St. Louis Messages Reflection

Newsletter Oct-15
Year 54,
` Issue 3
St. Louis Messages
If you believe that a smile is stronger than a weapon,
If you believe that what unites people is more important than
what divides them,
If you can listen to the destitute who make you lose your time and smile,
If you know how to accept criticism without rejecting it and without defending yourself
If you can rejoice over your neighbor’s joy,
If you know how to prefer hope instead of suspicion,
If a child’s eyes can still disarm you,
If you believe that Love is the only force,
Principal’s Message
Staff List
Remembrance Day
School Hours
School Council New 2
Eco News
PD Days
School Holidays
Graduation Dates
Parents in Yard
Parking Lot Safety
Photo Re-take
Report Dates
-November Calendar
-November Math Ideas
-French Immersion Info
-Flu Clinic Info
-First Aid Training Info
-Gr8 Girls –HNM Invitation Open
Then there will be peace!
November is that time of the year that we reflect on the passing of souls from this life into God’s
kingdom. Beginning with ALL SOUL’S DAY, we dedicate a month of prayer to those loved ones
who have gone before us. We also remember is a special way this month, those unknown
courageous souls who have lost their lives in the great battles of this century current day warfare,
and in their gracious service to our Canadian communities.
Remembrance Day Celebration – will occur on November 11/15 – from 10:30-11:10am – in
our gym- at this time we will reflect on the tragedy of war- and come to appreciate the peaceful
country we live in. All students will wear a poppy – provided by the school –during the para
liturgy. Mrs. Kotulak’s class will lead this remembrance.
At this time of the year, we welcome Queen’s University as we host teacher candidates. These
teacher candidates learn from their host teachers and provide additional instruction in our
classrooms .We also provide placements for IONA co-op students!! Lots of help!!!
THANKS to all of our families for their support with our annual FUNDRAISER – The Hallowe’en
Dance-a-thon. Thanks to our School Council team of volunteers who organized and ran the
event. We collected approx.$4478.90- which will be used to support various school based
activities and to support our School Improvement Plan – most notably our Smart Goal – of
increase engagement in Mathematics – through instruction with SMARTBOARDs, and other
manipulatives - resulting in increased achievement in Mathematics. We will also focus on Inquiry
Learning as a means of developing knowledge, application, communication and inquiry – as the
four strands of assessments.
With fundraising money raised last year- BBQ, BWS, PIZZA, Hotdogs – we look forward to being
able to enhance student learning at St. Louis School.
Our Breakfast Program continues to grow each day under the supervision of Mrs. Haddad and
Ms. Figliuzzi. We also continue to provide snacks for those students who forget their snacks and
are in need. Students must have signed a waiver to participate in this program.
Virtues Education – will continue this year. A virtue is a habit or established capacity to perform
good actions according to a moral standard. St. Louis is an ideal place to practice and prepare to
live a virtuous life. When we demonstrate these virtues, we are making the presence of God
visible in the world around us. More information is available to students and parents in student
agenda. Conscience is November’s Virtue – which is an attitude that encourages us to involve
God in our lives and helps us develop and maintain relationships with God and with others.
Laura DiGiambattista
St. Louis
Follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools
St. Louis Messages
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St. Louis Staff
L. DiGiambattista - Principal
St. Louis
1450 Lewisham Dr.
Mississauga, ON
L5J 3R3
(905) 822 -8251
L. Carli - Head Secretary
M. Silva– Head Custodian
P. Antal– Custodian
M. Spiewak-Kabza –JK/SK
K. Calvovic-Sporcic-Jk/Sk
L. Carli
D. Ivankvovic –Gr1/2
T. Tome (LTO) – Gr 1/2
J. Marroquin- Gr 3/4
C. Watts - Gr 4 /5
S. Hobin
8:15am -Supervision in Yard
8:30am -Morning Bell (please be on time)
11:30am -Lunch
11:50am - Lunch Recess
12:30pm- Afternoon Bell
3:00pm –Dismissal (please be on time)
3:15pm - Supervision of dismissal ends
T. Boutros-Nimer -ECE
L. Pruss – Gr 2/ 3
D. Amaral (NEW!!!!)
Remembrance Day
Veterans Presentation- Nov 10, 2014 @10:3011:30am
Remembrance Day Celebration – Nov, 11,
2014 @ 11:00am
Parents, grandparents, siblings welcome!
M. Parent- Gr 5/6
M. Bosnjak – Gr 6/7
F. Kotulak – Gr 8
St. Christopher
(905) 822-1171
E. Grego - Librarian/ESL
Fr. Scott Young
Fr. Jerry Dunn
L. McLean– PlanningTime
Pastoral Assistant:
C. Burles
H. Saliba Haddad – ERW
A. Greenshields -SERT/PT
M. Figliuzzi - ERW
our front
Push only new silver
button – as old
doorbell rings
through entire school
and is disturbing to
Please NOTE – it may
take us a few minutes
to unlock the Front
door – as this has to
be done only by a staff
member who might be
momentarily away from
their desks.
G. Streker – FSL Teacher
Psychology - S. Henry
Soc. Worker – D. Kostyshyn
Child/ Youth – a. archbold
Speech and Lang.- L. Moeser
Head Injury
When a student receives an
injury to the head, it is Board
policy that we inform
parents. We will make every
attempt to notify you –even
when it is a very minor head
injury. Please do not be
alarmed if you receive this
phone call. Head injury
prevention will be taught to
students this year and
constant reminders
In effort to bring about the best year ever at St. Louis – the
following social events have been planned to bring our
wonderful community together:
Sept 23/15 – School Council Mtg – 6:30pm
Sept 23/15 – Council Election -7pm
Sept 24, 2015 – Open House BBQ-5:30-8pm
Oct 22/15- 6:30pm- Mtg- Library
October 30,2015 – Halloween Dance-a-thon
Nov. 19, 2015- 6:30pm- Mtg- Library
December 5, 2015 – Breakfast with Santa
Jan. 21, 2016- 6:30pm- Mtg- Library
Feb. 18, 2016- 6:30pm- Mtg- Library
Apr. 21, 2016-6:30pm- Mtg- Library
May 19, 2016- 6:30pm- Mtg- Library
June 3, 2016- Volunteer Breakfast
Milk/ Popcorn/ Pizza Days start
Wednesday September 16, 2015
Pizza = every Wednesday-$2.00/slice
Milk/Popcorn – Wed & Fri - $1.00 each
St. Louis Messages
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Sacramental Update
St. Louis -Goes for GOLD this year!!
Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and certification program for grades K-12 that helps
school communities develop both ecological literacy and environmental practices to become
environmentally responsible citizens and reduce our ecological footprint.
other Ministry policies. We have been GOLD certified last year – and hope to keep up our tradition of
coming to understand best practices in recycling, reducing and reusing.
Ms. Parent and Ms. Mant – Staff Leaders!
Ps- we collect baby items; unused toys, items for Christmas
baskets, skates, helmets (see me if you have an idea for donation for a family)
First Communion
Information Meeting
Sept 28 or 29 , 2015–at 7:00pm
@ St Christopher’s Church
Information Meeting
Grade 8 – Sept 9 or 10, 2015
Grade 7- Jan. 19 or 20, 2016
At St. Christopher’s Church
*Gr 7 & 8 will both make
confirmation this school year
Confirmations –
Grade 8- November 30/15
Grade 7 -TBA
School Masses
Nov 4, 2015- during the daytime- Grade 8’s visit IONANov 4, 2015- 6:30PM-8:30PM @ Iona Catholic Secondary School is hosting Grade
8 Community Information Night -followed by “Iona in Action” Parent Open House
Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to experience “Iona in Action”.
There will be school tours, displays classroom visits, opportunities to meet with
teachers and take in the wealth of co-curricular activities.
For more information visit the Iona website at under Grade 8
/ or call Alice Howell 905-823-0136 Ext. 65142
Only parents of a student will be allowed to pick up a child. A
parent may release this responsibility to one of the identified
emergency contact persons with a phone call to the school or
a note sent to the teacher identifying the “new” adult. These
students must be picked up at the front office and may be
asked to show identification. Calls to parents will occur when
the office has concerns for the child’s safety.
Lunch Hour Policy
Our lunch hour is from 11:30 to 12:30pm
Children who stay for lunch – will eat inside for the
first 20 minutes and then play outside for the
remaining 40 minutes – weather permitting.
If a student has an appointment – student must be
signed out by parent.
Students who stay for lunch must do so everyday.
Lunch table is located under the SAC information
board in front hall for lunch drop-off
Many allergies exist in our school – for that reason
there is no sharing of food – a letter outlining
classroom allergies will be sent home Sept 11, 2015to all affected classrooms- and after re-organization
Reporting Dates:
Nov 17/15 – Progress Report –Home- Interviews:
November 19, 2015
Feb 2/16 – First Term Report Home - Interviews:
Feb 4, 2016 – pm only; Feb 5,2016
June 28/ 16 – Final Report Card Home
(interviews can be requested)
NO SCHOOL- for students
Sept .18/15 – Re-Organization
Jan. 18/16- Assessment Day
Opening Mass-Oct. 13/15
10:30am- Gym
Nov.30, Dec7, Dec 15
Christmas Mass
Jan. 12/16- 10:30am gym
Ash Wednesday
Feb 10/16- 2:00pm-Gym
Stations of the cross
March 24, 2016-2:00pm-Gym
Easter Mass
Apr.6/16-10:30am -Gym
June 23/16-10:30am@St Christopher Church
Feb. 5/ 16- Reporting To Parents
June 13 /16 - Assessment Day
Thanksgiving Day –
Monday, Oct. 12, 2015
Christmas Break
Mon. Dec. 21-Jan 1, 2016
Family Day –
Mon. Feb. 15, 2016
SK Graduation SporcicJune 28, 2016- 2:00pm-gym
SK Graduation Spiewak
June 29, 2016- 2:00pm-gym
Mid-Winter Break –
March 14 –March 18, 2016
Good Friday –
Friday, March 25/16
Easter Monday –
Monday, March 28, 2016
Victoria Day –
Monday, May 23, 2016
Grade 8 GraduationJune 23/16- 10am Mass
- 7pm- Awards
-@ St. Christopher Church
St. Louis Messages - Additional Start-up Info
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Please note that all eligible students will be issued a bus card which must
be attached to their backpack handle – on the first day of school
Non-eligible students are not permitted to ride the bus.
No courtesy seats will be issued this year.
Please contact STOPR @ 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140 for any
information about transportation provided for our students
It is difficult for the staff supervising in the schoolyard, to distinguish between parents and strangers. We are asking for your
cooperation in dropping the students off during the supervised times of 8:15am and 3:00pm, and letting them be with their
friends. With only staff in the schoolyard, the easier it is to identify a stranger in the yard. Once students are in the school,
parents are encouraged to leave school property as soon as possible so that the students are not distracted from classroom
activities. During the school day, there should be no parents in the schoolyard area at all. Parent may wait along the
Kindergarten fenced area – south yard- before school /end of day. If your child is late, please bring him/her to the Office.
There should not be any parents in the halls or classrooms without prior knowledge of the Office during school hours.
Parent volunteers will sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. It is a matter of safety. Thank you for your co-operation.
**Retake Day-PHOTO
Nov. 4, 2015- am only
**Parent have the option of
contacting LifeTouch directly @
the phone # is 1-866-457-8212
Parking Lot Safety
Students are asked to enter on walkways provided on
south and north entrances of the building
ONLY kiss N Ride cars are permitted into the circular
driveway-Kiss N Ride operational only in the AM
Only Parents with handicap stickers may use designated
parking –AM & PM
Parents are reminded to use extreme care and attention
during drop off of students
For Homework Help Gr 1-6 – for a variety of subjects – for free language, math and
science support go to:
For Homework Help Gr 7 & 8 – Math:
For Homework Help for French – visit:
Personal Electronic Devices:
Implementation date was October 22, 2015.
Students will follow these rules which are posted in every classroom and the front hall
of the school:
1.) PEDs to be used only for instructional purposes –as directed by
V Students
are to avoid
hoop time
or long dangling earrings.
2.) There is no sharing of peds – for “individual use only”
3.) Personal use of PEDs may take place only in the front office of the
school under supervision of staff
4.) There is absolutely no use of peds at recess time – indoor or outdoor
*Failure to comply by these terms, will result n the removal of wifi access
*Each student usage is tracking by their Ontario student number
- Photo Re-take -Day
School Wide Trip
- 10:30-11:30-Remembrance
Day Liturgy – Please come!
Report Cards go Home
–First Term Progress
Jk to Gr 8 –Royal Winter Fair
EQAO Results
Interview Night- as
-School Council MtgConference room-6:30-8:00pm –
Please come!
Rosary Apostolate In
Lighting of 1st Advent
Candle -8:30am-gym
Upcoming Dates for December: Dec1-3 Gr 8-Art Package due to IONA; Dec 2-8-Book Fair; Dec 5- Breakfast w Santa-8:30-Noon;
Dec 7-lighting of 2nd Advent Candle-8:30am; Dec8-Gr 7&8-HepB Clinic; Dec 14-lighting of the 3rd Advent Candle-8:30am
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 1C5 • Tel: (905) 890-1221 • Fax: (905) 890-7610
October 20, 2015 Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s): As a parent/guardian of a child in a Dufferin‐Peel Year 2 Kindergarten classroom, you may wish to consider the French Immersion program as a possibility for Grade 1 in September 2016. French Immersion is a program in which 90% of the Grade 1 instruction is delivered in French. Instruction in English is added in later years. The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board presently offers the French Immersion program at St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude, Divine Mercy, St Elizabeth Seton and St Pio of Pietrelcina in Mississauga, and St. Joachim, Our Lady of Providence and St Angela Merici in Brampton. Transportation is NOT provided for students. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to transport their children to and from the French Immersion centre. This program offers an excellent opportunity for becoming functionally bilingual in later years and has been found to be very successful. Over 300,000 students are enrolled in Extended French or French Immersion annually across Canada. Students in the Dufferin‐Peel French Immersion program attain a high level of proficiency in French at no cost to the student’s English proficiency or achievement in other academic subjects, such as science and mathematics. Students in the French Immersion program receive at least 4510 hours of instruction in French by the end of Grade 8 and can: 
communicate effectively in French, by selecting the correct words and nuances, and adapting language in order to be understood; understand radio, television, newspapers and books, with the occasional help of a dictionary; demonstrate knowledge of the culture, society, customs, economy, government and institutions of a French‐speaking community; function well in a French‐speaking community. 
More detailed information will be available at parent/guardian meetings to be held at three French Immersion locations. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may attend any one of the following sessions: French Immersion centres Session location Date and time St Pio of Pietrelcina Tuesday, November 10, 2015 7:00 p.m. St Gertrude St Pio of Pietrelcina Our Lady of Providence St Angela Merici St Joachim Divine Mercy St Elizabeth Seton St Margaret of Scotland St Angela Merici Wednesday, November 11, 2015 7:00 p.m. St Margaret of Scotland Thursday, November 12, 2015 7:00 p.m. ‐2‐ Submitting an Application The date to submit an application using the French Immersion on‐line application website as well as the deadline for the submission of applications will be announced at the French Immersion Parent/Guardian information sessions. Lottery Process Should the number of applications exceed the number of spaces available a centralized, computer‐generated lottery will be held following the application deadline. We trust that this letter provides you with sufficient information. However, if more details are required, please review the Board website for up‐to‐date information. You may also contact your child's present school, the principal of the French Immersion School in your area, or the board's French as a Second Language Consultant, Micheline Goguen (905‐890‐0708 ext. 24307). It is recommended that parents/guardians attend the information meeting at the applicable French Immersion School for more details. Regards, Max Vecchiarino Superintendent of Program Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board MV:mg Volume 8
Web Resources:
Primary and
Ontario Educational Resource
Bank? Try
A number from 0 to 1 that shows how
likely it is that an event will happen.
Intermediate: Coin Tossing
Family Math Activities K-3
 Let your child hear you doing math – use language like: sometimes,
never, always, certain, likely, unlikely, impossible, predict, fair
Talk about the weather as you pick out clothes together: “It is
predicted to be (cold, rainy, sunny) tomorrow, what do we need to get
Play games, any games! Roll dice, play BINGO or even “Go Fish”. Talk
about chance and strategy!
Probability from 4-6
Try playing “Rock, Paper, Scissors?”
Ask questions:
Will it or Won’t it Happen?
What are the chances?
Do you think it is fair?
Probability Grades 7 - 8
Talk about the probability of something happening in the real world.
Lotto 649 Odds: Jackpot Winner, 5 out of 6 numbers, 3 out of 6 numbers...
Roll Up the Rim to Win: Probability of winning a car, a $100 gift card...
The probability of the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup
Using the statistics from the Blue Jays: probability of a hit in an upcoming game if they had 45
bats in a previous game (batting .275 at that point in the season)
Elementary Program Team
Holy Name of Mary C.S.S
Invites Your Gr. 8 Girls To...
A High School Experience!
November, 4th 2015
What We Have Planned For You!
9:30-11:30 ..... Fun Activities
11:30-12:30 ..... Yoga (wear yoga/gym pants)
12:30-1:00 ..... Lunch
OR... We Can Come To You - November 1st-18th @11:30-12pm
For a short presentation for your Gr. 8 Girls by HNM Link Crew & Staffrls
Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly, With our God
R.S.V.P. Ms. Filice to confirm attendance or for more information
The Flu
Tips for Parents
The flu (influenza) is a serious chest infection caused by
the influenza virus. The flu is spread through coughing,
sneezing or by touching surfaces or objects contaminated
with the virus (i.e. unwashed hands, toys, and cutlery).
The good news is there are ways to prevent
getting the flu!
Did You know?
• The viruses that cause the flu change every year. This is
why you need to get your flu shot annually.
• The flu shot is 70-90% effective in preventing the flu in
healthy adults and children.* Once you get the flu shot,
it will take your body up to two weeks to develop
• Encourage your family members get the flu shot
every year. See your family doctor or watch
for community clinics every fall in your area.
• Practise good hand washing by setting an
example for those around you. Make sure you
use soap!
• If you are sick with the flu, stay home and get
plenty of rest and fluids. Avoid contact with
people who may be at higher risk of becoming
very ill (elderly people
or people who have
other illnesses).
• The flu shot is safe and is free for all residents of Ontario.
For more information, call the Region of Peel – Public Health
at 905-799-7700, or visit
* NACI Statement, Aug. 2007-2008