Department of Social Science Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School

Department of Social Science
Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
Course Code:
Course Name:
Travel and Tourism
Grade 11, Open
Student Name: ____________________
Textbook #: __________
Course Description: This course focuses on travel and tourism as the vehicle for studying selected world regions.
Using a variety of geo-technologies and inquiry and communication methods, students will
conduct and present case studies that develop their understanding of the unique characteristics
of selected world regions; the environmental, cultural, economic, and political factors that influence travel and
tourism; and the impact of the travel industry on communities and environments around the world.
Geographic Foundations: Space and Systems
 Explain themes and concepts related to regional geography, including region ,pattern ,movement , and
 Evaluate the influence of human systems on patterns of travel and tourism and, conversely, the influence of
travel and tourism on human systems;
 Analyze how factors such as movements of people and regional characteristics influence travel and tourism
 Explain the characteristics of the travel and tourism industry from a geographic perspective.
Human-Environment Interactions
 Explain how environmental factors affect patterns of travel and tourism;
 Analyse the impact of different types of travel and tourism on the natural environment;
 Evaluate the effectiveness of programs and initiatives designed to manage and protect the resources on which
tourism is based.
Global Connections
 Describe global patterns of travel and tourism and the factors that influence them;
 Explain the social, environmental, cultural, economic, and political effects of travel and tourism on various
destination regions;
 Compare the characteristics of selected tourist regions of the world.
Understanding and Managing Change
 Explain how changes and trends in society have an impact on travel and tourism patterns;
 Analyse the social, environmental, cultural, economic, and political effects of tourism-related development on a
community or region;
 Evaluate the impact on travel and tourism of the plans, policies, and initiatives of governments, businesses, and
other organizations.
Methods of Geographic Inquiry and Communication
 Use the methods and tools of geographic inquiry to locate, gather, evaluate, and organize information;
 Analyse and interpret data gathered through research and investigation, using a variety of methods and geotechnologies;
 Communicate the results of geographic inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts and a variety of forms
and techniques and geo-technologies;
 Communicate the results of geographic inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts and a variety of forms
and techniques.
Efforts will be made to meet the individual learning needs of students to promote student success
with respect to meeting the expectations of this course.
My signature below indicates that I have read the Course Handout, and I am in agreement with its contents.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _______________
Student’s Signature: ________________________________
Date: _______________
Course Timeline:
Unit 1: 22 hours
Unit 2: 22 hours
Unit 3: 22 hours
The course will use a variety of resources. The
primary textbook Travel Quest will be
distributed to students during the first week of
the course. The text and all other resources
assigned to each student are the responsibility
of the student. Any damage incurred will result
in payment for replacement.
Understanding Travel and Tourism
Tourism and Physical Geography
The Caribbean: A case study in
Tourism Development
Australia: A case study in Tourism, the
Environment and Culture
Culminating Activity/Planning for the
Future of Tourism
Unit 4: 22 hours
Unit 5: 22 hours
Replacement cost for the text is $85.00.
Culminating Summative Tasks will be administered towards the
end of the course and will be weighted at 30% of the final
mark. These tasks are specifically itemized below.
All timelines as stated are approximate.
Evaluation Policies
1. Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product according to 4 categories (see
below) & 4 levels of the Achievement Chart as found in the Ministry Policy document for Canadian
and World Studies.
Evaluation Structure:
Term Evaluations = 70% of the final mark.
Final Evaluation = 30% of the final mark.
Final Evaluations will include: Final exam = 15% & Culminating Task = 15%
2. Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Independent work, collaboration,
organization, responsibility, self-regulation and initiative are assessed apart from student
achievement in the four categories outlined above and will conform to the coding:
E – Excellent
G – Good
S – Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
3. Assignments submitted after the due date established by the teacher will receive a penalty in
accord with our Board Assessment & Evaluation Policy Document as outlined in the student agenda.
4. Should a student miss an evaluation due to a legitimate absence, in accord with our Board A&E
Policy Document, the student and teacher will make arrangements to address the missed
evaluation in a timely manner. In the cases of extended vacation or prolonged absence,
consultation with the appropriate administrator is required.
5. In the event that the student does not make up the missed evaluation(s), a zero may be assigned.
If it is determined that the evaluation(s) has/have been missed as a result of a skip/truancy or
has/have been plagiarized, a zero may be assigned.
6. For all other cases of absence and/or missed evaluations (including absence during the final
examination period), please refer to our Board A&E Policy as outlined in the student agenda.
May God bless your efforts this semester!