M.Sc- Physics (Applied Electronics.) Structure of the Course (w.e.f. June 2009)

M.Sc- Physics (Applied Electronics.)
Structure of the Course
(w.e.f. June 2009)
Semester - I
PHAE-I - Mathematical Techniques(C)
PHAE - II -Condensed Matter Physics(C)
PHAE - III - Classical Mechanics
PHAE - IV - Analog & Digital Electronics
Practical - I
Practical - II
Semester - II
PHAE - V - Statistical Mechanics (C)
PHAE - VI - Quantum Mechanics (C)
PHAE - VII -Electromagnetic Theory
PHAE - VIII - Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
Practical - III
Practical - IV
Semester- III
PHAE - IX - Atomic and Nuclear Physics
PHAE - X - Instrumentation (C)
PHAE - XI - Communication System (C)
PHAE - XII - Semiconductor Devices (C)
Practical – V
Practical & Project - I
Semester IV
PHAE - XIII - Computational Methods & Programming (C)
PHAE - XIV - Microelectronics
PHAE - XV - Microwave Engineering
PHAE - XVI - Microprocessors & Interfacing
Practical - VI
Practical & Project - II
- 100
- 100
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- 100
- 100
- 100
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- 100
- 100
- 100
- 100
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- 100
The Practicals Examination at Sem.III & Sem. IV shall be of 3 laboratory practicals & 1
Project Presentation. Each practical & project presentation shall carry 50 Marks. (C)
Indicates common courses of the school.
M.Sc-I, Semester -I, Physics (Applied Electronics)
PHAE-I/ MS-I/ES-I .Mathematical Techniques
Unit 1: Calculus of Residues (6)
Diagram: Vector Representation, Complex Conjugate, Euler’s Formula, De Moiver’s
Theorem, The nth Root or Power of a complex number.
and Analyticity, Harmonic Functions, Contour Integrals, Cauchy’s Integral Theorem,
Cauchy’s Integral Formula, Differentiation inside the Sign of Integration.
Unit 2: Operator and Matrix Analysis (8)
Vector Space and its dimensionality, Vector Spaces and Matrices, Linear independence;
Bases; Dimensionality, linear dependence, Inner product Hilbert space, linear operators.
Matrix operations, properties of matrices, Inverse, Orthogonal and unitary matrices;
Independent elements of a matrix Diaglonization; Complete otrhonormal sets of
functions, special square matrices, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; Eigenvalue problem.
Unit 3: Differential Equations (8)
Nonhomogeneous equations with variable coefficients. The superposition principle,
Second-order homogeneous equations with constant coefficient. Second-order
nonhomegeneous equations with constant coefficients, Second-Order Nonhomogeneous
with Variable Coefficients, Second-Order Homogeneous equations with Variable
Unit 4: Fourier Series and Integral Transforms ( 8)
Fourier’s theorem; Consine, sine and complex Fourier series, Applications to saw footh
and square waves and full wave rectifier.
FS of arbitary period; Half wave expansions; Partial sums Fourier integral and
transforms; consine since complex forms, Parsevals relation, Application to Gaussian
distribution, box and exponential functions; FT of delta function Laplace transforms of
common functions, First and second shifting theorems; inverse LT by partial fractions;
LT of derivative and integral of a function.
Unit 5: Special Functions (15)
Spherical harmones, Recurrence Relations, Application to Hydrogen Atom Problem.
Legendrees equation and Polynomials, Generating function, Application uncharged
conducting sphere in uniform electric field.
Bessels equation and its solutions, characteristics of various Bessel functions, Application
- Vibrating stretched membrane.
Hermites equation and polynomials, Generating functions, Application - linear harmonic
oscillator in quantum mechanics.
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Mathematical Physics by C. Harpcr, Prcnticc - Hall of
India Ltd. N.Delhi 1993,( Chapters 2,4,6,9)
2. Mathematical Physics by A.G. Ghatak, I.C.Goyal and S.J.Chua,
McMillan India Ltd. New Delhi 1995 ( Chapters 4,7,9,10)
3. Quantum Mechanics by Thankappan, Wiley Fastern Ltd. N.Delhi 1993,
Second Edition
4. Matrices and Tensors for Physicists,by A W Joshi
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Keryszig
6. Special Functions, by E D Rainville
7. Spccial Functions by W W Bell
8. Mathematical Method for Physicits and Engineers, by K F Reily, M P
Hobson and S J Bence
9. Mathematics for Physicists by Mary L B
10. Mathematical Methods for Physics, by G Arfken
M.Sc-I, Semester -I, Physics (Applied Electronics) / Materials Science
1. Crystal Structure: Basic Structures; symmetry properties, packing fractions,
directions and position-orientation of planes in crystal, concept of reciprocal lattice,
concept of brillouin zones, closed packed structure, and structures of some binary/ternary
compounds. Elementary concepts of polycrystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous
materials. Elementary concepts of defects in solids. X-ray scattering from solids
including Laue conditions and line intensities. (7)
2. Energy bands: Electron in periodic potential, Bloch function, solution of wave
equation of electron in periodic potential, reduced, periodic and extended zone schemes.
Construction of Fermi surfaces in brillouin zones for two - dimensional lattices,
Introduction to methods for calculations of energy bands and their features. (8)
3. Semiconductors: Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors effective mass,
intrinsic carrier concentration, impurity conductivity thermal ionization Revision on p-n
junction and rectification, metal- semiconductor contacts, schotky barrier. (8)
4. Dielectric properties of Solids: electronic, ionic, orientational, polarzabilities, static
dielectric constant for gases, internal field in solids, dielectric constant of solids,
dielectric relaxation in alternating fields, dielectric losses, complex dielectric constant.(7)
5. Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic properties of Solids: Classification and general
properties of ferroelectric materials, dipole theory, spontaneous polarization,
thermodynamical aspects of ferroelectric transitions, Ferro electric domains,
ferromagnetism, ferromagnetic domains. (7)
6. Superconductivity: Basic concepts, Meissner effect, heat capacity, energy gap,
London equation, coherence length Josephson effect (flux quantization), type I and II
superconductors, BCS theory, Introduction to high Tc Superconductors. (8)
Reference Books:
1) Introduction to Solid State Physics 4 th Ed. C.Kittel,
2) Solid State Physics by A.J.Dekker
3) Solid State Physics by N.W.Ashoroff & N.D.Mermin
4) Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai
5) Solid state Physics by R.L.Singha
M.Sc-I, Semester -I, Physics (Applied Electronics)
Unit I - Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: (7)
Mechanics of Particle and system of Particles using vector algebra and vector
calculus, Conversion laws, work-energy theorem, open systems (with variable mass),
Gyroscopic forces; dissipative systems, Jacobi integral, gauge invariance, integrals of
motion; symmetries of space and time with conservation laws; invariance under Galilean
Unit - II - Moving Co-ordinate Systems: (4)
Rotating co-ordinate systems, Coriolis Force, Inertial forces, Terrestrial and
Astronomical applications of Coriolis Force.
Unit - III - Lagrangian Formulation: (4)
Constrainsts, Generalised co-ordinates, D Alemaberts Principle, Lagranges equations of
Unit - IV - Motion in Central Force: (6)
Central Force, definition and characteristics, Reduction of Two-bod problem into
equivalent One-body problem, General analysis of orbits, Keplers laws and equations,
Artificial satellites, Rutherford Scattering.
Unit - V - Variational Principle (10)
Introduction to Calculus of variation, Variational technique for many independent
variables, Eulers Lagrange differential equation, Hamilton’s principle, Deduction f
Lagrange’s equation of motion from Hamilton’s principle.
Hamilton, Generalized momentum, Constant of motion, Hamilton’s canonicl equations of
motion, Deduction of canonical equations from Variations principle.
Applications of Hamilton’s equations of motion, Principle of least action, Proof of
principles of least action, Problems.
Unit - IV Canonical Transformations and Hamilton’s - Jacobi Theory: (9)
Canonical Transformations, Condition for Transformation to be Canonical, Illustration of
Canonical Transformation, Poisson’s Brackets, Properties of Poisson’s Brackets,
Hamilton’s Canonical equations in terms of Poisson’s Brackets.
Hamilton’s - Jacobi Theory, Solution of harmonic oscillator problems by HJ Method,
Texts and Reference Books:
1. Classical Mechanics, By Gupta, Kumar and Sharma (Pragati Prakashan2000).
2. Introduction to Classical Mechanics, by R.G. Takwale and P S Puranik ( Tata
McGraw Hill 1999).
3. Classical Mechanics, by H Goldstein (Addison Wesley 1980).
4. Classical Mechanics, by N C Rana and P S Joag ( Tata McGraw Hill 1991).
5. Mechanics, by A Sommerfeld (Academic Press 1952).
Tutorials: Classical Mechanics
The tutorial will consist of solving problems/exercises given in the Text and
Reference books as listed above.
M.Sc-I, Semester -I, Physics (Applied Electronics)
Analog Electronics:
Operational Amplifiers
Differential amplifier Circuit Configurations , Dual Input Balanced Output Differential
amplifier , DC analysis, AC analysis, Inverting and Non Inverting Inputs, , Constant
Current Bias Circuit.. (04)
Block diagram of a typical Op-Amp, Open loop configuration, Inverting and Noninverting amplifiers, Op-amp with negative feedback, Voltage Series Feed back, Effect of
feed back on closed loop gain, Input resistance, Output resistance, Bandwidth and Output
offset voltage, Voltage follower. (06)
Practical Op-amp, Input Offset Voltage, Input bias current- input offset current, total
output offset voltage, CMRR frequency response. (02)
DC and AC amplifier, Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amplifiers, Instrumentation
amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator. (04)
Oscillator: Principles , Oscillator types, Frequency stability, Response , Phase Shift
oscillator ,Weign Bridge Oscillator, LC Tunable Oscillator ,Multivibrators, Monostable
and Astable, Comparators, Square Wave and Triangle wave generators (04)
Voltage regulations: Fixed regulators, Adjustable voltage regulators, Switching
regulators. (02)
Digital Electronics:
Combination logic: (06)
The transistor as a switch, OR AND NOT gates- NOR And NAND gates Boolean
algebra- Demorgans theorems- exclusive OR gate, Decoder/ Demultiplexer Date selector/
multiplexer - Encoder.
Sequential Logic: (06)
Flip- Flops: RS Flip- Flop, JK Flip- Flop, JK master slave Flip-Flops Flip-Flop, D FlipFlop, Shift registers Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.
Microprocessors: (08)
Architecture of 8085, Signals and timing diagram of 8085, Demultiplexing Address and
Data bus, Instruction Set, Addressing modes, Assembly Language Programming of
8085 (Sum of an array, Minimum and Maximum of an array, Multiplication & Division
of 4 & 8 bit numbers, Multiple Precession) .
Reference Books:
1) OP Amp amplifiers by Ramakant Gaikwad
2) Integrated Circuits by K.R.Botkar
3) Modern Digital Electronics by R.P.Jain
4) Digital Principle and Application by Malvino & Leeach
5) Digital Fundamentals by Floyd
6)8085 Microprocessor by Ramesh Gaonkar
M.Sc-I, Semester -II, Physics (Applied Electronics) / Materials Science
Unit I: Foundation of statistical Mechanics. (6)
Thermodynamics, Laws of thermodynamics, Contact between statistics
thermodynamics, the classical ideal gas, entropy of mixing and Gibbs and paradox.
Unit II: Classical statistical mechanics. (8)
Phase space, statistical ensembles, Liouville’s theorem, Micro canonical ensemblecondition for equilibrium, canonical ensemble-partition function, energy fluctuations,
Grand canonical ensemble-partition function, density and number flucations.
Unit III: Quantum Stastical Mechanics (8)
Phase space and quantum states, density matrix, Liouvilles theorem, ensembles, various
statistics in quantum mechanicsMaxwell- Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, Ideal Bose gas, Fremi
gas, Bose- Einstien condensation.
Unit IV: Interacting system: The method of Cluster expansion (7)
Cluster expansion for a classical gas, virial expansion of the equation of state, evaluation
of the virial coefficients, cluster expansion for a quantum mechanical system.
Unit V: Phase transitions and critical phenomena (8)
Phase transition, condition for phase equilibrium, first order phase transition, ClausiusClayperon equation, second order phase transition, Critical indices, Properties of matter
near the critical point. The law of corresponding states.
Unit VI: Fluctuations (6)
Thermodynamic fluctuations, spatial correlations in a fluid, Einstein - Smoluchowski
theory of Brownian motion, Langevin theory of Brownian motion, The fluctuationdeposition theorem, The Fokker-Plank equation.
Reference Books:
1) Introduction to Statistical Mechanics by B.B.Laud
2) Statistical Mechanics by S.K.Sinha
3) Statistical Mechanics by I.D. Landau & F.M.Lifshitz
M.Sc-I, Semester -II, Physics (Applied Electronics) / Materials Science
Unit No.1 - Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Waves and quanta: Wave and particle nature of radiation, Wave equation, Interpretation
and properties of wave function; Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Operators, postulates
of quantum mechanics, some important theorems, Eigen functions of the position
operator and Dirac delta function. (AKC, pp 1-32) (8 )
Unit 2. - Wave Mechanics of simple systems
One dimensional Box, Normalization and orthogonality, Discussion of the factors
influencing colour. One dimensional harmonic oscillator, Normalization and
Characteristics of eigen functions of harmonic oscillator, Hydrogen - like atoms, Total
wave function of hydrogen- like atom, Prob. Density of 1s atomic orbital, shape of
atomic orbital, physical interpretation of hydrogenic orbital, space quantization,
electronic spin, Vibration and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules.[AKC,pp:33-91]
Unit No.3 Many electron atoms
Wave function of many electron systems, Helium atom, Many electron atoms, Hartree
and Hartree Fock self consistent field methods. [AKC, pp: 120-130) (7)
Unit No. 4- Molecular orbitals
The Born- Oppenheimer approximation, Molecular orbital theory, Hydrogen molecule
ion, Hydrogen Molecule - Molecular Orbital -Valance Band methods. [AKC, pp: 151180] (10)
Text Books:
1. Introductory Quantum Chemisty (3rd Ed ), A. K. Chandra (Tata McGraw Hill).
2. Quantum Chemistry ( 4 Edition )- Ira N. Levine ( Prentice Hall) of India Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi. 1995.
3. A textbook of Quantum Mechanics - P M Mathews, K Venkatesan. (Tata
McGraw Hill).
M.Sc-I, Semester -II, Physics (Applied Electronics)
Unit No1 - Electrodynamics and conservation laws:
Electromotive Force: Ohm’s law, electromotive force, motional emf.
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law, the induced electric field, inductance,
energy in Magnetic fields.
Maxwell’s Equations: Maxwell’s equations in matter, Boundary conditions.
Conservation Laws: The continuity equation, Poynting theorem, Momentum,
conservation of momentum, angular momentum. [DJG: 303-376] (15)
Unit No 2 - Electromagnetic Waves
Waves in one dimension: The wave equation, sinusoidal waves
Boundary Conditions: Reflection and transmission, polarization.
Electromagnetic waves in Vacuum: The wave equation for E and B Monochromatic
plane waves, Energy and Momentum in electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves in matter: Propagation in linear media, Reflection and
transmission at normal incidence, reflection and transmission at oblique incidence.
Absorption and dispersion: Electromagnetic waves in conductors, reflection at a
conducting surface, the frequency dependence of permittivity.
Wave guides and resonant cavities: Two parallel mirrors, wave guides, Transverse
electromagnetic waves (TEM), Equations for TE and TM modes, TM or E mode, TE
or M mode, properties of the TE and TM modes, TE modes for rectangular wave
guides, TM modes for rectangular wave guides, resonant cavities, Resonant
frequencies for a cylindrical cavity- TM mode, TE mode, power losses and Q of a
cavity. [DJG: 382- 416, AZC & PVP: 323 - 340] (15)
Unit No. 3 - Potentials and Fields
The Potential Formulation: Scalar and vector potentials, Gauge transformations,
Coulomb gauge and Lorentz Gauge.
Continuous Distributions: Retarded potentials, Linear-Wiechert potentials, the fields
of a moving point charge. [DJG: 434 - 453] (5)
Unit No. 4 - Radiation
Dipole Radiation: Electric dipole radiation, magnetic dipole radiation, radiation from
an arbitrary source.
Point charges: Power radiated by a point charge [DJG: 461-483] ( 5
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics (Third Edition) - David J. Griffiths
(PEARSON Prentice Hall)
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics- A. Z. Capri and P. V Panat (Narosa Publishing
3. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems (Second Edition)- Edward C.
Jordan, Keith G. Balmain ( Prentice Hall India)
M.Sc-I, Semester -II, Physics (Applied Electronics)
Unit 1. Intel 8085: Architecture, signals, DC ratings of the I/O Signals, need for
buffering, Demultiplexing of AD0-AD7, 74LS 373, 74LS244, 74LS LS 245 74LS138
and buffered system bus. (08)
Unit 2 Basic Concept of Memory Interfacing with 8085: Address Map, Address
decoding, Examples of ROM (27XX) and RAM (62XX) interfacing with 8085. (06)
Unit 3 Microcontrollers: Architecture of 8051, Internal Registers of 8051, Internal
ROM of 8051, Instruction Set, Addressing modes, Assembly language programming with
8051.Example program. (12)
Unit 4. Intel 8086: Architecture, EU and BIU, Buffered system bus in minimum mode,
clock generator 8284. (07)
Unit 5. Instruction Set of 8086: Concept of Segmentation of Memory, Physical &
Effective memory address. Addressing modes, Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logical
instructions, Control instructions, Assembly language programming of 8086.Psudo
instructions (DB, DW, ORIGIN, and SEG etc.).Example program sum of an array. (12)
Reference Books/Text Books:
1. Microprocessors and Digital Systems: Hall .D. V.
2. Microprocessors and Digital Systems 8086/8088: Hall. D V.
3. Microprocessor systems 8086/8088 architecture, programming and design: Luo
& Gibson
4. Programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller: Predko, TMH.
5. 8051 Microcontroller : Ayla
6. Microprocessor Interface Techniques: Zaka Lasen (BPB).
M.Sc Physics (Applied Electronics)
Unit I: Nuclear Introduction:
Nuclean nuclaean interaction- Exchange forces and tensor forces - Meson theory of
nuclar forces - Nucleon - nucleon scattering- Effective range theory- Spin dependence of
nuclear forces- Charge independence and charge symmetry of nuclear forces- isospin
formalism-Yukawa interaction.
Unit - II: Nuclear Reactions: (06)
Direct and compound nuclear reaction mechanisms -Cross section in terms of partial
wave amplitudes-Compound Nucles-Scattering Matrix-Reciprocity theorm-BreitWeigner one-level formula-Resonance Scattering.
Unit- III: Nuclear Models: (08)
Liquid drop model-Bohr-Wheeler theory of fission-Experimental evidence for shell
effects- Shell mode-Spin- Orbit coupling-Magic numbers-Angular momental and parities
of nuclear ground states-Qualitative discussion and estimates of transition ratesMagnetic moments and Schmidt lines-Collective model of Bohr and Mottelson.
Unit - IV: Nuclear Decay: (10)
Beta decay-Fermi theory of beta decay-Shape of the beta spectrum-Total decay rateAngular momentum of parity selection rules- Comparative half- Lives-Allowed and
forbidden transitions-Selection rules-Parity violation-tow component theory of neutrino
decay-Detection and properties of neutrino- Gamma decay-multipole transitions in
nuclei- Angular momentum and parity selection rules-internal conversion-Nuclear
Unit V: Elementary Particle Physics: (10)
Types of interaction between elementary particles-Hadrons and leptons- Symmetry and
conservation laws- Elementary ideas of CPI and CPT invariance- Classification of
hardrons-Lie algebra, Su(2)- Su(3) multiples- Quark model-Gell- Mann- Okubo mass
formula for octet and decuplet hadrons- Charm, Bottom and Top quarks.
Text and Reference Books:
1. R. R Roy and B P Nigam, Nuclear Physics, Wiley-Eastern Ltd.(1983), for Units
2. M E Mecyrhoff, Nuclear Physics, Tata McGraw Hill, for Unit IV.
3. W E Burcham & M Jobes, Nuclear & Particle Physics, Addison- Wesley (1995)
for Unit V.
4. M K Pal, Theory of Nuclear Structure, Affiliated East-West, Madras, (1982).
5. Cohen, Concepts of Nuclear Physics, TMGH, Bombay (1971)
1. Structure of the courses :A) Each paper of every subject for Arts, Social Sciences & Commerce Faculty shall be
of 50 marks as resolved by the respective faculties and Academic Council.
B) For Science Faculty subjects each paper shall be of 100 marks and practical for
every subject shall be of 50 Marks as resolved in the faculty and Academic Council.
C) For B. Pharmacy also the paper shall be of 50 marks for University examination.
Internal marks will be given in the form of grades.
D) For courses which were in semester pattern will have their original distribution
already of marks for each paper.
E) For the faculties of Education, Law, Engineering the course structure shall be as per
the resolutions of the respective faculties and Academic Council.
2. Nature of question paper:
A) Nature of questions.
“20% Marks - objectives question” (One mark each and multiple choice
“40% Marks - Short notes / Short answer type questions / Short
Mathematical type questions/ Problems. (2 to 4 Marks each)
“40% Marks - Descriptive type questions / Long Mathematical
type questions / Problems. (5 to 10 Marks each)
B) Objective type question will be of multiple choice (MCQ) with four alternatives. This
answer book will be collected in first 15 minutes for 10
marks and in first 20
minutes for 20 marks. Each objective question will carry one mark each.
C) Questions on any topic may be set in any type of question. All questions should be
set in such a way that there should be permutation and combination of questions on
all topics from the syllabus. As far as possible it should cover entire syllabus.
D) There will be only five questions in the question paper. All questions will be
compulsory. There will be internal option (25%) and not overall option.
for questions 2 to 5.
3. Practical Examination for B. Sc. I. will be conducted at the end of second semester.
4. Examination fees for semester Examination will be decided in the Board of
The structures of all courses in all Faculties were approved and placed before the
Academic Council. After considered deliberations and discussion it was decided not to
convene a meeting of the Academic Council for the same matter as there is no deviation
from any decision taken by Faculties and Academic Council. Nature of Question Paper
approved by Hon. Vice Chancellor on behalf of the Academic Council.