Document 14382341

185 Conestoga Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6Z 2Z7
Phone (905) 846-2086 Fax (905) 846-9464
905-890-0708 press 9 ext 54200
R. Romanet
A. M. Condotta
School Council
M. Podnar
L. Zanella
(905) 890-1221
M. Vecchiarino
(905) 890-1221
Fr. A. Maderak
(905) 846-5385
We, the community of
St. Leonard, are committed to life-long
learning and respect
for God’s creation.
We will nurture our
unique gifts and entrust each member to
Parent Council will
meet on Tuesday,
September 11th at
6:45 in the library.
All are welcome.
As this new school year begins, I would like to
extend a very warm welcome to all of you especially to our many new families and children. We
welcome all of our new Junior Kindergartens
who have started school for the very first time
this September.
Due to our growth and retirement we are fortunate to welcome several new staff. We are fortunate to have M. Tyldsley joining us this year
teaching the Grade 4/5 class as well as A. Attinello who will be teaching French to some of our
students. Joining the Early Learning program is
P. Mecuri who will be with Mrs. Resendes. A
special welcome back to Ms.Chi and Mrs. Loizzo. Ms. S. Liddington will be joining us this
year as our Child and Youth Worker.
Our school is fully organized and spectacularly
clean thanks to our fine custodial staff lead by N.
Mercure “Miss Nancy” and her custodial team.
It is very possible that by the time you are reading this we will be in the process of following the
Board’s and Ministry’s direction and reorganizing
classes. This will allow us to balance numbers of
students and where possible eliminate some
combined grades although not all.
Our school community is made stronger through
our working together with our parish team and
our active School Council. Our students have
demonstrated how they can respond positively to
each faith and new school initiative. This is attributed to the values and morals taught and modeled by their parents and teachers. The staff of
St. Leonard is happily committed to working with
its partners to continue to support and love the
children in their care on their journey to attain
knowledge, happiness and spiritual development.
My sincere best wishes to all for a wonderful
school year. May God continue to bless us all.
Verification Forms, Agendas and Insurance
Verifications forms will be sent home with the students on the first day of school. Please ensure that
your information is current and that you have at least
one emergency contact for your child should we be
unable to contact one of the parent/guardians.
Agendas are going home for our students in Grades 1
to 8. Please send back the $3 for the agenda as soon
as possible. Forms for Student Accident Insurance
are also going home today. Please sign the form acknowledging that you have received the application.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
strongly encourages parents to purchase the insurance, especially if your child plays extra-curricular
Prayer for a New School Year
As a new school year begins, fill the
hearts of our students with an eagerness
to learn and inquire about the world you
have created, about themselves,
but most of all about
Bless our teachers with the gifts of
wisdom and patience that they
may help students find the truth.
Give our parents generous hearts to encourage and support their sons and
daughters Help us all work together
as a true Catholic community to learn
the lessons and skills for life to be
productive, contributing, Catholic
members of our society.
Mr. Romanet
Go Green
If you are interested in receiving your newsletters,
notices, etc via e-mail, please send a note to the office. We currently have 315 of our 382 students receiving their mail electronically. All e-mails are sent
out bcc to protect your privacy. Your next newsletter will be sent electronically—only the first one will
be a hard copy.
Important Dates to Remember
Friday, September 14th
September 17—21
Tues. September 25th
Monday, October 1
Courtesy Seat Forms
Courtesy seat forms are available in
the office for those students not eligible for bussing. Please continue to
use the bussing eligibility link on our
webpage. Bus cancellations and delays will be posted there by the
board. The Courtesy Seat Form is also available on our
web page. Please note that no courtesy seats can be given
out till October 3rd and that very few will be given out
this year as we only have two busses compared to the
three we have had in previous years.
P. A. Day
Book Fair
Picture Day
Hep B Clinic (Gr 7)
All Star Reading
For our All Star kids
To All Parents/Guardians & Volunteers,
Learning to read is perhaps the most important
skill that every child will require to succeed in life.
To that end we are in desperate need for your help
to establish and maintain a great reading support
network for our students called “All Star Reading”.
Staff List 2012-2013
J. DiCarlo
C. DeMelo
A. Resendes
F. Pelaccia
J. Palmateer
M. Troina
L. Street
L. Celante
V. Bazely
M. Tyldsley
T. Tanner
J. Kennett
L. Chi
D. D’Aiuto
F. Couto
R. Downey
Mdme. Bean
A. Antinello
M. Loizzo
P. Hughes
C. Bruni
P. Gregory
K. Rasberry
D. DeAlmeida
S. Hofer
P. Mercuri
M. Michael
J. Rees
N. Mercure
S. Tyrell
S. White
If you can spare even a half hour once or twice a
week to sit and read with one child it would make
a world of difference.
There would be a brief in-service that would be
part of your training on how to best turn this valuable time into a successful end for a Primary student.
Please reply to Ms. Rasberry or Mr. Romanet if
you have any questions or are able to give of your
Thank you in advance for your support.
---------------------------------------------------------------I would like to help out. Please let me know how.
Phone Number
Attendance Verification
If your child is going to be absent,
please call the school and speak to the
secretary or leave a message on the
answering machine at (905) 846-2086
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4/5
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 6/7
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 8
Visual Arts
Night Custodian
Night Custodian
Greetings from Max Vecchiarino
Superintendent – Brampton North-East Family of Schools
September 2012
Welcome, and welcome back to another exciting school year! I offer special greetings to those who, like
me, are new to the Brampton North-East Family of Schools. As Superintendent, I am excited to be a part
of this vibrant and diverse community. The Brampton North-East Family consists of twenty-two schools –
four secondary and eighteen elementary – working together with our six parishes to support our students’
faith formation, learning and well-being. Four trustees represent our family: Anna Da Silva, Frank DiCosola, Scott McLauchlan and Linda Zanella, each a strong advocate for our schools and for Catholic
Education. It is our collective hope that you find your school to be a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive
Catholic learning environment. It is our aim to provide excellence in Catholic education for your children.
Our Catholic teachers work to ensure that our young people become more and more appreciative of the
gifts of our Faith and realize their distinctive promise as Catholic citizens. As parents and educators, you
are witnesses to the wonder and anticipation that nourishes each child’s faith formation and work to support these young people in their journey.
Education is a co-operative endeavour. As parents and guardians, you play a foundational and essential
role in your children’s success. We ask you to join us in setting high expectations for your children’s academic achievement. A parent’s expectations of success become a driving force to motivate a child, in
terms of grades, study habits and overall participation in the life of their school. You are, as well, always
encouraged to be involved and walk alongside your children as they work to achieve to their fullest potential. There are many ways to do this: supervising homework, fostering reading at home, limiting disruptions and talking with your children about the importance of education.
Our faculty have worked hard in preparing for the upcoming school year. The administrative team is prepared to ensure that programming and safety are paramount. We also welcome your involvement, support
and suggestions, as we strive, together, to form an ever stronger home and school partnership.
I wish all our students a successful school year and all of God’s blessings to the community as a whole.
The virtue for September—Faith
To begin the new school year, we’ll focus our attention on the first of our virtues—faith. Faith is the great virtue of
believing in God and trusting that God is with us.
A faithful person believes that we are created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God.
A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, especially at school.
A Faithful person…
 Prays regularly and reverently
 Learns from Scripture stories
 Honours people’s God-given names
 Assumes that there is good in everyone
 Accepts the God-given worth of themselves and others
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5,
Tel: (905) 890-1221
Tradition of Excellence in Catholic Education
012-2013 School
Year Calendar
First day of classes elementary and secondary schools
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Last day of classes Semester 1 Secondary (Semester Schools Only) Tuesday, January 22, 2013
First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary (Semester Schools Only) Friday, February 1, 2013
School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools
Friday, June 28, 2013
Number of school days for the 2012 – 2013 school year
Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools
School Holidays for the 2012-2013 School Year
Every Saturday and Sunday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break (inclusive)
Family Day
Mid-Winter Break (inclusive)
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Monday, September 3, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012 to Friday, January 4, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013 to Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days
1. Friday, September 14, 2012 Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development/Prov. Priorities
2. Friday, November 16, 2012 Provincial Priorities and Faith Development
3. Monday, January 21, 2013 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
4. Friday, February 8, 2013 Reporting to Parents on Evaluation and Pupil Progress
5. Monday, May 13, 2013 Provincial Priorities and Faith Development
6. Friday, June 7, 2013 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
2012-2013 School Year Calendar