SLR-RA – 6 *SLR-RA-6* Seat No. M.A. – I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – IV) (New) Rural Economy of India Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14 i) The substance of underdevelopment lies in the _______________ of resource. a) Developed b) Developing c) Non-development d) Non-sector ii) One important characteristic of most under-developed economies is _______________ a) Low income c) Per capita income b) High income d) Average income iii) In disguised unemployment people are engaged _______________ bases in work. a) Apparently b) Permanent c) Seasonal d) Contract iv) Rural non-farm sector arises in _______________ sector. a) Primary b) Small scale c) Agro-based d) Trading v) Development is defined as sustained increase in the _______________ income. a) Real per capita income c) Domestic income b) National income d) Net income P.T.O. SLR-RA – 6 -2- *SLR-RA-6* vi) The term sustainable development is _______________ sense. a) Wider b) Small c) Real d) Economical vii) The who is willing and able to work in prevailing wage rate, bud did not getting job is called as _______________ a) Poverty b) Inequality c) Stagnation d) Unemployment viii) _______________ leads to High Birth rate. a) illiteracy b) knowledge c) income d) education ix) The unemployment in the country _______________ nature. a) Temporary b) Annually c) Seasonal d) Chronic x) The Industries generate employment opportunities at _______________ a) normal rate b) accelerated rate c) proper rate d) less rate xi) In small scale industries production is done in _______________ country. a) small b) large c) medium d) none of these xii) _______________ leads to decreasing rural unemployment a) money b) population c) special employment programs d) health xiii) Self-employment is example of _______________ sector. a) Farm b) Employment c) Agriculture d) Non-farm xiv) Indian agriculture is _______________ business. a) Certain b) Uncertain c) Usually d) Annual *SLR-RA-6* -3- 2. Write notes (any four) : SLR-RA – 6 12 a) Indicators of Rural Development. b) Distinguished unemployment. c) Explain trends in Agriculture growth. d) Importance of Agro-based Industries. e) Self-help groups. 3. Write answers (any four) : 16 a) Linkages of farm and non-farm sectors. b) Causes of rural poverty. c) New agricultural strategy. d) Food processing industries. e) Micro finance. 4. Give answer in detail (any two) : 14 a) Features of rural economy. b) Problems of rural unemployment. c) Agricultural pricing policy. 5. Characteristics and composition of rural economy. OR Explain rural poverty and its dimensions of development. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 16 *SLRRA16* Seat No. M.A. – I (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (New) Paper – IV : Social Marketing Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Max Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Multiple choice questions : 14 1) Social Marketing refers to ______________ a) Social banking b) Marketing by the entire society c) Internet Marketing d) Marketing for a social cause 2) Awareness program on HIV-AIDS prevention at National Highway for drivers is a part of ______________ a) Undifferentiated marketing b) Differentiated marketing c) Concentrated marketing d) Positioning 3) ______________ allows social marketers to study the behaviour of each segment. a) SWOT b) Convenience c) Segmentation d) Cost 4) Who is the author of the book titled “Integrating Marketing Communication” ? a) Robert F. Lauterborn b) Philip Kotler c) Robert M. Lauterborn d) Russel F. Lauterborn 5) The data collected through popular business magazine is a part of ______________ data. a) Primary b) Research c) Secondary d) Qualitative data P.T.O. SLR-RA – 16 *SLRRA16* -2- 6) The first step of marketing research process is ______________ a) Report writing b) Data collection c) Make the decision d) Define the problem 7) The information collected through observation method is a part of ______________ data. a) Secondary b) Quantitative c) Market d) Primary 8) ______________ is not an element of 4 C’s of social marketing. a) Cause b) Cost c) Convenience d) Competition 9) ______________ is most useful tool to analyze the overall performance of any product or campaign. a) Segmentation b) Target audience c) SWOT d) Audit 10) In a traditional society which of the following medium of communication is more useful to influence the behaviour of target group ? a) Mass media b) Posters c) Opinion leaders d) Television 11) Providing small gifts to the beneficiaries during immunization campaigns in villages is a part of ______________ a) Publicity b) Promotion c) Marketing d) All the above 12) What is the long form of IEC ? a) Information Education and Communication b) Information Election and Communication c) Information Education and Coordination d) Identification Education and Communication 13) Who said “Why can’t you sell brotherhood like you sell soap” ? a) P. Kotler b) G. D. Wiebe c) G. D. Geibe d) Robert F. Lauterborn 14) Providing education for social change is a ______________ strategy. a) Broad term b) Short term c) Long term d) Marketing *SLRRA16* -3- SLR-RA – 16 2. Short notes (write 4 out of 5) : 12 a) Elements of social marketing b) Characteristics of social marketing c) Market as a social institution d) Importance of packaging in social marketing e) Social stratification. 3. Write short answers (write 4 out of 5) : 16 a) What are the social policies of marketing ? b) How education plays an important role in social marketing ? c) Draw a social marketing strategy for HIV-AIDS awareness by using 4 P’s of social marketing. d) What is NGO and explain its role in social marketing ? e) What are the five concepts of social marketing planning ? 4. Answer any 2 out of 3 : 14 a) Explain the SWOT analysis process in detail with relevant examples. b) Explain social aspects of market in detail. c) Explain the elements of 4C’s of social marketing with examples. 5. Elucidate the processes of social marketing defining three components of (STP). 14 OR Discuss six processes of social marketing research with appropriate examples. _____________ SLR-RA 17 *SLRRA17* S N e o a t . M.A. (Part I) (Semester II) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT Agri-Business (New) (Paper II) Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. 1. Choose the correct alternative. 14 1) Crops are sown in the month of October and harvested in March/April every year a) Rabi b) Kharif c) Zaid d) All the above 2) Minimum support prices are recommended by the a) APC b) CACP c) Government d) All the above 3) Pioneer of Green Revolution in India a) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan b) C. Rangarajan c) Dr. Varghese Kurien d) Pranab Mukharji 4) __________ loans are provided for a period of less than 15 months. a) Very Short-Term b) Short-Term c) Medium-Term d) Long-Term 5) __________ announces the support prices for major agricultural products. a) RBI b) APC c) CACP d) Government P.T.O. SLR-RA 17 *SLRRA17* -2- 6) WTO was setup in ___________ a) 1951 b) 1985 c) 1982 d) 1995 c) 1982 d) 1995 7) APC was setup in ___________ a) 1965 b) 1985 8) Those with CCA more than between 2000 to 10,000 hectares a) Minor Irrigation Schemes b) Major Irrigation Schemes c) Medium Irrigation Schemes d) Minor and Medium Schemes 9) Blue Revolution is related to sharp increase in production of a) Fish b) Milk c) Minerals d) Oil Seeds 10) The nature of agricultural goods is ________ a) perishable b) durable c) like food grain d) None of them 11) NAFED is __________ level federation in Cooperative marketing. a) District b) State c) National d) International 12) White revolution is related to __________ production. a) Rice b) Wheat c) Jowar d) None of them 13) NABARD was established in __________ a) 1951 b) 1985 c) 1982 d) 1975 14) PACS may be started with __________ or more people normally belonging to a village. a) 1000 b) 100 2. Write short notes (4 out of 5) : 1) WTO 2) White Revolution 3) NABARD 4) Cooperative Marketing 5) Blue Revolution. c) 10 d) 1 12 *SLRRA17* -3- SLR-RA 17 3. Write short answer (any 4 out of 5) : 16 1) Discuss the Green Revolution in India. 2) Explain the Textile Industry in India. 3) Discuss the progress of Sugar Industries in India. 4) Explain difference between farm and non-farm sector. 5) Write the objectives of agricultural price policy. 4. Write long answer (any 2 out of 3) : 14 1) What is agri-business ? Elaborate the nature and scope of agri-business. 2) Elaborate terms of trade between agriculture and non-agriculture sector. 3) Discuss the various sources of agricultural credit. Explain the cooperative credit in India. 5. a) Discuss the sources of irrigation. Explain the progress of irrigation in India. OR b) Explain the role of agro-industries. Discuss the problems and measure of agro-industries. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 18 *SLRRA18* Seat No. M.A. – I (Semester – II) (New) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – III) Rural Development Programmes and Practices Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N. B. : Max. Marks : 70 i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 1) Drough Prone Area Programme is launched in ______________ a) 1963 b) 1973 c) 1983 d) 1993 2) Desert Development Programme covers ______________ a) Village b) Taluka c) District d) Regions 3) CDP for ______________ a) Rural Development b) Better standard of living c) Integrated approach d) All of these 4) Rural Works Programme is for ______________ a) Job opportunities b) Construction of civil works c) Organising agricultural machinery d) None of above 5) Marginal farmers and Agricultural Laborer programme focus on ______________ a) Dairy b) Poultry c) Fishery d) All of these 6) Small Farmers Development Agencies focus on ______________ a) Latest technology b) Agriculture labour c) Small village d) Farmers condition P.T.O. SLR-RA – 18 *SLRRA18* -2- 7) NREGS is launched in ______________ a) 1963 b) 1973 c) 1983 d) 1993 8) Agro-service centre focus on ______________ a) Development of infrastructure b) Development of agriculture c) Development of industry d) None of the above 9) Productivity is depend upon ______________ a) Technological factors b) Institutional factors c) Both factors d) None of the above 10) ______________ is important function of NABARD. a) Crop loan development b) Reproduction c) Refinance d) None of above 11) Amhara Rural Development Programme is launched by ______________ a) CAPART b) CIDA c) SIDA d) DFID 12) Rural Artisans are found in ______________ a) Rural Area b) Urban area c) Semi-urban area d) Metropolitian city 13) ______________ is function of CAPART. a) Capture technology b) Public co-operation c) People action d) Provide basic needs 14) ______________ is one of the multilateral organisation. a) RBI b) NABARD c) DFID 2. Write notes (any four) : a) Importance of Self Help Groups. b) Problems of Rural Artisans. c) Explain structure of Rural Development. d) Status of landless labourer. e) Explain education for development of Rural Women. f) Development of scheduled castes. d) All of these 12 *SLRRA18* -3- SLR-RA – 18 3. Write answers (any four) : 16 a) Explain Target Group Oriented Programs. b) Functions of Ministry of Rural Development. c) Functions of NABARD. d) Explain Community Development Programs. e) Empowerment of Rural Women through training. f) Explain Land Reforms. 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 a) Explain Beneficiary Oriented Programmes. b) Explain Evolution of Rural Development Programmes. c) Role of Ford Foundation in Rural Development. 5. Policies and programmes towards the empowerment of Rural Women. OR Evaluation and Performance Assessment of Rural Development Programmes. _____________ 14 SLR-RA – 19 *SLRRA19* Seat No. M.A. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (New) Political Economy of Development Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right are marks. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 1) In the ____________ economy planning is centralized. a) Socialist b) Capitalist c) Mixed d) None of the above 2) The basis of the trade between DC’c and LDC’s is always _________ a) Equal b) Unequal c) Neutral d) Positive 3) In ___________ economy production and distribution take place through free market mechanism. a) Mixed b) Capitalist c) Socialist d) All of the above 4) In the international trade ___________ will be more benefitted. a) LDCs b) DCs c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above 5) ___________ means increasing government regulation on economic activity. a) Nationalization b) Liberalization c) Globalization d) Privatization 6) MNC’s or TNC’s mainly belongs to ____________ a) Under developed countries b) Developing countries c) Developed countries d) All of the above P.T.O. SLR-RA – 19 *SLRRA19* -2- 7) In the case of ___________ international trade can be regarded as engine of Economic Growth. a) Less developed countries b) Developing countries c) Developed countries d) All of the above 8) According to Karl Marx __________ are the main agents of the social change. a) Social classes b) Economic classes c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) nor b) 9) Entitlement approach to understanding poverty is given by ___________ a) Amartya Sen b) Bowbrick c) Nolan d) None of the above 10) Foreign trade will have _____________ impact on LDCs. a) Positive b) Negative c) Neutral d) All of the above 11) ____________ is described as social change involving the elements of science and technology. a) Modernization b) Liberalization c) Globalization d) Privatization 12) The ___________ approach has adopted universal values. a) Human Development b) Capitalist Development c) Socialist Development d) None of the above 13) In ____________ governments role is only reduced. a) Privatization b) Globalization c) Liberalization d) All the above 14) The less developed countries are ____________ in the international market. a) Price makers b) Price takers c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) nor b) *SLRRA19* -3- SLR-RA – 19 2. Write short notes (any four) : 12 1) Under development 2) Meaning of political economy 3) Privatization 4) Consequences of poverty 5) Vicious circle. 3. Write short answers (any four) : 16 1) Explain the impact of globalization on developing countries. 2) Explain the various causes of poverty in India. 3) Explain Centre-Periphery relations. 4) Explain the socialist approach to development. 5) Explain the impact of MNC’s and TNC’s on developing countries. 4. Give answer in detail (any two) : 14 1) Explain the characteristics of underdevelopment. 2) Explain Entitlement Approach to poverty. 3) Explain the contribution of Gunnar Myrdal to development. 5. Explain the universal values and objectives of development. OR Explain the meaning, features, merits and demerits of socialist economy. __________________ 14 SLR-RA – 20 *SLRRA20* Seat No. M.A. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (New) (Paper No. – V) Computer Application in Social Sciences Day and Date : Friday, 2-5-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Calculator is permitted. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 1) Standard Deviation method used in a) Dispersion b) Averages c) Correlation d) None of them 2) Modulation and demodulation are the process of a) Connection Device b) Modem c) Modulator d) OSI 3) In Excel, function is use for computing Maximum value in the series. a) =MAXIMA(CELL ID)ENTER b) =MIN(CELL ID)ENTER c) =MAX(CELL ID)ENTER d) =HIGHEST(CELL ID)ENTER 4) In Excel, function is use for computing Standard Deviation. a) =STANDARD(CELL ID)ENTER b) =DEVIATION(CELL ID)ENTER c) =STDEVP(CELL ID)ENTER d) =STADEV(CELL ID)ENTER 5) In Excel, function is use for computing correlation. a) =CORRELATION(CELL ID)ENTER b) =CORRELAT(CELL ID)ENTER c) =CORREL(CELL ID)ENTER d) =COEFFICIENT(CELL ID)ENTER P.T.O. SLR-RA – 20 -2- *SLRRA20* 6) In Excel, function is use for computing Constant value in Regression a) =CONSTANT(CELL ID)ENTER b) =SLOPE(CELL ID)ENTER c) =INTERCEPT(CELL ID)ENTER d) =REGRESSION(CELL ID)ENTER 7) In Excel, function is use for computing Total Value of the series. a) =TOT(CELL ID)ENTER b) =MIN(CELL ID)ENTER c) =MAX(CELL ID)ENTER d) =SUM(CELL ID)ENTER 8) In Excel, function is use for computing Minimum value in the series. a) =MINIMA(CELL ID)ENTER b) =MIN(CELL ID)ENTER c) =LOW(CELL ID)ENTER d) =LOWER(CELL ID)ENTER 9) In Excel, function is use for computing Beta(Regression Coefficient) value. a) =BETA(CELL ID)ENTER b) =SLOPE(CELL SLOPE)ENTER c) =COEFFICIENT(CELL ID)SLOPE d) =SLOPE(CELL ID)ENTER 10) Formula of Compound Growth Rate when we have many observations. a) =((YT/YO)/YO)/(100/T) b) =ANTILOG(B-1)*100 c) =ANTILOG(B-1) d) =CGR(ANTILOG)-1*100 11) In Excel, function is use for computing Arithmetic Mean a) =MEAN(CELL ID)ENTER b) =SUM(CELL ID)ENTER c) =AVERAGE(CELL ID)ENTER d) None of them 12) Correlation analysis deals with a) Simple Correlation b) Independent variable c) Association between the variables d) Dependent variable *SLRRA20* -3- SLR-RA – 20 13) In Excel, function is use for computing natural logarithm value. a) =NL(CELL ID)ENTER b) =LN(CELL ID)ENTER c) =LOG(CELL ID)ENTER d) =EXP(CELL ID)ENTER 14) Relationship between dependent and independent variable studied in a) Time series b) Regression c) Index Numbers d) None of them 2. Write short notes (4 out of 5). 12 1) Utility Software 2) Mouse 3) Keyboard 4) Scanners 5) Excel Main Menu. 3. Write short answer (any 4 out of 5). 16 1) Write note on the hardware. 2) Explain the history and development of Internet. 3) Write note on Basic Components of Computer. 4) Explain the Excel Worksheet Structure. 5) Discuss the Types of Computer. 4. Write long answer (any two out of 3). 14 1) Explain the Central Processing Unit. 2) Explain the secondary storage devices. 3) Discuss the System and Application Software. 5. a) Elaborate the various types of Output Devices. OR b) What is an Operating System ? Discuss. ––––––––––––––––– 14 SLR-RA – 21 *SLRRA21* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT Paper – I : Dimensions of Development Communication Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. i) ‘Diffusion of Innovation’ concept is coined by _______________ "Zì`m JmoîQ>tMo àgaU' hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>br. a) Nora Qubral b) Evert Rogers Zmoam `w~«mb c) Daniel Learner S>°{Z`b bZ©a BdQ>© am°Og© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) ‘Human Development Index’ concept developed by ____________ "_mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$' hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$br. a) Mohammad Yunus b) Mohammad Yusuf _mohå_X `wZwg c) Mahboob-UL-Haq _h~y~-C>b-hH$ _mohå_X `wgy\$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iii) ‘Everybody Likes Draught’ is the book written by ___________ "Eìh[a~m°S>r bmBg S´>mâQ²>' `m nwñVH$mMo boIH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) P. Sainath b) Rajdeep Sardesai nr. gmB©ZmW c) Nalini Singh Z{bZr qgh amOXrn gaXogmB© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-RA – 21 *SLRRA21* -2- iv) ‘A newspaper dedicated to agriculture development is ____________ H¥$fr {dH$mg `m {df`mgmR>r H$mT>bo OmUmao d¥ÎmnÌ ___________ hmo`. a) Economic Times b) DNA BH$m°Zm°{_H$ Q>mB©åg c) Agro-One A°J«modZ S>r.EZ. E. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) A variety of crop popularized by radio is ___________ ao{S>AmoZo bmoH${à` Ho$bobo nrH$ ___________ Amho. a) Radio Wheat b) Radio Rice ao{S>`mo ìhrQ> ao{S>Amo amB©g c) Radio Potato d) None of these ao{hAmo nmoQ>°Q>mo `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) ‘SITE’ experiment was implemented in _____________ "gmB©Q>' hm àH$ën ___________ IoS>`mV A_bmV AmUÊ`mV Ambm. a) 2400 villages b) 1800 villages 2400 IoS>r 1800 IoS>r c) 600 villages d) None of these 600 IoS>r `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) Human Development Commissionerate Office of Maharashtra State is situated in _____________ _hmamîQ´> amÁ`mMo _mZd {dH$mg Am`wVmb` ___________ `oWo Amho. a) Mumbai b) Pune _w§~B© c) Aurangabad Am¡a§Jm~mX> nwUo d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Mahatma Gandhiji’s concept of development was based on the principle of ____________ _hmË_m Jm§Yr `m§Mr {dH$mgmMr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m VÎdmda AmYmabobr hmoVr. a) Technology b) Self-Reliance V§ÌkmZ ñdmdb§~Z c) Gramdan d) All of these J«m_XmZ `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRRA21* SLR-RA – 21 -3- ix) ______________ State is ranked number one in India for better human development index. Mm§Jë`m _mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$mgmR>r ^maVmVrb ________ amÁ`mMm n{hbm H«$_m§H$ Amho. a) Maharashtra b) Punjab _hmamîQ´> c) Kerala Ho$ab n§Om~ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) ‘Passing of the Traditional Society’ is the book by author _____________ "nmqgJ Am°\$ X Q´>°{S>eZb gmogm`Q>r' `m J«§WmMo boIH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) Daniel Learner b) Evert Rogers S°>{ZEb bZ©a c) Denis McQuil S>o{Zg _°pdb BdQ>© am°Og© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) It is targeted to achieve millenium development goals by the year __________ ghñÌH$ {dH$mg C>{ÔîQ>ço gmÜ` H$aÊ`mgmR>r ___________ ho df© J¥{hV Yabo Amho. a) 2020 b) 2015 2020 c) 2018 2018 2015 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xii) NGO involved in sustainable development is ____________ emídV {dH$mgmÀ`m H$m`m©V gh^mJr Agbobr ñd`§godr g§ñWm ___________ Amho. a) Aam Aadmi Party b) Narmada Bachao Aandolan Am_ AmX_r nmQ>u c) Snehalay ñZohmb` Z_©Xm ~MmAmo Am§XmobZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) The man who is the pioneer of ‘Green Revolution’ in India is _____________ ^maVmVrb harV H«$m§VrMo OZH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) S.Swaminathan b) Vergese Courien Eg. ñdm_rZmWZ c) Punjabrao Deshmukh n§Om~amd Xoe_wI dJug Hw$[a`Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-RA – 21 *SLRRA21* -4- xiv) Development of Hivre bajar came into reality due to ___________ {hdao ~mOmaMm {dH$mg dmñVdmV hmoE eH$bm Ë`m_mJo ___________ AmhoV. a) Anna Hazare b) Nagnath Naikwadi AÊUm hOmao c) Popatrao Pawar nmonQ>amd ndma ZmJZmW Zm`H$dmS>r d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2. Write answer in 50 words (any four) : nÝZmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 12 a) What is the concept of ‘Water Bank’ ? "dm°Q>a ~±H$' hr g§H$ënZm H$m` Amho ? b) What are the objectives of ‘Education to All’ Campaign ? gd© {ejm A{^`mZmMr C{ÔîQ>ço H$m` AmhoV ? c) Give any two definitions of development communication. {dH$mg g§kmnZmÀ`m H$moUË`mhr XmoZ ì`m»`m gm§Jm. d) What is the meaning of women empowerment ? _{hbm gj_rH$aU `mMm AW© H$m` ? e) Mention criteria’s used to measure human development index. _mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$ _moOÊ`mgmR>r Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmUmao {ZH$f gm§Jm. 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eîXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Radio and Development ao{S>Amo Am{U {dH$mg b) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme _hmË_m Jm§Yr amîQ´>r` amoOJma h_r `moOZm c) Zabua Project Pm~wAm àH$ën d) Panchayat Raj n§Mm`V amO e) Modernization. AmYw{ZH$sH$aU. 16 *SLRRA21* -5- SLR-RA – 21 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 a) What are the millenium development goals ? ghñÌH$ {dH$mgmMr C{ÔîQ>ço H$moUVr ? b) What were the objectives of ‘SITE’ Project ? "gmB©Q>' àH$ënmMr C{ÔîQ>ço H$moUVr hmoVr ? c) What are the effects of popular paradigm of development ? {dH$mgmÀ`m àM{bV {dMmagaUrMo H$moUVo n[aUm_ Pmbo ? 5. What is sustainable development ? Describe various models of sustainable developments. emídV {dH$mg åhUOo H$m` ? emídV {dH$mgmMr {d{dY à{V_mZo {dfX H$am. OR / qH$dm Discuss with details the ‘Diffusion of Innovation’ theory. Critically comment on it’s use. "Zì`m JmoîQ>tMo àgaU' `m {gÕm§VmMr {dñVmamZo MMm© H$am. `m {gÕm§VmÀ`m Cn`wVVo~m~V {ddoMH$ ^mî` H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 22 *SLRRA22* Seat No. M.A. – II (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – IV) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Day and Date : Wednesday 23-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 i) ___________ is a social capital. a) Soil b) Networks c) Populative d) Health ii) N.D.D.B. is located in ___________ of Gujrat. a) Nalgonda b) Prakasam c) Anand d) Suraj iii) ___________ is a natural resources. a) Land b) Education c) Labour d) Capital iv) KVIC is established in ___________ a) 1952 b) 1954 c) 1956 d) 1958 v) ___________ is a development corporation. a) ITDC b) MIDC c) NSDC d) All of these vi) ___________ is a agricultural oriented programme. a) Poultry b) Minor irrigation c) Safe drinking water providing wells d) All of these P.T.O. SLR-RA – 22 -2- *SLRRA22* vii) ___________ is a environmental service. a) Hydrological cycle b) Capital c) Cash d) All of these viii) ___________ is a positive effect of Rural Diversification. a) Risk reduction b) Infrastructure c) Credit d) None of these ix) N.D.D.B. involved in ___________ a) Planning b) Implementation c) Financing d) All of these x) ___________ is a community development programme. a) Printing press b) Khadi c) Common well d) Beedi rolling xi) ___________ is important criteria for supporting diversification. a) Remoteness b) Poverty c) Research d) Income xii) Knowledge is a ___________ a) Financial capital b) Social capital c) Economic capital d) Human capital xiii) Livelihood diversification as a ___________ of rural households. a) Agriculture b) Environment c) Gender d) Survival strategy xiv) ___________ is scheme for Khadi Artisans. a) Irrigation b) Workshed c) Trysem d) None of these *SLRRA22* -3- 2. Write notes (any four) : SLR-RA – 22 12 a) Explain various concepts of SRL. b) Explain evidences of rural livelihood. c) Structure of NABARD. d) Explain the livelihood resources. e) Discuss food security. 3. Write answers (any four) : 16 a) Explain positive effects of rural diversification. b) Various methods for livelihood assessment. c) State environmental sanitation. – d) Objectives of K KVIC. e) National Film Development Corporation. 4. Give answer in detail (any two) : 14 a) Case studies from Andhra Pradesh of rural livelihood. b) Linkages between policy and livelihood. c) Economic indicators of SRL. 5. Explain the reinventing rural policy. OR Role of NGOs in promoting sustainable rural livelihoods. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA 23 *SLRRA23* S N e o a t . M.A. (Rural Development) (Sem. III) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES AND ADMINISTRATION (Paper III) Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 1. Multiple Choice Questions. 14 1) Bureaucratic theory of Administration is ___________ a) Flexible b) Humanistic c) Rigid d) All the above 2) NGO stands for ___________ a) National Government Organization b) Non-Governmental Organization c) New-Governmental Organization d) National Government Office 3) The main advantage of registration is _________ a) Community will deal with all the board members b) Community will deal with all the departments c) Community will deal with all organization d) Community will deal with one legal person 4) The public relation committee is responsible for ___________ a) Recruitment b) Fundraising c) Publicity to the work d) Legal matter of the agency 5) Under _____________ act the word Limited or Private Limited is used. a) Society Registration b) Companies Registration c) Trust Registration d) None of the above 6) Authority should be equal to ___________ a) Salary b) Position c) Responsibility d) Status P.T.O. SLR-RA 23 *SLRRA23* -2- 7) The social worker does not work for the people, but he _________ a) works for the organization b) works with the people c) works for the money d) works for the name 8) In order to democratize the work of an agency, it is necessary to have ___________ a) Committees and Sub-committees b) Board Members c) General Manager d) None of the above 9) __________ are the objects of a charitable trust. a) Trusts for the relief of poverty b) Trust for the advancement of education c) Trust for the advancement of religion d) All of the above 10) ___________ is done to measure the success of the program. a) Monitoring b) Evaluation c) Planning d) Publicity 11) Collaboration is essential for ___________ a) Saving expenditure b) Increasing profit c) Mutual wellbeing d) None of the above 12) To form a society under Society Registration Act 1860 at least _________ members are required. a) Three b) Five c) Seven d) Nine 13) ___________ prevents duplication and overlapping of work in agency. a) Planning b) Co-ordination c) Directing d) None of the above 14) ____________ is the starting point of Project Proposal. a) Review of literature b) Discussion with the key informants c) Analysis of the situation d) None of the above *SLRRA23* -3- SLR-RA 23 2. Write short notes (any 4 out of 5) : 12 a) Evaluation and Research b) Sub-committees c) Co-operative Societies Act d) Vision and Planning e) Constitution and Bye-laws. 3. Write short answers (any 4 out of 5) : 16 a) Give the uses of media for Public Relation. b) What are the functions of Executive Board ? c) What do you mean by Need Assessment Studies ? d) What are the rules and procedure for an Organization ? e) Explain Negotiation and Collaboration. 4. Answer the following questions (any 2 out of 3) : 14 a) Explain the meaning and scope of development Administration. b) How do you understand funding agencies before applying for funds ? c) How do you register development organization under Societies Act 1860 ? 5. What are the principles and strategies of fundraising ? OR Formulate a project proposal on any problem of your own choice. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 26 *SLRRA26* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – I) Human Rights and Development Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N.B. : All questions are compulsory. 1. Multiple choice questions : 14 1) Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into existence on ________ a) 10th December 1950 c) 10th December 1947 b) 10th December 1948 d) 10th December 1949 2) Protection of Human Rights in the responsibility of __________ a) State b) Society c) Political Policy in power d) Both a) and b) 3) One of the most prominent rights is ____________ a) Right to freedom of expression b) Right to equality c) Right to self determination d) Right to freedom from exploitation 4) Obligation of the state to protect Human Rights comes from _________ a) Fundamental Rights b) Directive principles c) Parliament d) Judiciary 5) Right to development has been derived from ________ a) UDHR b) UN charter c) African Charter d) International Covenants 6) The important proponent of Natural Rights theory is ___________ a) Karl Marx c) Max Weber b) John Locke d) Gunnar Myrdal P.T.O. SLR-RA – 26 *SLRRA26* -2- 7) Caste based discrimination is a violation of _____________ a) Right to freedom of expression b) Right to equality c) Right against exploitation d) None of the above 8) The theory of National Rights advocates ____________ a) Women’s Rights b) Child Rights c) Individual Rights d) Group Rights 9) The UDHR comprises of ___________ articles. a) 25 b) 30 c) 35 d) 40 10) The central objective of Human Rights is to promote ________ a) Peace and security b) Equality c) Development d) All the above 11) UN declared on Right to development in the year _________ a) 1956 b) 1965 c) 1986 d) 1995 12) Right to work comes through ______________ a) UDHR b) UN Charter c) African Charter d) International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights 13) Right to Human Dignity is related to _____________ a) Civil and political rights b) Social and cultural rights c) All of above d) None of the above 14) The long form of NHRC is _______________ a) National Home for Rehabilitation of Children b) National Human Rights Commission c) National Handicapped Rights Council d) National Human Rights Council *SLRRA26* -3- SLR-RA – 26 2. Write short notes (any four) : 12 a) History of Human Rights b) Natural Rights c) UN Charter d) Article 29 of UDHR e) Fundamental Rights and Constitution of India. 3. Answer any four : 16 a) How Human Rights promote harmony in society ? b) What is socialist theory of Human Rights ? c) What is the importance of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ? d) What are the Directive principles of State Policy ? e) How Right to development is a Human Right ? 4. Answer any two : 14 a) Discuss various articles given under UDHR. b) What are special legislations enacted by Government of India to protect Human Rights ? c) How Human Rights perspective helps to promote rural development ? 5. Critically examine the rights based rural development program implemented by the Government of India (any one program). OR Discuss the activities and functions of National Commission for women. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 27 *SLRRA27* Seat No. M.A. – II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – II) Rural Non-farm Sector and Entrepreneurship Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : Max. Marks : 70 i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative. 14 i) Innovation theory developed by ____________ a) A. H. Cole b) Schumpeter c) Marshall d) None of these ii) Rural industries are ____________ a) Agriculture oriented c) Labour intensive oriented b) Small scale industry oriented d) All of these iii) ___________ is one of the non-economic factor. a) Capital b) Labour iv) K. V. I. C. is a ____________ a) Local body c) Market d) Legitimacy b) State body c) Statutory body d) Central body v) Regional Rural Banks started in _________ a) 1965 b) 1970 c) 1975 d) 1980 vi) ____________ is a largest cottage industry in the state. a) Handicrafts b) Handloom c) SSI d) None of these vii) Silk material is useful for ___________ a) Rural artisans c) Handloom industry b) Handicrafts industry d) All of these viii) ___________ is depend upon agriculture. a) Small scale industry c) Handicrafts industry b) Cottage industry d) Agro-based industry P.T.O. *SLRRA27* SLR-RA – 27 ix) DIC means ___________ a) District industry commission b) District industry centre c) District industry corporation d) All of these x) ___________ is a category of artisan industries. a) Handloom b) Handicraft c) Coir works d) All of these xi) NISIET established in ____________ a) 1960 b) 1970 c) 1980 d) 1990 xii) ___________ is a item of sericulture. a) Mulberry plantation b) Homedecor c) Shawals d) All of these xiii) ____________ is a important problem of marketing. a) Low quality input b) Poor awareness about IPR c) Reduction in export subsidies d) All of these xiv) SIDO established in ___________ a) 1973 b) 1983 c) 1993 d) 2003 2. Write notes (any four) : i) Explain appropriate technology for rural industries. ii) Functions of K.V.I.C. iii) Significance of industrial estates. iv) Functions of State Finance Corporations. v) Importance of rural artisans. 12 3. Write answers (any four) : i) Significance of Agro-based industries. ii) Importance of handloom industry. iii) Explain sericulture industry. iv) Explain types of entrepreneurship. 16 4. Give answer in detail (any two) : i) Problems of small scale industries. ii) Significance of rural artisans. iii) Advantages of the growth centre strategy. 14 5. Explain progress and functions of Regional Rural Banks. 14 OR Explain policies and programmes for the development of rural industries. _____________________ SLR-RA – 28 *SLRRA28* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper – III) Land Management for Rural Development Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N.B. : All questions are compulsory. 1. Multiple choice questions : 14 1) Common property resources are also known as __________ a) Common pool resources b) Common physical resources c) Common purpose resources d) None of the above 2) The ___________ stands for the area for which data on land use pattern are available. a) Geographical area c) Forest area b) Irrigated area d) None of the above 3) __________ represents the total area sown once and/or more than once in a year. a) Total cropped area c) Both a) and b) b) Net area sown d) None of the above 4) Black soil is also known as ____________ a) Regular soil c) Both a) and b) b) Black cotton soil d) Neither a) nor b) 5) A common pool resource typically consists of a core resource, which defines ___________ a) Stock variable c) Both a) and b) b) Flow variable d) Neither a) nor b) P.T.O. SLR-RA – 28 *SLRRA28* -2- 6) Black soil has poor _______________ content. a) Calcium b) Potassium c) Magnesium d) Nitrogen 7) Red soil is red due to ____________ content. a) Iron oxide b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Lime 8) ____________ refers to the proportion of area under different crops. a) Land use pattern b) Cropping pattern c) Irrigation pattern d) None of the above 9) ___________ of the following is an agent of soil erosion. a) Nature of plant cover b) The nature of the soil c) Velocity of water flow d) All the above 10) ____________ is an integrated approach of crop management to solve ecological problems. a) Land management b) Water management c) Integrated pest management d) All the above 11) ___________ soil is most often found in arid and semi-arid regions in India. a) Desert b) Black c) Latterite d) Red 12) Till 1950, land was classified into ____________ broad categories. a) Five b) Seven c) Eight d) Twelve 13) Cropping intensity is the ratio of ____________ a) Net area sown to the total cropped area b) Total cropped area to net area sown c) Net irrigated area to net area sown d) Total cropped area to net irrigated area 14) ____________ type of soil erosion takes place very slowly and steadily. a) Geologic c) Rapid b) Accelerated d) All the above *SLRRA28* -3- SLR-RA – 28 2. Write short notes (any four) : 12 a) Land use pattern in India b) Causes of land degradation c) Earth summit 1992 d) Dryland development program e) Managing black soils. 3. Write short answers (any four) : a) Explain the principles of integrated pest management. 16 b) Elaborate on the process of desertification. c) What are the agents of soil erosion ? d) Critically evaluate water shed development program. e) What are the problems associated with common property resources ? 4. Write answers in detail (any two) : 14 a) Explain the role of indigenous knowledge system in land management. b) Elaborate on the agenda 21 of Rio summit. c) How to avoid soil erosion ? Explain. 5. How modern agricultural practices affect land and environment ? OR What management strategies are available for sustainable use of common property resources ? Elaborate. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 7 *SLRRA7* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT Paper – II : Rural Society in India (New) Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 1. Multiple Choice Questions : 14 1) Indian Caste System is based on _____________ a) Equality of status c) Horizontal status b) Hierarchy of status d) All the above 2) ____________ is known as ‘the father of local self-government’ in India. a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Lord Canning c) Lord Ripon d) Lord Wellesly 3) Strong Gram Sabha is recommended by ______________ a) Balwant Rai Mehta b) Ashok Mehta c) 73rd Amendment Act d) None of the above 4) ______________ is a closed group in Indian rural society. a) Caste c) Religion b) Kinship d) All the above 5) Agrarian society means _____________ a) Agro industries based b) Land based c) Livestock based d) None of the above 6) Peasants are basically those who cultivate land using _____________ a) Hired labor b) Contract labor c) Family labor d) Migrant labor 7) ______________ is associated with ‘Mode of Production’ debate. a) A. R. Desai c) Karl Marx b) Danil Thorner d) D. N. Dhanagare P.T.O. SLR-RA – 7 *SLRRA7* -2- 8) ______________ is the Dominant Caste in Maharashtra. a) Brahmin b) Maratha c) Dhangar d) Mahar 9) Small, medium and large farmers is a stratification based on ___________ a) Caste b) Income c) Cropping pattern d) Land ownership 10) _______________ is a document which represents the commitment of the Organisation towards its Citizens. a) Official Charter b) Citizen’s Charter c) Community Charter d) National Charter 11) Our Panchayt Raj System is having _____________ tier system. a) Five b) Two c) Three d) Seven 12) Peasant society is characterized by _______________ a) Cultivation of commercial crops b) Cultivation of crops for consumption c) Large land owners d) Farmers having canal irrigation 13) Agrarian Social Structure refers to ______________ a) Ownership of land b) Control over land c) Use of land d) All the above 14) In capitalist mode of production there is strong ______________ a) Caste system b) Class system c) Both caste and class d) None of the above 2. Write short notes (any four) : i) Characteristics of peasant society ii) Jamindari system iii) 73rd Panchayat Raj Act iv) Functions of Gram Sabha v) Reservation of seats for women in Panchayats. 12 *SLRRA7* -3- 3. Write short answers (any four) : SLR-RA – 7 16 i) What is rural social stratification ? ii) What is feudal mode of production ? iii) What is rural local governance ? iv) What are the changes in agrarian relations ? v) What are the uses of Right to Information Act ? 4. Answer in detail (any two) : 14 i) Explain the Contributions of Ashok Mehta Report on PRI. ii) Describe the salient features of the debate on modes of production. iii) Explain the characteristics of Citizen’s Charter. 5. Explain the functions of Panchyat Raj System in India. OR Write an essay on people’s participation in Panchayats. _____________________ 14 SLR-RA – 8 *SLR-RA-8* Seat No. M.A. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (New) Quantitative Techniques (Paper – III) Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Calculator is permitted. 1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives : 14 1) Multiple Correlation studies _________________ a) One Variable b) Two Variable c) Three Variable d) More than two variable 2) Regression line of X on Y, it means that a) X is dependent b) Y is dependent c) Both are independent d) Both are dependent 3) If, Intercept = 10, Slope = 5 in case of regression line of Y on X ; Find value of Y, when X = 0 a) 50 b) 15 c) 10.5 d) 10 4) If, mean value is 100 and standard deviation is 10 than coefficient of variation is a) 0 b) 10 c) 100 d) 1000 5) A distribution with two modes is called a) Unimodal b) Bimodal c) Modal Class d) Multimodal 6) ______________ is the measure of the central value of the items. a) Scatter diagram b) Regression c) Dispersion d) Averages P.T.O. SLR-RA – 8 *SLR-RA-8* -2- 7) If we study only two variables, our study is of a) Linear regression b) Non-linear regression c) Multiple regression d) Curvilinear regression 8) Coefficient of Correlation between amount of loan and rate of interest is _______________ a) Zero b) One c) Negative d) Positive 9) _______________ is affected by extreme values. a) Mode and Range b) Range c) Mode d) Mean 10) Income and consumption is a) Negatively correlated b) Positively correlated c) Zero correlated d) None of the above 11) Minimum value of correlation is _______________ a) 0 b) 1 c) –1 d) None of them 12) The value of the standard deviation is determined by _______________ item. a) single c) every b) some d) both b) and c) 13) Dispersion means a) Variations c) Scatteredness b) Fluctuations d) All the above 14) _______________ is useful for open end classes. a) Mode b) Mean c) Median d) a) and c) 2. Write short notes (any 4 out of 5) : 1) Merits and demerits of Mean, Median and Mode 2) Importance of Regression techniques 3) Scatter Diagram 4) Types of Quantitative Techniques 5) Use and limitations of Quantitative Techniques. 12 *SLR-RA-8* SLR-RA – 8 -3- 3. Solve problem (any 4 out of 5) : 16 Problem 1 : Calculate Arithmetic Mean for the following data : Investment (Rs. in Crore) No. of Companies 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 30 40 100 50 – 60 60 – 70 40 30 Problem 2 : Calculate Median for the following data : Marks No. of Students 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 30 40 60 60 – 70 70 – 80 40 30 Problem 3 : Calculate Mode for the following continuous frequency distribution : Saving (Rs.) No. of Families 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 10 15 30 70 – 80 80 – 90 15 10 Problem 4 : Calculate Range, RR and Standard Deviation Mean for following data : Income (Rs. in Cr.) No. of Families 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 3 7 10 50 – 60 60 – 70 7 3 Problem 5 : Calculate Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation from following data : Investment (Rs.) No. of Banks 10 – 20 20 – 30 10 20 30 – 40 40 – 50 40 20 50 – 60 10 4. Solve problem (any 2 out of 3) : 14 Problem 1 : Calculate Mean, Mode and Median and Coefficient of Variation from given data : Wages (Rs.) No. of Workers 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 20 30 60 30 20 SLR-RA – 8 *SLR-RA-8* -4- Problem 2 : Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation for the following data : X 20 30 40 50 60 Y 70 80 90 40 30 Problem 3 : Calculate Spearman’s Rank Coefficient of Correlation for following data : X 400 485 325 500 100 150 500 599 505 800 Y 151 86 325 150 250 150 200 300 350 45 5. Solve problem (any 1 out of 2) : 14 Problem 1 : Find two line of regression equation and estimate the following value : X 3 7 5 4 3 Y 11 12 13 14 16 i) Estimate Y variable value, when X is 6 in Regression line of Y on X. ii) Estimate X variable value, when Y is 17 in Regression line of X on Y. Problem 2 : First two line of regression equation and estimate the following value : X 6 5 7 8 9 Y 6 7 8 9 11 i) Estimate Y variable value, when X is 2 in Regression line of Y on X. ii) Estimate X variable value, when Y is 12 in Regression line of X on Y. _____________________ SLR-RA – 9 *SLRRA9* Seat No. M.A. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (New) Paper – I : Indian Economic Policy Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Right side digit indicates marks. 1.Choose the correct answer. 14 1) ‘Planned economy for India’ this book is written by a) J. Nehru b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Subhash Chandra Bose d) None of the above 2) _____________ is the Chairman of Planning Commission of India. a) Home Minister b) Prime Minister c) Defense Minister d) Chief Minister 3) The 10th plan period is a) 1997-2002 c) 2007-2012 b) 2002-2007 d) 2012-2017 4) __________ growth model was used for the second five year plan. a) Harrod-Domar b) Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis c) Solow model d) None of the above 5) Changes brought in the Agrarian structure through direct intervention are known as a) New Policy b) Land reforms c) Tenancy reforms d) None of them 6) HYVP means a) High Yielding Varieties of Pesticides b) High Yielding Varieties of Product c) High Yielding Varieties of Programme d) None of the above P.T.O. SLR-RA – 9 *SLRRA9* -2- 7) Non-institutional finance source are a) Moneylender b) Traders c) Relatives d) All the above 8) PACS is a) Primary Agricultural Co-operative Society b) Prime Co-operative Agricultural Society c) Preliminary Agricultural Co-operative Society d) None of the above 9) The Regional Rural Bank was established on a) 1971 b) 1972 c) 1973 d) 1975 10) ______________ is the apex bank for rural credit. a) RBI b) RRB c) NABARD d) SCB 11) In __________ the management of the market is done by market committe. a) Regulated Market b) Co-operative market c) Private Market d) All the above 12) New Economic Policy was announced on a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1994 13) Small scale industries are those which have the investment limit up to a) 1 crore b) 2 crore c) 3 crore d) 4 crore 14) __________ is the market which mainly concerned with short term credit transaction. a) SEBI b) Money market c) Capital market d) IRDI 2. Write short notes (any four) : 1) Economic Planning 2) District Central Co-operative Bank 3) Co-operative farming 4) MRTP act 5) Commercial Bill. 12 *SLRAA9* -3- SLR-RA – 9 3. Write short answer (any four) : 16 1) Explain the objectives of economic planning in India. 2) Explain the tenancy reform in brief. 3) What are the revenue sources of central government ? 4) What is capital market ? 5) What is fiscal policy ? 4. Answer any two questions : 14 1) What are the measures undertaken by the Government of India to improve the agricultural marketing ? 2) Explain the problems of public sector. 3) Explain the features of money market. 5. Discuss the agricultural finance in India. OR Critically evaluate the disinvestment policy of India. ___________________ 14