Solapur University, Solapur

Solapur University, Solapur
Solapur University, Solapur
Syllabus of First Year MCA (Under Faculty of Engg.) -2013-14
Semester Paper Name
Fundamentals of Computing
Programming in C
Digital Electronics
Discrete Mathematical Structure.
Principles of Management and
Organizational Behavior
Lab – I (C Programming )
20 3 6
Semester Paper Name
Operating System
Object Oriented Programming Using
Statistical and Numerical Methods
Software Engineering
Lab – II (Programming in C++)
TW POE Total
50 50
200 50
TW POE Total
20 2 8
50 50
25 50
150 100
Fundamental of Computing Environment
Lecture: 4hrs/week
Theory:100 marks
Section - I
Unit-1: Introduction to Computer:
(4 Hrs)
Characteristics of computer, Evolution of computer, Computer Generations, classification and
types of computers, Applications of computer in various fields.
Unit-2: Structure of computer:
(4 Hrs)
Block diagram of computer, Input unit, Output unit, Arithmetic Logic unit (ALU) ,Storage unit
,Control unit, Central Processing Unit(CPU)
Unit-3: Computer codes and Number system:
(4 Hrs)
BCD, EBCDIC, ASCII, Positional &non Positional Number system, Binary Arithmetic
Unit-4: Input/output Devices:
(4 Hrs)
Input Devices- Keyboard, Point and Draw Devices, Data Scanning Devices, Digitizer, speech
recognition Devices, Vision Input devices.
Output Devices-Monitors, Printers, Plotters, Screen Image Protector, Voice Response System
Unit-5: Classification of Computers
(4 Hrs)
Note Book Computer (laptops), Personal Computer(PCs), Work Stations, Main Frame System,
Super Computers, Client-Server computer, Handheld Computers
Unit-6: Computer Memory:
(4 Hrs)
Memory Concepts, Semiconductor memory, magnetic memory-RAM, ROM, EPROM,
EEPROM, Secondary Storage Devices-Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disk (Floppy disk and Hard
Disk), Compact Disk.
Unit-7: Introduction to Operating Systems & its functions:
(4 Hrs)
Definition of Simple batch processing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, real-time, timesharing systems, Concept of Spooling
Unit-8: Data Communication & Computer Network
(4 Hrs)
Basic elements of a Communication theory, Data Transmission Mode, Data Transmission Media,
Digital and analog Transmission, Switching Techniques, network topologies ,Network types
Unit-9: Computer Languages:
(4 Hrs)
Analogy with natural languages, Machine language, Assembly Language, High Level
Languages, Compiler, Interpreter, Characteristics of good languages.
Unit-10: The Internet
Definition, Brief History, Electronic Mail , World Wide Web , WWW Browsers , Internet Search
Engines , Uses of Internet.
Reference Books:
Fundamental of computer by V. Rajaraman
Data Communication and Networking by Forouzan
Operating system by D.M. Dhamdhere
Reference sites:
Programming in C
Lecture: 4 hrs / week
Theory: 100 Marks
1. Introduction to C:
(2 hrs)
What is C, Features & characteristics of C, Algorithm, Flowchart, Structure of a ‘C’ Program,
Program Development Life Cycle, and Compilation & Execution of C Program
2. Variables, Data Types, Operator & Expression
(3 hrs)
C Tokens, constants, Variables, Declaration & Definition, Keywords, Data types,
Enumerated data type and User-Defined Type declarations, operators, Operator precedence,
Expressions, I/O Statements, Type conversions in Expressions, Precedence & Associability of
3. I/O Functions in C
(2 hrs)
Introduction, Console Input & Output functions, Formatted Input & Output (scanf/printf) ,
sprintf & sscanf
4. Branching and Looping Statements
(3 hrs)
If, if –else, nested if, nested if-else, conditional operator, switch, while, do-while, for,
break ,continue , exit(), goto , nested iterative statements.
5. Arrays & Strings
(6 hrs)
What are Arrays, Why use Arrays, Array initialization, Bound Checking, Elements, Memory
Representation, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, String (character array), Declaration,
Initialization, String Manipulation Functions
6. Pointers
( 4 hrs)
Introduction, Memory Organization, Basics of Pointer, Application of Pointer, Pointer
Declaration of Pointer, Initializing Pointer, De-referencing Pointer, Void Pointer, Pointer
Arithmetic, Precedence of &, * operators, Pointer to Pointer, Constant Pointer, Dynamic
Memory Allocation, sizeof(), malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free(), Pointers and Arrays, Pointers
and character string, Array of pointers
7. Storage Classes & Scope
(2 hrs)
Scope - Block scope & file scope, Storage Classes, Automatic Storage, Extern Storage, Static
Register Storage
8. Functions
(5 hrs)
What is a Function, Why use Function, Passing values in function, Library Functions, Parameter
Passing, Call by value and Call by reference, passing arrays, strings to functions, Pointers to
functions, Recursion, Adding function to library.
9. The C Preprocessor
(2 hrs)
Features of C Preprocessor, Macro expressions, File Inclusion, Conditional Compilation,
ANSI additions.
10. Structures and Unions
(3 hrs)
What is structure, why use structure, Array and Structure, Nested Structure, function and
structure, pointers and structure, Union, Difference between Structure and Union
11. File Handling in C
(4 hrs)
Data Organization, File Operations, File Opening Modes, Text Vs Binary Files, random access
to file, error handling during I/O operations, Database Management
12. Command Line Arguments
(2 hrs)
What are command line arguments, use of command line arguments and its execution, file
handling using command line arguments
13. Bitwise Operators
( 2 hrs)
Introduction, Bitwise AND, OR, Excusive OR, Bitwise SHIFT Operators, Applications,
masking, Internal Representation of Date, Bit Fields
Text Books :
1.Programming in ANSI C by E Balguruswamy
2. Let us C by Yashvant Kanetkar
Reference Books:
1. Programming in ANSI C by Kernighan & D. Ritchie
2. Exploring C by Yashvant Kanetkar
Note: Any 15 programs should be covered based on above syllabus for Programming Lab-I
Digital Electronics
Lecture: 04 hrs / week
Theory: 100 Marks
Practical: 02 hrs / week
Term Work: 50 Marks
1. Fundamentals of Digital Techniques
(6 hr)
Digital Systems, Logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR, Binary
arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Subtraction using 2’s
complement method, Binary codes: BCD, Excess-3, Gray codes, ASCII Codes, Error detecting
and correcting codes
2. Boolean Algebra
(8 hr)
Boolean Laws and Expression using Logic Gates, Realization of different gates using
Universal gates, De-Morgan’s Theorem, Duality Theorems. Standard forms: SOP, POS,
Simplification of Switching function & representation (Maxterm & Minterm), Boolean
expression & representation using logic Gates.
3. Boolean Function Reduction Techniques
(6 hr)
Karnaugh map: K-Map Format up to 4 Variables, Mapping & Minimization of SOP &
POS Expression, Don’t care Condition, Conversion from SOP to POS and POS to SOP form
using K-Map.
4. Combinational Circuits Design
(7 hr)
Adders, Substractors (Half and Full), Binary Parallel Adder, BCD Adder, Parity Bit
Generator, Comparators, Decoder: BCD to 7-Segment Decoder, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers.
5. Sequential Circuits Elements
(6 hr)
Flip-flop & Timing Circuits: SR latch, Edge Triggered flip-flop: D, JK, T Flip-flop,
Asynchronous Inputs, Characteristic table of Flip-flop, Excitation table of Flip-flop, Master
Slave JK Flip-flop.
6. Applications of Sequential Circuits
(7 hr)
Shift Register: Buffer Register, Controlled Buffer Register, Data transmission in Shift
Register: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIP0, Bidirectional Shift Register, Universal Shift Register,
Counter: Classification, Two-bit Ripple or Asynchronous Counter, Two-bit Up-down Counter.
Text Books:
1. A. Anand Kumar ‘Fundamentals of Digital Circuits’ –PHI.
2. R.P.Jain ‘Modern Digital Electronics’ -III rd Edition- Tata Mc Graw Hill, Publication.
3. M. Morris Mano ‘Digital Design’-(III rd Edition)-PHI.
Reference Books:
1. William I.Fletcher.’An Engineering Approach to Digital Design’- PHI/Pearson.
2. Norman Balabanian Bradle Carlson. ‘Digital Logic Design Principles’ Wiley
3. Rajkamal ‘Digital Systems Pricniples and Design’- Pearson.
4. A.P.Malvino, D.P.Leach ‘Digital Principles & Applications ’-VIth Edition- Tata Mc
Graw Hill Publication.
Discrete Mathematical Structure
Lecture: 4 hr / week
Tutorial :1hr/week
Theory: 100 Marks
Term Work : 50 Mark
1. Graph Theory-
(6 hr)
Basic Graph terminologies and basic theories, Types of graphs, Operations on graph,
Re-presentation of graph, Adjacency and Incidence Matrix.
2. Eulerian Graphs-
(6 hr)
Fleury’s algorithm, Hamilton graph, Bipartite graph, Weighted graph,
Traveling salesman problem Trees, Properties of tree, Spanning tree, Rooted tree,
Binary tree
3. Set Theory:
(5 hr)
Basic concept of set theory, types of operations on sets, ordered pairs, Cartesian
Products, Relations, Matrix and graph representation
4. Functions:
(3 hr)
Function-types, composition of functions, Inverse function
5. Theory of Automata-
(6 hr)
Definition of an automata, Description of finite Automata, Transition Systems,
Properties of transition function, Acceptability of a string by FA..
6. Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines-
(6 hr)
Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines, The equivalence of DFA and N-DFA,
Mealy and Moore Machine, Minimization of Finite Automata.
7. Regular Sets and Regular Grammar-
(4 hr)
Regular Expressions, Pumping Lemma for Regular sets, Application of Pumping Lemma,
Closure properties of regular sets, regular grammar.
8. Context free languages
(4 hr)
Context free languages and derivation tree, ambiguity in CFG, simplification of CFG,CNF,GNF
Text Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics by Lipschutz, MGH(for unit 1 to 5)
2. Theory of Computer Science by K.L.P.Mishra, PHI(for unit 6 to 8)
3. Discrete Mathematical Structure by Trembly and Manohar
Reference Books:
1. Theory of Computer Science by Ullman
2. Graph Theory by Narsing Deo
3. Discrete Mathematical Structure by Rosen
4. Introduction to Computer theory by Danniel I.A.Cohen, John Wiley and sons
Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior
Lectures: 4 Hrs/Week
Total Marks: 100
Chapter 1 : Industrial Management
Definition of Management, Concepts of Management, Nature, Role and Importance of
Management, Levels of Management, Functions of Management, Distinction between
Management and Administration, Management Process.
Chapter 2 : Evolution of Industrial Management
Contribution made by Fredrick Taylor-Scientific Management , Henri Fayol-Modern
Management , C.K.Pralad-Pyramid Concept ,Peter Drucker-MBO ,Elton Mayo’s-Hawthorne
Chapter 3 : Planning and Control
Definition of planning, Nature, Importance and Process of planning, Essentials of good plan and
control, relation between planning and control, span of control.
Chapter 4 : Formation of Organizational Structure
Line organization, Functional organization, Committee Organization, Networking Organization.
Chapter 5 : Recent trends in Management
Social responsibility of management, TQM, Stress Management, Budget, MRP, MBO , JIT
Chapter 6 : Organizational Behavior
Definition, Levels of O.B., Approaches to O.B., Factors affecting individual behaviors(Environmental and Personal factors).
Chapter 7 : Idea about Personality, Perception and Attitude
Definition, Nature, Types, Factors influencing the same, Their relation with O.B.
Chapter 8 : Motivation
Meaning of Motivation, Nature of Motivation, Importance of Motivation ,Techniques of
Motivation, Theories of Motivation – Need Hierarchy Theory, Two factor theory , Comparison
between Maslow and Two factor theory ,McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y , Ouchi’s Theory
Z,Vroom’s expectancy theory.
Chapter 9 : Leadership
Meaning of Leadership, Nature of Leadership, Leadership Styles, Likert’s Management System,
Continuum of leader behavior.
Chapter 10 : Communication
(4 Hrs)
Meaning of Communication, Nature of Communication, Communication Process, Channels of
Communication, Communication Media, Barriers to Communication.
Text Books:
Management Theory and Practice
Reference Books:
Principles of Management
Management Principles and Practices
Principles and Practice of Management
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior
P.C.Tripathi and P.N.Reddy
Dr.M Shakthival Murgan
Stephen Robbins
Dr.Anjali Ghanekar
Operating System
Theory: 4 Hrs/Week
Total Lectures: 40
Theory: 100 Marks
1. Introduction
(4 Hrs)
OS definition, User view, System view, Storage structure, System calls, OS structure, OS
2. Process Management
(6 Hrs)
Concept of process, Process Control Block, Process scheduling, Operations on process,
Inter-process communication, Communication in client-server system.
3. CPU Scheduling
(4 Hrs)
Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms.
4. Process Synchronisation
(6 Hrs)
Concept, Critical Section problem and solution, Semaphores concept, Classic problems
of synchronization, monitors.
5. Deadlocks
(5 Hrs)
System model, Deadlock characterization, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance,
Deadlock recovery, Methods for handling deadlock.
6. Memory Management
(7 Hrs)
Concept, Basic hardware, Logical and physical address space, Swapping, Contiguous
memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Structure of page table, Virtual memory,
Demand paging, Page replacement strategies.
7. File Management
(5 Hrs)
File concept, Access methods, Directory structure, File sharing, Protection, Allocation
methods, Free space management, Efficiency and performance.
8. Disk Management
(3 Hrs)
Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk management, Tertiary storage structure.
Text Book
1. Operating System Principles – A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, G. Gagne
Reference Books
1. Operating Systems – Achyut Godbole
2. Modern Operating System – A Tenenbaum
3. Systems Programming & Operating Systems – D.M.Dhamdhere
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Lectures: 4Hrs/week
Total Marks:100
1 Principle of OOP’s
A Brief History of C++, Procedural Vs Object Oriented Programming, Characteristics of
Object Oriented Languages , Object Oriented Languages Vs. Object Based languages, A Simple
C++ Program.
2 Expression
Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers & Constants, Basic Data Types, User-Defined Data Types,
Symbolic Constant, Type Compatibility, Reference Variables, Operators in C++, Scope
Resolution Operator, Member De-referencing Operators, Memory Management Operators,
Manipulators, Type Cast Operator.
3 Functions in C++
The Main Function, Function Prototyping, Call by Reference, Return by Reference, Const
Arguments, Function Overloading, Math Library Functions.
4 Classes & Objects
A Sample C++ Program with class, Access specifiers, Defining Member Functions, Structure &
Class, Inline Functions, Making an Outside Function Inline, Nesting of Member Functions,
Private Member Functions, Default Arguments, Arrays within a Class, Memory Allocation for
Objects, Static Data Members, Static Member Functions, Arrays of Objects, Object as Function
Arguments, Friend Functions, Returning Objects, Const member functions, Pointer to
Members, Local Classes.
5. Constructor & Destructor
Constructor-Definition, Properties of Constructor, Parameterized Constructor, Multiple
Constructor in a Class, Constructors with Default Arguments, Dynamic Initialization of Objects,
Copy Constructor, Dynamic Constructor, Const Object, Destructor and it’s role.
6. Operator Overloading and Type Conversion
Defining Operator Overloading, Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators,
Overloading Binary Operators Using Friends, Rules for Overloading Operators, Type
7. Inheritance
Definition, Defining Derived Classes, Types of Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, Constructors
in Derived Classes, Nesting of Classes
8. Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Pointers, Pointers to Objects, Pointers to Derived Classes, Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual
Functions, Abstract Classes, Object Slicing.
9. Input / Output in C++
The iostream library, The ios Class, Manipulators, Creating our own manipulators, File I/O
streams, File opening modes, Binary I/O, Elementary Database Management.
10. Templates and Exception Handling
Class templates, Function templates, Tips of templates, Basics of Exception Handling, Exception
Handling Mechanism, Throwing Mechanism, Catching Mechanism, Rethrowing an exception ,
Introduction to STL.
11. Advanced Features
The explicit and mutable keyword , Smart Pointers, Namespaces, RTTI.
1. Object oriented programming C++: E-Balagurusamy
2. Let Us C++ : Yashwant Kanetkar
Reference Books
1. Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++:Bjarne Stroustrup
2. Mastering C++ : Venugopal.
Note: Any 15 programs should be covered based on above syllabus for Programming Lab-II
Lectures: 4 hrs / week
Theory: 100 Marks
Practicals: 2 hrs / week
Term Work: 50 Marks
1. 8085 Functional Block Diagram
(6 hrs)
Microprocessor Operations, Internal Architecture of 8085 microprocessor, 8085 System
Bus, Pin out diagram, Pin description of 8085, Demultiplexing of address and Data lines.
2. Instruction Set and Programming
(10 hrs)
Instruction format, Addressing modes of 8085, Instruction Set and Programming,
Instructions: Data Transfer, Arithmetic, Logical, Branching & Machine Control Instructions,
Stack & Subroutine related instructions such as PUSH, POP, CALL & RET.
3. Instruction timing & operation
(4 hrs)
Instruction Cycle, T-State, Machine Cycle: Opcode Fetch, Operand Fetch, Memory Read,
Memory Write, IO Read, IO Write, Idle machine Cycle, Timing Diagrams of some common
4. Interrupts
(3 hrs)
Hardware Interrupt Structure of 8085, Priority Structure, Interrupt Acknowledge machine
cycle, Software interrupt, concept of vectored interrupt and non- vectored interrupt.
5. Programmable Peripheral Interfacing (8255)
(5 hrs)
I/O mapped I/O and Memory mapped I/O, Block Diagram of 8255, BSR feature, Mode 0,
Mode 1 and Mode 2
6. System Interface
(7 hrs)
Interfacing of Memory , RAM memory and ROM memory, Interfacing of LED and 7–
Segment displays, 4 * 4 matrix key pad interfacing using 8255, Block Diagram of Programmable
interval Timer 8253
7. Serial input output
(5 hrs)
Concept of Serial Communication, Synchronous and Asynchronous serial
communication, Serial Communication using SID and SOD pin, Block Diagram of 8251
(USART), Transmitter & Receiver Section, 8251 interfacing in I/O mapped I/O.
Text Book:
Microprocessor 8085 & its interfacing by Sunil Mathur (PHI)
Microprocessors architecture and programming application with 8085 by R.S. Gaonkar
Microprocessors and programmed logic by Kenneth L. Short (PHI)
Microprocessors/Hardware interfacing and applications by Barry & Brey (PHI)
Microprocessor and Applications by B Ram (Dhanpat Rai Publications)
Statistical and Numerical Methods
Lectures: 4 hrs / week
Theory :100 Marks
Tutorial: 2 hrs / week
Term Work: 25
1. Solutions of transcendental polynomial equations- Introduction, Convergences of the
iterative methods, Bisection method, false position method, (Implement Bisection method by
using ‘C’ Language)
(5 hr)
2. Linear equations- Cramer’s rule, Gauss elimination method, Gauss seidel iterative
Method (Implement Gauss elimination method by using ‘C’ Language)
(5 hr)
3. Interpolation- Lagrange’s method, Newton’s forward and backward formula,
Interpolation. (Implement Lagrange’s method by using ‘C’ Language)
(4 hr)
4. Numerical Integration- Trapezoidal, 1/3 Simpson’s Rule, 3/8 Simpson’s Rule,
Romberg’s method. (Implement Trapezoidal rule by using ‘C’ Language)
(6 hr)
5. Probability - Random experiment, sample space, events, axiomatic Probability, Algebra
of Events, Conditional Probability, Multiplication theorem of Probability, Independent
Events, System reliability, Baye’s Theorem.
(6 hr)
6. Frequency distributions- Mathematical expectations, moment generating and
Cumulative functions, discrete probability distribution, Binomial distribution, Poisson
distribution, least square co-relation and regression method.
(6 hr)
7. Sampling and test- Introduction, types of sampling, sampling distribution, standard
error, test of significance, null hypothesis, test of significance for large samples, test
for difference of proportions, test for single mean and difference of standard
deviation, CHI square distribution.
(8 hr)
Text Books:
1. Computer oriented numerical methods by V Rajaraman, PHI
2. Introduction methods of numerical analysis by S.S. Sastry, PHI
3. Numerical Methods by Dr.B.S.Grewal
Reference Books:
1. Numerical methods for engineers by S.C. Chapra TMH
2. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics by S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor, S. Chand
3. Introduction to Probability & Statistics J.Susan Milton, Jesse C. Arnold TataMcGraw Hill
4. T. Veerarajan, T. Ramachandran – Numerical Methods with Programs in C – Second
Edn. 2006, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
Software Engineering
Lectures: 4hrs/week
Theory:100 marks
1. Introduction to Software Engineering
(5 hrs)
Characteristics,Application,Crisis Problem and Cause, Basic Software Development Life
Cycle,Models for system developments- Waterfall,Prototyping,Spiral,RAD.
2.Software Requirement Analysis and Specification Techniques
(5 hrs)
Role & Skill of System Analyst,System analysis,Requirment analysis, Communication
Techniques,Requirment Specifications-SRS.
3.Information requirement Analysis
(6 hrs)
Decision Analysis Tools-Decision Tree,Decision Table,Structured English
Functional Decomposition Diagram,Data flow Diagram,Entity Relationship Diagram,
Data Dictionary.
4.Software Designing Fundamental
(4 hrs)
Design process and fundamental,effective modular design,data design,
architectural and procedural design.
5.Software Designing
(6 hrs)
Design of input & control--Objective of input Design,Data Capture Guidelines,
Design of Source Document, Input Validations
Design of Output--Objectives of Output,Design Types of Output
User Interface Design--Elements of good design,Design issues
,Features of modern GUI,Menus,Scroll bars,Windows-buttons,icons,panels,error messages etc.
Design of program Specification, Code Design
6.Software Testing Techniques
(6 hrs)
Fundamentals of Testing,Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing ,White Box Testing,
Black box testing, Validation testing activity, Basis path testing.
7.Software Quality Assurance
(4 hrs)
Definition,Quality factor,Quality Metrics,Need for SQA,SQA Activity
8.Software Maintenance
Definition,Characteristics,Types of Maintenance ,maintenance side effects,
Reverse engineering and reengineering.
Text Books:
1.Software Engineering --- a practical approach by Roger S.Pressman
2.Software Engineering ---M.A. Ansari
Reference Books:
1.System analysis and design---Award
2. Software Engineering---Sommerville
3.System analysis and design---- P. Jalote
(4 hrs)