REVELATION5 I. HANDEL Messiah [sound recording] / Georg Friedrich Haendel. (1742) [CD 04764] Libretto Charles Jennens. Les Arts Florissants, William Christie, Caen 1994. [Notes on The Messiah: Operetta in 3 parts; Part I; prophecy; part II: the narrative; Part III: commentary on the significance of the story] -- explain why Hallelujah chorus is at end of part II Librettrest: Jennens: ecucated Oxford/ textual studies of the Bible and Shakespeare (1) Revelation 5: Worthy is the Lamb LIBRETTO: #2 “Worthy is the lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by his blood, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.” #3 (continuation of same chorus) “Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. (Rev 5:12-13) “Amen” (Chorus) Rev 5: 14 "And the four living creatures said 'Amen!" (2) Hallelujah Chorus [Part II (after Luke 2 begins with #16 Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29) ] Ends with Hallelujah! Hallelujah! … For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. King of Kings, and Lord of Lords." "Worthy is the Lamb that sittith upon the throne" [Messiah [sound recording] / Georg Friedrich Haendel. (1742)] [CD 04764] Les Arts Florissants, William Christie, Caen 1994. AFRICAN AMERICAN SPIRITUALS I. GENERAL: John the Prophet II. The 3 plague sequences: Rev 6-9 and 15-16 (1) Revelation 6 "My Lord what a mornin' " (Stars fall etc. Rev 6:12 Johnson & J i.162-3; cf. Oxford: Hogan #3] "My Lord what a mornin', My Lord what a mornin', My Lord what a mornin' When the stars begin to fall" Rev 6:13 [Different words from Johnson & Johnson after first part] [The Fisk Jubilee Singers [sound recording] / directed by John W. Work. Jubilee Singers. directed by John W. Work [CD 07955] Smithsonian Folkways Records, 1955 (2) O the rocks and the mountains shall all flee away Side One #2 O the rocks and the mountains shall all flee away And you shall have a new hiding place that day" [see Rev 6:16-17} "Sinner, sinner give up your heart to God And you shall have a new hiding place that dasy" falling rocks (Rev 6:16; 8:8) The Fisk Jubilee Singers [sound recording] / directed by John W. Work. Jubilee Singers. directed by John W. Work [CD 07955]Smithsonian Folkways Records, 1955 III. LAST JUDGMENT Rev 20:11-15 (compare plague sequences) (1) (“In Dat Great Gittin’ up Mornin’ In Dat Great Gittin up Mornin'" [Also Rev 8;1-3; 19:11-16; 20:7; 20:11-15 takes angel of Rev 10:3-4 as Gabriel Witness. Volume I, Spirituals and gospels [sound recording]. Brunelle, Philip, 1943- cnd CD 07237 The Ensemble Singers and Choirs of the Plymouth Music series of Minnesota. Philip Brunell, Conductor. [ARRANGED BY JESTER HAIRSTON 1930. BOURNE CO., 1952) NOTES: In dat Great carries subte message of escape #11 In dat Great Gittin up Mornin' Yoland Williams, soprano I'm gonna tell you 'bout de comin' of judgemnt Fare ye well, fare ye well. Der's a better day a comin', Fare ye well, fare ye well. O preacher fold yo' Bible Fo' de last sou's converted, Blow yo' trumpet, Gabriel Lord, how loud shall I blow it? Blow it right calm and easy. Do not 'larm all my epople. Tell dem to come to de judgment. Fare ye well, fare ye well. Den you see dem coffins bustin', Den you see de folkses risin'. Den you see de world on fire, Den you see de stars are fallin' Den you see dat forked lightnin' Den you hear dat rumblin' thunder, Fare ye well, po' sinner Fare ye well, fare ye well. In Dat Great Gittin up Mornin' Blow your trumpet Gabriel Dint you see the world on fire Didn't you see the …lightening …. hear the roll of thunder [ K/R 120-121 quotation; Johnson & J ii.40-3 IV. Revelation 7 **I got a robe, you got a robe, All o' God's Chillun got a robe" (Rev 7:9) (Johnson J i.71 cf. i.118-19; ii.68-71; ii.84-5; ii.105-7) The best of the Moses Hogan Chorale [sound recording]. Moses Hogan Chorale. [CD 08137 disk 1 #3 [Final touring season 1998-99, community choir from New Orleans existed 1993-99; MGH Records, 2 disk set] I got a robe, you got a robe, All o' God's Chillun got a robe" [disk one] *Marietta Simpson, mezzosoprana I got a robe, you got a robe, All o' God's Chillun got a robe I'm goin' walk all over God's heaben I got shoes I got a crown, you got a crown, all God's chillin' got a crown I got a harp, you got a harp [cf. Rev 14.2] When I get to heaben I'm going playt on my harp gonna Everybody talkin' about heaben ain't goin' there V. THE NEW JERUSALEM Revelation 21-22 (1) **Jerusalem My Happy home (an American folk tune and a hymn; Episcoapl Hymnal 1982: 620; K/R p. 236)) [also Rev 2:10; 3:21] Mostly about love [sound recording] / Virgil Thomson. Thomson, Virgil, 1896CD 05175 Northeastern 1994 NOTE: very different tune from the one I know. Hierusalem, my happie home, When shall I come to Thee? When shall my sorrows have an end. Thy joys when shall I see? O happie harbour of the Saints! O sweet and pleasnt soyle! In thee noe sorrow may be founde, Noe griefe, noe care, noe tyle. Thy waies are made of precious stones, Thy bulwarkes of diamondes square; Thy gates are of right Orient pearle, Exceeding rich and rare. Thy tureets and thy pinnacles With carbuncles do shine; Thy verie streets are paved with gold, surpassing cleare and fine. Quite through the streets, with silver sound The folld of life doth flowe, Upon whose banks on ev'rie side The wood of Life doth growe. [Rev 22:1-2] There trees for evermore bear fruite, And evermore do springe, There evermore the Angels sit, and evermore do sing. There David standes, with harpe in hand, As master of the Quire; Tenne thousand times that man were blest That might this music hear. Our Ladie sings "Magnificat," With tones surpassing sweete; And all the virgins bear their part, Sitting about her feet. There Magdalene hath left her mone, And cheerefullie doth singe With blessed Saints whose harmonie In ev'rie street doth ringe. Hierusalem, my happie home. Would God I were in thee! Would God my woes were at an end Thy joys that I might see! [NOTE: ANONYMOUS STANZAS ON 'MATER HIERUSALEM CIVITAS SANCTA DEI from The Meditation of Saint Augustine, ch. 25] from Virgil Thomson, Praises and Prayers 1963 D'anna Fortunate, mezzo-soprano] (2) Well, I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John Golden Gate Quartet [sound recording] : radio transcriptions, in chronological order, 1941-1944. Golden Gate Quartet. CD 09078 Document Records, produced Johnny Parth, Vienna, 1996, [NOTES: Golden Gate Quartet, 1930 Norfolk ; then Charlotte. 1938 Carnegie Hall 1941 Roosevelt's inauguration; Willie Johnson et al] Well, I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John Well, John said it was prettty fair. I won't be contented til I get there. John said the city was foursquare wide I could enter with the sanctified. My Lord told me what to do .. My lord up and spoke to me Said if I take two steps I'll make three …. If you make four steps, I'll make five" Gonna walk walk .. walk in Jerusalem just like John. TWENTIETH CENTURY MUSIC: Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen (etc) (1) The Four Horsemen [Metallica] (2) The Man Comes Around (2)