Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School September 2013 SUN 1 MON 2 TUE WED 3 THU 4 5 Labour Day—No school for students 8 9 22 7 25 Mount Royal Circle Brampton, Ont. L6P 1W3 Phone (905) 913-1703 FAX (905) 913-2918 September 2013 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE 10 11 12 13 14 PA Day—No school for students 16 17 18 19 20 Book Fair begins— viewing books only Book Fair continues—viewing books only Open House,6:308:00, School Athletic & Spirit Wear measurement Book Fair continues— viewing books during school day, purchasing at Open house Book Fair continues— purchasing available Book Fair open until 12:00 — purchasing available School Council Nomination Forms due by 3:15pm 24 25 26 Picture Day Pizza lunch School Council Election, 6:00pm and meeting 7pm Terry Fox School Run 23 29 6 SAT Student Assemblies School Council Nomination Forms Available 15 FRI Pizza lunch 27 21 28 It is my pleasure, on behalf of the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School to welcome everyone to the 2013-2014 school year. We hope you have had a restful and relaxing summer with your family and friends. A special welcome goes out to all new students and their families, and to the new staff members who will join us this year. We know that you will find our school community to be a warm and inviting place. Our school’s motto ‘Our Learners, Our Leaders’ is linked to the many opportunities students will have to take part in and be encouraged to model their faith and leadership. We will pray to Our Lady of Lourdes to inspire and guide us to learn, become future leaders and demonstrate the many ways we share our Catholic faith and virtues. We will continue to build on the many wonderful programs and traditions that staff, students and parents have worked so hard to establish over the past two years. By continuing to work together as partners, we can establish new goals and open doors that will further enrich the lives and learning of all students. As a community, we can take pride in the accomplishments of all our students and in the many ways we share our Catholic values. We look forward to the opportunity to be working with Father Papais again this year. The staff of Our Lady of Lourdes is committed to providing your child with the best opportunities for spiritual, academic and social growth. With your support and assistance you can help us achieve these goals. Please do not hesitate to call the school if you have any questions or concerns. We wish everyone a successful school year; one filled with new and exciting opportunities where we can grow together in God’s image, and share with the children the wonders of learning. We look forward to working with you and your children. Principal Sonia Rotino Secretary Mary Doria ~ Superintendent Max Vecchiarino Trustee Scott McLauchlan Parish Priest Father Papais Visit our School Website: www.dpcdsb.org/lourd S. Rotino, Principal 30 www.connect2ENDviolence.ca The virtue of the Month is Upcoming Events October November 8 QSP kick off assembly, 1:00pm, Immunization clinic for grade 8 girls and all grade 7 students 5 Progress Reports sent home, Picture re-take day, World Teacher Day 11 P.A. Day—Ministry of Education Designated Day 7 Interview Evening (as needed for particular students) 14 Thanksgiving Day 11 Remembrance Day 31 Jack & The Giant—Anti-bullying presentation, grades K-3 17-23 Bullying Awareness Week 18 Cyberbuster Anti-Bullying presentation, gr. 7&8, 9am, gr. 4,5,6 10am 20 Cyber Safety Presentation for parents, 7pm in gym 29 Silver Creek Trip for grade 5 students A NEW BEGINNING Lord, help us to make the best of a new beginning. Guide our children to make wise decisions and achieve to the best of their abilities in all of their endeavours. Bless our teachers with the gifts of wisdom and patience that they may assist students in seeking knowledge. To begin the new school year, we will focus our attention on the first of our ten virtues – faith. Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us. Grant parents generous hearts to encourage and support their children. A faithful person believes that we are created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God. Together, help us to create a community of learners that teaches not only skills for success but all that we need to live our faith fully in the world. Amen A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, especially at school. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. September 2013 Our Lady of Lourdes LUNCH HOUR DELIVERING LUNCHES CCAT TESTING During the lunch hour, all students who stay for lunch are expected to remain at school, and all students who go home for lunch are expected to go home every day. If there is a change in the regular lunch hour procedure for your child, parent/guardians are asked to provide the teacher with a note explaining the change. Please look for a letter in regard to your child’s lunchtime arrangements in your child’s agenda. Please indicate your child’s regular lunchtime arrangements, sign the form in the agenda and return it to the school as soon as possible. When delivering your child’s lunch to school please advise your child in advance when you will be doing so, and write his/her name and teacher’s name on the bag. Your child can come down at 12:35 pm to pick it up from the lunch table with minimal disruption to the class. The lunch table is located in the hallway, just outside the office. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. During the month of October, the grade 4 students will write the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test. The results of this test are used to identify students who may be eligible for academically challenging programs. These tests will be conducted within the regular classroom environment. POSSIBLE CLASS REORGANIZATION The Our Lady of Lourdes staffing for 2013-2014 is based on a ‘projected’ student enrolment that is calculated each spring. This projected student enrolment number attempts to take into account any new students who are moving into our school as well as any students who may be moving out of the area. There is a possibility of some class reorganization occurring on our P. A. Day, September 13, due to a difference in our ‘actual’ versus the ‘projected’ student enrolment number. We will inform you in the event that any class reorganization is required. VALUABLES There is no place in the school to store valuable belongings. Please do not allow your children to bring any valuables (jewelery, money, hand held games or other electronic devices such as iPods or current popular trading cards or toys), to school as we cannot be responsible for their safekeeping. Telephones, cameras, skateboards, roller blades and other expensive items should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED THE TENTATIVE STAFF LIST AND ASSIGNED GRADES FOR 2013 – 2014. PLEASE SEE PAGE 9 OF THE NEWSLETTER. EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS Teachers and students regularly practice emergency evacuation procedures. These include: exiting safely from the building in the event of a fire, precautions in the event of a bomb threat and safety actions in the event of an intruder. If an evacuation of the school site occurs, our alternate location is Mount Royal Public School, located at 65 Mount Royal Circle, Brampton, ON, L6P 2K4, PHONE: 905 794-4733. DAILY ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. If your child is going to be absent from school, or late, please inform the office at 905 913 – 1703. KINDERGARTEN YARD All parents are welcome to escort their child or children into their kindergarten classroom and assist with entry routines. Parents are welcome to stay until the first school bell rings at 8:43 a.m. We thank you for your assistance in this transition time for the students. BEHAVIOUR CODE STUDENT EMERGENCY INFORMATION For the safety of and well being of all students, it is necessary to have a number of rules and expectations regarding acceptable behaviour in the school. There are expectations needed for the classroom, which will be developed by the students and teacher in each class. There are also school wide expectations set in the school Behaviour Code. Your child will have received a copy of the Early Dismissal Consent and Student Verifications form which contains your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and health information as it currently exists in our computer. We ask that you take a few minutes and look over this information to ensure that it is accurate. Please make any changes needed directly onto the sheet and return it to your child’s teacher this week. Please add area codes for all phone numbers. ALL SHEETS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible even if there are no corrections needed. It is very important that we have accurate phone numbers and emergency contacts. The School Behaviour Code is based on the code developed by the School Board in response to the Ministry’s Safe School’s Initiative. Students will be reminded about the code during the month of September and at various assemblies. We ask that you read through the Behaviour code in the agenda with your child. Page 2 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR First day of classes elementary and secondary schools First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools Number of school days for the 2013 – 2014 school year Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Friday, January 31, 2014 Friday, June 27, 2014 194 188 188 6 6 School Holidays for the 2013-2014 School Year Every Saturday and Sunday Labour Day Monday, September 2, 2013 Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 14, 2013 Christmas Break (inclusive) Monday, December 23, 2013 to Friday, January 3, 2014 Family Day Monday, February 17, 2014 Mid-Winter Break Monday, March 10, 2014 to Friday, March 14, 2014 (inclusive) Good Friday Friday, April 18, 2014 Easter Monday Monday, April 21, 2014 Victoria Day Monday, May 19, 2014 Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days 1. Friday, September 13, 2013 Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development/Prov. Priorities 2. Friday, October 11, 2013 Ministry of Education Designated Day 3. Friday, December 20, 2013 Ministry of Education Designated Day 4. Monday, January 20, 2014 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress 5. Friday, March 7, 2014 Ministry of Education Designated Day 6. Monday, June 9, 2014 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days 1. Friday, October 11, 2013 Ministry of Education Designated Day 2. Friday, December 20, 2013 Ministry of Education Designated Day 3. Thursday, January 30, 2014 Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround 4. Friday, March 7, 2014 Ministry of Education Designated Day 5. Thursday, June 26, 2014 *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities 6. Friday, June 27, 2014 *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities *Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials; curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year. Secondary Schools – Examination Days Semester 1: January 22 - 28, 2014 Semester 2: June 18 – 24, 2014 Page 11 September 2013 Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes School Hours 8:45 am 8:45 - 10:55 am 10:55 – 11:10 am 11:10 am – 11:55 pm 11:55 am – 12:55 pm 11:55 am – 12:35 pm 12:35 pm – 12:55 pm 12:55 pm – 2:55 pm 2:55 pm - 3:10 pm 3:15 pm Classes begin 130 min. period Morning Recess 45 min. period Lunch time Play time Reversed Lunch Hour Eating time 120 min. afternoon period Afternoon Recess Prayers & Dismissal LIBRARY Circulation for Our Lady of Lourdes library will begin after the reorganization day on September 13, 2013. Students in grades Kindergarten through 3 will be able to sign out 1 book each and students in grades 4 through 8 can sign out two books at a time. Please help your children to place their books neatly on a sturdy shelf or table and not where it might get wet, such as by the bathroom sink. Please do not write in a library book, not even in pencil; markings are likely to be there for a long time. If you wish to mark sections for later reference, use scraps of paper as bookmarks or use removable tape flags or sticky notes. If you are going to read outdoors, please remember to take the book back inside. Use a bookmark to keep your place instead of a ‘dog-ear’. Keep track of the book. Keep it at home or in your book bag. If you worry about losing library books, choose particular places to put them, and put them there consistently. Most of all, Read and enjoy the book and bring them back so that you can choose some another! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. K. Marsi, Teacher Librarian. YMCA CHILD CARE CENTRE The Our Lady of Lourdes YMCA Before and After School Program sent flyers home in May. For more information on how to register please contact: Susan Scarfo at 905-857-3531, ext. 309, or e-mail at: susan.scarfo@ymcagta.org 2013-2014 PIZZA LUNCH PROGRAM It is our intention again this year to offer the students the opportunity to order pizza from Pizza Pizza on Wednesdays. Pizza will be served on a trans fat -free crust and will meet the guidelines of PPM150 (Policy and Program Memorandum, Food and Beverage Policy). Monies raised from this initiative will subsidize student presentations and activities such as: Buses for intramural sporting events and extracurricular activities, School presentations, upkeep of the Peace Garden, Take home books, school programs such as PALS Please look for the lunch order form insert in this newsletter. COMMUNITY INFORMATION CONTINUING & ADULT EDUCATION FALL 2013 PROGRAMS The department of Adult and Continuing Education is committed to serving adults and school age learners in a variety of settings and offerings throughout the Region of Peel. Adult English as a second language, LINC and Citizenship preparation support individual’s overall settlement goals. General interest classes cover communication, health and wellness, personal leisure activities and technology. Further information and ongoing updates are available on the website www.dpcdsb.org/cec/cne. Page 10 EYE-SEE… EYE-LEARN VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL PERMISSION FORMS As a school district we are pleased to be participating in the Eye See … Eye Learn (ESEL) program. ESEL is an Early Childhood Health and Vision Awareness Program with the goal of ensuring all children in Ontario start school having had a comprehensive eye exam. Flyers will be sent home with all Junior Kindergarten students with information regarding this program and the correlation between vision and learning. All Junior Kindergarten students are eligible for a free eye exam and a pair of glasses and there is no cost to participate. Please see www.EyeSeeEyeLearn.ca for further information on the program. All visitors and parents are requested to enter the building through the front door, by ringing the red doorbell and then going directly to the office. Please sign in and obtain a visitor pass if you plan to remain in the building for any reason during school hours. You are not allowed in the playground while the children are outside. P le ase underst and t hat during instructional time, teachers are not available to meet with you or to take phone calls. Messages will receive a prompt response. All messages or deliveries for students will be handled through the front office. Students are expected to enter and exit through their designated doors. These reminders are outlined for the safety, security and protection of staff and students in our school. In the agenda, please find the following permission forms: Walking Excursion School Photo & School Video Lunch These forms must be signed and returned to school so that: a. your child can participate in local walks in the neighbourhood b. have their photograph or video taken for school purposes c. the classroom teacher is aware of your child’s lunch time routine. CROSSING GUARDS Please review the following safety information with your child. Students must cross the road at the 3 way stops at Maisonneuve Blvd., or preferably, with the guard at Eiffel Blvd.. They should cross over to the west side of Maisonneuve Blvd. or to the south side of Eiffel Blvd. before they cross Mt. Royal Circle in order to stay safe and not cross in front of the drive ways leading into and out of the school grounds. Students are asked to cross on the south and west sides onto the sidewalks that lead to the school grounds. If we work together and teach the students where to cross, we can avoid possible accidents. Students should wait at the 3 way stops until the cars come to a complete stop and look both ways before stepping onto the road. Friday, September 13, 2013 will be our first P.A. Day of the year for students. This day will be dedicated to organizational meetings, faith formation, goal setting and curriculum discussions for the new school year. As well, Please sign and return the Elementary Health and Physical Education Curriculum Medical Information/Element of Risk form that was sent home on September 3. The Our Lady of Lourdes School Sportswear form is to be filled out and submitted to Rush Embroidery on the night of the school Open House. HEALTHY TIPS FROM PEEL PUBLIC HEALTH Did You Know? Serving sizes are getting larger for sweetened beverages, potato chips, chocolate bars and other convenience food More children are turning to “fast food” choices for meals Kids are drinking pop instead of milk which is needed for healthy bones and teeth The first ten years of life are the most important for developing healthy eating habits Great Lunch Ideas! Top a whole-wheat tortilla with cream cheese, meat, salsa and lettuce then roll it up. Pack sliced turkey, chicken or lean beef, with cheese and whole wheat crackers to make mini sandwiches. Heat whole-wheat English muffins with pizza sauce, spices, sliced mushrooms and shredded cheese on top. Add a drink such as milk, chocolate milk, unsweetened 100% juice, or water to any of these ideas and you will be on your way to following Canada’s Food Guide. Helpful websites: peel-obesity.ca, dietitians.ca, eatrightontario.ca For more information call the Region of Peel – Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit peelregion.ca/health There will be NO CLASSES Page 3 September 2013 Our Lady of Lourdes CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS Parents are reminded of the Ministry and Board Policy that requires all volunteers to provide the school with a valid (dated within the last six months) Criminal Reference Check before they can begin volunteering with students in the school. All adults who wish to volunteer in the school or accompany classes on school trips, even if you are not assigned to supervise a group, must have a criminal reference check. For more information, please contact the school. MEET THE TEACHER/OPEN HOUSE NIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 FROM 6:30 PM TO 8:00 PM BOOK FAIR 6:00 - 8:30 PM WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE THERE. LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY When it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note to your child’s teacher advising him/her of the time that you will be picking up your child. Your child will meet you in the office at the indicated time. When dropping off or picking up students during school hours, please go to the office to sign your child in or out. School Photos Picture day for all our students will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE OF MEDICATION AND EPI-PENS If a child is required to bring medication to school, procedures related to the administration of medication shall only be adopted when: requested by the parents/guardians; and when authorized by a physician; and medication must be administered during school hours If a designated staff member must administer medication, signed request/authorization forms from the parents/guardians and the supervising physician is initiated and/or changed at the beginning of every school year. These forms are available through the school office. The required authorization forms and the medication shall be delivered to the principal or designated person by the parents/guardians or other responsible person. All medication with the exception of Epi-pens & puffers will be housed in a safe location. Medication must not be kept in the child’s possession (i.e. pocket, backpack etc.) or in the classroom. VOLUNTEERS STUDENT AGENDAS We encourage parents to volunteer their time if possible at Our Lady of Lourdes School. We value your talents, experience, knowledge and skills. Hot lunches, special events, trips and the All Star Reading program are programs that require volunteers. Please come to the school to pick up the volunteer and criminal reference check forms required. Once they are completed, return them to the school and Mrs. Iannucci will contact you. Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to assist our students. Every student from grade 1 to grade 8 will receive an agenda for this school year thanks to the fundraising efforts of our School Council. Please ensure that you take note of your child’s student agenda as it contains the School Code of Behaviour, expectations, serves as an invaluable tool to assist them with daily homework planning, develops proper organizational skills and good study habits. The agenda is also a daily means of communication between teachers and parents and a way to ensure that homework is being completed each night. ALL STAR READING PROGRAM With enough volunteers, we hope to implement the "All Star Reading Program" again this year. If you have two hours a week for ten weeks to volunteer as an "All Star Reading Coach", we would appreciate your time and efforts as a volunteer Reading Coach. We encourage you to sign up. For more information please contact the school office and ask for Mrs. Iannucci. OUR LADY OF LOURDES STAFF LIST 2013-2014 M. De Berardinis JK/SK J. Franco JK/SK SOS!!! Save Our Subscriptions! M. Visentin JK/SK J. Drepaul Gr. 1 A. Paolella Gr. 1 L. Deputat Gr. 2 C. Champsi Gr. 2/3 M. Malfara Gr. 3 Please save your magazine orders and renewals for our QSP Magazine Fundraising Program. This program allows us the opportunity to focus on literacy and support READING and helps raise funds at the same time. These funds go towards extra-curricular programs, activities, supplies and equipment that benefit our children and are essential to a meaningful, well-rounded education. On average our school earns $10.00 per subscription. S. Zanella Gr. 3 K. Rennick Gr. 4 M. Cavarretta Gr. 5 F. Sette Gr. 5/6 TBA Gr. 6/7 T. Costabile Gr. 7 W. Boland Gr. 8 V. Sasso S.E.R.C./S.E.R.T K. Marsi Teacher-Librarian & S.E.R.T. TBA Planning Time Teacher & S.E.R.T. J. Iannucci E.S.L. & Planning Time E. Stewart Planning Time M. Mastrangelo F.S.L. TBA Special Assignment Teacher (S.A.T.) M. McParland Educational Resource Worker (ERW) J. Wildfang Educational Resource Worker (ERW) TBA Educational Resource Worker (ERW) M. Colalillo Designated Early Childcare Educator (D.E.C.E.) A. Edger Designated Early Childcare Educator (D.E.C.E.) D. Loreno Designated Early Childcare Educator (D.E.C.E.) S. Guglielmi Child Youth Worker (C.Y.W.) BOOK FAIR ELECTRONIC DEVICES S. Gates Psychologist The theme for this fall’s Book Fair is Reading Oasis—A Cool Place to Discover Hot Books! The Book Fair will be held between September 16 and 20, with our Family Event on Wednesday September 18. At the end of the Fair, the school is awarded either a percentage of the revenue or books and educational materials. Look for the flyers coming home soon and don’t forget to fill out the ballot for the Family Event Door Prize. You could win $25 in free books! Come out and support the book fair! Please do not send your child to school with a cell phone. They are not necessary and do become a distraction for your child and others during the instructional day. If students are seen using cell phones while at school, the cell phone will be confiscated and parents will be contacted to come and retrieve the cell phone and depending on the circumstances, students may be suspended. Students are encouraged to leave cameras, iPods and all electronic games at home. They are usually very valuable and can be targeted for theft. The school therefore is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of these items. B. Benassi Speech & Language Pathologist M. Hunt Social Worker A. De Iuliis Head Custodian S. Edwards Evening Custodian I. Owusu Evening Custodian TBA Evening Custodian M. Doria Head Secretary S. Rotino Principal Page 4 WE ALL BENEFIT! We get great magazines at great prices. QSP will honour any price coupons. Save up to 80% off of newsstand prices! Our School earns a profit to go towards the many costs and extras that help to enrich our children’s school experience. You save on your magazines. Our Children – Any reading material encourages children to read and/ or model your reading behaviour and help literacy skills. Ignore those renewal notices from the publishers and order your magazines through our school. If you can’t wait, order anytime at www.qsp.ca! Any orders placed now will still count towards prizes given during our regular campaign! Consider giving magazine subscriptions as gifts this year! Let friends and family know about our fundraiser and ask them to save their orders for our program! They can order online and support our school! Our kick off at school will be on October 8, 2013. KISS & RIDE TRAFFIC SAFETY Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students. Therefore, we strongly urge you to use the Kiss and Ride lane to drop off or pick up your child. Kindly assist us in reminding children to use the walkways to enter and exit school property. Page 9 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board September 2013 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 890-1221 September 3, 2013 Dear Parents/Guardians; Like you, we want all students to experience success. Our shared focus is on student well being and achievement. If a student is facing challenges at home or school, or is unsafe, it influences how they learn, grow and interact with others. Our goal is to help our students and to ensure their safety. We take a team approach at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and we have a number resources within our schools and within the community to help families. One of the organizations we collaborate with is Peel Children’s Aid Society whose role is to support and help strengthen families so children are safe and well. Last year Peel CAS worked with approximately 10,000 families. For those who live in Dufferin County, another agency we partner with is the Dufferin Child and Family Services, in Orangeville, who also work to keep children and/or families safe. Because of their relationship with children and youth, school staff may become aware of students who might be experiencing difficulties. When this occurs, resources and the resources of partners like Peel Children’s Aid are called upon to help resolve the concern or issues. Under the Child and Family Services Act (2000), every person within our school board who has reason to believe that a child is or may be abused or neglected must report his/her suspicions directly to the Children’s Aid Society. Information about the concern must be shared with them so that Children’s Aid can learn more about what is happening and work with the families to develop solutions. It is not the school’s responsibility to investigate, evaluate or assign blame. Keeping children safe is a shared responsibility—parents/guardians, schools, police, Children’s Aid Societies and all members of our community. Within our Catholic Community, Culture and Caring we support well being and achievement of all students, including those who are in the care of the Children’s Aid societies. It is our sacred trust to ensure your child/ children’s safety and well being. Sincerely, STUDENT USE OF SCHOOL MATERIALS The school will provide your child with many of the regular school materials such as pens, pencils, workbooks and textbooks. It is important that children learn to make proper use of these materials. Your child’s teacher will explain our expectations in this matter. Students are responsible for these textbooks and will be asked to pay if these books go missing or have been vandalized. The cost of an average textbook is about $50. Please encourage your child to take care of textbooks! CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL There are two primary roles of the Catholic School Council: to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the School Board and the Catholic community it serves to be an advisory body to the Principal and the School Board As well, the School Council’s role is to establish and maintain good communication flow within & among the school community, the parent community and the community at large. They also play a role in the improvement of students learning by: complimenting educational directives and programs working to support and promote Catholicity, both in the school and in the parish building community through support of sports, school spirit and community events The School Councils are comprised of parents/guardians, teaching and non-teaching representatives, a parish representative and administrators. Parents and guardians form the majority on Council. 6-10 parents and/or guardians of students enrolled in the school shall form a majority The Council consists of: the Principal a student enrolled at the school at the discretion of the principal in consultation with members of the school council (optional) a member of the teaching staff a member of the non teaching staff a parish representative (designated by the local parish) one person appointed by the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education We welcome your participation and encourage you to consider being a member of the School Council. If you are interested, drop by the school to pick up a nomination form. Nomination forms for the new Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School Council will be available in the school office starting September 9, during school hours. Completed nomination forms and a brief biography must be submitted by 3:15 pm on Sept. 20. Our first school council meeting will be held Wednesday, September 25, with elections at 6:00 pm. and the meeting at 7:00 pm. Please join us! We look forward to seeing you there. THE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER The school newsletter is one method of communication between home and school. It is important for the school to keep all parents informed regarding activities and events happening at school. If you are in doubt or have a question that needs clarification please call us. To further our efforts and an ECO School, please submit your email address so that you can receive the newsletter and PA Day reminders by email : ____________________________________________________ If you would like to receive a hardcopy of the monthly school newsletter and PA Day reminders, please complete and return to the office. One request per family please: Student Name:_____________________ Teacher Name: __________________ Grade: _____ Parent Signature: ______________________ Page 8 Date: _______________________________ Page 5 September 2013 Our Lady of Lourdes BOOKFLIX FOR K-GRADE 3 The Ontario Ministry of Education has purchased an annual subscription to Scholastic’s BookFlix—an interactive online literacy website! This subscription includes remote access so students can use BookFlix at home or anywhere else there is an Internet connection! To login from home: Username: duffpeel, Password: duff7878 BookFlix Pairs Are Organized into 9 Themes: ABC’s and 1, 2, 3’s Adventure Animals and Nature Celebrations Earth and Sky Family and Community Imagination Music and Rhyme People and Places The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is a dynamic board committed to the delivery of quality educational programs and services. The Board is comprised of over 85,000 students enrolled in 146 facilities (120 elementary and 26 secondary schools) throughout the municipalities of Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville. We have approximately 10,000 employees in an increasingly diverse community. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is one of Ontario’s largest school boards, encompassing both urban and rural areas. We are currently accepting applications for the position of: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – STUDENT MONITOR Part-time: 1.2 hours per day The rate of pay is $11.45 per hour plus 4% vacation pay ALLERGIES Dear Parents / Guardians Life threatening allergies, including anaphylaxis, can pose a very significant risk to student safety, and in June 2005, the Ontario government passed Sabrina’s Law, which addresses issues affecting students with life threatening allergies. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School is an allergen aware school. There are children in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. As part of our effort to reduce the risk for students with life threatening allergies, the staff members of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School have been in-serviced in recognizing the signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and are aware of emergency procedures in dealing with an anaphylactic reaction, which is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise and latex. Due to the number of students in the school with life-threatening food allergies, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School is asking that you DO NOT send any lunches or snacks that contain peanuts or nuts, which could potentially harm a child. We would like to keep the classrooms allergen free. In an effort to do so, any child that brings a lunch into the classroom that might contain a life threatening allergen will eat their lunch in another location in the school designated for that specific purpose. Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of this request. We ask that you only bring non-edible treats for special occasions to share with others in the classroom. There are many alternatives to bringing in food for birthdays and special occasions. Some suggestions are: stickers, gift certificates, erasers, bubbles, dollar store toys or items. If you have any questions please talk to your child’s teacher or the school administration. Thank you for your co-operation in making our school safe for all students. S. Rotino Principal Page 6 SECONDARY SCHOOL – STUDENT MONITOR Part-time: number of hours vary by school location The rate of pay is $11.45 per hour plus 4% vacation pay POSITION SUMMARY DUTIES OF THE STUDENT MONITOR: Under the supervision of the Principal or designate, the Student Monitor will: Carry out supervision duties assigned by the Principal; Ensure that all reasonable safety procedures are carried out in activities for which the Student Monitor is responsible Co-operate with the Principal and teachers to maintain consistent disciplinary practices in the school. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT MONITOR: Be aware of the school rules; Be prompt in reporting for supervision assignments; Become informed of specific medical/behavioural situations pertaining to students supervised Be aware of the school emergency plans; Notify the teacher on duty when a problem arises. To be considered for these positions please contact the school Principal at the school location that you wish work at for more information. ALL new employees will be required to submit a current original criminal background check (CBC) including a "Vulnerable Sector Screening" (VSS) issued within 6 months prior to commencing employment with the Board. We thank all applicants, but advise that only those under consideration will be contacted. If you require a disability related accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please contact us at (905) 890-0708 extension 24189 to provide your contact information. Support Services staff will contact you within 2 business days. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is an equal opportunity employer. We will accommodate your needs under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Page 7