Miss Kim’s Preschool News Dates: January 4-7, 2016

Miss Kim’s Preschool News
Dates: January 4-7, 2016
Theme: Music Appreciation
Notes for this Week:
Welcome 2016! Hope everyone had a healthy and happy winter break.
Please call me at Hilliard School 899-3075 ext. 2162 or email at mccue@wlake.org if you ever
have a need to contact me.
Communication binders will be coming home daily. It really helps when you fill them out.
Use the newsletter to expand on our school day by asking what your child did. When they say
I don’t remember you can use the information in the newsletter to guide answers.
Reminder: Library in on Wednesday.
This week we will be listening to many types of music throughout the day.
Activities for this Week:
International Baccalaureate:
How We Express Ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture,
beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend, and enjoy our creativity; our
appreciation of the aesthetic.
Central Idea: Creativity inspires expression of ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and
Attributes: Communicator, Reflective, Risk-taker
Attitudes: Appreciation, Creativity, Enthusiasm
Lines of inquiry:
Ways we express ourselves
Ways to express our individual traditions
Sharing our ideas and beliefs with others
Vocabulary: music, conductor, orchestra, music notes, instruments, play, maracas, drums, piano,
flute, violin, guitar
Sensory Table: sand
Letter of the week: Dd
Math Center: matching shapes
Circle Time: calendar/weather/choose new jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from
song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. Read World of Music.
Large Group/Language Activity: Musical Max by Robert Kraus. Max the hippopotamus
loves to play instruments!
Small Group Activity: After watching a video of an orchestra we will echo beats with
our own musical instruments.
Miss Rebecca from Porter Library will be here.
Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song
chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. I Got Two Dogs by John Lithgow. This
book is set to music. Ask your child about Fanny and Blue!
Large Group/Language Activity: Read The Mitten by Jan Brett. During reading we will
look for letters in the book that match our own name’s beginning letter. New
vocabulary: mole, hedgehog, badger. About the book: A Ukrainian boy named Nicki
wants his grandmother Baba to knit snow-white mittens for him. She warns her
grandson that a white mitten will be hard to find if he loses it in the snow, but of
course he promptly does just that! What happens next is the surprising part, as a mole
takes refuge in the lost mitten, then a rabbit, then a hedgehog, an owl, a badger, and a
fox. If you think the mitten might be a wee bit stretched out at this point, just wait:
"Then a big bear sniffed at the mitten. The animals were packed in tight, but the bear
didn't care. He crawled in anyway." When a tiny mouse squeezes in, her whiskers tickle
the bear's nose. He sneezes, and "Aaaaa-aaaaa-ca-chew!" all the animals fly out of
their crocheted cave. As the mitten sails through the air, Nicki spots it, reclaims it, and
takes it home to show his smiling Baba.
Wednesday: Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day, choose a song from song
chart, review class rules, & choose a play area.
Large Group/Language Activity: The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. Every time I read
the word Gruffalo the children will play their tambourines! The Gruffalo tells the
magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk through the woods in search of a nut.
Encountering three animals who all wish to eat him - a fox, an owl and a snake - the
plucky mouse has to use his wits to survive. He announces that he is meeting a
monster with terrible features, a 'Gruffalo', and the three animals are each panicked
into running away. Mouse is now increasingly confident; there is nothing that can
touch him..... or so he thinks. That is, until he rounds a corner and comes face-to-face
with the terrible creature of his imagination: the Gruffalo himself!
Circle Time: calendar/weather/review jobs, discuss our day,
choose a song from song chart, review class rules, & choose a play area. I Got Two
Dogs by John Lithgow. This book is set to music. Ask your child about Fanny and
Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Karen’s Language Lesson
Small Group Activity: segmenting syllables with musical instruments