January 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU 1 The Virtue for FRI 2 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School SAT 3 25 Mount Royal Circle January is SELF-CONTROL 4 6 7 8 9 Kindergarten differing abilities meeting at the CEC, 7pm HPV and Hepatitis and Meningitis vaccinations HOLIDAYS 12 18 13 19 20 14 15 Extended French Information Meeting at Brebeuf, 7pm School mass, 1:00pm 21 22 10 A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR O Lord, as the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this new year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love, through our Savior Jesus Christ.” (prayer by William Temple, 1881-1944) Scientists in the School, Grade 1 16 23 17 Happy New Year and welcome back to school! We hope you enjoyed a very restful and peaceful Christmas break with family and friends. As we enter into the next part of this school year, we look forward to our continued partnership with you in the spiritual, academic and social development of your children. On behalf of our staff, we wish to thank you for your ongoing support with the various activities here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2015! 24 P.A. Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 25 26 Phone (905) 913-1703 FAX (905) 913-2918 January 2015 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 5 11 Brampton, Ont. L6P 1W3 Principal Sonia Rotino Secretary Mary Doria ~ Superintendent Max Vecchiarino Trustee Shawn Xaviour Parish Priest 2014-2015 LITURGICAL DATES 27 28 29 Grade 8 Graduation Photos School Council Meeting, 7pm Family Literacy Day Literacy Presentation, 8:30 30 31 Self Control Virtue Assembly, 2:00pm Full Day Kindergarten Registration (see pg. 3 of newsletter for details) Upcoming Events February March 13 Lent Liturgy, 9:30am School Mass, Thursday, January 15 at 1:00 pm in the school gym Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Liturgy, Wednesday, February 11, 9:30 am, school gym Ash Wednesday Para Liturgy, Wednesday, February 18, 1:00 pm in the school gym School Mass, Friday, March 13, 9:30 am in the school gym Stations of the Cross Para Liturgy, Thursday, April 2, 1:30 pm in the school gym Easter School Mass, Thursday, April 16, 9:30 am in the school gym First Communion, Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:30 pm (Deputat) and 4:30 pm (Paolella), St. Patrick’s Church Crowning of Mary School Mass, Wednesday, May 13, 1:30 pm in the school gym Confirmation, Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 12:00 (Sette) and 2:30 pm (Costabile), St. Patrick’s Church Year End School Mass, Thursday, June 25, 1:30 pm in the school gym VIRTUE OF THE MONTH Visit our School Website: God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration, we can improve at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing selfcontrol. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that we will regret and helps us make good choices. 2 Saidat Anti-bullying presentation 3 Term 1 Reports go home 5 Parent/Teacher Interview Evening 6 P.A. Day - Reporting to Parents 11 Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Liturgy, 9:30am 13 Valentine’s Day dance, all grades 2 Holy Thursday, Easter Food Drive ends, Stations of the Cross Presentation, 2:00pm 14 Valentine’s Day 3 Good Friday 16 Family Day—no school for students 5 Easter Sunday THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY 17 Shrove Tuesday 6 Easter Monday 18 Ash Wednesday Para liturgy, 1:00pm 8 Lockdown Drill 24 International Student Program information night We would like to thank the parents, students and teachers who contributed to the Food Drive for the Knight’s Table, Toys for Tots for the Peel Regional Police, Coats for Kids, B.A.G.S and letters for our Canadian Armed Forces soldiers. Thank you for your generosity and giving spirit during the Advent season. 16-20 Mid-winter Break—No school for students 23 Easter Food Drive begins April 22 School Council Meeting, 7pm Fr. Vito Marziliano This day is dedicated to evaluation of pupil progress and report card preparation. There will be no classes for students on this day. www.dpcdsb.org/lourd DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. www.connect2ENDviolence.ca Our Lady of Lourdes January 2015 KISS AND RIDE AND THE PARKING LOT Thank you to all our parents who have been obeying all the parking signage on and around our school property. The Kiss and Ride lane allows an adult to drop-off or pick up their child without getting out of the vehicle. Vehicles should never be left unattended in the Kiss and Ride lane. The area in front of the school is a designated fire route. There is no stopping at the front of the school at any time. This area is for buses and emergency vehicles only. Your cooperation for the good of all our student population is appreciated. To ensure the safety of our students we require all parents using the program to follow the procedures outlined below: Use the Kiss and Ride lane to drop off or pick up your child Do not use the drive-thru lane for dropping off or picking up children Move up the Kiss and Ride lane as far as possible to maximize the number of cars using the program Do not get out of your vehicle Do not back up Students must be able to exit and enter the car independently Students must exit the car using the passenger side doors only Community members are reminded that parking on school property overnight is not permitted. During the winter months, snow removal equipment must be able to remove the snow. Vehicles remaining on the property overnight or during the day, that do not belong to staff or to parents volunteering during the day, will be towed away at the owner’s expense. STAYING IN FOR RECESS In the colder weather we receive numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when students have a cold, flu, etc. We cannot comply, as we neither have the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. Moreover, Health Officials indicate that fresh air is good for children, not harmful, as long as students are dressed appropriately. Please be advised that students are kept indoors at recess during the winter ONLY when the weather conditions are extremely cold. (When the wind chill equivalent temperature is minus 25 degrees Celsius or lower, as per school Board policy.) With the exception of these occasions, we expect all children will go outdoors for recess and during their lunch break. If your child is too ill to participate in recess, they should stay at home. Page 2 LUNCH & TREAT DAYS Pizza days are Wednesday, January 7, 14, 21 and 28. Forms will be sent home for pizza orders from February to June. are on Tuesday, January 6, 13 20 and 27. Extreme Pita days are Friday, January 9, 16, 23 and 30. Treat Days will be offered on Fridays and we will be selling popcorn, baked chips and Terra Cotta cookies for $1.00 each. Thank you all for your generosity in our Christmas food drive. We collected 25 boxes of food for the Knight’s Table. We had a great response for our Candy Grams, selling just over 1500 Candy Grams! Student Council collected just under $450 to go towards student activities. Thank you to everyone for their ongoing support. Thank you to everyone who donated new, unwrapped toys to the Peel Regional Police’s Toys For Tots program. Our Student Council members crammed the cruiser with 10 garbage bags worth of toys! REPORTING - INTERVIEWS The Student-Parent-Teacher Interview is designed to complement the Ontario Report Card by enabling parents to communicate with teachers, to offer useful information, and to ask relevant questions about their child’s progress in order to support their child’s learning. A formal written report will be sent home on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Interviews will be held during the evening on Thursday, February 5. and on Friday, February 6. You will receive a form in the near future that will allow you to indicate your preference for interview time. WEATHER CANCELLATIONS Please be advised that during the winter months, inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 am, and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: Virgin Radio 99.9 FM CJCL AM 590 AM 1540 CHUM 1050 CHFI FM 98.1 FM Q 107 CFTR AM 680 CFRB AM 1010 FM 93.1 CFNY FM 102.1 EZ ROCK FM 97.3 GLOBAL NEWS CFTO CJBC (FR) AM 860 CITY PULSE CBC 99.1 AM 640 CTV CHIN FM 100.7 FM Z103.5 When the buses are cancelled in Caledon and the County of Dufferin, it DOES NOT affect Our Lady of Lourdes. A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will be posted on the Board's main webpage at www.dpcdsb.org, on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools and on the Board's phone message system at 905-890-1221. We had a wonderful Advent Mass on December 9. We collected numerous toys for the Peel Regional Police Toys For Tots program, B.A.G.S. (Be a Giving Source) and food for the Knight’s Table. Thank you to Fr. Vito Marziliano for taking time out of his busy Christmas schedule to be with Our Lady of Lourdes. Stay tuned for events coming up in February!!! CATHOLIC RATEPAYERS CHECK YOUR TAX BILL TO ENSURE PROPER TAX SUPPORT If you are a Catholic ratepayer, we urge you to check your property tax bill to ensure that your support is directed to your local Catholic school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. By ensuring that you are accurately recorded as a Catholic school supporter, you can help deliver a powerful message to the government about the level of support for publically-funded Catholic education in Ontario. In order to be eligible to vote for your local Catholic school board trustee, you must be registered as a separate school supporter. ECO TEAM Happy New Year from the Our Lady of Lourdes Eco-Team, we hope everyone had a green holiday! This year we will be participating in the Ontario EcoSchools program for the fourth time. Our school is hoping to become a gold level EcoSchool again this year, by continuing initiatives from last year, and adding new ones. One of our initiatives that we are continuing from last year is “Walk/Wheel to School Wednesdays.” Although it is cold outside, we encourage students to walk to school on Wednesdays, not only because it is environmentally friendly, but also it’s good for your health. Here are some tips for dressing for winter walking: Keep hands and head covered to prevent heat loss Wear warm, waterproof boots Wear a warm coat that deflects the wind Wear woolen clothing to help retain the heat Wear clothing or carry knapsacks with reflective material – it’s important to be seen If possible, change wet clothes at school – tuck an extra pair of socks and mitts into knapsacks Below -25oC is considered too cold for walking so move your walk indoors or select another day for outdoor activities or walking to school Taken from www.saferoutestoschool Page 7 Our Lady of Lourdes January 2015 SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY BREAKFAST WITH SANTA The students and staff have already completed School Climate Surveys. One parent from every family is invited to complete the School Climate Survey. All you have to do is type the link in the browser bar and press enter. Thank you for your input into our school climate. Thank you very much to the School Council who organized a Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 13, 2014. Lunch was delicious, the company was enjoyable and the visit from Santa Claus himself was very much appreciated. Our newly elected Trustee Shawn Xaviour also dropped by to meet the community. Families had the opportunity to take a photograph with Santa. Each family received a bell with a complimentary Round Trip Ticket to the North Pole with a message encouraging all to Believe in the Spirit of Christmas. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OLOL201415A Thank you to council for offering the opportunity for our families to gather together to celebrate the season. Thanks to the generosity of the School Council, students in grades JK to 3 will be provided with access to the online reading program Raz Kids. This is an excellent program that is tailored to each child’s reading level and students earn online rewards for each book read. Regular use of the program to strengthen your child’s literacy skills is strongly encouraged. Thank you to School Council for providing the funds to purchase this great resource! Stay tuned for further information. Wear your Our Lady of Lourdes Spirit Wear every Friday! PARENT EVENING TO SUPPORT THE TRANSITION OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERING ABILITIES INTO KINDERGARTEN The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information session. This meeting is for parents and guardians of children with differing abilities which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, speech, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays in the cognitive and/or motor areas, who are entering Kindergarten in September 2015. For more information about this session, call 905-8900708 ext. 24011. Thursday, January 8, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. *Snow Date: January 13, 2015 At the Catholic Education Centre – Room 301 (Third Floor), 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga (Hurontario & Matheson) For more information, parents/guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the board website at www.dpcdsb.org, or call the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board at 905-890-1221. PLAYING SAFELY IN THE WINTER In order to ensure the safety of all students, Our Lady of Lourdes has a strict rule forbidding the throwing of snowballs, kicking snow at others and “snow jobs”. These activities therefore are not permitted in the schoolyard. Every student has been made aware of the importance of this rule. We encourage our students to constructively use the snow that winter brings us, to build snow people, forts, sculptures, etc. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. This will help to make our school yard a safe place for all our students during the winter. School Yard Rules NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS! DPCDSB Community Programs from Adult and Continuing Education Winter 2015 DPCDSB Adult and Continuing Education program flyers arrive at your doorstep the week of January 6, 2015. You are invited to join in these exciting community programs. Keep your hands & feet to yourself Use appropriate language Respect all persons Computer ABC’s Day Program Health and Fitness English as a Second Language Respect all property Car Maintenance for Women Adult Coop and Credit Citizenship and ESL Classes Play non-contact games only Secondary Night School Credit General Interest Programs Much Much More Stay on school property French as a Second Language International Languages Leave food inside Leave rocks, stones, and snow on the ground Please review these rules and expectations with your children. Register now for lifelong learning opportunities! Call 905- 891-9263 ext.0 or www.dpcdsb.org/cec/cne Page 6 Page 3 Our Lady of Lourdes FAMILY LITERACY DAY APPROACHES! Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacyrelated activities as a family. Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development. Even just 15 minutes a day can improve a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and can help a parent improve their skills as well. Here are some great ways to get started: Visit the ABC Life Literacy website for more fun literacy activities you can complete as a family! http://abclifeliteracy.ca/fld/familyliteracy-day January 2015 TOOTHY TIPS FOR PARENTS EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETING Current information on dental health in Peel indicates that more than 1 in 3 children have been affected by cavities. Cavities can lead to infections in the mouth, pain, poor eating habits, speech problems and expensive dental treatment. Here are some tips for you and your children: Have your children brush their teeth two times a day for at least two minutes each time. Supervise and help your child with brushing and flossing until they are able to tie their own shoelaces. Use ‘Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide’ (www.healthcanada.gc.ca/foodguide) to choose healthy foods and snacks to help prevent the start of cavities. Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2015 are invited to attend an information meeting: IT`S HEARING & VISION SCREENING TIME! NATIONAL SWEATER DAY School Screening Association will be visiting our school this year on February 26, 2015 to conduct their clinic. Your child’s hearing and vision should be screened every year. National Sweater Day will be observed boardwide on Thursday, February 5, 2015, providing an opportunity for employees and students to learn about the importance of saving energy, while at the same time, reminding us to use less heat throughout the winter. Here at Our Lady of Lourdes, we are excited about participating in this initiative. The heat in our school, classrooms and other board facilitates will be turned down by 2% on National Sweater Day and students and employees are encouraged to wear a sweater. So on this day, please remember to dress accordingly. and one of the best ways to prevent hearing loss is early detection of middle ear function issues. A visit to an audiologist costs upwards of $50.00 and is not covered by O.H.I.P. However, if your child is referred to a hospital clinic by your doctor, the cost is covered by O.H.I.P. Your child’s hearing is not being monitored unless they are being seen by an Audiologist or and E.N.T. A Free vision screeing is included with the Hearing Clinic. Eye Examinations are covered by OHIP. A fee of $15.00 is collected to help offset the cost of bringing this clinic to our school. A permission form will be sent home with your child, approximately 2 weeks before the clinic date. Please fill out the form, include $15.00 fee and return to the school prior to the clinic date. Good Grades start with Good Hearing and Vision Page 4 St. Jean Brébeuf, 63 Glenforest Road, Brampton At the present time, St. Jean Brébeuf is the designated centre for our area. Any student who is eligible to attend a Dufferin-Peel school and is currently in grade 4, is eligible to enroll in the extended French program for grade 5 in September 2015. HEAD INJURIES As per Board protocol, each time a student sustains a head injury the incident will be logged and followed up with a phone call home. A “Concussions are Serious” pamphlet will go home with each student for whom a head injury is reported. It is recommended that parents review the pamphlet and look for signs and symptoms of a concussion. When phoning in your child’s absence, please press 1 to leave a message on the attendance line as opposed to pressing 0 to reach the office. Mrs. Doria regularly checks the messages for attendance reports. Our Junior Girls and Boys basketball teams will be starting their season in January. As well, our Primary fitness club is in full swing! Growing children are very susceptible to middle ear problems Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. “I ordered pizza or pitas or Rainbow Lunch and it didn’t come!” Yes, sadly despite the best efforts of our volunteers, it does happen that a preordered lunch does not make it to the student. Fortunately it is a rare occurrence but if it does happen here is what you do: Tell the Supervisor on Duty. Every classroom is monitored at lunchtime. There is ALWAYS a supervisor to tell. Report what is missing. We will find a solution! Remember: You have to tell someone or we can’t help you! Parents, if you could discuss this with your child, it would be greatly appreciated. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, January 28 at 7:00 p.m. All parents are welcome There will be a Literacy presentation as well beginning at 8:30 for any parents who would like to attend. We will be discussing the Comprehension Strategies that are used in order to get meaning from reading. INDOOR/OUTDOOR SHOES Students should have a pair of indoor shoes to wear at school in class and for gym. Outdoor shoes/boots will be kept for outdoor use only and out of the classrooms in order to reduce the amount of dirt and mud brought indoors. This will assist our custodian and staff in keeping the school clean. Thank you for your co-operation. YUMMY LUNCHES...TASTY SNACKS! Healthy eating plays an important role in a child’s growth and learning. Kids need to develop healthy eating habits at a young age. A healthy lunch contains one food from three out of the four food groups from Canada’s Food Guide. These food groups are: "Vegetables and Fruit", "Grain products", "Milk and Alternatives" and "Meat and Alternatives". Snacks, limited to two or three times a day and well before meals, will not interfere with a child’s appetite Water is important for brain function and hydration Tips for Parents • Choose “fruit juice” over “fruit drink”. Look for juices that contain 100% fruit juice. “Fruit drinks” are made up of sugar, flavorings and some vitamin C. • Involve children! Kids are more likely to eat a lunch that they helped to prepare. • Surprise your kids once in a while. Add a couple cookies, a handful of popcorn, an ‘I love you’ note or a little gift to their lunch. For more info call Region of Peel – Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit peelregion.ca/health Helpful websites: dietitians.ca, peel-obesity.ca and eatrightontario.ca Page 5 City of Brampton 2015 Programs Winter programs have started. It’s not too late to register! - Swimming - Skating - Preschool - Child/Youth Programs - Adult Programs - Fitness Classes Register today to get started! Need to know about a program email or call us today! Howden Recreation Centre Alex Vieira Alex.vieira@brampton.ca 905.793.4645 x 36548 ----------------------------------------- Greenbriar Recreation Centre Sean Friedman Sean.friedman@brampton.ca 905.791.2240 x 63395 For more information on any of our programs contact: Howden Recreation Centre 150 Howden Blvd. 905.793.4645 Greenbriar Recreation Centre 1100 Central Park Dr. 905.791.2240 2015 y a d s Tue Peel Regional Police – 0 2 . JA N . 1 0 FEB LIMITED SEATING REGISTER TODAY TUESDAY EVENINGS 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm EMIL V. KOLB CENTRE FOR POLICE EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY ROOM 180 Derry Road East Mississauga 905-453-2121 ext . 4021 REGISTER ON-LINE www.peelpolice.ca select Crime Prevention • Academies & Seminars Cyber Academy * All 4 sessions MUST be attended to receive certificate P CYBER Academy eel Regional Police have developed a breakthrough concept in crime prevention, the CYBER Academy. The crime prevention experts at Peel Regional Police have designed a certificate program* that will help keep you, your children and families safe while using the Internet. During this course, you will learn the basics of: JANUARY 20 JANUARY 27 FEBRUARY 3 FEBRUARY 10 PCYBER–FRAUD PINTRODUCTION P COMPUTER SAFETY (passwords, firewalls, viruses, spam) P SOCIAL MEDIA - social networking (facebook) Unlocking The Secrets (identity theft, phishing, electronic banking, credit checks, mail tampering) P MEDIA DISTRACTION P CYBER–BULLYING P MEDIA ADDICTION Are You Hooked? P PREDATORS / CHILD EXPLOITATION - child pornography - on-line luring - cyber-dating At The Click Of A Mouse (bullying on digital mediums, computer, cell phone, records, evidence) DUE TO SUBJECT MATTER PARTICIPANTS MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE & OVER