Gender Equality Task Force, NUIG Minutes of the Meeting on 24th March, 2015 at 9am, in the Mons J Hynes Boardroom Present: Prof Jane Grimson (JG) (Chair), Dr Louise Allcock (LA), Liam Bluett (LB), Maria Alemida De Silva (MAS), Dr Nata Duvvury (ND), Prof Áine Hyland (AH), Caroline Loughnane (CL), Dr Niall Madden (NM), Grainne McMorrow (GMcM), Aoife McNena (AMcN), Prof Donncha O’Connell (DOC), Tadhg Ó hÉalaithe (TOE), Natalie Walsh (NW) Apologies: Prof Gerry Loftus, Prof Maura Sheehan, Dr John Kremer Attending: Nicola McNicholas (NMcN) Professor Kathy Murphy (KM) (for agenda item 3) 1 Apologies were noted from Prof Gerry Loftus, Prof Maura Sheehan, and Dr John Kremer 2 Introduction The Chair welcomed all the members to the first meeting of the Gender Equality Task Force and thanked them for agreeing to participate. She advised that two additional members had been added to the original membership of the Task Force, namely Maria Almeida De Silva who is a PhD student, and Dr Niall Madden who is an early career male academic. The members introduced themselves giving a short summary of their careers. The Chair advised the meeting that Prof Yvonne Galligan (QUB) had agreed to be an external advisor to the Task Force and it was agreed that the Chair should ask her to attend the next meeting. 3 Overview The Chair then gave an overview of why the Task Force had been set up. The decision to establish a Task Force on Gender Equality came about following the adverse findings of an Equality Tribunal. The work of the Task Force represents a unique opportunity to initiate a culture change within the University. Ensuring gender equality for reasons of social justice is clearly critical but equally critical is the compelling evidence in relation to the importance of a diverse workforce to drive creativity and innovation, both of which are essential in a university. While the Task Force reports to Údaras, it 1|P ag e will be important for the Task Force to engage with the University Management Team in order to ensure that the changes recommended by the Task Force are fully implemented. Noting that the under-representation of women in senior positions is a feature of the university sector as whole, the Task Force agreed that it is important to engage with the HEA and the Chair has arranged to meet with Tom Boland (CEO of HEA) during April. The Task Force would like to understand the role of the Equality Manager and Officer, respectively, in the University and it was agreed to invite Aoife Cooke and Pat Morgan to brief the Task Force at its next meeting. The Task Force was surprised to learn that the University no longer had an Equality Committee and would like to hear from senior management of the University why this is the case. NMcN explained the process by which the members of the Task Force would be able to claim their travel expenses. Forms were distributed which must be complete in order to ensure reimbursement. She also showed the Task Force the public NUIG Gender Equality Web Site which had been launched by NUIG that morning. It was noted that there is a section of the website dedicated to the Task Force and it will be up to members to decide what information to provide there. There was general agreement that insofar as is possible and subject to any data protection/confidentiality issues, the Task Force should conduct its work in an open and transparent manner. A Sharepoint site has been set up in order to share documents between members of the Task Force. 3 Athena Swan The Chair welcomed Prof Kathy Murphy, who leads the University’s Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team, to the meeting. She gave a presentation to the Task Force on the background to the Athena Swan Award, why it is relevant as well as the benefits to the University of achieving an Award. She outlined the criteria of an Athena Swan Bronze Award and then gave a summary of the requirements for an institutional application. It was noted that a bronze award is given to institutions which demonstrate a commitment at the top level to addressing gender imbalance in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM). The University is working towards submitting an application for an Athena Swan Bronze Award by 30th April 2015. The Chair invited KM to attend the next Gender Equality Task Force meeting and present NUIG’s Athena Swan submission. It was noted that the application will contain a lot of data relevant to the work of the Task Force. Furthermore, it will be important that the recommendations of the Task Force take into account the gender action plan submitted under Athena Swan. However, it is likely that these recommendations will go further than the actions under Athena Swan, as they will focus on the medium to long term as well as the short term and they must also cover the whole university including support staff and not just the STEMM subjects. KM also drew the Task Force’s attention to the fact that the UK Medical Research Bodies are now stipulating that Medical Schools must have at least an Athena Swan Bronze Award before they can apply for research funding from them. The Task Force considered that if a similar rule linking 2|P ag e funding to a commitment to addressing gender equality were to be introduced in Ireland, it would compel institutions to address the issue and indeed may be the most effective way to drive change. 4 and 6 Terms of Reference and Work Plan Agenda items 4 and 6 were taken together. The Task Force reviewed the Draft Terms of Reference as included with the papers issued for the meeting. A number of amendments were made to the Aims and Objectives. These amendments are to be incorporated and circulated to the Task Force for further comment with a view to finalising the Terms of Reference at the next meeting. The main points are summarised below. • The importance of wide consultation with the different University communities, including recently retired female staff, was emphasised and there was an extensive discussion as to how this could best be achieved. It was agreed that only external members of the Task Force would meet with members of the University community as this may encourage more staff and students to come forward to express their views. A subgroup was formed of GMcM, NG and ND to propose an appropriate wording for this objective. • There was a general discussion on academic promotions. The following points were noted: o The data regarding promotions presented on the gender equality website (Facts and Figures) reveal clearly the extent of the disparity between men and women at NUIG. The University has the lowest percentage of women in senior positions of all the Irish universities. o Copies of previous reports relating to promotion including The Report of the Working Group on Academic Career Advancement in NUI Galway and The Operation of the Personal Professorship Scheme at NUI Galway should be circulated to the Task Force o In relation to personal chairs, while the success rate of men and women is approximately equal, very few women apply. o The continued existence of the grade of university teacher at NUIG (the equivalent has been abolished in other universities) potentially discriminates against women as the majority of staff at this grade are female and it is very difficult to be promoted. o There is a need to examine the staff retention scheme from a gender perspective. o 70% of support staff are female and there have been no promotions since 2009. It was agreed that the following points should be included in the Terms of Reference: o The Task Force will take into consideration the body of published research on gender equality o The requirement for the University to regularly review progress, both internally and externally, on gender equality should be included o There is a need to examine the existing processes and structures related to gender equality in the University and to identify a member of the Senior Management Team to be responsible and accountable for gender equality o The recommendations of the Task Force should include appropriate Key Performance Indicators with timescales. o The Task Force may amend the Terms of Reference during the course of its work. • 3|P ag e The Task Force recognises the urgency and importance of its work and while noting the importance of ensuring that all recommendations are underpinned by evidence, will endeavour to finalise its recommendations within the shortest possible timeframe and no later than the end of March 2016. 7 AOB The Task Force discussed the email sent from the NUIG Parents’ Crèche Committee and it was felt that the request to the Task Force to critically review the tender process and the subsequent contract was not within its remit. The Chair undertook to respond on behalf of the Task Force. Next meeting It was agreed that the next meeting of the Task Force would be towards the end of May with further meetings in September and December. A doodle poll will be sent out proposing dates for these meetings. The Chair thanked the members of the Task Force for their active contribution and engagement and for demonstrating their commitment and determination to make recommendations which will lead to a sustainable transformation in the University. The meeting concluded at 1pm. Actions Number Description 1/2015/1 Invite Yvonne Galligan to next meeting 1/2015/2 1/2015/3 1/2015/4 Chair to meet HEA Invite Aoife Cooke and Pat Morgan to next meeting Complete payroll forms 1/2015/5 KM to attend next meeting NMcN 1/2015/6 Devise appropriate approach to consultation 1/2015/7 Obtain copies of previous promotions reports GMcM, NG, ND NMcN 4|P ag e Person Deadline responsible NMcN In advance of next meeting JG 14/04/2015 NMcN 31/03/2015 All As soon as possible In advance of next meeting As soon as possible In advance of next meeting