E. N. ASHOK KUMAR. Ph D Professor and Director, School of Social Sciences, SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY Solapur-Pune Highway, Kegaon, SOLAPUR -413 255 (Maharastra State) INDIA Phone/Fax: 91-11-(0217)2744770 (O); (Mobile):91+83908286947 Email: erantia@rediffmail.com; erantik08@gmail.com EDUCATIONAL & AWARDS (2004) Completed a Certificate Course in Human Rights conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. (1995) Awarded Post-Doctoral Research Associateship by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi to work on “Social Determinants of Communication Behavior”. Relevant Educational Qualification: (1990) Awarded Ph.D degree in the discipline of Sociology by the University of South Gujarat, Surat. Recipient of ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship between 1983 and 1987 at Centre for Social Studies, Surat. Title of the thesis: “Communication and Rural Development: A Case of Karnataka Villages”. (1982) M.A. (Rural Development) from the University of Bangalore. Recipient of National Loan Scholarship and Canara Bank Educational Loan during this period. (1980) B.S. (Communication/Journalism) from the University of Bangalore. (1979) B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), University of Bangalore, V.V. Puram College, Bangalore. Received Free Studentship and Poverty cum Merit Scholarship during this period. (1976) P.U.C. (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology); V.V. Puram College, Bangalore. Karnataka Pre-University Board. (1974) S.S.L.C. from M.M.M. High School, Holalkere, Chitradurga District; Karnataka Secondary Education Board. Knowledge of Computers: Familiar with Windows XP. WORK EXPERIENCE (October 2008- Present): Working as Professor and Director at the School of Social Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur since October 2008. Heading the Department of Rural Development which offers two-year full time Masters Degree in Rural Development. Teaching Masters Students in the subjects-(i) Social Dimensions of Marginalized Communities; (ii) Social Marketing; (iii) Sustainable Rural Livelihood Systems; and guiding three students for their doctoral studies in the discipline of Sociology. Member of Senate and Academic Council (2009-2014), Purchasing and Library Committees (2008-2011). (July 1997-October 2008): worked as Reader at the School of Social Sciences, SRTM University, Nanded and taught the students of Master of Social Work (MSW) and M.A Sociology. The subjects taught were: Administration of Social Welfare Organizations; Rural Development and Social Change (MSW); Research Methodology; Perspectives in Sociology; and Environment and Society (M.A Sociology). Guided three doctoral students who had been awarded Ph D in the year 2004 and 2010. Coordination of Courses: During 2002-06 coordinated Certificate and P.G. Diploma Courses in Human Rights and Duties Education funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The responsibility involved adopting the course to the framework of Sociology and Social Work, designing the curriculum and developing the course material, delivering and organizing lectures. June 2007-08, worked as the Head, Department of Applied Economics & Human Rights and coordinated M.A. program in Applied Economics. Contribution to Institutional Corporate Life: Is a member of the Senate under the provisions of Maharastra Universities Act, 1994. Member of Academic Council and Chairperson of Board of studies on Rural Development. Independent Research Projects (completed and in hand): (i) In Hand: (a) “Conservation, Livelihood and Development: A Study of Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary-Nannaj (Maharashtra), funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; Duration: march 2011- March 2013. (b) “District Human Development Report: Nanded (Maharashtra), supported by the Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra (2011-12) under progress. 2 (ii) Completed: (a) During May 1999-May 2001, completed a Research Project entitled “Economic Analysis of Forest Based Livelihood Systems: A Study of two Villages in Nanded Districts (Maharastra State), India”. The study was funded by the World Bank under “India: Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project” coordinated through IGIDR, Mumbai. (b) During 2006, completed a project entitled “Social Dimensions of Forest Use: A Village Study in Western Ghats” funded by Winrock International India, New Delhi. © In 2007, completed a project entitled “Bypassing traditional Societies: A Study of Earthquake Rehabilitated Villages of Latur District (Maharastra), funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. (d) In 2009 completed a Major Research Projects entitled “Typology of Contest over Forest Resources in Western Ghats” funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.. Consultancy Assignments: During 2001 and 2002 worked as Consultant for Total Knowledge Management Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore for the Project entitled “Sericulture 2000”. During 2011-12 worked as National Level Monitor to the Ministry of Panchayat Raj, Government of India. (1987 to1997): During this period worked as Project Staff in various Research Projects at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore and ACTIONAID India, Bangalore. The projects were funded by reputed National and International Agencies and the particulars are given below: Period/Organization Designation ISEC, Bangalore 1987-1989 Senior Research Investigator 1989-1991 Research Assistant/ Participant Observer 1991-1993 Assistant Director 1994-1995 * Research Officer Oct-Dec 1995 Project Title Structural & Organizational Determinants of Rural Schooling Beneficiary Assessment of National Sericulture Project Funding agency ICSSR, New Delhi The World Bank …….”…….. ….”… Scheduled Caste Entrepreneurship and Social Mobility ESRC United Kingdom Post-Doctoral 3 Research Associate Social Determinants of UGC Communication Behavior New Delhi Actionaid ACTIONAID India Research Associate Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation India Bangalore 1996-1997 Project Bangalore *Visit Abroad: As a part of this Project, worked as Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology, University of Glasgow for a period of three months, July through September, 1995. PUBLICATIONS Year/Particulars (2012) Article in an Edited Book Title of the Book/Articles Re-inventing Indian Villages: An Exploratory Note Publication Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Gemany (2010) Article in an Edited Book Organizing the Unorganized and Beyond: Some Reflections from the Beedi Workers of Solaapur Lap Lamber Academic Publishing, Germany (2000) Article in an Edited Book New Economic Policy and Dalits Rawat, Jaipur (1999) Authored a Book Social Dimensions of Communication and Rural Development Spellbound Rohtak (1998) Two chapters in an Edited Book Challenging Untouchability Sage New Delhi One Article Atrocities on Dalits Ambedkar Chair, Mussorie (1997) Article Understanding Village Typologies Exchanges/No:16 Actionaid, India (1996) Articles (a)What the Market Economy has Meant for Samagars of Belgaum; (b) Preserve for the Poor, Don’t Reserve for the Rich. Exchanges/No:15 Actionaid, India Exchanges/No: 13 Actionaid, India (1993) Four Articles in the Book Sericulture and Development Indian Publishers Delhi (1992) Authored a Paper Gender Inequalities & Division of Labor: A Study of Sericulture Man in India/72 (1) Pp 27-34 4 Practices in Karnataka RESEARH REPORTS (a) As a part of Beneficiary Assessment of National Sericulture Project, funded by the World Bank at ISEC, Bangalore, following reports were prepared: * Bivoltine Hybrid Cocoon Production in AP (1990-91); * Local Race Silkworm Seed Organization in AP (1992); * NGOs, Development and Sericulture in AP (1992); * Formation of Women’s Groups in Sericulture, AP (1992); * Chawki Rearing Centres in AP (1993); * The Role of Charisma and Leadership in Cooperative Sericulture in Karnataka (1995); (b) Other Research Reports: * Social Dimensions of People’s Participation in Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation in Karnataka (1995); * Economic Analysis of Forest Based Livelihood Systems: A Study of two Villages in Nanded District, Maharastra (2001); *Social Dimensions of Forest Use: A Village Study in Western Ghats of Karnataka (2006); *Bypassing traditional Societies: A Study of Earthquake Rehabilitated Villages of Latur District (Maharastra) (2007); *Typology of Contest over Forest Resources in Western Ghats of Maharashtra and Karnataka (2009). MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL BODIES # Regular member of Rural Development Forestry Network (RDFN), ODI, United Kingdom. # Life Member of Indian Council for Communication Research and Training, Bangalore. # Annual member of Indian Sociological Society (ISS); RC-11 (Environment & Society). PERSONAL DATA Male, Married, DoB: 04/04/1958. 5 Curriculum vitae 1. Name : Dr. Gautam Subana Kamble. 2. Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Rural Development , Solapur University, Solapur. 3. Educational Qualification : M.A., M. Phil. ,Ph.D.(SET) Sr.No Degree University Year 1. B.A. Shivaji University 1997 2. M.A. Shivaji University 1999 3. M. Phil Shivaji University 2003 4. Ph. D Shivaji University 2009 4. Contact Details: Telephone :‐ 0217‐2303094 Mobile No :‐ 9850248094 Email : gskamble@yahoo.com 5. Refresher Course : 1 one 6. Orientation Course : 1 one 7. Total Teaching Experience : 15 yrs. 8. Areas of Specialization :‐ Rural Development, social Sector. 9. Research Area : Banking ,Rural Development ,Social Exclusion, social Sector. 10. Particulars of Research Guidance :‐ Two students awarded, five students working. 11. No. of Publications : 12 Research papers 12. No. of Books Published :‐ 02 13. Papers Presented in National Conferences:‐ 09 14. Papers Presented in International Conferences :‐ 03 15. Research Projects:‐ completed project 02 16. Member of (Nature of various Authorities, Bodies &Committees) :‐ DRC,RRC 17. Member of Editorial Board :‐ 18. Positions Held :‐ Associate Professor 19. Awards/Rewards : Awarded by Shivaji University Merit Scholarship,1998. 20. Abroad visits :‐ 21. Other Activites :‐ List of Ph.D Students working at present:‐ Sr.No Name of Candidate Date of Registration 1. Mr. Birajdar Shivkumar L. 01‐07‐2011 Status (Awarded/ Working) Awarded 2. Mr.Honrao Parmeshwar M. 01‐07‐2011 Awarded 3. Ms. Khandare Shobha V. 01‐07‐2011 working 4. Mr. Kasbe Tanaji Shivaji 01‐07‐2011 working 5. Mr.Satarle Sham Laxman 01‐07‐2012 working 6. Mr.Dhone Subhash Amratrao 01‐07‐2012 Submission 7. Mr.Rajguru Bhushan Pundlik 01‐01‐2014 working . Participated in Seminars / workshops / conferences attended and paper presented. 1. Attended the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Restructuring the Agricultural Marketing” held on 6th and 7th February, 2006 organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, and Kolhapur. 2. Attended the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Population, Poverty and Environment” held on 3rd and 4th March, 2003, organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, kolhapur. 3. Attended two days Workshop on “Use of Ethnograph for Data Analysis in social sciences” held on 8th and 9th August,2003, organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, kolhapur. 4. Attended the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “An Agenda of Economic Reforms for the stated in India” held on 18th and 19th March, 2005 organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, kolhapur. 5. Actively participated in “20th Annual National Convention” held on 11th and 13th January, 2002 organized by Indian society for studies in co‐operation, Pune and Department of Economics, Shivaji University, kolhapur 6. Attended at the “86th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association” held on 29th to 31st December, 2003 organized by Indian Economic Association and Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 7. Participated in UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Challenges Before Dairy Co‐operatives in India”, held on 15th and 16th December, 2006, organized by ICSSR, Mumbai and Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 8. Actively Participated in two days National Seminar on “Reservation policy:‐ Utilities and Importance” held on 16th and 17th March, 2007, organized by Centre for Dr.Ambedkar Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 9. Participated in three days International seminar on “Social exclusion and Inclusive policy in south Asia” held on February, 2008 organized by Centre for study for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy” Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 10. Participated in two day 19th Annual Conference organized by Shivaji University Economic Association, Kolhapur 11. Participated in one day workshop on “Farmers’s Suicide” organized by centre for study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 12. Participated in two days National Seminar on “Socio‐economic Status of Muslims in India” organized by Centre for the study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 15 & 16th, January, 2010. 13. Actively participated in two days National Workshop on “Impact of Globalisation on Nature of Social Exclusion and Discrimination in Modern India” organized by Centre for the study of social exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 16th & 17th, of February, 2010. 14. Participated in Two Days National Workshop on “Research Methodoloy, Quantitative Techniques and Its Application in Social Science Research”organized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur held in 25‐26 February, 2011. 15. Participated in Annual conference of Solapur University Economics Association, Solapur organized by Sangola College, Sangola held in 12th February, 2012. 16. Participation in one day workshop on ‘Sensitization on Human Development Issues’ organized by the School of Social Sciences and YASHDA, pune held in 28th September, 2013. 17. Presented a research paper namely “Social Exclusion, Discrimination and Economic Deprivation of Dalits” in the National Seminar organized by Department of Sociology, Tilak Maharastra University, Pune, 18. Presented a research paper namely, “Impact of the Reforms on Dalits As a Disadvantaged Group” in the National Seminar organized by Centre for Dr.B.R.Ambedkar studies, Mangalore University, Mangalore. 19. Presented a research paper namely “Later Thoughts of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar on Federal Finance” in the National Seminar organized by S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai. 20. Presented a research paper namely “Climate Change, Sustainable Development: India’s Concerns” organized by Dept.of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur held in 17 & 18 March, 2009. 21. Research paper presented entitled, “Factors to Make Co‐operatives Strong” in the National Seminar, Organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur held in 11th & 12th February, 2010. 22. Paper presented presented, “Time Series Analysis of Exchange Rate volitality of Indian Rupee v/s Dollar – An empirical Investigation” organized by Goa Economic Association and Indian Economic Association, Goa University, Goa held in 11th and 12th November, 2013. 23. Paper presented entitled, “Budgetary Provisions for SC/SC and Media” in the Nationl Seminar organized by School of Social Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur held in 25th‐26th April, 2013. 24. Paper presented entitled, “Impact of Regional Rural Banks on Socio‐Economic Development” in International conference, organized by Choice college of arts and commerce, Pune held in 27‐28 July, 2012. 25. Paper presented entitled, “Problems of Rural Women Entrepreneur in India” in the National seminar organized by Sangameshwar College, Solapur held in 4‐5th January, 2013. 26. Paper presented entitled, “Rural Women empowerment through micr0‐finance” in the national seminar organized by Sinhgad Institute of Business Management, kamlapur, Dist‐ Solapur held in 16‐17th March, 2013. 27. Paper presented entitled, “Rural development through entrepreneurship” in the International conference organized by Indo Global chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Pune held in 31st March, 2013. 28. Paper presented entitled, “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” in the International conference organized by Ramkrushna Mahavidyalaya, Darapur, Amravati held in 25‐26 November, 2011 29. Paper presented entitled “Challenges and Opportunities Before the Banking Sector” in the National conference organized by Sinhagad Instittute of Business Management, Kamlapur, Solapur held in 16‐17th March, 2012. Dr.Kamble G.S.,Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur List of Research Papers Publised last five yearsin National Journal Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Year Dr.Kamble Primary Health Care Services in Rural Area : Facts and Challenges G.S. Indian Streams 2011 Research Journal Dr.Kamble Rural Development in Developing The Maharashtra Co‐operative Countries G.S. Quarterly 2011 Dr.Kamble How cooperative sector will make strong? IFFCO Member Education G.S. Programme shows the way Coperative Perspective 2012 Dr.Kamble Financial Education for Inclusive Growth G.S. Indian Streams Research Journal 2014 Dr.Kamble Educational Exclusion of dalits in India and Inclusive Policy G.S. VISHLESHAKA 2014 List of Research Papers Publised last five years in International Journal Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Year Dr.KambleG.S. Drinking Water Availability in Rural Area Contemporary Research In India 2011 Dr.Kamble G.S. Behaviourial Analysis of Investment Preference of Retail Investors South Asian Journal of 2012 Management Research Dr.Kamble G.S. Impact of Regional Rural Banks on Socio‐ Economic Development International Research Journal of Humanities and Environmental Issues 2012 Dr.Kamble G.S. Rural Development through Entrepreneurship International Journal of 2013 Business, Management & social Sciences Dr.Kamble G.S. Problems of Rural Women Entrepreneur in India International Journal of 2013 Management and Economics Dr.Kamble G.S. Time Series Modelling of the contribution of Agriculture to GDP of India Journal of Research Directions 2013 Dr.Kamble G.S. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar contribution of Formulation of Water policy A Multi Disciplinary Peer Reviewed International Research Journal 2014 Dr.G.S.Kamble, Associate Professor,School of Social Sciences, Solapur Univerisity, Solapur Seminars/Conferences Attended during last five years 1. Participated in two days National Seminar on “Socio‐economic Status of Muslims in India” organized by Centre for the study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 15 & 16th, January, 2010. 2. Actively participated in two days National Workshop on “Impact of Globalisation on Nature of Social Exclusion and Discrimination in Modern India” organized by Centre for the study of social exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 16th & 17th, of February, 2010. 3. Research paper presented entitled, “Factors to Make Co‐operatives Strong” in the National Seminar, Organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur held in 11th & 12th February, 2010. 4. Paper presented entitled, “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” in the International conference organized by Ramkrushna Mahavidyalaya, Darapur, Amravati held in 25‐26 November, 2011 5. Participated in Two Days National Workshop on “Research Methodoloy, Quantitative Techniques and Its Application in Social Science Research”organized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur held in 25‐26 February, 2011. 6. Participated in Annual conference of Solapur University Economics Association, Solapur organized by Sangola College, Sangola held in 12th February, 2012. 7. Participation in one day workshop on ‘Sensitization on Human Development Issues’ organized by the School of Social Sciences and YASHDA, pune held in 28th September, 2013. 8. Paper presented entitled “Challenges and Opportunities Before the Banking Sector” in the National conference organized by Sinhagad Instittute of Business Management, Kamlapur, Solapur held in 16‐17th March, 2012. 9. Paper presented entitled, “Impact of Regional Rural Banks on Socio‐Economic Development” in International conference, organized by Choice college of arts and commerce, Pune held in 27‐28 July, 2012. 10. Participation in one day workshop on ‘Sensitization on Human Development Issues’ organized by the School of Social Sciences and YASHDA, pune held in 28th September, 2013. 11. Paper presented entitled, “Problems of Rural Women Entrepreneur in India” in the National seminar organized by Sangameshwar College, Solapur held in 4‐5th January, 2013. 12. Paper presented entitled, “Rural Women empowerment through micr0‐finance” in the national seminar organized by Sinhgad Institute of Business Management, kamlapur, Dist‐ Solapur held in 16‐17th March, 2013. 13. Paper presented entitled, “Rural development through entrepreneurship” in the International conference organized by Indo Global chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Pune held in 31st March, 2013. 14. Paper presented presented, “Time Series Analysis of Exchange Rate volitality of Indian Rupee v/s Dollar – An empirical Investigation” organized by Goa Economic Association and Indian Economic Association, Goa University, Goa held in 11th and 12th November, 2013. 15. Paper presented “A causality Analysis of Energy consumption and GDP in India” in International seminar organized by Institute of Social and Economic Change(ISEC), Bangalore held in 27‐28th October, 2014. Dr. C. S. Bhanumate List of Research Paper Published in Journal and Edited Books Sr. No. 1 2 Name of Author/s C. S. Bhanumate C. S. Bhanumate 3 C. S. Bhanumate S. H. Kokare 4 C. S. Bhanumate S.V. Shinde Year of publication Title of the Paper Name of Book/ Journal Publisher Feb 2011 Trend Analysis of AgriculturalCom moditiesin APMC Solapur Indian Streams Research Journal ISRJ, Publication Economic Survey of Maharasthra (Marathi Version) ShramikPratist an, Kolhapur Spet 2012 2012 State Budget and Marketing System in Maharasthra (Marathi) Employment Guarantee Scheme(EGS) Labour Attendance in Maharashtra 24th& 25th February 2012 Analysis of FDI in India C. S. Bhanumate S.V. Shinde 18th& 19th March 2012 Gender Based Violence against Women in India and Human Rights 6 C. S. Bhanumate, A AShikalgar, D. S. Patil 2013 7 C. S. Bhanumate 2013 5 8 C. S. Bhanumate 2014 9 C. S. Bhanumate 2015 Roll of Kisan Call Centre in Indian Agriculture Agro Industrial Policy and Agro Processing Industries in Maharashtra Relationship Between Arrivals and Prices of Agricultural Commodities Marketing of Agro Products of Vegetables in Solapur Markets Exploring Issues in Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act in India Contemporary Research in India Edited by Dr. T. Ramachandran SreeVenkades wara Publication MultiDisciplinary International Journal Page Nos. Volu me Vol.1 pp. 109112 249260 58-71 67-75 Social Science Reporter (The Promotion & Protection of Human Rights in the World ) Thematics Publications PVT LTD Latur Media and Society Wizcraft Publication, Solapur 20-30 Arthwani Golden Research Thoughts 11-14 Vishleshaka Contemporary Research in In Bi-Annual National Research Journal in Economics MultiDisciplinary International Journal 59-66 Vol.5 144149 266270 Dr. R. B. Chincholkar , Asst.Professor ,School of Social Sciences 1). List of conference \ Seminar presented /Presented paper Sr. no 1 Conference date 19th January 2011 2 26-27th March, 2011 3 1st January 2012 4 10-11th January, 2012 5 24-25th August, 2012 National Conference on WOMEN AND MEDIA 6 9th March., 2013 Metamorphosis of New Media and Digital Culture. 7 11-12th March, 2013 Corporate Communication Policies & responsibilities Advances in Commerce, Engg, Management and Technology 8 31 March 2013 Conference Subject Increasing Competition in Media and its Social Impact Gender and Human Rights: The Role of Media. Education at Crossroads Organiser Milind Collage of Arts, Nagsenvana, Aurangabad. Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur. Interdisciplinary Research Institute, kolhapur Journalism in The Age UGC Sponsored of New Media National Seminar 9 25 & 26 Apr. 2013 Media And Society 10 25 & 26 Apr 2014 People, Media & Politics Paper Title Impact of Politics on Media. Gender Discrimination in Media. Chaired a session Implications of Cross- Media Ownership. Alpha Arts and Gender Sciences College, Discrimination in Department of Visual Media: A Study of Communication & Media Units in Women’s Cell Solapur City. University of Pune Social Networking: New Threat to Society. North Maharshtra University, Jalgaon Crisis Communication Management Indo Global Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Agriculture ,Pune School of Social Sciences Solapur University Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal Media Mgt. Boom of Cross Media Ownership 2.. List of papers published in national journals. Sr no Name of journal ISSN No 1 Lokavishkar 2231-3737 2 Gender and human Rights 978-81-9245415-3 3 Media and Society 978-93-8318312-8 Under Representation of Muslims Small is Not Beautiful Publication date 13 Mar 2010 2012 Page no 5-7 11-14 2013 6-9 3. List of papers published in international journals. Sr no 1 Name of Journal International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences 4.List of Edited/published books Sr no Title of Book 1 Media and Society ISSN No 2249-7463 Publication date March 2013 Page no Issue7 ( IX ) Page no 92 -93 ISSN No 2249-746397893-83183-12-8 Publication date March 2013 Publisher Wizcraft publication, Solapur 2 Dr. Prakash Vhankade 1. Prakash Vhankade (2014), “The Challenge of Food Inflation”, Vishleshaka Bi-Annual National Journal Referred Research Journal of Economics, Vol. V., June 2014, ISSN 22784675 PP 1-15 2. Prakash Vhankade (2014) “Methodological Review of Sustainable Livelihood Index”, paper published in proceedings entitled Sustainable Development and Indian Economy 2014 3. Prakash Vhankade (2013) “Global Recession: An Opportunity for Indian Tourism Sector” Paper Published in Proceedings entitled “Global Recession and its impact on Indian Economy”, September 2013 4. Prakash Vhankade (2013) “Industrial policy of Maharashtra: An overview”, Golden Research Thoughts, September 2013, ISSN- 2231-5063, pp-24-25. 5. Prakash Vhankade (2012) “Managing Workforce Diversity”, International Research Journal of Advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences, Vol. I Issue 9 (I) June 2012, PP 6-10 ISSN: 2249-7455 6. Prakash Vhankade (2012), “Crisis Phoenix- analytical study of US Recession and its impact on Indian economy’’ Electronic international interdisciplinary research journal(EIIRJ), ISSN 2277-2456 Vol I Issue III May/June 2012 7. Prakash Vhankade (2012) “Food Prices & Inflation”, International Journal of Commerce, Business and Social Sciences, Vol. I Issue 3, June 2012, PP 35-37 ISSN: 2277-9310 8. Prakash Vhankade (2012) “Social exclusion and de-notified tribes”, Contemporary research in India, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp 237-241, ISSN: 2231-2137 9. Prakash Vhankade (2012) “Employee Retention- A strategic drive” Contemporary Research in India, Solapur Feb Special Issue PP 106-110 ISSN: 2231-2137 10. Prakash Vhankade (2011) “ Challenges for HR- yesterday, today & tomorrow” , Recent trends in Business, Management & IT, Pune, Vol. PP 1116-1121 ISBN: 978-81-920045-5-6 11. Prakash Vhankade(2011) “ Dimension of Disability and Government Initiative”, Globalization, Higher Education and Disability- Proceeding, Bangalore 12. Prakash Vhankade(2011) “Critical Assessment of Devgad Fisherman Co-operative Society”, Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I., PP 101-108 ISSN: 2230-7850 13. Prakash Vhankade (2011)”Empowering the Women and Self Help Group”, Challenges Before Women Entrepreneurship in South Asia- Proceeding, Kolhapur 14. Prakash Vhankade (2011) “Empowerment of Minorities in India ”, Accounting the Social Sector Development- Proceeding, Kolhapur 15. Prakash Vhankade (2009) “ Organizing Unorganized and Beyond”, Informal Sector in India: Marginal Communities- Proceeding, Mumbai EDITED BOOK Prakash Vhankade, “Economy, industries and emerging service sector” Chapter 3 in “Solapur Human Development Report- Bridging The Gap”, Government of Maharashtra, Sponsored by UNDP Prakash Vhankade (2013) “Agro tourism: Challenges and Prospectus” Article Published in Edited Book Entitled “Media and Society”, Wiz craft Publication, ISSN PAPER PRESENTATIONS 1. Paper entitled “ Problems and prospects of Rural Marketing- A Case Study of Solapur District ” presented at the National Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends in Rural Marketing of India’, organized by Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Sangmeshwar College, Solapur in association with Indian Council of Social Science Research, Mumbai held on 7th and 8th March 2015. 2. “Methodological Review of Sustainable Livelihood Index”” Paper Presented in National Seminar Organized by Dept of Economics, D.B.F. College of Arts and Science, Solapur on September 1st and 2nd 2014, 3. Paper entitled “ Sustainable Livelihood Security Index: A Taluka Level Illustration” presented at the National Seminar on ‘Human Development: Issues and Challenges in Inclusive Growth’, organized by School of Social Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur held on 1st and 2nd December 2014. 4. “Global Recession: An Opportunity for Indian Tourism Sector” Paper Presented in National Seminar Organized by Dept of Economics, D.B.F. College of Arts and Science, Solapur on September 1st and 2nd 2013, 5. “Managing Workforce Diversity” in International Conference Organized by Choice College at Jaipur on 16th June 2012 6. “Food Prices & Inflation” (Co-author), in International Conference Organized by Choice College at Jaipur on 16th June 2012 7. “Employee Retention- A strategic drive” in National Conference Organized by Sinhagad Business School, Solapur during 24th & 25th February 2012 8. “ Poverty and Forest Degredation” in National Conference Organized by School of Social Science, Solapur University, Solapur during 10th & 11th February 2012 9. “ Challenges for HR- yesterday, today & tomorrow” in International Seminar Organized by Poona college, Pune on 24th April 2011 10. “ Dimension of Disability and Government Initiative”, in International Seminar Organized by Bangalore University, Bangalore on Dec 2011 Sr. Name of the Book No 1 Name of the Auther Publication Cost Each Copy (Rs.) Sultan Chand & Sons 250/- Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics S. C. Gupta 2 Modern Micro Economics A.Koutsayiannis MacMillan Pub. 375/- 3 Theory of Econometrics A.Koutsayiannis Pulgrave Publication 395/- 4 International Economics M.L.Zhingan Vrinda Publication 250/- Priyanka Nanavare M.A. I Dept of Applied Economics V.K.Kumar 5 Indian Economy Misra & Puri Himachal Pub. House 375/- 6 Macroeconomic Theory M.L.Zhingan Vrinda Publication 175/- 7 The Economics of Development & Planning M.L.Zhingan Vrinda Publication 200/- 8 Public Finance R.K.Lekhi Kalyani Publication 275/- 9 Research Methodology C.R.Kothari New Age Intern. Pub 200/- Total Amount 2495/- D.R. Solankar M.A. II Dept of Applied Economics Sr. Name of the Book No Name of the Auther Publication Cost Each Copy (Rs.) 1 Methodology of Research in Social Science O.R.Krishnaswami Pulgrave Publication 225/- 2 Labour Problems in India S.N.Mehrotra S.Chand & Company 40/- 3 Modern Micro Economics A.Koutsayiannis MacMillan Pub. 375/- 4 Financial Institutions and Markets LM Bhole, Jitendra Mahakud Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi. 500/- 5 Macroeconomic Theory M.L.Zhingan Vrinda Publication 175/- 6 Indian Economy Misra & Puri Himachal Pub. House 375/- 7 Public Finance T.N.Hajela Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 250/- 8 Economics of Environment Muthukrishnan PHI Learning Private Limited. 195/- 9 International Economics Sawyer and Sprinkle PHI Learning Private Limited. 350/- Total Amount 2485/- Prakash Vhankade Assistant Professor, Dept of Applied Economics, Solapur University, Solapur 31/10/2014 To The Coordinator NSS, Solapur University, Solapur Subject : Experience Certificate Respected Sir, I worked as a Programme office of National Service Scheme (NSS), Solapur University Campus for Five Year (2009‐2014). So I request you to kindly issue me experience certificate and oblige. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, (P.G. Vhankade) MR.Prabhakar Nagnath Kolekar Assistant Professor Dept of A I H C & Archaeology School of Social Sciences 1. List of Conference / Seminar Attended 8 and 9 July 2006 24 and 25 January 2008 16and17 February 2009 21th & 23th January 2011 5th & 6th February 2010 10th& 11th February 2010 11th & 12th March 2011 26th & 27th 2010 Dakshin Bharatiya Hindi Parishad organized by Solapur university and Hindi Adhyapak parishad ,Solapur Solapur University Solapur History teacher Association Fourth state level conference organized by Dayananad arts and sciences college Solapur Solapur University Solapur History teacher Association Fifth University level conference organized by Kalyanshetti women college Tal. Akkalkot Dist Solapur 5th Inter‐University Avishkar Research Festival Held at Maharashtra University of Health sciences Nashik State level seminar Chenging Research Methodology in History organized by Ahemadnagar College Ahemadnagr National conference on New trands in History organized by Dayananad college of Arts Latur In collaboration with S R T M U Nanded and U G C New Delhi International Seminar on The Making of Mahatma: M K Gandhi In south Africa Organized by Center for Gandhian Studies and Shivaji University Kolhapur Craft of Preparing research proposal s in social Sciences Organized by School of social sciences Solapur University 24th & 25th December Paper Presented on “Ancient Indian University Education” 2010 Maharashtra Itihass Parishad state level conference held at Dayanand Arts and Science college Solapur 19 & 20 January 2011 Paper presented on Ancient “History of Dhammasanga A New Prospective”National Seminar Oragnized by Dayananad College of Arts and Science Solapur ‐ th 27 28 & 29 January 2011 Paper Presented on Ancient Indian Republic in Buddhist International conference on Buddhism Past and Present Organized by Garware college Pune th 30 September 2011 Paper Presented on Setu Madavrao Pagdies Contribution In Maratha History at State level seminar on SetuMadavrao Pagdies Contribution In Maratha History Research’ Organized by Mahatma Basveshwar College Laturwith Joint collaboration with SRTMU Nanded and UGC New Delhi 10th& 11th February 2012 National Seminar on “Sustaining forest of western Ghats : Prospect and Challenges” Organized by School of social Sciences Solapur university With ICSSR Regional center MUmbai th th 23th & 24 &25 National seminar on “Rewriting Histories: New Perspective on February 2012 Maratha History” Healed at the Deptt of History Pune University Pune 11 March 2012 Solapur University History teacher Association’s 8th University level Conference organized by Shivaji Night College Solapur rd th 23 & 24 Presented paper on “Yashavantrao Chavan and His Contribution” January 2013 Solapur University History teacher Association’s 9th State level Conference organized by Vidnyan Mahavidyalay Snagola 6th & 7th National seminar on “Jain Litrature in Indian Languages” March 2013 Organized by Bhagwan Mahaveer Chair Shivaji University Kolhapur th th 5 & 6 April 2013 Paper presented on “Conservation and preservation of Museum antiquity: a New Prospective” International Conference on “Preservation and conservation of world and Indian Heritage” organized by Dayanand Arts and Sciences college Solapur 25th & 26th April 2013 National Seminar on “Media and Society”Held at Solapur University Solapur Organized by School of Social sciences With joint venture ICSSR New Delhi 20 & 22 June 2013 Workshop on Human development Report organized by Yashada Pune th 28 September 2013 Workshop on “Sensitization on Human development Issues Jointly Organized by Solapur University and YASHADA Pune 31 January 2014 Workshop on “Ancient Indian History and Culture” Organized by Laxmibai Patil Women College Solapur 3rd & 4th February 2014 Presented Paper on “Ancient Buddhist Monasteries and Indian Democracy” National Conference jointly organized by Solapur Itihas Sanshodan Mandal and Vittalrao Shinde Arts College Madha th th 29 & 30 September Presented a paper on “Ancient Solapur region’s trading relection 2014 with Kokan: Archaeological Study” National Conference on “ Historiography and Methodology of Local History” Organized by C. T. Bora College Tal. Shirur District Pune 10‐11 February 2015 Presented a paper on “Buddhist Bhikuni Sangha –Beginning of Social transformation “ National Conference on Indian History writing and social Reform Movement. DSG college Mohol Solapur th th 11 & 12 April 2015 Presented a paper on “DR B.R. Ambedkar and Social & Religious Movement” National Conference on Contribution of Social Reformers in India. LBPM College Solapur 2. List of Papers presented at Conferences / Seminars Last five year Year 27th to 29th January 2011 Title of Paper Name of symposia / conference Ancient Indian Republic And age of Buddha International Conference on, “Buddhism Past and Present Sponsoring agency U.G.C. And Department of History,Garvare College,Pune Hind Swaraj & Gandhian Philosophy Three –days Inter National Seminar on, “Making of Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa Gandhian Study Center Shivaji University, Kolhapur 30th September 2011 Setu Madhavrao Pagadi & Shivkalin ItihasLekhan State level Seminar on Setu Madhavrav Pagdi U.G.C. & M. Basaveshwar College January 2012 Dr. B.R.Ambedkar And Conversation Movement 25 March 2012 Yashvantrao Chavan & Foreign Policy special Refrance to China National Seminar On India’s Defence and foreign policy Role of Yashvantraoji Chavan Venutai Chavan Smarak trust Karad Dist, Satara November 2012 Yashvantrao Chavan – A Dynamic Leader National Seminar On Yashvantrav Chavan And Making of Govt of Maharashtra Narayan Meghaji Lokhande , Thane January 2013 The Yashvantrao Chavan‐ Great Administration State level seminar on Maharashtra Socio &Economic History Vidyan College Sangola 10th to 12th March 2011 International Conference On Dr. B.R Ambedkar Thought U.G.C. & Garvare College Pune “Conservation and preservation of Museum antiquity: a New Prospective” International Conference on “Preservation and conservation of world and Indian organized by Dayanand Arts and Sciences college 3rd ‐4th January 2014 Buddhist Monasteries and Indian Democracy National Conference on Re writing and Re thinking of Indian History Solapur Itihas Sanshodak Mandal & vittalrao Shinde Arts College Madha 3rd ‐4th January 2014 Vaishityaapurna Sarvotibhadra Viragal ( Sina –Darfal ) National Conference on Re writing and Re thinking of Indian History Solapur Itihas Sanshodak Mandal & vittalrao Shinde Arts College Madha 20 th January 2014 State Formation and Dr Ambedkar Thought and It’s Contemporary Relevance Inter‐ Disciplinary National Seminar “ Position and Impact of regional political Parties in Indian Democracy: A Critical Study Arts And Commerce college Pusegaon 28 and 29 September 2014 Solapur region trading relation with Kokan: Archaeological study National Conference on Historiography and Methodology of Local History 10‐11 February 2015 Buddhist Bhikuni Sangha –Beginning of Social transformation “ National National Conference on “Indian History writing and social Reform Movement: DSG college Mohol Solapur DR B.R. Ambedkar and Social & Religious Movement U.G.C. Sponsored National Conference on Contribution of Social Reformers in India Laximibai Bhaurao Patil Mahila Mahavidyalaya Solapur 5th& 6th April 2013 11th & 12th April 2015 C. T. Bora College. Tal. Shirur District Pune 3. List of Paper Published In National – International Journal & Proceeding Sr Title of Research Paper No Publication Year Journal/Proceeding 01 Setu Madhavrao Pagadi & Shivkalin ItihasLekhan 30th September 2011 proceeding of state level Seminar Mahatama Basavshwar College Latur ISBN NO‐ 978‐93‐81190‐ 23‐4 02 Yashvantrao Chavan – A Dynamic November Leader 2012 I.S.R.J. Laxmi Publication’s International Journal, Solapur ISSN No ‐ 2230‐7850 03 Buddhist Monasteries and Indian Democracy 3rd ‐4th January 2014 Proceeding of National Conference Re writing and Re thinking of Indian History ISSN No‐2230‐7850 04 3rd ‐4th January 2014 Proceeding of National Conference Re writing and Re thinking of Indian History Solapur ISSN No‐2230‐7850 Vaishityaapurna Sarvotibhadra Viragal ( Sina –Darfal ) 05 Solapur region trading relation 28 and 29 with Kokan: Archaeological study September 2014+ Proceeding of National Conference on Historiography and Methodology of Local History Pune ISBN No‐ 978‐163415225‐9 06 “Buddhist Bhikuni Sangha – Beginning of Social transformation “ National 10-11 February Proceeding of National Conference 2015 on “Indian History writing and social Reform Movement: ISSN NO‐2393‐8900 07 DR B.R. Ambedkar and Social & Religious Movement 11th & 12th April 2015 Proceeding of National Conference on “Indian History writing and social Reform Movement: ISSN NO‐2231‐5063 4. Article in Edited Book Sr.No Title of Research Paper 01 Navyan Need of Indian Society Publisher and Publication Year Vidyavati Prakashan Latur 19 February 2015 ISBN No 978‐93‐83411‐38‐2