St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Media Arts, Grade 10 ASM2O 2011

St. Edmund Campion Secondary School
Media Arts, Grade 10 ASM2O
TEACHER: Ms. Picarazzi
ROOM: 331
Course Description
This course enable students to create media art works by exploring new media,
emerging technologies such as digital animation, and a variety of traditional art forms such as
film, photography, video, and visual arts. Students will acquire communication skills that are
transferable beyond the media arts classroom and develop an understanding of responsible
practices related to the creative process. Students will develop the skills necessary to create
and interpret media art works.
ART FEE and FORMS DEADLINE: $30 Supplementary Art fee, Du: Fri. Feb. 11, 2011.
Photoshop *Comic Life
Units of Study
Unit 1
What is Media Art?
Students will gain an understanding of contemporary media artists and media
theories. They will review the elements and principles of design, the design
process, and focus on basic drawing techniques in preparation for their studio
activities. Students will also learn design and illustration techniques, like montage
and typography. Numerous media will be used in this unit including: drawing
pencils, coloured pencils, markers, newspaper, magazines, and advertisements to
complete montages, designs, and graphics.
Unit 2
Photography and Its Possibilities
Students will be introduced to the history and fundamental processes of
photography. Students will complete photographic experiments and projects using
the elements and principles of design and will create expressive portraits and
Unit 3
Image Manipulation
Students will gain the basic skills to create and transform images and compositions
using Photoshop. They will be introduced to the work of various artists (e.g. Andy
Warhol) who explored photo manipulation, mixed media and popular culture as
inspiration for design projects.
Unit 4
The Moving Image
Student will experiment with basic animation and stop motion techniques. Students
will use storyboard creation, filming, and basic editing methods in order to work
towards creating a moving image project for their final assessment.
Students are given class time to complete their CPT, which is to be submitted in
stages for a final summative mark of 30%.
20 Culminating Performance Task
Course Notes:
 Students must purchase and keep a sketchbook for the completion and evaluation
of both ongoing design book activities and preparatory work for major assignments.
Late Work:
Meeting deadlines is an important responsibility and students cannot earn a grade for work
they do not submit. If a student is going to miss a due date it is necessary that the student
meets with the teacher at least two days before the deadline (excluding computer or
culminating assignments) to discuss the possibility of an extension.
Penalty for missed work as per school policy.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Students are expected to treat each other, the teacher and guests with respect and dignity.
2. Sexist, racist, discriminatory or foul language will not be allowed in the classroom.
3. Students are not permitted to drink, each, or chew gum in the classroom.
4. Bags, hats, jackets and electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom. They will be
taken away
5. A student agenda is necessary for bathroom breaks.
6. Lab Rules, Media Arts Equipment Contract, and Computer Use and Protocols forms
must be signed and returned to school within the first three days of class.
Due: Fri. Feb. 12, 2011.
7. Work areas must be kept clean. The class may not leave the room unless ALL table areas
are tidy.
8. You are expected to use the equipment with care, and are responsible for the equipment
you use. YOU break YOU pay!!!
9. Students will be given the opportunity to do homework.
10.Materials/Lab Fees: The supplementary art fee is $30 to be paid in cash and due no
later than Fri. Feb. 11, 2011.
Grade 10 Media Arts
Dear Students and Parents/ Guardians,
Welcome to a brand new semester in St. Edmund Campion’s
Media Arts Studios! I am looking forward to an inspiring and
creative year here in studio 331.
Every student enrolled in the Media Arts Course is encouraged to purchase an Art Kit
which allows them to take work home and continue with assignments
outside of the instructional time provided. The studio fee MUST be paid within
the first week of the course. FEE DEADLINE: Fri. Feb. 11, 2011.
We have pre-selected and assembled the required materials to ensure that they are
of good quality. The fee for the kit is $30.00 per student. Payment must be made in
CASH, receipts will be provided to each student upon request.
If money is not received by the deadline, students will have to purchase materials on
their own.
Upon the receipt of the art fee, each student will receive the items:
12 pack Reeves Watercolour Pencils
Kingston 4GB Flash Memory
Sakura Sensei Fine Line Marker fine tip (Black)
Prismacolour Double-ended Art Marker (Black)
2B Woodless Drawing Pencil
Printing Supplies
(R8920112 $4.45)
(Standard Supply 5000 ICT) $8.50
(SK S040) $ 1.69
(PM98) $2.69
Please feel free to call anytime if you have questions or concerns.
Thank You,
Ms. Picarazzi
Items NOT included in the art fee which students may have from others courses, or
will have to purchase for their use:
1 Sketchbook (thick paper and 100 page minimum necessary)
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