Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Grant Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 5,816 $24,064,153.00 Federal Pell Grant Federal Supplemental Grant 960 $1,116,993.00 Federal Teach Grant 44 $136,128.35 OSP Grant 21 $20,000.00 SC Need Based Grant Inst Grant - General 2,247 $3,074,088.00 6,323 $28,411,362.35 Gamecock Guarantee Grant 427 $1,149,819.00 USC Institutional Grant 536 $1,098,951.00 Inst Grant - General 603 $2,248,770.00 6,353 $30,660,132.35 7 $102,000.00 Fed Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) 1,902 $31,750,144.00 Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan 1,069 $16,581,016.00 Federal Direct Loan Sub 9,105 $38,322,221.00 15,395 $132,303,192.00 876 $2,312,896.00 5 $35,000.00 Grant Loan Career Changer Federal Direct Loan Unsub Federal Perkins Loan Health Prof Loan-Phar Mar 24, 2016 -1- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Loan Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 8 $101,293.00 22 $103,200.00 5 $14,100.00 1,971 $26,609,364.00 Nurse Faculty Loan Program Nursing Loan-4 Year Nursing Loan-Graduate Private Educational Loan SC Teacher Loan Program Loan Scholarship Federal Traineeship Federal Traineeshp 17,197 $249,126,695.00 168 $645,952.00 5 $57,512.00 $516,600.00 7,090 $38,968,727.00 74 $352,993.75 1,696 $13,907,454.00 143 $793,376.00 9,208 $55,242,614.75 Baseball Board Grant 1 $2,928.00 Baseball Manager Grant 4 $21,800.00 SC LIFE Scholarship SC Natnl Guard College Assist SC Palmetto Fellows Schlp SC Teaching Fellows Mar 24, 2016 $892,269.00 $249,126,695.00 197 SC HOPE Scholarship Athletic Grant in Aid 220 17,197 -2- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Baseball R&B Grant 4 $19,680.40 Baseball Room Grant 3 $11,372.00 Baseball Summer Room Grant 5 $5,372.00 Baseball Summer T&F Grant 12 $25,335.87 Baseball T&F Grant 26 $254,347.63 Beach Volleyball Manager Grant 2 $3,500.00 Beach Volleyball R&B Grant 5 $28,054.20 Beach Volleyball Room Grant 1 $378.00 Beach Volleyball Sum T&F Grant Mar 24, 2016 2 $9,482.21 Beach Volleyball T&F Grant 10 $135,537.96 Carolina Degree Comp R&B 9 $44,764.00 Carolina Degree Completion 11 $46,605.75 CDC Summer T&F Grant 6 $17,130.15 Equestrian Board Grant 1 $3,150.00 Equestrian R&B Grant 9 $45,843.05 Equestrian Room Grant 1 $7,730.00 Equestrian Summer T&F Grant 8 $18,586.98 -3- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Equestrian T&F Grant 39 $347,385.80 Football Manager Grant 14 $43,500.00 Football R&B Grant 58 $300,168.52 Football Room Grant 38 $235,765.00 Football Summer Room Grant 50 $108,596.00 Football Summer T&F Grant 85 $384,746.00 Football T&F Grant 91 $1,149,975.40 2 $20,000.00 M Basketball Manager Grant M Basketball Room Grant 8 $63,440.00 M Basketball Sum Room Grant 12 $23,868.00 M Basketball Summer T&F Grant 13 $50,785.25 M Basketball T&F Grant 13 $186,461.26 M Golf Summer T&F Grant 1 $1,583.04 M Golf T&F Grant 9 $73,149.70 M Soccer Board Grant 1 $1,575.00 M Soccer Manager Grant 2 $13,000.00 10 $37,051.21 M Soccer Summer T&F Grant Mar 24, 2016 -4- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted M Soccer T&F Grant 18 $178,432.60 M Tennis Board Grant 1 $1,575.00 M Tennis Manager Grant 1 $7,000.00 M Tennis Room Grant 1 $3,384.00 M Tennis Summer T&F Grant 5 $12,477.15 11 $107,578.87 Men's Basketball R&B Grant 5 $28,588.50 Men's Golf R&B Grant 4 $14,168.11 Men's Soccer R&B Grant 10 $52,335.66 Men's Tennis R&B Grant 6 $38,155.20 Softball Board Grant 1 $3,150.00 Softball Manager Grant 2 $3,000.00 Softball R&B Grant 9 $55,102.10 Softball Room Grant 2 $12,426.70 Softball Summer Room Grant 4 $5,406.00 Softball Summer T&F Grant 12 $40,339.31 Softball T&F Grant 21 $230,617.04 M Tennis T&F Grant Mar 24, 2016 -5- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Special Acad Opp Fund 444 $132,891.65 Swimming Board Grant 7 $17,325.00 Swimming Manager Grant 1 $10,000.00 Swimming R&B Grant 19 $114,329.19 Swimming Room Grant 10 $47,154.80 Swimming Summer T&F Grant 14 $25,724.78 Swimming T&F Grant 44 $518,104.04 Track Board Grant 16 $40,950.00 Track Manager Grant 4 $10,360.00 Track R&B Grant 19 $128,930.57 Track Room Grant 20 $113,177.16 Track Summer Room Grant 11 $12,033.30 Track Summer T&F Grant 29 $88,821.44 Track T&F Grant 51 $593,536.88 1 $2,500.00 13 $55,417.00 8 $57,975.00 Volleyball Manager Grant Volleyball R&B Grant Volleyball Room Grant Mar 24, 2016 -6- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 9 $14,824.00 Volleyball Summer Room Grant Volleyball Summer T&F Grant 13 $55,261.50 Volleyball T&F Grant 13 $204,489.00 7 $23,500.00 W Basketball Room Grant 16 $119,815.00 W Basketball Sum Room Grant 15 $29,750.00 W Basketball Summer T&F Grant 15 $63,973.50 W Basketball T&F Grant 16 $222,604.00 W Basketball Manager Grant Mar 24, 2016 W Golf Board Grant 3 $7,875.00 W Golf Room Grant 3 $19,325.00 W Golf Summer T&F Grant 3 $11,594.79 W Golf T&F Grant 8 $104,433.30 W Soccer Manager Grant 3 $12,000.00 W Soccer Room Grant 1 $3,067.20 W Soccer Summer Room Grant 2 $661.00 W Soccer Summer T&F Grant 23 $62,918.04 W Soccer T&F Grant 27 $301,007.66 -7- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted W Tennis Board Grant 2 $4,725.00 W Tennis Manager Grant 1 $6,000.00 W Tennis Room Grant 2 $11,595.00 W Tennis Summer T&F Grant 5 $18,807.75 W Tennis T&F Grant 9 $137,757.00 Women's Golf R&B Grant 4 $33,260.50 Women's Soccer R&B Grant 11 $83,133.42 Women's Tennis R&B Grant 7 $66,521.00 586 $8,124,514.09 8 $2,400.00 67 $66,500.00 1 $1,000.00 Athletic Grant in Aid Inst Schlp - Departmental A C Flora Schlp Abney Foundation Schlp AEC Schlp Aiken Cnty Gamecock Club 1 $1,000.00 134 $66,750.00 American Solid Woven Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Anne T McNair Schlp 4 $2,000.00 Anthony Hance Schlp 1 $500.00 Alumni Legacy Schlp Mar 24, 2016 -8- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 1 $2,000.00 Anthropology Schlp Art Schlp 26 $6,900.00 Arts & Science Schlp 26 $15,250.00 Baruch Institute Schlp 6 $5,250.00 Bernard Baruch Schlp 16 $24,880.00 9 $25,500.00 Biology Schlp 17 $19,700.00 Blatt-Barnwell Schlp 10 $9,000.00 Bobby Dickens Schlp 3 $77,955.00 Brooks Schlp 1 $1,500.00 11 $4,297.80 412 $1,179,643.96 Business Admnin Schlp 4 $1,146.00 C. Wayne Partin Schlp 1 $650.00 C.F. Davis Schlp 1 $750.00 Charlotte Student Schlp 4 $2,000.00 72 $44,325.00 Bernice Blitch Schlp Business Admin Fellowship Business Admin Schlp Cheerleading Schlp Mar 24, 2016 -9- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Mar 24, 2016 Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Chemistry Schlp 27 $44,808.00 Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl Schlp 16 $23,000.00 Class of 54 Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Claudia Waites Peeples Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Columbia Community Award 32 $31,500.00 Communication Science Schlp 12 $17,200.00 Computer Science Schlp 1 $250.00 Connie Baker Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Criminal Justice Fellowship 8 $6,500.00 Criminal Justice Schlp 2 $2,000.00 D.L. Scurry Schlp 1 $3,000.00 David Carroll Schlp 1 $1,250.00 Dewey Campbell Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Donald Russell Schlp 8 $48,900.00 Dr & Mrs Shuler Black Schlp 1 $2,500.00 Earth & Ocean Sciences Schlp 2 $1,500.00 Education Fellowship 5 $3,800.00 - 10 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 131 $64,647.00 Edward Fersner Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Elizabeth & Leonard Long Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Elkins Schlp 1 $500.00 Ella Mae Porter Schlp 2 $4,000.00 Elsie Claire Prince Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Emmie B. Kirven Schlp 15 $21,750.00 Engineering Fellowship 1 $25,000.00 Engineering Schlp 353 $551,920.00 English Fellowship 7 $3,250.00 English Schlp 36 $224,374.00 Environment Schlp 10 $6,250.00 Education Schlp Environmental Hlth Sci Flwshp EPI Schlp EPI Scholarship Fund Epidemiology & Biostatistics Exercise Science Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 11 - 1 $300.00 24 $28,500.00 2 $1,000.00 18 $7,625.00 6 $2,500.00 Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 6 $2,500.00 Faculty/Staff Dep Book Award Faculty/Staff Dep Schlp 126 $186,750.00 Fedder Family Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Forbes-Reynolds Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Frances C. Arthur Schlp 2 $1,500.00 Frank J McGuire Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Frank Lindsay Schlp 1 $3,500.00 French & Classics Schlp 8 $32,150.00 Fuji Film Schlp 4 $7,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement 1 $1,570.00 Gamecock Guarantee Supplement 75 $173,100.00 Geography Schlp 17 $6,454.00 Geology Schlp 19 $23,800.00 George Shillitto Schlp 12 $24,000.00 1 $3,000.00 101 $715,650.00 1 $1,500.00 Germ Slav Orient Schlp Graduate Fellowship Guess Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 12 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 2 $1,000.00 13 $8,625.00 2 $1,000.00 History Schlp 26 $85,530.00 Hosp Retail Spt Mgnt Schlp 52 $55,775.00 Housing Schlp 14 $11,300.00 Hugh Wells Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Inst for Families in Soc Schlp 2 $3,000.00 International Programs Schlp Harry Parone Schlp Health Prom & Education Schlp Henry E. Ragle Schlp Mar 24, 2016 173 $287,600.00 J. Randolph Johnshon Schlp 2 $6,000.00 J. Rion McKissick Schlp 1 $1,500.00 J.H. Beatty Schlp 1 $500.00 James A. Hicks Schlp 20 $58,500.00 James Clyburn Schlp 1 $2,000.00 Jamey Collins Schlp 12 $6,500.00 Jerry & Suzette Craft Schlp 1 $750.00 Jesse D. Frick Schlp 1 $1,500.00 - 13 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Jesse Floyd Schlp 2 $4,000.00 Jessica Horton Memo Schlp 3 $4,500.00 John E. Johnson Schlp 1 $500.00 John J. Earle Schlp 8 $18,750.00 Journalism Schlp 189 $220,963.00 Journalism Schp 1 $300.00 Justin E. Cannon Schlp 1 $2,000.00 KAO Pearson Schlp 3 $3,000.00 Kevin A. Lahn Schlp 3 $1,500.00 Kitty Bird Storrs Schlp 2 $2,000.00 106 $205,000.00 13 $43,950.00 L.P. Whitehead Schlp Language, Lit & Culture Schlp Language, Lit, & Culture Schlp 4 $200.00 409 $1,527,275.00 1 $500.00 Liberal Arts Schlp 48 $42,000.00 Library & Info Sci Fellowship 18 $12,850.00 Law Schlp Learning Center Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 14 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Library & Info Sci Schlp 8 $28,653.84 Lorie C. Edwards Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Mack Stewart Schlp 1 $500.00 Mada Wallace Schlp 3 $4,500.00 Madge Schwartz Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Marine Schience Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Marine Science Schlp 12 $6,000.00 Marion T. Davis Schlp 1 $2,000.00 Mary & Tommy Johnson Schlp 3 $1,500.00 Mary Booth Hickman Schlp 5 $5,000.00 Mathematics Schlp 2 $45,000.00 Mature Students Schlp 2 $1,200.00 Medicine Schlp 189 $2,057,791.00 Morris Schlp 5 $5,000.00 Music Fellowship 1 $500.00 575 $1,017,690.00 32 $15,750.00 Music Schlp Naval ROTC Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 15 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 11 $118,200.00 Nursing Fellowship Nursing Schlp 104 $150,200.00 O. T. Wallace Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Olin S. Pugh Schlp 2 $15,040.00 Oscar Griffis Memorial Schlp 1 $500.00 Palmetto Boys' State Schlp 3 $4,500.00 Palmetto Girls' State Schlp 4 $6,000.00 201 $363,425.38 Philosophy Schlp 3 $1,000.00 Physical Ed Schlp 2 $500.00 Physics & Astro Schlp 5 $5,000.00 Political Science Schlp 14 $30,466.33 Pharmacy Schlp Pre-Medicine Schlp 6 $3,000.00 Psychology Schlp 21 $8,775.00 Public Health Fellowship 19 $7,500.00 Public Health Schlp 38 $220,750.00 7 $8,000.00 Religious Studies Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 16 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Richard Greener Schlp 4 $8,000.00 Ruth Goud Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Sarge Frye Schlp 3 $3,000.00 39 $81,339.00 SC Honors College Schlp Science & Math Schlp 6 $4,500.00 58 $17,650.00 Southern Studies Schlp 7 $8,650.00 Stackhouse Memo Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Social Work Schlp Stanley Juk Schlp 4 $10,000.00 16 $3,575.00 4 $8,000.00 29 $16,500.00 Student Life Schlp 2 $2,000.00 T. Pressley Knox Schlp 2 $7,000.00 T.M. Nelson Schlp 2 $2,000.00 49 $33,500.00 1 $2,500.00 Statistics Schlp Stepp Board of Visitors Schlp Student Affairs Schlp Theatre & Dance Schlp Tom and Sherrill Hall Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 17 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted TRIO Schlp 5 $1,500.00 Undergraduate Schlp 3 $3,000.00 University 101 Schlp 7 $3,500.00 University Assoc Schlp 7 $7,000.00 USC Memorial Schlp 1 $1,000.00 14 $33,300.00 USC-Lancaster Schlp 9 $12,286.75 Walker Institute Schlp 4 $7,525.00 William Stubbs Schlp 2 $2,000.00 William Way Schlp 3 $9,000.00 Willingham Schlp 3 $9,000.00 4,248 $10,945,831.06 Alumni Scholars Schlp 37 $185,000.00 Carolina Scholars Schlp 83 $772,500.00 532 $2,106,000.00 1,590 $4,719,000.00 182 $89,500.00 USC-Aiken Schlp Inst Schlp - Departmental Inst Schlp - General Cooper Scholars Schlp Dean's Schlp Flinn Scholars Schlp Mar 24, 2016 - 18 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Inst Schlp - General Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Governor's School Schlp 25 $75,000.00 Hamilton Scholars Schlp 16 $112,000.00 Horseshoe Scholars Schlp 10 $99,000.00 265 $2,110,250.00 1,233 $2,427,000.00 79 $1,177,500.00 152 $75,500.00 1,129 $552,000.00 Lieber Scholar Schlp McKissick Scholars Schlp McNair Scholars Schlp National Merit Schlp Sims Scholars Stamps Carolina Scholars Schlp 10 $47,500.00 504 $247,250.00 24 $120,000.00 University Scholars Schlp 487 $962,000.00 USC STEM Supplement Schlp 289 $950,400.00 Valedictorian Schlp 152 $453,000.00 1,672 $815,750.00 7,756 $18,096,150.00 1,961 $17,281,277.98 Thornwell Scholar Schlp Trustees' Endow Schlp Woodrow Scholar Schlp Inst Schlp - General Institutional Mar 24, 2016 GA Tuition Supplement - 19 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: 0 - Undeclared, A - Reciprocity Out of State, N - Non-Resident, P - Resident Pending, R - Resident, U - Under Review Student Level: 00 - System Required - No Level, GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy, SA - Student Affiliate, UG - Undergraduate Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 22 $122,738.00 International Programs Spring 102 $569,058.00 Internationall Programs Fall 143 $802,147.00 MSB Fee Reduction 177 $645,828.20 International Programs Fall Institutional Scholarship Work Federal Work-Study Work Summary Mar 24, 2016 - 20 - 2,356 $19,421,049.18 18,701 $111,830,159.08 470 $1,588,643.45 470 $1,588,643.45 470 $1,588,643.45 27,707 $393,205,629.88 Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships