Solapur University, Solapur M.Phil Syllabus School of Earth Sciences

Solapur University, Solapur
M.Phil Syllabus School of Earth Sciences
(For M.Phil Degree in Applied Geology, Environmental Science &
Paper :- I (Compulsory) Research Methodology in Geology.
Field procedures in Geological mapping and sampling. Introduction to
advanced laboratory techniques including Differential Thermal Analysis, XRay Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Emmission and absorption.
Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrograph, Fission Track Dating Fluid Inclusion
Thermometry, and Remote Sensing. Basis statistical methods usedin Geology,
Writing of reports and research papers in Geology. Introduction to computer
Applications. Fundamentals of Computers, Applications Softwares: Browers,
word processors, spread sects, Database Management Systems, Presentation
graphics, statistical soft wares. Internet & Intranet communication, wireless
For paper II and Paper III candidate has to take any two of the following courses
as per their degree course for M.Phil in Applied Geology, Environmental Science, &
Geoinformatics:M.Phil. Course
Precambrian Geology of India.
Deccan basalts aud other flood eruptives.
Himalayan Geology.
Sedimentary Environments.
Metamorphic facies and Metamorphic Belts.
Magma genesis and Magmatic Processes.
Ore and Mineral Deposits of Magmatic Origin.
Sedimentary and Metamorphic Ore and Mineral
Clay Mineralogy.
Mineral Exploration.
Prospecting and Utilization of Groundwater
Groundwater Modeling.
Plate tectonic.
Environmental Pollution and Management
Ecology and Natural resources Management
Environmental Biotechnology and Toxicology
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Introduction to GIS
Precambrian Geology of India.
The problem of Precambrian classification . A detailed study of the
following: Dharwar belt, Estern Ghat belt, Satpura belt, Aravalli (Including Delhi)
belt. Precambrians of Himalaya, Cuddapha basin and Vindhyan basin.
Geochronological correlation of India Precambrian.
Deccan basalts and other flood eruptives.
Important flood eruptives of the world.
Hypabussal and plutonic phases associated with flood eruptives.
Generation of basaltic magmas.
Deccan basalts-their field, petrographic and chemical characteristic.
Hydrogeological prop[erties of Deccan basalts,.
Age of the Decean traps-palaeontologic, palasontologic, plaaeomagnetic
and radiometric avoidances.
Himalayan Geology
Tectonic framework of the Himalaya.
Lithology, stratigraphy and structure of the Sub-Himalayas.
Lesser Himalaya, Higher Himalayas and Tethys Himalaya.
Metamorphic facies in he Himalaya.
Evolution of the Himalaya.
The Himalaya compared with the slos and other mountain belts.
Sedimentary Environments
Tectonic controle of sedimentation.
Detailed study of various terristraial, transitional and marine
Sedimentary structures as indicators of environment.
Palaeocurrent analysis.
Application of different petrographic and sedimentological methods in the
interpretation of provenance and environment.
Environment of deposition of major Indian sedimentary groups.
Metamorphic facies and Metamorphic Belts.
The concepts of metamorphic facies, series and paired metamorphic belts.
Tectonics of Regional metamorphic belts.
Metamorphic structure of continental crusts.
Oceanic floor metamorphism.
Cataclastic metamorphism along transform faults.
Metamorphic facies and structural regimes.
Detailed study of metamorphic belts of India.
Magma genesis and Magmatic Processes.
Compositions of the crust and Upper Mantle and their petrologic
Sources of magma and factors in magmatic avolution.
Genesis and important characterist of granitic basaltic and ultrabasic
magmas.The processes of magnetic differentiation assimilation and
metasomatism. A study of important igneous complexes of India.
Ore and Mineral deposits of Magmatic origin:
Ore bearing fluids and their migration physical and chemical centrols of
ore deposition, ore and mineral deposits of magmatic region. Processes leading to
formation of magmatic segregation, hydrothermal and pegmatic deposits. Matallogenic
Epochs and Metallogenic provinces. A detailed study of important magmatic
hydrothermal and pegmatic deposits of India.
Sedimentary and Metamorphic Mineral deposits.
Processes of formation of sedimentary ore deposits. Chemical cycles in
sedimentation. Residual deposits. Placer deposits. Mineral deposits of metamorphic
origin. Precambraian Iron & Manganese deposits of India. Baurite deposits of India.
Placer deposits of India. Important metamorphic deposits of India.
Clay Mineralogy :
Study of important groups of clay minerals with regard to their
nomenclature, structure, composition, classification and genesis.
Characterization of clays with the help of optical and stain test, XRD, DTA, IR,SEM and
chemical Analysis. Applications of clay Mineralogy.
Scale of geomorphic features, tectonic and geomorphic theory. Landform
development in relation to plate tectonics. Structural and tectonic land forms, Volcanic
activity and land forms, Landslides mud flows and gravity tectonics, Geomorphology and
tectonics of the oceans, sea level changes, land scape erosion and crustal movements,
Mountain and Plantegu formation.
Geochemical influences of life systems. Nutrient and biolimiting elements
and their distribution in the Hydrosphers,. Atmospheric changes and their interaction with
the Hydrosphers and Biospere through geologic time. Role of organisms in formation of
mineral deposits. Extractable and non-extractable organic components of biogenically
formed sedimentary rocks. Applications of biogeochemistry in mineral exploration , and
mineral beneficiation.
Mineral Exploration:
Controls of Mineralisation, sampling procedures. Preparation of samples
for analyses, Evalution and interpretation of geochemical and geophysical data.
Exploration programming and prospecting methods. Case histories and special techniques
for various kinds of deposits. Biogeochemical and geobatanical surveys.
Prospecting and Utilization of Groundwater Resources :
Hydrologic characteristics of different rock formation Geological &
Geophysical Geophysical methods of groundwater prospecting well hydraulics and
determination of different aquifer parameters.
Chemicals quality of groundwater and groundwater pollution Assessment of groundwater
resources. Utilization of groundwater resources, conjuntive use of surface and subsurface
water resources.
Ground water Modelling:
Equations governing groundwater flows, Continum concepts, principles of
analytical and numerical modeling for simulation of groundwater flows, study of
available models verification of models.
Plate Tectonics:
Major tectonic features of earths crust.
Development of the contept of plate tectonics.
Critical assessment of the concept.
Plate tectonics and sedimentation.
Plate tectonics and mountain kuilding.
Plate tectonics and metamorphic belts.
Plate tectonics and metallogeny .
Intraplate tectonics.
Environmental Pollution and Management:
Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, marine pollution,
radioactive pollution, thermal pollution, solid waste pollution, biomedical wasteconcepts, origin of pollution, classification and nature of pollutants, sources,
impacts of local regional and global level, pollution monitoring, administrative,
scientific and technical control measures.
Environmental management plan (EMP), Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) ISO 14000 series, Environmental planning, micro and macro
planning, rural and urban planning, environmental and developmental priorities in
India, past and future, global environmental initiatives, National Environmental
Policy (NEP), Integrated approach to pollution control management, fair
environmental practices in trade, commerce and industry, eco-development and
growth, sustainable development, International Environmental policies, National
Environmental Policies, National Environmental Legislation related water, air,
mining, forest, wildlife, Coastal regulation zone and public litigation interest.
Ecology and Natural resources management:
Scope and major aspects of environmental biology, major ecological
concepts, energy flow, ecosystems, habitat, food chain, food web, bio-geography
and zoo-geography, population and community ecology, terrestrial and aquatic
habitat and bio-indicators of environmental degradation.
Concept and types of resources, biodiversity its value conservation, global
and national concern, wild life management and conservation, wetland
conservation, land use, land cover and soil conservation, forest resources and
conservation, impact of population on resources use, natural resource
conservation and accounting.
Concept of watershed, Demarcation of watershed boundary, objectives
and design of watershed management, factors influencing watershed operations,
social and institutional issues in watershed management, capability classification
for watershed management, soil erosion and conservation, estimation of soil
erosion and water run off, catchment area treatment, soil and water conservation
measures, surface water harvesting methods and structures, peoples participation,
PRA exercises, monitoring and evaluation.
Environmental Biotechnology and Toxicology:
Concept and role of biotechnology in Environmental science, use of
biotechnology in pollution control and nature protection, Genetic Engineering,
tissue culture and other technologies for improvement of environment, Use of
biotechnologies and eco-friendly technologies in biodegradation of hazardous
wastes, biotechnology in agro-industry, and forestry, microbial degradation of
chemical pesticides, use of bio-pesticides, use of biotechnology in innovative
practices such as organic farming, biofertilisers, aquaculture, apiculture,
sericulture etc.
Introduction and scope of microbiology, water, soil and air microbiology,
industrial microbiology, Environmental microbiology and physiology, Biological
interactions and application of microbiology in environmental protection.
Concept of environmental toxicology, toxic chemicals in environment,
Bio-transformation, Bioaccumulation, and Biomagnification, Environment and
health, environmental stress, occupational health hazards, epidemiology,
sanitation and public health.
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
History and concept, Electromagnetic remote sensing process, Electromagnetic
(EMR), Electromagnetic spectrum, Theories of EMR, Concept of black body, Laws of
Radiation, Energy interaction in the atmosphere, Energy interaction with the earth surface,
Physical basis of signature; vegetation. Soil, water bodies, Platforms, Orbits and Sensors,
Aerial photography.
Visual Image Interpretation
Key elements of image interpretation, Interpretation of Aerial photograph and satellite
Microwave and Thermal Remote sensing
Concepts, Sensors, Radar operating system, Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR), IR region
of the EMR, Thermal spectrum, Thermal properties of material, characteristics and advantage
of IR images, Application of Microwave and Thermal remote sensing.
Digital Image Processing
Introduction to Digital Image Processing – Digital image, source of error; Geometric,
Radiometric, Noise removal.
Image Enhancement Techniques – Contrast enhancement, Density slicing, Spatial filtering,
Band Ratioing, Band Combination.
Digital Image Classification – Supervised classification, Statistical information extraction
discriminate function, Accuracy Assessment, Unsupervised classification
Application of Remote Sensing :
Application of aerial photointerpretation to problems of structural geology,
Lithostratigraphy, Mineral exploration, Geomorphology, Geohydrology and Engineering
Reference Book
Fundamentals of Remote sensing by George Joseph, Published by Universities
press (India) private limited, 2004.
Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System by M. Anji
Reddy, third edition, published by BS Publications.
Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation by Lillesand T.M., Kiefer R.W.,
published by John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2000
Remote Sensing by Agarwal C.S. and Garg P.K. (2000), A.H. Wheeler & Co.
Ltd. New Delhi.
Textbook on Remote Sensing by Agarwal C.S., Published by A.H. Wheeler,
Introduction to GIS:
Definition, Evolution, components, objectives of GIS , Brief History of GIS, Geospatial
data, GIS operation, commonly used map projections.
Object Based Model Vector and Raster:
Object based data model, geodatabase data model, interface, topology rule,
element of raster data model, types of raster data, raster data structure, data conversion.
Spatial Data/Geographic Data:
Type of data, mapes and their influence on the character of spatial data, thematic
character of spatial data, other sources of spatial data, spatial data model, spatial data structures,
modeling the third dimension, modeling surfaces and network, the Vector vs. the raster model of
data structure.
Attribute Data Management:
Database data model, creating database, development in database and
Data Analysis and Modeling:
Reclassification, integrating data map overlay, spatial interpolation, process
models, Analysis of surface and network.
GIS Project Desing and Management :
Problem identification, designing a data model, project management,
implementation problem, justifying the investment in GIS, project evaluation.
Decision Support System:
Type problem, efficiency and effectiveness of decision making, significance of