Code No. SLR-Y – 4 *SLRY4* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P. Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper − IV) Rules of Games and Sports (Part − I) Day & Date : Friday, 19-12-2014 Day & Date _____________________ Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Language of Answer _____________________________________ Examination ____________________ _ Paper No. _____________________________________________ _ Subject ______________________ ____ Section _____________________________________________ _ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : i) Q. No. 1 answer sheet shall be collected within first fifteen minutes. ii) All questions are compulsory. iii) Neat diagram must be drawn where necessary. iv) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the English paper also. MCQ/Objective Type Question Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative. 10 i) In Basket ball three point half circle Radius is a) 6.25 m b) 6.75 m c) 6.10 m d) 6.00 m P.T.O. SLR-Y – 4 *SLRY4* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO ii) The height of Goal post (Hand ball) is a) 2 m b) 3 m c) 28 c.m d) 20 c.m iii) The word ‘Sudden Death’ is related to ____________ game. a) Football b) Hockey c) Lawn Tennis d) None of these iv) In a 400 m Track Nos lane is a) Five b) Seven c) Eight d) Ten v) Duration of hockey match is a) 90 min. c) 40 min. b) 70 min. d) 30 min. vi) In a Lawn Tennis the height of Net at the centre is a) 3′ 6′′ b) 3′ 5′′ c) 3′ 4′′ d) 3′ vii) The weight of Relay batton is a) 40 grm b) 50 grm c) 65 grm d) 60 grm *SLRY4* SLR-Y – 4 -3- viii) 42.195 m distance for _____________ race. a) Cross country b) Long distance run c) Half marathon d) None of these ix) Duration of Basket ball match is a) 20 + 10 + 20 b) 10 + 5 + 10 c) 10 + 2 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 2 + 10 d) 15 + 10 + 15 x) ____________ time keepers record the winning time of a 100 m race. a) Three b) One c) Two d) Four _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. i) ii) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b _Yrb VrZ JwUmMo AY©dVw©i ____________ {ÌÁ`oMo AgVo. A) 6.25 _r. ~) 6.75 _r. H$) 6.10 _r. S>) 6.00 _r. h°ÝS>~m°b _Yrb JmobnmoñQ>Mr C§Mr A) 2 _r. iii) iv) 10 ~) 3 _r. H$) 28 go§._r. "gS>Z S>oW' hm eãX ____________ Ioimer g§~§{YV Amho. A) \y$Q>~m°b ~) hm°H$s H$) b°Z Q>o{Zg S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 400_r. Q´>°H$À`m YmdU_mJm©Mr g§»`m ____________ AgVo. A) nmM ~) gmV H$) AmR> S>) Xhm S>) 20 g|._r. SLR-Y – 4 v) vi) vii) viii) ix) *SLRY4* -4- hm°H$sÀ`m gm_Ý`mMm H$mimdYr A) 90 {_ZrQ>o ~) 70 {_ZrQ>o H$) 40 {_ZrQ>o S>) 30 {_ZrQ>o b°Z Q>o{Zg _Ü`o _¡XmZmÀ`m _Ü`^mJr ZoQ>Mr C§Mr A) 3′ 6′′ ~) 3′ 5′′ H$) 3′ 4′′ S>) 3′ [abo_Yrb ~°Q>ZMo dOZ A) 40 J«°_ ~) 50 J«°_ H$) 65 J«°_ S>) 60 J«°_ 42.195 _rQ>a ho A§Va ____________ ñnY}Mo Amho. A) H«$m°g H±$Q´>r ~) b§~në`mMr e`©V H$) AY© _°aoWmZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr ~mñHo$Q>~m°b gm_Ê`mMm H$mbmdYr A) 20 + 10 + 20 ~) 10 + 5 + 10 H$) 10 + 2 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 2 + 10 S>) 15 + 10 + 15 x) 100 _r. _Ü`o {dO`r ñnY©H$mMr doi ____________ doim{YH$mar Zm|XdVmV. A) VrZ ~) EH$ H$) XmoZ S>) Mma _____________________ -5- *SLRY4* SLR-Y – 4 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – IV) Rules of Games and Sports (Part – I) Day and Date : Friday, 19-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Neat diagram must be drawn where necessary. iii) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the English paper also. 2. Answer the following questions (any one). 10 i) Explain the construction and maintenance of cinder track. ii) Draw a neat diagram of 400 m. track with 79 m straight and find out stagger distance for lane No. 2, 3 and 4. 3. Answer the following questions (any one). 10 i) Draw a neat diagram of Hand ball court with measurements and give the names of various area. ii) Draw neat diagram of Kho-Kho court with measurements and give the names of various area. 4. Answer the following question in brief. 8 i) Explain the type of swimming. ii) Penalty stroke in Hockey. 5. Answer the following questions in brief. i) Batton exchange zone in relay race. ii) Type of Foul and their penalty in Basket ball. iii) Technical equipment and their use in Basket ball. 12 SLR-Y – 4 -6- *SLRY4* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àûZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). i) qgS>a Q´>°H$Mr aMZm (~m§YUr) d H$miOr ñnîQ> H$am. ii) 79 _r. gai~mO² Agboë`m 400 _r. Q´>°H$Mr AmIUr H$am d YmdZ_mJ© H«$. 2, 3 d 4 Mo dmT>mdo A§Va H$mT>m. 3. Imbrb àûZm§Mo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). i) h°ÝS>~m°bÀ`m _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Xçm. ii) Imo-Imo À`m _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Xçm. 4. Imbrb àûZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. i) nmohÊ`mMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. ii) hm°H$s_Yrb noZmëQ>>r ñQ´>moH$. 5. Imbrb àûZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. i) [abo aog _Yrb ~°Q>Z ~Xb joÌ. ii) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b _Yrb \$mdybMo àH$ma d Ë`mMr {ejm. iii) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b _Yrb Vm§ÌrH$ gm{hË` d Ë`mMm Cn`moJ. _____________________ 10 10 8 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 10 *SLRY10* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P. Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper − X) Rules of Games and Sports (Part − II) Day & Date : Friday, 19-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date _____________________ Language of Answer __________________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. ___________________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section _____________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) Examiner For Office Use only Code No. N.B. : i) Question No. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. ii) All questions are compulsory. iii) Draw a neat diagram if necessary. iv) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original questions in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative. 10 i) The duration of the men Kabaddi match is __________ a) 15-5-15 b) 20-5-20 c) 10-2-10 d) 30-10-30 P.T.O. SLR-Y – 10 -2- DO *SLRY10* E R E H E T I R W T NO ii) The sector angle of shot put is ___________ a) 34.92° b) 36.92° c) 32.92° d) 34° iii) In Volleyball the height of the net (women) is __________ a) 2.43 m. b) 2.24 m. c) 2.55 m. d) None of these iv) In a softball (men) distance between home plate and pitching plate is _______ a) 40 m. b) 30 m. c) 46 m. d) None of these v) In a running broad jump distance between Take of Board and jumping pit is ____________ a) 13 m. b) 3 m. c) 10 c.m. d) None of these vi) Duckwarth Luise rule is concern with ___________ game. a) Football b) Cricket c) Hockey d) Lawn Tennis vii) Bonus point is related to ___________ game. a) Kabaddi b) Cricket c) Football d) Basketball *SLRY10* -3- SLR-Y – 10 viii) The width of Kabaddi (men) ground is ___________ a) 12.50 m. b) 13 m. c) 10 m. d) 8 m. ix) Antenna and side band is used in ___________ game. a) Volleyball b) Football c) Netball d) Hockey x) ____________ players make Football Team. a) 12 b) 11 c) 9 d) 10 _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. i) H$~È>r gm_Ý`mMm (nwéf) H$mbmdYr ____________ A) 15-5-15 ~) 20-5-20 H$) 10-2-10 S>) 30-10-30 ii) Jmoim\o$H$sÀ`m goQ>aMm H$moZ ____________ AgVmo. A) 34.92° ~) 36.92° H$) 32.92° S>) 34° iii) ìhm°br~m°b_Ü`o _{hbm§gmR>r ZoQ>Mr C§Mr ____________ A) 2.43 _r. ~) 2.24 _r. H$) 2.55 _r. S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr iv) gm°âQ>~m°b_Ü`o nwéfm§gmR>r hmo_ ßboQ> Vo {nqMJ ßboQ> A§Va ____________ AgVo. A) 40 _r. ~) 30 _r. H$) 46 _r. S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr v) b§~CS>r_Ü`o Q>oH$ Am°\$ ~moS>© Vo O§ntJ {nQ> A§Va ____________ AgVo. A) 13 _r. ~) 3 _r. H$) 10 g|._r. S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 10 SLR-Y – 10 vi) vii) viii) -4- S>H$dW© bwBg hm {Z`_ ____________ Iobmer g§~§{Y Amho. A) \y$Q>~m°b ~) {H«$Ho$Q> H$) hm°H$s S>) bm°Z Q>o{Zg ~moZg JwU hm ____________ Mm Ioimer g§~§{YV Amho. A) H$~È>r ~) {H«$Ho$Q> H$) \y$Q>~m°b S>) ~mñHo$Q> ~m°b H$~È>r (nwéf) _¡XmZmMr é§Xr ____________ A) 12.50 _r. ~) 13 _r. H$) 10 _r. S>) 8 _r. ix) ____________ Ioim_Ü`o A°ÝQ>rZm d gmB©S> ~±S>Mm dmna hmoVmo. A) ìhm°br~m°b ~) \y$Q>~m°b H$) ZoQ>~m°b S>) hm°H$s x) ____________ IobmSy>§Mm {_byZ \y$Q>~m°b g§K V`ma hmoVmo. A) 12 ~) 11 H$) 9 S>) 10 _____________________ *SLRY10* -5- *SLRY10* SLR-Y – 10 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – X) Rules of Games and Sports (Part – II) Day and Date : Friday, 19-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 2. Answer the following question (any one). 10 i) Draw a neat diagram of Badminton Court with measurements and give the name of various area. ii) Draw a neat diagram of Kabaddi (men) court with measurements and give the name of various area. 3. Answer the following question (any one). 10 i) List the officials required for conducting Volleyball match and explain their duties in brief. ii) List of the officials for wrestling and write the duties of each officials. 4. Answer the following questions in brief. 8 i) Write eight ways getting batsman out in cricket. ii) Prepare a score sheet for jumping event. 5. Answer the following questions in brief. i) Table Tennis Rules. ii) Pitching rules in Softball. iii) Tie break in High jump. 12 SLR-Y – 10 -6- *SLRY10* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àûZm§Mo CÎma Xçm. i) ~°S>{_ÝQ>ZÀ`m _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Xçm. ii) H$~È>r (nwéf) _¡XmZmMr _moO_mnmgh AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z {d{dY ^mJm§Zm Zm§do Xçm. 3. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àûZm§Mo CÎma Xçm. i) ìhm°br~m°b gm_Ý`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ AgUmè`m n§MmMr `mXr H$am d Ë`m§Mr H$V©ì` ñnîQ> H$am. ii) Hw$ñVrgmR>r bmJUmè`m n§MmMr `mXr gm§JyZ àË`oH$mMr H$V©ì` {bhm. 4. Imbrb àûZm§Mr CÎmao Xçm. 10 10 8 i) {H«$Ho$Q>_Ü`o \$b§XmO ~mX hmoÊ`mÀ`m AmR>> àH$ma. ii) CS>çm§À`m ~m~rgmR>r JwU nÌH$ V`ma H$am. 5. Imbrb àûZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. 12 i) Q>o~bQ>o{ZgMo {Z`_. ii) gm°âQ>>~m°b_Yrb {nqMJMo {Z`_. iii) C§MCS>r_Yrb ~amo~ar gmoS>dm. _____________________ Code No. SLR-Y – 12C *SLRY12C* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ ---- ----------- ------------ ------------------------------ -----------B.P.Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper − XII) Methodology in School Subject − English Day & Date : Monday, 22-12-2014 Max. Marks : 50 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Day & Date ____________________ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Marks - Out of Signature of Examiner Instructions : __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. 1) Question No. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose correct alternatives : 10 1) The originator of silent reading teaching method is a) Dr. Swest b) Dr. Best c) Dr. West d) Dr. Plamer P.T.O. SLR-Y – 12C *SLRY12C* -2- DO T O N E T I WR 2) Prase means a) The words in their order c) The words in their best order RE E H b) The best words in their order d) The best words in their best order 3) The basic qualification for the English teacher at secondary level a) M.A. B.Ed. b) H.Sc. c) B.A. B.Ed. d) D.Ed. 4) ____________ was the principal of the Teacher Training College. a) Dr. West b) Burton c) Huyes d) Hutton 5) ___________ has classified the Audio-Visual aids. a) Dr. West b) Hutton c) Kochar d) Burton 6) English teacher should have the knowledge of a) English b) Student mother tounge c) Student psychology d) All the above 7) The film-strip are the example of a) Auido-aids b) Visual aids c) Audio-visual aids d) Above all 8) The variable of lesson planning is a) Skills b) Objectives c) Evaluation d) Above all 9) Teacher uses teaching aids for a) Making teaching interesting b) Making teaching within understanding level of student c) Making student attentive d) All the above 10) Modulation of voice means a) Pronunciation b) Stress c) Intonation ——————— d) Rhyme *SLRY12C* -3- SLR-Y – 12C Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – XII) Methodology in School Subject – English Day and Date: Monday, 22-12-2014 Marks: 40 Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instruction : All questions are compulsory. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What are the visual aids importance of Audio-Visual aids in teaching and learning process ? 2) List down the steps in the lesson plan and explain how to teach prose lesson. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Which aim of teaching English do you consider as the most important and why ? 2) What are the different method of teaching English ? 4. Answer the following in brief : 8 1) Write importance of silent reading. 2) Write briefly about teaching poetry. 5. Answer the following in brief : 12 1) Write about Unit Test. 2) Problem of spelling. 3) Write about how to teach prose lesson. –––––––––––– Code No. SLR-Y – 6 *SLRY6* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ ---- ----------- ------------ ------------------------------ -----------B.P.Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper− VI) Methodology in Physical Education Day & Date : Monday, 22-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Total Marks : 50 Day & Date ____________________ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Marks - Out of Signature of ______________ (Paper - _______) Examiner Instructions : __________ Examination _________ For Office Use only Code No. 1) Q. No. 1 is collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidate who intend to write their answers in Marathi are advised to read the English question paper also. 4) Number to the right indicate marks. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the proper alternatives : 10 1) ____________ is the team event. a) Kabaddi b) Chess c) Boxing d) Juedo P.T.O. SLR-Y – 6 *SLRY6* -2- DO T O N E T I WR RE E H 2) Rhythmic movement __________ is ability development. a) Flexibility b) Technical c) Psychological d) None of the above 3) Ground marking _____________ is preparation. a) Technical preparation b) Tactical preparation c) Lesson plan d) All of these above 4) ____________ is the one of quality physical education teacher. a) Physical fit b) Confidence c) Audio-Visual aids d) None of these 5) ___________ is the characteristic of class management. a) Time factor b) Lesson plan c) Audio Visual aids d) All of the above 6) For learner _____________ maximus is important for teaching. a) Simple to complex b) Lecture method c) Demonstration d) Explanation 7) Sports performance is the __________ development. a) Skill b) Total personality c) Tactical ability d) All of the above 8) While teaching shot put (peri-o-brine style) _______ method is essential. a) Whole and part method b) Verbal method c) a and b both d) None of these *SLRY6* SLR-Y – 6 -3- 9) While showing demonstration student required __________ position. a) Skill b) Stand it easy c) Attention d) None of above 10) ___________ is the method of roll call. a) Numbering system b) Trial and error c) Explanation d) Demonstration _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) _________ hm gm§{KH$ Ioi Amho. A) H$ã~S>r 2) 3) ~) ~w{Õ~i H$) ~m°pg¨J b`~Õ hmbMmbrZo _________ j_VoMm {dH$mg hmoVmo. A) bd{MH$Vm ~) Vm§{ÌH$ H$) _mZgemñÌr` {dH$mg S>) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr _¡XmZ AmIUr _________ V`mar Amho. A) Vm§{ÌH$ V`mar ~) S>mdnoO V`mar H$) nmR> Q>mMU S>) darb gd© 4) _________ ho EH$ emar[aH$ {ejU {ejH$mMo JwU d¡{eîR> Amho. A) emar[aH$ V§XwéñVr ~) AmË_{dídmg H$) ÑH$-lmì` gmYZo S>) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr 5) _________ ho Mm§Jë`m dJ© ì`dñWmnZoMo VËd Amho. A) doi{ZpíMVr ~) nmR> Q>mMU H$) ÑH$-lmì` gmYZo S>) darb gd© S>) Á`wS>mo SLR-Y – 6 -4- *SLRY6* 6) ZdrZ IoimSy>bm _______ AÜ`mnZ gyÌmZo {eH$dUo _hËdmMo AgVo. A) gmoß`mH$Sy>Z-AdKS>mH$S>o ~) ì`m»`mZ nÕVr H$) àmË`{jH$ S>) ñnîQ>rH$aU 7) emar[aH$ {ejU åhUOo A) H$m¡eë` H$) S>mdnoO j_Vm 8) Jmoim\o$H$ {eH${dVmZm (peri-o-brine nÕV) _________ nÕVr dmna hmoÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm _______ Mm {dH$mg hmo`. ~) g§nyU© ì`pV_Ëd S>) darb gd© Amho. 9) A) nyU© d ^mJ nÕV ~) Vm|S>r ñnîQ>rH$aU H$) A Am{U ~ XmoÝhr S>) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr àmË`{jH$ XmI{dVmZm {dÚmWu _________ AdñWoV (C^o) AgmdoV. A) H$m¡eë` ~) Amam_go H$) gmdYmZ S>) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr 10) _________ hr CnpñWVr KoÊ`mMr nÕVr Amho. A) Z§~a nÕV ~) à`ËZ à_mX H$) ñnîQ>rH$aU S>) àmË`{jH$ ——————— *SLRY6* -5- SLR-Y – 6 Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Methodology in Physical Education Day and Date: Monday, 22-12-2014 Marks: 40 Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Candidate who intend to write their answers in Marathi are advised to read the English question paper also. 3) Number to the right indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is meant by method ? Describe any two method. 2) Explain use of audio-visual aids in physical education with example. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Describe various factors influencing method of teaching. 2) In physical education how maintain public relation, state importance. 4. Answer the following in brief : 8 1) How do develop professional growth in physical education ? 2) What is personal preparation and why it is necessary ? 5. Answer the following questions in brief : 1) Write in brief steps of specific lesson plan. 2) Write about whole and part method. 3) State the merits and demerits of Demonstration method. 12 SLR-Y – 6 -6- *SLRY6* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) AÜ`mnZ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` ? H$moUmË`mhr XmoZ nÕVr WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 2) emar[aH$ {ejUmV ÑH$-lmì` gmYZm§Mm Cn`moJ CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) emar[aH$ {ejU AÜ`mnZ nÕVrda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ gm§Jm. 2) emar[aH$ {ejUmV OZVm g§nH©$ H$go Onmdo ? _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) emar[aH$ {ejUmV ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mg H$aVm `oB©b ñnîQ> H$am. 2) d¡`pVH$ V`mar åhUOo H$m` ? d¡`pVH$ V`marMr Amdí`H$Vm gm§Jm. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m {deof nmR>mÀ`m nm`è`mMo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 2) nyU© d ^mJ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` Vo {bhm. 3) àmË`{jH$ nÕVr \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. –––––––––––– 10 10 8 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 1 *SLRY1* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Principle and Psychology of Physical Education (Paper− I) Day & Date : Tuesday, 16-12-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date _____________________ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) Examiner For Office Use only Code No. N.B. : 1) Q.No. 1 shall be collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are advised to read English paper also. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative. 10 1) The surplus energy theory of play was propounded by a) John Dewey c) Schiller b) Cattel d) Mc. Dougall P.T.O. SLR-Y – 1 *SLRY1* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) The theory of classical conditioning was produced by a) John Dewey b) Gestalt c) Pavlov d) Thorndike 3) Personality is a) Dynamic b) Static c) a and b d) None of these 4) Slow learning occurs in which phase of the learning curve a) Initial spurt b) Final spurt c) Plateau d) All of these 5) Learning of subject helps to learn another subject is called _________ learning of transfer. a) Negative transfer b) Positive transfer c) Zero transfer d) None of these 6) According to _________ psychology is the science of behaviour. a) Aristotle b) J.B. Watson c) Freud d) Woodwarth 7) Physical age is depends up on a) Calender b) Classification of bone c) Maturity of mind d) All of these *SLRY1* -3- SLR-Y – 1 8) The causes of individual difference is a) Heredity b) Environment c) Sex difference and age d) All of these 9) In development process the terms ‘gang-age’ occurs a) Childhood b) Infancy c) Adolescence d) Adulthood 10) Physical culture includes _________ types. a) Bardumbells b) Weight lifting c) Roman ring d) All of these _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 10 1) H«$sS>oMr A{V[aV COm© Cnn{Îm `m§Zr _m§S>br A) Om°ZS>çwB© ~) H°$Q>b H$) {eba S>) _°H$S>çwJb 2) A{^OmV A{^g§YmZ Cnn{ÎmMm OZH$ A) Om°Z S>çwB© ~) JoñQ>m°ëQ> H$) n°dbm°ìh S>) Wm°Z©S>mBH$ 3) ì`pV_Ëd åhUOo A) JVrerb ~) pñWa H$) A Am{U ~ S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr 4) AÜ``Z dH«$mÀ`m `m Q>ßß`m_Ü`o AÜ`ZmMm doJ H$_r hmoVmo A) àmW{_H$ AdñWm ~) A§{V_ AdñWm H$) nR>ma AdñWm S>) darb gd© 5) EH$m {df`mÀ`m AÜ`mnZmMm Xwgè`m {df`mÀ`m AÜ`mnZmg _XV hmoVo Ë`m AÜ`mnZmg _______ åhUVmV. A) F$U g§H«$_U ~) YZ g§H«$_U H$) eyÝ` g§H«$_U S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-Y – 1 *SLRY1* -4- 6) _______ `m§À`m _Vo _mZgemñÌ åhUOo _mZdr dV©ZmMm Aä`mgH$aZmao emñÌ. A) A°[añQ>m°Q>b H$) \«$mB©S> ~) Oo.~r. d°Q>gZ S>) dwS²>dW© 7) emar[aH$ d` ho _______ da Adb§~yZ AgVo. A) H°$b|S>a ~) hmS>mMo dJuH$aU H$) _mZdmMr n[andVo da S>) darb gd© 8) ì`pV^oX {Z_m©U hmoÊ`mMo H$maUo A) AmZwd§e ~) dmVmdaU H$) qbJ^oX d d` S>) darb gd© 9) {dH$mg AdñWoV "Q>moir H$mi' _______ AdñWoV KS>Vmo. A) ~më`mAdñWm ~) e¡emdñWm H$) Hw$_madñWm 10) eara g§dY©Zm_Ü`o _______ àH$ma `oVmV. A) ~maS>§~oëg H$) amo_Z [a¨J ~) doQ>-{bßQ>tJ S>) darb gd© _____________________ S>) àmoT>mdñWm *SLRY1* -5- SLR-Y – 1 Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Principle and Psychology of Physical Education (Paper – I) Day and Date : Tuesday, 16-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are advised to read in English paper also. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is meant by learning curve ? Explain the steps of learning curve. 2) State the Thorndikes trial and error theory and give the importance of this theory in Physical Education. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What do you mean by play ? Explain surplus energy theory. 2) Explain the aim and objective of Physical Education. 4. Answer the following questions in brief : 8 1) Write information of childhood. 2) Personality. 5. Answer the following question in brief : 12 1) Biped and quadrupeds. 2) Causes of individual difference. 3) Trial and error learning. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVrhr EH$) : 1) AÜ``Z dH«$ åhUOo H$m` ? AÜ``Z dH«$mÀ`m nm`è`m ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Wm°Z©S>mB©H$Mr à`ËZà_mX Cnn{Îm gm§JyZ Ë`mMo emar[aH$ {ejUmVrb _hËd {deX H$am. 10 SLR-Y – 1 -6- 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVrhr EH$) : *SLRY1* 10 1) H«$sS>m åhUOo H$m` ? Á`mXm CËgmh eVrMm {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 2) emar[aH$ {ejUmMr Ü`o` d C{ÔîQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm : 8 1) ~më`mdñWmMr _mhrVr {bhm. 2) ì`pV_Ëd. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm : 1) {ÛnmX d MVwînmX. 2) ì`pV^oXmMr H$maUo. 3) MwH$m d {eH$m nÕVr. ——————— 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 11 *SLRY11* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Elementary Statistics (Paper− XI) Day & Date : Saturday, 20-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date ____________________ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. N.B. : i) Q. No. 1 shall be collected within first fifteen minutes. ii) All question are compulsory. iii) Candidates who intend to write their answer in Marathi are advised to read the English paper also. iv) Use simple calculator. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the currect answer : 10 1) The concept of standard deviation was introduced by a) Karl Pearson b) Fisher c) Gauss d) Spearman P.T.O. SLR-Y – 11 *SLRY11* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) The mid point of the Class Interval 40 – 49 is a) 42 b) 44.5 c) 47 d) 45 3) The most maximum repeated value for the data is known as a) Mean b) Mode c) Median d) S.D. 4) The difference between upper limit and lower limit is known as a) Class interval b) Frequency c) Mean d) None of the above 5) Quartile deviation is calculated using ____________ formula. a) Q3 – Q1 c) b) Q3 – Q2 Q 3 − Q1 2 d) Q 3 − Q1 Q1 6) Best measure of variability is a) Range b) Standard deviation c) Mean deviation d) Quartile deviation 7) Mode = __________ Median – 2 Mean. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 c) 5 d) 9 8) The length of class interval 50 – 59 is a) 10 b) 8 *SLRY11* SLR-Y – 11 -3- 9) Mean is calculated using ____________ formula. a) M = A.M + ∑ fd Xi N b) M = A.M + c) M = A.M + ∑ fd Xi d) M = fd X N i ∑ fd Xi N 10) The most unreliable and unstable average is a) Mode b) Mean c) Median d) None of the above _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 10 1) à_mU {dMbZ `m g§H$ënZoMm n[aM` _____________ `mZo H$ê$Z {Xbm. A) H$mb© {nAagZ ~) {\$ea H$) Jg S>) pñnAa_Z 2) 40-49 `m dJmªVamMo dJmªVa _Ü` _____________ Amho. A) 42 ~) 44.5 H$) 47 S>) 45 3) gmaUr_Ü`o gdm©V A{YH$ doim `oZmao nX åhUOo _____________ hmo`. A) _Ü`_mZ ~) ~hþbH$ H$) _Ü`Jm S>) à_mU {dMbZ 4) EImÚm dJm©Mr PoîR>/daMr _`m©Xm d H${ZîR>/ImbMr _`m©Xm `m _Yrb \$aH$mg _____________ åhUVmV. A) dJmªVa ~) dma§dm[aVm H$) _Ü`_mZ 5) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r _____________ gyÌ dmnaVmV. A) Q3 – Q1 ~) Q3 – Q2 H$) Q 3 − Q1 2 S>) Q 3 − Q1 Q1 6) {dMbZ erbVoMo Mm§Jbo _mn _____________ Amho. A) {dñVma ~) à_mU {dMbZ H$) gamgar {dMbZ S>) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-Y – 11 7) *SLRY11* -4- Mode = _______ Median – 2 Mean. A) 2 ~) 3 H$) 4 S>) 5 8) 50 Vo 59 `m dJmªVamMr bm§~r _____________ Amho. A) 10 ~) 8 H$) 5 S>) 9 9) _Ü`_mZ H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r _____________ gyÌ dmnaVmV. A) M = A.M + ∑ fd Xi N ~) M = A.M + H$) M = A.M + ∑ fd Xi S>) M= fd X N i ∑ fd Xi N 10) gdm©YrH$ ApñWa Am{U {dg§~yZ amhÿ Z eH$Zmar gamgar A) ~hþbH$ ~) _Ü`_mZ H$) _Ü`Jm _____________________ S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRY11* -5- SLR-Y – 11 Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Elementary Statistics (Paper – XI) Day and Date : Saturday, 20-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 2. Calculate the following any one of them. 1) Calculate mean for the following table. 2) Calculate median for the following table. C.I. F 65 − 69 1 60 − 64 3 55 − 59 4 50 − 54 7 45 − 49 9 40 − 44 11 35 − 39 8 30 − 34 4 25 − 29 2 20 − 24 1 10 N = 50 3. Calculate the following any one of them. i) Calculate standard deviation for the above table (Q. No. 2). ii) Calculate 70% value for the above table (Q. No. 2). 4. Answer the following in brief : i) Importance of statistics in physical education. ii) Mode. 5. Answer the following in brief : i) Need of statistics in physical education. ii) Quartile deviation iii) Correlation. 10 8 12 SLR-Y – 11 -6- *SLRY11* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr EH$ gmoS>dm. 1) Imbrb gmaUrdê$Z _Ü`_mZ H$mT>m. 2) Imbrb gmaUrdê$Z _Ü`Jm H$mT>m. d 6 J m ªV 5 − a 0 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 3 5 3 0 2 5 2 0 §d m 1 6 4 3 5 9 4 5 4 7 4 9 9 4 4 3 9 8 3 4 4 2 9 2 2 4 1 − − − − − − − a 9 − 5 m 6 − 6 d 1 Z = a r V 10 m 1 5 0 3. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr EH$ gmoS>dm. 1) àíZ H¥$_m§H$ 2 _Yrb gmaUrdê$Z à_mU {dMbZ H$mT>m. 2) àíZ H¥$_m§H$ 2 _Yrb gmaUrdê$Z 70% _yë` H$mT>m. 10 4. Imbrb CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm. 1) g§»`m emñÌmMo emar[aH$ {ejUmV _hËd. 2) ~hþbH$. 8 5. Imbrb CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm. 1) g§»`memñÌmMr emar[aH$ {ejUmV JaO. 2) MVwW©H$ {dMbZ 3) ghg§~§Y. 12 _____________ Code No. SLR-Y – 2 *SLRY2* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper− II) Organization Administration of Physical Education Day & Date : Wednesday, 17-12-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner Section ________________________________________ __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : i) Question No. 1 shall be collected within first fifteen minutes. ii) All questions are compulsory. iii) The candidates should read the original questions in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternative : 1) In knock out system of 25 (twenty five) teams are participating then total byes are a) 8 b) 7 c) 6 10 d) 9 P.T.O. SLR-Y – 2 *SLRY2* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) Organization of District Level Tournament is held under a) Corporator b) Director of Physical Education c) Collector d) District Sports Officer 3) Formula for knock out tournament is N(N + 1) 2 N(N − 2 ) c) N – 1 d) 2 4) Basic height for diving competition board is a) N(N − 1) 2 a) 3 m. b) b) 4 m. c) 8 m. d) 1 m. 5) Organization of sports tournament ‘PYKKA’ is for a) Only college players b) Urban players c) Rural players d) None of these 6) Which is the substance to be used for cleaning of water of a swimming pool ? a) Potassium b) Clorin c) Calcium d) Magnesium *SLRY2* SLR-Y – 2 -3- 7) U.G.C. means a) United Grants Commission b) University Group Commission c) University Grants Commission d) University Grants Council 8) _________ is a Chairman of University Intercollegiate Tournament. a) District Sports Officer b) Principal c) Director of Physical Education d) Sports Representative 9) There are ________ main types of tournament. a) Six b) Five c) Three d) Two 10) I.O.A. means a) Indian Olympic Area b) Indian Olympic Association c) Indian Organiser Association d) Indira Olympic Association _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) ~mX nÕVr _Ü`o A) 8 10 25 (n§Mdrg) g§K gh^mJ Zm|Xdbm Va EHy$U$ ~m` ~) 7 H$) 6 2) {Oëhm nmVirdarb ñnYm© A) ZJagodH$ H$) {Oëhm{YH$mar 3) ~mX nÕVrÀ`m doir ______ ______ _____ hmoVrb. S>) 9 `m§Mo A{YH$mam Imbr nma nmS>ë`m OmVmV. ~) emar[aH$ {ejU g§MmbH$ S>) {Oëhm H«$sS>m A{YH$mar gyÌ ñnY}V dmnaVmV. A) N(N − 1) 2 ~) N(N + 1) 2 H$) N–1 S>) N(N − 2 ) 2 SLR-Y – 2 *SLRY2* -4- 4) ObVaU VbmdmV gwa _maÊ`mVrb _yb^yV \$irMr C§Mr ______ AgVo. A) 3 _r. ~) 4 _r. H$) 8 _r. S>) 1 _r. 5) "nm`H$m' H«$sS>m ñnYm© ______ gmR>r Am`mo{OV Ho$ë`m OmVmV. A) \$V _hm{dÚmb` IoimSy> ~) ehar IoimSy> S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr H$) J«m{_U IoimSy> 6) ObVaU VbmdmVrb nmÊ`mÀ`m ewÕrH$aUmgmR>r A) nmoQ>°{e`_ ~) bmo[aZ 7) `w. Or. gr. AW© A) `wZm`Q>oS> J«°Q>g² H${_eZ H$) `w{Zìh©{gQ>r J«°Q>g² H${_eZ ~) `w{Zìha{gQ>r J«yn H${_eZ S>) `w{Zìh©{gQ>r J«°Q>g² H$m¡pÝgb 8) {dÚmnrR> Am§Va_hm{dÚmb` ñnY}Mo AÜ`j A) {Oëhm H«$sS>m A{YH$mar H$) emar[aH$ {ejU g§MmbH$ 9) ñnYm©Mo _w»` A) ghm 10) nXmW© dmnaVmV. H$) H°$b{e`_ S>) _°½Zo{e`_ ______ ______ àH$ma AmhoV. ~) nmM AgVmV. ~) àmMm`© S>) H«$sS>m à{V{Z{Y ______ H$) VrZ Am`. Amo. E. AW© A) ^maVr` Am°b§{nH$ E[a`m H$) ^maVr` {Z`moOH$ g§KQ>Zm S>) XmoZ ~) ^maVr` Am°b§{nH$ g§KQ>Zm S>) B§{Xam Am°b§{nH$ g§KQ>Zm _____________________ *SLRY2* -5- SLR-Y – 2 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – II) Organization Administration of Physical Education Day and Date : Wednesday, 17-12-2014 Thursday, 5-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 10.00 Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) The candidates should read the original questions in English.a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain in detail the principles and factors of influencing physical education timetable. 2) As a physical education teacher of a school, explain its sports organization. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What measures are to be taken for the maintenance purpose of a swimming pool ? 2) Explain the sports equipments purchase, care and maintenance. 4. Answer the following questions in brief. 8 1) Maintenance of play grounds. 2) Importance of intramural. 5. Answer the following questions in brief. 1) Physical Education Department at college level. 2) Gymnasium 3) Importance of extramural. 12 SLR-Y – 2 -6- *SLRY2* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). 1) emar[aH$ {ejU doimnÌH$mMr VËdo gm§JyZ Ë`mda n[aUm_H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) emar[aH$ {ejH$ ZmË`mZo Vw_À`m emioVrb H«$sS>m {Z`moOZ ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). 1) ObVaU VbmdmÀ`m CËH¥$îQ> {ZJm amIÊ`mÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo Vwåhr H$em àH$maMo Cnm` `moOmb. 2) H«$sS>m gm{hË`mMr IaoXr, H$miOr d {ZJm ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZmMo WmoS>`mV CÎma {bhm. 1) H«$sS>m§JUmMr {ZJm 2) Am§VaHw$b ñnY}Mo _hËd Imbrb àíZmMo WmoS>`mV CÎma {bhm. 1) _hm{dÚmb`mVrb emar[aH$ {ejU {d^mJ 2) ì`m`m_emim 3) ~{hJ©V ñnY}Mo _hËd. ——————— 10 10 8 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 3 *SLRY3* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Anatomy and Physiology (Paper− III) Day & Date : Thursday, 18-12-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date ____________________ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original question in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose appropriate alternative of the following : 1) The nervous system can be divided in to __________ parts. a) Two b) Three c) Five d) Six P.T.O. SLR-Y – 3 *SLRY3* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) Bone marrow consist of a) Long bone b) Heart c) Lungs d) Stomach 3) Muscular tissue can be classified into _________ types. a) Two b) Three c) Five d) Six 4) Instrument used for measuring blood pressure is a) Goniometer b) Spygmomanometer c) Metronometer d) Flexometer 5) The skin is divided into __________ layers. a) Two b) Three c) Five d) Six 6) Human body temperature is regulation done by a) Heart b) Stomach c) Skin d) None of these 7) __________ is produced in liver. a) Intestinal juice b) Pancreatic juice c) Bile d) Saliva *SLRY3* SLR-Y – 3 -3- 8) During respiration, we take air inside the body through the a) Alimentary canal b) Oesophagus c) Stomach d) Trachea 9) _________ is a part of excretory system. a) Stomach b) Heart c) Pancreas d) Kidney 10) Duodenum, jejunum and ileum is the part of a) Stomach b) Large intestine c) Pancreas d) Small intestine _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. Imbrb ~hþn`m©`r àíZmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {bhm. 10 1) MoVmg§ñWoMo ___________ ^mJ nS>VmV. A) XmoZ ~) VrZ H$) nmM S>) ghm 2) ApñW_ÁOm (~moZ _oam°) ho ___________ _Ü`o AgVo. A) bm§~ hmS>o ~) öX` H$) \w$ß\w$g S>) OR>a 3) ñZm`yD${VMo dJuH$aU ___________ àH$mamV hmoVo. A) XmoZ ~) VrZ H$) nmM S>) ghm 4) aVXm~ _moOÊ`mÀ`m `§Ìmbm ___________ åhUVmV. A) Jmo{Z`mo_rQ>a ~) pñ\$½_mo_°Zmo_rQ>a H$) _oQ´>mo_rQ>a S>) âboPmo_rQ>a 5) ËdMoMo ___________ ñWam_Ü`o {d^mOZ hmoVo. A) XmoZ ~) VrZ H$) nmM S>) ghm 6) _mZdr earamÀ`m Vmn_mZmMo {Z`_Z ___________ H$aVo. A) öX` ~) OR>a H$) ËdMm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-Y – 3 *SLRY3* -4- 7) `H¥$Vm_Ü`o ___________ V`ma hmoVo. A) Am§Ìag ~) ñdmXwqnS>ag H$) {nÎm S>) bmi 8) ídmgKoV AgVmZm AmnU earam_Ü`o hdm ___________ _mÜ`_mVyZ KoVmo. 9) A) AÞ_mJ© ~) AÞZ{bH$m H$) OR>a S>) ídmgZ{bH$m. ___________ ho CËgO©H$ g§ñWoMm ^mJ Amho. A) OR>a ~) öX` H$) ñdmXw{n§S> S>) _yÌqnS> 10) {S>AmoS>rZ_, OoÁ`wZ_ d B{b`_ ho ___________ Mo ^mJ Amho. A) OR>a ~) _moR>o AmVoS> H$) ñdmXwqnS> _____________________ S>) bhmZ AmVoS>. *SLRY3* -5- SLR-Y – 3 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Anatomy and Physiology (Paper – III) Day and Date : Thursday, 18-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Neat diagram must be drawn whenever necessary. 3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original question in English. 2. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) With the help diagram explain Internal respiration. 2) Explain the structure of digestive system with figure. 3. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) Explain blood pressure and coagulation of blood. 2) Draw a diagram of respiratory system label the parts and explain the function of respiratory system. 4. Answer the following question in brief : 8 1) Skin 2) Spinal cord. 5. Answer the following question in brief : 1) Tyes of muscular contraction 2) Function of bone 3) Second wind. 12 SLR-Y – 3 -6- *SLRY3* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) A§V:ídgZ AmH¥$Vr gmh`mZo ñnîQ> H$am. 2) nMZg§ñWoMr aMZm AmH¥$Vr gh ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmoa {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) ñnîQ> H$am - aVXm~ d aVJmoR>Uo. 2) ídgZg§ñWoMr gw~H$ AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m ^mJm§Zm Zmdo Úm ídgZ g§ñWoÀ`m H$m`m©Mo dU©Z H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm. 1) ËdMm 8 2) _ÁOmaÁOw 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 1) ñZm`y AmHw§$MZ àgaUoM àH$ma 2) hmS>m§Mo H$m`© 3) Xwæ`_ ídgZ. _______________ 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 5 *SLRY5* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P. Ed. (Semester − I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Advanced Coaching of Sports and Games (Paper− 5) Day & Date : Saturday, 20-12-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Max. Marks :50 Day & Date _____________________ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. N.B. : 1) Q. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidates who intend to write answer in the Marathi are advised to read the original question in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose appropriate alternative of the following : 10 1) Under varying conditions, while practising it is necessary to _________ the skill. a) Synthesis b) Divide c) Generalize d) None of these P.T.O. SLR-Y – 5 -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) The study of ___________ is essential to become a good coach. a) Psychology b) Sociology c) Politics d) Geology 3) First N.I.S. centre established in India at a) Bangalore b) Delhi c) Patiala d) Pune 4) Coaching should be done a) Democratically b) Sociology c) Politics d) None of these 5) Which is component of Physical Fitness ? a) Motion b) Speed c) Fraction d) None of these 6) Which training method used for developing Endurance ? a) Weight c) Circuit b) Fartlek d) Interval 7) The meaning of Swedish word Fartlek is a) Speedy c) Power b) Motion d) Strength *SLRY5* *SLRY5* -3- SLR-Y – 5 8) Fundamental skill means ____________ skill of game. a) Basic b) Part c) Division d) None of these 9) ____________ is the example of stright line motion. a) 100 m Run b) 200 m Run c) 400 m Run d) 800 m Run 10) Hammer thrower by creating Rotatory movement himself very fast for create a a) Buoyancy b) A lever c) Force d) None of these _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. Imbrb ~hþn`m©`r àýmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {bhm : 1) ~XbË`m narpñWVrV gamd H$ê$Z H$m¡eë`mMo ___________ H$aUo JaOoMo AgVo. A) EH$ÌrH$aU ~) {d^mJUr H$) gm_mÝ`rH$aU S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) CÎm_ _mJ©Xe©H$ ~ZÊ`mgmR>r __________ `m emñÌmMm A{YH$ Aä`mg H$aUo Adí`H$ Amho. A) earaemñÌ d _mZgemñÌ H$) amÁ`emñÌ ~) g_mOemñÌ S>) IJmobemñÌ 3) ^maVm_Ü`o EZ.Am`.Eg. `m Ho$Ðm§Mr ñWmnZm àW_ __________ `oWo Pmbr. A) ~|Jbmoa H$) n{V`mbm ~) {Xëbr S>) nwUo 4) _mJ©Xe©Z __________ nÕVrMo Agmdo. A) bmoH$emhr H$) amOH$s` ~) gm_mOrH$ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 10 SLR-Y – 5 *SLRY5* -4- 5) emar[aH$ V§XwéñVrMm KQ>H$ H$moUVm ? A) JVr ~) doJ H$) Kf©U S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) X_XmanUm dmR>{dÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m à{ejU nÕVrMm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo ? A) doQ> Q´>oqZJ ~) \$mQ>©>boH$ H$) M{H«$` S>) {dlm§Vr KoV 7) \$mQ>©boH$ hm eãX pñdS>re AgyZ `mMm AW© A) doJdmZ ~) JVr H$) VmH$X S>) eVr 8) _yb^yV H$m¡eë` åhUOo EImÚm IoimVrb __________ H$m¡eë` hmo`. 9) A) ~o{gH$ ~) ^mJ H$) {d^mJ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr __________ ho gab aofr` JVrMo CXmhaU Amho. A) H$) 100 _r YmdUo 400 _r YmdUo ~) S>) 200 _r YmdUo 800 _r YmdUo 10) hmVmoS>m \o$H$Umam IobmSy> ñdV: ^modVr JaJa {\$ê$Z __________ {Z_m©U H$aVmo. A) CXmhaU ~) Va\$ H$) ~b S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr _____________________ *SLRQD16* -5- SLR-Y – 5 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Advanced Coaching of Sports and Games (Paper – 5) Day and Date : Saturday, 20-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Candidates who intend to write answer in the Marathi are advised to read the original question in English. 2. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) What are the principles of coaching ? Explain in detail with suitable examples. 2) Define coaching, explain the qualities of coach. 3. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 1) How will select Kho-Kho team ? Explain. 2) Explain the Philosophy of coaching. 4. Answer the following question in brief. 8 1) Explain the Fundamental Skill. 2) Explain the team technique. 5. Answer the following question in brief : 1) Lead up Game 2) Positional play 3) Coaching camp. 12 SLR-Y – 5 -6- *SLRY5* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) _mJ©Xe©ZmMr VËdo H$moUVr ? gmoXmhaU {dñVmanyd©H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _mJ©Xe©ZmMr ì`m»`m {bhm, _mJ©Xe©H$mMo JwU ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) Vwåhr Vw_Mm Imo-Imo g§K H$gm {ZdS>mb g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _mJ©Xe©ZmMr VËdkmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm. 8 1) _yb^yV H$m¡eë` ñnîQ> H$am. 2) g§K V§Ì ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrb àým§Mr CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm. 1) nyaH$ Ioi 2) {d{eîQ> OmJodarb Iob 3) _mJ©Xe©Z {e~ra. —————— 12 Code No. SLR-Y –6 *SLRY6* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. ______________________ Centre _______________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words ____________________________________________ ------------------------------- - ---- -----------------------B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Methodology in Physical Education Day and Date : Monday, 22-12-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Total Marks : 50 Day & Date __________________________ Language of Answer ___________________________ Examination _______________________ Paper No. _____________________________________ Subject ____________________________ Section ______________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination ____________ __________________ (Paper - ________) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidate who intend to write their answers in Marathi are advised to read the English question paper also. 4) Numbers to the right indicate marks. MCQ/Objective Question Paper Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the proper alternative : 1) _________ is used in teaching aids. a) Lecture b) Demonstration c) Command 10 d) Above all P.T.O. SLR-Y – 6 *SLRY6* -2- DO T O N RE E H E IT R W 2) For learner __________ maximus is important for teaching. a) Simple to complex c) Demonstration b) Lecture method d) Explanation 3) ________ method is used for the recovery of student old knowledge. a) Oral method b) Lecture method c) Orientation method d) Discuss method 4) While teaching shot put (peri-o-brine style) _______ method is essential. a) whole and part c) a) and b) both b) Verbal method d) None of these 5) ____________ is used in demonstration method. a) Lecture b) Demonstration c) Command d) Above all 6) Rthymic movement __________ is ability development. a) Flexibility c) Psychological b) Technical d) None of the above 7) Under arm pass skill is related for ___________ game. a) Football b) Cricket c) Volleyball 8) Ground marking __________ is preparation. a) Technical b) Tactical c) Lesson plan d) All the above d) Kho-Kho *SLRY6* SLR-Y – 6 -3- 9) Physical Education lesson are _________ types. a) Three b) One c) Two d) Four 10) While showing demonstration student required ________ position. a) Skill c) Attention b) Standing easily d) None of the above _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) e¡j{UH$ gmYZm_Ü`o ______________Mm dmna H$aVmV. A) ì`m»`mZ ~) àmË`{jH$ H$) AmXoe S>) darb gd© 2) Z{dZ IoimS>ybm ______________AÜ`mnZ gyÌmZo {eH${dUo _hÎdmMo AgVo. A) gmoß`mH$Sy>Z AdKS>mH$S>o H$) àmË`{jH$ 3) {dÚmÏ`m©À`m nyd©kmZmbm nwZ©{O{dV H$aÊ`mgmR>r ______________nÕVrMm dmna H$aVmV. A) Vm|S>r nÕV H$) ZyVZrH$aU nÕV 4) ~) ì`m»`mZ nÕV S>) MMm© nÕV Jmoim \o$H$_Yrb noarAmo~m©B©Z nÕV {eH$dVmZm ______________nÕVrMm dmna KoÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm Amho. A) nyU© d ^mJ nÕV H$) A) Am{U ~) XmoÝhr 5) ~) ì`m»`mZ nÕVr S>) ñnîQ>rH$aU ~) Vm|S>r ñnîQ>rH$aU S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr àmË`{jH$ nÕVr_Ü`o ______________Mm dmna H$aVmV. A) ì`m»`mZ ~) àmË`{jH$ H$) AmXoe S>) darb gd© SLR-Y – 6 6) b`~Õ hmbMmbr_wio ______________j_VoMm {dH$mg hmoVmo. A) bd{MH$Vm H$) _mZgemñÌr` {dH$mg 7) 9) 10) ~) Vm§{ÌH$ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr A§S>a Am_©nmg ho H$m¡eë` ______________Ioimer g§~§{YV Amho. A) \w$Q>~m°b 8) *SLRY6* -4- ~) {H«$Ho$Q> _¡XmZ AmIUr H$) ìhm°br~m°b V`mar Amho. A) Vm§{ÌH$ V`mar ~) S>mdnoM V`mar H$) nmR>>Q>mMU S>) darb gd© emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m nmR>>mMo àH$ma AmhoV. A) VrZ ~) EH$ H$) XmoZ S>) Mma àmË`{jH$ XmI{dVmZm {dÚmWu S>) Imo-Imo AdñWoV C^o AgmdoV. A) H$m¡eë` ~) Amam_go H$) gmdYmZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr __________________ *SLRY6* -5- SLR-Y – 6 Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – VI) Methodology in Physical Education Day and Date : Monday, 22-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Candidate who intend to write their answers in Marathi are advised to read the English question paper also. 3) Numbers to the right indicate marks. 2. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) What is demonstration method ? Explain its merit and demerit in detail. 2) What is meant by study method ? Describe any two methods in detail. 3. Answer the following questions (any one) : 10 1) Explain in detail the steps of specific lesson plan. 2) Explain in detail use of audio-visual aids in physical education with example. 4. Answer the following in brief : 8 1) Write about steps of general lesson plan. 2) Write various factors influencing method of studying physical education. 5. Answer the following in brief. 1) Write about professional growth in physical education. 2) Write importance and disadvantage about whole and part method. 3) State the importance of how to maintain public relation in physical education. 12 SLR-Y – 6 -6- *SLRY6* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. 3. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) àmË`{jH$ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` ? nÕVrMo \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 2) AÜ`mnZ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` ? H$moUVohr XmoZ nÕVr g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) emar[aH$ {ejUmÀ`m {deof nmR>mÀ`m nm`è`mMo g{dñVa ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 2) emar[aH$ {ejUmV ÑH$lmì` gmYZm§Mm Cn`moJ CXmhaUgh ñnîQ> H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) gm_mÝ` nmR>mÀ`m nm`è`m ñnîQ> H$am. 2) emar[aH$ {ejU AÜ`mnZ nÕVrda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ gm§Jm. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) emar[aH$ {ejUmV ì`mdgm{`H$ {dH$mg H$aVm `oB©b Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 2) nyU© d ^mJ nÕVr åhUOo H$m` ? nÕVrM _hÎd d VmoQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. 3) emar[aH$ {ejUmV OZVm g§nH©$ H$go O_mdo ? _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. ________________ 10 10 8 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 7 *SLRY7* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION History of Physical Education (Paper − VII) Day & Date : Tuesday, 16-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date ____________________ _ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner Instructions : __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. i) Question No. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. ii) All questions are compulsory. iii) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are advised to read the English paper also. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks :10 1. Choose the correct alternative. 10 1) The main office of Indian Olympic Association is in a) Madras b) Punjab c) Delhi d) Calcutta P.T.O. SLR-Y – 7 *SLRY7* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) The major scheme of sports athority of India is a) Sports hostel scheme b) Sports coaching scheme c) National sports tallent contest d) Above all 3) Arjun award is given to a) Player b) Coach c) Team manager d) Assistant coach 4) The period of horse riding, archery and yoga of physical education training is a) Vedic b) Epic c) Moghal d) None of these 5) Hommer period, Sparta and Athens period were _________ part of history of physical education. a) Rome b) Greece c) Sweeden d) Germany 6) Rajkumari Amrut Kaur coaching scheme was established in a) 1950 b) 1951 c) 1953 d) 1956 7) To establish Neharu Yuvak Kendra is recommended by a) Sports Ministry b) National advisory board c) National Yuvak board d) None of these *SLRY7* SLR-Y – 7 -3- 8) N.S. N.I.S. Publishes a) SNAIPES b) NAPESS c) SAI d) None of these 9) Olympia country situated between __________ two rivers. a) Alphius and Couldius b) Alphius and Aldius c) Alphius and Gloudius d) Couldius and Gloudius 10) The father of modern Olympic is called a) Parrel d coubertien b) Barren d coubertien c) Morven d coubertien d) Corren d coubertien 1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1) ^maVr` Am°{bånrH$ g§KQ>ZoMo _w»` H$m`m©b` _____________ `oWo Amho. A) _Ðmg ~) n§Om~ H$) {Xr S>) H$bH$Îmm 2) ^maVr` H«$sS>m n«mYrH$aUmÀ`m `moOZm _____________ AmhoV. A) H«$sS>m dg{VJ¥h `moOZm ~) H«$rS>m _mJ©Xe©Z `moOZm H$) amîQ´>r` Ioi d à{V_memoY à{V`mo{JVm `moOZm S>) d[ab gd© 3) AOy©Z nwañH$ma _____________ gmR>r {Xbm OmVmo. A) IoimSy ~) _mJ©Xe©H$ H$) g§K ì`dñWmnH$ S>) ghmæ`H$ _mJ©Xe©©H$ 4) AídmamohZ, YZw©{dÚm d `moJm àH$maMo emar[aH$ {ejU à{ejUmMm ________ H$mi hmoVm. A) do{XH$ ~) B{nH$ H$) _moKb S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 10 SLR-Y – 7 -4- *SLRY7* 5) hmo_a H$mi, ñnmQ>m©, nwd© A°WoÝg H$mi ho emar[aH$ {ejU __________ B{VhmgmMo ^mJ AmhoV. A) amo_ ~) J«rg H$) pñdS>Z S>) O_©Zr 6) amOHw$_mar A_¥V H$m¡a _mJ©Xe©Z `moOZoMr ñWmnZm __________ gmbr Pmbr. A) 1950 ~) 1951 H$) 1953 S>) 1956 7) Zohê$ `wdH$ H|$Ð ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mMr {e\$mag __________ `m§Zr Ho$br. A) H«$sS>m _§Ìmb` ~) amîQ´>r` gëbmJma _§S>i H$) amîQ´>r` `wdH$ _§S>i S>) `mn¡H$r Zmhr 8) EZ.Eg. EZ.Am`.Eg. V\}$ __________ àH$merV Ho$bo OmVo. A) ñZmB©ßg ~) Z°{\$g H$) gmB© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) Am°{bånr`m eha __________ XmoZ ZÚm_Ü`o ~gbobo Amho. A) Aë\$s`g d bm°S>r`g ~) Aë\$s`g d AëS>r`g H$) Aë\$s`g d Jm°ëS>r`g S>) bm°S>r`g d Jm°ëS>r`g 10) AmYw{ZH$ Am°{bånrH$Mo OZH$ __________ `m§Zm åhUVmV. A) n°ab {S> Hw$~Q>uZ ~) ~°aZ {S> Hw$~Q>uZ H$) _°aZ {S>. Hw$~Q>uZ S>) H°$aZ {S> Hw$~Q>uZ _____________________ *SLRY7* SLR-Y – 7 -5- Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION History of Physical Education (Paper – VII) Day and Date : Tuesday, 16-12-2014 Total Marks : 40 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Candidate who intend to write their answer in Marathi are advised to read the English paper also. 2. Answer the following questions (any one). 10 1) Describe the historical development of modern Olympic Games. 2) What is the contribution of Akhadas and Vyayam shalas in Physical education movement in India ? 3. Answer the following questions (any one). 10 1) Explain the Physical education in Ancient Rome and Greece. 2) Write the importance of following awards. a) Arjun award b) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award 4. Answer the following questions in brief. 8 1) Explain the sports authority of India. 2) Explain the Asian games. 5. Answer the following questions in brief. 1) Explain the Scouts and Guides. 2) Explain the Rajkumari Amrut Kaur Coaching scheme 3) Explain Neharu Yuvak Kendra. 12 SLR-Y – 7 -6- *SLRY7* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm(H$moUVmhr EH$). 10 1) AmYw{ZH$ Am°{bånrH$ ñnYm©À`m Eo{Vhm{gH$ {dH$mgmMo dU©Z H$am. 2) ^maVmVrb emar[aH$ {ejU Midir_Ü`o AmImS>m d ì`m`m_ emimMo `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$). 10 1) àmMrZ amo_ d J«rg _Yrb emar[aH$ {ejUmMo dU©Z H$am. 2) Imbrb _hËdmÀ`m nwañH$mamMo dU©Z H$am. A) AOy©Z nwañH$ma ~) amOrd Jm§Yr Iob aËZ nwañH$ma 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao WmoS>`mV {bhm. 8 1) ^maVr` H«$sS>m àmYrH$aU ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Am{e`mB© ñnYm© ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 1) ñH$mD$Q> Am{U JmB©S> ñnîQ> H$am. 2) amOHw$_mar A_¥V H$m¡a _mJ©Xe©Z `moOZm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Zohê$ `wdH$ H|$Ð ñnîQ> H$am. _______________ 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 8 *SLRY8* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper − VIII) Health Education Day & Date : Wednesday, 17-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date _____________________ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 should be collected within first 15 minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidates are intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original questions in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 10 i) Unit of the married man and women with atleast one child is none as A) Group B) Family C) Relatives D) Members P.T.O. SLR-Y – 8 *SLRY8* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO ii) __________ is a sexual disease. A) Malaria B) Jaundice C) Leprosy D) Syphilis iii) In India First AIDS patient was identify in the year A) 1981 B) 1982 C) 1989 D) 1987 iv) A variety of food in a such quantities and proportions is known as A) Food B) Energy C) Substances D) Balanced Diet v) World Health Organization established on A) 1940 B) 1945 C) 1947 D) 1948 vi) Adult required sleep for __________ hours. A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9 C) Food D) Air vii) The jaundice disease caused by A) Mosquito B) Water viii) Proper digested food release ___ kilo/calorie of energy heat from 1 gm. fat. A) 8.3 B) 8.5 C) 9.1 D) 9.3 *SLRY8* SLR-Y – 8 -3- ix) Absence of __________ diseases is quality of healthy person. A) Physical and emotional B) Emotional and mental C) Physical and mental D) Social and physical x) Good food means good A) Life B) Education C) Health D) Energy _amR>r ê$nm§Va 10 1. 1) n[admam_Ü`o {ddmhrV nwéf Am{U ñÌr H$_rVH$_r EH$ _yb AgUmè`m g_yhmg _____ åhUVmV. A) JQ> ~) Hw$Qw>§~ H$) ZmVodmB©H$ S>) gXñ` 2) hm b¢{JH$ AmOma Amho. A) {hdVmn H$) _hmamoJ ______ ~) H$mdri S>) gr{\$brg 3) OJmVrb n{hbm ES>g² é½U gZ ______ _Ü`o AmT>iy>Z Ambm. A) 1981 ~) 1982 H$) 1989 S>) 1987 4) {d{dY àH$maMo AÝZ, `mo½` à_mUmV d Amdí`H$VoZwgma KoUo åhUOo ____ hmo`. A) AÝZ ~) D$Om© H$) AÝZnXmW© S>) g_Vmob Amhma 5) OmJ{VH$ Amamo½` g§KQ>ZoMr ñWmnZm gZ A) 1940 ~) 1945 ______ _Ü`o Pmbr. H$) 1947 6) _moR>çm _mUgm§Zr XaamoO ______ Vmg Pmonmdo. A) 6 ~) 7 H$) 8 7) H$m{di hm AmOma ______ _wio hmoVmo. A) S>mg H$) AÝZ ~) nmUr S>) dm`y S>) 1948 S>) 9 SLR-Y – 8 8) `mo½` [aVrZo nMboë`m 1 J«°_ pñZ½Y nXmWm©nmgyZ hmoVo. A) 8.3 ~) 8.5 9) *SLRY8* -4- ______ H°$bar BVH$s Amhma D$Om© {Z_m©U H$) 9.1 S>) 9.3 AmOma ZgUo ho Mm§Jë`m Amamo½`mMo bjU Amho. A) emar[aH$ Am{U ^md{ZH$ ~) ^md{ZH$ Am{U _mZ{gH$ H$) emar[aH$ Am{U _mZ{gH$ S>) gm_m{OH$ Am{U emar[aH$ ______ 10) Mm§Jbo AÝZ åhUOo Mm§Jbo ______ hmo`. A) OrdZ ~) {ejU H$) Amamo½` _____________________ S>) D$Om© *SLRY8* -5- SLR-Y – 8 Seat No. B.P. Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Paper – VIII) Health Education Day and Date : Wednesday, 17-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Candidates are intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original questions in English..m. to 1.00 2. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 i) Explain the factors that influences on family health. ii) Define the term ‘Health Education’. Write the scope of health education in detail. 3. Answer the following question (any one) : 10 i) State the importance of balanced diet and its components. ii) Discuss in detail about causes, symptoms and preventions of Malaria. 4. Answer the following questions in brief. 8 i) Define mental health and write detail about mental health. ii) Write detail about health problems in India. 5. Answer the following question in brief. i) Write detail about blood groups. ii) AIDS-Discuss. iii) What is personal hygiene ? Explain in short. 12 SLR-Y – 8 -6- *SLRY8* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). 10 1) Hw$Qw>§~mÀ`m Amamo½`mda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Amamo½` {ejUmMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ Amamo½` {ejUmÀ`m ì`mßVr {df`r _m{hVr {bhm. 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$). 10 1) g_Vmob AmhmamMo _hËd gm§JyZ Ë`mVrb KQ>H$m§Mr _m{hVr {bhm. 2) {hdVmn amoJmMr H$maUo, bjUo d à{V~§YH$ Cnm§`m g§X^m©V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 8 1) _mZ{gH$ Amamo½`mMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ Ë`m{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm. 2) ^maVmVrb Amamo½` {df`H$ g_ñ`m§{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 1) aVJQ>m{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm. 2) ES>g² -MMm© H$am. 3) d¡`pVH$ Amamo½` åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ Ë`mMo WmoS>`mV ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. ——————— 12 Code No. SLR-Y – 9 *SLRY9* Seat No. Signature of Jr. Supervisor Seat No. _____________ Centre ____________________________ For Office Use Only Code No. Seat No. in words _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.P.Ed. (Semester − II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kinesiology and Biomechanics (Paper− IX) Day & Date : Thursday, 18-12-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 50 Day & Date _____________________ Language of Answer ______________________________ Examination __________________ Paper No. _______________________________________ Subject _____________________ Section ________________________________________ Out of Marks Signature of Examiner __________ Examination _________ ______________ (Paper - _______) For Office Use only Code No. Instructions : 1) Q.No. 1 should be collected within first fifteen minutes. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original questions in English. MCQ/Objective Type Questions Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10 1. Choose appropriate alternative of the following and write it in box given. 10 1) Sheldon has classified the poster into ________ types. a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2 P.T.O. SLR-Y – 9 *SLRY9* -2- DO E R E H E T I R W T NO 2) When body parts moves in all direction it is known as a) Abduction b) Adduction c) Circumduction d) Plantation 3) During the take-off of Long jump which law of motion of Newton is effectively used a) 2nd law b) 3rd law c) 1st law d) All laws 4) Planter flexion movement occur from _______ joint. a) Elbo b) Shoulder c) Ankle d) Knee 5) Pronation movement occur from ________ joint. a) Radio ulnar b) Shoulder c) Ankle d) Knee 6) Radial flexion movement occur from _______ joint. a) Ankle b) Radio ulnar c) Wrist d) All of these 7) The derivation of the kinesiology is from _______ words. a) India b) America c) Japan d) Greek 8) Biomechanics is bound to act in perfect conformity with a) The biological law b) The mechanical law c) The psychological law d) None of these *SLRY9* SLR-Y – 9 -3- 9) Accleration is the a) Friction b) Rate of change of movement c) Rate of change of velocity d) All 10) _________ is the example of hing joint. a) Ankle joint b) Hip joint c) Elbo joint d) Shoulder joint _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm :1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Imbrb ~hþn`m©`r àíZmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Ë`mMo dUm©ja àíZmg_moarb Mm¡H$Q>rV {bhm. 1) eoëS>Z `m emñÌkmZ _mZdr earaYmaUoMo ________ àH$mamV dJuH$aU Ho$bo Amho. A) 4 ~) 5 H$) 3 S>) 2 2) Ooìhm earamMm ^mJ gd© {Xeobm {\$aVmo Voìhm Ë`mg ________ Ago åhUVmV. A) A~S>eZ ~) AS>S>eZ H$) gaH$_S>eZ S>) ßb°ÝQ>oeZ 3) bm§~ CS>r_Ü`o "Q>oH$ Am°\$' hmoVmZm Ý`wQ>ZÀ`m J{V{df`H$ {Z`_mn¡H$s H$moUVm {Z`_ A{YH$ à^mdr[aË`m Cn`moJmV AmUbm OmVmo ? A) 2 am {Z`_ ~) 3 am {Z`_ H$) 1 bm {Z`_ S>) gd© {Z`_ 4) ßb°ÝQ>a âboeZ hr hmbMmb ________ gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoVo. A) H$monè`mMm gm§Ym ~) gm§XçmMm gm§Ym H$) KmoR>çmMm gm§Ym S>) JwS>Ü`mMm gm§Ym 5) àmoZoeZ {h hmbMmb ________ gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoVo. A) aoS>rAmo AëZma ~) Im§XçmMm gm§Ym H$) KmoR>çmMm S>) JwS>Ü`mMm 10 SLR-Y – 9 *SLRY9* -4- 6) aoS>r`b âboeZ hr hmbMmb ________ gm§Ü`mVyZ hmoVo. A) KmoR>çmMm gm§Ym ~) AmJ«~mhþ H$) _ZJQ>mMm gm§Ym S>) darb gd© 7) {H$Z{gAm°bm°Or hm eãX ________ XoeVy Ambm Amho. A) ^maV ~) A_o[aH$m H$) OnmZ 8) Imbrb {Z`_m§er Ord`m§ÌrH$s {ZpíMV g§~§YrV Amho. A) O¡{dH$ {Z`_ ~) `m§ÌrH$ {Z`_ H$) _Zmo{dkm{ZH$ {Z`_ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) J{V_mZ åhUOo 10) A) Kf©U ~) J{V_Kmob ~Xb H$) àd©JmVrb ~Xb S>) gd© ________ ho {~OmJarÀ`m gm§Ü`mMo CXmhaU Amho. A) KmoR>çmMm gm§Ym ~) H$_aoMm gm§Ym H$) H$monè`mMm gm§Ym S) Im§XçmMm gm§Ym _____________________ S>) J«rH$ *SLRY9* -5- SLR-Y – 9 Seat No. B.P.Ed. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kinesiology and Biomechanics (Paper – IX) Day and Date : Thursday, 18-12-2014 Marks : 40 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Neat diagram must be drawn where necessary. 3) Candidates who intend to write answer in Marathi are advised to read the original questions in English. 2. Answer the following questions (Any one) : 10 1) The knowledge of Kinesiology is essential to a physical education teacher. Explain. 2) Define force and explain the application of force in sports activity. 3. Answer the following questions (Any one) : 10 1) Explain the Newton’s laws of motion with suitable examples in sports. 2) Draw a neat diagram of Knee joint and explain the movement in Knee joint. 4. Answer the following in brief : 8 1) Lever 2) Types of motion. 5. Answer the following in brief : 1) Value of good posture. 2) Projection. 3) Types of motion. 12 SLR-Y – 9 -6- *SLRY9* _amR>r ê$nm§Va 2. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) emar[aH$ {ejU {ejH$mg earaJVr emñÌmMo kmZ Amdí`H$ Amho ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ~b åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ H«$sS>mË_H$ hmbMmbrV ~bmMo Cn`moOZ ñnîQ> H$am. 10 3. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 10 1) H«$sS>o _Ü`o Ý`yQ>ZÀ`m {Z`_m§Mo Cn`moJ H$gm hmoVo Vo CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. 2) JwS>Ü`mÀ`m gm§Ü`mMr AmH¥$Vr H$mR>m d JwS>Ü`mVyZ hmoUmè`m hmbMmbr ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 8 1) Va\$. 2) JVrMo àH$ma. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) CÎm_ earaYmaUoMo _hËd. 2) àjonU. 3) JVrMo àH$ma. ______________ 12