REPORT: COMMITTEE ON CURRICULA AND COURSES (For consideration by the Faculty Senate at its June 26, 2002 meeting.) The Committee requests that any department which has a proposal being recommended by the Committee on Curricula and Courses provide a spokesperson to attend the Faculty Senate meeting in which said proposal is to be recommended. Please contact Gary Blanpied (Physics & Astronomy) in advance if errors are noted, either by phone: 777-2599 or e-mail: I. DARLA MOORE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A. Economics Change in title and description From: ECON 301 Commercial and Central Banking. [=FINA 301] (3) A study of the history, structure, functions, and operations of our commercial and central banking systems. Emphasis is placed on the influence and operations of the Federal Reserve System. To: ECON 301 Money and Banking. [=FINA 301] (3) The role of money in the market economy. Commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System and monetary policy. From: ECON 321 Economic Theory. (3) Analysis of neo-classical value and distribution theory. To: ECON 321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. (3) Analysis of the economic behavior of households and firms. Production, consumption, price determination and the degree of competition in markets. From: ECON 322 Economic Theory. (3) Analysis of income and employment history. To: ECON 322 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory. (3) Analysis of the national economy as a whole. Money, output, employment, inflation and international economic linkages. B. Finance Change in title and description From: FINA 301 Commercial and Central Banking. [=ECON 301] (3) A study of the history, structure, functions, and operations of our commercial and central banking systems. Emphasis is placed on the influence and operations of the Federal Reserve System. To: FINA 301 Money and Banking. [=ECON 301] (3) The role of money in the market economy. Commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System and monetary policy. C. Management Science New courses MGSC 298 Program Design and Development. [=CSCE 204] (3) (Prereq: CSCE 101 or MGSC 190) Fundamental algorithms and processes used in business information systems. Development and representation of programming logic. Introduction to implementation using a high level programming language. MGSC 398 Applied Problem Solving and Programming. [=CSCE 304] (Prereq: CSCE 204 or MGSC 298) Systematic problem definition, solution formulation, and computer implementation for business and related areas. Internet and database applications. Programming exercises in a high level programming language. II. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY A. Department of Computer Science and Engineering New courses CSCE 204 Program Design and Development. [=MGSC 298] (3) (Prereq: CSCE 101 or MGSC 190) Fundamental algorithms and processes used in business information systems. Development and representation of programming logic. Introduction to implementation using a high level programming language. CSCE 304 Applied Problem Solving and Programming. [=MGSC 398] (Prereq: CSCE 204 or MGSC 298) Systematic problem definition, solution formulation, and computer implementation for business and related areas. Internet and database applications. Programming exercises in a high level programming language CSCE 522 Information Security Principles. (3) (Prereq: CSCE 520 or MGSC 596) Threats to information resources and appropriate countermeasures. Cryptography, identification and authentication, access control models and mechanisms, multilevel database security, steganography, internet security, intrusion detection and prevention. III. COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY, RETAIL AND SPORT MANAGEMENT Department of Sport Management Change in title and description From: SPTE 650 Promotion, Sales and Advertising in Sport. (3) (Prereq: MKTG 350) Promotion strategies in the sports industry. To: SPTE 650 Integrated Marketing Communication in Sport and Entertainment. (3) (Prereq: MKTG 350) Use of integrated marketing communication concepts, theories, and strategies in sport and entertainment. IV. COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATIONS Change in prerequisities From: JOUR 326 Television Production. (3) To: JOUR 326 Television Production. (3) (Prereq: JOUR 325) From: JOUR 434 To: JOUR 434 Electronic Journalism. (3) (Prereq: JOUR 325) Electronic Journalism. (3) (Prereq: JOUR 325, 326) Deletion JOUR 571 Media Economics. (3) V. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A. Department of Government and International Studies New course GINT 570 VI. South Carolina Government and Politics. (3) South Carolina state and local government in the context of South Carolina history and U.S. state and local government. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Change in description From: MUSC 102 Introduction to Classical Guitar. (1) (limited to jazz guitar majors) Study of basic classical techniques, exercises, and repertory. Must be completed with at least a B before acceptance into applied sequence. To: MUSC 102 Introduction to Classical Guitar. (1) Study of basic classical techniques, exercises, and repertory. Must be completed with at least a B before acceptance into applied sequence. Change in prerequisites From: MUSC 118 Sightsinging and Ear Training II. (1) (Preq: grade of B or better in MUSC 117) Continuation of MUSC 117. To: MUSC 118 Sightsinging and Ear Training II. (1) Continuation of MUSC 117. From: MUSC 217 To: MUSC 217 Sightsinging and Ear Training III. (1) (Prereq: grade of B or better in MUSC 118) Continuation of MUSC 118. Sightsinging and Ear Training III. (1) Continuation of MUSC 118. From: MUSC 218 Sightsinging and Ear Training IV. (1) (Prereq: grade of B or better in MUSC 217) Continuation of MUSC 217. Sightsinging and Ear Training IV. (1) Continuation of MUSC 217. To: MUSC 218 VII. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS A. Department of Mathematics Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, page 217 Current Proposed General Mathematics Courses General Mathematics Courses MATH 122 is intended for students in business, the social sciences, and other disciplines who require an introduction to computational mathematics and calculus and is open to all interested students who satisfy the general requirements listed below. MATH 122 is intended for students in business, the social sciences, pharmacy, and other disciplines who require an introduction to computational mathematics and calculus and is open to all interested students who satisfy the general requirements listed below. MATH 141, 142, 241 constitute the normal calculus sequence for students in the College of Pharmacy, the College of Science and Mathematics, and the College of Engineering and Information Technology. These courses are open to all students who satisfy the general requirements listed below. MATH 141, 142, 241 constitute the normal calculus sequence for students in the College of Science and Mathematics and the College of Engineering and Information Technology. These courses are open to all students who satisfy the general requirements listed below. B. Department of Physics and Astronomy Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, page 221 (Proposed new minor for Astronomy) Current Proposed Minor Requirements Minor in Astronomy Prerequisite Courses: ASTR 111, 111A Required Courses: ASTR 211, 211A At least 12 hours in advanced courses numbered 311 or higher. VIII. UNIVERSITY New course UNIV 201 Fundamental of Inquiry. (3) Introduction to the historical foundations, ethics, essential components and methodologies of inquiry within specified academic disciplines.