Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students,

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students,
I hope you all had a safe and restful summer. It is
wonderful to have all of you in my grade 3 class. I am looking forward to getting
to know each of you, and know we will have a fantastic year together. I would like
parents to know that I am happy to meet with you or speak with you at any time
this year. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free
to contact me at 905-793-4861. The following is some information that I would
like to bring to your attention so that the students can have a positive and
successful start.
Classroom Expectations:
The expectations in our classroom are based on the fundamental value of respect
and further outlined in our Code of Conduct. They are as follows:
1. Respect for self
2. Respect for others
3. Respect for property
4. Respect for authority
Student Absence:
If your child is going to be away from school, please call the office and leave a
message. Please send a note in the agenda if your child’s lunch, bus or pick-up
routine changes. Students are responsible for catching up on missed notes,
handouts and assignments.
School Materials:
All school textbooks are to be treated with great care. If a textbook or novel is
damaged or lost, the student will be responsible for payment to replace it.
Please bring a box of tissues so that our class is fully stocked for the year.
Good Work Habits:
During this year we will focus on continuing to develop good work habits such as:
1. Attentiveness is essential during lessons and particularly when the
teacher is giving instruction.
2. Students should focus their attention on the tasks assigned and use class
time wisely so as to achieve maximum progress.
3. Notebooks are to be neat and up to date.
Assignments and Tests:
Throughout the year, students will receive a variety of assignments and tests.
Students will be given sufficient notice of a test or assignment date, which will be
recorded in their agenda. I would like parents to sign all tests and assignments
that are brought home and returned the following school day. Any incomplete
class work will be assigned as homework. Class time will always be given for large
assignments, so they should never be left until the last minute. Students are
expected to maintain their assignment materials, and bring them to school
accordingly, as they can always use extra class time to work on upcoming tasks.
Students, remember to be proud of your hard work. It pays off in the end and you
will feel absolutely terrific!
The student agendas are one of the most valuable communication tools available
to us. I have provided each student with a binder to place their agenda in along
with a clear plastic sleeve for any loose papers that may be sent home from me or
the office. Students will be given time to organize their homework each day. The
process helps build organizational skills and allows each student to take
responsibility for his/her progress and learning. Please use your child’s agenda to
communicate with me when needed. Please sign or initial your child’s agenda
daily (even if there is no homework) to confirm that you have received any
messages and checked that any homework was completed. Your assistance in this
is greatly appreciated.
Monthly Calendar:
At the beginning of each month the students will receive a monthly calendar of
events, birthdays, trips, excursions, quizzes and tests that are taking place within
our classroom and the school community. Please review this calendar with your
child each month.
Snack Time:
Each morning and afternoon the students will be given a short snack break. Please
provide your child with a small and healthy snack. Please also ensure that any food
brought into the school are peanut free. This is especially important as we do have
students with peanut/nut allergies in our class.
It is required that your child brings indoor shoes to school in preparation for rainy
days. This helps keep our classroom safe, dry and clean. These shoes may be worn
during Phys. Ed. classes.
Parents and students are asked to sign the form below to indicate that you have
received and read this letter, and return the slip below to me no later than Friday,
September 11, 2015.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in the
weeks and months ahead.
Mrs. Fall
Student Name: __________________ Student Signature: ____________________
Parent Signature: ______________________ Date: _________________________