Notes for the Week: Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason. Please call me at 899-3075 ext. 2161 or email me at Lockdown Drill 9:30 AM on Monday, November 9th PAWsitive Tuesday is Tuesday, November 10th. Show your Hilliard pride! Miss Rebecca will be here on Tuesday, November 10th Vision Screening will be on Tuesday, November 17th. Scholastic Book orders are due by 3:00 on Thursday, November 19 th. No School for all students 11/24 -11/27 Please remember…. We ask that you keep your child home, if they have had a fever in the last 24 hours, have heavy green or yellowish discharge coming from their nose, or are complaining of a sore throat. It is important not to expose others. Conferences are scheduled for 11/19, 11/23 & 11/24. If you have any questions regarding your scheduled time please contact me. 899-3075 ext. 2161 Week of: November 9th-12th & November 16th -19th & November 23rd November 30th – December 3rd Theme: Authors~ Laura Numeroff Letters O o & Q q & Gg Homework assignment for all families! See last page for our Creativity Share Assignment. IB How We Express Ourselves An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Central Idea: Creativity can be demonstrated in different ways. Key Concepts: connection, perspective, reflection Related Concepts: forms of expression (artistry & imagination), personal beliefs, diversity Lines of inquiry: Ways we express ourselves Ways to express our Individuality Sharing and respecting the ideas of others Attributes: Communicator: forms of expression, artistry Reflective: journals, sharing ideas and thoughts with others Risk-taker: participating in new forms of expression Attitudes: Appreciation Creativity Enthusiasm Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication: sharing pictures, writing, verbal expression, keyboarding, sign language Social: turn-taking in conversations, sharing thoughts and ideas with others Week of: November 9th-12th Letter Oo Lock Down Drill on Monday at 9:30 Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Introduce our new theme. Discuss what an Author does and compare books by different authors. Introduce words: cat, pail, beach, lake, etc. At closing circle we will read: If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, look for these key words. Work Time: Finish up leaves from last week! The weather was so beautiful we headed out every day. Now we have a little catching up to do! Large Group/Language Activity: Introduce Laura Numeroff as our author. Read: If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. Let me know if you see any of our targeted words! Tuesday: Greeting & Planning Time: PM: SHOW-N-TELL MAT MAN Read: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by: Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault (Yes, you should read that book for the millionth time — and try not to sound bored. Your child is mastering many skills with each rereading.) Review Print Knowledge and vocabulary that describes things and actions Work Time: Show how creative you are as we decorate our paper cupcakes! Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Rebecca is here today!!! Wednesday: Greeting & Planning Time: Group Puzzle~ we will work as a team to put our numbers in the correct order. I bet if we do we will get a big surprise! (Putting the numbers in the correct order will form a cupcake ) PM: SHOW-N-TELL Work Time: AM-HWT PM-Letter Books Show how creative you are as we decorate our paper cupcakes! Large Group/Language Activity: Language lesson with Ms Karen Thursday: Greeting & Planning Time: Read: If You Give a Pig a Pancake Work Time: Cupcake counting beginning letter sounds Large Group/Language Activity: Read: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by: Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault Phonological awareness ~segmenting words into syllables and blend syllables into words. Drawing a picture about our favorite event in the book. Week of November 16th -19th & November 23rd Letter Qq Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Review our Laura Numeroff books. Read: Dog’s Don’t Wear Sneakers Work Time: Coloring sneakers~ can you make the sneakers both the same? Scissor skills Large Group/Language Activity: Recall events from our book at opening circle. There were so many rhyming words. Let’s see if we can match up the words that rhyme. It is going to take some team work to find all of the matches! Tuesday: Greeting & Planning Time: PM: SHOW-N-TELL MAT MAN Read: If You Take a Mouse to School. Prior to reading the book, let’s look at the cover and predict what we think might happen in the story. We will write down our ideas so we can check our predictions while reading. Work Time: School Craft~ following directions Large Group/Language Activity: Read: If You Give a Moose a Muffin By: Laura Numeroff Identifying upper case letter including those in our name and the names of our friends. Understanding and using adjectives and adverbs. Today we will target the words: homemade, chilly, loose and old. Wednesday: Greeting & Planning Time: PM: SHOW-N-TELL Read: What Sisters Do Best & What Brothers Do Best both by Laura Numeroff Work Time: School Craft~ following directions AM-HWT PM-Letter Books Large Group/Language Activity: Language lesson with Ms. Karen Thursday: Greeting & Planning Time: Should we read If you Give a Pig a Party OR If You Give a Dog a Donut? Let’s vote! I have a circle, who has a square? game Work Time: Small group game Large Group/Language Activity: Read: If You Give a Moose a Muffin By: Laura Numeroff Segmenting words into syllables. Target words: homemade, blackberry, chilly, sweater, button, puppets, scenery, antlers. Putting major events in our story in order using First, Next and Last Week of November 23rd Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Read: Thanks For Thanksgiving~ One of Miss Donna’s favorites! Work Time: Turkey roll~ roll the dice to add the correct number of feathers on your turkey. Large Group/Language Activity: Read: The Letters are Lost by: Lisa Campbell Ernst New vocabulary: admired, peeked, squished Week of November 30th -December 3rd Letter G Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Read: Jellybeans Love to Read List book topics we love Work Time: Dot to dot and color by number worksheet Large Group/Language Activity: Creativity Share AM: Isaac, Izzy, Glenn, Ali PM: Raegan, Faris, Paige Tuesday: Greeting & Planning Time: PM: SHOW-N-TELL MAT MAN Read: Jellybeans Love to Dance Work Time: Dot to dot and color by number worksheet Large Group/Language Activity Creativity Share AM: Lola, Sofie, Joey, Sarah PM: Sarah, Andres, Dom Wednesday: Greeting & Planning Time: PM: SHOW-N-TELL Read: Jellybeans and the Big Art Adventure Work Time: AM-HWT PM-Letter Books Watercolor painting Large Group/Language Activity: Language lesson with Ms. Karen Thursday: Greeting & Planning Time: Work Time: How many cookies? Positional word game Large Group/Language Activity: Creativity Share AM: Mason, Andre, Abdallah, Yousif PM: Steven, Adam, Ethan