SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Syllabus Structure and detailed syllabus of T.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) w.e.f. Academic Year 2014-15 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR Com mputer Scien nce and Eng gineering Structure of o T. E. (Coomputer Sccience & Engineering) w w.e.f. July 2014 2 Sem mester – I Sr. No Name of o the Subjectt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T Teaching Scheeme Opeerating System Concepts Systtem Programm ming Com mputer Network ks Desiign and Analyssis of Algorithm m Com mputer Organizzation Lab – Java Program mming Selff Learning (HSS) Totaal L 3 3 4 3 3 2 T 1 1 - P 2 2 2 4 18 2 10 Exxamination Scheme Paperr 100 100 100 100 100 50 550 T/W 25 25 25 25 25 25 OE E - 150 Tootal POE 50 50 50 1775 1225 1775 1225 1225 7 75 5 50 8550 150 Sem mester -II Sr. No Name of the Subjecct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Com mpiler Construuction Uniix Operating System Moobile Computin ng Dattabase Engineeering Sofftware Engineeering Lab b - Programminng in Minni project Self Learning (HS SS /Technical) Tottal Subjects for fo Self Learning for Hum manities and Social Scien nces (HSS) 1. Ecconomics 2. Psyychology 3. Phhilosophy 4. Soociology 5. Hu umanities Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L 3 3 3 4 3 2 - Teachingg Scheme T 1 1 - Exaamination Sch heme P 2 2 2 2 2 18 2 10 Paper 100 100 100 100 100 50 550 T/W 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 OE - POE - 25 50 50 - 175 25 100 Tottal 1225 1225 1225 1775 1225 755 500 500 8550 Subjects for Self Learnin ng for Techniccal Subjects 1. Coomputer Modelling and Simulation 2. Software licensess and practices 3. Neetwork set up & managementt tools k will be asseessed based oon continuouss internal evaluation includ ding class testts, Thhe term-work asssignments, peerformance inn laboratories, Interaction inn class, quizzzes and groupp discussions as appplicable. Thhe batch size for practical/ttutorials be off 15 students. On forming tthe batches, iff the strength of reemaining studeents exceeds 7 students, s then a new batch may m be formed. M Project shaall consist of developing Mini d smaall software baased on tools & technologies learnt in SE annd TE E. Prroject group fo or T.E.(CSE) Part II Mini Prooject shall be off 4 / 5 studentss V Vocational Train ning (evaluatedd at B.E. Part-II) of minimum m 15 days shalll be completedd in any vacatioon affter S.E. Part-III but before B.E. Part-I & thee report shall be submitted annd evaluated in n B.E. Part-I Sttudent shall seelect one Self Learning Moddule from HSS S at T.E. Part I and oneself learning moduule eiither from HSS S or from technnical at T.E. Paart II Curriculum for Humanities and a Social Sciences Self Learning Moduules is commoon for all undder mmes under faaculty of Enginneering and Tecchnology. grraduate program 2 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. T (COMP PUTER SCIIENCE & ENGINEER E RING) Sem mester – I 1. OPE ERATING S SYSTEM CONCEPTS Teachingg Scheme Scheme Exaamination S Lecture:: 3 Hrs/Week Theeory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/Week Term mwork: 25 marks Tutoriall: 1 Hr/Week Pra actical Oral Examinatioon: 50 markks COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1) To T expose thhe importancce of the rolee and structurre of operatiing system. 2) To T learn baasics of opperating sysstem such as Process Managemeent, Memorry M Management t and I/O devvice manageement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, studentt will be ablee to 1) Recognize R thee role, structture of OS, applications a and relationnship betweeen them. 2) Analyze A the features and d functions provided p by y Operating system moddules (such as a prrocess contrrol, CPU sch heduling, muutual exclusion, deadlocck, memory managemennt, sy ynchronizatiion etc.) SECTION – I Unit 1: Introduction I n (5 Hrs.) Operatingg system deefinition, Sim mple Batch System, Muulti programm med Batch System, S Tim me Sharing System, S Perssonal Compuuter System,, Parallel Sy ystem, Real T Time System m, and System m Calls. Unit 2: Process P (6 Hrs.) Process Concept, C Pro ocess Schedduling, Operration on pro ocess, Coopperating proccess, Threadds, Interproccess Commuunication. Unit 3: Process P Scheeduling (6 Hrs.) Basic concept, Scheduling Criteeria, Scheduuling Algoritthms, Multipple processoor scheduling, ms evaluationn). Real timee schedulingg (Algorithm Unit 4: Interprocess I s synchronizzation (5 Hrs.) Backgrou und, The critical sectionn problem, Synchronization Hardwarre, Semaphoores, Classical problemss of synchronnization, Moonitors. SECT TION – II Unit 5: Deadlocks D (7 Hrs.) System model, Deaadlock charracterizationn, Methods for handlinng deadlockks, Deadlocck from deadlocck, combineed preventioon, Deadlock avoidancee, Deadlockk detection, Recovery fr approachh to deadlockk. Unit 6: Memory M Management M (6 Hrs.) Backgrou und, Logicaal Versus Physical Adddress space,, Swapping,, Contiguouus Allocationn, Paging, Segmentation S n, Segmentaation with paaging. 3 Unit 7: Virtual Memory (5 Hrs.) Background, Demand paging, Page replacement, Page replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, thrashing (Only concept). Unit 8: I/O system (4 Hrs.) Overview, I/O hardware, Application I/O interface, Kernel I/O subsystem, Transforming I/O request to hardware operation. Text Books: 1. Operating System concepts – 5th, 7th or 8th Edition – Silberschatz, Galvin (John Wiley). Reference Books: 1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition by William Stallings (PHI) 2. Operating system with case studies in UNIX, Netware and Windows NT by Achyut Godbole (TMGH). 3. Operating Systems – Deitel, Deitel, Choffnes – 3rd Edition, by Pearson Education Term work: Tutorials: In tutorial session, students of different batches be assigned different exercise problems and be guided for the solution of the problems. Tutorials are based on: 1. Study and Comparison of different types of OS. 2. Examples of IPC such as POSIX shared memory, Mach OS, Windows XP 3. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit III. 4. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit VI 5. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit V. 6. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit VI. 7. Disk Performance optimization: Introduction, Characteristics of Moving Head Disk Storage, Disk scheduling strategies, Rotational optimization. 8. File System: Introduction, Data hierarchy, File systems, File organization, File Allocation, Free space Management. (Reference book no. 3) 9. Exercise problems given in text book for Unit VIII Practical List: It should consist of the 12 practical based on following lists based on C and Linux. 1. Study of UNIX Operating System and required commands. 2. Implementation of a program which describe the use of system calls such as fork (), abort (), suspend () etc. 3. Implementation of FCFS scheduling algorithm. 4. Implementation of SJF (preemptive & non preemptive) 5. Implementation of round robin (RR). 6. Implementation of priority scheduling algorithm. 7. Implementation of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance. 8. Implementation of RAG or WFG method for Deadlock detection for single instance of resources. 9. Simulation of Page Replacement strategies (FIFO, LRU, Optimal) based on Java Multithreading. 10. Implementation of Mutual Exclusion 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd algorithm. 11. Implementation of Mutual Exclusion using semaphore (wait & signal) 12. Implementation of producer consumer problem (Bounded buffer) 4 UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR SOLAPU T.E. T (COMP PUTER SCIIENCE & ENGINEER E RING) Sem mester – I 2. SYSTEM P PROGRAM MMING Exaamination Scheme Teachingg Scheme S Lecture:: 3 Hrs/Week Theeory: 100 marks m Practical: 2 Hrs/weeek Terrmwork: 255 marks COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1. To leearn the princciples of proocessing of aan HLL proggram for execcution on a computer c system m. 2. To deesign compuuter languagee processors. 3. To accquire skills of Languagee processor ddevelopmennt tools. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, studentt will be ablee to 1. Identtify various language l proocessors. 2. Desiggn and impleement protottypes of langguage processsors. 3. Applyy language processor p deevelopment ttools to creatte Languagee Processors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION – I Unit 1: Language L Processors (8 Hrs.) Introducttion, language processsing activiities, Fundaamentals of o languagee processing, Fundameentals of lang guage, Speciification, lannguage Proceessor develoopment toolss. Unit 2: Assemblers A (8 Hrs.) Elementss of assemblly language programminng, A simplee assembly sscheme, Passs structure of o assembleers, design off a two pass assembler, A single passs assembler for IBM PC C. Unit 3: Macros M and Macro Proocessors (6 Hrs.) Macro definition d annd call, Macro M Expannsion, Nesteed macro ccalls, Desig gn of Macrro preprocessor-Design overview. SECT TION – II Unit 4: Compilers C and a Interpreeters (9 Hrs.) Aspects of compilatiion, compilaation of exppressions, co ode optimizaation, Static and dynam mic M alloocation in block structuured languagges(Scope Ruules, Memorry memory allocation, Memory p Inteerpreters allocationn and accesss, Dynamic pointer), Unit 5: Linkers L (6 Hrs.) Relocatioon and linkiing concepts, design off a linker, Self-relocatin S ng programs, linking foor overlays.. Unit 6: Loaders L (7 Hrs.) Function n of loader, general g loadeer scheme, A Absolute loader, Relocatting loader, Direct D linkinng loader, Dynamic D loadding, Design n of direct linnking loaderr. 5 Text books: 1. System Programming and operating systems – 2nd Edition D.M. Dhamdhere (TMGH) (Unit-1,2,3,4,5) 2. System Programming -- J. J. Donovan (Mc-Graw Hill) (Unit-6) Reference books: 1. System Software- An Introduction to Systems Programming- 3rd Edition- Leland L. Beck(Pearson Education) Termwork: Practical List: Practical assignments should be carried based on – 1. Simulation of text editor. 2. Introduction of TASM. 3. Implementation of Macros. 4. Implementation of Nested macros. 5. Design and implementation of 1 pass assemblers. 6. Design and implementation of 2 pass assemblers. 7. Symbol table generation for input *.c file. 8. Design Lex specifications for the tokens – keywords, identifiers, numbers, operators, white spaces. 9. Implementation of Toy-code generator. 10. Simulation of linkers. 11. Simulation of loaders. 6 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. T (COMP PUTER SCIIENCE & ENGINEER E RING) Sem mester – I 3. COMPUTE ER NETWO ORKS Teachingg Scheme Examination E n Scheme Lecture:: 4 Hrs/Weekk Theory: T 1000 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/Week Term-Work T k: 25 Marks Pra actical Oral Exam: 50 Marks M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1) To T build thee idea of muultiple layerss in the dataa communiccation and th he addressinng m mechanism between b the different layyers of OSI Reference R M Model. 2) To T introducee the studentt with clientt-server paraadigm for soocket interfacces to discusss t client-serrver commun the nication usinng connectioonless & connnection-orieented servicees o offered by thhe transport layer l protocools. 3) To T study thhe architectu ure of WWW o W, HTTP, e-Mail & ddescribe thee concepts of h hypertext, hypermedia, web clientss, web servvers and theeir componeents to definne U URL, differeent Web docuuments in thhe application layer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1) To T demonstraate the purpoose of differeent layers. 2) To T write appplication layyer protocols using servvices offereed by the trransport layeer prrotocols suchh as UDP, TCP T & SCTP P. 3) To T show thee functionin ng of web based mail system andd web serv vices workinng mechanism. m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION – I Unit 1: Overview O off TCP/IP Prrotocol Suitee (4 Hrss.) TCP/IP Protocol P Suitte: Comparisson between O OSI & TCP/IIP Protocol S Suite, Layers in the TCP/IIP Protocol Suite, S Addressing: Physicaal, Logical, Poort & Applicaation Specificc Addresses Transport Layer Unit 2:T (14 Hrss.) UDP: Overview of thee OSI Model and a the TCP/IIP Protocol Suite, S UDP: Inntroduction, User U Datagram m, UDP Servvices, UDP Applications, A U UDP Packagee, TCP: TCP Services, TCP T Features,, Segment, A TCP Connecction, State Trransition Diagram, Windoow in TCP, Flow F Control, Error Controol, Congestionn Control, TC CP Timers, TC CP Package SCTP: Sttream Controol Transmissioon Protocol: Introduction, SCTP Services, SCTP Feeatures, Packket Format, An A SCTP Asso ociation, Statte Transition D Diagram Unit 3: Client C Serveer Model an nd Socket In nterface (8 Hrs.) Client Seerver Parad digm: Server,, Client, Conncurrency, Concurrency iin Clients, Concurrency C in Servers, Socket, S Byte Ordering Fun nctions, Addrress Transform mation Functions, Memory y Management Functionss, Socket System Calls, Connectionleess Iterative Server, UDP P Client Serrver Program ms, Connectio on-oriented Concurrent C Serrver, TCP Cliient Server Prrograms. 7 SECTION – II Unit 4: Host Configuration & Domain Name System (8 Hrs.) Host Configuration: BOOTP Operation, Packet format, DHCP: Introduction, DHCP Operation and Configuration. Domain Name System: Need for DNS, Name Space, DNS In the Internet, Resolution, DNS Messages, Types of Records, Encapsulation, DDNS. Unit 5: Remote Login and File Transfer (10 Hrs.) Remote Login: TELNET Concept, Time-Sharing Environment, Network Virtual Terminal, Embedding, Options, Symmetry, Suboption Negotiation, Controlling the Server, Out-of-Band Signaling, Escape Character, Mode of Operation, User Interface. SSH: Components, Port Forwarding, Format of SSH Packets. FTP: Connections, Communication, Command Processing, File Transfer, Anonymous FTP, TFTP: Messages, Connection, Data Transfer, UDP Ports, TFTP Applications. Unit 6: WWW, HTTP and Electronic Mail (8 Hrs.) World Wide Web and HTTP: Architecture, Web Documents, HTTP. Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, IMAP: Architecture, User Agent, Message Transfer Agent: SMTP, Message Access Agent: POP and IMAP, Web-Based Mail. Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Fourth Edition) (Unit 1,2,3,5,6) TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Third Edition) (Unit 4) TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Second Edition) (Unit 3) Computer Networks : Andrew S. Tanenbaum Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, International Edition: James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross Reference Books: 1. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol III. Client-Server Programming & Applications: Douglas E. Comer 2. Data and Computer Communications: William Stallings 3. Data Communication and Networking: Behrouz A. Forouzan Term work: Student should perform 10 to 12 experiments based on the following guidelines and preferably conducted on Unix / Linux platform using C language. 1. Installation of Unix/Linux Operating System. 2. Configuration of Network-Assigning IP Address, Subnet-Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Server Addresses & Testing Basic Connectivity. 3. Study of typical network components such as Server, Client, Network Interface Card, Connector (RJ-45), Communication Medium, Modem, Firewall, Patch Panel, Racks, Leased Line, Connecting Devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers. 4. Study of College Network and Design of Any New Network. 5. Connectionless Iterative Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using Iterative UDP Server. 6. Connection-oriented Iterative Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using Iterative TCP Server. 7. Connection-oriented Concurrent Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using Concurrent TCP Server. 8. Implementation of Simple Network Chatting Application. 9. Remote Login: TELNET a. Log on to a remote computer from client using TELNET. 8 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. b. After logging on executes few commands at remote server from client. For example user wants a server to display a file (hello.txt) on a remote server then he/she types: cat hello.txt. c. Log on to a remote computer from client using TELNET and Putty terminal emulator. After logging on execute few commands. Here Client and Server are on heterogeneous systems, for example client is on windows and server is on Linux. Remote Login: SSH a. Log on to a remote computer from client using SSH. b. After logging on executes few commands at remote server from client. For example user wants a server to display a file (hello.txt) on a remote server then he/she types: cat hello.txt. c. Log on to a remote computer from client using SSH and Putty terminal emulator. After logging on execute few commands. Here Client and Server are on heterogeneous systems for example client is on windows and server is on Linux. d. Execute a command on remote computer (Linux/Unix) using SSH without logging on. For example to execute a single command on remote computer one may can use ssh user1@server1 command1 File Transfer: FTP a. Connect to a FTP server from client. b. Download a file from server. For example, suppose there is a file (hello.txt) on the server then download it on the client. c. Upload a file onto server. For example, suppose there is a file (hello.txt) on the client then upload it on the server. d. List directory contents. For example, use ls command to list the contents of current directory. Simulation of DHCP. Simulation of DNS. Study of the next generation protocol:IPv6 Vs IPv4 9 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (C Computer Science & En ngineering) mester - I Sem 4. 4 DESIGN N AND ANA AYLISIS OF F ALGORIT THM Teachingg Scheme E Examinatio on Scheme Lecture:: 3 Hrs/week k T Theory: 1000 marks Tutoriall: 1 Hr/week k T Term work: 25 marks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1 To T study algo orithm analyysis, design aand applicatiion. 2 To T evaluate and a compare algorithms using worst,, average andd best case analysis. a 3 To T equip the student witth essential algorithm design d technniques such as a divide annd coonquer, dynaamic program mming and tthe greedy methods m and many of its applicationss. 4 To T explain th he difference between traactable and inntractable prroblems and d identify basic complex xity classes such as P, N NP complete and NP-hard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1 Analyze A the asymptotic a p performance ms. of algorithm 2 Demonstrate D a familiarityy with majorr algorithms. 3 Apply A importtant algorithm mic design paradigms p an nd methods of analysis. 4 Synthesize effficient algorrithms in com mmon enginneering desiggn situations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION – I Unit 1: Introduction I n (8 Hrs.) Algorithm m Specificattion: Pseudoo code Conveentions, Recursive Algorrithm Performaance Analyssis: Space Complexity, C mplexity, Callculating wo orst case annd Time Com average case complexities: Caase study, Amortized A Complexity, Asymptottic Notationns, Practical Complexitiees, Performaance Measurrement Unit 2: Divide D and Conquer C (7 Hrs.) The general method d, Binary search, Findding the maaximum andd minimum, Merge sorrt, Quicksorrt, Selection,, Strassens Matrix M multipplications Unit 3: The T Greedy method (8 Hrs.) The general method d, Knapsackk problem, Job sequenncing with ddeadlines, minimum-co m ost m’s and Kruuskal’s Algorrithms, Optiimal storage on tapes, Optimal O mergge spanningg trees – Prim patterns, Single sourcce shortest paths p SECT TION - II Unit 4: Dynamic D Prrogrammingg (8 Hrs.) The geneeral method,, Multistage graphs, All pair shortesst paths, Optimal binaryy search treees, 0/1 Knappsack, Reliab bility design, The Travelling Sales peerson problem m. Flow shoop scheduling Unit 5: Backtrackin B ng (7 Hrs.) The geneeral method,, 8-queen prroblem, sum of subsets, Knapsack Problem, P Hamilton Cyclle, and Grapph Coloring. 1 10 Unit 6: NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems (7 Hrs.) Tractable and Intractable Problems: Computability. The Halting problem, Computability classes – P, NP-complete and NP-hard, Cook’s theorem, Standard NP-complete problems Reduction techniques Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms–Horowitz, Sahni & Rajasekaran (Galgotia Publications) 2. Algorithm Design –Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassla, Wiley Student Edition 3. Data Structures and Algorithms - Aho, Hopfcraft and Ullman (Addison wesley) Reference books: 1. Fundamental of Algorithm. – Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley (Pearson Publication) 2. Introduction to Algorithms – Thomas Cormen (Pearson Publication) 3. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithm – By Goodman (McGrawhill) 4. Algorithm Design, Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos, Pearson, 1st edition Termwork: Assignment List: 1. Assignment on Space complexity & Time Complexity 2. Problems on Asymptotic Notations 3. Performance measurement of various algorithms 4. Assignment on Recurrence Relations 5. Study and solve problems of different sorting algorithms 6. Finding time complexity of searching and sorting algorithms 7. Solve exercise on Greedy Algorithms 8. Assignment on Dynamic programming 9. Assignment on Backtracking 10. Exercise on NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems 11 SOLAPUR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Computer Science & Engineering E g) mester - I Sem 5. CO OMPUTER R ORGANIZ ZATION Teachin ng Scheme Exam mination Sch heme Lecturee: - 3 Hrs/W Week Theorry – 100 Maarks Term-Work – 255 Marks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURS SE OBJECT TIVES 1) To leearn fundameentals of com mputer organnization. 2) To know k the processor level design, mem mory and I/O O organizatioon. 3) To accquire fundaamentals of pipelined p arcchitecture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURS SE OUTCO OMES At the end e of the co ourse, studen nt will be abble to 1) Justify the princciples of com mputer organnization. mance of proocessor, desiign memory hierarchy annd interface I/O devices. 2) Identify perform 3) Identify paralleel architecturre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Instruction I Conceptss of CPU maay be clarifieed through siimulation so oftware toolss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION I Unit 1: Basic B Structture of Com mputer Hard dware (06 Hrs) Function nal Units, Baasic operation nal conceptss, Bus Structture, Generattion of compputers. (11 Hrs.) Unit 2: Processor P Level Design Instructioon format, Innstruction tyypes, Bus hiierarchical arrchitecture, RISC, CISC C, Fixed poinnt arithmetiic-Addition, Subtraction n, Multipliccation (Boooth Algorithhm ),Fast multiplication m n, Division((Restoring and Non Restoring A Algorithm) Implementation of floating fl poinnt operationn, IEEE floatting point standard Unit 3: Hardwired H C Control Uniit (05 Hrs.) Hardwireed Control Unit: Desiggn Methodss (Sequencee counter); Multiplier Control Unnit (Introducction), (Impllementation of o Multiplier in each casse). CTION II SEC Unit 4: Memory M Organization and a Design (08 Hrs.) Virtual memory: Memory M Hiierarchy, Main M memorry allocatioon, Segmennts & pagees, ment policiess ,High Speeed memoriess-Interleaved d memories, Cache, Assoociative. Replacem (05 Hrs.) Unit 5: Input-Outpu ut Organizaation Accessinng I/O devices, Direct Memory A Access, Interrupt Handlling, I/O Innterfaces, I//O Channelss Unit 6: Parallel P Proccessing and d Pipelined A Architecture (09 Hrs.) Uniproceessor and Multiprocesso M or parallelism m; Types off uniprocesssor parallelissm; Basics of o Pipelininng & vectorr processingg, Multiproocessor Archhitecture-tigghtly coupleed & looselly coupled , Linear and Nonlinear pipeline p ,Pipeeline hazard ds. 1 12 Text Books: 1. Computer Architecture & Organization – J.P.Hayes (MGH) (Chapters:1,2,3,4) 2. Computer Organization - Hamacher and Zaky (MGH)(Chapters:1,5) 3. Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing- Kai Hwang and Briggs (MGH) (Chapter:6) 4. Computer System Architecture and Organization-Dr.M.Usha and T.S.Srikanth (WILEY INDIA) Reference Books: 1. Advanced Computer Architecture- Kai Hwang (MGH) 2. Computer Organization and Architecture –Hennessy Patterson (ELSEVIER) 3. Design for Performance-William Stallings (PEARSON) Termwork: Assignment List: 1. Discuss the different technologies of first, second , third and fourth generations of computer and compare them. 2. Name the different addressing modes, their assembler syntax, addressing functions with an example. 3. Explain IEEE standards for floating point number. Represent +12.375 in to single precision and double precision format. 4. Hexadecimal values of A=43100000H, work out IEEE representation of A in single precision format. 5. With an example discuss the division operation with restoring and non restoring method. 6. Why program control I/O is unsuitable for high speed data transfer. Give the reasons. 7. Discuss the sequence of events involved in handling an interrupt request from a single device. 8. What are the major difference between Cache-Main memory and Main- Secondary memory hierarchies? 9. With an example, explain the FIFO and LRU replacement policies, with two different memory capacities. 10. Draw the architecture of tightly coupled multiprocessor with private cache. 11. What is hazard? What are different types of hazards? Explain each with an example. What are types of data hazard? With example, explain types of data hazard. 13 SOLAPU UR UNIVE ERSITY, SOLAPUR T.E. (Computer Science & Engineering E g) mester - I Sem 6. Lab - JAV VA Program mming Teachingg Scheme me Examination Schem Lecture: 2 Hrs/Weeek Work: 25 Marks M Term-W Practicaal Oral Exam m: 50 markks Practical: 4 Hrs/Weeek --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E OBJECT TIVES: COURSE 1 To learn Object oriented pro ogramming paradigms p ussing Java lannguage. i thhe student Basic B Java A API Classes and Featurees for use inn Applicatioon 2 To introduce prog gramming. 3 To impart i basicc understand ding and annalyze platfoorm indepenndent applicaation runtim me enviironment to create c standaalone GUI, W Web applicaations using JJava languagge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E OUTCOM MES: COURSE At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1 Impleement Objecct oriented prrogrammingg paradigms using Java language. 2 Explo ore and use the t Java APIIs for implem menting variious functionnalities of an n Applicationn. 3 Analyyze platform m independennt application runtime ennvironment aand choose appropriate a runtim me environm ment to creatte GUI and W Web applicattions using JJava languagge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION I Unit 1: Basics B and Fundamenta F als of Java (4 hrs) Basics: Java J Runtime Environmeent. Languagges Basics: Variables, V O Operators, Exxpressions, Statemen nts, Blocks, Control C flow w Statementss. Fundam mentals: Dataa Types, Arrrays, Objectss and Classes. Fields andd Methods, Access A control, Modifiers, M C Constructors, , Overloadinng methods, Abstract A classes, Nestedd classes, Packagess, Wrapper classes, c Interrfaces, Using the Keywoord “this” . Object Life time & Garbage Collection. Recursion inn Java. I , Numbers and a Strings,, Generics (4 hrs) Unit 2: Inheritance, Inheritan nce: Extendding Classes and Inheritaance, Types of o Inheritancce in Java, Polymorpphism, Typee Compatibillity and Connversion, Oveerriding andd Hiding Metthods, Hidinng Fields, Using U the Keyyword “supeer” Numberrs and Stringgs: String Class and Methods, StringgBuffer Classs and Metho ods Genericss: Generic Classes C and Methods. M (5 hrs) E Error Hand dling and B Basic IO Unit 3: Exceptions, Exceptio ons and Errror Handling: Exceptionns and Errorrs, Catching and Handlinng Exceptionns The try Block, B The catch c Blocks, The finallly Block, Sppecifying thee Exceptionss Thrown by a Method, Throwing Exceptions, E Chained Exxceptions , Creating C Excception Classses, Checkeed E and Unchhecked Exceeptions, Advvantages of Exceptions. Basic I/O O: I/O Streaams, Byte Streams, Chaaracter Streaams, Buffereed Streams, Scanning annd Formattinng, Data Strreams, Objecct Streams , File I/O Claasses: Readinng, Writing, and Creatinng 1 14 Files and Directories. Unit 4: Java Collections Framework (3 hrs) Introduction, The Arrays Class, Searching and Sorting arrays of primitive data types, Sorting Arrays of Objects, The Comparable and Comparator Interfaces, Sorting using Comparable & Comparator, Collections: Lists, Sets, Maps, Trees, Iterators and Collections, The Collection Class. SECTION II Unit 5: Multithreading and Network Programming (4 hrs) Multithreading: Creating Threads, Thread scheduling and priority, Thread interruptions and synchronization, Thread Safety, Pros and Cons of Multithreading. Network Programming: Networking fundamentals, TCP, UDP communication in Java. Client server programming: InetAddress, URLs, Sockets, DatagramSockets. Unit 6: JDBC and RMI (4 hrs) JDBC: Introduction to JDBC, JDBC Drivers & Architecture, CRUD operations Using JDBC API. RMI: Introduction, RMI Architecture, The Remote Interface, The Remote Object, Writing the Server and Client, Remote Methods, Arguments and Return Values, Stub and Skeleton Classes. Unit 7: GUI Programming with AWT and Swing, Applets (4 hrs) GUI Programming with AWT and Swing: Hierarchy of classes in AWT and Swing package, , Layouts, Events , Listeners and Event handling. AWT and Swing Components. Applets: Introduction, Applet’s execution environment, Lifecycle, Developing and Deploying Applets Unit 8: Servlets and JSP (4 hrs) Introduction to Servlets and JSP, Servlet architecture and lifecycle, JSP architecture and lifecycle. JSP Elements. Requests and Response Objects in Servlet API and JSP, Cookies and Session Handling using Servlet API and JSP. Text Books: 1. Head First Java – Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reily Publication 2. The Java™ Programming Language By Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, Pearson Publication 3. Head First Servlets and JSP – Bryan Bosham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reily Publication 4. Core Java for Beginners- Rashmi Kanta Das, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Reference Books: 1. The Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition Book by James Gosling, Oracle Inc. (e-Resource: ) 2. Java: The Complete Reference 8 Edition - Herbert Schildt , Tata McGraw - Hill Education 3. The Java™ Tutorials. Oracle Inc. (e-Resource: 4. Java Server Programming for Professionals - Ivan Bayross, Sharanam Shah, Cynthia Bayross and Vaishali Shah, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition 15 Term Work: • Students should undertake minimum 20 practical assignments based on each above topic. • The assignments should test and develop student’s practical proficiency and ability to use Java API Classes efficiently in writing effective code for varied applications scenarios & requirements. • Use of IDEs like BlueJ, Eclipse, Netbeans for Interactive development and debugging of Java applications is highly recommended to enhance hands on skills in Java Programming of Students. • Preferably use Apache Tomcat/GlassFish Server with Eclipse or Netbeans for assignments based on Servlets and JSP. 16 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (C Computer Science & En ngineering) mester-I Sem 7. Self Leearning (HS SS) Examinatiion Scheme Theory: 50 0 Marks __________________ ___________ __________________________________________ ____________ Refer to the t syllabus common to all program mmes under faculty f of engineering. 1 17 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (C Computer Science & En ngineering) mester-II Sem 1. COMPILER R CONSTRU UCTION Teachin ng Scheme me Examination Schem Theory - 100 Markss Lecturee: 3 Hrs/Weeek Term-W Practiccal: 2 Hrs/W Week Work – 25 Marks M COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1. To T introducee principal structure s of compiler, basic b theoriees and methhods used foor diifferent parts of compileer. 2. To T impart knnowledge off fundamentals of languuage translattor, structuree of a typical coompiler, parrsing method ds etc. 3. To T design varrious phases of compilerr such as Lexxical analyzeer, parser etcc. 4. To T distinguish h different optimization o techniques in i the designn of compileer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1. Apply A techniqques for the structure off compiler. 2. Use U simulatioon software to t justify com mpiler desig gn. 3. Im mplement vaarious phases of compileer. 4. Apply A differeent optimizattion techniquues in the deesign of com mpiler. 5. Analyze A and compare varrious compillers to selectt optimum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course instructions i s: Study off open sourrce softwaree – YASS bby Universiity of Wiscoonsin-Madisson, to betteer understan nd each phasse of compiller. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION - I Unit 1: Introduction I n: (3 Hrs.) Languagee Processor, Structure off Compiler L Anaalysis: (5 Hrs.) Unit 2: Lexical The Rolee of the Lexxical analyzeer, Input Buuffering, Speecification off Tokens, Recognition R o of Tokens, Finite Auto omata, Connversion of NFA to DFA, Designning a Lexiical Analyzeer G A Analyzer, Patttern Matchinng based onn NFA’s, DFA Generatoor- The Struccture of the Generated for Lexiccal Analyzerr. (8 Hrs.) S Anallysis: Unit 3: Syntax Introducttion, Contexxt Free Gram mmars, Writting a Gram mmar, Top-down Parsing g, Bottom-U Up Parsing, Introduction I n to LR parsiing: Simple L LR, More poowerful LR parsers (6 Hrs.) S Directed Transllation: Unit 4: Syntax Syntax Directed D Deffinitions, Evvaluation Orrder for SDD D’s, Application of Synntax Directeed Translation, Syntax Directed D Traanslation Schheme, Bottom m-up Parsinng of L-Attriibuted SDD’’s. 1 18 SECTION - II Unit 5: Intermediate Code Generation: (6 Hrs.) Variants of Syntax Trees, Three Address Code, Types & Declaration, Control Flow – Boolean Expression, Short Circuit Codes & Flow of Control Statements, Backpatching, Switch-Statements. Unit 6: Run Time Environments: Storage Organization, Stack Allocation of Space. (3 Hrs.) Unit 7: Code Generation: (7 Hrs.) Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Language, Basic Blocks & Flow Graphs, Simple Code Generator. Register Allocation & Assignment. Unit 8: Code Optimization: (7 Hrs.) The Principle Sources of Optimization, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Peephole Optimization, Introduction to Data Flow Analysis. Text Book: 1. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools - Second Edition - A.V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, R. Sethi and J.D. Ullman (Pearson Education) 2. Compiler Construction - Dhamdhere (Mc-Millan) References: 1. Compiler Construction – Principles & Practice – Ken Louden (Cengage Learning) 2. Compiler Design in C – Allen I. Holub (PHI / Pearson Education) 3. Compiler Construction - Barret, Bates, Couch (Galgotia) 4. Crafting a compiler with C – Charls Fischer, Richard LeBlane (Pearson Education) Term Work: It should consist of minimum 8-10 experiments based on the above topics. Following experiments may be conducted for the term work. Practical List 1. Design a lexical analyzer for a language whose grammar is known. 2. Implement a recognizer for the language in 1. 3. Recursive Descent Parser 4. Shift Reduce Parser 5. Operator Precedence Parser 6. Generate a symbol table for the language given in 1. 7. Generate 3 address codes for the language given in 1. 8. Implement code optimization techniques on the code produced in 7. 9. Generate target code for the code optimized in 4, considering the target machines to be X86. 10. Code Optimization Tools 19 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T. E. (C Computer S Science & Engineering)) Semester – II 2. UNIX U OPER RATING SY YSTEM Teachingg Scheme E Examination n Scheme Lecture:: 3 Hrs/Weeek T Theory : 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/ Week W T Term work: 25 Marks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: Teacher needs n to focus on and make m studentss learn aboutt some of thee following things t but noot limited too: 1. To in ntroduce funddamentals annd architectuure of UNIX X Operating ssystem incluuding file manaagement, proocess management, mem mory manageement and I/O O subsystem m of UNIX. 2. To prrovide handss on commaands of UNIX X and Shell Programminng 3. To buuild the conccept of multiiuser operatiing system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1. Illusttrate File Struucture, Proccess Managem ment and Memory M Manaagement of Unix U using UNIX X Architectuure 2. Applyy basic UNIIX/Linux com mmands , syystem calls and a SHELL P Programminng 3. To co ompare betw ween single user u and mulltiuser system m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION – I Unit 1: Introduction I n (6 Hrss.) General Overview of the System m - History, System Strructure, Userr Perspectivve, Operatinng S Asssumption About A Hardw ware, Introdu uction to thee KERNEL-- Architecturre System Services, of UNIX X OS, In ntroduction to system m concepts, Kernel Data D Structture, System m Administtration. T Buffer Cache C (6 Hrss.) Unit 2: The Buffer heeaders, struccture of the buffer pooll, scenarios for f retrievall of a bufferr, reading annd writing disk d blocks, advantages a a disadvanntages of cacche. and (4 Hrss.) I Rep presentation n of Files Unit 3: Internal Inodes, structure s of the regular file, directoories, conversion of a ppathname to o inode, supeer block, innode assign nment to a new file, allocation of disk bblocks, otheer file typees. S callss for the filee System (5 Hrss.) Unit 4: System Open, Reead, write, File F and Reecord Lockinng, Adjustin ng the positiion of FILE E I/O-LSEEK K, Close, Fiile Creation,, Creation of o Special Fiile, Change Directory annd Change Root, R Changge Owner and a Change Mode, Staat and Fstatt, Pipes, Duup, Mountinng and Unm mounting file systems, Link, Unlink, File F System m Abstraactions,File system maintenancce. 2 20 SECTION – II Unit 5: The Structure of process (4 Hrs.) Process stages and transitions, layout of system memory, the context of a process, Saving context of a process, manipulation of the process address space. Unit 6: Process Control (6 Hrs.) Process creation, signals, process termination, awaiting process termination, invoking other programs, the user id of a process, the shell, system Boot and the Init process. Unit 7: Process Scheduling and Time Process Scheduling, system call for time, clock. (3 Hrs.) Unit 8: Memory management policies Swapping, Demand passing, a hybrid system with demand paging and swapping (5 Hrs.) Unit 9: The I/O Subsystem Driver interfaces, disk drives, terminal drivers, Streams. (4 Hrs.) Text Books: 1. The design of Unix Operating System - Maurice J. Bach (PHI) 2. Unix Manuals. Reference books: 1. Unix concepts and administration – 3rd Edition – Sumitabha Das (TMGH). 2. Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment by W.Richard Stevens. 3. UNIX Concepts & Applications by Sumitabha Das Term Work: It should consist of minimum 8-10 experiments based on the above topics. Following experiments may be conducted for the term work. Practical List: 1. Study of Unix Architecture. 2. Write a program for file copy. 3. Write a program for file transfer. 4. Write a program to implement ls command 5. Write a program to implement getblk algorithm 6. Write a program to implement ialloc & ifree algorithm. 7. Write a Program to implement alloc and free algorithm. 8. Study of System calls STAT & FSTAT , PIPES,LINK &UNLINK,DUP,MOUNT &UNMOUNT. 9. Study of shell programming • WAP to find whether entered number is even or odd • WAP to find factorial of number • WAP to find whether entered number is prime or not • WAP for fibonnaci series • WAP to find sum of series of entered number • WAP to find power of number. 10. WAP to implement malloc algorithm . 21 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Coomputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester-II 3 MOBILE 3. E COMPUT TING Teachin ng Scheme Examiination Scheeme Lecturee: 3 Hrs/Weeek Theoryy: 100 Markks Tutoriaal: 1 Hr/Weeek Term-W Work: 25 Marks M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1. To inttroduce conccepts and priinciples of mobile m computing. 2. To ex xplore skills of o finding soolutions for m mobile compputing appliccations. 3. To get acquainted d with basicss of Android Operating System S and iits architectuure. C standards and a practicess. 4. To inttroduce NFC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1. Apply the principlles of mobilee computing in the real time. ons. 2. Analyzze requiremeents of mobiile compatibble applicatio 3. Put thee basic know wledge gaineed, into practtice in developing mobille based applications using Android. s and d environmeents, where NFC N can be pput into pracctice. 4. Analyyze various scenarios ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Instruction I Visit to BSNL B for practical workking of wiredd and wirelesss communiccation system m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION I Unit 1: Introduction n to Mobile Communiccation (3 Hrs.) C tion: Carrierr signal, AM M, FM, PM, Demodulation, Generatiions: 1G, 2G G, Analog Communicat 3G and 4G 4 W Traansmission (6 Hrs.) Unit 2: Wireless Frequenccies for radio transmisssion, Signalls, Antennass, Signal prropagation, Multiplexing, Modulatiion, Spread spectrum, s Cellular system, SDMA, FDMA, F TDM MA,CDMA. G Unit 3: GSM (7 Hrs.) Mobile services, s System architeecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localizationn and calling, Handoveer, Security, New N data seervices, Mobbile Number Portability. (7 Hrs.) W LA AN Unit 4: Wireless IEEE 8002.11, Personnal Area Network, IEE EE 802.15.1 and IEEE 802.15.4 (B Bluetooth annd ZigBee), Ad-hoc and a Sensorr network-Inntroduction,, Characteristics of MANET M annd Applicatiions. SEC CTION II Unit 5: Mobile M Netw work Layer (7 Hrs.) Mobile IP P, DHCP M Tran nsport Layeer (7 Hrs.) Unit 6: Mobile Tradition nal TCP, Indirect I TC CP, Snoopiing TCP, Mobile TC CP, Fast and a selectivve retransmiission and reecovery, Traansaction oriiented TCP. 2 22 Unit 7: Android OS (Case Study) ( 5 Hrs.) Introduction, History, Features and Characteristics, Ecosystem, Hardware Requirements, Development Model, Android Concepts, Overall Architecture. Unit 8: Near Field Communication (Case Study) (3 Hrs.) Towards NFC Era, Ubiquitous Computing , Technological Motivation of NFC, RFID and NFC, General architecture of NFC enabled mobile phones. Text Books: 1. Mobile Communications – Jochen Schiller (PEARSON) (Chapters: 2,3,4,5,6) 2.Introduction to Wireless and Mobile System-D.P.Agrawal and Qing-AnZeng (CENGAGE) (Chapter:1,4) 3.Embedded Android-Porting, Extending, and Customizing- Karim Yaghmour ( O'Reilly Media) (Chapter:7) 4: Near Field Communication : From Theory to Practice - Vedat Coskun, Kerem Ok, Busra Ozdenizci. (Wiley) (Chapter: 8) Reference Books: 1. Wireless Communication –Principles and practice - Theodore S. Rappaport (PEARSON) 2. Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services - Raj Pandya –(PHI) 3. Mobile Computing-Technology, Applications and Service Creation-Asoke K Talukder, Hasan Ahmed and Roopa R Yavagal.(MGH) Termwork: Assignment List: 1. The message signal x(t)=Sin(100t) modulates the carrier signal c(t)=A Cos(2πfct).Using amplitude modulation, find the frequency content of the modulated signal. 2. Compare and discuss the various techniques used in Multiple Division Techniques. 3. A TDMA system uses a 270.833Kbps data rate to support eight users per frame. a) What is the raw data provided for each user? b) If guard time and synchronization occupy 10.1Kbps, determine the traffic efficiency. 4. Give reasons for a handover in GSM and the problems associated with it. What are the typical steps for hand over, What types of handover can occur? 5. Which resources need to be allocated during handover for data transmission using HSCSD or GPRS respectively? What about QoS guarantees? 6. How do IEEE 802.11,HiperLAN2 and Bluetooth,respectively,solve the hidden terminal problems? 7. List the entities of mobile IP and describe data transfer from a mobile node to a fixed node and vice versa. Why and where is encapsulation needed? 8. What is the basic purpose of DHCP? Name the entities of DHCP. How can DHCP be used for mobility and support of mobile IP? 9. How and why does I-TCP (Indirect TCP) isolate problems on the wireless link? What are the main drawbacks of this solution? 10. Write a case study for selected Android OS of specific version. 11.Case study of NFC in modern smart phone mobiles. 23 SOLA APUR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPUR S T.E. (C Computer Science & En ngineering) mester-II Sem 4. DATABA ASE ENGIN NEERING Teachin ng Scheme Lecturee: 4 Hrs/W Week Practiccal: 2 Hrs/W Week Exxamination Scheme Th heory: 100 M Marks Teermwork: 25 2 Marks Prractical Oraal Exam. 50 Marks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E OBJECT TIVES: COURSE 1. To deevelop the reelational model of data, 2. To inntroduce thee students ann overview of the databbase-design pprocess, witth E-R moddel and develop d querry writing sk kills in SQL. 3. To faamiliarize thee students with w concept of normalizaation of dataabase. 4. To ex xpress the fu undamentals of a transaction-processsing system aand concurreency controll. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of this couurse, the studdent will be able to, 1. Applyy the basic concepts off relational ddata model, entity-relattionship moddel, relationnal databbase design, relational algebra and daatabase lang guage SQL. 2. Desiggn E-R diagrrams to repreesent simplee database foor any real tim me applicatiion and formuulate SQL quueries on it. 3. Desiggn a database, analyze itt and improvve the designn by normalizzation. 4. Demoonstrate knoowledge of ACID A properrties of a trannsaction andd several techhniques of concu urrency conttrol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION-I Unit 1: Introductio I on (4 Hrs) Databasee-System Ap pplications, Purpose off Database Systems, View V of Daata, Databasse Languagees, Relational Databasess, Database Design, Datta Storage annd Querying g, Transactioon Managem ment, Datab base Architeecture, Dataa Mining annd Informattion Retriev val, Specialtty Databasees, Database Users and Administrato A ors, History of o Database Systems. R M Model (10 Hrs) Unit 2: Relational Structuree of Relation nal Databasses, Databasse Schema, Keys, Schem ma Diagram ms, Relational Query Languages, L Relational Algebra, T Tuple Relatiional Calcuulus, Domaiin Relational Calculus. nguage (SQL L)-Overview w, SQL Dataa Definition, Basic Struucture of SQ QL Structureed Query lan Queries, Additional Basic Operrations, Set Operations,, Null Valuees, Aggregaate Functionns, S Modification of the Daatabase, Joinn Expressioons, Views, Transactionns, Nested Subqueries, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data Types T and S Schemas, Auuthorization. D and the E-R Moodel (6 Hrs)) Unit 3: Database Design w of Desig gn Process, The Entitty-Relationshhip Model, Constraintts, Removinng Overview Redundaant Attributes In Entity Sets, E-R Diagrams, D Reeduction to Relational Schemas, S E--R Design Isssues, Extennded E-R Feaatures. 2 24 Unit 4: Relational Database design (8 Hrs) Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Functional Dependency Theory, Algorithms for Decomposition, Decomposition using Multivalued Dependencies. SECTION - II Unit 5: Indexing and Hashing (7 Hrs) Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+-Tree Index Files, B+-Tree Extensions, B Tree Index Files, Multiple Key Access, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing, Bitmap Indices, Index Definition in SQL. Unit 6: Transactions (7 Hrs) Transaction Concept, A Simple Transaction Model, Storage Structure, Transaction Atomicity and Durability, Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Transaction Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction Isolation Levels, Implementation of Isolation Levels, Transactions as SQL Statements. Unit 7: Concurrency Control (6 Hrs) Lock-Based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Multiple Granularity, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation-Based Protocols. Unit 8: Recovery System (8 Hrs) Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery Algorithm, Buffer Management, Log-Based Recovery, Shadow Paging, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions, Buffer Management, Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage. Text Books: 1.Database system concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan (McGraw Hill International Edition) sixth edition. 2. Database system concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan (McGraw Hill International Edition) fifth edition. 3. Database system concepts by Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel (Cengage Learning) ninth edition. Reference books: 1. Fundamentals of Database systems by Ramez ElMasri, S. B. Navathe (Pearson Education) fifth edition. 2. Database Management Systems by Ramkrishnan Gehreke (Tata McGraw Hill) third edition. 3. Principles of Database Systems by J. D. Ullman (Galgotia Publications) 4. Advanced Database Management System by Rini Chakrabarti, Shilbhadra Dasgupta (Dreamtech Press Publication). Course Instructions: Assignments 1 to 6 should be implemented in PostGreSQL/MySQL/Oracle. Assignments 7 to 11 should be implemented in C++/Java. 25 Term Work: It should consist of 8-10 laboratory assignments as follows: 1. E-R Diagrams (around 5 in number) for any specific application and create a data dictionary for the same. 2. Basic SQL-write simple queries in SQL on the schema created for a specific application. 3. a) More SQL: Aggregates-write queries in SQL using aggregates, grouping and ordering. b) Nested sub queries and SQL updates: write queries in SQL using concept of nested sub queries and SQL update commands. 4. a) SQL DDL and updates: write queries in SQL on schema updates. b) Schema Creation and constraints: write SQL queries to modify schema to create constraints. 5. Convert the created database into 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF. 6. Write a Java program for database (created in previous assignments) connectivity using JDBC. 7. Write a program to implement B+ tree index (n=3 or n=5) on the database previously created. 8. Write a program to implement dynamic hashing on the database previously created. 9. Write a program to simulate log based protocol using immediate or deferred database modification. 10. Write a program to simulate any one concurrency control protocol. 11. Given a set of functional dependencies, find canonical cover and closure of functional dependencies. 26 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Co omputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 5. SOFTWAR S RE ENGINE EERING Teach hing Scheme E Examination n Scheme Lectu ure: 3 Hrss/week T Theory: 1000 Marks Tutorrial: 1 Hr/w week T Term Work k: 25 Marks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES The Courrse should en nable the stuudent 1. To foocus on thee study of plan, p design, architecturre and moddeling structu ure layout of o softw ware. 2. To illlustrate and compare usee of life cyclle models off software deevelopment. 3. To en nable the stuudents to anaalyze and esttimate the coost, effort of software prooduct. 4. To leearn to embed various quuality standards in the sooftware. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1 Deveelop the softw ware projectt using approopriate phasees. 2 To im mplement liffe cycle moddels in softwaare developm ment and forr their projeccts. 3 To en nhance the quality q of prooduct and shhould be ablee to apply tessting of softw ware. 4 Know w the basiccs of softwaare metrics and result assessmentt and basiccs of process impro ovement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CTION-I I n to Softwarre Engineerring: (6 Hrs.) Unit 1: Introduction SDLC Definition, D P Phased Deveelopment Prrocess, Softw ware processses, Characcteristics of a software process, Sofftware Deveelopment Proocess Models. w: Project Managemennt Process, Software Configuratio C on Managem ment processs, Overview Process Management M t Process. S Requirementts Analysis aand Specificcation: (4 Hrs.) Unit 2: Software Softwaree Requiremen nts, Problem m Analysis, R Requirementts Specification, Validatiion, Metrics. (8 Hrs.) O Deesign Unit 3: Function and Object Oriented P Module M Leveel Concepts, Design No otation and Specificatioon, Structureed Design Principles, Design Methodology M y, Verificatioon, Metrics. OO Anaalysis and OO designn Concepts,, Design Notation N and Specificaation, Desiggn Methodoology, UML Diagrams. (5 Hrs.) Unit 4: The Projecct Planning P Capability Baseeline, Processs, The Project Planningg Infrastructture-Process Database, Process nd the boddy of know wledge systeem, Requireement Channge manageement, Effoort Asset an Estimatioon and Schedduling –Conncepts, Efforrt estimation, Schedulingg. 2 27 SECTION-II Unit 5: Quality planning, Risk Management and Tracking (5 Hrs.) Quality Concepts, Qualitative Quality Management Planning, Defect Prevention Planning, Concepts of Risk and Risk Management Assessment, Risk Control, Concepts in Measurements: Measurements, Project Tracking Unit 6: Agile Project Management (5 Hrs.) Introduction to APM, Implementation, Iterative Project Management Life Cycle, Adaptive Project Management Life Cycle, Adaptive & Integrating the APM toolkit Unit 7: Managing Software projects, Project execution and closure (8 Hrs.) Processes and Project Management, Project Management and The CMM, Team Management, Customer Communication and Issue Resolution, The structure of the Project Management Plan, Concepts in Configuration Management, Configuration Management Process, Reviews Process, Milestone Analysis, Defect Analysis and Prevention, Project Closure Analysis. Unit 8: Testing Testing Fundamentals, Black box and White box testing, Testing Process (5 Hrs.) Text Books: 1. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering- 3rd edition: Pankaj Jalote (Narosa Publishers) 2. Effective Project Management Traditional, Agile,Extreme, Robert K. Wysocki WILEY INDIA, 6th edition. 3. Software Project Management in practice-Pankaj Jalote 4. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7/e, Roger S Pressman, R. S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. ISBN: 0073375977 Reference Books: 1) Ian Sommerville,software engineering, pearson education Asia, 6th edition 2) Software Engineering Fundamentals –Ali Behforooz and Frederick j. Hudson (Oxford University Press) 3) PANKAJ JALOTE’S Software Engineering, A Precise Approach (Wiley Precise Textbook, WILEY INDIA) 4) Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville. Termwork : Tutorial List: Implémentation of mini software projets by applying SDLC cycles. It should consist of minimum 6 - 8 assignments based on each topic of above syllabus. 28 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Co omputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 6. Lab. L – Progrramming in n C#.Net Teach hing Scheme Examinattion Schemee Lectu ure: 2 Hrs/w week Termwork k: 25 Markss Practtical: 2 Hrs/w week Practical//Oral Exam: 50 Marks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1. To inntroduce .NE ET Program mming using the C# programming lannguage. 2. To develop d basiic understandding of the ssyntactical features f of C# C programm ming languagge and effective usee of .NET ru untime librarry APIs to deevelop robusst software applications. a d abillity to designn and build Object Orieented and G GUI, Web appplications on o 3. To develop Winndows platforrm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, studentt will be ablee to 1. Use .NET Frameework in buuilding robuust software applicationss using C# programminng langu uage. 2. Desiggn and devellop Object Oriented O and GUI, Web application a o Windowss platform. on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CTION I SEC Unit 1: Introduction I n to .NET Framework F (3 Hrs) The .NET T architecturre , The com mmon languaage runtime (CLR) ( , the, Microsoft inntermediate Languagee code (MSIIL),Just in tim me Complieers , The fram mework classs library, ,Thhe common languagee specificatioon, common language tyype system (C CTS), Introdduction to Viisual Studio .NET and d Sharp Dev velop IDE. (4 Hrs) C Applicattion Basics and a Languaage fundameentals Unit 2: C# Creating and compiliing C# progrrams using ccommand lin ne compiler ((csc.exe), Creating C DEs, Namespaces , the “using” “ keyw word , Basic data types, Operators, O applicatioons using ID Flow conntrol and connditional stattements , looops, Arrays ,Classes , andd Objects, Coonstructor overloadiing, Methodds, Fields, Prroperties, Acccess Modifiiers and Accessibility Leevels, Static methods and fields, Garbage G Colllection, Struuctures , Nessted Classes,, String Mannipulations, C s, Java vs. C# C Naming Conventions (4 Hrs) O Oriented Progra amming usiing C# Unit 3: Object Objects and a Referennce Types, Inheritance, I a Abstractt Classes, Poolymorphism m, Interfaces and the “virtuual” and “o override” keeyword, the “base ” keyword, the “sealed ” keyword, k Thhe Object Class, C the “neew” keywordd in context of method overriding o , Type Castinng: Up castinng and Dow wn casting, th he “is” and “as” “ keyworrds, Boxing and a Unboxinng, E H Handling, Ev vents and D Delegates (4 Hrs) Unit 4: Exception Need forr Exceptionns, Exceptioon Hierarchyy, Handling g Exceptionns using tryy-catch-finallly blocks, creating annd defining Custom Exceptions, E the “throw”” keyword. Events annd H Delegates in C#, Multicast Deleggate, Event Handling 2 29 SECTION II Unit 5: Multithreading and Basic IO in C# (4 hrs) What is Multithreading , Multithreading in C#, Static and Instances members of Thread Class, Basic Thread operations, Thread priorities, Thread Synchronization, File System and Streams: Streams and System.IO namespace , Console IO ,Reading writing and updating files and directories, System.IO.FileInfo Class , Serialization and Deserialization. Unit 6: GUI Programming in C# (4 hrs) Windows Forms and System Windows, Form namespace, Building Windows Forms Applications using IDE, Windows Form controls , Event Handling , List Box , Combo Box, Tree View, File Dialog, Tool Bar, Windows standard Dialog Boxes, Menu Bar, GDI+ Graphics: Drawing Lines ,shapes and images. UNIT 7: Data access using ADO.NET (4 hrs) Introduction to ADO.NET, System Data namespace, Data Set, Data Table, Data Row, Data Column and other prominent classes, Accessing and Updating Data using ADO.NET. UNIT 8: Introduction ASP.NET (4 hrs) Introduction to ASP.NET, State management in ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Forms, Server Controls, Web application configuration, Creating Web applications using ASP.NET and C#. Textbooks: 1 Professional C#, 3rd Edition -Simon Robinson, Christian Nagel, Karli Watson, Jay Glynn, Morgan Skinner, Bill Evjen, Wrox Press - Wiley India. 2 Programming in C#: A Primer 3 Edition -E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw - Hill Education Reference Books: 1 C# Language Specification Version 5.0 Microsoft. (E-Resource available at 2 C# Programming Guide MSDN, Microsoft. ( 3 Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step 2010 - John Sharp, Microsoft Press. Term Work: • Students should undertake minimum 10 practical assignments based on each above topic. • The assignments should test and develop student’s practical proficiency and ability to use .NET framework libraries and APIs efficiently in writing C# code for varied applications scenarios & requirements. • Use of IDEs like SharpDevelop and Visual Studio Express Edition for Interactive development and debugging of C#.NET applications is highly recommended to enhance hands on skills in C#.NET Programming of Students. 30 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Coomputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 7. Miini Project Teachingg Scheme E Examination n Scheme Practical – 2 Hrs/weeek T Termwork: 25 Marks O Oral Exam: 25 Marks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OBJECT TIVES: 1. To undertake u invvestigation of o complex problems. p 2. To motivate sttudents to undertake u d design of a product, w which is susstainable annd meaningful to soociety e studennts to acquirre and develoop professional skills. 3. To enable 4. To make m studentts learn to work w in team.. 5. To encourage e inndependent critical c thinking, creativity and discippline. 6. To use u modern tools t and sim mulation pacckages 7. To prepare p studeents to impleement their aacquired enggineering knoowledge for society. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1. Identtify and defin ne the probleem. 2. Deveelop a sustainnable producct or offer a effective sollution to induustrial probllem. 3. Preseent proposal within budg getary and tim me constrainnts with effeective comm munication annd writin ng skills. 4. Deveelop leadershhip qualities. 5. Criticcize and refinne own soluution or prodduct. 6. Applyy modern tools and simuulation packages to deveelop product. 7. Deveelop a strong g sense of soccial responsiibility and acccountabilityy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Theree should be a group of preferably 4 sstudents. 2. Studeents should be b given proojects in hardware, softw ware, embeddded or any contemporar c ry topic in CSE and d/or IT g shouldd be allocateed per batch. 3. One guide ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mini Prooject ideas (but ( not lim mited to): 1. Onlinne Examinattion module (Multiple chhoice questioons) 2. Atten ndance recorrding and analysis softwaare module 3. Exam mination Ressult analysis software moodule 4. Hardw ware exhibiitors such ass display booard exhibitting all typees of mouse / keyboardds, HDD Ds, Monitors etc.), Internnal architectuure and work king 5. Depaartments / Coollege website 6. Libraary Managem ment System m 7. Hotell Managemeent System 8. Timee table generation 9. CD Library L manaagement systtem 10. Admiission procedure automaation 3 31 11. Online passport registration automation 12. Student Feedback system automation 13. Ice Cream parlor management system 14. Pizza hut – account management system 15. Multi player strategy game – Project ideas on Visual Basic, Java, Database 16. A speech response application using some hardware interface using the Microsoft SAPI SDK 17. LAN administrator tool (socket programming comes easy in VB) which will monitor application on a LAN and provide functions. 18. Voice mail systems 19. Computer telephony integration 20. Student Information System 21. Traffic Control system 22. Airline reservation system 23. Simulation for Balloon shooting game 24. Mini Calculator in ‘C’ 25. Moving ball game 26. Tic-tac-toe game 27. Design a personal profile web page 32 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Co omputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 8. Self Learning L (T Technical) – 1. Computeer Modelingg and Simullation Exxamination Scheme S Th heory: 50 marks E OUTCOM MES: COURSE At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1. Learn Modeling an nd Simulatioon. f Networkk Simulator. 2. Use API libraries for m a task com mpletely on Network N Sim mulator. 3. Perform ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 1: Introduction I n to Modelin ng and Simu ulation : When sim mulation is the appropriate tool annd when it is not apprropriate; Addvantages annd disadvan ntages of Simulation; Areas A of aapplication; Systems annd system environmennt; Componeents of a sysstem; Discreete and contiinuous systeems; Why annd what to Model, M Moddel of a systeem, Types off Models, C study of o NS-x Unit 2: Case Purpose of NS2, Ov verview, OT Tcl: The Useer Languagee, Simple Sim mulation Ex xample, Evennt Post Simulattion: Trace Analysis annd Examplees, Scheduleer, Network Componentts, Packet, P Types off Queue Monnitor and Exaamples, B Scenarrios using NS2 N Unit 3: Basic Writing OTcl O code foor followingg: 1. Scenario for different d toppologies – staar, bus, mesh h, ring 2. Wired W Scenarrio for differrent bandwiddth and packket size for 10 nodes for LAN. 3. Scenario for TCP T and UD DP with propper example.. 4. Comparative C Graph for an ny two scenarios. nd Referencces: Books an 1. Discrete-Even D nt System Simulation – Jerry Baanks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. L N Nelson,David d M. Nicol 2. Simulation Modeling M andd Analysis – Averill M. Law L 3. htttp:// --- NS by Exaample tutoriaal 4. Network N Sim mulator websiite and NS2 manual 3 33 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Co omputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 8. Self Learrning (Techn nical) – 2. N Network Settup and Management Tools T E Examination n Scheme T Theory: 50 marks m E OUTCOM MES: COURSE At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1 Comppare between n various coomponents off network, seelect approppriate networrk topology and setup s a compputer network. 2 Use the t network managemennt tools for monitoring m thhe network pperformance.. 3 Demoonstrate diffferent ways of o network ssetup and usee of networkk managemennt tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 1: Computer C N Network Settup Network Interface Adapters: A NIC C Functions,, Features, Selecting S aN NIC, Networrk Connectioon N, Layer-3 Switches, S Deesigning a N Network: Neetwork desiggn Devices: Hubs, Swittches, VLAN w, Designing g an Internetw work. overview N Maanagement Unit 2: Network Network Managemen nt Architectuures and Appplications, Configuratio C on Managem ment and Autto N Onee (ASN.1) Discoverry, Configuraation Databaases and Repports, Abstraact Syntax Notation N Maanagement Functions Unit 3: Network Fault Maanagement, Fault F identiffication and isolation, Ev vent correlattion Techniqques, Securitty Managem ment, Host and User Autthentication,, Key Managgement. M nt Tools, Sysstems and A Applicationss Unit 4: Managemen Testing and a Monitorring Tools, Inntegrating T Tools, Development Toools, Web-bassed Enterprisse Managem ment. nd Referencces: Books an 1. Networking N – The Compllete Referennce by Craig Zacker Tataa McGraw Hill H (Unit 1) 2. Network N Man nagement : Principles P annd Practices by b Subramanian M. MA A: Addison – W Wesley (2000 0) (Unit 2,3,4 4) 3 34 SOLAPU UR UNIV VERSITY, SOLAPU UR T.E. (Co omputer Sccience and Engineering E g) Sem mester - II 8. Self Learning (Teechnical) – 33. Software Licensing aand Practicees E Examination n Scheme T Theory : Maarks: 50 COURSE E OUTCOM MES: At the ennd of the cou urse, student will be ablee to 1 Preseent software licensing models m and practices addopted in sooftware deveelopment annd distribution. model and strrategy for thhe 2 Analyyze, comparre and choosse appropriaate software licensing m softw ware developped. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 1: Introduction I n Basic Prrinciples off Copyrightt Law, Conntract and Copyright, Open Source Softwarre Licensingg, Issues, wiith Copyrighhts and Patennts, The Opeen Source Deefinition, Waarranties. S Liccenses Unit 2: Software The MIT T License , The BSD License L , Thee Apache Liicense, v1.1 and v2.0, The T Academ mic Free Liceense , Application and Philosophy P of MIT and BSD Licennses, GNU General G Public License , GNU Lessser General Public Licennse , The Mozilla M Public License , Applicatioon and Philo osophy of GN NU GPL and GNU LGP PL. C Coommons Liccenses and Non N Open Source Softw ware Licenses Unit 3: Creative Creative Commons Licenses, L Cllassic Propriietary Licennse, Sun Com mmunity Soource License, Microsofft Shared Souurce Initiativve. L Impaccts of Open Source and d Free Softw ware Licensiing Unit 4: Legal Entering Contracts, Statutory Developmennts Related to Softwaare Contractts, The SellfL Thhe Global Sccope of Opeen Enforcingg Nature off Open Sourrce and Freee Software Licenses, Source and a Free Sooftware Liceensing, The “Negative Effects” off Open Souurce and Freee Softwaree Licensing, Communityy Enforcemeent of Open Source andd Free Softw ware Licensees, Compatibble and Incoompatible Licensing: Muultiple and Cross C Licensiing. Textbooks: 1. Underrstanding Oppen Source and Free Sooftware Liceensing - By Andrew M. M St. Laurennt, Oreilyy Media. (e-Ressource available at http:/// m/openbook//osfreesoft/book/index.httml) Referencce Books: 1) Intelllectual Propeerty and Oppen Source: A Practical Guide to Protecting Co ode - By Vaan Lindb berg, O’relliiy Media. 2) Essenntials of Liccensing Inteellectual Prooperty - Byy Alexander I. Poltorakk and Paul J. Lerneer, John Wiley Publication. 3 35