Miss Kim’s Preschool News December 7-17, 2015 Theme for the Weeks: Nursery Rhymes Notes for the Week: Please call me at Hilliard School 899-3075 ext. 2162 or email at mccue@wlake.org if you ever have a need to contact me. Communication binders will be coming home daily. It really helps when you fill them out. Use the newsletter to expand on our school day by asking what your child did. When they say I don’t remember you can use the information in the newsletter to guide answers. Library is on Wednesdays. For letter writing it is VERY important that the children begin their letters at the top. When they practice at home please help them remember. Class books/literacy backpacks are being sent home to share one family at a time. Please make sure to return it when you are finished with your family’s comment so our whole class will have the opportunity to share it with their family. It helps if you keep all items in the ziplock bags they are sent home in. This keeps them clean so all of the students can enjoy! I have included a coloring book with the nursery rhymes we will be working on for this unit. International Baccalaureate: How We Express Ourselves An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend, and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Central Idea: Creativity inspires expression of ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values. Attributes: Communicator, Reflective, Risk-taker Attitudes: Appreciation, Creativity, Enthusiasm Lines of inquiry: • • • Ways we express ourselves Ways to express our individual traditions Sharing our ideas and beliefs with others Vocabulary: flower, garden, candlestick, spider, spout, rain, sun, sheep, black, wool, hill, up, down, fish, mittens, kittens, rhyme Housekeeping Area: This area will be transformed into a pizza parlor Week of 12/7-12/10 IB word of the week: enthusiasm Sensory Table: tree decorating Letter of the week: Ss Parent helpers this week will work with the rhyming houses Math Center: holiday matching Craft-watering cans and flowers Monday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/pick NEW jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. See you later alligator…rhyme Large Group/Language Activity: We will read The Night Before Preschool by Natasha Wing. Our focus will be directionality of print. Left to right, top to bottom. Vocabulary focus on time concept words first, next, then, last. Small Group Activity: “pigs” sorting and patterning using different attributes Tuesday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Large Group/Language Activity: Mary, Mary, quite contrary...We will get into 2 groups and separate flowers into groups of same and different. We will also say flower names and clap the syllables. Small Group Activity: flowers sorting and patterning using different attributes Wednesday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Large Group/Language Activity: Baa, baa, black sheep..In pairs play a sheep game involving counting wool bags. We will be using dice. When you play dice games at home have them count the dots until they memorize the pattern for each number. Thursday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Karen’s Language Lesson Small Group Activity: candlestick size sequencing Week of 12/14-12/17 IB word of the week: connection Sensory Table: tree decorating Letter of the week: Jj Parent helpers this week will play with the nursery rhyme sequencing puzzles Math Center: holiday matching Craft-fish puppet Monday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/pick NEW jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Itsy Bitsy Spider… listening activity. We will sequence story pictures. Large Group/Language Activity: Sing a Song of Sixpence act this out with our pretend pie crust! Small Group Activity: ordering numbers Tuesday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review our jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Animal Rhyme Large Group/Language Activity: One, two,…once I caught a fish alive.. We will use the rhyme and the fish the children made to count up and down. Small Group Activity: patterns Wednesday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Large Group/Language Activity: Jack and Jill. Will they fit? Activity involving spatial awareness. The afternoon class will go to the 4th grade music program at 1:15. Thursday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, 3 Little Kittens choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Karen’s Language Lesson Small Group Activity: chalkboards