Children’s Learning Centers Student Fees Advisory Committee (SFAC)

Children’s Learning Centers
Student Fees Advisory Committee (SFAC)
Program Questionnaire for FY 2015 -2016
1. Please provide a one-page executive summary of your questionnaire responses. This summary
should include, in brief terms: your unit’s mission, how you accomplish your unit’s mission, and a
justification of your unit’s student fee allocation in terms of benefits for students.
The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) presents this request for the Student Fees Advisory Committee
(SFAC) to assist University of Houston (UH) student parents, with children enrolled at CLC, in paying for
the cost of child care and to provide income for UH student employees working at CLC. In the early
1970’s, UH students voiced a need for campus child care that provided a quality program in a nurturing
environment. In keeping with the spirit and ideas of those forward thinking students and incorporating
today’s research on early childhood development, the CLC mission is to provide a nationally accredited,
exemplary early childhood program that supports the student, staff, faculty and alumni of the University
of Houston, while at the same time, encourages UH student success by offering opportunities for
learning, discovery and engagement.
The accomplishment of this mission is met through established strategic initiatives. First, we utilize
available resources and seek new funding opportunities through hiring and retaining qualified staff,
successfully operating in existing facilities, and strategically planning for the future building of one CLC
site to house both Centers. Second, we facilitate success through learning, engagement and discovery by
conducting school readiness assessments, providing child care tuition assistance for eligible UH student
parents, expanding UH student internship/academic collaboration opportunities, attending UH
community/campus life activities, and participating in collaborative learning communities that improve
student instruction. Third, CLC promotes a culture of accountability by conducting/evaluating formal
assessments, utilizing parent/staff perception feedback surveys, undergoing external reaccreditation
review procedures, adhering to national and federal reporting processes, and incorporating Texas Core
Competencies into ongoing staff evaluation practices. Fourth, we engage in strategic partnerships with
UH faculty and the Division of Academic Affairs, UH shared governance groups, DSAES Director of
Advancement and the Division of Administration and Finance. These partnerships help to support our
efforts in increasing UH student retention and graduation rates as well as planning and fundraising for a
new CLC building. Fifth, we demonstrate a collective identity on campus by collaborating with Divisional
marketing and communications personnel to communicate to stakeholders our mission, goals, and
accomplishments while at the same time being present at division-wide programs conveying our
commitment to high-expectations for learning. Lastly, we foster the creation of a global learning
community by increasing our collaborations with multicultural-based programs, committing ourselves to
a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning, and engaging families
in meaningful ways in their children’s education.
Justification of the unit’s student fee allocation, in terms of benefits to students is multifaceted. To
begin with, the allocation of SFAC sponsored child care tuition assistance funds allow many student
parents to gain access to affordable, quality child care which supports CLC/UH student retention and
graduation. To fulfill our obligation to NAEYC and AdvancED accreditation criteria, there are special and
additional costs involved. The greatest cost comes from the hiring of student staff that is needed to
maintain developmentally appropriate teacher: child ratios. The student assistant positions help UH
students by providing a source of income for those who choose to work at the Center. Finally, by
maintaining a high-quality early childhood program, as defined by accreditation, the Children’s Learning
Centers provide parents with reassurance of their child’s well-being and educational foundation which
allows them to concentrate on their studies.
2. Provide an organization chart of your unit. Large units may need to have an overview chart and
then more specific charts for each program. Where you have multiple staff in the same position (e.g.
counselor, advisor, etc.), note this on your chart. Student employees should be cited on the chart and
identified as students.
3. List your unit’s strategic initiatives and action steps identified for the 2013-2014 academic year and
cite the specific Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services (DSAES) Strategic Initiatives and
University of Houston Strategic Goals to which they relate (links below). Please comment on your
success in achieving these strategic initiatives/action steps. If a strategic initiative/action step changed
during the year, please note this and explain. Also, list any new strategic initiatives/action steps, the
rationale for the addition, and comment on your success in achieving these items.
DSAES Plan: (
UH Goals: (
Below is an outline of The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) strategic initiatives and action steps
identified for the 2013-2014 academic year with comments on the success in achieving these strategic
initiatives/action steps.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will utilize available resources and seek new funding
opportunities to enhance the children’s and UH student experience. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 2)
Action Step: CLC will hire and retain qualified professional and support staff needed to fulfill their
roles and responsibilities necessary to support CLC’s purpose, direction, and the educational
program. (DSAES 2.a)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC conducted ongoing annual staff develop training, assessed the CLC
Student Employee Development Program, and attended the student employment recruitment fair on
campus. CLC filled the vacant Assistant Director position, restructured to incorporate/hire a Program
Manager 2 position, and is in the process of interviewing for the two remaining vacant positions of
Associate Teacher and Assistant Teacher.
Action Step: CLC will utilize existing fiscal, human, technological and facility resources needed to
provide services that support our purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. (DSAES
Completed & Ongoing: CLC implemented a new organizational structure reflective of the planned
transition from two sites to one site. CLC developed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between CLC and off-site facilities for evacuation purposes. CLC is in the final phase of
completing the Texas Department of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Plan for submittal.
CLC has managed to successfully operate in existing facilities utilizing current funds for ongoing
maintenance, upkeep, and repair by implementing a small tuition increase, across all age groups, for
2014-2015. CLC utilized a portion of CCAMPIS and SFAC funding to support student employee salaries
in an effort to maintain low teacher: child classroom ratios. In addition, the Center used the Giant
Steps fundraising account to assist with purchasing staff training materials and classroom supplies.
Action Step: CLC will provide student employment and explore options for expanding internship
opportunities to help develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
(DSAES 2.c)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC assessed the CLC Student Employee Development Program and
expanded UH student internship opportunities to include two graduate students from the COE
Curriculum and Instruction department. In addition, CLC utilized a portion of CCAMPIS and SFAC
funding to support UH student employee salaries in an effort to maintain low teacher: child
classroom ratios.
Action Step: CLC will partner with the Division of Advancement to create a division-wide building
fundraising program in order to maximize fiscal resources to ensure facilities, services, and
equipment remain safe, clean, and healthy over time. (DSAES 2.d)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC worked with UH Facilities Planning & Construction to compile draft
drawings and possible locations on the UH campus for a future new CLC building combining both
sites. Case statements were submitted to the DSAES Director of Advancement to enhance fundraising
opportunities and, in the meantime, has managed to successfully operate in existing facilities utilizing
current funds for ongoing maintenance, upkeep, and repair. CLC is in the final phase of completing
the Texas Department of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Plan for submittal in an effort
to secure future federal funding.
Action Step: CLC staff members will participate in a continuous program of professional learning in
order to provide the highest quality of customer satisfaction and educational program to the children
of UH Student, Staff, Faculty and Alumni. (DSAES 2.e)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC utilized the DSAES assessment plan data and web-based parent
perception feedback survey results to enhance staff professional development in the areas of the CLC
Student Employee Development Program and Family Engagement.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will create new opportunities and build upon
ongoing programs to facilitate success through learning, engagement, and discovery for children and UH
students. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 1)
Action Step: CLC will engage in intentional and continuous practices to determine verifiable
improvement in children’s learning, including readiness for and success at the next level. (DSAES 1.a)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC conducted and evaluated ongoing children’s learning assessments to
ensure school readiness skills. CLC utilizes a formal assessment tool that is criterion referenced
providing a systematic method for observing children. It is designed to assist teachers, clinicians, and
parents in assessing individual skill development in six domains: gross motor, fine motor, cognitive,
language, self-help, and social/emotional with the addition of pre-writing in the preschool program.
Action Step: CLC will support and advocate for commuter, transfer, adult, non-traditional and
graduate students to ensure equitable and challenging learning experiences for all students through
CLC programing and child care tuition assistance opportunities. (DSAES 1.b)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC awarded $174,950.00 in CLC child care tuition assistance for 2013-2014
through the Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) program and SFAC. CLC was
awarded funding for the next 4 year CCAMPIS grant cycle in the amount of $375,000.00 annually
through 2018. CLC provided an early childhood workshop to CLC families facilitated by The Miller
Early Childhood Initiative.
Action Step: CLC will partner with Academic Affairs and UH Departments to engage children and UH
students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning
expectations. (DSAES 1.c)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC expanded UH student internship opportunities to include two graduate
students from the COE Curriculum and Instruction department. Additionally, CLC formed a new
academic collaboration with the UH Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders American
Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting Program.
Action Step: CLC will provide opportunities for CLC parents and student employees to become
involved in the UH community and campus life. (DSAES 1.d)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC student employees and parents participated in Little Cougar Corner at
Frontier Fiesta, Operation School Supply and parents were invited to take part in the Parent Brunch
hosted by the Women’s Resource Center on campus.
Action Step: CLC will participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and
student learning for both children and UH students. (DSAES 1.e)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC received a grant award, in collaboration with PBS KIDS, to expand upon
technology use in the preschool classrooms. CLC also collaborated with various researchers on the
UH campus in an effort to recruit young participants for their projects.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will continue to promote a culture of accountability
that aligns with local state standards, national accreditation criteria, federal grant guidelines, as well as,
the Division of Student Affairs and University of Houston policies, processes and procedures. (DSAES
Strategic Initiative 4)
Action Step: CLC will implement a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data
about children’s learning and UH student employee development to guide continuous improvement.
(DSAES 4.a)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC evaluated the CLC Student Employee Development Program through selfassessments, teacher conducted evaluation rubrics, one-on-one coaching sessions, and exit
questionnaires. CLC also utilized staff and parent perception feedback surveys, accreditation external
review evaluation and ongoing children’s learning assessments to ensure program effectiveness.
Action Step: CLC will utilize a range of media and information resources to support the Center’s
educational programs, operational needs and to address routine inquires. (DSAES 4.b)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC utilized web-based parent and staff perception feedback surveys. CLC
reviewed/updated Center website/electronic communications to ensure that it met the needs of the
operation and users. Additionally, CLC formed a new partnership with UH PBS which included a
media lab kit. CLC also replaced dated computers in the preschool classrooms and added digital
cameras to each classroom to enhance learning documentation.
Action Step: CLC will report clearly defined measurable data that represent the attainment of
content knowledge, skills, and learning outcomes demonstrating a continued contribution to
children’s learning and UH student success. (DSAES 4.c)
Completed & Ongoing: In fall 2013, CLC conducted a self-assessment for AdvancED reaccreditation
process, underwent an external review in April 2014, and received notification of continuing
accreditation through June 2019. CLC also submitted the NAEYC accreditation and the Department of
Education CCAMPIS grant annual reports.
Action Step: CLC will implement staff development and evaluation processes to ensure accountability
and improved professional practices resulting in children’s learning and Center success. (4)
Completed and Ongoing: CLC incorporated employee self-evaluations into the annual performance
review process as well as derived goals for FY15 using the Texas Core Competencies for Early
Childhood Practitioners and Administrators. In addition, CLC hosted the annual awards program in
August and awarded the CLC Student Employee Award of Excellence, CLC Spirit Award, CLC
Outstanding Support Staff Award, and the Early Childhood Professional Award of Excellence.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will create and engage in strategic partnerships.
(DSAES Strategic Initiative 6)
Action Step: CLC will collaborate with UH faculty and the Division of Academic Affairs to support UH
student retention and graduation rates. (DSAES 6.a)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC director participated in the UH Foundations of Excellence program in an
effort to establish a solid foundation supportive of student success in college and beyond degree
attainment. CLC administrators also worked with UH faculty in the COE Curriculum and Instruction
department ensuring that student internship requirements were met.
Action Step: CLC will involve UH shared governance groups in the Center’s future goals and planning
initiatives for a new building. (DSAES 6.b)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC collaborated with the CLC Advisory Board during the AdvancED selfassessment and external review process which included goal setting for the future. In addition, CLC
collaborated with CLC stakeholders and UH Facilities Planning & Construction during the drafting of
the Hazard Mitigation Plan. The UH Commission on Women has been kept abreast of future building
plans for CLC and the drafting of the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Action Step: CLC will partner with the DSAES Director of Advancement in nurturing an alumni base to
support CLC fundraising efforts. (DSAES 6.c)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC compiled contact information of former and current CLC parents and
student employees into a spreadsheet for the DSAES Director of Advancement to utilize for
fundraising efforts.
Action Step: CLC will engage the Division of Administration and Finance in effective facilities
management and future long-term planning. (DSAES 6.d)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC worked with UH Facilities Planning & Construction to compile draft
drawings and possible locations on the UH campus for a future new CLC building combining both
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates
a united vision on campus. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 5)
Action Step: CLC will collaborate with Divisional marketing and communication professionals to
ensure that the Center’s brand and promotional materials are consistent with the division-wide
branding and marketing plan. (DSAES 5.a)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC attended required divisional marketing meetings including the DSAES
Marketing Retreat - Division-wide and University Branding. In addition, CLC worked with appropriate
divisional personnel when designing staff t-shirts and updating the 2014-2015 CLC brochure.
Action Step: CLC will utilize technology to enhance CLC’s current web presence and social media on
various Divisional websites to communicate our mission, goals, and accomplishments. (DSAES 5.b)
Completed & Ongoing: In August 2013, DSAES published the CLC staff award winners on their
website. The February 2014 CLC Newsletter contained the results of the AdvancED Parent Perception
Feedback Survey Results and, in May 2014, CLC posted the AdvancED External Review Report on the
website for all stakeholders to view.
Action Step: CLC will communicate a purpose and direction that commits to high expectations for
learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and education. (DSAES 5.c)
Completed & Ongoing: During our AdvancED reaccreditation process, CLC ensured that all
stakeholders were aware of our purpose and direction. The Parent Survey score for Section 1:
Purpose and Direction was 4.29 on a 5 point scale. The Staff Survey score for Section 1: Purpose and
Direction was 4.86 on a 5 point scale.
Action Step: CLC will support staff involvement in division-wide initiatives, programs, and services
while fostering a culture consistent with CLC’s purpose and direction. (DSAES 5.d)
Completed & Ongoing: The CLC director participated in UH Foundations of Excellence program and
promoted DSAES programming to staff. CLC staff participated in UH Frontier, March for Babies, and
the MLK Day of Service at the Houston Food Bank. CLC participated in and won Second Place in UH
Homecoming 2013 Spirit Bell competition.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will foster the creation of a global learning
community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing children and UH students to become
active citizens. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 3)
Action Step: CLC will increase collaborations with multicultural-based programs within the UH and
the surrounding community, such as Student Organizations and the Houston Institute for Culture, in
order to enhance the children’s and UH students’ learning experiences through events and trainings.
(DSAES 3.c)
Completed & Ongoing: CLC provided early childhood anti-bias workshops to preschool staff and CLC
families to learn about strategies and resources to help in creating a respectful and inclusive
environment for all children facilitated by The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF
DIFFERENCE® Institute. CLC hosted Compania De Danza Café who performed a traditional children
dance for families. CLC also hosted Children’s author Lupe Ruiz-Flores & illustrator Carolyn Dee Flores
for a book reading in the preschool Spanish Language Immersion Classrooms, in collaboration with
UH Arte Publico Press.
Action Step: CLC will commit to a culture that is based on shared values, beliefs about teaching and
learning, and supports educational programs for all children in accordance with national
accreditation standards and current early childhood trends.
Completed and Ongoing: On staff professional development days, CLC staff participated in Conscious
Discipline Training and an Anti-Biased Curriculum webinar, explored Reggio Emilia inspired classroom
practices, examined CLC Parent Involvement opportunities and assessed classrooms to meet NAEYC
requirements. In addition, student employees received training from CLC teachers on the
development of age-appropriate lesson activities and lesson planning.
Action Step: CLC will engage families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and keep them
informed of their children’s learning progress through Center events, parent-teacher conferences,
and family involvement activities.
Completed and Ongoing: The preschool program held a “New Preschool Family Visit Day” for families
new to the program in which they had the opportunity to meet staff and enrolled families. They also
organized a “Preschool Open House” in which families had the opportunity to learn about preschool
curriculum through displays of children’s projects. Teachers held beginning and end-of-the year
parent-teacher conferences to inform families of their child’s progress and emerging skills. Through
the CLC Newsletter, parents were informed about free family-friendly educational events happening
in the Houston and surrounding areas, such as Miller Outdoor Theater performances and
Independence Day festivities.
4. Please discuss the means that you are utilizing to evaluate both your success in achieving the
aforementioned strategic initiatives and/or action steps and their importance as compared to others
that you might pursue. Where data exist, discuss the number of persons served by each of your
programs and any assessment measures and/or learning outcomes used to evaluate program success.
Please provide the method for collecting these data.
The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) employs a variety of formal and informal means to evaluate our
success in achieving our objectives discussed in question three. CLC is licensed by the Texas Department
of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS); a department inspector completes, at minimum, an annual
inspection of CLC with a written report of all findings. Through national accreditation program standards
for both NAEYC and AdvancED, CLC collects data for annual reports and documents evidence of
compliance with individual standards to prepare for future accreditation validation visits. CLC conducted
a self-assessment for AdvancED reaccreditation process in fall 2013, underwent an external review in
April 2014, and received notification of continuing accreditation through June 2019.
CLC has also collected assessment data in the area of CLC Student Employee Development Program
consisting of teacher conducted evaluation rubrics, student self-assessments, one-on-one coaching
sessions, and exit questionnaires to measure outcomes and evaluate program success:
Project 1: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Evaluation Rubric) - Overall, student
employees receiving an evaluation rating of excellent or higher was 89% in the fall, 90% in the
spring and 100% in the summer. First semester student employees receiving an evaluation
rating of excellent or higher was 80% in the fall, 91% in the spring and 100% in the summer.
Project 2: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Self-Assessment) - Overall, almost all of
the student employees (90% or more responses) indicated they strongly/moderately agreed
that their skill development had improved as a result of their CLC employment.
Project 3: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Coaching) - Areas that were mentioned
most as student employee strengths included: professionalism, interactions with the children,
and positive attitude. Areas that were mentioned most as student employee professional
development goals included: classroom management/discipline and guidance, accreditation
standards, and children’s cognitive development.
Project 4: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Exit Questionnaire) - The majority
(44%) of CLC student employees who terminated employment in 2013-2014 left to go home for
the summer and plan to return in fall 2014.
Additionally, CLC submits an annual CCAMPIS report to the federal Department of Education with data
indicating the persistence and retention rates of CLC/UH student parents and quarterly reports to the
Texas Department of Emergency Management demonstrating compliancy with the Hazard Mitigation
Plan grant. We also submit a report to the Texas Department of State Health Services that documents
our compliance with children’s immunization requirements. In all of these areas, CLC has met standards
for distinction and continues to receive marks of excellence.
CLC provides young children a positive educational foundation and learning components are in place to
prepare children to succeed in school and beyond; this is measured through the Early Learning
Accomplishment Profile (ELAP), Learning Accomplishment Profile- 3 (LAP-3), and the Test de Vocabulario
en Imagenes Peabody (TVIP).
Another reliable source of feedback for CLC comes from parents. Parents receiving the SFAC and
CCAMPIS scholarship funds are requested to write essays relating to their experiences with the Center
and the benefits of the child care tuition assistance program. Another excellent time for parent feedback
is during the parent/teacher conferences because these meetings provide an opportunity for individual
comments on the program’s operation. In addition, during the AdvancED reaccreditation selfassessment phase, CLC conducted staff and parent perception feedback surveys. Each of these
components cited above serve as an integral part in the determination of the Center’s future initiatives
and action steps and in the provision of data to measure and evaluate our success.
5. Please discuss any budget or organizational changes experienced since your last (FY2015) SFAC
request, their impact on your programs, and your reason for implementing them. SFAC recognizes
that some programs did not receive the funds that they requested, that some programs were
impacted by additional expenses after the conclusion of the budget cycle, and that some programs
may be ahead of or behind their self-generated income projections. In addition, if your unit concluded
FY2014 with a Fund 3 addition to Fund Equity, please describe the conditions which caused the
The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) experienced an organizational change in summer 2014 with the
addition of a Program Manager 2 position. This position was made possible by the merger of the
Wheeler Site Manager and the Assistant Director positions. The reason for implementing such a change
is two-fold. First, CLC saw an opportunity to enrich the learning environment for both the children and
the staff by incorporating a resource manager focused specifically on their learning outcomes. Second,
CLC has future plans to combine both sites into one location eliminating the need for two Site Managers.
Since the eliminated Site Manager and the new Program Manager 2 positions qualify under the same
UH Pay Grade, the budget was not impacted.
CLC did not conclude FY2014 with a Fund 3 addition to Fund Equity, rather CLC concluded FY2014 with a
$3,284 SFAC deficit due to the DSAIT allocation which was that covered by the University Center.
6. Please list your 2015-2016 strategic initiatives and action steps in priority order and cite the specific
Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services Strategic Initiatives and University of Houston
Strategic Goals to which they relate. Larger units may wish to group responses by subprogram. Under
each strategic initiative, please state the specific action steps (programs, activities, services,
policies/procedures, etc.) that you intend to implement to accomplish your stated initiative.
Below is a list of The Children’s Learning Centers’ (CLC) 2015-2016 strategic initiatives and action steps in
priority order.
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will actualize and leverage the fiscal, human,
technological and facility resources that enhance the children’s and UH student experience. (DSAES
Strategic Initiative 2)
Action Step: CLC will actively work to generate and manage the resources needed to support the
program’s vision, philosophy, mission, goals, operation, and expected child outcomes. (DSAES 2.b)
Action Step: CLC will attract and maintain a consistently qualified, well-trained staff who
continuously strengthen their leadership skills and relationships with others and work to improve the
conditions of children and families within our programs. (DSAES 2.a)
Action Step: CLC will assess student employment and internship opportunities and provide
professional development training and preparation in adult supervision, mentoring, and leadership
development to teaching staff who supervise or mentor other staff members. (DSAES 2.c)
Action Step: CLC will establish intentional practices designed to foster strong reciprocal relationships
with families and UH students from the first contact and maintain them over time. (DSAES 2.e)
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will continue to promote a culture of accountability
that aligns with local state standards, national accreditation criteria, federal grant guidelines, as well as,
the Division of Student Affairs and University of Houston policies, processes and procedures. (DSAES
Strategic Initiative 4)
Action Step: CLC will incorporate a variety of assessment methods for the purpose of identifying
children’s interests and needs, describing the developmental progress and learning of children,
planning program improvement, and communicating with families. (DSAES 4.a)
Action Step: CLC will utilize technology-based information management systems to improve user
efficiency, monitor the operations of the program and inform program improvement. (DSAES 4.b)
Action Step: CLC will establish goals for continuous improvement and innovation using information
from various program evaluations to plan professional development and program qualityimprovement activities as well as to improve operations and policies. (DSAES 4.c)
Action Step: CLC will highlight innovative initiatives and accomplishments in an effort to build
stakeholder involvement in the program and broaden community support for the program. (DSAES
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will create new opportunities and build upon
ongoing programs to facilitate success through learning, engagement, and discovery for children and UH
students. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 1)
Action Step: CLC will advocate for the program and our families by creating awareness of the
program’s needs among community councils, service agencies, and local governmental entities.
(DSAES 1.b)
Action Step: CLC will collaborate with departments within DSAES to create opportunities for selfdiscovery and professional/academic success for UH students. (DSAES 1.c)
Action Step: CLC will explore opportunities to expand internships and the application of academic
disciplines for UH students. (DSAES 1.f)
Action Step: CLC will consider ways to enhance instruction and extend learning through specifically
designed media programs targeted for young children. (DSAES 1)
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates
a united vision internally and on campus. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 5)
Action Step: CLC will collaborate with the DSAES and UH Marketing & Communications to develop a
CLC brand that encompasses both CLC sites. (DSAES 5.a)
Action Step: CLC will explore the use of social media and ways it can enhance the program’s vision,
philosophy, mission, goals, and overall operation. (DSAES 5.b)
Action Step: CLC will utilize a variety of formal and informal methods to communicate with families
about the program philosophy and curriculum objectives, including educational goals and effective
strategies that can be used by families to promote their children’s learning. (DSAES 5.c)
Action Step: CLC will engage in division-wide initiatives, programs, and services and provide
opportunities for involvement at the Center. (DSAES 5.d)
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will create and engage in strategic partnerships.
(DSAES Strategic Initiative 6)
Action Step: CLC will collaborate with the Division of Academic Affairs to enhance the
implementation of research based practices in the early childhood education setting. (DSAES 6.a)
Action Step: CLC will include families and other stakeholders as members and active participants to
assist in making decisions to improve the program while building trust and enthusiasm for any
needed program changes. (DSAES 6.b)
Action Step: CLC will establish a connection with CLC student employee alumni to foster meaningful
relationships that will benefit current CLC student employees and their professional development.
(DSAES 6.c)
Action Step: CLC will explore opportunities to collaborate with UH athletics that will be mutually
beneficial for children and UH student success. (DSAES 6.f)
Strategic Initiative: The Children’s Learning Centers will foster the creation of a global learning
community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing children and UH students to become
active citizens. (DSAES Strategic Initiative 3)
Action Step: CLC will provide teaching staff professional development training that prepares them to
work with children and families of diverse races, cultures, and languages. (DSAES 3)
Action Step: CLC will engage other community organizations and groups to cosponsor or participate
in cultural events to enrich the experience of children and families in the program and to better
understand the cultural backgrounds of children, families, and the community. (DSAES 3.c)
Action Step: CLC will identify and establish relationships with specialized consultants who can assist
all children’s and families’ full participation in the program in support of an inclusive environment.
Action Step: CLC teaching staff will utilize their knowledge of the community and the families it
serves as an integral part of the curriculum and children’s learning experiences. (DSAES 3)
7. What are the other possible sources of funding available to your unit and what efforts are being
made to access them (e.g. grants, donations, etc.)? If you receive funds from other sources, please
briefly describe the source, purpose, and duration of the funding and report the amounts received in
the appropriate rows/columns on the SFAC Spreadsheet.
The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) is supported primarily through child care fees charged for the
early childhood services provided to UH families. These fee payments include: weekly tuition, annual
fees for registration, supplies, and building maintenance, and waitlist fees.
CLC also receives support of $100,000 (annually) from the University to assist with facility and grounds
maintenance and administrative charges. CLC is receiving $113,329 in funding from the UH Student Fees
Advisory Committee (SFAC) for 2014-2015 to (a) assist with the costs of hiring CLC/UH student staff to
maintain developmentally appropriate teacher: child ratio in the classrooms to meet accreditation
standards and (b) to support UH student parents, with children enrolled at CLC, in paying for the weekly
child care tuition costs.
CLC is currently receiving the federal Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) grant
awarded from the Department of Education. Beginning October 2014 through 2018, CLC will receive
$375,000 annually to assist the CLC budget in the following ways: helping UH undergraduate student
parents, with children enrolled at CLC, in paying for the weekly child care tuition costs; helping with the
costs of hiring CLC/UH student staff to maintain developmentally appropriate teacher: child ratio in the
classrooms to meet accreditation standards; and helping to provide staff training opportunities as
required by Texas Child Care Licensing. This is a significant increase from the $235,891 CLC received in
the last four year CCAMPIS grant cycle. In addition, CLC is in the final phase of drafting a Hazard
Mitigation Plan funded through the Texas Department of Emergency Management. CLC was awarded
$20,000.00 to draft the plan in hopes to receive future federal funding dollars once the plan has been
approved and adopted. The plan provides detailed action items to help CLC mitigate against hazards
associated with potential natural disasters.
Additionally, CLC participates in the UH Faculty/Staff campaign and utilizes fundraisers such as the CLC
Alumni Reunion, school pictures, and book fairs to support the funding of classroom supplies and
required staff training such as first aid and CPR. CLC also participates in special early childhood
partnership projects in the Houston community such as The Miller Early Childhood Initiative.
The other avenue for CLC support is through collaborations on campus. Currently the UH Moores School
of Music provides our five preschool classrooms music classes at no additional charge to CLC or parents.
The UH College of Optometry provided pediatric vision screenings for children enrolled at CLC at no
additional charge to CLC or parents.
All those working with CLC are interested in seeing the Center be financially healthy and sustain a
balanced budget.
8. Please describe any services that are similar to yours and/or any overlap between your unit and any
other unit(s) providing services to students and the rationale for the overlap.
The Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) provides services in two locations on campus and is the only unit
providing early childhood educational services for the University of Houston.