Document 14380338

Laboratory of Hydrophysics and Nonlinear Acoustics, Institute of Applied
Physics, 46 Uljanov Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia
The simplified models of tsunami generation by underwater landslides are derived and their
analytical solutions are discussed. The shallow-water model describes the properties of the
generated tsunami waves usually well for all regimes expect the resonance case. The
nonlinear-dispersive model based on the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation is developed
to describe the resonant mechanism of the tsunami wave generation by the landslide
moving with near-critical speed (long wave speed).
1. Introduction
The last catastrophic events: Papua New Guinea (July 17, 1998) and Izmit (August 17,
1999) confirm again an extreme importance of the landslides in the process of the tsunami
wave generation. The series of symposia to study landslides and tsunamis were organised
in last years. Many presentations made at these meetings are published in the special issue
[1]. The main purpose of the NATO ARW workshop organised in Turkey is to discuss the
fundamental studies of underwater ground failures related to tsunami generation. The
various numerical models (mainly shallow-water models) are applied to simulate the
tsunami waves in the basins with real bathymetry taking into account the properties of the
landslide body [2-20]. An applicability of the analytical methods for real events of course is
very limited. However, analytical results are extreme useful to understand the physical
processes of the tsunami generation and evaluate the significant role of different physical
mechanisms. Simplified shallow-water and linear potential models of the tsunami
generation are described in [21-27]. The present paper gives the review of theoretical
approaches to study tsunami waves induced by the moving bottom disturbances like
A. C. Yalçıner, E. Pelinovsky, E. Okal, C. E. Synolakis (eds.),
Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis 111-128.
@2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Netherlands
2. Shallow Water Model of the Tsunami Generation
The basic hydrodynamic model of tsunami generation by the underwater landslides is based
on the well-known Euler equations of ideal fluid on the non-rotated Earth:
 
u 1
 (u)u  w
 p  0
z 
w 
w 1 p
 (uw  w
 g
z  z
 w
div u 
with corresponding boundary conditions at the bottom and ocean surfaces (geometry of the
problem is shown on Figure 1):
at the solid bottom (z = -h(x ,y,t)),
w  (u)h  Wn ( x, y, t ) ,
at the free surface (z = (x,y,t)), the kinematic condition is
d 
 (u )
and the dynamic equation,
p  patm .
Figure 1. Problem geometry
Here (x,y,t) is an elevation of the water surface, u and w are horizontal ( u = (u,v)) and
vertical components of the velocity field, x and y are coordinates in the horizontal plane; z-
axis is directed upwards vertically,  is water density, p is pressure and patm is atmospheric
pressure, which is assumed constant, g is gravity acceleration, h(x,y,t) is variable ocean
depth due to the bottom displacement in the source area or moving solid landslides, and Wn
is a velocity of the bottom motion on the perpendicular direction (when the bottom motion
is vertical only, W coincides with dh/dt). Differential operators  and div act in the
horizontal plane.
Usually, tsunami waves are long (as compared to the ocean depth). Therefore, it is
natural first to consider the long-wave (or shallow-water) approximation of the model of
tsunami generation, and then to estimate conditions of its applicability. The theory of long
waves is based on the main assumption that vertical velocity and acceleration are low as
compared to horizontal ones and can be calculated from the initial system with the help of
an asymptotic procedure. As a small parameter it uses the ratio of the vertical velocity to
the horizontal one or the ocean depth to the characteristic wavelength and will be given
further. And here a simpler algorithm is used, which consists in neglecting vertical
acceleration dw/dt in (2). In this case equation (2) is integrated and, with dynamic boundary
condition (6) taken into account, determines the hydrostatic pressure:
p  patm  g (  z ) .
Substituting (7) into (1) and neglecting the vertical velocity once again, we obtain the
first equation of the long-wave theory:
 
 (u )u  g  0
The second equation is yielded by integration of (3) over the depth from the bottom (z =
h(x,y,t)) to the surface (z = (x,y,t)), taking into account boundary conditions (4) - (5), as
well as the fact that horizontal velocity
u does not depend on vertical coordinate, z:
 div (h   )u   Wn
Equations (8) - (9) are closed as related to functions  and u . They are nonlinear (the
so-called nonlinear shallow-water theory), inhomogeneous (the right-hand part is nonzero), and contain a preset function h that is variable in time and space.
Most generally used within the tsunami problem is the linear version of the shallowwater theory. In this case variations of depth are assumed weak, as well as the velocity of
the bottom motion. As a result, we obtain a linear set of equations:
 g   0
 div(hu   Wn
with the right-hand part Wn(x,y,t). It is convenient to exclude
equation for the surface elevation:
u and pass over to the wave
 2
 div (c 2  ) 
t ,
c( x, y, t )  gh( x, y, t )
is the long-wave speed.
Equation (12) is the basic one within the linear theory of tsunami generation and must
be supplemented by initial conditions. It is natural to believe that at the initial moment the
ocean is quiet, i.e.
  0,
u  0 or  / t  0 ,
though due to linearity of (12) a more general case can be also considered.
From the point of view of mathematical physics the wave equation (12) is too well
studied to discuss the details of its solution here. Note only that since the function Wn is
“switched on”' at the time moment t = 0, we formulate here the Cauchy problem for the
wave equation in a generalized sense, i.e., we include into the consideration generalized
functions and do not require that the level and flow velocity should be differentiated twice.
The initial and long-wave systems of equation presented here are basic hydrodynamic
models of tsunami generation by underwater landslides.
3. Shallow Water Wave Generation in a Sea Of Constant Depth
The simplest model here uses the linear wave equation (12) with the preset right-hand part
Wn(x,y,t). We can identify Wn with the vertical velocity of the bottom motion (dzb/dt). In
this case (12) reduces to the classical wave equation
 2 zb
 2
t 2
t 2 ,
with constant long-wave speed, c and zeroth initial conditions.
We will first consider a source as the simplest 2D (x, z) bottom displacement as the
model of the horizontally moved (with constant speed V) landslide. Actually, in this case
we have a uni-dimensional problem; the solution for this problem, which satisfies the
zeroth initial conditions, is easily found explicitly [23], [27]
 ( x, t ) 
z b ( x  Vt ) 
V 2  c2
z b ( x  ct ) 
z b ( x  ct )
2c(V  c)
2c(V  c)
This solution is a superposition of three waves: one of them is bounded, and the two others,
free. After some time they become separated in space: the first wave stays in the source
zone (moved with a landslide), and the two others leave it. Let us discuss first the field in
the source for sufficiently long times, when the waves become separated in space; it is
described by the first term in (16). We see that in the case of the large speed (V  ) the
surface elevation answers the bottom displacement (  zb), and when the motion is slow
due to small vertical acceleration the surface level is practically not perturbed (   V2zb/c2).
Of a special interest is the case of synchronism between the landslide motion and excited
wave, when even small bottom displacement cause strong water elevation (formally,
infinite within this model). The free wave moving in the same direction with the landslide
is similarly amplified (but it is trough, not crest). The wave leaving the landslide zone in
the opposite direction is limited with respect to the amplitude at any velocity (that is caused
by great difference in motion velocities) and this wave is not resonant. These conclusions,
certainly, are valid for relatively extended (long) landslides; otherwise one should take into
account relative retardation of the elevation, which excites the nonlinear process. Recently,
these results were generalised for a basin of variable depth [27]. Also, the analytical
solution for gravitational flow over the inclined plane should be mentioned [28].
Figure 2. Moving landslide
Let us consider a model of the horizontally ''growing'' landslide, when its right end
moves the finite distance X, such that velocity of the bottom motion, V differs from zero
only in the region (0 - X), see, Figure 2,
W  H b (t  x / V ) , 0  x  X .
Solution of (12) is easily found in the form of the Duhamel integral
x  c ( t  )
 ( x, t )   d  dy n ( y, )
2c 0 x c (t  )
Out of the source region the wave is constituted of two rectangular pulses moving in the
opposite directions. The amplitude and duration of the pulse moving towards (x > 0) are
Hb V
2 |V  c | ,
X |V  c |
c V ,
and in the opposite direction,
Hb V
2 V c ,
X V c
c V .
We see that here the resonance also takes place. When speed of the bottom
displacement motion V nears velocity of wave propagation c, the amplitude of the
resonance wave goes to infinity, and the pulse duration becomes very small. Such short
pulses break applicability of the long-wave theory, and the resonance should be considered
within more accurate models.
Similar calculations can be made also for the plane (x,y) problem, when the bottom
displacement runs within a rectangular region. Detailed calculations for this case were
performed in [31], and later confirmed within numerical modelling [29-30]. It should be
emphasized that the resonance is retained in the plane problems, wherein all the
displacements with velocities higher than c are of the resonance character, and maximum
radiation occurs along directions arccos(c/V), determined through the so-called Mach
angle. Such relations are well-known in the theory of the wave radiation. Wave amplitude
stays finite at c  V, and it is proportional to factor (1-c2 /V2)-1/2 for the Mach direction.
Thus, horizontal motions of the bottom in the seismo-active zone or horizontally moved
landslides cause intensification of radiated waves. “Catastrophic” within the linear shallowwater theory is the case of the resonance c = V, by this, the wave amplitude becomes
formally unbounded.
To estimate the accuracy of the linear model, let us consider the problem of tsunami
generation by a moving bottom displacement within the nonlinear formulation. We will
limit ourselves to the uni-dimensional variant of the nonlinear shallow-water theory (8) and
 
 h  z b   u   b
t x
t .
Assuming that the elevation is the function of only the running coordinate  = x - Vt, we
will try to find solutions for this system in the same form, i.e., depending on the same
coordinate . Then the system (21) and (22}) yields nonlinear algebraic equations,
(h  z b   )u  V (  z b ) , g  Vu  u 2 / 2 ,
where it is assumed that in the outside region zb = 0 there are no perturbations of the sea
level and velocity. If bottom displacement is small and V  c, this algebraic system yields
linear relation, the first term in (16). However, there is no unlimited growth of the
amplitude under resonance V = c, and at small zb the following asymptotic formula is valid
  V 2 zb / 3g
u  2 gzb / 3 .
Thus, a sufficiently small moving bottom displacement excited waves of the same order
as in the case of V  c; in the vicinity of resonance V  c the wave amplitude is essentially
larger, it is proportional to zb. Dependence of the amplitude on the velocity difference V-c
reminds of the known resonance curves of a nonlinear oscillator [32].
4. Linear Dispersive Model of Tsunami Generation
Within the linear shallow-water theory we obtained very short duration of the generated
waves in the resonance case. All this shows that substantiation of the long-wave model is
necessary. Let us consider the exact model based on the potential form of the
hydrodynamic equations. In this case it is convenient to introduce a flow potential,
u   ,
w   / z ,
and pass over from system (1) - (6) to the Laplace equation,
 
 2
z 2
with the following boundary conditions at the bottom, z = - h(x, y, t),
 / z  h  Wn ( x, y, t ),
and at the free surface, z = (x, y, t), kinematic and dynamic conditions,
 d 
   
z dt
 1   
 
  g  0
t 2  z 
In particular, within the linear version of the potential theory only the boundary
conditions at the free surface (z = 0) are changing. They permit one to exclude surface
elevation  and take into consideration only the flow potential ,
 2
The Laplace equation (26) together with boundary conditions (27) and (30) determines
the boundary-value problem for the potential within the linear theory. Steady-state
solutions of the linear potential model for the non-resonant motion of the landslide were
studied by Pelinovsky & Poplavsky [24]. The unsteady solution of the linear potential
model can be expressed in the integral form for the surface elevation [33, 34]
dWn (  , ) 
2 
 
mI (m | r   | / h
 0
cos[ g / h (t   )]dm
cosh m
 (r , t ) 
where  = m tanh(m) and I0 is the Bessel function. For the sake of simplicity we will
consider here the bottom elevation of the following form (Figure 2),
Wn  zb (r ) (t  x / V ) ,
such that the bottom displacement is instantaneous behind the front, x = Vt. In this case one
of the integrals in (30) is calculated,
 
   mI 0 (m | r   | / h)
 (r , t ) 
zb (  )d 
cos[ g / h (t   x / V )]dm
cosh m
2h 2 
It is easily seen that the presence of multiplier cosh (m) results in the converging
integral with respect to m, and, consequently, in the wave field being finite. Thus, rejection
of the long-wave-approximation is of principal importance and permits us to remove
unboundedness of the wave field under resonance within the linear theory.
The wave amplitude within (32) cannot be evaluated analytically. Roughly, it can be
estimated at the resonance in the following way. The shallow-water theory is valid at
wavelengths,  >> h, or wave duration, T >> h/c. If (19) is transformed as follows,
then, taking into account limitations for the wave duration within the shallow-water theory,
we find the upper boundary for the wave amplitude under resonance [23]
2h .
For sufficiently long sources (L >> h) the wave amplification can be rather noticeable.
5. Nonlinear Dispersion Model of Resonant Generated Waves
The formulas and data presented above yield that out of the resonance V = c the wave field
is well described within the linear shallow-water theory, and in the case of the resonance
our rejection of long-wave approximation and account of nonlinearity is of the decisive
importance for explanation of finiteness of the wave field energy. Let us consider here a
simplified model for resonance generation of tsunami waves by the horizontally moving
landslide. During this consideration we will apply the potential form of hydrodynamic
equations (26) - (29). The boundary condition at the bottom (27) can be changed for
constant mean depth
   z b 
( z  h  zb )
Since the flow potential is a harmonic function, it can be differentiated with respect to
all of its arguments and represented as a Taylor series over the vertical coordinate
 ( x, y, z, t )   qn ( x, y, t )( z  h  zb ) n
n 0
Substitution of (37) into the Laplace equation (26) yields recurrent correlations for
unknown functions qn,
(n  2)( n  1)qn2  qn  2(n  1)qn1zb 
 (n  1)qn1zb  (n  2)( n  1)qn 2 (zb ) 2  0 ,
such that only two of then (namely, q0 and q1) are independent. Specifically, q2 equals
q2 
q0  2q1zb  q1z b
2[1  (z b ) 2 ]
Now, having substituted series (37) to the boundary condition at the bottom (36) we
find the connection between q1 and q0,
q1 
z b / t  q0 zb
[1  (zb ) 2 ] .
Thus, series (37) is completely determined by one function, q0(x,y,t). Boundary
conditions at the free surface (28) and (29) determine equations to be found for  and q0.
They can be conveniently rewritten in terms of surface values of flow velocities,
 
 (u )  Wn
 
 (u )u  w  g  0
 
u  [qn  (n  1)qn1zb ]( h    zb ) n
n 0
w   (n  1)qn1 ( H    zb ) n
n 0
Equations (41) and (42) together with (39), (40), (43) and (44) are completely
equivalent to the initial boundary problem for the potential. They can be written in a very
elegant form for fully nonlinear waves [37], [36]. Here we simplify them with the use of a
series of approximations:
 slowness of spatial and temporal changes of the bottom displacement (as compared to
the source size L and characteristic time L/ c);
 great excess of the source size over the basin depth (L >> h);
 smallness of the bottom displacement (as compared to the depth) providing smallness
of nonlinear effects.
The first two approximations permit us to limit ourselves to only three terms in series
(37), the third one, to retain only the first term of this series in all nonlinear terms. Having
omitted the technical details of using these approximations we can write the final form of
simplified equations (41) and (42) (see, e.g., [35]),
 z
 div[( h  zb   )u ]  b
t ,
u  
h 2
h2  
 (u)u  g  
2 t 2
3 t
Simplified equations (usually called in literature “systems of the Boussinesq type”)
differ from the shallow-water equations only by the presence of the right-hand part in (46),
wherein the first term determines the correction for the gravity acceleration due to the
oscillations of the bottom displacement. The system obtained describes the tsunami
generation by inhomogeneous and unsteady moving bottom displacements. Taking into
account that the maximum efficiency of excitation is achieved in the resonance case, when
the landslide propagates with the velocity close to c = (gh) 1/2, we can simplify the problem
further assuming it to be uni-dimensional. Besides, it is reasonable to keep zb only in the
right-hand part of (45) and neglect it in other places (their influence, as one can show, is
essentially weaker). This results in the following system,
 z
 div[( h   )u ]  b
t ,
u  
h2  
 (u)u  g 
3 t
Taking into account the resonant character of tsunami generation, this system can be
simplified. Let us re-write (47) and (48) in the form of the nonlinear wave equation for the
surface elevation ,
 2 zb
 2 2  2
t 2
x 2
t 2 ,
  u  h  2u 2 h 3  4u
     
x  t  2 x 2
3 tx 2 .
Here the right-hand part of (49) can be treated as proportional to the small parameter,
characterized the weak nonlinearity, dispersion and forcing. Using the linear relation, u
=g/c in (50), equation (49) can be reduced to [38]
 3 f
 
 3 
x ,
  3c / 2h ,
  ch 2 / 6 ,
f  czb / 2 .
Equation (51) is the known Korteweg - de Vries equation that has been repeatedly
studied with its right-hand part; it is often called the forced Korteweg - de Vries equation
and currently it is considered as one of the basic equations of the nonlinear mathematical
Let us assume that the landslide moves with constant velocity, V close to the linear
velocity of propagation (resonance). Therefore, right-hand part in (52) is a function of x Vt. Then it is convenient to pass over to the system of coordinates connected with the
x  x  Vt ,
t  t ,
and rewrite (52) in its final form (subscripts omitted),
 3 f ( x)
 (c  V )
 
 3 
x .
At first, the steady-state solutions of the forced Korteweg - de Vries equation will be
analysed. In this case (54) reduces to the nonlinear ordinary differential equation
d 2
 f ( x)
dx 2
Simplified model here is the source of a very small length (but larger than water depth for
applicability of shallow water theory). In this case the surface elevation outside of source
area is described by the ''normal'' Korteweg - de Vries equation and corresponds to the
steady-state waves of solitary or cnoidal form. In the source area both solutions should be
matched using the boundary conditions derived from (55),
 0,
 f ( x)dx
dx  
Figure 3. Steady-state nonlinear wave generated by the moving short source (its location is shown by arrow).
As a result, two pieces of solitons with different amplitudes can propagate together with
a force (Figure 3), or two different cnoidal waves, depending from the velocity of the
landslide [39]. The ambiguity of steady-state solutions requires proofing the theorem of
6. Soliton Interaction with the Moving Source
For demonstration the possible effects of the unsteady solution of the forced Korteweg - de
Vries equation, let us assume that the soliton has been formed already and consider the
process of its amplification under the effect of a moving force. We will suppose that the
forcing is sufficiently weak, so that the soliton retains its form in the process of interaction
(the condition for adiabatic interaction is slowness of variation of soliton parameters on
distances of the order of the nonlinearity length). The solution for the forced Korteweg - de
Vries equation is seeking in the form of the asymptotic series
( x, t )  a(t ) sech 2 (t )[ x  (t )]  ... ,   (a / 12  )1/ 2 ,
 (t )   ( p0  ...)dt
The procedure for obtaining the equations for the soliton amplitude and velocity in the
framework of the asymptotic method is well-known and will not be considered here.
Specifically, in the first approximation we obtain the energy balance equation for the
d 2
dx   dx
dt  2
x ,
and or the position (phase) of the soliton we have the following unperturbed relation,
 c V 
3 .
These equations describe the simplified model of the process of adiabatic interaction of
the soliton with the moving force. In the case of the landslide of large length the soliton
acts as the delta function, which makes it possible to calculate the integral in (58). As the
result, the equation (58) has the differential form,
d .
This system of differential equations was obtained by Warn & Brasnett, [40] for the
problems of atmosphere dynamics. It is evident that system (59) and (60) is reduced to the
equation of nonlinear oscillator,
d 2  2 df
3 d ,
dt 2
and is easily studied on the phase plane. Note that all the integral trajectories can be found
in the explicit form,
a 
f ( x)   c  V 
  const
3 
We will consider symmetric perturbations f(x) = f(-x) in the form of one positive or
negative pulse with one extremum. For the sake of certainty we assume that
f ( x)  b sech 2 ( x / l ) ,
and make some substitutions,
   / l , A  a / a0 , a0  3 | V  c | ,
3(V  c) 2 .
Then equation (62) can be written in the dimensionless form,
Q sech 2   1  A sign( V  c)  const .
The phase pattern of system (59) and (60), all the trajectories of which are determined by
(65), depends on the sign of Q and (c - V). First we will consider the case of c > V. The
phase pattern for that case is shown on Figure 4 for Q > 0. The main regime here is the
regime of the trajectory passage corresponding to fast motion of solitons through the source
region. The soliton amplitude grows at the moment of interaction (and decreases at the
opposite sign of forcing) and recovers after interaction. At the phase plane one can also see
(in the region of low amplitudes) trajectories that correspond to generation of virtual
solitons. These solitons are generated behind the source, and then they grow, take over the
source and dissipate. The same regime exists for Q < 0; in that case the solitons situated
behind the source dissipate during interaction, and a part of the solitons is generated in
front of the perturbation.
soliton amplitude
soliton phase
Figure 4. Phase plane of system (59) and (60) for the “slow” source.
Let us consider now the opposite case, c < V. Dynamics of solitons is much richer here.
First, here exists the equilibrium state,
a0  3(V  c) ,
 0.
It is equivalent to existence of the steady-state soliton propagating with the same
velocity as the source. Naturally, it is possible only at certain amplitude of the soliton. The
character of the equilibrium depends on the sign of Q. Specifically, at Q < 0 it is a saddle,
and at Q > 0, it is the center. In the first case the solitons are reflected from the source
region, and in the second case, they oscillate over their amplitudes with frequency
  4b / 3l 2
This regime corresponds to the soliton capture by the moving source. The phase plane
for Q > 0 is displayed on Figure 5. Here there are also regimes of the trajectory passage and
virtual solitons, and they are clearly visible on the phase plane. Note the important formula
yielded by (65)
Amax  Amin  2 .
It connects variation of the soliton amplitude as it reflects from the perturbation at Q > 0
or as it is trapped when Q > 0.
soliton amplitude
soliton phase
Figure 5. Phase plane of system (59) and (60) for the “fast” source.
The same pattern should be retained for the landslides with arbitrary length. As
numerical solutions of the forced Korteweg - de Vries equation showed, the simplified
model given here yields a correct physical representation of the interaction between the
soliton and the moving source [41]. The generalisation of this theory for a case of landslide
moved with variable speed, and also with taking into account the wave dissipation, can be
found in papers by Grimshaw et al [42, 43]. If the moving source generates several waves,
they may intersect and interact between them forming sometimes large-amplitude waves,
called the freak waves [44].
7. Conclusion
The paper gives a short review of the analytical solutions used in the theory of tsunami
generation by the by underwater landslides. The simplified linear and nonlinear shallow
water model is derived and their analytical solutions for a basin of constant depth are
discussed. The shallow-water model describes the properties of the generated tsunami
waves usually well for all regimes expect the resonance case. The nonlinear-dispersive
model based on the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation is developed to describe the
resonant mechanism of the tsunami wave generation by the landslide moving with nearcritical speed (long wave speed). Some analytical solutions of the forced Korteweg – de
Vries equation are obtained; they illustrate the steady-state and unsteady regimes of
tsunami wave generation.
This work was supported by the grants from INTAS (99-1068, 01-2156) and RFBR (02-0565107).
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