Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Grant Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Federal Pell Grant 22 $96,117.00 8 $8,250.00 Federal Teach Grant 18 $44,022.60 SC Need Based Grant 16 $21,360.00 42 $169,749.60 7 $18,920.00 Federal Supplemental Grant Inst Grant - General Gamecock Guarantee Grant USC Institutional Grant Inst Grant - General Grant Loan Career Changer $6,768.00 $25,688.00 47 $195,437.60 7 $102,000.00 Fed Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) 4 $55,451.00 Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan 704 $9,431,755.00 38 $159,750.00 3,024 $62,578,632.00 171 $449,791.00 Health Prof Loan-Phar 4 $27,500.00 Nurse Faculty Loan Program 8 $83,516.00 Nursing Loan-Graduate 5 $14,100.00 Federal Direct Loan Sub Federal Direct Loan Unsub Federal Perkins Loan Mar 24, 2016 3 8 -1- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Loan Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Private Educational Loan 81 $782,842.00 SC Teacher Loan Program 61 $285,000.00 3,106 $73,970,337.00 3,106 $73,970,337.00 Federal Traineeship 124 $442,255.86 SC LIFE Scholarship 79 $512,500.00 SC Palmetto Fellows Schlp 48 $449,705.00 7 $37,100.00 248 $1,441,560.86 Baseball Summer T&F Grant 1 $4,783.00 Baseball T&F Grant 1 $9,930.50 Equestrian R&B Grant 1 $1,991.66 Equestrian Summer T&F Grant 1 $5,576.45 Equestrian T&F Grant 1 $20,776.00 Football R&B Grant 1 $3,055.92 Football T&F Grant 1 $5,506.00 Softball R&B Grant 1 $3,708.54 Softball T&F Grant 1 $9,919.00 Loan Scholarship SC Teaching Fellows Athletic Grant in Aid Mar 24, 2016 -2- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Special Acad Opp Fund 6 $1,770.00 Swimming Manager Grant 1 $10,000.00 Swimming R&B Grant 1 $1,047.47 Swimming T&F Grant 1 $7,226.15 Track R&B Grant 1 $4,751.50 Track Summer T&F Grant 1 $5,382.00 Track T&F Grant 1 $8,062.00 W Basketball Manager Grant 1 $2,500.00 8 $105,986.19 Abney Foundation Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Alumni Legacy Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Art Schlp 2 $100.00 Biology Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Athletic Grant in Aid Inst Schlp - Departmental Business Admin Fellowship 5 $2,061.80 58 $230,571.20 Chemistry Schlp 3 $450.00 Communication Science Schlp 3 $2,950.00 Education Fellowship 3 $2,800.00 Business Admin Schlp Mar 24, 2016 -3- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 14 $17,250.00 Engineering Fellowship 1 $25,000.00 Engineering Schlp 4 $7,500.00 English Schlp 6 $64,444.00 Faculty/Staff Dep Schlp 6 $9,000.00 Frances C. Arthur Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Geography Schlp 1 $100.00 Geology Schlp 2 $1,000.00 George Shillitto Schlp 2 $5,000.00 Graduate Fellowship 19 $121,000.00 History Schlp 4 $30,800.00 Hosp Retail Spt Mgnt Schlp 2 $1,500.00 J. Randolph Johnshon Schlp 1 $3,000.00 James A. Hicks Schlp 2 $6,000.00 Journalism Schlp 4 $7,750.00 67 $132,000.00 154 $956,654.00 1 $500.00 Education Schlp L.P. Whitehead Schlp Law Schlp Learning Center Schlp Mar 24, 2016 -4- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 10 $5,000.00 4 $24,053.84 Library & Info Sci Fellowship Library & Info Sci Schlp Medicine Schlp 171 $1,752,275.00 Music Schlp 5 $4,620.00 Nursing Fellowship 9 $79,900.00 22 $45,400.00 Nursing Schlp Pharmacy Schlp 133 $283,996.52 Physical Ed Schlp 1 $250.00 Physics & Astro Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Political Science Schlp 5 $9,216.33 Psychology Schlp 4 $2,040.00 Public Health Fellowship 2 $750.00 Public Health Schlp 8 $53,500.00 Richard Greener Schlp 1 $2,000.00 SC Honors College Schlp 1 $1,200.00 20 $6,600.00 Student Affairs Schlp 1 $500.00 Student Life Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Social Work Schlp Mar 24, 2016 -5- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 1 $1,000.00 703 $3,907,732.69 Walker Institute Schlp Inst Schlp - Departmental Inst Schlp - General Alumni Scholars Schlp 1 $5,000.00 Carolina Scholars Schlp 3 $30,000.00 40 $118,500.00 Lieber Scholar Schlp 2 $19,000.00 McKissick Scholars Schlp 2 $3,000.00 National Merit Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Thornwell Scholar Schlp 5 $2,500.00 Trustees' Endow Schlp 1 $5,000.00 University Scholars Schlp 7 $14,000.00 Valedictorian Schlp 5 $15,000.00 64 $213,000.00 483 $3,762,469.67 68 $177,255.50 550 $3,939,725.17 1,383 $9,608,004.91 47 $160,719.22 Dean's Schlp Inst Schlp - General Institutional GA Tuition Supplement MSB Fee Reduction Institutional Scholarship Work Mar 24, 2016 Federal Work-Study -6- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2014-15 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Work 47 $160,719.22 Work 47 $160,719.22 3,627 $83,934,498.73 Summary Mar 24, 2016 -7- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships