Cross-Platform Batch Reports VUGM 2001 Saturday, April 21 Part of Session 40, Customized Reporting Options Presented by: Roy Zimmer Programmer/Analyst Office of Information Technology Western Michigan University Cross-Platform Batch Reports – Presentation Outline VUGM 2001 Presented by Roy Zimmer, Programmer Analyst, Office of Information Technology, Western Michigan University Why We Did This initially no access to Access with the ODBC stuff, didn’t know about it, couldn’t get any help got more familiar with Unix, Endeavor supplied some training, figured out where SQL*PLUS was started exploring SQL created several reports, the library liked them; had to run them manually, and got tired of: remembering to run them, ftp them to a PC, format them in Word, print them, and deliver them to various locations we also felt they should be printed using library resources An overview of the automated process immediately follows this outline. When to Choose SQL, PL/SQL, or Perl SQL can be invoked from within SQL*PLUS it’s sufficient to create most reports that we’ve needed allows easy and painless control of page size, line size, and page formatting it takes control and does a lot of the work for you output can be to screen or to a file PL/SQL can be invoked from within SQL*PLUS or can be embedded in or combined with SQL it’s SQL with programming constructs added, so you’ve got a lot more power and control functionality is between that of SQL and Perl output can only be to screen; Oracle allows for file output, but the Voyager installation does not have this enabled you can capture the screen output to a file, but you’re limited to a maximum of a million bytes per “capture” session Perl invoked from the operating system level, but you could call it from within SQL if you needed to you have control over everything, which means: you can do just about anything you want you have to do all the work output is to screen or file, of course 2 The Batch PC set up a machine dedicated to this task can be an older machine, we’re using a 133 MHz Pentium this machine has 32 meg RAM, and the 1.5 gig hard disk is more than adequate for O.S., we’re running Windows 95 the WinBatch software is what enables the batch aspect, see for more information The Batch Software when you install the WinBatch software, it sets itself so that it has a process running in the background and leaves an icon on the task bar WinBatch scripts typically have a .WBT extension double click on a script to run it it will either run right away or appear on the task bar, awaiting its time you’ll want to set up scripts so that their trigger and run times do not overlap despite referring to application windows by their names, as evidenced in their title bars, WinBatch appears to get confused and sometimes sends keystrokes to the wrong window don’t break up long lines in your scripts – WinBatch expects them to be contiguous Brief Presenter Bio working at WMU for 16 years started out working with VAX for many years spent several years struggling with IBM mainframe and NOTIS supporting Voyager for the last 3 years picked up some Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Perl, and Unix along the way For more information, contact Roy Zimmer at 616.387.3885 or 3 4 [This site is available to the world, so code that was part of this document for the presentation has been removed here. This code involved details on Voyager’s proprietary schema.] 5 -- example of accessing the blob; bib records in this case -- setup to only show first 240 characters of a tag's data for example brevity -- (dbms_output.put_line has several limits, -- one of which is 255 characters per call) -- remember to: set serveroutput on size 1000000 -- (yes, I know, this code could be written better...) declare cursor marcrec is select bib_id, seqnum, record_segment from bib_data where bib_id = 985555 order by bib_id asc, seqnum desc; m_bibid number(22); m_seqnum number(22); m_recseg char(990); marc marclen baseaddr strptr tagid taglen offset tagaddr tagdata idx strlen mchar subfldchar marceof fmt4 fmt5 tempstr varchar2(17000); integer(5); integer(5); integer(5); varchar2(3); integer(4); integer(5); integer(5); varchar2(9999); integer(5); integer(5); char(1); char(1):= '|'; boolean:= false; varchar2(4); varchar2(5); varchar2(5); begin open marcrec; loop marc:= ''; fetch marcrec into m_bibid, m_seqnum, m_recseg; exit when marcrec%notfound; -- assemble blob into 1 piece while m_seqnum <> 1 loop marc:= m_recseg || marc; fetch marcrec into m_bibid, m_seqnum, m_recseg; if marcrec%notfound then marceof:= true; exit; end if; end loop; exit when marceof; -- get segment #1 marc:= m_recseg || marc; -- determine info from header marclen:= substr(marc, 1, 5); baseaddr:= substr(marc, 13, 5) + 1; -- loop through tag directory, get tag parameters, then tag's data strptr:= 25; 6 while strptr < baseaddr-1 loop tagid:= substr(marc, strptr, 3); taglen:= substr(marc, strptr+3, 4); offset:= substr(marc, strptr+7, 5); tagaddr:= baseaddr + offset; tagdata:= substr(marc, baseaddr+offset, taglen-1); -- set up to pretty print subfield indicators tagdata:= translate(tagdata, chr(31), subfldchar); idx:= 2; strlen:= length(tagdata); while idx < strlen loop mchar:= substr(tagdata, idx, 1); if mchar = subfldchar then tagdata:= substr(tagdata, 1, idx-1) || ' ' || substr(tagdata, idx, 2 ) || ' ' || substr(tagdata, idx+2 ); idx:= idx + 2; strlen:= length(tagdata); end if; idx:= idx + 1; end loop; -- set up to pretty print tag parameters tempstr:= to_char(taglen); fmt4:= lpad(tempstr, 4, '0'); tempstr:= to_char(tagaddr); fmt5:= lpad(tempstr, 5, '0'); dbms_output.put_line(tagid || ':' || fmt4 || ':' || fmt5 || ':' || substr(tagdata,1,240)); strptr:= strptr + 12; end loop; end loop; close marcrec; end; / 7 #!/usr/local/bin/perl ### print to file table and column schema for Voyager database ### print tables in alphabetical order and within each table: ### print xxx_id columns alphabetically first, then ### all other columns alphabetically ### also, don’t split table output over page boundaries ### Word settings: MonoSpacDL821 9pt portrait, 1" T&B, .9" L&R margins use DBI; $pagesize = 60; $dash3 = "---"; $dash5 = "-----"; $dash6 = "------"; $dash8 = "--------"; $dash30 = "------------------------------"; $firstheading = 1; @tablename = (); ### connect to database $dbh = DBI->connect(';sid=YOURSID', 'dbname', 'password') or die "connecting: $DBI::errstr"; # get distinct list of table names into an array $sqlquery = sprintf("select table_name from user_tab_columns order by table_name"); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlquery) or die "preparing query statement"; $rc = $sth->execute; $oldtablename = ""; $numtables = 0; $loopctr = 0; while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { if ($row[0] ne $oldtablename) { $numtables++; $tablename[$numtables] = $row[0]; $oldtablename = $row[0]; } $loopctr++; } $sth->finish; # get number of columns per table $idx = 1; while ($idx <= $numtables) { $sqlquery = sprintf("select count(*) from user_tab_columns where table_name = '%s'", $tablename[$idx]); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlquery) or die "preparing query statement"; $rc = $sth->execute; @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; $tablecolumns[$idx] = $row[0]; $idx++; } $sth->finish; 8 # generate the report $fileout = ">lb2510.rpt"; $fopen = sprintf("Cannot open %s for output\n", $fileout); open(fileout, $fileout) or die $fopen; doheading(); $idx1 = 1; while ($idx1 <= $numtables) { $sqlquery = sprintf("select table_name, lower(column_name), lower(data_type), nvl(data_precision, data_length), data_scale, nullable from user_tab_columns where table_name = '%s' order by column_name", $tablename[$idx1]); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlquery) or die "preparing query statement"; $rc = $sth->execute; # get data from query, mark rows where the Oracle column name ends in "_id" # and store in array $numrows = 0; while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $isid = 0; $col = $row[1]; if (substr($col, length($col)-3, 3) eq '_id') { $isid = 1; } $rowstr = join '|', $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5], $isid; @tbldata[$numrows] = $rowstr; $numrows++; } # output report data (from temporary array) $firstone = 1; # output "_id" columns first $idx2 = 0; while ($idx2 < $numrows) { @row = split /\|/, $tbldata[$idx2]; # if fieldname ends with "_id" if ($row[6] == 1) { if ($firstone) { $firstone = 0; if (($linectr + $tablecolumns[$idx1]) > $pagesize) {doheading();} printf fileout ("%-30.30s %-30.30s %-8.8s %6.6s %3.3s %1s\n", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5]); } else { printf fileout ("%-30.30s %-30.30s %-8.8s %6.6s %3.3s %1s\n", " ", $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5]); } $linectr++; } $idx2++; } # now output non "_id" columns 9 $idx2 = 0; while ($idx2 < $numrows) { @row = split /\|/, $tbldata[$idx2]; # if fieldname does not end with "_id" if ($row[6] != 1) { if ($firstone) { $firstone = 0; if (($linectr + $tablecolumns[$idx1]) > $pagesize) {doheading();} printf fileout ("%-30.30s %-30.30s %-8.8s %6.6s %3.3s %1s\n", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5]); } else { printf fileout ("%-30.30s %-30.30s %-8.8s %6.6s %3.3s %1s\n", " ", $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5]); } $linectr++; } $idx2++; } if ($linectr < ($pagesize-3)) { print fileout "\n"; $linectr++; } $idx1++; } close(fileout); ### clean up at end $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; sub doheading { if (not $firstheading) {print fileout "\f";} else {$firstheading = 0;} printf fileout ("Table Name Column Type Length Dec Null?\n"); printf fileout ("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n\n", $dash30, $dash30, $dash8, $dash6, $dash3, $dash5); $linectr = 3; } 10 ; lb2600 - Serials: titles, PO#s, details, by fund and dept - WinBatch script ; this WinBatch file starts at a certain time, ftp's the SQL report file from ; Voyager, brings it into Word, formats it, and prints it in the Library's ; Serials printer ; should run all the time ; starting this script: ; start after main loop checking time if today is the day the report is to ; be printed and it has already been printed ; else can start any time and any day ; Word settings: ; 7pt Monospac 821DL, landscape, ; .5" margins ; print on first floor Serials printer ;*** CONSTANTS unixpath = "/usr/local/rpt/" pcpath = "c:\librpts\" rptid = "lb2600" rptext = ".rpt" pwfilename = "c:\librpts\batchpw.psi" pwfile = fileopen(pwfilename, "read") pw = fileread(pwfile) fileclose(pwfile) pwstr = strcat(pw, "~") ;*** BUILD COMPLETE UNIX AND PC FILENAMES unixfile = strcat(unixpath, rptid, rptext) ;message("",unixfile) pcfile = strcat(pcpath, rptid, rptext) ;message("",pcfile) ftpfile = strcat("c:\program files\winbatch\batch files\", rptid, "ftp.wbt") ;*** MAIN LOOP STRUCTURE ;********* :starthere ;********* timenow = strsub(timeymdhms(), 12, 8) modaynum = strsub(timeymdhms(), 9, 2) if (modaynum == "02") || (modaynum == "16") then if (timenow >= "08:23:00") && (timenow <= "08:45:00") then ftppwstr = strcat('sendkeysto("ftp","', pwstr, '")') ftpgetstr = strcat('sendkeysto("ftp",', '"get ', unixfile, ' ', pcfile, '~~")') hftp = fileopen(ftpfile, "write") filewrite(hftp, 'run ("c:\windows\ftp.exe","")') filewrite(hftp, 'winwaitexist("ftp", 20)') filewrite(hftp, 'sendkeysto("ftp","open")') filewrite(hftp, 'sendkeysto("ftp","zimmer~")') filewrite(hftp, ftppwstr) filewrite(hftp, 'sendkeysto("ftp","ascii~")') filewrite(hftp, ftpgetstr) filewrite(hftp, 'sendkeysto("ftp","bye~~")') fileclose(hftp) run(ftpfile,"") timedelay(60) if fileexist(pcfile) then ; ***format and print it run ("c:\program files\mso97\office\winword.exe", pcfile) ; delete leading formfeed sendkey("{DEL}") ; set document size and orientation 11 sendkey("!f{TAB 7}{ENTER}!s!c!m!t.5!b.5!f.5!g.5{TAB 5}{ENTER}") ; set font and font size sendkey("!e{TAB 8}{ENTER}!o{ENTER}") sendkey("Monospac821 DL{TAB}{TAB}7") sendkey("!k!k!p!p!w!w!o!o!m!m!h!h{TAB 2}{ENTER}") ; now send to printer ; this sendkey string may change whenever the ; available printer pool changes, ; or if the default printer is changed sendkey("^p{TAB 7}!n{DOWN 4}{TAB 9}{ENTER}") ; wait for doc to print timedelay(60) ; now close Word (leading CR to get rid of extra message) sendkey("~!{F4}!n") ; wait until 0823 tomorrow so can exit processing loop now = timeymdhms() tomorrow_at_823 = timeadd(strcat(strsub(now,1,11),"00:00:00"), “0000:00:01:08:23:00") timewait(tomorrow_at_823) exitvalue = 1 ; else> hook for email notification: failure, .rpt file not found endif else ; wait 10 minutes and try again timedelay(600) exitvalue = 1 endif else ; not desired day, so wait a day ; wait until 0823 tomorrow now = timeymdhms() tomorrow_at_823 = timeadd(strcat(strsub(now,1,11),"00:00:00"), "0000:00:01:08:23:00") timewait(tomorrow_at_823) exitvalue = 1 endif if exitvalue == 1 then goto starthere ; this would be a good location to hook into failure notification via email errmsg = strcat("Contact programmer.%@crlf%Script for ", rptid, rptext, " exited loop.") message("ERROR", errmsg); exit =================================================================================== ; example from an other script showing how to restrict ; execution for specific days timenow = strsub(timeymdhms(), 12, 8) a = timeymdhms() b = timejulianday(a) c = (b + 5) mod 7 weekday = itemextract(c+1, "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat", " ") if weekday != "Sun" then if (timenow >= "07:53:00") && (timenow <= "08:20:00") then... 12