
A) ghg§~Y§
~) eVV_H$
H$) ~hþbH$
3 _Ü`m§H$-2 _Ü`_mZ = _______________
A) _Ü`_mZ
~) ~hþbH$
H$) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ
_Ü`_mZ H$mT>Ê`mMo gyÌ _______________
c) 50.5
{hñQ>moJ«m_ _______________ gr g§~§{YV Amho.
A) {dñVma
~) IaonUm
Q −Q
H$) AmboI
~) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ
A) eVV_H$
~) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ
H$) _Ü`m§H$
g§emoYZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r _______________ Mm Cn`moJ Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) g§»`memñÌ
~) B{Vhmg
H$) gm`Ýg
A) 92.5
~) 92
H$) 93.5
20 Vo 25 `m dJmªVamVrb A§Va _______________ Amho.
~) 5
Imbrb àmßVm§H$mdê$Z _Ü`_mZ H$mT>m
(40, 45, 50, 55, 60).
A) 50
S>) S>mQ>m
ho gyÌ _______________ gr g§~§{YV Amho.
90 Vo 95 `m dJmªVamMo dJmªVa _______________
A) 4
H$) à_mU {dMbZ S>) ~hþbH$
⎜ − CF ⎟
⎟ Xi
L.L + ⎜ Fm ⎟
S>) eVV_H$
ho gyÌ _______________gr g§~§{YV Amho.
A) _Ü`_mZ
S>) _Ü`_mZ
~) 45
S>) _Ü`_mZ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
S>) 90
H$) 6
S>) 7
H$) 50.5
S>) 55
SLR-R – 24
B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Elementary Statistics
Day and Date : Saturday, 19-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write answer in the Marathi are
advised to read the original question in English.
3) Simple calculator is allowed.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Calculate the Mean for the following table :
2) Calculate median for the following table :
C. I.
135 – 144
125 – 134
115 – 124
105 – 114
95 – 104
85 – 94
75 – 84
65 – 74
55 – 64
N = 100
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Calculate the Q3 (third quartile) for the above table (Q. No. 2).
2) Calculate the 80% Value for the above table (Q. No. 2).
4. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Importance of statistics in physical education.
2) Measures of central tendency.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Frequency polygon.
2) Frequency distribution.
3) Correlation.
SLR-R – 24
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
Imbrb EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) Imbrb gmaUrdê$Z _Ü`_mZ H$mT>m.
2) Imbrb gmaUrdê$Z _Ü`Jm$ H$mT>m.
135 – 144
125 – 134
115 – 124
105 – 114
95 – 104
85 – 94
75 – 84
65 – 74
55 – 64
= 100
Imbrb EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) àíZ H«$. 2 _Yrb gmaUrdê$Z {Vgao MVwW©H$ H$mT>m.
2) àíZ H«$. 2 _Yrb gmaUrdê$Z 80% _yë` H$mT>m.
Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm.
1) g§»`memñÌmMo emar[aH$ {ejUmVrb _hÎd.
2) H|$Ðr` àd¥ÎmrMr n[a_mUo.
Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) dma§dmarVm ~hw^wO.
2) dma§dmarVm {dVaU.
3) ghg§~Y
§ .
SLR-R – 25
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Paper – XII : Marathi Methodology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
gyMZm : 1) àíZ H«$. 1 n{hë`m n§Yam {_{ZQ>m_Ü`o O_m H$éZ KoÊ`mV `oB©b.
2) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) g§ñH¥$V d b°{Q>Z Aem àmMrZ _yi ^mfm§Zm ___________ åhUVmV.
A) A{^OmV ^mfm
~) _mV¥^mfm
H$) amîQ´>^mfm
S>) na{H$` ^mfm
2) AÜ`mnZm_Ü`o ___________ ho ÑH$ gmYZ åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo.
A) ao{S>Amo
~) ZH$meo
H$) J«m_mo\$moZ
S>) Q>on aoH$m°S>©a
3) Vm|S>r à{VH«$s`m àmßV hmoÊ`mgmR>r Ho$bobo H$moUVohr {dYmZ åhUOo ___________ hmo`.
A) CXmhaU
~) àíZ
H$) ñdmÜ`m`
S>) {ddoMZ
4) ___________ åhUOo KQ>H$mMr CnKQ>H$mV {d^mJUr H$éZ àË`oH$ Vm{gHo$V Aä`mgmd`mÀ`m
CnKQ>H$mMo {Z`moOZ H$aUo hmo`.
A) dmfuH$ {Z`moOZ
~) KQ>H$ {Z`moOZ
H$) nmR> {Z`moOZ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) ___________ AÜ`mnZmMm CÔoe dmMH$mV ^mdOmJ¥Vr H$aUo hm hmo`.
~) nÚ
H$) dmÚ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 25
6) ì`mH$aU AÜ``ZmMm CÔoe ___________ hm Amho.
A) ewÕ ^mfoMm gamd H$éZ KoUo
~) ^mfm {eH$Ê`mg _XV H$aUo
H$) ^mfoÀ`m g§aMZoMo kmZ XoUo
S>) darb gd©
7) kmZmH$Sy>Z AkmZmH$S>o ho ___________ nÕVrMo gyÌ _mZbo OmVo.
A) CXJm_r
~) AdJm_r
H$) narg§dmX
S>) H$WZ
8) nw{T>bn¡H$s ___________ hm Aä`mgH«$_mMm àH$ma Amho.
A) nm`m^yV H|$Ðr
~) {ejUHo$§Ðr
H$) kmZH|$Ðr
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) EImXçm {d^mJmMo ___________ åhUOo H$WZ hmo`.
A) {ddoMZ
~) boIr {ddoMZ
H$) Vm|S>r {ddoMZ
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) _mV¥^mfm AÜ``Z-AÜ`mnZmMm gd©gmYmaU hoVy hm {dÚmÏ`m©Mm ___________ H$aUo hm
A) {dMma eŠVrMm {dH$mg
~) ì`ŠVr_Ëd {dH$mg
H$) gm§ñH¥${VH$ {dH$mg
S>) darb gd©
SLR-R – 25
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Paper – XII : Marathi Methodology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
gyMZm : gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVmhr EH$).
1) _amR>r AÜ`mnZmMm hoVy d CÔrîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
2) _amR>r AÜ`mnZmVrb V§ÌmMr g{dñVa _mhrVr {bhm.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVmhr EH$).
1) dmMZmMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§JyZ g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm.
2) _amR>r ho {dMma, ^mdZm d AZw^d `m§À`m AmXmZ àXmZmMo gmYZ H$go g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) ^mfm {ejH$mMo JwU ñnîQ> H$am.
2) ì`m»`mZ nÕVrMr _m{hVr g{dñVa {bhm.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) nÚ AÜ`mnZ ñnîQ> H$am.
2) dmMZ {dH$mg {Q>n {bhm.
3) KQ>H$ MmMUr {df`r _m{hVr {bhm.
SLR-R – 26
B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Hindi Methodology (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
gyMZmE± :1) g^r gdmbm| Ho$ Odm~ {bIZm A{Zdm`© h¡ Ÿ&
2) gdmb H«$. 1 A{Zdm`© h¡ Ÿ& Cgo nhbo n§Ðh {_{ZQ _| n¥îR> H«$_m§H$ 3 _|
{b{IE Ÿ&
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. {ZåZ{b{IV gdmbm| Ho$ C{MV n`m©` Mw{ZE Ÿ&
1) qhXr _| {ZåZ eãXm| _| go ___________ `hr ghr ê$n Xem©Vm h¡ Ÿ&
A) n[apñWVr
~) narpñWVr
H$) narñWrVr
S>) n[añWrVr
2) {Ì^mfm gyÌ H$s h¡{g`V go _hmamîQ´> _| V¥Vr` ^mfm H$m ñWmZ
A) A§J«oOr
~) qhXr
H$) _amR>r
S>) Vm{_i
^mfm aIVr h¡ Ÿ&
3) {ejU _| g~go gab, gaVm Am¡a ghmæ`H$ gmYZ ___________ h¡ Ÿ&
A) XyaXe©Z
~) {MÌ
H$) Q>onaoH$m°S>©a
S>) \$bH$
4) S>m°.doñQ> àUmbr H$m à_wI ^mJ
A) g§^mfU
H$) dmMZ
___________ h¡ Ÿ&
~) boIZ
S>) AÜ`mnZ
SLR-R – 26
___________ AÜ`mnZ H$m CÔoe dmMH$mo§ _| ^mdOmJ¥Vr H$aZm hmoVm h¡ Ÿ&
H$) nmR>çH«$_
6) AmkmZ go kmZ H$s Amoa `h
A) CX²Jm_r
H$) H$WZ
~) nÚ
S>) BZ_| go Zhr
___________ àUmbr H$m gyÌ _mZm OmVm h¡ Ÿ&
~) ì`m»`mZ
S>) AdJm_r
7) nmR> {Z`moOZ ___________ na {Z^©a hmoVm h¡ Ÿ&
A) KQ>H$ {Z`moOZ
~) dm{f©H$ {Z`moOZ
H$) dm{f©H$ d KQ>H$ {Z`moOZ
S>) BZ_§o go Zhr
8) qhXr {ejH$m§o Ho$ Cƒma ___________ hmoZo Mm{hE Ÿ&
A) ewÕ Am¡a AñnîQ>>
~) AewÕ Am¡a ñnîQ>
H$) ewÕ Am¡a ñnîQ>
S>) BZ_| go Zhr
___________ H$mb H$mo qhXr H$m gwdU© H$mb H$hm OmVm h¡ ?
A) AmYw{ZH$ H$mb
H$) ^ŠVr H$mb
10) {H$gr ZdrZ ^mfm Ho$ {ejU _|
A) ì`mH$aU
H$) S>m°. doñQ>
~) [aVr H$mb
S>) Am{X H$mb
___________ {dYr H$m Cn`moJ AgaXma hmoVm h¡ Ÿ&
~) àË`j
S>) àíZ
SLR-R – 26
B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Hindi Methodology (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Marks : 40
gyMZm : g^r gdmbm| Ho$ Odm~ {bIZm A{Zdm`© h¡ Ÿ&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV gdmbm| Ho$ Odm~ {b{IE Ÿ& (H$moB© EH$) :
1) qhXr ^mfm H$m AÝ` ^mfmAm| Ho$ gmW g_Ýd` ñnîQ> H$s{OE Ÿ&
2) qhXr AÜ`mnZ H$s àUmbr`m± H$m¡Zgr h¡ ? {H$Ýhr§ Xmo àUmbr`m| Ho$ JwUXmof {b{IE Ÿ&
3. {ZåZ{b{IV gdmbm| Ho$ Odm~ {b{IE Ÿ& (H$moB© EH$) :
1) {h§Xr ^mfm Ho$ à_wI A§J H$m¡Zgo h¡ ? _m¡Z dmMZ Am¡a gñda dmMZ H$m _hÎd ñnîQ> H$s{OE Ÿ&
2) _mÜ`{_H$ embm Ho$ nmR>çH«$_ _| {Ì^mfm gyÌ Ho$ A§VJ©V qhXr H$m ñWmZ VWm _hÎd {dfX
H$s{OE Ÿ&
4. {ZåZ{b{IV gdmbmo| Ho$ Odm~ g§{jßV _| {b{IE Ÿ&
1) KQ>H$ {Z`moOZ ñnîQ> H$s{OE Ÿ&
2) qhXr AÜ`mnH$ Ho$ JwUm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE Ÿ&
5. {ZåZ{b{IV gdmbm§o Ho$ Odm~ g§{jßV _| {b{IE Ÿ&
1) ì`mH$aU H$m AÜ`mnZ ñnîQ> H$s{OE Ÿ&
2) {h§Xr ^mfm Ho$ CÔoe ñnîQ> H$s{OE Ÿ&
3) ÑH$ lmì` gmYZm| H$m _hÎd {dfX H$s{OE Ÿ&
SLR-R – 27
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Methodology in School Subject English Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : i) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) The originator of silent reading teaching method is
a) Dr. Swest
b) Dr. Best
c) Dr. West
d) Dr. Plamer
2) The film strip are the example of
a) Audioaids
c) Audio-visual aids
b) Visual aids
d) Above all
3) Prose means
a) The words in their order
c) The words in their best order
b) The best words in their order
d) The best words in their best order
4) The variable of lesson planning is
a) skills
c) evaluation
b) objectives
d) above all
5) Teacher uses teaching aids for
a) making teaching interesting
b) marking teaching within understanding level of students
c) making students, attentive
d) the sak of its use
6) English teacher should have the knowledge of
a) English
b) Student’s mother tongue
c) Student’s psychology
d) All the above
SLR-R – 27
7) _______ has classified the Audio-visual aids.
a) Pronunciation
b) Wordstress
c) Phonetics
d) Intonation
8) _______ means the rise and fall in the pitch of our voice.
a) Dr. West
b) Hutton
c) Kochar
d) Burton
9) The basic qualification for the English teacher at secondary level is
a) M.A. B.Ed.
b) H.S.C.
c) B.A. B.Ed.
d) D.Ed.
10) Language laboratory is useful for learning
a) pronunciation
b) spelling
c) poem
d) writing
SLR-R – 27
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Methodology in School Subject English Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Marks : 40
Instruction : All questions are compulsory.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) What are the different methods of teaching English ?
2) Explain importance of Audio-visual aids in teaching and learning process.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Qualification and qualities of a English teacher discuss.
2) List down the step in the lesson plan and explain how to teach prose lesson.
4. Answer the following in brief :
1) Problem of spelling.
2) Co-curricular activities.
5. Answer the following in brief :
1) Importance of silent reading.
2) Importance of conference.
3) Explain about unit test.
SLR-R – 28
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
History Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
N. B. : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) The candidates should read the original questions in English.
III) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose correct alternative :
I) __________ is said that history means arise and fall of human culture.
a) Berkhart
b) Toyanbi
c) Francis
d) Carlyle
II) In __________ method of teaching history, student is active.
a) Story telling
b) Lecture
c) Discussion
d) Narration
III) The following learning experience is useful to explain the information about forts.
a) Picture
b) Model
c) Direct visit
d) Verbal experience
IV) __________ is one method of history teaching.
a) Narration
b) Giving assignment c) Giving dictation
d) Reading
V) __________ is essential for retaining the achieved knowledge.
a) Learning
b) Memorisation c) Thinking
d) Perception
VI) __________ is the founder of Moghal emporium.
a) Akbar
b) Baber
c) Humayun
d) Shahajahan
VII) __________ means any statement intended to evoke a verbal response.
a) Speaking
b) Question
c) Answer
d) Lecture
VIII) Samrat Ashok accepted __________ religion.
a) Jain
b) Vaidic
c) Boudha
d) Islam
SLR-R – 28
IX) History means a story of __________ development.
a) Animals
b) Events
c) Human
d) Nation
X) History has classified in __________ types.
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
Ÿ 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
I) _mZdr g§ñH¥$VrMm CX` d èhmg åhUOo B{Vhmg Ago _________`m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho.
A) ~H©$hmQ>©
~) Q>mB©Ý~r
H$) \«°$Ýgrg
S>) H$mbm©Bb
II) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmÀ`m _________ nÕVr_Ü`o {dÚmWu H«$s`merb AgVmo.
A) JmoîQ>
~) ì`m»`mZ
H$) MMm©
S>) H$WZ
III) {H$ë`mMr _m{hVr ñnîQ> H$aÊ`mgmR>r _________ hm AÜ``Z AZw^d A{YH$ Cn`wŠV R>aob.
A) {MÌ
~) à{VH¥$Vr
H$) àË`j ^oQ>r
S>) emãXrH$ AZw^d
IV) _________ hr B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmMr EH$ nÕV Amho.
A) {ddaU
~) ñdmÜ`m` XoUo H$) {Q>nUo XoUo
S>) dmMZ
V) àmßV Ho$bobo kmZ {Q>H$dyZ R>odÊ`mgmR>r _________ Amdí`H$ Amho.
A) AÜ``Z
~) ñ_aUeŠVr
H$) {dMma à{H«$`m S>) g§doXZ
VI) _moJb gm_«mÁ`mMm g§ñWmnH$ _________ hmoVm.
A) AH$~a
~) ~m~a
H$) hþ_m`yZ
S>) ehmOhmZ
VII) _________ åhUOo Vm|S>r à{V{H«$`m àmßV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Ho$bobo H$moUVohr {dYmZ hmo`.
A) ~mobUo
~) àý
H$) CÎma
S>) ì`m»`mZ
VIII) g_«mQ> AemoH$mZo _________ Y_© ñdrH$mabm.
A) O¡Z
~) d¡{XH$
H$) ~m¡Õ
S>) Bñbm_
IX) B{Vhmg åhUOo _________ {dH$mgmMr H$Wm hmo`.
A) àm{U
~) KQ>Zm
H$) _mZd
S>) amîQ´>
X) B{VhmgmMo _w»`V: _________ àH$mamV dJuH$aU Ho$bo OmVo.
A) XmoZ
~) VrZ
H$) Mma
S>) nmM
SLR-R – 28
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
History Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N. B. : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) The candidates should read the original questions in English.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
I) Explain the qualities and qualification of history teacher.
II) What is the importance of correlation in teaching history ? How will you
correlate history with marathi and geography.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
I) How will you make effective use of map and picture in history teaching.
II) What is history ? Explain the place and importance of history in the school
curriculum and human life.
4. Answer the following question in brief :
I) Need and importance of history room.
II) Achievement test.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
I) Kinds of history
II) Explain source method
III) Write on value of teaching history.
SLR-R – 28
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
I) B{Vhmg {ejH$mMo JwUd¡{eîQ>o d Ah©Vm ñnîQ> H$am.
II) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZ nÕVrV g_dm`mMo _hÎd H$moUVo ? Vwåhr B{VhmgmMm ^wJmob d _amR>rMm
{df`mer g_dm` H$gm gmYmb.
3. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
I) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmV ZH$mem d {MÌmMm à^mdr dmna H$gm H$amdm Vo ñnîQ> H$am.
II) B{Vhmg åhUOo H$m` ? B{VhmgmMo embo` Aä`mgH«$_ Am{U _mZdr OrdZmVrb ñWmZ
Am{U _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àým§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
I) B{Vhmg Imobr-JaO d _hÎd.
II) g§nmXZ MmMUr.
5. Imbrb àým§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
I) B{VhmgmMo àH$ma.
II) AmYma nÕ{V ñnîQ> H$am.
III) B{Vhmg AÜ`mnZmMr _yë`o.
SLR-R – 29
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Geography Methodology (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : i) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
i) In every map ________ direction is showed by arrow.
a) South
b) West
c) East
d) North
ii) ________ called ‘Father of the Geography’.
a) Karl Ritzer
b) Herodotus
c) Humbolt
d) Walker
iii) ‘Geography is the science of place’ is the opinion of
a) Mackinder
b) Josef
c) Herodotus
d) Blach
iv) Local geography is a base of ________ geography.
a) Practical
b) Theoretical
c) Observational d) All above
v) An important tool made for school students to study is called
a) outlines
b) textbook
c) blackboard
d) none of these
vi) The centre in Geography study is
a) animal
b) human being c) environment
d) none of these
vii) The two main branches of Geography subject are
a) Historical and Social Geography
b) Rural and Urban Geography
c) Economics and Social Geography
d) Natural and Human Geography
viii) Question-answer method is also called as
a) Herbert
b) Socrates
c) Dr. Benjamin
d) Dr. Benjamin Patel
SLR-R – 29
ix) Student observes exactly the map is the specification of ________ objective.
a) understanding b) knowledge
c) skill
d) none of these
x) Sun has ________ closest planet.
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Plato
d) Mercury
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
i) H$moUË`mhr àH$maÀ`m ZH$memV _______ {h {Xem ~mUmZo XmI{dbobr AgVo.
A) X{jU
~) npûM_
H$) nyd©
S>) CÎma
ii) "\$mXa Am°\$ X {OAm°J«\$s' _______ `m§Zm åhUVmV.
A) H$mb© [aQ>Âa
~) {hamoS>moQ>g
H$) h§~moëQ>
S>) dm°H$a
iii) "^yJmob ñWmZmMo emñÌ Amho' Ago _______ `m§Mo _V Amho.
A) _°°{H$ÝS>a
~) Omogo\$
H$) {hamoS>moQ>g
S>) ãbmM
iv) ñWm{ZH$ ^yJmob hm _______ ^yJmobmÀ`m AÜ`mnZmMm nm`m Amho.
A) àmË`{jH$
~) VmpËdH$
H$) {ZarjUmË_H$ S>) darb gd©
v) embo` {dÚmÏ`mªZm Aä`mgmH$[aVm V`ma Ho$bobo _______ _hËdmMo gmYZ Amho.
A) AmamIS>o
~) nmRçnwñVH$ H$) \$im
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
vi) ^yJmob Aä`mg H|$ÐñWmZr _______ Amho.
A) àmUr
~) _mZd
H$) n`m©daU
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
vii) ^yJmob {df`mÀ`m _______ d _______ `m à_wI XmoZ emIm AmhoV.
A) Eo{Vhm{gH$ d gm_m{OH$ ^yJmob
~) J«m{_U d ehar ^yJmob
H$) Am{W©H$ d gm_m{OH$ ^yJmob
S>) àmH¥${VH$ d _mZdr ^yJmob
viii) àíZmoÎma nÕVrg _______ nÕV Agohr åhUVmV.
A) h~©Q>©
~) gm°H«o${Q>g
H$) S>m°. ~|Om{_Z
S>) S>m°. ~|Om{_Z nQ>ob
ix) {dÚmWu ZH$memMo AMyH$ {ZarjU H$aVmo ho ñnîQ>rH$aU _______ `m C{ÔîQ>mMo Amho.
A) AmH$bZ
~) kmZ
H$) H$m¡eë`
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
x) gy`m©bm _______ hm gdm©V OdiMm J«h Amho.
A) Jwé
~) e{Z
H$) ßboQ>mo
S>) ~wY
SLR-R – 29
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Geography Methodology (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain the project method in detail.
2) How will you use the map reading in Geography Teaching ?
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain the devices and techniques of Geography Teaching.
2) Explain the aim and objectives of Teaching Geography.
4. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Explain the story method.
2) Explain the concept of evaluation.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Different types of maps.
2) What are the criteria of good textbook ?
3) Modern trends and techniques of Geography.
SLR-R – 29
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
Imbrb àíZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) àH$ën nÕVr {df`r gImob ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am.
2) ^yJmob AÜ`mnZmV Vwåhr ZH$mem dmMZmMm Cn`moJ H$gm H$amb ?
Imbrb àíZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) ^yJmob AÜ`mnZmÀ`m à`wŠË`m Am{U V§ÌmMr _m{hVr ñnîQ> H$am.
2) ^yJmob AÜ`mnZmMr Ü`o`o Am{U C{ÔîQ>o ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mo WmoS>Š`mV CÎma {bhm :
1) JmoîQ> nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am.
2) _yë`_mnZmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
Imbrb àíZm§Mo WmoS>Š`mV CÎma {bhm :
1) ZH$memMo {d{dY àH$ma.
2) ^yJmob {df`mÀ`m Mm§Jë`m nmR>çnwñVH$mMo {ZH$f H$moUVo ?
3) ^yJmobmMo AmYw{ZH$ àdmh d V§Ìo.
SLR-R – 30
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Economics Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N. B. :
Max. Marks : 50
1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) The author of the book “The Economics of Welfare” is __________
a) Prof. C. E. M. Joad
b) Prof. Pigou
c) A. C. Bianing
d) None of these
2) To do any work first ________ decided is useful.
a) Aim
b) Objectives
c) Aims and objective
d) None of them
3) According to the economics which technique is very useful ?
a) Observation
b) Explanation c) Lecturer
d) Demonstration
4) In Marathi the different words used for _______ are like planning concept
business thinking etc.
a) Project
b) Concept
c) Business
d) None of these
5) Which techniques of teaching are very old ?
a) Questioning
b) Seminar
c) Observation
d) None of these
6) By _________ name is questioning technique known.
a) Salmon
b) Socrates
c) Kipling
d) None of these
7) The method going from general to specific is ____________
a) Inductive
b) Deductive
c) Problem solving
d) Project
8) __________ method is psychological as well as scientific.
a) Problem solving
b) Discussion
c) Project
d) Lecturer
SLR-R – 30
9) Radio Tape records Gramophone these comes under teaching aid’s ________
a) Traditional
b) Audio
c) Video
d) Audio-video
10) __________ should be developed from students likes and needs.
a) Project
b) Concept
c) Equipment
d) None of these
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) “The Economics of Welfare” `m nwñVH$mMo boIH$
ho AmhoV.
A) àmo. gr. B©. E_². OmohoS>
~) àmo. {nJw
H$) E. gr. ~m`qZJ
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
2) H$moUVohr H$m`© åhQ>bo H$s àW_
{ZpíMV H$aUo Amdí`H$ R>aVo.
A) Ü`o`
~) C{ÔîQ>
H$) Ü`o` d C{ÔîQ> S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
3) AW©emñÌmÀ`m ÑpîQ>Zo H$moUVo V§Ì AË`§V Cn`wŠV Amho ?
A) {ZarjU
~) ñnîQ>rH$aU
H$) H$WZ
S>) ZmQ>çrH$aU
`mgmR>r _amR>rV doJdoJù`m eãXmMm Cn`moJ H$aÊ`mV `oVmo Ogo `moOZm, ì`dgm`,
{dd§MZm BË`mXr.
A) àmoOoŠQ>
~) H$ënZm
H$) ì`dgm`
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
5) AÜ`mnZmMo H$moUVo V§Ì \$ma nwamVZ Amho ?
A) àíZmoÎma
~) go{_Zma
H$) {ZarjU
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
6) àíZ V§Ì ho
À`m Zmdo AmoiIbo OmVo.
A) gm°b_Z
~) gm°H«o$Q>rg
H$) {H$nqbJ
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
7) gm_mÝ`mH$Sy>Z {d{eîQ>mH$S>o OmUo åhUOo
A) CX²Jm_r
~) AdJm_r
H$) g_ñ`m {ZdmaU S>) àmoOoŠQ>
hr nÕVr _mZgemñÌr` Am{U d¡km{ZH$ Amho.
A) g_ñ`m {ZdmaU ~) MMm©
H$) àmoOoŠQ>
S>) H$WZ
9) ao{S>Amo, Q>onaoH$m°S>©, J«m_mo\$moZ ho H$moUË`m gmYZm_Ü`o _moS>Vo ?
A) na§namJV
~) ÑH$ gmYZo
H$) lmì` gmYZo
S>) ÑH$-lmì` gmYZo
hm {dÚmÏ`m©À`m JaOm d AmdS> `mVyZ {Z_m©U Pmbobm Agmdm.
A) àH$ën
~) g§H$ënZm
H$) gmYZ
S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 30
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Economics Method (Paper – XII)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
2. Answer the following any one of them :
1) Explain the techniques of teaching economics.
2) What are the objectives of teaching economics ? Explain them.
3. Answer the following any one of them :
1) What are the different method of teaching economics and explain problem
solving method ?
2) Describe meaning and scope of economics.
4. Answer the following in brief :
1) Lecture method in economics
2) Diagnostic approach.
5. Answer the following in brief :
1) Evaluation in economics
2) Co-curricular activities
3) Seminar.
SLR-R – 30
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) AW©emñÌ AÜ`mnZmVrb V§Ìo ñnîQ> H$am.
2) AW©emñÌ AÜ`mnZmMr H$moUVr C{ÔîQ>ço AmhoV Vr ñnîQ> H$am.
3. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm :
1) AW©emñÌ AÜ`mnZmÀ`m {d{dY nÕVr {bhm d g_ñ`m {ZdmaU nÕV ñnîQ> H$am.
2) AW©emñÌmMm AW© d ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb CÎmao WmoS>Š`mV {bhm :
1) AW©emñÌmVrb ì`m»`mZ nÕVr
2) {ZXmZmË_H$ _mJ©.
5. Imbrb CÎmao WmoS>Š`mV {bhm :
1) AW©emñÌmVrb _yë`_mnZ
2) Aä`mgH«$_ {ZJS>rV ~m~r
3) n[ag§dmX.
SLR-R – 33
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Science Methodology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes in
Answer Book on Page No. 3.
3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to
read the original question in English.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) _____________ method is contrast with principle of learning by doing.
a) Project
b) Experimental c) Lecture
d) Demonstration
2) ______________ planning is the first step of planning.
a) Year
b) Unit
c) Lesson
d) None of these
3) _______________ makes the behaviour and development of students with
qualitative and quantitative.
a) Measurement
b) Evaluation
c) Test
d) None of these
4) __________ means to make relationship of one subject to another its teaching.
a) Correlation
b) Concentric
c) Unit
d) None of these
5) In demonstration method __________ principle is used.
a) Concrete to abstract
b) Known to unknown
c) Simple to complex
d) None of these
6) _____________ is a quantitative technique of evaluation.
a) Observation
b) Projection
c) Self observation d) Exam
7) Word ‘Science’ is derived from the word ________ in Latin Language.
a) Scientific
b) Scientia
c) Social
d) All above
8) Charts, graphs are __________ aids.
a) Non-projected
b) Projected
c) Both a) and b)
9) __________ is the father of project method.
a) Armstrong
b) Rojarse
c) Russo
10) __________ made the structure of ideal laboratory.
a) Dr. R. H. Whitehouse b) Yung
c) Pavlove
d) None of these
d) Kill Patric
d) None of these
SLR-R – 33
_amRr ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
nÕVr H¥$VrÛmao AÜ`mnZmbm N>oX XoUmar Amho.
A) àH$ën
~) àm`mo{JH$
H$) ì`m»`mZ
2) {Z`moOZmMr n{hbr nm`ar åhUOo _____________ {Z`moOZ hmo`.
S>) {X½Xe©Z
A) dm{f©H$
~) KQ>H$
H$) nmR>
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
3) _____________ nÕVr_wio {dÚmWmªMo dV©Z d àJVr `m§Mo JwUmË_H$ d g§»`mË_H$ {MÌ {_iVo.
A) _mnZ
~) _yë` _mnZ
H$) MmMUr
S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
4) EH$ {df` {eH${dVmZm Xwgè`m {df`mer Amdí`H$ VoWo g§~§Y KmbUo åhUOo _____________ hmo`.
A) g_dm`
~) g_H|$Ðr
H$) KQ>H$
5) {XJXe©Z nÕVr_Ü`o _____________ `m VÎdmMm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) _yVm©H$Sy>Z A_yVm©H$S>o
S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
~) kmVmH$Sy>Z AkmVmH$S>o
H$) gmoß`mH$Sy>Z AdKS>mH$S>o
S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
6) _yë`_mnZ V§Ìn¡H$s _____________ ho g§»`mË_H$ V§Ì Amho.
A) {ZarjU
~) A{dîH$ma
H$) AmË_ {ZarjU S>) narjm
7) gm`Ýg² (emñÌ) hm eãX b°{Q>Z ^mfoVrb _____________ `m eãXmnmgyZ V`ma Pmbobm Amho.
A) gmEpÝQ>{\$H$ (emñÌr`)
~) g°Z{Q>`m
H$) gmoeb² (>gm_m{OH)$
S>) darb gd©
8) VŠVo, AmboI ho _____________ ÑH$ gmYZo AmhoV.
A) Aàjo{nV
~) àjo{nV
9) àH$ën nÕVrMm OZH$ Amho _____________
H$) A) Am{U ~)
A) Am_©ñQ´>m±J
~) am°Og©
H$) ê$gmo
10) _____________ `m§Zr AmXe© à`moJemboMm AmamIS>m V`ma Ho$bm.
A) S>m°. Ama. EM. ìhmB©Q>hmD$g
~) `w§J
H$) n°ìhbm°ìh
S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
S>) {H$bn°Q´>rH$
SLR-R – 33
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Science Methodology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to
read the original question in English.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) What are the qualities of science teacher explain ?
2) State the importance of science fair and explain how will you organise science fair
in your school.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain the meaning, nature and scope of science.
2) What are the maxim of teaching ? Explain with the help of examples.
4. Answer the following in brief :
1) Heuristic method
2) Remedial teaching.
5. Answer the following in brief :
1) Importance of science exhibition
2) Lesson plan
3) Aims of teaching science.
SLR-R – 33
_amRr ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) emñÌ {ejH$mÀ`m A§Jr H$moUH$moUVo JwU {deof ñnîQ> H$am.
2) {dkmZ OÌoMo _hÎd gm§JyZ {dkmZ OÌoMo Am`moOZ Vw_À`m emioV H$go H$amb Vo gm§Jm.
3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) {dkmZmMm AW©, ñdê$n d ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am.
2) AÜ`mnZmMr gyÌo H$moUVr ? gmoXmhaU ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm.
4. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao Úm :
1) ñd`§emoYZ nÕVr
2) CnMmamË_H$ AÜ`mnZ.
5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao Úm :
1) {dkmZ àXe©ZmMo _hÎd
2) nmR> {Z`moOZ
3) emñÌ AÜ`mnZmMr Ü`o`.
SLR-R – 34
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Method of School Subject – Mathematics Method
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Max. Marks : 50
N.B. : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 15 minutes
in Answer Book on Page No. 3.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 15 Minutes
Marks : 10
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) The place of teacher is important in _________ method.
a) Inductive
b) Heuristic
c) Project
d) Experimental
2) Remedial teaching is required in __________ field.
a) Cognitive
b) Affective
c) Psychomotor d) Above all
3) To develop professional growth of Mathematic __________ is necessary.
a) Workshop
b) Seminar
c) Both a and b d) None of these
4) The first step of planning is ________ planning.
a) Unit
b) Lesson
c) Annual
d) None of these
5) __________ method is used in teaching maxim from particular to general.
a) Deductive
b) Inductive
c) Lecture
d) Above all
6) ___________ is not the classroom objective of teaching of Mathematics subject.
a) Understanding
b) Analysis
c) Personality Development
d) Creativity
7) Student participate in programmes of Mathematics Club is the specifications
of ____________ objective.
a) Understanding
b) Interest
c) Knowledge
d) Mathematical outlook
8) When teacher planned for correlation of Mathematics with other subject then
such correlation is called ___________ correlation.
a) Systematic
b) Sequential
c) Concentric
d) Incidental
SLR-R – 34
9) Mathematics is a science of
a) Materials
c) Logic
10) Film strip is a ________ aid.
a) projected
c) a and b
b) Non materials
d) Reasoning ability
b) non projected
d) none of these
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) {ejH$mMo ñWmZ _________ nÕVrV _hÎdmMo AgoV.
A) CX²Jm_r
~) ñd`§emoYZ
H$) àH$ën
S>) àm`mo{JH$
2) CnMmamË_H$ AÜ`mnZmMr Amdí`H$Vm _________ joÌmV AgoV.
A) ~moYmË_H$
~) ^mdZmË_H$
H$) {H«$`mË_H$
S>) darb gd©
3) J{UV {ejH$mÀ`m ì`dgm{`H$ {dH$mgmgmR>r _________ Amdí`H$ Amho.
A) H¥$VrgÌ
~) n[ag§dmX
H$) A Am{U ~
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) {Z`moOZmMr n{hbr nm`ar åhUOo _________ {Z`moOZ hmo`.
A) KQ>H$
~) nmR>
H$) dm{f©H$
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) {d{eîQ>mH$Sy>Z gm_mÝ`mH$S>o `m AÜ`mnZ gyÌmV _________ nÕVrMm Cn`moJ hmoVmo.
A) AdJm_r
~) CX²Jm_r
H$) ì`m»`mZ
S>) darb gd©
6) J{UV {df`mÀ`m AÜ`mnZmMo _________ ho dJ© C{ÕîQ> Zmhr.
A) AmH$bZ
~) n¥Ï`H$aU
H$) ì`pŠVËd {dH$mg
S>) g¥OZerbVm
7) {dÚmWu J{UV _§S>mbmÀ`m H$m`©H«$_mV ^mJ hmoVmo ho _________ C{ÕîQ>m§Mo ñnîQ>rH$aU Amho.
A) AmH$bZ
~) A{^éMr
H$) kmZ
S>) J{UVr` ÑpîQ>H$moZ
8) O|ìhm {ejH$ BVa {df`mMm g_dm` gmYÊ`m§Mo {Z`moOZ H$aVmo V|ìhm Ë`m g_dm`mg
_________ åhUVmV.
A) nÕVera
~) H«$_~Õ
H$) H|${ÐV
S>) àmg§{JH$
9) J{UV åhUOo _________ emñÌ Amho.
A) ^m¡{VH$
~) A^m¡{VH$
H$) VH©$
S>) H$m`©H$maU^md
10) {\$ë_ñQ´>rn ho _________ gmYZ Amho.
A) àjo{nV
~) Aàjo{nV
H$) A Am{U ~
S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-R – 34
B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Method of School Subject – Mathematics Method
Day and Date : Monday, 21-12-2015
Marks : 40
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are
advised to read the English paper also.
2. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain correlation of Mathematics with other subject with examples.
2) List the different methods of teaching Mathematics and explain in detail
Heuristics method of teaching mathematics.
3. Answer the following question (any one) :
1) Explain Audio-Visual Aids in teaching mathematics.
2) What is supervised study ? Explain need and importance of supervised study.
4. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Write about types of test of evaluation.
2) Write profit and loss teaching of Mathematics.
5. Answer the following question in brief :
1) Explain meaning of mathematics.
2) Mathematics Club.
3) Scope of mathematics.
SLR-R – 34
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
2. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) J{UVmMm BVa {df`mgr Agbobm g_dm` CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am.
2) J{UV AÜ`mnZ nÕVrMr `mXr H$am Am{U ñd`§emoYZ J{UV AÜ`mnZ nÕVrMo g{dñVa dU©Z
3. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) :
1) J{UV AÜ`mnZmVrb ÑH$-lmì` gmYZo ñnîQ> H$am.
2) n`©do{jV Aä`mg åhUOo H$m` ? Ë`mMr JaO Am{U _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) H$gmoQ>çm§À`m _yë`_mnZmMo àH$ma {bhm.
2) J{UV AÜ`mnZmV Z\$m Am{U VmoQ>m {bhm.
5. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) J{UVmMm AW© ñnîQ> H$am.
2) J{UV _§S>i.
3) J{UVmMr ì`mßVr.