2006-2010 Diversity Plan Strategies STUDENT ACCESS AND SUCCESS Objective 1: Support the Enrollment of a Diverse Student Body Strategy: The Master’s in Nursing: Direct Entry as a Second Degree (MIDAS) Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs College of Social Nursing Susan Schmidt, Nursing Chair and Sciences Professor Description: The program provides a career ladder to master’s level nursing (MSN) as a second degree to individuals who have an undergraduate degree in some field other than nursing, with a goal of increasing “diversity in nursing through the identification, recruitment, enrollment, education, and graduation of minority and disadvantaged individuals.” Strategy: Virtual Community Website for Students of Diversity Division/s: Information Resources & Academic Affairs Description: College/s: N/A Departments: Web Resources; Admissions Responsible Party/ies: Doug Ruschman, Maureen Mathis and Marianne Borgmann This program will strengthen the recruitment efforts for a diverse student body through a strategy of online community building. A suite of web resources similar to those utilized on the Road to Xavier portal will be featured for students of various diverse backgrounds. The goal is to attract and matriculate more and academically stronger students of diverse backgrounds through virtual community building as part of the recruitment and commitment processes. Objective 2: Support the Retention and Success of a Diverse Student Body Strategy: Academic Performance Coaching Program for Students with Disabilities Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Student Development N/A Learning Assistance Center Dr. Ann Dinan Description: Coaching program intended to maintain or exceed achievement of students with disabilities commensurate with their non-disabled peers and retain these students at a similar or higher rate than that of their non-disabled peers. Strategy: Department of School and Community Counseling (Graduate) Mentoring Program Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs College of Social Counseling Program Lon Kriner, Chair and Rhonda Norman Sciences Description: The program provides African American students career development and role modeling mentoring by African American alumni, in order to provide them with new skills and exposure to the counseling profession. The goal of the program is both to recruit African Americans to the program as well as to retain them once enrolled. 1 Strategy: Enhancement of the Ernest Just Society Responsible Party/ies: Division/s: College/s: Departments: Paul James, Waltke Paulding, and Academic Affairs & College of Arts & Office of Multicultural Affairs, Dorothy Engle Student Development Sciences Academic Advising, Student Support Services, Residence Life, and the Chemistry, Biology, and Physics Departments Description: The program aims to enhance study skills and academic achievement for African American students by encouraging them to engage in weekly faculty and peer-led collaborative learning sessions, more frequent interaction with faculty members and science professionals outside of class, and specialized advising Strategy: Clare Boothe Luce Grant Responsible Party/ies: Departments: College/s: Janice Walker College of Arts College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office and Sciences Description: This is a three-year grant that funds full scholarships for women in the sciences (math, physics, computer science or chemistry). Two were funded in 2005-2006, four for 2006-2007, and two for 07-08. Scholarships are based on academics, not need, and cover tuition, room, board, and books. Division/s: Academic Affairs Strategy: Cinergy Scholars Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs Williams Williams College of Business Ali Maleksadeh; Mary Kochlefl University Relations College of Dean’s Office, Office of Grants Business Services Description: The University received a grant in 2006 to support two $10,000 scholarships for minority/female students in business, renewable for up to three additional years. First two recipients received award for 06-07 academic year. Strategy: Xavier University/Summer Work Experience in Law (SWEL) Partnership Division/s: Student Development & Academic Affairs College/s: College of Arts and Sciences & College of Social Sciences Departments: TBD Responsible Party/ies: Sarah Kelly, Neil Heighberger, and Janice Walker Description: SWEL, a legal pipeline program for underrepresented high school and college students, will partner with Xavier University to enhance opportunities for exposure to information about the legal profession, LSAT preparation, financial planning for law school, and pre-professional networking. Strategy: XU/ National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Partnership Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs College of Arts & Chemistry, Physics and Biology Dan McLoughlin and Sheila Haynes Sciences Departments Description: The University has partnered with the Midwest Region of NOBCChE to start a campus chapter in an effort to provide professional role modeling and career exposure to African American science students. 2 Strategy: Student Achievement in Research and Scholarship (STARS) Grant Division/s: Academic Affairs College/s: TBD Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Janice Walker and ….. Description: The University has written a grant to the Ohio Board of Regents for a grant to support high achieving underrepresented minority students in faculty guided research experiences to prepare them for graduate school and ultimately, for the professoriate. The grant provides stipends and travel funds for attendance at the annual statewide STARS Conference. Strategy: IR Career Discovery and Mentoring Program for Students with Disabilities Division/s: Information Resources College/s: N/A Departments: Office of the VP; Various departments within IR as indicated. Responsible Party/ies: David Dodd Description: Program to assist students with disabilities in the investigation of careers related to information technology and information resources. In addition, selected individuals within IR will serve as mentors for students with disabilities who pursue academic programs or intended careers related to information resources. Strategy: NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program Division/s: Student Development College/s: N/A Departments: Office of Multicultural Affairs Responsible Party/ies: Paul James Description: The NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program provides students of color pre-professional experience in the student affairs area through readings, extended mentoring experiences in one or two offices, and a more broad-based exposure across the division. Strategy: Student-Athlete Mentoring Program Division/s: Administrative College/s: N/A Departments: Athletics Responsible Party/ies: Kim Powers Hoyt, Director of Student-Athlete Development/SWA Description: This program provides each incoming freshman student-athlete with an upperclassman mentor. The goal is to provide a support system for freshman and the opportunity to connect with other student-athletes from similar backgrounds as well as to learn from one another based on their diverse backgrounds. CAMPUS CLIMATE AND INTERGROUP RELATIONS Objective 3: Foster a Campus Climate that is Welcoming to All 3 Strategy: Interlink Peer Mentoring Program Division/s: Student Development College/s: N/A Departments: Office of International Student Services, Office of Study Abroad, Peace and Justice Programs Responsible Party/ies: Kathy Hammett Description: Participants will learn about intercultural issues and will interact across nationality. Returning study abroad students will have support for re-entry issues and new international students will experience a welcoming campus climate. Strategy: Revival of Safe Zone Program College/s: Division/s: N/A Student Development, Academic Affairs, & Mission & Ministry Departments: Residence Life, the Advocates Program, the Diversity Office, and Peace and Justice Programs Responsible Party/ies: Lisa Brown, Sarah Kelly and Patrick Welage Description: Xavier will revive and expand its Safe Zone Program to make visible its commitment to providing support and understanding for all students without regard to sexual orientation. The program will offer training on the challenges surrounding sexual orientation in higher education and distribute safe zone decals to the campus community to serve as symbols of a welcoming and supportive climate. Strategy: Promote the power of works of art in the interests of education to diversity Division/s: Mission & Ministry Academics College/s: A&S Departments: Art Responsible Party/ies: Chair of the Department of Art V.P. for Mission & Ministry Description: Build on the painting by Holly Schapker to educate students with works of art showing diversity of race, nationality and religion. Strategy: Cooperation between Campus Ministry and Hillel Division/s: Mission & Ministry College/s: N/A Departments: Campus Ministry Responsible Party/ies: Director of Campus Ministry Description: Exploit the recently established XU chapter of Hillel to further active religious dialogue (the four forms of dialogue from Peter Hans Kolvenbach address) Objective 4: Foster Intercultural Respect, Communication, and Collaboration Strategy: Xavier University Women’s Center College/s: Division/s: N/A President’s Office (Interim) Student Development Departments: Offices of the Associate Vice President for Student Development and Diversity (interim) Responsible Party/ies: Sarah Kelly and Cheryl Nunez (interim) 4 Description: The Xavier University Women’s Center educates, provides resources, facilitates connections, and advocates for equitable situations that will empower women to utilize their talents and efforts to the fullest extent in ways that contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of Xavier University as well as to the creation of a justice-based world. (Women’s Center Mission Statement) Strategy: Advocates Lounge College/s: Division/s: N/A Academic Affairs and Financial Administration Departments: Campus Police and the Advocates Program Responsible Party/ies: Mike Couch, Christine Anderson, and Carolyn Jenkins Description: In conjunction with its relocation to Flynn Hall, Campus Police dedicated an entire room as a lounge for survivors of assault and harassment to meet with an Advocate. Every detail of the room, outfitted with a recliner and couches, as well as a telephone, is designed to evoke feelings of comfort and security. Strategy: Dialogue Program (Arrupe Dialogue Circles, Dialogues of Faith) Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Mission & Ministry & College of Social Peace & Justice Programs and Patrick Welage & Cathy McDanielsAcademic Affairs Sciences Psychology Wilson Description: The Intergroup Dialogue Program will coordinate dialogues, facilitated by trained undergraduate peer facilitators, to support student organization requests and to serve as a co-curricular supplement to credit-bearing courses. Strategy: AFMIX Dialogues Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Mission & Ministry & College of Social Ignatian Programs and Debra Mooney and Academic Affairs Cathy McDaniels Wilson Sciences Department of Psychology Description: Embedded in the two-year AFMIX program, the participants will explore faith and justice tenets of Xavier’s Catholic Jesuit mission and identity from the perspective of gender inequality and be challenged to integrate that awareness in their work. Strategy: Intercultural Programming Funding Board (IPFB) Responsible Party/ies: College/s: Departments: Division/s: Sarah Kelly Associate Vice President for Student Development Student Development Description: The purpose of the Intercultural Programming Funding Board (IPFB) is to promote a healthy campus climate for diversity by supporting programming and learning opportunities among student organizations and individuals in ways that: facilitate student interaction across group identities based on ethnicity, race, ability, faith, gender, class, culture, or sexual orientation.; and/or advance awareness and understanding of issues of social justice or other multicultural themes. 5 Strategy: Enhanced Diversity Offerings in Business Professions Program Division/s: Academic Affairs College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: College of N/A Cindy Stockwell Business Description: Additional workshops, panels and lectures geared toward diversity in the workplace will be added to the list of electives required of all undergraduates in the College of Business. Strategy: Annual Faces of the World Student Photography Competition Responsible Party/ies: College/s: Departments: Division/s: Kathy Hammett and Greg Rust Office of International Student Student Development Services and Marketing and and University Printing Relations Description: Annual photography competition will invite students to enter photographs depicting international Images. The annual competition, to be inaugurated in (month), is intended to foster awareness of the Faces of the World Lounge Gallery and awareness of and respect for cultures around the globe. Strategy: Cross-Cultural Retreat Program College/s: Division/s: N/A Student Development and Mission & Ministry Departments: Office of International Student Service and Peace & Justice Programs Responsible Party/ies: Kathy Hammett and Patrick Welage Description: Participants will develop intercultural appreciation, communication skills, and friendships through an extended opportunity for interaction. Strategy: Faces of the World Virtual Gallery Responsible Party/ies: College/s: Departments: Division/s: Greg Rust and Doug Ruschman Marketing and Printing and Web University Relations Services and Information Resources Description: A virtual exhibition of photographs from university photographer Greg Rust’s international travel will be accompanied by music, audio and text in order to enhance awareness of international cultures. Strategy: Sexual Assault Defense Training Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs, N/A Campus Police, Human Ken Grossman, Connie Perme, Financial Resources, the Advocates Christine Anderson, and Carolyn Administration, and Program, and the Women’s Jenkins Student Development Center Description: Annual two-hour training program for students, employees and alumnae on sexual assault defense. 6 Strategy: Safe Dating Peer Educators Program College/s: Departments: Division/s: N/A Campus Police, Human Academic Affairs, Resources, the Advocates Financial Program, and the Women’s Administration, and Center Student Development Responsible Party/ies: Mike Couch, Connie Perme, Christine Anderson, and Carolyn Jenkins Description: Trained undergraduate peer educators will be available to make presentations in classes, at orientations, and in the community, with the goal of promoting healthy, non-violent relationships. Strategy: Muskies’ Network Advocates Program Segments Division/s: Financial Administration, Academic Affairs College/s: N/A Departments: Campus Police, and the Advocates Program Responsible Party/ies: Mike Couch, Christine Anderson, and Carolyn Jenkins Description: Campus Police will join with representatives of the Advocates Program to promote awareness of the latter on the campus television network. Strategy: Further inter-religious dialogue as at least as important as other forms of diversity Division/s: Mission & Ministry Academics College/s: N/A Departments: Brueggeman Center Office of Mission Responsible Party/ies: Director of Brueggeman Center VP for Mission & Ministry Description: Using the recent Peter Hans Kolvenbach address regarding inter-faith dialogue, form an on-going strategy of this dialogue both within and beyond university walls. Strategy: Plan regular inter-faith prayer services Division/s: Mission & Ministry Student Development College/s: N/A Departments: Campus Ministry Responsible Party/ies: Director of Campus Ministry Office of International Students Description: Building on the very successful prayer service on Academic Day (October 3, 2006) plan regular such services. EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP Objective 5: Support the Incorporation of Diversity and Inclusion Across the Curriculum 7 Strategy: Multicultural Fluency Institute Division/s: College/s: Academic Affairs Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Associate Vice President for Kandi Stinson Academic Affairs Description: Annual faculty program resource for multicultural curriculum development Strategy: Multicultural Fluency Institute Teaching and Learning Resources Guide Division/s: Academic Affairs College/s: N/A Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Christine Anderson and Tyrone Williams (or current Gender and Diversity Studies Directors) Description: The Gender and Diversity Studies Program will publish a new web page, linked to the Faculty Development web site, with links to faculty reflections and syllabi that are revised as a consequence of participation in the Multicultural Fluency Institute. They will also links to suggested readings from each Multicultural Fluency Institute. These resources are intended to support other faculty in thinking about and implementing revisions to existing courses or designing new courses that meet the requirements of the Gender & Diversity Studies minor. Strategy: Intergroup Dialogue Course Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Academic Affairs College of Social Psychology Department Cathy McDaniels Wilson & Chris Dacey Sciences Description: Cathy McDaniels Wilson will introduce an experimental course in the spring of 2007 that will prepare undergraduate and graduate students to facilitate inter-group dialogues. Strategy: Revised HRES Curriculum Division/s: College/s: Academic Affairs Williams College of Business Departments: Management and Entrepreneurship Responsible Party/ies: Art Shriberg Description: The HRES course will be revised to offer students several experiential diversity options, including participation in an intergroup dialogue. Strategy: Homosexuality in the Bible Course Division/s: College/s: Departments: Academic Affairs College of Arts Theology and Sciences Description: Responsible Party/ies: Holly Toensing 8 INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION Objective 6: Enhance the Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Strategy: Diversity Hiring Resource Guide Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Financial N/A Human Resources Connie Perme, Kathy Riga Administration Description: The resource guide will identify for hiring managers and search committees a host of disciplinary and professional associations, resume directories, and other strategies for reaching more diverse applicants. Strategy: Actively expand the job applicant pool in pursuit of a broader base of potential employees Responsible Party/ies: Gary Massa Departments: ALL Dan Cloran / Joe Ventura Annual Fund/Alumni Relations Pete Owendoff University Relations Development Susan Abel Internal Operations Bob Hill Marketing/Printing Services Kelly Leon Public Relations Description: The Division of University Relations will, when a job opportunity becomes available, actively recruit and identify a diverse applicant pool toward the above stated goal. This effort will require the identification of web services and print media as well as established organizations from which to disseminate appropriate employment opportunities. This will create new modes for disseminating diversity initiatives to internal and external constituents. Division/s: College/s: Objective 7: Demonstrate Institutional Leadership for Community Equity and Empowerment Strategy: Intercommunity Dialogues Division/s: College/s: Administrative, College of Social Academic Affairs Sciences Departments: Community Building Institute and Department of Psychology Responsible Party/ies: Liz Blume, Byron White, & Cathy McDaniels Wilson Description: Using Price Hill as the pilot, the University will meet with leaders and residents in the community to engage in facilitated dialogues for the purpose of creating community in a racially changing neighborhood. A series of forums with grassroots residents will explore issues around quality of life and community-building. At the same time, there will be a series of discussions among community leaders at the Freedom Center to challenge the community leaders to become active advocates for expanded leadership roles for African-Americans, Appalachians and Hispanics in the community and its institutions,. While each community’s solutions may differ, the process of problem-solving through dialogue will be similar. 9 Strategy: Spanish Language Instruction for Health Care Professionals Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Administrative N/A Consulting Group (Intercultural Anne Golden Institute) Description: The training program offers a beginning Spanish course for pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and technicians who regularly come in contact with Spanish-speaking customers. Strategy: Addition of Responsibility for Underutilized Business Procurement Expertise in Purchasing Director Position Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Financial N/A Purchasing Department Tom Cunningham Administration Description: In searching for a new Purchasing Director the university will seek a candidate with capabilities to develop a program for underutilized business procurement in order to assist the University in enhancing its relationships with minority and women-owned businesses. Strategy: Project Search Responsible Party/ies: Departments: College/s: Division/s: Lynda Simon Vice President for Student College of Social Student Development, Development, Special Education Sciences Academic Affairs Description: A workforce development program designed for students with disabilities that involves total immersion in a large organization such as Xavier University, where students learn new work and employability skills. Strategy: Deliver programs to community residents designed to enhance the capability of foreign nationals and expatriates to better live and work in the greater Cincinnati area Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Administrative Xavier Consulting Group – Anne Golden Advanced Language and Intercultural Training Programs Description: Beginning Spanish for Pharmacists - An 18-hour course designed to provide pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with fundamental Spanish language skills in order to build rapport and trust with Spanish speaking pharmacy patients. Description: Pronunciation & Accent Training – A 14 hour training course designed for professionals who have a strong need or desire to improve the comprehensibility of their spoken English. Strategy: Evanston-Norwood-Xavier Leadership Academy Division/s: Administrative College/s: N/A Departments: Community Building Collaborative@Xavier; Community Building Institute Responsible Party/ies: Byron White Description: CBCX and CBI will work with leaders of the Evanston and Norwood communities to conduct an annual Leadership Academy to train community leaders, along with Xavier managers, to successfully engage in community building practices. The Academy will serve to build cross-cultural bridges among Evanston’s African American communities and Norwood’s white and Hispanic communities. This relationship building includes the annual “Evanswood Festival” event. 10 Strategy: Department of Athletics Youth Day Division/s: Administrative College/s: N/A Departments: Athletics Responsible Party/ies: Marketing Description: Athletics annually hosts a community Youth Day in connection with a Women’s Basketball game. Last year, over 2,800 area school children attended the “Be Cool and Stay in School” program which featured a variety of educational components, interactive and non-traditional learning activities. Objective 8: Develop the Capacity of Our People for Diversity Leadership Strategy: RA In-Service Training – Diversity Book Discussions Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Student Development N/A Residence Life Lori Lambert, Lisa Brown Description: During their weeklong in-service training each fall, RAs devote 3 sessions to a discussion of each of 6 books, chosen for their applicability to residence life scenarios, directly or indirectly addressing themes related to diversity. Strategy: RA Winter In-Service Training – Facilitated Diversity Dialogues Departments: College/s: Division/s: Residence Life & Department of College of Social Student Development Psychology Sciences & Academic Affairs Responsible Party/ies: Lisa Brown, & Cathy McDaniels Wilson Description: For their two-day in-service training for resident assistants, in January, 2007, Residence Life will pilot the use of facilitated dialogues to clarify perspectives and enhance understanding of key diversity concepts. Strategy: Identifying, Addressing and Preventing Harassment: Introducing the New Harassment Accountability Procedures. Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Financial N/A Human Resources & Dean of Kathy Riga & Luther Smith Administration & Students Student Development Description: Strategy: Faculty & Staff Diversity Reading Circles Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Information Resources, College of Social Library, Human Resources, Betty Porter, Connie Perme, Cathy Academic Affairs, & Sciences Department of Psychology McDaniels Wilson Financial Administration Description: Lunchtime reading circle for faculty and staff using texts chosen in consultation with the Diversity Office and GDST, which address diversity themes. 11 Strategy: Design and deliver a program for all Xavier employees entitled: Building Collaboration in a Multi-Cultural Workplace Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: Administrative Xavier Consulting Group Phil Jones Description: Objectives of the Course: (1) Describe the Components of a Diversity Initiative (2) Update Participants on Xavier’s Initiative (3) Provide an Overview of One Component: Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Efforts Workshop Description: This interactive, fast-paced seminar clarifies what a diversity initiative is and is not; describes how differences in people can be leveraged for organization success; and provides an overview of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity as one of the ongoing efforts to ensure Xavier recruits, develops and retains qualified staff. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss real-world scenarios and share their ideas about enhancing Xavier’s efforts to build collaborations in a diverse workplace. Key Topics *Status of Xavier’s Ongoing Diversity Efforts * Components of Xavier’s Diversity Initiative * Difference Between a Diversity Initiative and an Affirmative Action Plan * The Role of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opport5unity Guidelines in Today’s Workplace * The relationship Between AA and EEO and Recruiting and Performance Management * Overview of Current Protective Labor Laws and Compliance Steps Strategy: To strongly encourage diversity education for all University Relations employees. Identify staff to serve on appropriate university committees and increase the presence and influence of women leaders. Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: University Relations N/A Development Gary Massa & Vickie Jones Description: The Division of University Relations currently has two (2) staff members serving on the Diversity and Equity Committee. The division will continue to seek appropriate leadership and training opportunities to meet this goal. In addition the division will continue its efforts to identify strategies to increase the presence and influence of women leaders, benefactors and active participants in the university community. Objective 9: Institutionalize a Culture of Diversity Planning and Assessment Strategy: Lumina Foundation Grant: Jesuit Network for Equitable Excellence in Higher Education Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: President’s Office N/A Diversity Office Cheryl Nuñez Description: Xavier is one of 14 Jesuit universities participating in a Lumina Foundation sponsored project to strengthen the pre-college awareness, retention, achievement, and success of low income, first generation, and/or ethnic minority students, by helping to develop a network of Jesuit institutions that pilots, assesses, and disseminates best practices in the aforementioned areas. The grant period is from fall of 2006 through fall of 2009. Strategy: Diversity and Equity Committee (DEC) Departments: College/s: Division/s: Diversity Office N/A President’s Office Responsible Party/ies: Cheryl Nuñez Description: The Diversity and Equity Committee (DEC), previously the Diversity Advisory Committee, will become a standing institutional committee, charged by the President with overseeing, supporting, and evaluating implementation the Strategic Plan for Diversity, in conjunction with the Vice Provost for Diversity. It will also serve as a sounding board for the campus community on matters of campus climate for the University. In that capacity, it will regularly solicit information regarding the campus climate from various campus constituencies and the campus as a whole. It will issue evaluations and recommendations for institutional improvement in its annual report to the President. 12 Strategy: President’s Diversity Awards Division/s: College/s: President’s Office N/A Departments: Diversity Office Responsible Party/ies: Cheryl Nuñez Description: President’s Diversity Awards, to be allocated on a bi-annual basis, will help to institutionalize a system of rewards for exemplary contributions to University diversity objectives. The award winners will receive a cash award, named in their honor, to be used for Library materials that support their strategies. Strategy: Diversity Office Web Page Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: President’s Office, N/A Diversity Office and Web Cheryl Nuñez and Doug Ruschman Information Resources Services Description: New web page consolidates an inventory of, links to, and information about institutional resources and initiatives related to diversity, including assessment data, strategic diversity planning documents, and streaming video segments from the Equity and Excellence Lecture Series. Strategy: Institutional Diversity & Equity Advancement Awards (IDEA Grants) Division/s: College/s: Departments: President’s Office N/A Diversity Office Responsible Party/ies: Cheryl Nuñez Description: The Diversity Advisory Committee will allocate one-time grants to support the implementation of strategic diversity initiatives. Strategy: Online Publication of Diversity Planning Framework, Guidelines, and Strategy Documents Division/s: College/s: Departments: Responsible Party/ies: President’s Office N/A Diversity Office Cheryl Nuñez Description: The University will publish its strategic diversity planning documents as a means of educating the campus community about Xavier’s diversity objectives, expectations of shared accountability for strategic diversity planning, and campus-wide strategies that support the plan. Strategy: Biennial Diversity Symposia Division/s: College/s: President’s Office N/A Departments: Diversity Office Responsible Party/ies: Cheryl Nuñez Description: During the life of the Strategic Diversity Plan, the University will host two biennial symposia for the dissemination and recognition of strategic diversity initiatives and presentations by campus and national experts on the scholarships of diversity. Strategy: Diversity Data File Division/s: College/s: Information Resources N/A Departments: Strategic Information Resources Responsible Party/ies: Dick Pulskamp Description: The Director of Strategic Information Resources will organize and report institutional diversity data in an easy to access link off the Diversity Office web site in order to support a culture of data-driven diversity planning. 13