Nutritional News Antioxidants Volu me Eating a healthy well-balanced diet provides your body with everything it needs to function properly and experts agree that eating fresh whole foods are the best way to achieve this. Another important factor to understanding the basics of nutrition is antioxidants. Antioxidants are naturally found in whole foods such as beans, berries, nuts and other assorted fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are the vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes (proteins in your body that assist in chemical reactions). Antioxidants protect your body’s cells from damage, which occurs naturally when you are exposed to things like pollution, tobacco smoke etc. Cell damage can lead to common diseases like heart disease and diabetes. While there is no universal standard for measuring the antioxidant value in food, USDA researchers at Tufts University developed a laboratory test which is now an accepted measure of antioxidant “power”, called the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). The ORAC score is generally expressed per serving size and experts generally agree that you need a minimum of 3000 ORAC units per day. USDA chemist Ronald L. Prior says the total antioxidant capacity of the foods does not necessarily reflect their health benefit. Benefits depend on how the foods antioxidants are absorbed and utilized in the body . Rank Item Serving Size Total antioxidant capacity per serving 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dried red bean Wild blue berry Red Kidney Bean Pinto Bean Cultivated Blue Berry Cranberry Cooked Artichoke Blackberry Prune Raspberry ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup 1cup 1cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup ½ cup 1 cup 13,727 13,427 13,259 11,864 9,019 8,983 7,904 7,701 7,729 6,058 An apple turning brown or a cut on your skin becoming inflamed are examples of oxidation. Oxidative stress occurs when the production of harmful molecules called free radicals is beyond the protective capability of the antioxidant defenses. Free radicals are a natural by-product of energy metabolism (generated by things like ultraviolet rays, tobacco smoke and air pollution) they lack a full complement of electrons, which makes them unstable so they simply steal electrons form other molecules, damaging those molecules in the process. Antioxidants are substances that are capable of counteracting the damaging but normal effects of oxidization. It’s important to recognize that the term “antioxidant” reflects a chemical property rather than a specific nutritional property. Each of the nutrients that have antioxidant properties also has numerous other aspects and should be considered individually. For example a recently published article in the journal of Cardio Vascular Research from the University of Cardiff found that Vitamin C, which is a well-known antioxidant, can also have “pro-oxidant” effects1. Free radicals are well-known to cause cellular damage but they can be helpful too. When your immune system cells fight intruders, the oxygen they use, spins off an army of free radicals that destroys viruses, bacteria, and damaged body cells in an oxidative burst. Vitamin C can then disarm the free radicals. There are many products on store shelves and articles touting those antioxidants can slow aging, fend off diseased, improve vision or even fight off the common cold. Manufacturers commonly add antioxidants to food products such as vegetable oils and prepared foods in order to prevent or delay their deterioration from the action of air. Keep in mind that the body functions well when natural whole foods are allowed the opportunity to do their job. 1 5│I ssue 6 │ Ap ril , 2015 Fun Food Facts! The only fruit that has its seeds on the outer skin is a strawberry Lettuce is one vegetable that is never sold frozen, canned, processed or cooked Did You Know? Vitamin E is the most abundant fat soluble antioxidant known to man. Vitamin E has a long chain of reactions per chemical, which means that a single vitamin can react several times to neutralize free radicals and still remain stable. Vitamin C is the most abundant water-soluble antioxidant known to man. This chemical works in cellular fluids of the body. It has special characteristics that allow it to fight pollution, excessive sunlight, cigarette smoke and other toxic invaders. 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